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In most animal species, the anteroposterior body axis is generated by the formation of repeated structures called segments. In vertebrate segmentation, a specialized mesodermal structure called the somite gives rise to skeletal muscles, vertebrae, and some dermis. Formation of the somites is a rhythmic process that involves an oscillator--the segmentation clock--driven by Wnt and Notch signaling. The clock ticks in somite precursors and halts when they reach a specific maturation stage defined as the wavefront, established by fibroblast growth factor and Wnt signaling. This process converts the temporal oscillations into the periodic spatial pattern of somite boundaries. The study of somite development provides insights into the spatiotemporal integration of signaling systems in the vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

The "segmentation clock" is thought to coordinate sequential segmentation of the body axis in vertebrate embryos. This clock comprises a multicellular genetic network of synchronized oscillators, coupled by intercellular Delta-Notch signaling. How this synchrony is established and how its loss determines the position of segmentation defects in Delta and Notch mutants are unknown. We analyzed the clock's synchrony dynamics by varying strength and timing of Notch coupling in zebra-fish embryos with techniques for quantitative perturbation of gene function. We developed a physical theory based on coupled phase oscillators explaining the observed onset and rescue of segmentation defects, the clock's robustness against developmental noise, and a critical point beyond which synchrony decays. We conclude that synchrony among these genetic oscillators can be established by simultaneous initiation and self-organization and that the segmentation defect position is determined by the difference between coupling strength and noise.  相似文献   

A rapid cold-hardening process in insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditionally studies of cold tolerance in insects have focused on seasonal adaptations related to overwintering that are observed after weeks or months of exposure to low temperature. In contrast, an extremely rapid cold-hardening response was observed in nonoverwintering stages that confers protection against injury due to cold shock at temperatures above the supercooling point. This response was observed in nondiapausing larvae and pharate adults of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis, nondiapausing adults of the elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola, and the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. The rapid hardening response is correlated with the accumulation of glycerol.  相似文献   

A nonparametric test that has been used to conclude that extinction rates are periodic with a period of 26 million years is shown to be substantially biased toward this conclusion, regardless of whether or not the data are periodic in origin (and, indeed, regardless of the actual period if they are in fact periodic). The test is shown to be sensitive to measurement error of a type expected with these data (early recording of extinctions due to missing fossil specimens, the "Signor-Lipps effect"), and it is shown that because of the unequal spacing in time, such models may be expected to produce statistically significant but artifactual periods of (in this case) exactly 26 million years over the span of time actually used.  相似文献   

Diuresis in insects is controlled by two antagonistic hormone groups: diuretic hormones, which promote water loss, and antidiuretic hormones, which inhibit it. All known antidiuretic factors act solely to promote fluid reabsorption by the hindgut and do not affect secretion by the Malpighian tubules. In the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, an antidiuretic hormone was found that inhibits fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules but has no effect on the hindgut. Correlations were found between the density of neurosecretory granules and the presence of antidiuretic hormone in the corpora cardiaca, suggesting that the hormone is released from specific axons. Its release is triggered by dehydration; the hormone is detectable in the hemolymph of water-deprived crickets. These results imply that an unusual mechanism regulates water balance in these insects.  相似文献   

Carbon structures with three-dimensional periodicity at optical wavelengths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Porous carbons that are three-dimensionally periodic on the scale of optical wavelengths were made by a synthesis route resembling the geological formation of natural opal. Porous silica opal crystals were sintered to form an intersphere interface through which the silica was removed after infiltration with carbon or a carbon precursor. The resulting porous carbons had different structures depending on synthesis conditions. Both diamond and glassy carbon inverse opals resulted from volume filling. Graphite inverse opals, comprising 40-angstrom-thick layers of graphite sheets tiled on spherical surfaces, were produced by surface templating. The carbon inverse opals provide examples of both dielectric and metallic optical photonic crystals. They strongly diffract light and may provide a route toward photonic band-gap materials.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of the orbital evolution of interplanetary dust particles revealed that, over the past 1.2 million years, the rate of accretion of dust by Earth has varied by a factor of 2 to 3. These variations display a 100,000-year periodicity and are anticorrelated with Earth's changing orbital eccentricity. Extraterrestrial helium-3 concentrations in a deep-sea sediment core display a similar periodicity but are 50,000 years out of phase with the predicted variations. Also, because collisions between large bodies in the asteroid belt are inevitable, it is expected that large-amplitude stochastic variations on 10(7)- to 10(8)-year time scales would be superimposed on the 10(5)-year periodic variations.  相似文献   

J Monro 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,151(717):1536-1538
In theory, populations of animals can be displaced by overloading a resource with introduced sterile animals. The theory was tested on natural populations of the Queensland fruitfly Dacus tryoni Frogg. Three of four treated populations declined sharply within 2 days after sterile flies had been introduced. This procedure may be useful both as a tool in experimental ecology and as a means of controlling pests.  相似文献   

Insects are known to exchange respiratory gases in their system of tracheal tubes by using either diffusion or changes in internal pressure that are produced through body motion or hemolymph circulation. However, the inability to see inside living insects has limited our understanding of their respiration mechanisms. We used a synchrotron beam to obtain x-ray videos of living, breathing insects. Beetles, crickets, and ants exhibited rapid cycles of tracheal compression and expansion in the head and thorax. Body movements and hemolymph circulation cannot account for these cycles; therefore, our observations demonstrate a previously unknown mechanism of respiration in insects analogous to the inflation and deflation of vertebrate lungs.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation in endothermic insects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On the basis of body weight, most flying insects have higher rates of metabolism, and hence heat production, than other animals. However, rapid rates of cooling because of small body size in most cases precludes appreciable endothermy. The body temperature of small flies in flight is probably close to ambient temperature, and that of flying butterflies and locusts is 5 degrees to 10 degrees C above ambient temperature. Many moths and bumblebees are insulated with scales and hair, and their metabolism during flight can cause the temperature of the flight muscles to increase 20 degrees to 30 degrees C above ambient temperature. Curiously, those insects which (because of size, insulation) retain the most heat in the thorax during flight, also require the highest muscle temperature in order to maintain sufficient power output to continue flight. The minimum muscle temperature for flight varies widely between different species, while the maximum temperature varies over the relatively narrow range of 40 degrees to 45 degrees C. As a consequence, those insects that necessarily generate high muscle temperatures during flight must maintain their thoracic temperature within a relatively narrow range during flight. Active heat loss from the thorax to the abdomen prevents overheating of the flight motor and allows some large moths to be active over a wide range of ambient temperatures. Bumblebees similarly transfer heat from the flight musculature into the abdomen while incubating their brood by abdominal contact. Many of the larger insects would remain grounded if they did not actively increase the temperature of their flight muscles prior to flight. Male tettigoniid grasshoppers elevate their thoracic temperature prior to singing. In addition, some of the social Hymenoptera activate the "flight" muscles specifically to produce heat not only prior to flight but also during nest temperature regulation. During this "shivering" the "flight" muscles are often activated in patterns different from those during flight. The muscles contract primarily against each other rather than on the wings. However, the rate of heat production during shivering and flight is primarily a function of the action potential frequency rather than of the patterns of activation. Thermoregulation is a key factor in the energetics of foraging of some of the flower-visiting insects. The higher their muscle temperature the more flowers they can visit per unit time. When food supplies are ample, bees may invest relatively large amounts of energy for thermoregulation. While shivering to maintain high body temperatures during the short intervals they are perched on flowers (as well as while in the nest), bumblebees often expend energy at rates similar to the rates of energy expenditure in flight. Unlike vertebrates, which usually regulate their body temperature at specific set points, the body temperature of insects is labile. It often appears to be maintained near the lower temperature at which the muscles are able to perform the function at hand. The insects' thermal adaptations may not differ as much from those of vertebrates as previously supposed when size, anatomy, and energy requirements are taken into account.  相似文献   

我国食用昆虫研究、开发现状与发展前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了中国食用昆虫的历史及食虫习俗、食用昆虫种质资源,分析了食用昆虫产品开发的现状及影响其开发的因素,指出了开发食用昆虫资源的应对措施及食用昆虫在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   

Circadian periodicity in susceptibility to lidocaine hydrochloride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Separate groups of mice standardized in an alternating 12-hour-light,12-hour-dark regimen were treated with lidocaine hydrochloride every 3 hours over a 24-hour period. The results indicate a quantitative circadian periodicity with maximal convulsant activity at 2100 hours which was approximately a fourteen fold increase over the values observed at 1500 hours.  相似文献   

一前言大青山近靠土默特川平原,成为土默特川北部的天然屏障。其中森林面积约20万亩。其次为灌木草原。总面积约151万亩。植被覆盖度达70—90%。在近几年调查中无论是乔木、灌木或草坡昆虫种类和数量很繁多,有不少种类分别对一定的植物为害严重。本文是我们把1984—1987年历届学生教学实习,在大青山山区调查到昆虫种类,所作出的整理和汇报。由于时间和调查范围的限制遗漏不少种类。加之水平所限谬误难免,望指正。  相似文献   

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