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Snags are important both as structural components and as animal habitat in forests, but abundance is often low and their dynamics poorly understood in young, managed stands. Using a large data set of 19,622 snags from permanent plots in second-growth forests of coastal British Columbia, we modeled snag longevity (time from tree mortality to snag fall) for three species: Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and western redcedar (Thuja plicata). Snag longevity was strongly related to species and snag size (diameter): the median snag longevity was 16 years for Douglas-fir, 11 years for hemlock and 5 years for redcedar. Western redcedar was predominantly in the subcanopy and its rapid fall rate was related to the small size of its snags. In addition to diameter, other attributes (height to diameter ratio, height, and live crown ratio before death) contributed significantly to models for one or two of the species. However, site level variables did not contribute significantly to any of the models. Snags greater than 50 cm diameter, especially Douglas-fir snags, have the potential for persistence well beyond 20 years in these second-growth forests, and could be important for wildlife.  相似文献   

Yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn), two valuable tree species of Pacific Northwest forests, are competitive in low productivity forests on wet, nearly saturated soils with low nitrogen (N) availability and turnover. We propose a mechanism where cedar trees survive in marginal conditions through exploiting a coupled Ca–NO3 nutrient cycle where trees assimilate N as nitrate (NO3), but must accumulate a counter-ion to NO3 such as calcium (Ca+2) to control their internal cell pH and provide electrochemical balance. The availability of NO3 in cedar forests is favored by increased microbial activity and shifts in microbial community composition that is conducive to N mineralization and nitrification at higher pH. Cedars influence the soils under their canopy by enriching the forest floor with calcium compounds leading to increases in pH. Cedars are also prone to precocious dehardening in the spring when N is released from freeze–thaw events in the soils and conditions appear to favor nitrifying microbial communities. Cedars must concentrate fine-root biomass near the soil surface to access Ca and NO3, but this beneficial physiological adaptation also creates a vulnerability to periodic root freezing injury that is leading to the decline and mortality of at least one of them—yellow-cedar.  相似文献   

崖柏属植物的核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了从细胞学角度探讨崖柏属植物分类与进化问题,[方法]采用根尖压片法对崖柏属5种植物进行核型研究。[结果]表明:崖柏和日本香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=18m(2SAT)+4sm,朝鲜崖柏、北美乔柏和北美香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m(2SAT)+2sm,5种植物的核型均属于1A类型。[结论]该属在柏科中可能处于比较进步的进化地位;通过进化趋势图分析发现,崖柏在该属中分化最晚,而朝鲜崖柏则较原始。  相似文献   

To determine the influence of cavity size, seedling density and fungicide application on severity of Keithia blight caused by the fungus Didymascella thujina (Durand) Maire, western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn) seedlings were grown in styroblocks of 3 cavity sizes, thinned to 3 growing densities and sprayed several times monthly with mancozeb fungicide. After two growing seasons cavity size, seedling growing density and number of fungicide applications all significantly (p0.05) affected blight severity. Blight severity was inversely related to the number of mancozeb fungicide applications. The only significant two-way interaction was for cavity size and seedling growing density.Eighteen seedlings from each of the nine cavity sizes and seedling densities combinations were assessed for shoot height, root collar diameter and blight severity, prior to planting at both Holt Creek and Salmon Creek on Vancouver Island, British Columbia in March 1994. Growth was reassessed during October 1994. Seedling height and root collar diameter increased significantly (p0.05) with certain cavity size and seedling density combinations. Blight severity increased significantly (p0.05) for all nine treatments at both sites, however, between sites blight severity increased significantly (p0.05) only at the wetter, Salmon Creek site.  相似文献   

Four treatments (control, burn-only, thin-only, and thin-and-burn) were evaluated for their effects on bark beetle-caused mortality in both the short-term (one to four years) and the long-term (seven years) in mixed-conifer forests in western Montana, USA. In addition to assessing bark beetle responses to these treatments, we also measured natural enemy landing rates and resin flow of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) the season fire treatments were implemented. All bark beetles were present at low population levels (non-outbreak) for the duration of the study. Post-treatment mortality of trees due to bark beetles was lowest in the thin-only and control units and highest in the units receiving burns. Three tree-killing bark beetle species responded positively to fire treatments: Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae), pine engraver (Ips pini), and western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis). Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) responded positively to fire treatments, but never caused mortality. Three fire damage variables tested (height of crown scorch, percent circumference of the tree bole scorched, or degree of ground char) were significant factors in predicting beetle attack on trees. Douglas-fir beetle and pine engraver responded rapidly to increased availability of resources (fire-damaged trees); however, successful attacks dropped rapidly once these resources were depleted. Movement to green trees by pine engraver was not observed in plots receiving fire treatments, or in thinned plots where slash supported substantial reproduction by this beetle. The fourth tree-killing beetle present at the site, the mountain pine beetle, did not exhibit responses to any treatment. Natural enemies generally arrived at trees the same time as host bark beetles. However, the landing rates of only one, Medetera spp., was affected by treatment. This predator responded positively to thinning treatments. This insect was present in very high numbers indicating a regulatory effect on beetles, at least in the short-term, in thinned stands. Resin flow decreased from June to August. However, resin flow was significantly higher in trees in August than in June in fire treatments. Increased flow in burned trees later in the season did not affect beetle attack success. Overall, responses by beetles to treatments were short-term and limited to fire-damaged trees. Expansions into green trees did not occur. This lack of spread was likely due to a combination of high tree vigor in residual stands and low background populations of bark beetles.  相似文献   

The present study examined branch and stem characteristics of trees growing around gaps in Norway spruce plantations. Trees located at the edge of gaps with a radius of either 5 m or 7 m either unplanted or with supplementary planting were compared to trees in the original closed plantation. The experiment was carried out in two locations in the south of Sweden and the design included four blocks at each location and one replicate of each treatment in each block. The measurements were carried out on standing and felled trees in 2005 at the time of the first thinning. The results indicate a significant effect of gaps and supplementary planting on the diameter of the largest branch, the number of living branches close to breast height, branch basal area, height to the first living branch and taper. The effect of supplementary planting on branch and stem characteristics was greater in large gaps than in small ones. This study indicated that supplementary planting may be useful in affecting stem-form and branch parameters, although other studies have shown that the trees that result from supplementary planting contribute little to total production.  相似文献   

Variability of soil CO2 efflux strongly depends on soil temperature, soil moisture and plant phenology. Separating the effects of these factors is critical to understand the belowground carbon dynamics of forest ecosystem. In Ethiopia with its unreliable seasonal rainfall, variability of soil CO2 efflux may be particularly associated with seasonal variation. In this study, soil respiration was measured in nine plots under the canopies of three indigenous trees (Croton macrostachys, Podocarpus falcatus and Prunus africana) growing in an Afromontane forest of south-eastern Ethiopia. Our objectives were to investigate seasonal and diurnal variation in soil CO2 flux rate as a function of soil temperature and soil moisture, and to investigate the impact of tree species composition on soil respiration. Results showed that soil respiration displayed strong seasonal patterns, being lower during dry periods and higher during wet periods. The dependence of soil respiration on soil moisture under the three tree species explained about 50% of the seasonal variability. The relation followed a Gaussian function, and indicated a decrease in soil respiration at soil volumetric water contents exceeding a threshold of about 30%. Under more moist conditions soil respiration is tentatively limited by low oxygen supply. On a diurnal basis temperature dependency was observed, but not during dry periods when plant and soil microbial activities were restrained by moisture deficiency. Tree species influenced soil respiration, and there was a significant interaction effect of tree species and soil moisture on soil CO2 efflux variability. During wet (and cloudy) period, when shade tolerant late successional P. falcatus is having a physiological advantage, soil respiration under this tree species exceeded that under the other two species. In contrast, soil CO2 efflux rates under light demanding pioneer C. macrostachys appeared to be least sensitive to dry (but sunny) conditions. This is probably related to the relatively higher carbon assimilation rates and associated root respiration. We conclude that besides the anticipated changes in precipitation pattern in Ethiopia any anthropogenic disturbance fostering the pioneer species may alter the future ecosystem carbon balance by its impact on soil respiration.  相似文献   

崖柏和侧柏幼苗对自然降温的生理生化反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以崖柏和侧柏幼苗为对象,研究其叶片在秋冬季节性自然降温过程中抗氧化酶、渗透调节物质和丙二醛(MDA)的变化特征,并比较两树种对低温胁迫的适应能力.结果表明:在秋冬季节性自然降温过程中,日最低气温由12.50℃降至-13.96℃,崖柏幼苗叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性均显著增强,但过氧化物酶(POD)活性基本没有变化,而侧柏的SOD和POD活性同时增强;两树种叶片脯氨酸(Pro)含量、可溶性糖含量均显著增加,但崖柏的增加幅度低于侧柏;两树种叶片MDA含量均极显著增加,但崖柏增加幅度较大.日最低气温与侧柏的SOD、POD和可溶性糖含量均极显著相关,但仅与崖柏的SOD极显著相关,表明在季节性自然降温过程中,侧柏比崖柏更能够建立较完善的防御系统进行自身调节以适应低温环境.研究结果可为崖柏迁地保存和栽培管理工作提供参考.  相似文献   

Windward slopes of the inland mountain ranges in British Columbia support a unique inland temperate rainforest (ITR) ecosystem. Increasing fragmentation and the loss of old ITR stands have highlighted the need for determining conservation biology priorities among remaining old forest stands. We have addressed this issue by surveying foliose macrolichens within 53 old ITR stands in British Columbia's 135,000 ha very wet-cool interior-cedar hemlock (ICHvk2) biogeoclimatic subzone in the upper Fraser River watershed. Study plots were stratified by leading tree species and by “wet” versus “dry” relative soil moisture conditions. Other plot variables included: temperature, precipitation, incident solar loading, and canopy openness. Ordination plots showed a distinct assemblage of foliose cyanolichens, including Lobaria pulmonaria, Lobaria retigera, Sticta fuliginosa, Nephroma isidiosum, Nephroma occultum, and Pseudocyphellaria anomala, whose abundance was correlated with increasing relative soil moisture, temperature, canopy openness, precipitation, and basal area of spruce. Logistic regression models similarly identified relative soil moisture and temperature in all parsimonious models. Leading tree species, in combination with “wet” relative soil moisture and/or temperature, were important factors explaining the presence or absence of five (Cavernularia hultenii, L. retigera, N. occultum, Platismatia norvegica, and Sticta oroborealis) of the eight modeled old-growth associate lichen species. This combination of conditions favouring the development of canopy lichen communities in old forests was best expressed in low elevation water receiving sites. We hypothesize that groundwater availability in these sites promotes species richness and abundance of canopy lichens by creating more favourable conditions for growth, and by reducing fire return intervals which allows for the accumulation of rare species over time. Historically, forests in these wet “toe-slope” positions were disproportionately targeted for logging. Their conservation should now be a high priority, given their disproportionate significance to maintaining canopy lichen diversity in the present-day landscapes.  相似文献   

An understanding of growth and photosynthetic potential of subtropical rainforest species to variations in light environment can be useful for determining the sequence of species introductions in rainforest restoration projects and mixed species plantations. We examined the growth and physiology of six Australian subtropical rainforest tree species in a greenhouse consisting of three artificial light environments (10%, 30%, and 60% full sunlight). Morphological responses followed the typical sun-shade dichotomy, with early and late secondary species (Elaeocarpus grandis, Flindersia brayleyana, Flindersia schottiana, and Gmelina leichhardtii) displaying higher relative growth rate (RGR) compared to mature stage species (Cryptocarya erythroxylon and Heritiera trifoliolatum). Growth and photosynthetic performance of most species reached a maximum in 30–60% full sunlight. Physiological responses provided limited evidence of a distinct dichotomy between early and late successional species. E. grandis and F. brayleyana, provided a clear representation of early successional species, with marked increase in Amax in high light and an ability to down regulate photosynthetic machinery in low light conditions. The remaining species (F. schottiana, G. leichhardtii, and H. trifoliolatum) were better represented as falling along a shade-tolerant continuum, with limited ability to adjust physiologically to an increase or decrease in light, maintaining similar Amax across all light environments. Results show that most species belong to a shade-tolerant constituency, with an ability to grow and persist across a wide range of light environments. The species offer a wide range of potential planting scenarios and silvicultural options, with ample potential to achieve rapid canopy closure and rainforest restoration goals.  相似文献   

There are many impacts during a tree's life that affect bole development. In Maesopsis eminii, a high-potential timber species in Uganda, studies have shown that the occurrence of strongly bent boles is the overwhelming reason that boles fail quality criteria. This observation is incongruous with the tree architecture model of Roux, which describes M. eminii as a tree with a strong apical dominance, meaning that it has a strong genetically based preference for vertical growth of the terminal sprout relative to side branches. As external causes for bent boles could be excluded, we demonstrate in this study the proof of heliotropic growth, i.e. an active bending towards light, for M. eminii beyond the sapling stage. We develop a model used to describe the effects of competition on bole quality using bole form parameters and basic information about the neighbouring trees, and without having to incorporate crown parameters. By means of calculated bole parameters and a mathematical equation to calculate the intensity and direction of competition, we prove the existence of a heliotropic growth reaction. However, we are not able to predict the intensity of this reaction. Finally, general silvicultural recommendations are discussed for tree species with strong heliotropic growth.  相似文献   

Insect damage to production forests has the potential to reduce financial returns by retarding tree growth and causing mortality, however, long-term realised quantification of these losses is rare. In order to help elucidate economic damage thresholds for making spray decisions we capitalised on a natural outbreak of autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata, in a 2-year-old Eucalyptus nitens plantation. Following the partial chemical control of this insect outbreak we measured the tree growth variables diameter at breast height over bark and height of five differing tree defoliation classes for 75 months following tree damage. At the end of this period a threshold model was fitted to describe the relationship between tree defoliation and realised tree wood volumes. The model revealed that realised stand wood volume was not significantly affected up until defoliation exceeded 60% and then declined sharply after this defoliation level was reached. Further support for this defoliation threshold was evident from multiple comparisons among defoliation classes that showed 50% defoliated trees did not have significantly different wood volume compared to more lightly defoliated trees, but did have significantly greater wood volume compared to trees that were 72% or more defoliated. To determine if the realised differences in wood volume resulted in differences in yield over a plantation rotation the E. nitens growth model NITGRO was used to on-grow trees to age 15 years for a ‘best case’ (type 1 growth response, constant growth rates from last inventory until harvest) and ‘worst case’ (type 2 growth response, divergent growth rates from last inventory until harvest) scenario. The threshold model was then fitted to the outcomes of both scenarios and the economic consequences of defoliation were clearly dependent on the growth function assumed.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of species and spacing of nurse trees on the growth of Hopea odorata, a dipterocarp tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, in a two-storied forest management system in northeast Thailand. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia auriculiformis, and Senna siamea were planted as nurse trees in 1987 at spacings of 4 m × 8 m, 2 m × 8 m, 4 m × 4 m, and 2 m × 4 m in the Sakaerat Silvicultural Research Station of the Royal Forest Department, Thailand. Seedlings of H. odorata were planted in the nurse tree stands at a uniform spacing of 4 m × 4 m and in control plots (no nurse trees) in 1990. Stem numbers of some nurse trees were thinned by half in 1994. The stem diameter and height of all trees were measured annually until 1995 and again in 2007. The mean annual increment (MAI) in volume was estimated as 8.2–10.1 m3 ha−1 year−1 for E. camaldulensis and 0.9–1.2 m3 ha−1 year−1 for S. siamea, smaller than reported elsewhere. This suggests that the site properties were not suitable for them. The MAI of A. auriculiformis was 7.9–9.8 m3 ha−1 year−1, within the reported range. Survival rates of H. odorata in the S. siamea stands and the control plots decreased rapidly during the first 2 years but then stayed constant from 1992. In contrast, survival rates of H. odorata in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands were initially high (>70%), but then decreased after 1995. Stem diameter, tree height, and stand basal area of H. odorata were large in both the S. siamea stands and the control plots from then. The growth of H. odorata was largest in the 2 m × 8 m S. siamea stands. In contrast, it was restricted in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands owing to strong shading by their canopies. Thinning by 50% tended to facilitate the growth of H. odorata temporarily in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands. The stand basal areas of nurse trees and of H. odorata showed a trade-off. These results suggest that the growth of H. odorata was maximized in the S. siamea stands. We assume, however, that the growth of H. odorata could be improved even in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands by frequent or heavy thinning.  相似文献   

Because of their high growth rate and tolerance to bare soil, two exotic Acacia species, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium, have been commonly planted in degraded areas of South China. With their large canopies and ability to fix nitrogen, the two Acacia species have also been considered to act as nurse plants for understory plants. The current study clarified the nursing effects of the Acacia species by comparing microclimate characteristics and physiological traits of native plant seedlings at three sites: under the canopies of the each Acacia species and on bare land (open site). Although the sites were not replicated, the results indicated that adult trees of both Acacia species can facilitate native species, but that A. mangium has greater facilitating effects due to greater temperature buffering, radiation reduction, and nutrient amelioration. In response to facilitation, three species (Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurei, and Manglietia glauca) with different shade-tolerant traits growing under Acacia canopies expressed distinct adaptations. For the three species, the chlorophyll fluorescence curves of rETR and ΔF/Fm′ were higher under A. auriculiformis and on the open site than under A. mangium. The maximum quantum yield in PSII(Fv/Fm) in diurnal changes of the three species showed that all the Fv/Fm values were between 0.70 and 0.84 and that the Fv/Fm values were mostly higher under A. mangium than on the open site or under A. auriculiformis. Total chlorophyll content and both chlorophyll a and b contents in the three species were higher under the Acacia species than on the open site, while chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher on the open site. In contrast, the carotenoid content in C. hystrix and M. macclurei was lower under the two Acacia species than on the open site, while the opposite was true for M. glauca. The results demonstrate that the adaptation of the understory species to abiotic environmental factors is not restricted to a single mechanism but apparently involves a group of interrelated, adaptive suites. And also these adaptations were species-specific and especially related to their shade tolerance.  相似文献   

Seventy 1–28-year-old clearcuts were sampled to characterize post-harvest vegetation development and to determine the effect of mechanical site treatment and Picea glauca (Moench) Voss (white spruce) crop-seedling planting on regenerating boreal forest stands in the John D’Or—Wood Buffalo National Park area of northern Alberta in western Canada (58°35′N, 114°37′W). Natural Populus tremuloides/Rosa–Viburnum stands of wildfire origin (n = 25), widespread occurrence, and 52–91-year-old were sampled as a benchmark for comparison. Clearcut Populus-Picea and Picea stands reverted to early successional Populus tremuloides Michx. (trembling aspen)—dominated vegetation, with maximum sucker densities (mean 18 716, S.D. 13 239) within 4 years after stand initiation. Stem exclusion occurred most intensively 5–20 years after initiation, but was expected to continue until stands were >40–50-year-old. In untreated clearcuts, tree and understory shrub cover peaked near natural stand levels 18–20 years after harvesting, and graminoid cover remained constant (∼3%) but elevated compared to natural levels (<1%); whereas forb cover decreased linearly to natural stand levels by Year 28. The early composition of clearcuts was primarily composed of species that were common to the natural stands and also vegetatively reproduced. Mechanical site treatment and crop-seedling planting delayed attainment of maximum tree cover by 7 years, with total cover similar to natural stands. Site treatment reduced total shrub cover and prolonged the occurrence of elevated forb and graminoid cover values, probably in response to disruption of the pre-treatment ground vegetation. Calamagrostis canadensis L., a common crop-seedling competitor, was typically of minor importance on the sampled clearcuts compared to levels associated with more southerly boreal clearcuts. Detrended correspondence analysis ordinations based on species cover suggested untreated and treated clearcuts >13–16-year-old approximated the composition of natural stands. The data also suggested that silvicultural planting of P. glauca will accelerate stand development toward late-successional conifer-dominated vegetation relative to unplanted and natural stands.  相似文献   

中国特有濒危植物崖柏扦插繁殖研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在重庆市城口县咸宜乡苗圃和中国林科院温室开展崖柏扦插繁殖试验,研究采穗母树年龄、不同激素种类及其组合、激素浓度、扦插基质、物理促根等不同处理方式下崖柏扦插生根效应.结果表明:(1)在咸宜乡苗圃,采用自动喷雾设施,以蛭石-泥炭土-珍珠岩(1∶1∶1)为扦插基质,用3种激素和清水处理崖柏幼树1年生枝条,扦插后160d的生根率为74.76%~96.70%,不同处理组合生根效应具有显著差异,2000 mg· L-1 IBA>清水对照(CK)>1 000mg·L-1 IBA>1 000 mg·L-1IBA+ 500 mg· L-1NAA;(2)在林科院温室用2种激素和清水处理崖柏幼树1年生枝条,扦插于蛭石-泥炭土-珍珠岩(1∶1∶1)的基质,搭塑料拱棚,扦插后120 d的生根率远低于咸宜乡苗圃,为25.93%~45.37%,激素处理后的枝条与对照差异显著,1 000 mg·L-1 IBA+ 50 mg·L-1 NAA=2 000 mg·L-1 IBA>清水对照(CK);(3)在咸宜乡苗圃用不同激素和物理促生根方法组成的27种组合处理的成年崖柏枝条,最高生根率仅为20.83%.生根率超过10%的处理组合是:清水处理,泥炭土∶蛭石∶珍珠岩(1∶1∶1);1 000 mg·L-1IBA+500 mg·L-NAA,泥炭土∶珍珠岩(2∶1);1 000 mg·L-1IBA,泥炭土∶蛭石∶珍珠岩(1∶1∶1),流水冲洗.  相似文献   

Attempts at natural forest management of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) have so far met with limited success, whilst many plantations are beset by the shoot borer Hypsipyla spp. In this paper we present preliminary results of an approach to enrichment planting that aims to balance economic returns (rapid growth and good silvicultural form) with intervention costs and changes to forest structure. Mahogany seedlings were planted in gaps created by selective timber harvesting and that ranged in vertical projected area from 91 to 542 m2 (mean = 257 m2). Seedlings grew within the matrix of gap regrowth, with limited control of competing vegetation. Sixty-one percent of seedlings had survived by 4.4 years (equivalent to an annual mortality rate of 10.5% year−1), and had reached a mean height of 4.5 m. Stocking levels of mahogany were similar to that of naturally regenerated commercial species in unplanted gaps of the same age, but mahogany seedlings were significantly taller. The incidence of shoot borer attack on mahogany stems was relatively low (54.7%), but, more importantly, most damaged stems (58%) responded by producing a single replacement leader. The cost of the proposed methodology (US$ 94 per gap over 4.4 years) was low compared to the high value of mahogany timber relative to other species in the forest. The implications of planting mahogany in gaps for forest management and the potential benefits to conservation of the species are considered.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of direct use of an ectomycorrhiza fungal inoculum (Boletusedulis) mixed with indolebutyric acid (IBA), super-absorbent polymers (SAP) and organic compound fertilizer on the survival and growth of Populus hopeiensis saplings on a semiarid site in Inner Mongolia, China, during the first 5 years after planting, and the practical feasibility of using this inoculum mixture over large semiarid areas in North China.  相似文献   

Many forests that historically experienced frequent low-intensity wildfires have undergone extensive alterations during the past century. Prescribed fire is now commonly used to restore these fire-adapted forest ecosystems. In this study, we examined the influence of prescribed burn season on levels of tree mortality attributed to prescribed fire effects (direct mortality) and bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (indirect mortality) in ponderosa pine, Pinusponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., and Jeffrey pine, Pinusjeffreyi Grev. and Balf., forests in California, USA. A total of 816 trees (9.9% of all trees) died during this 3-yr study. Significantly higher levels of tree mortality (all sources) occurred following early and late season burns compared to the untreated control, but no significant difference was observed between burn treatments. The majority (461 trees) of tree deaths were attributed to direct mortality from prescribed burns and was strongly concentrated (391 trees) in the smallest diameter class (<20.2 cm diameter at breast height, dbh). For the largest trees (>50.7 cm dbh), significantly higher levels of tree mortality occurred on early season burns than the untreated control, most of which resulted from indirect mortality attributed to bark beetle attacks, specifically western pine beetle, Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte, and mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins. Red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte, was the most common bark beetle species found colonizing trees, but tree mortality was not attributed to this species. A total of 355 trees (4.3% of all trees) were killed by bark beetles. Dendroctonus brevicomis (67 trees, 18.9%) and D. ponderosae (56 trees, 15.8%), were found colonizing P. ponderosa; and Jeffrey pine beetle, D. jeffreyi Hopkins, was found colonizing P. jeffreyi (seven trees, 2.0%). We also found pine engraver, Ips pini (Say) (137 trees, 38.6%), and, to a much lesser extent, Orthotomicus (=Ips) latidens (LeConte) (85 trees, 23.9%) and emarginate ips, I. emarginatus (LeConte) (3 trees, 0.8%) colonizing P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi. Few meaningful differences in levels of indirect tree mortality attributed to bark beetle attack were observed between early and late season burns. The incidence of root and root collar pathogens (Leptographium and Sporothrix spp.), including species known to be vectored by bark beetles, was low (18% of trees sampled). The implications of these and other results to management of P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi forests are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Ungulate browsing greatly influences regeneration dynamics of some forest ecosystems, yet the relationship between browse susceptibility and foliar chemistry of forest tree seedlings is not well understood. We applied field fertilization (15N-9P-10K controlled-release fertilizer at 0, 20, 40, and 60 g per seedling) and investigated how subsequent changes in terpenoid production and foliar nutrition influence ungulate browse preference for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla Raf. Sarg.), and western redcedar (Thujaplicata Donn ex D. Don) seedlings across four sites in northwestern Oregon, USA. Fertilization increased foliar N concentration of all three species, but above-ground growth of only Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Foliar monoterpene concentrations for western hemlock and western redcedar also increased at higher fertilization rates, while Douglas-fir monoterpene production was not affected by fertilization. Regardless of monoterpene levels, ungulate browse preference was greater for fertilized western hemlock seedlings. The opposite response, however, was observed for western redcedar at two of the four study sites where the likelihood of browse was greater for non-fertilized than fertilized seedlings. Differences in browse preference among species may depend on the type and amount of individual monoterpenes manufactured in response to fertilization. Western redcedar produce α- and β-thujone, oxygenated monoterpenes known to promote gastroenteritis and possibly inhibit microbial rumen activity, which were absent from Douglas-fir or western hemlock. Higher concentrations of α- and β-thujone associated with increasing fertilizer rate provide a plausible explanation as to why ungulates preferred non-fertilized western redcedar. Our results illustrate species-specific adaptation in browse avoidance and selective ungulate browsing behavior of individual trees as linked to foliar chemistry.  相似文献   

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