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We determine the time frame after initial fuel treatment when prescribed fire will be likely to produce high enough mortality rates in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum Dougl. ex Laws.) regeneration to be successful in maintaining treatment effectiveness in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We measured pine regeneration in disturbed stands and young pine growth rates to estimate the susceptibility of pine regeneration to prescribed fire with time since initial treatment. We also determined surface fuel accumulation rates for stands after prescribed fire to help estimate likely fire behavior in maintenance prescribed fire. Given our estimates of regeneration density and tree size, and likely fire behavior, we then used small pine tree mortality—fire effect relations to estimate the effects of prescribed fire on developing understory pine at specific times since initial treatments.  相似文献   



Uneven-aged management systems based on selection silviculture have become popular in European mountain forests and progressively replace other silvicultural practices. In time, this trend could lead to a homogenisation of the forest mosaic with consequences on structural indices recognised as beneficial to forest biodiversity.


This study was conducted to investigate the potential effects of a generalisation of the selection silvicultural system on structural diversity in the forest landscape with consequences for forest biodiversity conservation.


We compared four structural indices (tree species richness, diameter heterogeneity, deadwood volume and basal area of mature trees) in five different stand types typical of the northern French Alps, using forest plot data in the Vercors mountain range. Through virtual landscape simulations, we then calculated predicted mean proportions of stand types under two different conservation strategies: (i) maximising mean index values at the landscape level and (ii) maximising the number of plots in the landscape with index values above given thresholds.


Multi-staged forests did not maximise all indices, the best solution being to combine the five stand types in uneven proportions to improve biodiversity conservation.


The expansion of selection silviculture in European heterogeneous forest landscapes could enhance biodiversity conservation if other stand types with complementary structural characteristics are maintained.  相似文献   

It is predicted that dryland salinity will affect up to 17 Mha of the Australian landscape by 2050, and therefore, monitoring the health of tree plantings and remnant native vegetation in saline areas is increasingly important. Casuarina glauca Sieber ex Spreng. has considerable salinity tolerance and is commonly planted in areas with a shallow, saline water table. To evaluate the potential of using the nitrogenous composition of xylem sap to assess salinity stress in C. glauca, the responses of trees grown with various soil salinities in a greenhouse were compared with those of trees growing in field plots with different water table depths and groundwater salinities. In the greenhouse, increasing soil salinity led to increased allocation of nitrogen (N) to proline and arginine in both stem and root xylem sap, with coincident decreases in citrulline and asparagine. Although the field plots were ranked as increasingly saline-based on ground water salinity and depth-only the allocation of N to citrulline differed significantly between the field plots. Within each plot, temporal variation in the composition of the xylem sap was related to rainfall, rainfall infiltration and soil salinity. Periods of low rainfall and infiltration and higher soil salinity corresponded with increased allocation of N to proline and arginine in the xylem sap. The allocation of N to citrulline and asparagine increased following rainfall events where rain was calculated to have infiltrated sufficiently to decrease soil salinity. The relationship between nitrogenous composition of the xylem sap of C. glauca and soil salinity indicates that the analysis of xylem sap is an effective method for assessing changes in salinity stress in trees at a particular site over time. However, the composition of the xylem sap proved less useful as a comparative index of salinity stress in trees growing at different sites.  相似文献   

The use of shelterwoods to favour the development of natural or underplanted seedlings is common in temperate forests but rare in the pine forests of the Mediterranean area. Our aim was to assess the use of shelterwoods in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) woodlands in southern France to promote the survival and growth of two co-occurring oak species: the deciduous Quercus pubescens and the evergreen Quercus ilex.Twelve Aleppo pine stands were selected and differentially thinned to create a light shelterwood (basal area = 10 m2/ha, irradiance 52%), a medium shelterwood (basal area = 19 m2/ha, irradiance 33%) and a dense shelterwood (basal area = 32 m2/ha, irradiance 13%). A total of 1248 sowing points, half composed of Q. pubescens and half of Q. ilex, were then set up in these three conditions. Seedling survival and growth were monitored for 3 years. Plant stress was assessed by measuring predawn leaf potential and photosynthetic performance through the Fv/Fm ratio. Soil moisture was also recorded at two depths during two growing seasons.Survival was high for both species in all three conditions due to three consecutive wet years. The lowest survival was recorded for Q. pubescens in the dense shelterwoods. Growth in diameter and height increased from the dense to the light shelterwoods. Shrubs developed more strongly in the light shelterwood, and increasing shrub cover enhanced height growth. Photosynthetic performance was lowest for Q. pubescens in dense shelterwoods and highest in light shelterwoods, whereas the reverse was true for Q. ilex. The lowest predawn potentials were recorded in the dense shelterwoods even though higher soil water content values were measured in this treatment during the summer drought.We show that light shelterwoods were more beneficial to growth than denser ones, indicating control mainly by light availability during the 3 years of the study. However, as lower soil moisture at 30-50 cm depth and faster understorey development were also recorded in this condition, more extended observation is needed to determine whether this benefit persists in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests in parts of northern Lower Michigan have been managed with 30 years of extensive clearcut harvesting followed by planted stand establishment in order to maintain habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). We used two, parallel chronosequences to study how this management has affected the structural development of jack pine stands relative to the historically dominant disturbance regime of stand-replacing wildfire. Each chronosequence consisted of three young stands (age range 3–6 years), three intermediate-aged stands (age range of 12–17 years) and three mature stands (age range of 39–69 years). Average stem density in young plantations (2300 stems/ha) was lower than the average for young, fire-origin stands (11,000) and varied over a much narrower range among stands (1403–2667 for plantations and 1552–24,192 in fire stands). In addition, within-stand patchiness of stem density was also much higher in the wildfire sites for young and intermediate ages. Plantation sites possessed very little dead wood at young ages (averaging 3 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD) compared to young fire-origin stands (averaging 252 snags/ha and 49 m3/ha CWD). In contrast, mature plantations had similar levels of dead wood (averaging 269 snags/ha and 22 m3/ha CWD) as mature fire-origin stands (averaging 557 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD). Differences between the plantation and fire-origin chronosequences were driven mainly by young- and intermediate-aged stands, whereas mature stands were typically quite similar in all structural features. Our results show clearly that forest management aimed at preserving and enhancing the population of a single endangered species results in greatly simplified habitat structure at the stand level, and suggest that this simplification is perpetuated across the landscape as well. Of particular concern are the effects of extensive harvesting and planting on the availability of snags and CWD.  相似文献   


A plant's induced defense system can be triggered by the application of the plant hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and recent research suggest that MeJA treatment may become a tool for protection of conifer seedlings against insect herbivory (e.g. by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis). A side-effect of MeJA application is temporarily reduced height growth. This has generally been considered as negative, but in forest tree nurseries this could instead be beneficial since it is commonly desired to stop the growth of nursery seedlings in late summer. Artificially longer dark periods (long nights/short days) are widely used in high-latitude nurseries to terminate height growth and induce freezing tolerance. However, long night treatment requires specialized nursery equipment and are labor intensive. Therefore alternatives are sought after. We compared long-night and MeJA treatments by following the growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings throughout one season. The regulatory effect of MeJA on height growth was similar if not even better than that of long nights, i.e. it was terminated faster. However, MeJA treatment also reduced root growth and delayed the development of freezing tolerance. MeJA may therefore not replace long-night treatments, but it could facilitate a more flexible application of long nights by gaining a longer time interval during which this treatment can be used without risking the seedlings growing too large.


We investigated the structure and width of the dormant cambium and of the increments of phloem and xylem of Quercus robur to estimate their potential as indicators for tree vitality. The samples were taken from three woodlands, two in Slovenia [Krakovo forest (KRA) and Murska Suma (MUS)] and one in Croatia [Kobiljak (KOB)], with reported tree decline. The number of dormant cells seems to reflect the initial capacity of the cambium to accomplish cell division. With the exception of two trees at KRA, cell production was always higher on the xylem side than on the phloem side. The annual phloem increments were narrower, less variable among trees and with clear lower and upper limits. With increased cambial cell productivity, the share of the xylem in the total annual radial increment increased following a curvilinear function. In trees with an annual radial increment >3.5 mm, the xylem size represented more than 90 % of the total radial growth. The anatomical variables analyzed show that the most limiting environmental conditions seem to prevail at KRA, whereas the conditions at MUS seem to be most favorable in terms of radial growth. Analysis of the width and structure of xylem and phloem increments, the number of dormant cambial cells and their inter-relationships can provide additional information on the vitality of oaks.  相似文献   

The first ecosystem mimic hypothesis suggests clear advantages if man-made land use systems do not deviate greatly in their resource use patterns from natural ecosystems typical of a given climatic zone. The second hypothesis claims that additional advantages will accrue if agroecosystems also maintain a substantial part of the diversity of natural systems. We test these hypotheses for the savannah zone of sub-Saharan Africa, with its low soil fertility and variable rainfall. Where annual food crops replace the natural grass understorey of savannah systems, water use will decrease and stream and groundwater flow change, unless tree density increases relative to the natural situation. Increasing tree density, however, will decrease crop yields, unless the trees meet specific criteria. Food crop production in the parkland systems may benefit from lower temperatures under tree canopies, but water use by trees providing this shade will prevent crops from benefiting. In old parkland trees that farmers have traditionally retained when opening fields for crops, water use per unit shade is less than in most fast growing trees introduced for agroforestry trials. Strong competition between plants adapted to years with different rainfall patterns may stabilise total system productivity -- but this will be appreciated by a farmer only if the components are of comparable value. The best precondition for farmers to maintain diversity in their agroecosystem hinges on the availability of a broad basket of choices, without clear winners or 'best bets'. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Insect pests are a major threat to many forests worldwide, from boreal to tropical forest ecosystems. Some pests exhibit periodical outbreaks, after which their populations often crash as a result of natural biological control. To offset such outbreaks, several management techniques are used, including aerial spraying of insecticides. The question remains whether pest decline following an outbreak is the result of management practices or a natural consequence of the insect's population cycle. In this study, we assessed the performance of aerial spraying of insecticides on pine woodland stands to control pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (PPM) outbreaks in southern Spain. To achieve this, we compared the degree to which a forest stand recovers from defoliation from one year of severe damage by PPM to the following year (infestation index) in stands that were treated (i.e. subjected to aerial spraying) and untreated using a 4-years database from the Regional Environmental Council. The results revealed a significant similar recovery from infestation after a PPM outbreak of both sprayed and non sprayed pine woodland stands, for the four most representative pine species (black, Aleppo, maritime, and stone pine). It is concluded that insecticide spraying cannot be considered a prevention for outbreaks if it is applied once the outbreak explodes. Management practices that can help control PPM outbreaks include promoting spatial heterogeneity at the landscape level, fostering biodiversity in pine plantations, and reinforcing parasitoid insect and predatory bird populations that negatively affect the PPM. This study illustrates how simple sampling designs and statistical tests can be useful decision-making tools and can help improve the environmental viability and cost-efficiency of forest management practices.  相似文献   


• Introduction   

Genetic testing is the slowest part of a breeding cycle. There is a growing interest in early wood quality screening methodologies. We hypothesized that subjecting 8-month-old radiata pine trees to mechanical perturbance induces reaction wood that permits isolating their likely corewood features.  相似文献   

Holopainen JK 《Tree physiology》2011,31(12):1356-1377
Plants produce a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Under abiotic and biotic stresses, the number and amount of produced compounds can increase. Due to their long life span and large size, trees can produce biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) in much higher amounts than many other plants. It has been suggested that at cellular and tree physiological levels, induced production of VOCs is aimed at improving plant resistance to damage by reactive oxygen species generated by multiple abiotic stresses. In the few reported cases when biosynthesis of plant volatiles is inhibited or enhanced, the observed response to stress can be attributed to plant volatiles. Reported increase, e.g., in photosynthesis has mostly ranged between 5 and 50%. A comprehensive model to explain similar induction of VOCs under multiple biotic stresses is not yet available. As a result of pathogen or herbivore attack on forest trees, the induced production of VOCs is localized to the damage site but systemic induction of emissions has also been detected. These volatiles can affect fungal pathogens and the arrival rate of herbivorous insects on damaged trees, but also act as signalling compounds to maintain the trophic cascades that may improve tree fitness by improved efficiency of herbivore natural enemies. On the forest scale, biotic induction of VOC synthesis and release leads to an amplified flow of BVOCs in atmospheric reactions, which in atmospheres rich in oxides of nitrogen (NOx) results in ozone formation, and in low NOx atmospheres results in oxidation of VOCs, removal in ozone from the troposphere and the resulting formation of biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles. I will summarize recent advances in the understanding of stress-induced VOC emissions from trees, with special focus on Populus spp. Particular importance is given to the ecological and atmospheric feedback systems based on BVOCs and biogenic SOA formation.  相似文献   

Hydrology-oriented silviculture might adapt Mediterranean forests to climatic changes, although its implementation demands a better understanding and quantification on the water fluxes. The influence of thinning intensity (high, medium, low and a control) and its effect on the mid-term (thinned plots in 1998 and 2008) on the water cycle (transpiration, soil water and interception) and growth [basal area increment (BAI)] were investigated in 55-year-old Aleppo pine trees. Thinning enhanced a lower dependence of growth on climate fluctuations. The high-intensity treatment showed significant increases in the mean annual BAI (from 4.1 to 17.3 cm2) that was maintained in the mid-term. Thinning intensity progressively increased the sap flow velocity (v s) in all cases with respect to the control. In the mid-term, an increased functionality of the inner sapwood was also observed. Mean daily tree water use ranged from 5 (control) to 18 (high intensity) l tree?1. However, when expressed on an area basis, daily transpiration ranged from 0.18 (medium) to 0.30 mm (control), meaning that in spite of the higher transpiration rates in the remaining trees, stand transpiration was reduced with thinning. Deep infiltration of water was also enhanced with thinning (about 30 % of rainfall) and did not compete with transpiration, as both presented opposite seasonal patterns. The changes in the stand water relationships after 10 years were well explained by the forest cover metric. The blue to green water ratio changed from 0.15 in the control to 0.72 in the high-intensity treatment, with the remaining treatments in the 0.34–0.48 range.  相似文献   

The crude methanolic extract (ME) obtained from the leaves of Anacardium humile was evaluated orally at doses of 250-500-1000 mg/kg on gastric lesion on ethanol and piroxicam induced gastric lesions in rodents. All the tested doses significantly inhibited gastric lesions by 56 to 100%. These results seems to support the traditional use of this species in the treatment of gastric diseases.  相似文献   

Considering the pressures on tropical forests from deforestation and the recent expansion of harvesting through forest concessions in the Brazilian Amazon, it is imperative that forest management systems are scrutinized to ensure sustainability. One of the basic problems in forest management is the correct identification of species within the forest stand. While this is a well known issue, little consideration is given to how to mitigate this problem or its affects on management practices and conservation. This paper examines the current practice of forest inventories in the Brazilian Amazon, as part of the mandatory system of reduced impact logging (RIL), using extensive forest inventory verification. The results show that the RIL management plan implemented in the project area was based on a highly inaccurate forest inventory. At least 132 species or 43.5% of all species identified after botanical checking did not appear in the forest inventory and the common practice of matching vernacular names to scientific ones proved to be severely deficient. In contrast, a high percentage of field identifications based on local people's expertise were correct. We suggest changes to current practices, including the training and use of parataxonomists, the collection of samples for verification, and stricter government control over current practices, which will achieve greater accuracy in data collection and forest management planning. Ultimately, we argue that in the current climate of extensive deforestation and forest use, it is essential that all aspects of RIL systems are reevaluated in order to achieve economic and ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

The forests of Austrocedrus chilensis in Argentina suffer mortality from what is locally known as ‘mal del ciprés’. This disturbance usually appears as aggregations of dead trees of varying sizes. The mortality process seems unpredictable, and regeneration establishment is variable under these conditions. The highly variable mortality rates results in a natural experiment that allows the correlation of overstory mortality with regeneration rate. This correlation should then make it possible to estimate the regeneration success which would follow after different levels of partial cutting, allowing the purposeful direction of the regeneration process. We collected data from eight Austrocedrus chilensis-dominated stands and reconstructed overstory mortality over time and correlated it to the regeneration recruitment. Mortality showed two patterns: increasing ‘continuous’ mortality over time, and ‘pulses’ of important basal area loss in short periods. Overstory mortality had an effect on the recruitment and composition of the regeneration by allowing different species establishment depending on the degree of mortality. By quantifying mortality basal area and recruitment over time, we calculated estimates that can provide partial cutting guidance. Partial cuttings would then allow the purposeful direction of the regeneration process. Stand reconstruction studies provided a useful tool to help designing regeneration systems using a natural experiment. Some specific management implications for symptomatic A. chilensis forests are given.  相似文献   

Though rarely used in this way, biological control could potentially be exploited for managing spread of invasive species. Because spread of invasive species emerges from the combined action of population growth and dispersal, natural enemies that affect either of these processes should also affect spread. Dispersal of parasitoid species plays a key role in determining their impact on population growth of an invading host species along their expanding population front. In contrast, dispersal of most true parasites only occurs via movement of hosts so any impact that parasites may have on host dispersal may limit the parasite’s own capacity to keep up with an expanding host population. We test this premise by examining field data from what is probably the best example of the successful use of true parasites in biological control: the nematode Beddingia (=Deladenus) siricidicola, which is released for management of Sirex noctilio populations. We analyze the historical impact of nematode releases on the rate of spread of invasive S. noctilio populations in Southern Argentina. Our findings suggest that, nematode releases did not discernibly slow the spread of S. noctilio populations. We conclude that although entomophagous parasites could be effective at reducing the growth and dispersal of localized host populations, they are unlikely, unless widely released through the leading edges, to slow the spread of invading hosts.  相似文献   


Key message

For an optimal deployment of poplar resistance to the gall-inducing aphid Phloeomyzus passerinii , a laboratory susceptibility assay has been developed. The nature of aphid–tree interactions during compatible and incompatible situations has been studied in detail. This should help at identifying specific resistance markers and at testing effects of site conditions on tree–pest interactions.


P. passerinii is a major pest of poplar plantations in Europe, and the plantation of resistant poplar genotypes is regarded as the best long-term management strategy for this pest. This requires a sound knowledge of the interactions among the pest, its host and their environment.


Here, we review the recent advances aiming at developing an optimal deployment of host resistance versus P. passerinii.


Investigations on aphid-host interactions demonstrated that P. passerinii induces pseudogalls within the bark of susceptible hosts. This results in a reduction of starch bark content during aphid outbreaks, which could be involved in tree death. The constitutive level of starch in the bark could be related to the tolerance level of trees. A susceptibility test has been designed for poplar genotypes, discriminating three categories of susceptibility depending on tree’s ability to totally or partially inhibit pseudogall induction. The test still has several limitations however. It neither takes into account the large level of individual genetic diversity of the aphid in France, nor the environmental modulation of tree resistance and tolerance, while water deficit and fertilization could potentially affect these parameters.


The hypotheses drawn regarding the processes leading to tree death or resistance should help at identifying resistance markers, and at testing effects of site conditions on tree–pest interactions.


Key message

From 1973 to 1991, Polish SO 2 emissions above 3250 Gg/year resulted in a decline of fir Abies alba Mill. After stresses connected with these emissions, five main diameter at breast height (DBH) structural types were described. This type of heterogeneous forest structure is supposed to increase forest resistance and resilience to abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic disturbances.


The analyses of forest structure are important under the current scenario of global change, since heterogeneous structures allow for better responses to disturbances. Forests with more complex structures should present greater vitality.


The main hypotheses were as follows: (1) the temporal changes of atmospheric SO2 emissions caused (a) the abrupt changes in the tree DBH radial increment and (b) the death of fir trees; and (2) atmospheric SO2 emissions and related fir decline and recovery processes ultimately result in the development of stands characterised by diverse DBH structures.


Radial growth trends of 49 and 215 fir trees in the older and younger generations, respectively, and 85 dead fir trees were evaluated. Using data collected in 32 stands, the DBH structural types were identified, and the shapes of these types were illustrated.


The structural diversification of forest patches may influence forest resistance and resilience to disturbances; five main structural types were identified: ML1 and ML2 represent DBH distributions of multi-layered stands, and OS, TS1 and TS2 represent DBH distributions of one- and two-storied stands.


Structural diversity of forests was a response to SO2 emissions; fir trees had the ability to increase their radial growth, although there were still high SO2 emissions.

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