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Because of their high growth rate and tolerance to bare soil, two exotic Acacia species, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium, have been commonly planted in degraded areas of South China. With their large canopies and ability to fix nitrogen, the two Acacia species have also been considered to act as nurse plants for understory plants. The current study clarified the nursing effects of the Acacia species by comparing microclimate characteristics and physiological traits of native plant seedlings at three sites: under the canopies of the each Acacia species and on bare land (open site). Although the sites were not replicated, the results indicated that adult trees of both Acacia species can facilitate native species, but that A. mangium has greater facilitating effects due to greater temperature buffering, radiation reduction, and nutrient amelioration. In response to facilitation, three species (Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurei, and Manglietia glauca) with different shade-tolerant traits growing under Acacia canopies expressed distinct adaptations. For the three species, the chlorophyll fluorescence curves of rETR and ΔF/Fm′ were higher under A. auriculiformis and on the open site than under A. mangium. The maximum quantum yield in PSII(Fv/Fm) in diurnal changes of the three species showed that all the Fv/Fm values were between 0.70 and 0.84 and that the Fv/Fm values were mostly higher under A. mangium than on the open site or under A. auriculiformis. Total chlorophyll content and both chlorophyll a and b contents in the three species were higher under the Acacia species than on the open site, while chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher on the open site. In contrast, the carotenoid content in C. hystrix and M. macclurei was lower under the two Acacia species than on the open site, while the opposite was true for M. glauca. The results demonstrate that the adaptation of the understory species to abiotic environmental factors is not restricted to a single mechanism but apparently involves a group of interrelated, adaptive suites. And also these adaptations were species-specific and especially related to their shade tolerance.  相似文献   

The effect of tree species on the characteristics of the herbaceous stratum, during the first five years of a fallow, was evaluated in the North of Cameroon (average annual temperature 28.2 °C, total annual rainfall 1050 mm). Treatments included a natural grazed herbaceous fallow, a natural ungrazed herbaceous fallow and three planted tree fallows (Acacia polyacantha Willd. ssp. campylacantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.), Senna siamea Lam. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), which were protected against grazing. Because tree species influenced light interception in different ways, as well as having different root patterns, they had different effects on the herbaceous stratum in terms of species composition and biomass. The grazed herbaceous fallow maintained the greatest species richness. Protection against grazing or the introduction of tree species associated with the absence of grazing induced both a progressive evolution to a particular species composition. The ungrazed herbaceous fallow consisted mainly of Andropogon gayanus Kunth, which provided the greatest biomass (8 t dry matter ha–1 at the end of the fallow period). E. camaldulensis provided little shade and the lowest fine root mass in the top layer allowing the growth of A. gayanus and thus a greater herbaceous biomass (3.5 t DM ha–1) than that found under the other tree species. Under the heavy shade of A. polyacantha, the herbaceous stratum consisted mainly of annual Pennisetum spp. (2.2 t DM ha–1) and showed the greatest N concentration (1.3%), probably due to N2 fixation by the tree species. After the fourth year, despite the relatively open tree canopy, S. siamea, which showed the highest fine root mass, had a strong depressive effect on the herbaceous stratum. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

GAPDH is a typical structural protein in eukaryote organism, which plays an important role involved in the biosynthesis of cell composition and the expression of genetic information. In order to reveal the biological function of GAPDH in the growth and development of Eucalyptus, 3 genes were obtained and named as EC-GAP1, EC-GAP2 and EC-GAP3 by amplification with primers for GAPDH genes conserved regions and RACE method from the young leaf of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The bioinformatics analysis suggested that the proteins encoded by corresponding genes owned the typical conserved domains of GAPDH and showed high homology with those of other plant species.  相似文献   

We examined water use by maturing Eucalyptus regnans, growing with or without an mid-storey stratum of Acacia spp. (Acacia dealbata or A. melanoxylon), for >180 consecutive days. Study sites were located in the Upper Yarra catchment area in south-eastern Australia. Depending on their contribution to stand basal area, mid-storey Acacia spp. increased total stand water use by up to 30%. Monthly water use in such stands reached more than 640,000 L ha−1 (compared to 545,000 L ha−1 in stands where acacias were absent) in early spring. Water use was curvilinearly related to sapwood area of Acacia spp. and logistically related to sapwood area of E. regnans. Water use of all three species showed a strong relation to daily maximum air temperatures. Distinct and simple relationships provide clear guides to the likely impacts of climate change and forest management on water yield. We compared a traditional up-scaling approach, from individual tree water use to stand water use, to a new approach that incorporates variation in temperature. Development of this approach can lead to greater precision of stand water use estimates – and in turn catchment water yield – under current climate change scenarios, which predict a rise in air temperatures of 0.6–2.5 °C by 2050 for the study area. Our temperature-dependent approach suggests that under conditions of non-limiting water availability, stand water use will rise by 2% for every 0.25 °C increase in maximum air temperatures during winter, and possibly more than that during summer.  相似文献   

The effects of Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis, and Azadirachta indica on soil fertility have been studied on five-year-old fallows on Ferric Acrisols in Central Togo. Litter quality and soil fertility under the four species were significantly different. Topsoil pH increases significantly with increasing litter Ca levels. Cassia siamea and Azadirachta indica were superior in enriching the sandy-loamy topsoils with Calcium and in increasing soil pH. Under Acacia, which had the highest biomass production, litter accumulation appeared to be responsible for the low mineral soil Ca and P values. In addition, topsoil pH under Acacia was lower than under grass or bush fallow or the other species. Slow litter mineralization of Acacia auriculiformis was probably caused by the thick, leathery consistence and high tannin content of its litter. Due to its high biomass production supporting soil acidification pure Acacia auriculiformis stands seemed to be less favourable for improving soil fertility on planted fallows but more suited for firewood plantations and topsoil protection. The foliage as well as the litter and topsoil under Albizia showed narrow C/N- and C/P-ratios resulting in easily mineralizable organic matter. All tree species tested were superior to natural grass/herb fallow in building up surface soil fertility. However, differences with natural bush fallow were not significant.
Résumé Au bout de cinq ans des differences fortement significative ont été trouvées quant aux caractères de la litière et de la fertilité des jachères arborées avec Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis et Azadirachta indica, respectivement. ll y a une corrélation positive entre le pH de l'horizon superficiel et la teneur en Ca dans la litière: l'enrichissement du sol sable-limoneux en Ca et le pH sont plus élevés sous Cassia siamea et Azadirachta indica que sous les autres espèces. Acacia se caractérise par la plus grande production en biomasse, donc une accumulation importante de litière sur le sol, ce qui entraîne les plus faibles teneurs en P et Ca dans l'horizon de surface. En plus, il semble qu'elle fait diminuer le pH parce que les valeurs trouvées sont inférieures à celles des parcelles témoin ou des autres espèces. La mineralisation retardée de la litière de Acacia auriculiformis depend probablement de la consistence des feuilles et du content élevé de tannine. Acacia est par consequent moins favorable à des jachères plantées mais plutôt efficace quant à la production du bois de feu et la protection du sol contre l'érosion. Vu les petits rapport C/N et C/P dans les feuilles, la litière et dans l'horizon superficiel d'Albizia, on peut supposer que sa matière organique soit plus facilement décomposable. Toutes les espèces d'arbre étudiées sont plus capables de lever la fertilité des sols que les herbes des parcelles témoin. La comparaison avec une jachère spontanée d'arbustes ne fait pas apparâitre d'effets significatifs.

Insect damage to production forests has the potential to reduce financial returns by retarding tree growth and causing mortality, however, long-term realised quantification of these losses is rare. In order to help elucidate economic damage thresholds for making spray decisions we capitalised on a natural outbreak of autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata, in a 2-year-old Eucalyptus nitens plantation. Following the partial chemical control of this insect outbreak we measured the tree growth variables diameter at breast height over bark and height of five differing tree defoliation classes for 75 months following tree damage. At the end of this period a threshold model was fitted to describe the relationship between tree defoliation and realised tree wood volumes. The model revealed that realised stand wood volume was not significantly affected up until defoliation exceeded 60% and then declined sharply after this defoliation level was reached. Further support for this defoliation threshold was evident from multiple comparisons among defoliation classes that showed 50% defoliated trees did not have significantly different wood volume compared to more lightly defoliated trees, but did have significantly greater wood volume compared to trees that were 72% or more defoliated. To determine if the realised differences in wood volume resulted in differences in yield over a plantation rotation the E. nitens growth model NITGRO was used to on-grow trees to age 15 years for a ‘best case’ (type 1 growth response, constant growth rates from last inventory until harvest) and ‘worst case’ (type 2 growth response, divergent growth rates from last inventory until harvest) scenario. The threshold model was then fitted to the outcomes of both scenarios and the economic consequences of defoliation were clearly dependent on the growth function assumed.  相似文献   

Agave cupreata is harvested from tropical dry forests, oak forests, and other habitats by rural communities in the Chilapa region of Guerrero, Mexico to make mescal, a traditional and culturally important liquor. Local management systems use various techniques to regulate Agave harvest and encourage regeneration, including the exclusion of cattle. This study examines the impacts of cattle exclusion and of the different habitat types on the population structure and density of A. cupreata. Sampling was conducted in pastures, oak forest, tropical dry forest, and mixed oak-tropical dry forest using 54 transects of 1000 m2, where Agave was counted by size-class and measurements were taken of the vegetation and physical environment. Transects were divided between areas with cattle present and cattle excluded in all four habitats except for oak forest, where all areas were open to cattle. Agave density per 1000 m2 was highest in pasture (148 ± 5, mean ± SE), followed by oak forest (100 ± 4), tropical dry forest (88 ± 5) and mixed oak-dry forest (81 ± 2). The size-class structures of Agave populations were also significantly different between vegetation types, with oak forest supporting higher seedling densities but lower numbers of juveniles. A regression subset selection algorithm showed that one of the most important factors influencing Agave populations was the presence of cattle, which can reduce densities by trampling and grazing on seedlings and floral stalks. Cattle presence significantly lowered Agave densities in the smaller size classes in all vegetation types but did not significantly alter size-class structure. Total Agave density per 1000 m2 was significantly higher in transects where cattle were absent (148 ± 4) than where cattle were present (81 ± 1). In all areas sampled, the high number of juveniles relative to other size-classes suggests that Agave populations are successfully regenerating in the Chilapa region, and the higher Agave densities in fenced areas suggest that local management techniques are effectively increasing Agave yields. These results highlight the potential for sustainable management of Agave to conserve forest habitats while also providing important income from mescal to local communities in the region.  相似文献   

A low tree stand density has been showed as necessary to thrive with summer drought in semiarid Mediterranean open woodlands. Shrub encroachment of these open woodlands is currently recommended to guarantee the persistence of the system, due to the nursery effect of shrubs on tree seedling. However, the increase in abundance and cover of a shrub understory in these water limited woodlands could bring consequences to tree overstory functioning. The present study analyzes the physiological status of scattered Quercus ilex L. trees in paired adjacent plots with and without the presence of a shrubby understory in CW Spain. Two contrasting shrub strategies were addressed in order to take into account possible species-specific effects: a dense-shallow rooting shrub (Cistus landanifer L.) and a sparse-deep rooting shrub (Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss). Leaf water potential (at predawn and midday), leaf gas exchange parameters (net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance), leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll fluorescence transients (maximum photochemical efficiency and performance index, sensuStrasser et al., 2004) were measured during three consecutive summers. Trees growing with Cistus as understory showed significant lower leaf water potential, leaf gas exchange parameters, leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll photochemical efficiency than trees growing without shrub competence. However, the presence of the legume Retama did not affect significantly the physiological state of Q. ilex. Thus, we conclude that the presence of a shrubby understory has the potential to modify the functioning of scattered trees, but these effects are species-specific.  相似文献   

近自然化改造对杉木人工林物种多样性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在广西凭祥市热林中心青山实验场设置杉木人工林近自然化改造样地,进行3种间伐强度处理(75%、55%、35%),均匀套种4种阔叶树。改造5年后,研究不同间伐强度近自然经营对群落组成、物种多样性和林分生长状况的影响。结果表明:近自然化改造5年后,乔、灌、草3层的物种数明显增加,灌草层的优势种有所变化,但各间伐处理的优势物种大致相同;各间伐处理的灌木层物种多样性指数无显著差异;改造后各处理草本层物种多样性指数均高于未改造的纯林,各处理草本层的Simpon指数和均匀度指数均显著高于改造前的纯林。杉木胸径随间伐强度的增大而增加且差异显著,但各处理间树高无显著差异;套种的4种阔叶树的胸径、树高随间伐强度的增大而增加,大叶栎、红椎的胸径、树高生长量在不同间伐处理林分中有显著差异;高间伐强度改造的杉木人工林适合套种阳性树种大叶栎、米老排和中性树种红椎,中等间伐强度改造的杉木人工林适合套种耐阴性树种润楠。  相似文献   

Variability of soil CO2 efflux strongly depends on soil temperature, soil moisture and plant phenology. Separating the effects of these factors is critical to understand the belowground carbon dynamics of forest ecosystem. In Ethiopia with its unreliable seasonal rainfall, variability of soil CO2 efflux may be particularly associated with seasonal variation. In this study, soil respiration was measured in nine plots under the canopies of three indigenous trees (Croton macrostachys, Podocarpus falcatus and Prunus africana) growing in an Afromontane forest of south-eastern Ethiopia. Our objectives were to investigate seasonal and diurnal variation in soil CO2 flux rate as a function of soil temperature and soil moisture, and to investigate the impact of tree species composition on soil respiration. Results showed that soil respiration displayed strong seasonal patterns, being lower during dry periods and higher during wet periods. The dependence of soil respiration on soil moisture under the three tree species explained about 50% of the seasonal variability. The relation followed a Gaussian function, and indicated a decrease in soil respiration at soil volumetric water contents exceeding a threshold of about 30%. Under more moist conditions soil respiration is tentatively limited by low oxygen supply. On a diurnal basis temperature dependency was observed, but not during dry periods when plant and soil microbial activities were restrained by moisture deficiency. Tree species influenced soil respiration, and there was a significant interaction effect of tree species and soil moisture on soil CO2 efflux variability. During wet (and cloudy) period, when shade tolerant late successional P. falcatus is having a physiological advantage, soil respiration under this tree species exceeded that under the other two species. In contrast, soil CO2 efflux rates under light demanding pioneer C. macrostachys appeared to be least sensitive to dry (but sunny) conditions. This is probably related to the relatively higher carbon assimilation rates and associated root respiration. We conclude that besides the anticipated changes in precipitation pattern in Ethiopia any anthropogenic disturbance fostering the pioneer species may alter the future ecosystem carbon balance by its impact on soil respiration.  相似文献   

Growing concern about increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and resulting global climate change, has spurred a growing demand for renewable energy. In this study, we hypothesized that a nurse tree crop may provide additional early yields of biomass for fuel, while in the longterm leading to deciduous stands that are believed to better meet the demands for other ecosystem services. Ten different species combinations were planted, with two different stocking densities, at three different sites in Denmark. Significant differences, with regard to biomass production, were observed among the different sites (P?P??1?yr?1 more biomass. The additional biomass production was similar to what was obtained in stands with conifers only (Sitka spruce, Douglas-fir and Japanese larch), which produced 4.9–6.1?t ha?1yr?1 more biomass than the pure beech stands. No effects of initial planting density (P?=?.19), or of initial weeding (P?=?.81), on biomass production were observed. Biomass production of the broadleaved crop was in most cases reduced due to competition. However, provided timely thinning of nurse trees, the qualitative development of the trees will allow for long-term timber production.  相似文献   

There are many impacts during a tree's life that affect bole development. In Maesopsis eminii, a high-potential timber species in Uganda, studies have shown that the occurrence of strongly bent boles is the overwhelming reason that boles fail quality criteria. This observation is incongruous with the tree architecture model of Roux, which describes M. eminii as a tree with a strong apical dominance, meaning that it has a strong genetically based preference for vertical growth of the terminal sprout relative to side branches. As external causes for bent boles could be excluded, we demonstrate in this study the proof of heliotropic growth, i.e. an active bending towards light, for M. eminii beyond the sapling stage. We develop a model used to describe the effects of competition on bole quality using bole form parameters and basic information about the neighbouring trees, and without having to incorporate crown parameters. By means of calculated bole parameters and a mathematical equation to calculate the intensity and direction of competition, we prove the existence of a heliotropic growth reaction. However, we are not able to predict the intensity of this reaction. Finally, general silvicultural recommendations are discussed for tree species with strong heliotropic growth.  相似文献   

Plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in southwestern Australia are defoliated by Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and a complex of chrysomelid and scarab beetles, yet there is no information on the impact of beetle defoliation to tree growth in southwestern Australia. To address this shortcoming, we used insect exclusion trials, to compare growth of insecticide treated (and thus relatively undamaged) trees with untreated (and thus defoliated) trees to determine whether defoliation by G. scutellatus and other beetles reduced the growth and harvest volume of E. globulus trees. Our results showed some evidence of beetle defoliation reducing growth of E. globulus. Mean defoliation levels of the growing tip of untreated trees ranged from 18% to 33% across the duration of the study and were significantly greater than mean defoliation levels of 5–16% on insecticide treated trees. Seasonal peaks in defoliation of 30–80% to the growing tip of untreated trees were recorded between late spring and early autumn. The greatest impact of defoliation on tree growth was evident during the 2.5 year period of insect exclusion, when higher relative growth rates were recorded for insecticide treated trees, which were significantly different from relative growth rates of untreated trees at two of the four plantations. However, our results showed only a limited impact of beetle defoliation on the total volume at harvest. Initially small trees tended to suffer more severe defoliation than initially large trees. Effects of insect exclusion treatment on harvest volume were modified by the initial tree size and the relationship between the initial tree size and levels of defoliation.  相似文献   

Seed production in tropical timber trees is limited by abiotic resources, pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation. Resource availability is influenced by the number of competing trees and by lianas that often reach high densities in disturbed parts of tropical forests. The distance between conspecific trees affects pollination efficiency and seed predation intensity, and may therefore indirectly affect the long-term sustainability of selective logging. Here we investigate how reproductive status and the number of seeds dispersed per tree are affected by liana load, distance to the nearest conspecifics, number of competing neighbours and tree diameter in the timber trees Cariniana ianeirensis and Terminalia oblonga. The study is based on a large-scale silvicultural experiment in lowland Bolivia. We found that the reproductive status of the two species was negatively correlated with liana cover and positively with tree diameter. In C. ianeirensis the most liana-infested trees dispersed fewer seeds. In T. oblonga the intensity of pre-dispersal seed predation decreased with distance to the nearest conspecifics. There was no evidence that seed viability or seed production decreased with distance to nearest conspecifics in either species as would be expected if isolation resulted in increased self-pollination. Our results indicate that reproduction can be severely reduced in timber trees if the largest, most healthy and least liana-covered trees are logged, but that liana cutting on the remaining seed trees can considerably improve seed production. In some species seed production may be further improved by ensuring that seed trees are located far apart.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of summer throughfall on the growth of trees, at upland and floodplain locations, in the vicinity of Fairbanks, Alaska. Corrugated clear plastic covers were installed under the canopy of floodplain balsam poplar/white spruce stands and upland hardwood/white spruce stands to control soil moisture recharge as a result of summer precipitation. The covers were installed in 1989 and tree growth measurements were conducted through 2005. Soil moisture dynamics were measured using TDR techniques. Tree basal area growth at dbh in the control plots was approximately twice as high on the floodplain compared to the upland. Summer throughfall exclusion significantly decreased white spruce growth on the floodplain sites but not in the upland sites. In upland sites the melting snow pack is a major moisture resource for tree growth although it is not clear if moisture limitation occurs during the summer in the control plots. However in the floodplain stands white spruce growth was highly dependent on seasonal throughfall even though the ground water table was within the rooting zone and the soils were supplied with a spring recharge due to snowmelt. A number of factors were suggested as a foundation for this strong relationship. These include rooting distribution, soil texture, and the electrical conductivity of the ground water.  相似文献   

In the year 2000, large areas of forest in Sweden, mainly 30-50 year old Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands, were attacked by the fungus Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet. The aims of this study were to investigate: (i) the relationship between G. abietina-induced tree crown transparency (CT) and P. sylvestris (L.) tree mortality; (ii) the influence of CT levels on stem growth; (iii) the recovery of the crown; and (iv) the association of CT and colonization by Tomicus piniperda (L.). Thirty-five permanent sample plots were established in five P. sylvestris stands (38-46 years old), infested by G. abietina, and 23 plots in four reference stands, not obviously infested.During the 5 years following the attack, the total mortality amounted to 454 trees ha−1 and 7.8 m2 ha−1, on average, in the five infested stands, corresponding to 42% of the trees and 34% of the basal area at the time of the attack. Most of the mortality occurred within 2 years of the attack. The mortality of individual trees (2002-2005) was found to be related to the crown transparency (CT), the position of needle loss within the crown and the tree diameter at breast height. Based on our modeling, the probability of mortality was substantially increased if the initial CT-value was higher than 85%.Growth reductions were detected for individual trees with an initial CT of >c. 40%. In contrast, trees with a low initial CT (<c. 40%) were not affected and even exhibited increased growth. In the five infested stands, the reductions in basal area and volume increment were estimated to be 26-58%, and, 42-73%, respectively, during the five growing seasons after the attacks.The trees in the infested stands that were still alive in spring 2005 had started to recover in terms of CT. Breeding of T. piniperda on the P. sylvestris (L.) stems occurred almost exclusively on stems with a CT > 90%.The data from this study suggest that when a P. sylvestris (L.) stand has been attacked by G. abietina, trees with a CT above 80% should be felled; the remaining trees will have a high probability of survival and resistance to successful breeding by the T. piniperda.  相似文献   

Storm damage in production forests constitutes a major source of economic loss world wide, yet the retrieval of salvageable timber remains problematic. In particular, an inability to anticipate when sapstain and degrade will appear hampers the planning of log recovery operations. A study was conducted to monitor the deterioration of fallen trees following two winter storms causing wind and snow damage in a Pinus radiata plantation forest in the upper South Island of New Zealand. Percentage sapstain, incidence of basidiomycete decay fungi, and frequency of bark beetle infestation increased, while percentage sapwood moisture content decreased, over a period of 1 year. These changes proceeded more rapidly in fallen trees that were severed at stump height, to simulate breakage, than in those that were left partially rooted. There was little beetle activity at the time of the storms, but Arhopalus ferus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), and Hylastes ater, Hylurgus ligniperda and Pachycotes peregrinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), were collected in flight traps during the following spring and summer. The predominant fungal species associated with sapstain was Diplodia pinea, while Ophiostoma piceae and Grosmannia huntii were isolated near the end of the period. The main decay fungi obtained were Phlebiopsis gigantea, Stereum sanguinolentum, and Schizophyllum commune. A generalized linear mixed model was constructed to predict the development of sapstain in fallen trees for conditions prevailing during the study after a storm at the same time of year. According to the model, a 10 m long butt log of 22 cm mid length diameter will have minimal stain (<10% of the cross sectional area affected) when cut from severed stems up to 4 months after the storm; if taken from still-rooted trees this period will extend to 1 year. However, because of large between-tree variation, economically productive log recovery will also depend on the proportion of trees that lie below an acceptable sapstain threshold. Further research is needed to determine regional and seasonal influences on the development of sapstain in fallen trees.  相似文献   

The rejuvenation ecology of three main tree species in anthropogenic pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests is explored in our study. We focus on the scale of micro-plots, which provide the safe sites for tree rejuvenation. We thrive on the multi-factorial relationship of tree establishment and driving ecological factors using a large dataset from pine stands in NE Germany and applying multivariate analyses. The success of the establishment of the investigated focal tree species Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea Liebl. and Pinus sylvestris L. is, on general, mostly affected by three factors, i.e. water balance of the upper soil layers, browsing pressure, and diaspore sources. Our investigations on the micro-plot scale revealed species-specific differences. For beech saplings <50 cm growth height, primarily the availability of water, indicated by available water capacity (AWC), thickness, quality, and structure of the organic layer, silt and humus content in the topsoil, and the lack of a dense competitive herb layer, were identified as most important factors. On the contrary, oak seems hardly be restricted by hydrologic and/or trophic deficits in the topsoil or humus layer. In conclusion and comparison to Fagus sylvatica L., we assume for Quercus petraea Liebl. advantages in natural regeneration processes under sub-continental climate conditions and thus under the scenarios of climate change. Pinus sylvestris L. regeneration in our investigation area occurs only in a narrow niche. We conclude with regard to future forest development and the objective of stand conversion with low management intensity that oak should be favoured within natural stand regeneration.  相似文献   

Acacia plantation establishment might cause soil acidification in strongly weathered soils in the wet tropics because the base cations in the soil are translocated rapidly to plant biomass during Acacia growth. We examined whether soils under an Acacia plantation were acidified, as well as the factors causing soil acidification. We compared soils from 10 stands of 8-year-old Acacia mangium plantations with soils from 10 secondary forests and eight Imperata cylindrica grasslands, which were transformed into Acacia plantations. Soil samples were collected every 5–30 cm in depth, and pH and related soil properties were analyzed. Soil pH was significantly lower in Acacia plantations and secondary forests than in Imperata grasslands at every soil depth. The difference was about 1.0 pH unit at 0–5 cm and 0.5 pH unit at 25–30 cm. A significant positive correlation between pH and base saturation at 0–20 cm depth indicated that the low pH under forest vegetation was associated with exchangeable cation status. Using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with clay content as the covariate, exchangeable Ca (Ex-Ca) and Mg (Ex-Mg) stocks were significantly lower in forested areas than in Imperata grasslands at any clay content which was strongly related to exchangeable cation stock. The adjusted average Ex-Ca stock calculated by ANCOVA was 249 kg ha−1 in Acacia plantations, 200 kg ha−1 in secondary forests, and 756 kg ha−1 in Imperata grasslands at 0–30 cm. Based on a comparison of estimated nutrient stocks in biomass and soil among the vegetation types, the translocation of base cations from soil to plant biomass might cause a decrease in exchangeable cations and soil acidification in Acacia plantations.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of direct use of an ectomycorrhiza fungal inoculum (Boletusedulis) mixed with indolebutyric acid (IBA), super-absorbent polymers (SAP) and organic compound fertilizer on the survival and growth of Populus hopeiensis saplings on a semiarid site in Inner Mongolia, China, during the first 5 years after planting, and the practical feasibility of using this inoculum mixture over large semiarid areas in North China.  相似文献   

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