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We estimate the value to a non-industrial forest landowner of information about the magnitude of fire arrival rates. A simulation based on a model from Amacher et al. [Amacher, G., Malik, A., Haight, R., in press. Not getting burned: the importance of fire prevention in forest management. Land Economics] is used to assess the cost of mistakes made by a landowner when stand management decisions are made without perfect knowledge of the fire arrival probability. These costs are reflected in the higher losses incurred by a landowner if fire arrives during a rotation. The representative landowner studied in the simulation is assumed to value nontimber benefits, and to make rotation age, planting density and fuel reduction decisions. We find that the value of information about the overall magnitude of fire risk is more than twice as high when the landowner underestimates fire risk, rather than overestimating it.  相似文献   

The Angora Fire burned 1243 ha of Jeffrey pine and mixed conifer forest in the Lake Tahoe Basin between June 24 and July 2, 2007. The Angora Fire burned at unusually high severity due to heavy fuels; strong winds; warm, dry weather; and unseasonably low fuel moistures. The fire destroyed 254 homes, and final loss and suppression cost estimates of $160,000,000 make the Angora Fire one of the ten costliest wildfires in US history. The Angora Fire burned into 194 ha of fuel treatments intended to modify fire behavior and protect private and public assets in the Angora Creek watershed. The fire thus provides a unique opportunity to quantitatively assess the effects of fuel treatments on wildfire severity in an area of wildland–urban interface. We measured fire effects on vegetation in treated and adjacent untreated areas within the Angora Fire perimeter, immediately after and one year after the fire. Our measures of fire severity included tree mortality; height of bole char, crown scorch, and crown torch; and percent crown scorch and torch. Unlike most studies of fuel treatment effectiveness, our study design included replication and implicitly controlled for variation in topography and weather. Our results show that fuel treatments generally performed as designed and substantially changed fire behavior and subsequent fire effects to forest vegetation. Exceptions include two treatment units where slope steepness led to lower levels of fuels removal due to local standards for erosion prevention. Hand-piled fuels in one of these two units had also not yet been burned. Excepting these units, bole char height and fire effects to the forest canopy (measured by crown scorching and torching) were significantly lower, and tree survival significantly higher, within sampled treatments than outside them. In most cases, crown fire behavior changed to surface fire within 50 m of encountering a fuel treatment. The Angora Fire underlines the important role that properly implemented fuel treatments can play in protecting assets, reducing fire severity and increasing forest resilience.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, researchers have developed a range of decision support systems (DSS) which seek to improve the evidence-base for decision-making in the forestry sector in Great Britain. Many are now integral to the systems of forest management and planning used. However, in some cases, levels of adoption have been lower than expected. This problem is neither unique to Great Britain nor to forestry, and increasingly it is being explained in terms of the quality of stakeholder engagement during DSS development and implementation. Thus, social research was undertaken to understand the factors affecting DSS uptake. The methods included an online survey completed by 81 members of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and Forestry Commission staff and 30 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. Four sets of factors were seen to influence uptake: professional judgement and cultural resistance; communication and access; training, support and consolidation; and meeting user requirements. More generally, our conclusions highlight the need for a shift in the quality of interactions at the science–policy–practice interface: from knowledge-transfer (a unidirectional “bridging of gaps”) to knowledge-exchange (dialogue between collaborating partners) and knowledge-interaction (shared cultures and institutions).  相似文献   

Although there are abundant natural resources in nature reserves, poverty is a common feature of the social economy in the communities surrounding nature reserves. Income from forestry is still the main source for residents living around nature reserves. The structure of inputs and outputs, i.e. productivity, in the forestry sector in nature reserves is quite different from one reserve to another. Productivity can be measured by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods owing to the characteristics of DEA. The promotion of productivity in nature reserve is an effective way to improve the living condition in areas neighboring nature reserves. Thus, one typical national nature reserve in Hunan is selected in this study with the intent to measure productivity in the area and then to analyze the factors affecting its productivity.  相似文献   

Gap fellings are used to promote multi-cohort structures and to restore other natural forest structures and processes in protected areas that have been altered by anthropogenic activities. Gaps and felled trees may also provide breeding material for species that in high numbers can cause significant tree mortality, growth reduction and consequent economic losses in surrounding production forests. In this study, the effect of restoration gap fellings on feeding intensity of Tomicus spp. (pine shoot beetles) was evaluated by counting fallen pine shoots at different distances from gaps in a protected area in eastern Finland. Gap fellings had a clear effect on the feeding intensity of the beetles. The average density of fallen shoots m−2 was 17 within a 10-m distance from gaps but decreased rapidly to around 4 at the distance of 50 m and beyond. The distance decay in shoot feeding is described well by the negative exponential models. Our results suggest that gap fellings have only a localized effect on shoot feeding by Tomicus in the forests surrounding the restoration gaps. In practical restoration, a buffer zone of 100–200 m around the gap fellings, as implemented here, is enough to minimize economically significant growth reduction in surrounding production forests. As shown in this study, restoration of natural forest structures and dynamics to protect biodiversity is not necessarily in conflict with forest hygiene objectives in production forests.  相似文献   

A generalized height–diameter model was developed for Eucalyptus globulus Labill. stands in Galicia (northwestern Spain). The study involved a variety of pure stands ranging from even-aged to uneven-aged. Data were obtained from permanent circular sample plots in which trees were sampled within different radii according to their diameter at breast height. A combination of weighted regression, to take into account the unequal selection probabilities of such an inventory design, and mixed model techniques, to accommodate local random fluctuations in the height–diameter relationship, were applied to estimate fixed and random parameters for several models reported in the relevant literature. The models that provided the best results included dominant height and dominant diameter as fixed effects. These models explained more than 83% of the observed variability, with mean errors of less than 2.5 m. Random parameters for particular plots were estimated with different tree selection options. Height–diameter relationships tailored to individual plots can be obtained by calibration of the height measurements of the three smallest trees in a plot. An independent dataset was used to test the performance of the model with data not used in the fitting process, and to demonstrate the advantages of calibrating the mixed-effects model.  相似文献   

Inquiringinto″TransplantingtheSouthernBamboosintheNorth″ThepeoplestayinginBeijingforalongtimeknowstheparkofZiZhuYuanBlackbamboothatwasestablishedforcommemoratingChineselongcultureofbamboobyBeijinggovernment.Intheearlywinterormistwhatwebreatheoutbecomest…  相似文献   

Portugal's forests in the 12th century were dominated by the Fagaceae represented by Quercus and Castanea, and several pine species.From the 12th century onwards, forests underwent changes in their management starting with protection and ultimately leading to intense exploitation. The massive naval construction during the maritime expansion(mainly in the 15th–16th centuries) involved felling of approximately 5 million trees mainly Quercus suber, Pinus pinea and other Quercus species. Cumulative fuel-wood consumption of 959 Mm3 during 1300–1854 was attributed to demographic expansion while the deforestation rate during 1636–1854 accounted for a minimum of 72.6% and a maximum of 96% of total forest cover. The volume of timber used in railway sleepers from 1856 onwards might have reached 0.5 Mm3. The last quarter of the 20th century increased the forest cover of Portugal through the World Bank program of Eucalyptus globulus reforestation.  相似文献   

Sustainability impact assessment (SIA) is a prospective, integrated assessment approach for potential impacts of policy actions. Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) can be used to facilitate a multi-indicator evaluation in this framework in order to foster rational and transparent decision-making processes for SIA. Based on the outputs of the EFORWOOD project, this paper presents an exploratory MCA to a regional forest-wood chain (FWC) in Baden–Württemberg. This assessment is based on a set of sustainability indicators at process level for a baseline year 2005, reference futures ‘A1’ and ‘B2’ following the definition of the IPCC and a bio-energy scenario implanted into the reference future ‘A1’. The indicator values were calculated by the process tool ToSIA. It is demonstrated how time steps for parts of the regional FWC (forest management, harvest and transport to the mill gate) can be evaluated, as well as the outcomes of different scenarios for a time period. For this purpose, a novel software tool, ToSIA-MCA, is used to calculate relative sustainability impact rating (SIR) based on a PROMETHEE II algorithm. Further, we performed uncertainty analysis to test the stability of ranking results in the absence of real preference information with regard to uncertainty in indicator data. By comparing different indicator weighting patterns, the sensitivity of SIR calculation was further tested. The exploratory MCA outcomes are critically evaluated against the background of assumptions, and data used in the regional case, and an outlook is given on the importance to gain stronger stakeholder involvement in real-life applications.  相似文献   

Serious land degradation exists in the marginal areas of North China, the important ecological transition between semi-arid and sub-humid climate zones, which is a relatively narrow belt with 100-250 km in width and about 2 000 km in length. The annual rainfall varies between 300-400 mm. In the past hundred years (before 2000), most of the land in the region had been used for grazing and dryland cropping. As land-use is intensifying, particularly since 1970s and 1980s, desertification has accelerated. Our case studies in 2000 indicated that: (1) Sand-dust storms are the result of a combination of climate change, such as strong winds and dry weather, but their frequency and intensity are mainly related to precipitation variations. The El Nina/El Nino effect is strongly implicated. (2) Human economic activities result in sufficient sand-dust sources to create a hazard. Large-scale land conversion for cropping, deforestation, irrational use of water resources and over-exploitation of groundwater have all c  相似文献   

The twigs of Cudrania tricuspidata were found to show strong tyrosinase inhibitory activity, and further detailed component analysis resulted in the isolation of a new flavanol glucoside, (2S,3S)-2,3-trans-dihydromorin-7-O-β-d-glucoside (1), plus twenty-seven known compounds (2–28). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of ESI-MS and NMR spectral data. Among the isolated compounds, trans-dihydromorin (8), oxyresveratrol (9), and steppogenin (12) were found to exhibit significant tyrosinase inhibition activities. Moreover, the structure–activity relationship of these isolated compounds was also discussed.  相似文献   

Importance–performance (I-P) analysis is a common evaluative measure in forest recreation management. However, concerns with I-P analysis have been raised. In this study, the observance–influence (O-I) analysis technique modified from I-P analysis was adapted for analysing the observance of various use and resource impacts by on-site visitors, and the influence that these impact conditions have on forest recreation area visitor experiences. During the summer and autumn of 2000, 476 Worak-san Forest National Park visitors in Korea were surveyed. The O-I grid generated from the survey data indicated that managers are doing a good job. The grid revealed most impacts clustering in the low priority concern and no concern quadrants. Impacts shown to be of most concern related to utility poles and power lines, poor maintenance of buildings, dead and dying trees, and discourteous behaviour. The O-I grid analysis model has considerable utility for park managers in analysing visitors’ perceptions of park impacts.  相似文献   

This work studied the effects of tree species composition on soil carbon storage in five mixed stands dominated by oriental beech and grown in the western Caspian region in Guilan province, called Astara, Asalem, Fuman, Chere and Shenrud. The thickness of the litter layer, soil characteristics, tree composition and percentage of canopy coverage were measured in each stand. Total soil organic carbon differed significantly by stand. Total (organic) carbon stores at Fuman, which had the lowest tree species richness with 2 species and least canopy coverage (75%), were significantly (p〈0.05) higher than at other locations. Carbon stor-age in topsoil (0-10 cm) was significantly lower in Shenrud, which had the highest tree species richness with 5 species and highest canopy cov-erage (95%). The high percentage of canopy coverage in Shenrud proba-bly limited the conversion of litter to humus. However, in the second soil layer (10-25 cm), Asalem, with high tree species richness and canopy coverage, had the highest carbon storage. This can be explained by the different rooting patterns of different tree species. In the Hyrcanian forest. According to the results, it can be concluded that not only tree composi-tion but also canopy coverage percentage should be taken under consid-eration to manage soil carbon retention and release.  相似文献   

Species selection for reforestations can be challenging in habitat protection zones, especially in human transformed landscapes, where nativeness of some species is not easily determined and yet is crucial for knowing whether a species can be used or not. We try to determine whether Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC was present in the Cantabrian Range (Spain) and whether it could have disappeared recently due to anthropogenic causes. Plant morphology and needle anatomy were characterized in Pinus sylvestris L. and P. uncinata 2-year-old seedlings. An analysis of variance was used for selecting morphological markers capable of discriminating both species. These markers permit the comparison of seedlings coming from the highest zone of Puebla de Lillo relict pinewood (Cantabrian Range) with reference material from Castillo de Vinuesa (Iberian Range). This comparison was firstly made with two multivariate methods, a principal component analysis and a multivariate discriminant analysis. Subsequently, this was corroborated with the detection of a species-specific chloroplast DNA marker. The differences found between both species reflect the better adaptation of P. uncinata to typical highland environment. Several Puebla de Lillo seedlings had P. uncinata type morphology and haplotype, suggesting the presence of this species in the Cantabrian Range until recently. This discovery changes the current interpretation of the zone’s vegetation, enhancing the natural presence of highland open pinewoods. However, human activities (fire and livestock grazing) have driven them to extinction and have favoured the contemporary expansion of heathlands. Based on this P. uncinata case, we discuss how local extinctions can affect management and conservation policies negatively.  相似文献   


? Context

Two-thirds of Britain’s forest area is privately owned. Thus, understanding private forest owners and managers, and their attitudes to uncertainty and change, is essential for the success of climate change adaptation policies.

? Aim

The aims of this study are to (1) assess how beliefs in climate change in the private sector have influenced forest management practices; (2) identify constraints related to changes in species choice and silvicultural systems; (3) analyse the implications for implementing climate change policy in forestry.

? Method

Semi-structured interviews with key informants who provide advice to, or manage woodlands in, the private forest sector in north Wales.

? Results

Woodland managers and some advisers are not generally convinced of a need to adapt. They feel the future is uncertain, more usually in relation to tree disease than to climate change itself. Species choice is the principle focus of adaptation activities and reveals a deep divide in opinion. Commercial advisors look to new exotics but are inhibited by absence of markets, while small-scale owners rely more on native genetic diversity.

? Conclusions

Findings that are likely to apply widely include: the influential role of forest agents in forest management decisions including species choice; lack of confidence in climate change predictions, and in markets; more immediate concerns about tree pests and diseases; demand for leadership from the public sector, and for engagement amongst the private sector. Further research is needed across a wider area to test the variability in relationship between attitudes and behaviours, and local conditions including climate change predictions.  相似文献   

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