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The authors investigated the relationship between paw preference (the paw with which dogs prefer to hold a food object) and temperament in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Hypotheses were based on the Valence-Specific Hypothesis, which broadly states that negative emotions are associated with the right hemisphere, and positive emotions are associated with the left hemisphere. To assess each dog's temperament, an owner-rated temperament questionnaire was administered to the owners of 73 pet dogs. The same dogs were tested for paw preference using a Kong (KONG Company, Golden, CO) stuffed with food and were subsequently classified as left-pawed, right-pawed, or ambilateral. A laterality index (LI) value was also calculated for each dog in the study to provide an indication of the strength and direction of its paw preference. Positive LI values reflected a preference for the right paw, whereas negative LI values reflected a preference for the left paw. The LI ranged from ?100 to +100, with numbers closer to either extreme reflecting a stronger paw preference and a score of 0 indicating no preference. The absolute value of LI reflects the strength, but not direction, of paw preference and was included in some analyses.We found no evidence to support a relationship between paw preference and temperament, with the exception that lateralized dogs scored marginally higher than ambilateral dogs on a measure of stranger-directed aggression. We suggest that the temperament assessment used in this study may not be sensitive enough to detect differences between individuals based on their lateralization. Temperament factors were also compared with a number of “demographic” variables (e.g., age, sex, whether the dog was a purebred or a crossbreed, and the frequency of exercise) to determine the effect of these variables on temperament outcomes.  相似文献   

We herein report a case of a double aortic arch in a 10-week-old male dog of no defined race, which presented episodes of regurgitation at the time of weaning. This vascular malformation was characterized by the persistence of two aortic arches, right and left, of varying dimensions. The right aortic arch was observed to be larger. During post mortem examination the vessels of the animal were injected with coloured latex bi-centrifuged CIS 1-4 polisopreno which revealed the patency of the two aortic arches. Concomitantly, dilation of the cranial oesophagus causing constriction was observed, indicating megaesophagus. Apart from the constriction, the oesophagus presented normal morphometric parameters in relation to its dimensions.  相似文献   

Eimeria capricornis n.sp., E. nihonis n.sp., E. naganoensis n.sp. and E. kamoshika n.sp. were detected from the Japanese serow, Capricornis crispus. The oocysts of these species were ovoid to ellipsoid, measuring 48.02 +/- 0.53 x 33.93 +/- 0.35 microns, 29.73 +/- 0.45 x 21.01 +/- 0.29 microns, 20.04 +/- 0.05 x 15.77 +/- 0.04 microns and 30.02 +/- 4.24 x 14.58 +/- 2.03 micron, respectively. In all the species the micropyle was observed, but the micropylar cap and oocyst residuum were not present. The polar granules were observed in the oocysts of E. capricornis. The sporocysts of the above species were spherical to elongate ovoid, measuring 15-23 x 8-13 microns, 14-16 x 7-10 microns, 11-13 x 6-8 microns and 8-10 x 6-7 microns, and the sporulation time was 6, 3, 3 and 6 days, respectively. The sporocyst residuum and refractile body were seen in all the species. In the sporocysts of E. naganoensis and E. kamoshika tiny Stieda body was seen, but not in the other two species. These four Eimeria species were not infective to goats.  相似文献   

Over the past 2 decades, numerous studies have been undertaken to assess motor laterality in the domestic dog. In anticipation of growth in this area of enquiry, we decided to review the literature on canine motor biases to identify any shortcomings, reflect on the lessons to be learned from and offer ways forward for future research into canine laterality. The aim of this review is to (i) summarize motor laterality findings in the dog, (ii) highlight areas lacking in standardization, and (iii) propose necessary criteria for future tests and global reporting protocols. Our review of the literature highlighted the lack of standardization between studies in task selection, sample size, number of behavior scores recorded, and the methods by which motor laterality were classified and reported. This review illustrates the benefits of standardizing methods of motor laterality assessment so that comparisons can be made between the populations sampled. By adopting such an approach, researchers should mutually benefit as motor laterality data could then be compared and subjected to meta-analysis.  相似文献   

A number of neurons of the autonomic nervous system are situated in the ganglia and can be systematically divided into pre-vertebrals, paravertebrals, intramural and para-viscerals. The celiac-mesenteric ganglion, an important pre-vertebral ganglion, is located together with the abdominal aorta and links the central nervous system to the peripheral system, participating in the coordination of peripheral reflexes and principally innervating the stomach, intestines, accessory glands (liver and pancreas). In addition, the celiac-mesenteric ganglion also contributes to the innervation of the spleen and has a role in gastrointestinal motility control. This study examined the structural and ultrastructural aspects of 40 celiac-mesenteric ganglia from domestic dogs. For light microscopy ganglia were included in paraplast and stained with haematoxylin-eosin, picrosirius, toluidine blue, Calleja's and Masson's trichrome. For examination by electron microscopy, the ganglia were submitted to cryofracture, enzyme digestion, hydrolysis and fixed in 5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The celiac-mesenteric ganglion was observed as a ganglionic complex composed of various ganglionic units separated by types I and III collagen fibres, predominantly unmyelinated nerve fibres and continuous capillaries. This complex is surrounded by a double-layer capsule (internal and external). The principal ganglion cells had eccentric nuclei with two nucleoli, the nucleolemma was double and presented nuclear pores. In the cytoplasm there were vesicles of the Golgi apparatus, electron-dense vacuoles, mitochondrias, smooth and granulated endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. In conclusion, this ganglionic complex, in contrast to similar structures in the enteric nervous system, presents separate ganglionic units in a systematic arrangement related to the extrinsic and specific innervation of the target organs.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the histological structure of the dog's coronary artery by light and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The coronary artery consisted of three tunics: tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia. The tunica intima consisted of endothelium rested directly on internal elastic lamina without the subendothelial connective tissue layer. The tunica media were composed of smooth muscle fibres interspersed with few elastic and collagen fibres. The tunica adventitia consisted of collagen and elastic fibres intermingled with fibroblast cells; it had vasa vasorum and nervi vasorum. Some histomorphometric measurements were performed and compared statistically. The ultrastructural study showed that the endothelial cells were communicated through complex junctions and characterised by filiform cytoplasmic processes passed through the opening of the underlying internal elastic membrane. The smooth muscle fibres of tunica media communicated with each other through cytoplasmic processes. The tunica adventitia showed minute non-myelinated nerve. This work revealed that the dog's coronary arteries are typical muscular arteries, which show little structural variations from that of other mammals.  相似文献   

Several studies have assessed different components of lateralization. To date, the relationships between the 3 measures of laterality, structural, motor, and sensory, have not widely been assessed. Specifically, the relationships between structural (hair whorl characteristics) and motor or sensory lateralization have largely been overlooked. This study investigated the associations between these measures of lateralization in dogs (n = 114), using hair whorl characteristics (structural), the Kong and First-stepping Tests (motor), and the Sensory Jump Test (sensory). Several associations emerged, revealing the first evidence of a relationship between structural asymmetry (both the presence and direction of a hair whorl in various regions of the body) and sensory lateralization. Specifically, the presence of a whorl on the dog’s left side of the head (cephalic) and thorax was associated with a right visual bias. In addition, right visual bias was probable if the ventral mandibular whorl was present in a counter-clockwise direction (P = 0.008). Our data also demonstrated an association between structural and motor laterality (paw preference). Most notably, dogs with clockwise chest whorls were significantly more right-preferent in the First-stepping Test than those with counter-clockwise whorls (P = 0.010). In addition, an association between measures of motor and sensory lateralization also emerged, representing some of the first evidence of such a relationship in nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

Anatomical features of the ductus venosus in 84 neonatal dogs are described. The ductus venosus was a straight conduit 1–3 mm wide and 4–12 mm long in pups with a crown-rump length of 80–200 mm. It arose from the left main portal vein branch opposite the umbilical vein, passed between the left lateral liver lobe and the papillary process of the caudate lobe, and terminated in the dorsal aspect of the proximal part of the left hepatic vein. The left hepatic vein was dilated at this point. There was no variation in the location of the ductus venosus in the animals studied.  相似文献   

Ventricular bands are strand‐like intraventricular structures extending between adjacent papillary muscles; a papillary muscle and the ventricular wall or the interventricular septum and ventricular wall. Examination of the domestic dog right ventricle documented six ventricular band types. Eighty‐five of the 89 examined hearts had at least one right ventricular band. In the current study, the right ventricle of the 85 dog hearts was re‐examined for more than one ventricular band type. Seven patterns of multiple different bands were identified in the 24 dog hearts. The patterns (i.e., combinations) of different ventricular bands were grouped into three categories. Category 1 had five different patterns of bands. Each pattern had two different band types. Category 2 had one combination of three different bands. Category 3 had one combination of four different bands. The presence of right ventricular bands around the trabecula septomarginalis dextra was also documented. All 24 dog hearts with multiple ventricular bands had a trabecula septomarginalis dextra. The main goal of this study was documentation of multiple right ventricular band patterns. A secondary goal was documentation of the combined presence of these bands and a trabecula septomarginalis dextra. In the dog, the ventricular bands and trabecula are both thin, strand‐like intraventricular structures with variable branching patterns before blending into the ventricular wall. The gross similarity of these structures and lack of information on their combined presence could precipitate their misidentification.  相似文献   

In six among a series of forty hind limbs of the domestic dog, the M. flexor digit. superficialis revealed an additional head, which otherwise manifests itself as a tendonless muscular slip, fused with the superficial digital flexor. The comparative anatomy of the M. soleus in various terrestrial carnivores leads to the conclusion that this additional head and the homologue muscular slip represent the M. soleus.  相似文献   

The coronary sinus was investigated in 34 normal adult dogs, in order to verify its formation, tributaries, length and the valves, as well as the relationship of the venous walls to the epicardium and to the myocardium. The valve of the coronary sinus was observed in only 4 cases (1.7 %). In 30 cases (98.3 %) the ostium of the coronary sinus was lacking a valve. The valve of Vieussens double, was found at the level of the transition between the great cardiac vein and the coronary sinus, as well as others parietal venous valves. A comparison with the human pattern was made, particularly regarding the action of the valve of the coronary sinus and the formation of the sinus.  相似文献   

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