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Forest recruitment is the outcome of local- and regional-scale factors such as disturbances and climate. The relative importance of local- and regional-scale factors will determine the spatial scale at which temporal pulses of recruitment occur. In seasonal tropical forests, where the annual dry-season is a critical bottleneck to seedling survival, multi-year periods of relatively cool, wet dry seasons may be required for successful tree recruitment. Consequently, when such conditions are present, region-wide synchronisation of recruitment may occur. To examine the case for regional synchronisation of forest dynamics in the seasonal tropical pine forests of northern Thailand, we investigated forest age structures at three spatial scales: stand, site and region. We compared forest age structures with instrumental climatic records beginning in 1902. We found significant statistical evidence of synchronous recruitment at the stand- and site-scales, but not at the regional-scale. While correlations between recruitment and climate were not statistically significant, recruitment success was often linked to favourable climatic conditions. For example, recruitment at all sites was associated with multi-year periods of cool-wet dry seasons. The lack of significant correlations between recruitment and climate appears to reflect complex interactions among local disturbance history, regional climate variability and pine recruitment.  相似文献   

A well-recognized phenomenon during forest development is that stand level forest growth rate begins to decrease after canopy closure. Binkley [Binkley, D., 2004. A hypothesis about the interaction of tree dominance and stand production through stand development. Forest Ecology and Management 190, 265–271] proposed an interesting hypothesis relating individual contribution of trees to forest growth patterns, considering changes in dominance levels and resource use efficiency (ReUE, biomass growth per unit of resource used) of dominant vs suppressed trees. He stated that “the decline in standlevel growth near canopy closure is driven by increasing dominance of larger trees, leading to declining efficiency of resource use by smaller trees”. This decrease in ReUE of suppressed trees once canopy closes would lead to a general decline in standlevel ReUE and thus, in stand growth. This author with other colleagues found evidence according to this hypothesis, but much more research is needed to prove its generality in forests of different species and environmental conditions. The goal of this study was to test Binkley's hypothesis using information of growth patterns, water use efficiency (WUE) and growth efficiency (GE) in different stands of Pinus ponderosa in N.W. Patagonia. According to the hypothesis, we found no dominance in open stands, and some degree of dominance in closed canopy stands. However, in contrast to predictions, WUE differed between the smallest and the largest trees of each stand both with and without dominance. No differences in GE were observed between different tree size groups, and considering individual trees, the more suppressed ones were those with the highest GE. Based on our results, we proposed another hypothesis relating individual and stand ReUE: a decrease in ReUE is not determined by the establishment of dominance and subsequent decrease in suppressed trees efficiencies, but by the availability of resources for individual trees. In this regard, we postulate that differences in ReUE between trees of a stand can appear before dominance, and that these differences in ReUE lead to differences in size of the trees and later, in its social position. When trees grow, they have access to more resources, increasing at the same time, their efficiency using the resources. This efficiency is going to decrease when availability of resources decreases (for competition or environmental stress). The stand ReUE will be maintained, decreased or increased based on the balance of available resources for the individual trees, which in turn will depend on their growth rates, competitive ability and environmental site conditions.  相似文献   

Many animals exhibit changes in patterns of movement and habitat use as they age, and understanding such ontogenetic shifts is important for ensuring that habitat management is appropriate for all life stages. We used radiotelemetry to study movements and habitat use of juvenile and adult gopher frogs (Rana capito) as they migrated from the same ponds following metamorphosis or breeding. To supplement radiotelemetry data, we also captured adult gopher frogs at drift fences as they left ponds for the terrestrial environment. We directly compared patterns of movement, directional orientation, macrohabitat use (forest type), and microhabitat use (refugia) between the two life stages. Both juveniles and adults moved considerable distances from breeding ponds (up to 691 m) and selected fire-maintained longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forest over fire-suppressed forest. However, fire-suppressed habitat appeared to be a greater barrier to juveniles than adults. Additionally, we found differences in microhabitat use; both juveniles and adults used underground refuges (e.g., burrows and stump holes) for shelter, but juveniles used such refuges less often than adults. Juveniles also took more time than adults to locate their first refuge after exiting ponds. These differences may reflect the juveniles’ lack of experience in terrestrial habitats. Unlike juveniles, adults are likely more familiar with the locations of specific habitat features (e.g., burrows and ponds) and may take the shortest routes when moving among them, even if it requires moving through fire-suppressed habitat. Previous research has recommended that terrestrial habitats surrounding breeding ponds should be managed with frequent prescribed fire (i.e., 1–3-year intervals) in order to maintain suitable terrestrial habitat for juvenile gopher frogs, and our study suggests that these management practices are also likely beneficial to adults.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the potential for using natural regeneration as a basis for transformation of simply structured conifer plantations into mixed Mediterranean forests. We studied the variation along a rainfall gradient, in the natural regeneration of tree species in the understory of planted 40- to 50-year-old Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) forests. The study was conducted within the Mediterranean zone of Israel, which extends from the semiarid northern Negev desert (rainfall ca. 300 mm yr−1) in the south to the humid Upper Galilee in the north (ca 900 mm yr−1). Cover and height, density, and species composition of regenerating trees were measured on south- and north-facing slopes in forest sites of comparable silvicultural history (site preparation methodology, planting density and thinning regime) distributed along the rainfall gradient. Altogether, 12 species of regenerating native broadleaved trees were found in the understory of the various forest sites. Surface cover, density and species richness increased linearly along the entire rainfall gradient, on both north- and south-facing slopes, ranging from zero in the driest forest sites up to 85% cover, 7980 trees ha−1 and 4.5 species per 200 m2, respectively, in the most humid ones. Species composition of regenerating trees was also related to rainfall amount, through changes in the relative importance of species along the rainfall gradient. The effect of topographic aspect on tree regeneration was inconsistent, i.e., the interaction Rainfall × Aspect was significant. Nevertheless, the general trend showed better regeneration on north-facing slopes. Most of the regenerating trees in the understory were small, i.e., less than 100 cm in height, with no clear effect of rainfall amount and topographic aspect on the relative abundance of height classes. Regeneration by Aleppo pine was highly variable among and within the different forest sites and ranged from 0 to 1565 trees ha−1, with no clear relationships with rainfall amount and topographic aspect. In light of our results we propose that the future structure of forests should vary with respect to annual rainfall amount within possible silvicultural scenarios.  相似文献   

Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus; hereafter grouse) populations in the central and southern Appalachians (CSA) are declining due to widespread maturation of forest cover. Effective management of this species requires a sex- and age-specific understanding of habitat preferences at multiple temporal and spatial scales. We used multivariate logistic regression models to compare habitat within 1440 grouse home ranges and 1400 equally sized buffered random points across 7 CSA study areas. On most sites, grouse home ranges were positively associated with roads and young forest (<20 years old). Sex and age status affected habitat preference. In general, males used younger forest than females, likely because of differences in habitat use during reproductive periods. Juveniles had fewer vegetation types preferred by adult grouse and more of the avoided vegetation types within their home ranges, indicative of competitive exclusion. Adult females had the greatest specificity and selectivity of habitat conditions within their home ranges. Habitat selection varied among seasons and years on most sites. Winter habitat use reflected behavior that maximized energy conservation, with open vegetation types avoided in the winter on the northernmost study areas, and topography important on all areas. Summer habitat selection reflected vegetation types associated with reproductive activities. Scale influenced habitat preference as well. Although roads and forest age predominantly influenced grouse home range location within the landscape, mesic forest types were most important in determining core area use within the home range. This was likely a result of increased food availability and favorable microclimate. Habitat management efforts should attempt to maintain ∼3–4% of the landscape in young forest cover (<20 years old), evenly distributed across management areas. Roads into these areas should be seeded as appropriate to enhance brood habitat and provide travel corridors connecting suitable forest stands.  相似文献   

Zipf  Allan  Diner  Alex M.  Ward  Rufina  Bharara  Suman  Brown  George  Nagmani  R.  Pareek  L.K.  Sharma  Govind C. 《New Forests》2001,21(1):45-58
This report serves to evaluate possible promoters for use in theproduction of transgenic eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.).Embryogenic cultures of eastern white pine were bombarded with goldparticles coated separately with a variety of gene constructs containingthe UidA -glucuronidase (GUS) or green fluorescentprotein (GFP) reporter gene. Transient expression of the UidAgene, driven by a novel algal virus adenine methyl transferase genepromoter, as well as five other promoters used in angiospermtransformation, were evaluated. The maize alcohol dehydrogenase promoterwas not effective in eastern white pine cultures. The construct with thedoubled Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter plus Alfalfa Mosaic Virusenhancer showed the highest levels of expression. GUS expression wasdetected within 24 hours, but decreased after 5 days and was notdetectable 15 days after bombardment. Expression of GUS activity wasrecorded mainly in somatic embryonal heads of various stages ofdevelopment and occasionally in suspensor cells. Similar to GUSexpression, modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) was detected in theembryonal head cells 24 hours after bombardment. GFP-expressingsuspensor cells were both more infrequent and difficult to detect, astheir highly vacuolate nature rendered the GFP presence less visibleagainst the yellow background autofluorescence.  相似文献   

Soil properties were compared in adjacent 50-year-old Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch stands growing on similar soils in south-west Sweden. The effects of tree species were most apparent in the humus layer and decreased with soil depth. At 20-30 cm depth in the mineral soil, species differences in soil properties were small and mostly not significant. Soil C, N, K, Ca, Mg, and Na content, pH, base saturation and fine root biomass all significantly differed between humus layers of different species. Since the climate, parent material, land use history and soil type were similar, the differences can be ascribed to tree species. Spruce stands had the largest amounts of carbon stored down to 30 cm depth in mineral soil (7.3 kg C m−2), whereas birch stands, with the lowest production, smallest amount of litterfall and lowest C:N ratio in litter and humus, had the smallest carbon pool (4.1 kg C m−2), with pine intermediate (4.9 kg C m−2). Similarly, soil nitrogen pools amounted to 349, 269, and 240 g N m−2 for spruce, pine, and birch stands, respectively. The humus layer in birch stands was thin and mixed with mineral soil, and soil pH was highest in the birch stands. Spruce had the thickest humus layer with the lowest pH.  相似文献   

Widespread bark beetle outbreaks are currently affecting multiple conifer forest types throughout western North America, yet many ecosystem-level consequences of this disturbance are poorly understood. We quantified the effect of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak on nitrogen (N) cycling through litter, soil, and vegetation in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) forests of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (WY, USA) across a 0-30 year chronosequence of time-since-beetle disturbance. Recent (1-4 years) bark beetle disturbance increased total litter depth and N concentration in needle litter relative to undisturbed stands, and soils in recently disturbed stands were cooler with greater rates of net N mineralization and nitrification than undisturbed sites. Thirty years after beetle outbreak, needle litter N concentration remained elevated; however total litter N concentration, total litter mass, and soil N pools and fluxes were not different from undisturbed stands. Canopy N pool size declined 58% in recent outbreaks, and remained 48% lower than undisturbed in 30-year old outbreaks. Foliar N concentrations in unattacked lodgepole pine trees and an understory sedge were positively correlated with net N mineralization in soils across the chronosequence. Bark beetle disturbance altered N cycling through the litter, soil, and vegetation of lodgepole pine forests, but changes in soil N cycling were less severe than those observed following stand replacing fire. Several lines of evidence suggest the potential for N leaching is low following bark beetle disturbance in lodgepole pine.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an important tool in the management of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) forests, yet effects on bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) activity and tree mortality are poorly understood in the southwestern U.S. We compared bark beetle attacks and tree mortality between paired prescribed-burned and unburned stands at each of four sites in Arizona and New Mexico for three growing seasons after burning (2004–2006). Prescribed burns increased bark beetle attacks on ponderosa pine over the first three post-fire years from 1.5 to 13% of all trees, increased successful, lethal attacks on ponderosa pine from 0.4 to 7.6%, increased mortality of ponderosa pine from all causes from 0.6 to 8.4%, and increased mortality of all tree species with diameter at breast height >13 cm from 0.6 to 9.6%. On a per year basis, prescribed burns increased ponderosa pine mortality from 0.2% per year in unburned stands to 2.8% per year in burned stands. Mortality of ponderosa pine 3 years after burning was best described by a logistic regression model with total crown damage (crown scorch + crown consumption) and bark beetle attack rating (no, partial, or mass attack by bark beetles) as independent variables. Attacks by Dendroctonus spp. did not differ significantly over bole heights, whereas attacks by Ips spp. were greater on the upper bole compared with the lower bole. Three previously published logistic regression models of tree mortality, developed from fires in 1995–1996 in northern Arizona, were moderately successful in predicting broad patterns of tree mortality in our data. The influence of bark beetle attack rating on tree mortality was stronger for our data than for data from the 1995–1996 fires. Our results highlight canopy damage from fire as a strong and consistent predictor of post-fire mortality of ponderosa pine, and bark beetle attacks and bole char rating as less consistent predictors because of temporal variability in their relationship to mortality. The small increase in tree mortality and bark beetle attacks caused by prescribed burning should be acceptable to many forest managers and the public given the resulting reduction in surface fuel and risk of severe wildfire.  相似文献   

The search for indicators to monitor management impact on biodiversity is a crucial question because management practices promote changes in community structure and composition of different animal groups. This study explores the effect of widely conducted management practices (forest logging and livestock) in Pinus uncinata forests in the Pyrenees range (NE Spain) on the structure and composition of ground ant communities compared to those of old-growth stands. Forest structure clearly differed in stands with different forest managements. These stands managed for different uses also showed marked differences in structure and composition of ground ant communities. There was a great dominance of a single species, Formica lugubris, which accounted for 99% of ants collected in pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves indicated that species richness was highest in old-growth stands and lowest in even-aged ones, with woodland pasture stands showing an intermediate value. Classification methods allowed us to identify two groups of species: six species related to old-growth plots and three species (including F. lugubris) associated to managed stands. Habitat structure played an important role in determining the structure of ant communities: forests with high tree density but low basal area were the most favourable forest type for F. lugubris, while the abundance of the remaining ant species was negatively affected by the abundance of F. lugubris and by tree cover.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of herbaceous and woody vegetation control on the survival and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings through six growing seasons. Herbaceous vegetation control involved the suppression of grasses, forbs, ferns, and low-shrubs, and was maintained for 0, 2, or 4 years after white pine seedlings were planted. Woody control involved the removal of all tall-shrub and deciduous trees, and was conducted at the time of planting, at the end of the second or fifth growing seasons, or not at all. Seedling height and basal diameter responded positively and proportionally to duration of herbaceous vegetation control. Gains associated with woody control were generally not significant unless some degree of herbaceous vegetation control was also conducted. Only herbaceous control increased pine crown closure and rate of crown closure. Herbaceous control and the presence of 5000–15,000 stems per ha of young overtopping aspen were associated with reduced weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.) injury and increased pine height growth. The study suggests that white pine restoration strategies on clearcut sites should focus on the proactive, early management of understory vegetation and the gradual reduction of overtopping cover from woody vegetation to create a seedling light environment that supports acceptable growth with minimal weevil damage.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of bark beetles and drought both lead to concerns about increased fire risk, but the relative importance of these two factors is the subject of much debate. We examined how mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreaks and drought have contributed to the fire regime of lodgepole pine forests in northwestern Colorado and adjacent areas of southern Wyoming over the past century. We used dendroecological methods to reconstruct the pre-fire history of MPB outbreaks in twenty lodgepole pine stands that had burned between 1939 and 2006 and in 20 nearby lodgepole pine stands that were otherwise similar but that had not burned. Our data represent c. 80% of all large fires that had occurred in lodgepole pine forests in this study area over the past century. We also compared Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and actual evapotranspiration (AET) values between fire years and non-fire years. Burned stands were no more likely to have been affected by outbreak prior to fires than were nearby unburned stands. However, PDSI and AET values were both lower during fire years than during non-fire years. This work indicates that climate has been more important than outbreaks to the fire regime of lodgepole pine forests in this region over the past century. Indeed, we found no detectable increase in the occurrence of high-severity fires following MPB outbreaks. Dry conditions, rather than changes in fuels associated with outbreaks, appear to be most limiting to the occurrence of severe fires in these forests.  相似文献   

Mature shrubs can provide microhabitats that are beneficial to tree seedling growth and development. Sugar pine trees (Pinus lambertiana) grow in a narrow zone on the eastern slope of the Carson Range in extreme western Nevada, whereas Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) is the dominant tree species in the region, an area extensively disturbed by wild fire. This study compares seedling establishment of sugar pine and Jeffrey pine relative to mature shrubs. In the fall of 2002 (cohort 1) and 2003 (cohort 2), 13,600 seeds of both species were planted in wire mesh enclosures, at three sites, under a variety of microhabitat treatments: under shade and in the open, under two species of shrub cover, and with and without plant litter. Seedlings were monitored for survival through two growing seasons. Even though more sugar pine seedlings emerged, more Jeffrey pine seedlings survived, and Jeffrey pine was the more drought tolerant species, better suited for the xeric climate found in the Carson Range. Litter slightly hindered seedling emergence but had no effect on survival and there was no significant species × litter interaction. Supplemental water facilitated survival in all treatments with highest survival in shade treatments. Sugar pine seedlings showed a significant increase in survival over Jeffrey pine seedlings with the addition of water, particularly in open treatments and more of both species survived under manzanita shrubs with water. The highest seedling mortality occurred when shrub canopy was removed, and seedlings experienced the effect of full sun and competition for soil water. For either species, microhabitat is a significant factor in determining success or failure in rehabilitation efforts after disturbance.  相似文献   

We examined 65 lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) sites in Alberta using a dendrochronological approach in order to examine the relationships between climate and growth of lodgepole pine across elevational ecoregions and diameter size classes. The 4 elevational ecoregions sampled included the Boreal Highlands (BH: 13 sites); the Foothills (FH: 36 sites); a grouping of the montane and subalpine zones of the southern Rocky Mountains (RM: 12 sites); and the montane zone of the Cypress Hills (CH: 4 sites). The first diameter size class was comprised of the three largest (top) diameter trees at each site. The tree list of each plot was ranked, then divided into three groups of equal basal area and the tree at the midpoint of each group (small, medium, and large) was selected for the other three size classes. Annual growth in basal area of lodgepole pine was generally sensitive to heat and moisture stress in late summer of the previous year, the degree of winter harshness, and the timing of the start of the growing season. Growth was inhibited by low temperature in all winter months at the most northern BH sites which had the coldest winters, but this effect was interrupted in some of the midwinter months in the more southerly sites in the RM, and we postulated this was due to the damaging influences of Chinook winds. Interannual growth patterns were strongly correlated between top diameter trees and the other classes, and trees of all diameter classes generally responded to climate in the same way, which indicated that it is sufficient to sample only the largest diameter trees in a stand to provide insight into growth–climate relationships. The forecasted growth estimates indicate that future climate warming will negatively impact the productivity of lodgepole pine in the FH, the heart of lodgepole distribution and productivity in Alberta.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) forests of the Gulf Coastal Plain historically burned every 2–4 years with low intensity fires, which maintained open stands with herbaceous dominated understories. During the early and mid 20th century however, reduced fire frequency allowed fuel to accumulate and hardwoods to increase in the midstory and overstory layers, while woody shrubs gained understory dominance. In 2001, a research study was installed in southern Alabama to develop management options that could be used to reduce fuel loads and restore the ecosystem. As part of a nationwide fire and fire surrogates study, treatments included a control (no fire or other disturbance), prescribed burning only, thinning of selected trees, thinning plus prescribed burning, and herbicide plus prescribed burning. After two cycles of prescribed burning, applied biennially during the growing season, there were positive changes in ecosystem composition. Although thinning treatments produced revenue, while reducing midstory hardwoods and encouraging growth of a grassy understory, burning was needed to discourage regrowth of the hardwood midstory and woody understory. Herbicide application followed by burning gave the quickest changes in understory composition, but repeated applications of fire eventually produced the same results at the end of this 8-year study. Burning was found to be a critical component of any restoration treatment for longleaf communities of this region with positive changes in overstory, midstory and understory layers after just three or four burns applied every 2 or 3 years.  相似文献   

Canadian boreal mixedwood forests are extensive,with large potential for carbon sequestration and storage;thus,knowledge of their carbon stocks at different stand ages is needed to adapt forest management practices to help meet climate-change mitigation goals.Carbon stocks were quantified at three Ontario boreal mixedwood sites.A harvested stand,a juvenile stand replanted with spruce seedlings and a mature stand had total carbon stocks(±SE)of 133±13 at age 2,130±13 at age 25,and 207±15 Mg C ha^-1 at age 81 years.At the clear-cut site,stocks were reduced by about 40%or 90 Mg C ha^-1 at harvest.Vegetation held 27,34 and 62%of stocks,while detritus held 34,29 and 13%of stocks at age 2,25 and 81,respectively.Mineral soil carbon stocks averaged 51 Mg C ha^-1,and held 38,37 and 25%of stocks.Aboveground net primary productivity(±SE)in the harvested and juvenile stand was 2.1±0.2 and 3.7±0.3 Mg C ha^-1 per annum(p.a.),compared to 2.6±2.5 Mg C ha^-1 p.a.in the mature stand.The mature canopies studied had typical boreal mixedwood composition and mean carbon densities of 208 Mg C ha^-1,which is above average for managed Canadian boreal forest ecosystems.A comparison of published results from Canadian boreal forest ecosystems showed that carbon stocks in mixedwood stands are typically higher than coniferous stands at all ages,which was also true for stocks in vegetation and detritus.Also,aboveground net primary productivity was typically found to be higher in mixedwood than in coniferous boreal forest stands over a range of ages.Measurements from this study,together with those published from the other boreal forest stands demonstrate the potential for enhanced carbon sequestration through modified forest management practices to take advantage of Canadian boreal mixedwood stand characteristics.  相似文献   

In pine forests damaged by pine wilt disease, in western Japan, the effect of protection regimes of pine trees on the stand dynamics were examined in the following four stands: (1) lightly damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in operation for protecting pine trees; (2) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in place for protecting pine trees; (3) severely damaged stand (age 50 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees; (4) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees. All the stands had been abandoned before the pine wilt disease damage. The understory structure of the severely damaged stand with no protection procedure was similar to that of the lightly damaged stand. Frequent invasion by tree species and acceleration in the growth of understory trees occurred after the dieback in the selective cutting stand. These results suggest that a deficiency in the canopy layer caused by the dieback resulted in low disturbance intensity in the early stages after the dieback, but the selective cutting increased the intensity by the reduction in the understory as well as the canopy layer. The intensity of the disturbance in the selective cutting stands was larger in the younger stand because it had a higher density of selectively cut pine trees. The different stand structure of pine forests occurred after the dieback because the intensity of the disturbance varied as a result of the selective cutting operation and the stand age.  相似文献   

Salvage logging is a common practice carried out in burned forests worldwide, and intended to mitigate the economic losses caused by wildfires. Logging implies an additional disturbance occurring shortly after fire, although its ecological effects can be somewhat mitigated by leaving wood debris on site. The composition of the bird community and its capacity to provide ecosystem services such as seed dispersal of fleshy-fruited plants have been shown to be affected by postfire logging. We assessed the effects of the habitat structure resulting from different postfire management practices on the bird community, in three burned pine forests in Catalonia (western Mediterranean). For this purpose, we focused on the group of species that is responsible for seed dispersal, a process which takes place primarily during the winter in the Mediterranean basin. In addition, we assessed microhabitat selection by seed disperser birds in such environments in relation to management practices. Our results showed a significant, positive relationship between the density of wood debris piles and the abundance of seed disperser birds. Furthermore, such piles were the preferred microhabitat of these species. This reveals an important effect of forest management on seed disperser birds, which is likely to affect the dynamics of bird-dependent seed dispersal. Thus, building wood debris piles can be a useful practice for the conservation of both the species and their ecosystem services, while also being compatible with timber harvesting.  相似文献   

Community-based management of a rural pine forest in a small suburban community, was examined and assessed. In particular, the study focused on theMatsutake project, which is an initiative seeking to help in the maintenance of a communal pine forest via the cultivation of theMatsutake mushroom by a local seniors’ group. From an ecological perspective, the maintenance work is found to be effective in the conservation and regeneration of the pine forest ecosystem, including its species diversity, especially in the herb layer. From a sociological perspective, theMatsutake project presented a valuable opportunity to strengthen connections not only within the seniors’ group, but also between senior citizens and other generations. However, subsidies for the project have tended to be gradually reduced, because it is difficult for non-involved community members to appreciate the benefits of the project. For the project to be sustainable, more widespread participation of the community is essential. A framework for wider analysis of local participatory forest management is also deemed necessary.  相似文献   

The rejuvenation ecology of three main tree species in anthropogenic pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests is explored in our study. We focus on the scale of micro-plots, which provide the safe sites for tree rejuvenation. We thrive on the multi-factorial relationship of tree establishment and driving ecological factors using a large dataset from pine stands in NE Germany and applying multivariate analyses. The success of the establishment of the investigated focal tree species Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea Liebl. and Pinus sylvestris L. is, on general, mostly affected by three factors, i.e. water balance of the upper soil layers, browsing pressure, and diaspore sources. Our investigations on the micro-plot scale revealed species-specific differences. For beech saplings <50 cm growth height, primarily the availability of water, indicated by available water capacity (AWC), thickness, quality, and structure of the organic layer, silt and humus content in the topsoil, and the lack of a dense competitive herb layer, were identified as most important factors. On the contrary, oak seems hardly be restricted by hydrologic and/or trophic deficits in the topsoil or humus layer. In conclusion and comparison to Fagus sylvatica L., we assume for Quercus petraea Liebl. advantages in natural regeneration processes under sub-continental climate conditions and thus under the scenarios of climate change. Pinus sylvestris L. regeneration in our investigation area occurs only in a narrow niche. We conclude with regard to future forest development and the objective of stand conversion with low management intensity that oak should be favoured within natural stand regeneration.  相似文献   

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