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在橡胶林下种植望天树、羯布罗香、格木、铁力木、降香黄檀、高阿丁枫等雨林树种,进行7种配置模式的种植试验,通过调查不同配置模式的生物量和碳贮量与橡胶纯林对比,选择出最佳的配置模式,结果表明:橡胶林下种植以格木为最佳模式,同时可以适当配置羯布罗香、望天树和铁力木。  相似文献   

测定了海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林不同择伐强度经营试验初期土壤 C、N含量及其储量 ,结果表明 :原始热带山地雨林土壤 C、N背景值分别为 10 8.91t· hm-2 、9.58t· hm-2 ,表层 50 cm土壤 C储量占深 10 0 cm土层 C储量的 77.6 % ,相应的 N储量占 73.8% ;30 %、50 %择伐强度经营 5个月后林地土壤 C储量分别比原始林降低 4 .5%和 5.3% ,但 30 %强度经营林地土壤 C/N接近未采伐的原始林。结果可作为对热带山地雨林选取持续经营模式的动态参考指标  相似文献   

This paper quantifies two important native forest ecosystem services in southern Chile: water supply and recreational fishing opportunities. We analyzed streamflow in relation to forest cover in six watersheds located in the Valdivian Coastal Range (39°50′–40°05′S), the effect of forest management on streamflow in two watersheds in the Valdivian Andes (600–650 m of elevation; 39°37′S), and fish abundance as a function of forest cover in 17 watersheds located in the Coastal Range and the Central Depression (39°50′–42°30′S). We found that the annual direct runoff coefficient (quickflow/precipitation) and total streamflow/precipitation in the dry summer season were positively correlated with native forest cover in the watershed (R2 = 0.67 and 0.76; *P = 0.045 and 0.027, respectively) during four years of observations. Conversely, a negative correlation was found between summer runoff coefficients (total streamflow/precipitation) and cover of Eucalyptus spp. and Pinusradiata plantations (R2 = 0.84; *P = 0.010). We estimated a mean increase of 14.1% in total summer streamflow for every 10% increase in native forest cover in the watershed. The analysis of streamflow changes between two paired watersheds dominated by native secondary Nothofagus stands, one thinned with 35% of basal area removal and a control, showed that the former had a 40% increase during summer (four years of observations). The best correlation between fish abundance and forest cover was found between trout abundance (%) and secondary native forest area in 1000 m × 60 m stream buffers (R2 = 0.65, ***P < 0.0001). We estimated a 14.6% increase in trout abundance for every 10% increase of native forest cover in these buffers. Similar approaches to quantify forest ecosystem services could be used elsewhere and provide useful information for policy and decision-making regarding forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Forest management on many ownerships in North America and Europe has shifted toward the ecosystem management paradigm. The associated shift toward multiple management objectives and focus on natural development patterns should also be reflected in regeneration research efforts. As new information needs arise, research questions and approaches should be evaluated whether they are still appropriate. Specifically, spatial and temporal scales of research studies need to be expanded to accommodate complex sets of management objectives and constraints, rather than being focused on optimal tree regeneration. At the same time, silviculturists are asked to utilize natural trends as a guide for management, but most natural disturbance studies have focused on stand structures and not the regeneration processes. Criteria commonly used to describe disturbance regimes need to be modified to better guide regeneration research efforts under the ecosystem management paradigm.  相似文献   

In September 2003 Hurricane Isabel swept through eastern North Carolina and Virginia, destroying most of what formerly ranked among the most extensive remaining stands of Atlantic White-cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides L., cedar). As Atlantic White-cedar communities are dependent on irregular, large-scale disturbances, the hurricane event can be viewed as an opportunity for perpetuating cedar populations in the Great Dismal Swamp. The success of cedar regeneration in the Dismal Swamp has been influenced by the management strategies employed by Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (active management) and by the adjacent Dismal Swamp State Park (passive management). We investigated the regeneration success of Atlantic White-cedar 5 years following Hurricane Isabel by sampling five stands at the Dismal Swamp State Park withstanding varying impact from the storm and previous windthrow events. We compared our findings to regeneration surveys completed at the adjacent Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Atlantic White-cedar seedling densities were up to 100 times higher in the actively managed Wildlife Refuge compared to the passively managed State Park. We also determined the seedbank of viable cedar seeds and we described the vegetation at the State Park. The stands at the State Park are now dominated by red maple (Acer rubrum) with a dense shrubby understory. Since viable cedar seeds were still present in the seedbank (>800,000 ha−1), future seedling establishment is possible at the State Park. However, active management is essential for achieving sufficient seedling densities and survival for regenerating a mature cedar stand.  相似文献   

We critically examine the hypothesis that dry forests in southern British Columbia evolved in the context of a low-severity fire-dominated disturbance regime, that fire suppression has led to ecological conditions which are radically different from the past, and that “restoration” initiatives are required to re-establish former ecological conditions. Four sources of information were used to infer historic disturbance regimes and forest condition and to quantify the nature of disturbance since the early 1900s: (1) patterns of annual and seasonal weather and lightning strikes, (2) topographic variability, (3) records of wildfire, insect attack, and timber harvesting practices, and (4) early systematic forest surveys.  相似文献   

The impact of forest management activities on the ability of forest ecosystems to sequester and store atmospheric carbon is of increasing scientific and social concern. The nature of these impacts varies among forest ecosystems, and spatially and temporally explicit ecosystem models are useful for quantifying the impacts of a number of alternative management regimes for the same forest landscape. The LANDIS-II forest dynamics simulation model is used to quantify changes to the live overstory and coarse woody debris pools under several forest management scenarios in a high-latitude South American forest landscape dominated by two species of southern beech, Nothofagus betuloides and N. pumilio. Both harvest type (clearcutting vs. partial overstory retention) and rotation length (100 years vs. 200 years) were significant predictors of carbon storage in the simulation models. The prompt regeneration of harvest units greatly enhanced carbon storage in clearcutting scenarios. The woody debris pool was particularly sensitive to both harvest type and rotation length, with large decreases noted under short rotation clearcutting. The roles of extended rotations and partial overstory retention are noted for enhancing net carbon storage on the forest landscape.  相似文献   

The forest ecosystem of the Apuseni National Park (ANP) in NW Romania is recognized for its high species and genetic diversity and is protected through various conservation measures. As ANP is the most populated natural park in Romania, the focus is on the need for communities to manage, sustain and prosper by using, exploring and sustaining the natural resources. But what activities are the most appropriate for the conservation of a highly diverse natural forest? This paper presents results from a long-term ecological study using fossil pollen, microscopic and macroscopic charcoal and AMS14C dating on a site in the ANP in order to examine how the interaction between climate change, human activities and other disturbances have shaped the present protected landscapes over the last 5700 years in this part of the reserve. Results from this study show that the landscape in this region has been continuously forested over the last 5700 years BP, but the forest composition and structure have been dynamic throughout much of the time. In particular, distinct changes in forest composition have occurred over the last 700 years of the record. Fagus sylvatica was the major taxon between 5200 and 200 years BP and its dominance is associated with the highest forest stability. The formation of the current Picea abies forests started 400 years ago and spruce became the dominant forest species during the last two centuries as a result of selective forest clearance, intensive grazing, and more recently, plantations. This led to a large reduction in forest diversity, decline of F. sylvatica and local extinction of several species including Abies alba, Ulmus, Tilia, and Acer. Our results show the high conservation values of A. alba and F. sylvatica in the ANP. Current management practices that allow the anthropogenic activities of timber production and fast tree regeneration, usually involving the plantation of P. abies in this part of the ANP are not in keeping with the NATURA 2000 objectives of ensuring the persistence of the most vulnerable species and habitats.  相似文献   

抬田造林杨-农(油)-渔复合经营模式对杨树蛀干天牛虫口密度和有虫株率都有明显下降作用。其生态控制的综合效益有以下几方面:(1)促进了杨树的快速生长,提高了杨树迅速生长的经济效益;(2)增加了抬田垛面林下套种农作物和沟内养殖水产品的收入;(3)增加了杨树林内有益生物的多样性;(4)对天牛类蛀干害虫起到了有效地控制作用;(5)天牛严重危害区可合理间种柳树(诱集天牛),并在天牛虫口密度达到饱和时,及时集中防治或?肖灭高虫口密度虫源诱集树(柳树)上的蛀干害虫天牛,可达到控点保面的作用。  相似文献   

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