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Individual-tree distance independent diameter growth models were developed for black spruce and jack pine plantations. Data used in this study came via stem analysis on 1170 black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) and 800 jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) trees sampled from 75 stands of 25 even-aged monospecific plantations for each species in the Canadian boreal forest region of northern Ontario. Of the 75 stands, 50 were randomly selected for each species and all trees from these stands were used for model development. Trees from the remaining stands were used for model evaluation.A nonlinear mixed-effects approach was applied in fitting the diameter growth models. The predictive accuracy of the models was improved by including random effects coefficients. Four selection criteria - random, dominant or codominant, tree size close to quadratic mean diameter, and small sized - were evaluated for accuracy in predicting random effects for a new stand using the developed models. Random effects predicted based on trees selected using the random selection criterion provided more accurate diameter predictions than those using trees obtained via other selection criteria for both species. The models developed here are very important to forest managers as the diameters predicted by these models or, their stand-level summaries (i.e., basal area, average diameter), are used as inputs in any forest growth and yield models. In addition, individual-tree diameter growth models can be used to directly forecast changes in diameter distribution of stands.  相似文献   

Bareroot jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) were planted near Elliot Lake, Ontario, on a boreal reforestation site. Site preparation treatments were mixed, mineral and undisturbed (i.e., control) soil. Seedling water relations and growth were examined during the first field season. During the first 28 days after planting, jack pine base (i.e., predawn) and minimum xylem water potential readings were more negative in the control site preparation treatment. White spruce, during the first 10 days, in all site preparation treatments had base and minimum xylem water potential readings more negative than –1.7 MPa. By day 28 base xylem water potentials of white spruce had increased to approximately –1.0 MPa in all site preparation treatments. As the growing season progressed, white spruce minimum xylem water potential readings ceased exceeding the measured turgor loss point first in the mixed followed by the mineral and then control site preparation treatment. Jack pine minimum xylem water potential readings, in all site preparation treatments, almost never exceeded the measured turgor loss point. Water stress and stomatal optimization integrals, day 28 and 125, for both species showed least water stress and greater stomatal optimization in the mixed, mineral and control site preparation treatments, respectively. Both species had less new root growth in the field during the first 28 days after planting compared to seedlings grown for 28 days in a greenhouse for root growth capacity testing. Root growth at 28 days and both shoot and root development at the end of the growing season, were greatest to least in mixed, mineral, and control site preparation treatments, respectively.  相似文献   

Variations in tree ring growth of Quercus suber L. were analysed using dendrochronological techniques on cork oak discs from trees harvested in the cork producing region of Alentejo, Portugal. A tree-ring chronology containing a strong common signal and covering the period from 1970 to 1995 was build for ca. 30-year-old cork oaks never submitted to cork harvesting using 14 trees that crossdated satisfactorily out of 30 sampled trees. The tree ring indices correlated positively with September temperature (r = 0.48, P < 0.05) and very strongly with precipitation totals from previous October until current February (r = 0.82, P < 0.001) showing that the water stored in the soil during the autumn and winter months prior to the growing season has a primordial effect on the growth of the given season. The effects of cork harvesting were analysed by comparing mean ring width, mean annual vessel area, vessel density (n°vessels/mm2), and vessel coverage (percentage of transverse surface occupied by vessels) between three mature cork oak trees and three young trees, for the period from 1987 to 1996, corresponding to the growth between two consecutive cork removals in the case of mature trees. In 1988, 1989 and 1996 (corresponding to the first and second years after cork removal, and 1996 to a year of cork removal), the ratios between ring widths of young versus mature trees was twice that for the rest of the period. However, an effect of cork removal indicated by eventual alterations in vessel size and distribution in the wood rings corresponding to the years 1988, 1989 and 1996 in the mature cork oaks was not observed.  相似文献   

Climate is a main driving factor of the formation of annual tree-rings, but which climatic variables are the most influential on radial growth may vary among species and sites. To explore these interactions, tree-ring chronologies along a major elevation gradient were examined for three tree species in southern interior British Columbia (Canada): Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus contorta, and Picea glauca × engelmannii. We used correlations and linear and multiple regressions to explore the relationships between tree-ring radial growth and climate variables in the area from 1922 to 1997. All correlation coefficients between ring chronologies and monthly climatic variables were medium to low (from −0.3 to 0.4); nevertheless, moderate but significant trends could be identified. Multivariate models explained up to 53%, 43% and 32% of radial growth variability for P. contorta, P. menziesii and P. glauca × engelmannii, respectively. All three species showed similar radial growth–climate patterns across the elevational gradient, but they had different details that made ring width–climate relationships species-specific. Precipitation-related variables were more related to radial growth at low-elevations, changing into temperature-related variables at high-elevations. Tree-ring width for all three species was primarily and significantly affected by climate variables from the year previous to the growing season and only secondly by current year conditions, but the critical months varied for different species and altitudes. Winter precipitation also affected radial growth, either as a source of water or as a possible agent of physical damage. Although our work showed significant climate influences on breast height tree radial growth, our results also indicated that other site factors such as microclimate or stand dynamics can be as or more important than climate variability.  相似文献   

Semiarid woodlands dominated by Prosopis caldenia thrive at the dry edge of the Argentinean Pampas. Deforestation and increased precipitation have driven sustained water table level rise in the region that are likely to affect the dynamics of remnant woody vegetation patches. Here we analyze the effect of climate and groundwater level on the establishment, growth and death of P. caldenia located on lowland (current water table <0.5 m deep) and upland (current water table 8 m deep) positions within rolling sandy landscape. Standard dendrochronological techniques were applied on 98 cross sections and cores of P. caldenia trees. Results allowed us to estimated that trees in the lowland established a few years earlier than in the upland (1929 vs. 1936) and died between 1991 and 2002, while trees in higher positions are still alive. As a result of a faster growth in the lowland, maximum mean basal area increment took place earlier (1950s vs. 1990s) and achieved a higher mean value than in the upland (41.63 vs. 37.41 mm2). While mean annual chronologies were not associated across stands, an opposite highly significant association was found for the mean growth trends suggesting long-term effects of water table depths on growth. We found a different association between mean annual growth and climate, with lowland trees showing a negative response to precipitation before and during the growing season, and upland trees displaying a positive response to summer rainfall inputs. Temperature at the end of the growing season had a positive effect in the lowland whereas temperature during the growing season had a positive effect in the upland. These results show how groundwater can induce diverging sensitivity of forest growth and survival to climate variability, enhancing growth at optimum depths (2-8 m in our study) but depressing it or even killing trees when it approaches the surface (<2 m in our study). Groundwater dynamic should be considered in forest management and conservation strategies in semiarid woodlands in Central Argentina.  相似文献   

Noland  Thomas L.  Mohammed  Gina H.  Scott  Maureen 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):105-119
Number of new roots (root growth potential or RGP), new root length, photosynthesis, total nonstructural carbohydrate content of needles and roots, terminal bud condition, and shoot elongation were measured on jack pine container seedlings for 4 weeks at weekly intervals under greenhouse conditions of 100%, 20%, and 10% sunlight to simulate competition-induced, lower light levels in the field. Both lower light levels significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, RGP, new root length, total nonstructural carbohydrate (especially starch) content of needles and roots, speed of terminal bud flush, and shoot growth. Both light level and photosynthetic rate were positively correlated with RGP and new root length, indicating that jack pine seedlings may use current photosynthate as an energy source to support new root growth. RGP and new root length were also both negatively correlated with root starch content suggesting that jack pine seedlings may also use stored carbohydrates as a potential carbon source for root initiation and initial root growth.  相似文献   

For north-eastern Germany regional climate models project rising temperatures in combination with decreasing summer and increasing winter precipitation. The resulting overall drier conditions during the growing season will considerably impact forest growth there. We evaluate the consequences of increasing drought on the growth of the two locally most important broadleaf tree species common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Three mixed forests of beech and oak were sampled along a west-east gradient of declining precipitation. In total we used 257 ring-width samples from 133 trees to build six species and site specific chronologies. Additionally, we modelled the soil water budget for each site. We performed continuous and discontinuous (pointer year) analysis of climate-tree-growth relationships with particular emphasis on inter-annual-variations and their dependence upon climatic factors (temperature, precipitation, soil moisture) and on the stability of the obtained relationships. Results of climate-growth correlations together with pointer year analysis indicate a strong dependency of growth of both species from water availability, especially during early summer (June and July). General correlation pattern between growth and climate are similar for both species, but climate sensitivity of beech is generally higher. We identified drought as the main driver of negative growth depressions in both species. Increasing drought stress along the gradient is expressed in higher correlations to climatic variables, higher sensitivity (variance) of growth, and a higher number of negative pointer years for both species. For beech we also found a significant trend of decreasing average growth rates along the gradient. Growth superiority of beech compared to oak declines with decreasing precipitation. The relationships were generally stable throughout the 20th century. A rise of sensitivity together with a higher frequency of negative pointer years during the last decades suggests that increasing climatic variability together with rising temperatures might be influencing growth of Fagus at the more humid sites. If we substitute space by time it seems that already small changes in precipitation regime can have considerable impact, especially on the growth of beech. Other, more drought tolerant species like oak might gain competitive advantages under the projected climatic changes.  相似文献   

Hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guen.)) is an economically damaging defoliator that undergoes periodic outbreaks in Newfoundland, Canada. It defoliates and causes extensive tree mortality to its primary host, balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.). We quantified tree survival using data from permanent sample plots (PSPs) and growth reduction or release using dendrochronology, and related these impacts to defoliation severity determined from annual aerial defoliation survey data. Such impact relationships are necessary as a fundamental input to a Decision Support System. Growth and survival of balsam fir, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) were assessed from 1996 to 2008 in 48 Newfoundland Forest Service PSPs, selected based on four classes of defoliation severity. Two years of severe (71-100%) defoliation resulted in almost complete mortality for balsam fir, 10 years after defoliation, whereas survival was 70-80% for black spruce and white birch. Lower defoliation severity (1-2 years of moderate (31-70%) or 1 year of severe) resulted in approximately 60% survival for balsam fir and no reduction in survival for black spruce and white birch. Maximum growth reduction of balsam fir was 10-15% with 1 year of moderate-severe defoliation, 35-40% with 2 years of moderate defoliation, and about 50% with 2 years of severe defoliation. Growth recovered to pre-defoliation rates 5 years after defoliation ceased in all severity classes. Growth reduction and recovery of black spruce were more variable and lower than for balsam fir, and white birch exhibited only minor (<10%) growth reduction during the defoliation year or 1 year after defoliation. Control measures should focus on avoiding severe defoliation for two consecutive years.  相似文献   

Little is known about ponderosa pine forest ecosystem responses to restoration practices in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. In this study, restoration treatments aimed at approximating historical forest structure and disturbances included modified single-tree selection cutting, with and without prescribed burning. We compared the effectiveness of restoration treatments on growth, vigor, and composition of recruitment responses with untreated controls. We used a randomized block design to detect treatment differences in mean individual tree basal area increment (BAInc10), growth efficiency (GE), and recruitment abundance between two restoration treatments (Cut-only and Cut-burn) and a Control. We further examined treatment effects by tree age-class (Young, Mature, Presettlement) using a spatial ANOVA model that incorporates the spatial autocorrelation among trees within experimental units. Ten years after implementing restoration treatments, mean individual tree BAInc10 and GE were significantly higher for treated units relative to Control units; all three age-classes benefited similarly from restoration treatments relative to the Control, with the greatest response in the Cut-only and moderate response in the Cut-burn. When treated units were compared, Cut-burn negatively affected BAInc10 and GE relative to Cut-only. Presettlement trees responded positively to treatment relative to the Control, particularly for BAInc10, demonstrating the potential of these old trees to respond to reduced competition. The Cut-burn treatment, in contrast, negatively affected the BAInc10 and GE response of postsettlement trees when compared to Cut-only. Restoration treatments did not reduce the amount of Douglas-fir recruits. In addition, the recruitment of both ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir species was associated with the proximate cover of woody debris in Cut-only and Control treatments. Finally, special consideration needs to be taken for spring Cut-burn treatments, which appeared to dampen growth and vigor, relative to Cut-only, particularly for Young and Mature trees, and increased recruitment of ponderosa pine and particularly Douglas-fir.  相似文献   

In boreal forests of western Canada, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex. Loud.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) often grow together with numerous tall shrubs such as green alder (Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh) and little-tree willow (Salix spp.). In an area south of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, we examined the effects of shrubs, herbs and other trees on nutrient and light availability and growth of white spruce and lodgepole pine. For white spruce the best competition measure (tested against volume increments of the past 3 years) was visually estimated % ground cover times the height of the competitor (VCHT) with light (DIFN) ranking in third place. For lodgepole pine, DIFN was the best competition measure for predicting volume increment and the best competition index was again VCHT. Taller conifers had a stronger competitive effect than tall shrubs, with their effect on white spruce being larger than that on lodgepole pine.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out where sheep were grazed in temporary fenced paddocks at a stocking rate of 178 LSU ha−1 in a 5-year old broadleaf plantation of oak (Quercus spp.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (1.5 m spacing) on fertile, former lowland pasture in Northern Ireland. The grazing regime was rotational and intensive, with two grazing periods of 5 days in February and October 2001. Results showed that a significant proportion of the rank herbage height was removed within the first 24 h of livestock introduction. Herbage biomass was reduced by approximately half after 5 days. Sward height in grazed plots remained significantly lower than control plots for over 6 months after cessation of grazing, whilst biomass remained significantly lower for over 4 months after cessation of grazing. No significant tree damage to either oak or ash was measured during the February grazing trial, however significant damage to the lateral branches of both oak and ash was observed in the October grazing trial. Leader damage did not occur on trees greater than 152 cm. Ash was more commonly browsed than oak. Annual height increment of both tree species was unaffected by grazing, but annual stem diameter increment was significantly reduced in both oak and ash in February grazed plots. Oak trees in both February and October grazed plots were found to have a significantly smaller annual increase in canopy diameter than those in control plots. Results are discussed with regard to practical implementation of controlled grazing in young broadleaf forestry plantations on fertile, lowland soils.  相似文献   

High levels of growth stress are implicated in causing end splitting of logs, deflection during sawing and deformation of boards as stresses are released during sawing operations. Level of stress is a function of strain and the elastic modulus of the wood (MOE). Levels of peripheral strain can be measured on standing trees and, if the MOE is known, stresses can be estimated. The validity of using peripheral strain measurements relies on underlying theoretical models that relate strain to expected patterns of stress distribution and levels of board deflection. This study evaluates these theoretical relationships by determining relationships of stress and strain with board deflection, end splitting and a range of wood properties.

Peripheral strain levels were extremely variable within the bottom log and little evidence was found for consistent patterns of variation, although measurements generally increased with increasing height above ground. Sampling on two sides of the standing tree at breast height appeared to be a suitable strategy, with the mean for these strain readings having a correlation (r) of 0.86 with the average strain in the bottom log.

Growth strain was not a reliable predictor of board deflection and cannot be recommended as a non-destructive sampling method. Overall there was a poor relationship between growth strain and board deflection. No consistent relationships were found between a range of wood properties and growth strain or board deflection across both sites. Stress levels were calculated for each tree as the product of growth strain and modulus of elasticity and the relationship between calculated stress and mean board deflection determined. No relationship was found at either site with correlations being very close to zero.

The underlying theoretical relationships between stress and strain were examined and several questions raised about the validity of such models.  相似文献   

North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) assess the concurrent dynamics of live trees, understory vegetation and different types of coarse woody debris (CWD) during succession after HIF; and (2) document how MIF affects stand structure component dynamics compared to HIF. Stands affected by both HIF and MIF were selected. Tree characteristics and age structure, understory biomass, and CWD volume were assessed. Our results suggest that the structural succession of jack pine stands following HIF comprises three stages: young stands (<48 years), premature and mature stands (58–100 years) and old stands (>118 years). Canopy openness and jack pine density significantly decreased with time since HIF, while black spruce density and CWD volume significantly increased. The highest structural diversity was measured in the premature and mature stands. Compared to HIF, MIF increased mean jack pine basal area, decreased average stand density, delayed the replacement of jack pine by black spruce replacement in the canopy, decreased CWD volume, and significantly increased bryophytes mass. MIF increased the diversity of live trees and generally decreased CWD structural diversity. The study confirms the diversity of natural disturbance magnitude and successional processes thereby initiated. Thereafter, it appeared to be relevant for adjustment of disturbance emulating forest-management systems.  相似文献   

Both climate and land-use changes, including the introduction and spread of allochthonous species, are forecast to affect forest ecosystems. Accordingly, forests will be affected in terms of species composition as well as their soil chemical and biological characteristics. The possible changes in both tree cover and soil system might impact the amount of carbon that is stored in living plants and dead biomass and within the soil itself. Additionally, such alterations can have a strong impact on ...  相似文献   

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