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Dry forests represent the most endangered ecosystem in tropical regions and continue to be one of the most sought after environments for human colonization, development and production. In spite of this, dry forests are one of the least well studied tropical habitats. This special issue is dedicated to reviewing much of the information that exists about tropical dry forest in the Americas. The introduction summarizes the articles presented herein, highlighting management strategies that are suggested throughout the special issue that may be useful for conserving tropical dry forest environments.  相似文献   

Hardwick  Kate  Healey  John R.  Elliott  Stephen  Blakesley  David 《New Forests》2004,27(3):285-302
Accelerated natural regeneration (ANR) is a relatively cheap method of reforestation, which encourages natural establishment of indigenous trees and shrubs. It requires a low input of labour, but a high input of ecological information. In this paper, the knowledge required to predict and manipulate the natural regeneration of seasonal tropical forest is reviewed and areas in need of further research are identified. Regeneration will be influenced by five groups of potentially limiting factors; site resources (soil and microclimate); competition with weeds; site disturbance; occurrence of established woody plants or their propagules; seed dispersal by wild animals and birds. This paper considers each of these, their interactions with seasons, and each other. Collation of existing information on these topics, combined with the suggested further research, should facilitate the creation of tools that will enable practitioners to judge the regeneration potential of sites and to select the most appropriate ANR techniques.  相似文献   


This study examines a participatory forest management program and its impacts on forest conditions in Gebradima Forest, southwest Ethiopia. Vegetation data were collected from both participatory forest management (PFM) and nonparticipatory forest management (non-PFM) forest blocks. A total of 54 plots (27 from each forest block) measuring 20 m × 20 m were employed to collect species composition and structural data. Results indicated that a total of 51 different woody plant species (49 at PFM and 43 at non-PFM blocks), representing 31 families were recorded, with 41 species were shared for both forest sites. Species diversity and evenness were higher in the forest with PFM (H´ = 3.29, E = .85) compared to the forest without PFM (H´ = 2.97, E = .79). The overall mean values of tree/shrub and seedling density per hectare, diameter class (≤ 20 cm) were also significantly (p < .05) higher in PFM forest than non-PFM forests. However, no significant variations were observed in sapling density per hectare and basal area between the two studied forest blocks. It can be concluded that PFM had a positive effect on forest conditions compared with a similar forest without PFM. Hence, it is important to scaling up PFM in neighboring forests.  相似文献   

It is critical to understand how forests regenerate after the exclusion of human induced disturbances because the regenerating species drive the renewal of resources and ecosystems,which in turn support human beings locally and globally.This study of forest regeneration was conducted in the tropical coastal forest ecosystems of Tanzania at Uzigua Forest Reserve(24,730 ha)in the Pwani Region.We collected data from adult trees in 47 sampling plots(25×25 m)randomly established in closed forest sites(control)and in sites disturbed by farming and livestock grazing.Sapling and seedling data were collected and analyzed in 2×2 m nested subplots.Plots in the closed forest had higher mean basal area and volume for adult trees than those in sites disturbed by farming and livestock grazing.Plots in sites disturbed by farming had the highest Shannon–Wiener index for seedlings and saplings,followed by closed forest and livestock grazed sites.Closed plots and farmed plots had higher Simpson’s index for seedlings and saplings than in grazed sites.Plots in farmed and livestock-grazed sites had a higher Simpson index for adult trees than in closed sites.Equitability of seedlings and saplings was highest in closed forest sites,followed by farmed and livestock grazed sites.Plots disturbed by farming had higher equitability for adult trees than in livestock-grazed and closed sites.Moreover,plots disturbed by farming and grazing had a higher importance value index for seedlings than in closed sites.Plots in closed forests had higher sapling importance values than in farmed and grazed sites.Again,plots in closed forest had a higher importance value for adult trees than in farmed and grazed sites.The differences in tree species subcategories of regeneration across land-use indicates that farming and livestock grazing disturbances create heterogeneous microhabitats,which positively or negatively affects regeneration capacity of species after exclusion.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of grazing on natural regeneration, quantity, and diversity of woody species and dominant herb species in Kheyroud forest in northern Iran. We sampled vegetation in 5m2 plots in custom units, which are demarcated resource areas traditionally used by local livestock producers. The authors quantified number of species, height of seedlings, and diameter of seedlings. Height classes were 0-30 cm, 30-130 cm, and >130 cm, and diameter classes were 0-2.5 cm, 2.5-5 cm and 5-7.5 cm. The density of seedlings declined with distance from corral until reaching the custom unit boundary. Most seedlings had diameters of 0-2.5 cm and heights of 0-30 cm. Predominant species, Carpinus betulus and Acer capadocicum, were in plots near the centers of custom units, Fagus orientalis, Acer velutinum, Quercus castanifolia species were dominant in plots near the custom unit boundary. Plant species such as Oplismenus undulatifolius, Euphorbia amygdaloides, Rubus fruticos and Pteridium aquilinum were dominant in plots nearer to forest corral. Healthy seedlings were more numerous in plots nearest the corral, while defective and deformed seedlings were more abundant away from the corral. We conclude that grazing had negative effects on the quantity and quality of vegetative regeneration. Continuation of overgrazing will not only endanger the sustainability of forest ecosystems, but also will increase the challenge of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

Understanding tropical forest succession is critical for the development of tropical forest conservation strategies worldwide, given that tropical secondary forests can be considered the forests of the future. Tropical dry forests (TDF) are among the most threatened tropical ecosystems, there are more secondary forests and forest restoration efforts that require a better understanding of successional processes. The main goal of this synthesis for this special issue on the ecology and management of tropical dry forests in the Americas is to present a summarized review of the current knowledge of the ecology and management implications associated to TDF succession. We explore specific issues associated to tropical dry forest succession with emphasis on the use of chronosequences, plant diversity and composition, plant phenology and remote sensing, pollination, and animal–plant interactions; all under the integrating umbrella of ecosystem succession. We also emphasize the need to conduct socio-ecological research to understand changes in land-use history and its effects on succession and forest regeneration of TDF. We close this paper with some thoughts and ideas associated with the strong need for an integrating dimension not considered until today: the role of cyberinfrastructure and eco-informatics as a tool to support sound conservation, management and understanding of TDF in the Americas.  相似文献   

Variability in rainfall is known to be a major influence on the dynamics of tropical forests, especially rates and patterns of tree mortality. In tropical dry forests a number of contributing factors to tree mortality, including dry season fire and herbivory by large herbivorous mammals, could be related to rainfall patterns, while loss of water potential in trees during the dry season or a wet season drought could also result in enhanced rates of death. While tree mortality as influenced by severe drought has been examined in tropical wet forests there is insufficient understanding of this process in tropical dry forests. We examined these causal factors in relation to inter-annual differences in rainfall in causing tree mortality within a 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot located in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai, southern India, that has been monitored annually since 1988. Over a 19-year period (1988–2007) mean annual mortality rate of all stems >1 cm dbh was 6.9 ± 4.6% (range = 1.5–17.5%); mortality rates broadly declined from the smaller to the larger size classes with the rates in stems >30 cm dbh being among the lowest recorded in tropical forest globally. Fire was the main agent of mortality in stems 1–5 cm dbh, elephant-herbivory in stems 5–10 cm dbh, and other natural causes in stems >10 cm dbh. Elephant-related mortality did not show any relationship to rainfall. On the other hand, fire-related mortality was significantly negatively correlated to quantity of rainfall during the preceding year. Mortality due to other causes in the larger stem sizes was significantly negatively correlated to rainfall with a 2–3-year lag, suggesting that water deficit from mild or prolonged drought enhanced the risk of death but only with a time lag that was greater than similar lags in tree mortality observed in other forest types. In this respect, tropical dry forests growing in regions of high rainfall variability may have evolved greater resistance to rainfall deficit as compared to tropical moist or temperate forests but are still vulnerable to drought-related mortality.  相似文献   

The extensive recovery from agricultural clearing of Puerto Rican forests over the past half-century provides a good opportunity to study tropical forest recovery on a landscape scale. Using ordination and regression techniques, we analyzed forest inventory data from across Puerto Rico’s moist and wet secondary forests to evaluate their species composition and whether the landscape structure of older forest affected tree species composition of recovering forests at this scale. Our results support conclusions from studies conducted in Puerto Rico at smaller scales and temperate forests at larger scales that timing of abandonment and land use history are of overwhelming importance in determining the species composition of recovering forests. Forest recovery is recent enough in Puerto Rico that previous land use is clearly evident in current species composition, and creates new forest communities. As demonstrated in other work, physical factors such as elevation and substrate co-vary with land use history, so that the species composition of the forest landscape results from the interplay between biophysical and socioeconomic forces over time. Our results also indicate that increasing the distance to the largest forest patches occurring in the landscape 12 years previous had a small negative impact on species richness but not species diversity or community composition. We conclude that land use history has as much influence in species composition as biophysical variables and that, at the scale of this study, there is no large influence of forest landscape structure on species diversity or composition.  相似文献   

Quantitative information on the relationships between site quality and plantation productivity (dominated by the exotic species Pinus radiata) is required to achieve goals for sustainable forest production. Soil quality is a key component of site quality. A nationwide study of soil quality measurements is reported for 35 representative forest sites, covering a wide range of climatic and edaphic conditions found throughout New Zealand's plantation forest estate, representing most of the soils used for plantation forestry in New Zealand. The objectives of the study were to find the most important soil properties that discriminated among eight New Zealand Soil Orders and determine relationships between Soil Orders and early tree growth rates for P. radiata and Cupressus lusitanica. Soil physical and chemical properties were measured to identify key soil indicators of soil quality related to tree productivity. Tree growth was measured after four years on small plots planted at very high stand density (40 000 stems ha−1). A factorial design was used to examine the influence of three factors on tree productivity: two species, P. radiata D. Don (ectomycorrhizal) and C. lusitanica Miller (endomycorrhizal); with and without fertilizer; and low or high disturbance (soil compaction and/or topsoil scalping by machinery). Carbon content, Phosphorus (P) retention, and soil physical properties that index the degree of soil compactness were strongly correlated to Soil Order. These properties are similar to soil quality factors that correlated with tree growth. Discriminant analyses of soil quality parameters by Soil Order clustered soils based on P retention (phosphate absorption capacity), subsoil Carbon (C), and subsoil air capacity (volume % of voids at 10 kPa matric potential). Allophanic Soils and Podzols clustered (from plots of first versus second canonical variates) separately from the other Soil Orders, which were somewhat clustered on the second variate within a broad clustering on the first variate. Soil Orders were ranked for tree growth rates for both species: pumice Andisols > Inceptisols > tephric Andisols > Entisols > Ultisols > Spodosols (NZ classification: for P. radiata is Pumice > Brown > Pallic > Allophanic > Recent > Raw > Ultic > Podzol and for C. lusitanica Pumice > Pallic > Allophanic > Brown > Raw > Ultic > Recent > Podzol).  相似文献   

Much of the dry tropical forest biome has been converted to agricultural land uses over the past several centuries. However, in conservation areas such as those in the Guanacaste and Tempisque regions of Costa Rica, tropical dry forests are regenerating due to management practices including fire suppression. To better understand the patterns of secondary succession occurring in Costa Rican tropical dry forest, we established 60 20 × 50 m plots in mature and regenerating forests in the Sector Santa Rosa (formerly known as Parque Nacional Santa Rosa) and Palo Verde National Park. Plots were stratified into three plant communities: tropical dry oak forest (Quercus oleoides) (SROAK), Santa Rosa tropical dry forest (SRTDF), and Palo Verde tropical dry forest (PVTDF). In these plots we measured and identified and all individuals >10 cm DBH, measured but did not identify stems <10 cm but taller than 1.3 m, counted woody seedlings (<1.3 m height) and analyzed soil chemical and physical properties.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to examine whether distribution of regeneration in uneven-aged fir (Abies alba Mill.) forests is related to the spatial pattern of trees. In 12 sample plots of size 0.45–1.00 ha (in total 8.65 ha, with stand basal areas ranging from 27.6 m2 ha–1 to 39.5 m2 ha–1), all live and dead trees above 5 cm in d1.3 were mapped and their diameters measured. In eight plots, all live and dead fir saplings were mapped. In three plots, the number of live fir saplings and seedlings was registered on small systematically distributed circular plots. The values of an analytically developed index of stand influence were compared in patches occupied and unoccupied by live or dead fir regeneration. Contrary to preliminary assumptions, only in a few cases did saplings and trees 5–15 cm in d1.3 appear more often in gaps and looser stand patches. Rather, in many plots, the opposite tendency was observed. The seedling density showed a weak but positive correlation with the index of influence. If the spatial pattern of regeneration reflects the spatially varying mortality of juvenile trees, then no evidence was found that stand competition was the most important factor inducing this mortality. On the contrary, on the basis of the results obtained, we can presume that the survival rate of juvenile firs was higher in patches with a relatively higher local basal area. Thus, it was hypothesised that, first, dispersion of regeneration in uneven-aged fir forests is controlled by easy-to-change edaphic factors such as humus form and acidity of the upper soil horizons, and second, that these soil features are linked with the spatial pattern of trees.  相似文献   

Coppice regrowth in a disturbed tropical dry limestone forest in Jamaica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hellshire Hills are an extensive area of tropical dry forest over limestone, located on the south coast of Jamaica. Despite being a protected area, they are subject to encroachment and clearance by charcoal burners, leaving a relatively pristine core within more disturbed areas of forest. Future management requires a consideration of the forest’s resilience to such disturbance, and this study reports on coppice regrowth following clearance. The number of coppice shoots and the length and diameter at breast height (DBH) of the leading shoots were measured on tree stumps 14 months after they were cut in an experiment. Coppice regrowth after cutting was measured on a total of 476 stumps, representing 51 species. Coppice production and growth was vigorous as there was an extremely high incidence of coppice regrowth among and within the species in this forest after it had been cut. Initial regrowth was high with the diameter recovered by the leading shoots after 14 months approximating to 29% per year. Of the 51 species sampled three did not coppice at all and the average percent of individuals found with shoots within each species was 81%. The height and diameter of the leading shoots was significantly different among the species and the average height recorded of the leading shoots was 114 cm while the average diameter recorded was 10 mm. Larger sized stems (>10 cm DBH) on average produced more coppice shoots and larger sized shoots than smaller sized stems (<10 cm DBH) while smaller sized stems recovered more biomass than larger sized stems irrespective of species. The average diameter of the leading shoots decreased significantly with increasing shoot densities. At the species level there was a significant relationship between stem diameter and the number of shoots produced in seven of the 27 species analysed and three species returned significant relationships between stem diameter and average height of leading shoots. Coppice regrowth clearly offers considerable resilience to disturbance in this dry forest where successful regeneration by seed is highly susceptible to rainfall seasonality. However, the different abilities of species to produce coppice shoots will likely affect long-term species diversity if the present rate of clearance continues.  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of regeneration type (surviving from advanced regeneration, resprouting from advanced regeneration, or newly recruited seedlings) in determining the quantity and quality of individuals in reestablishing a natural forest following clear-cutting of a conifer plantation. We experimentally clear-cut a plantation and undertook a detailed tree census before and after clear-cutting. After clear-cutting, a species composition partially representing warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf forest was present in the form of surviving and resprouted individuals originating from advanced regeneration that had established in the Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation. On the other hand, seedlings that established after clear-cutting were dominated by pioneer species, and the number of seedlings was far greater than the number of individuals originating from advanced regeneration. Our results suggest that the role of regeneration type would differ in relation to the objectives for forest recovery. When any kind of woody cover of the ground surface after clear-cutting would suffice, we suggest that the contribution of pioneer seedlings originating from buried seeds would be important. If the recovery objective is to form a simple evergreen broadleaf forest, such as a coppice woodland, all three sources of regeneration would play a similar role, provided the understory before clear-cutting was as well developed as the one in this study. If rapid establishment of a lucidophyllous forest with diverse species composition is desired, the role of the surviving and resprouting individuals originating from the advanced regeneration would be much more important.  相似文献   

The contiguous forest landscapes of the Brigalow Belt Bioregion in Australia's subtropics, known as ‘the western hardwood forests’ are thought to be important for biodiversity conservation through the provision of continuous habitat features in an otherwise extensively cleared region. However, these forests have a long management history, as they are also important for timber production and stock grazing. Knowledge of the effect of these and other disturbances on the distribution and abundance of key structural or habitat features are limited and forest management activities thus continue uninformed. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the effects of prescribed and non-prescribed disturbances on the distribution and abundance of six key habitat features (live and dead trees with hollows, large mature live trees, shrub abundance, downed coarse woody debris and litter cover) at 120 sites located in spotted gum Corymbia citriodora dominant forests within the western hardwoods.  相似文献   

Broad-lcavedKoreanpincforcstisthcclimaticclimaxconinunitVofnortheastmoun-tainousregionsofChina.AsthemaintreesPecies,Koreanpinehasexccllentwood.AgreatattentionbasbccnpaidtorecoveringtheseforesttyPesafterharvesting.Additional1y,KoreanpineisoneofkeyregcncrationtreesPeCiesinthisregion.TherehasbeenlargeareaofKorcanpincplantations.Howevcr,thercaresomeproblemsncedingtobestUdicdfwtheramongwhichoneistoselectsuitabIeropenerationapproacl1esofKoreanpincforesls.WHATISTHEPROBLEM?ThcnatUralregen…  相似文献   

Adapting a growth equation to model tree regeneration in mountain forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Management and risk analysis of protection forests depend on a reliable estimation of regeneration processes and tree growth under different site conditions. While the growth of forest stands and thus the average growth of larger trees is well studied and published in yield tables as well as embodied in numerous simulation models, there is still a lack of information about the crucial initial stages of tree growth. Thus, we evaluated juvenile tree growth for different site conditions in the Swiss Alps and developed an approach to model both the early and later stages of growth based on the Bertalanffy equation. This equation is physiologically well founded and requires only two parameter estimates: a maximum tree height and a growth parameter. Data for the parameter estimation were available from studies of tree regeneration at a range of sites in Switzerland: growth patterns of larch (Larix decidua) were available from a high-elevation afforestation experiment. For spruce (Picea abies), data were obtained from a blowdown area in the Alps. The growth equation was fitted to the observed data and we found a good correlation of the fitted curves with the observed data. The parameter estimates were validated with independent data sets. The extrapolated growth curves, calculated with the estimated growth rates, correspond well to the validation data. Thus, it is possible to use the Bertalanffy equation to model both the early and later stages of growth. With this approach, we provide a basis for modelling the growth of juvenile and mature trees of different tree species in mountain forests of the European Alps.  相似文献   

The main objectives were to study the effect of gap size and canopy openness on the natural regeneration dynamics considering the parameters of sapling growth, recruitment, mortality, density, species composition and above-ground biomass accumulation. The study was carried out in 32 artificial gaps with sizes varying from 100 to 1200 m2 and canopy openness from 10 to 45%, from the second to the twelfth year after gap creation. The gap size was measured using the vertical projection of the tree crowns on the ground (Brokaw's definition), and the canopy openness measurement by hemispherical photography. In the first five years, mean sapling growth (0.54 cm year−1), mortality (3.9% year−1) and AGB (26.2 Mg ha−1 or 8.7 Mg ha−1 year−1) were significantly higher in the gaps than in the forest understorey (0.17 cm year−1, 1.5% year−1 and −0.59 Mg ha−1 year−1 respectively) and positively correlated with gap size and canopy openness. In the same period, recruitment was also significantly higher in the gaps (5.8% year−1) than in the forest understorey (0.4% year−1) but decreased with gap size and negatively correlated with canopy openness. In the first five years, the relative density of pioneer species was higher in the gaps but not significantly correlated with gap size or canopy openness. AGB increased linearly since canopy opening, and twelve years after gap creation it was still higher in larger (121.2 Mg ha−1 or 10.1 Mg ha−1 year−1) rather than smaller (62.5 ha−1 or 5.2 ha−1 year−1) gaps. Twelve years after gap creation there were no significant differences in the parameters of sapling growth, recruitment, and mortality which could be attributed to the original gap size and canopy openness.  相似文献   

A major impediment to the sustainable management of tropical dry forests in Bolivia is the scarcity of natural regeneration of commercial timber tree species. Where regeneration is present, true seedlings of many species are outnumbered by vegetative sprouts from roots, broken stems, and the stumps of felled trees. This study evaluates the importance of resprouts promoted by logging operations for the regeneration of commercially important canopy tree species. The objectives of the study were: (1) to characterize stump and root sprouting behaviors of canopy tree species harvested for timber; (2) to quantify the effect of logging on relative abundances and growth rates of stump sprouts, root sprouts, and true seedlings; (3) to relate the species-specific probabilities of stump sprouting to stump diameter and stump height; and (4) to explore how sprouting varies with the ecological requirements of canopy tree species. The study was carried out 1–5 years after logging of a privately owned land in a Bolivian tropical dry forest. Twenty-seven of the 31 species monitored resprouted at least occasionally, among which Centrolobium microchaete (Leguminosae-Fabaceae) and Zeyheria tuberculosa (Bignoniaceae) were the most frequent stump sprouters, and Acosmium cardenasii (Leguminosae-Fabaceae) and C. microchaete were the most frequent root sprouters. In all species the number of sprouts declined with increasing stump diameter and stump height. The probability of stump resprouting differed among species but did not vary consistently with stump diameter, except in Z. tuberculosa in which it declined. Approximately 45% of juveniles <2 m tall of canopy tree species originated from root or stem sprouts. Light-demanding species tended to regenerate more from seeds and root sprouts than from stumps. Seedling densities were higher in microsites opened by logging, while root and stem sprouts were equally common across microsites. Given their abundance and the fact that root and stem sprouts at least initially grew faster than true seedlings, we conclude that vegetative regeneration in this tropical dry forest is an important mode of post-logging regeneration especially for species that regenerate poorly from seed. Resprout management should be considered as a potentially effective strategy for the procurement of regeneration following logging, especially for species that do not readily recruit from seed.  相似文献   

The population structure of tree species has been explored in order to elucidate regeneration potential of the subalpine forests of Indian western Himalaya. For this study, the subalpine forest area was divided into three strata, i.e., lower altitude (〈3000 m); mid-altitude (3000-3200 m); and high altitude (〉3200m). Considering the major compositional attributes, an increase in altitude came with a significant decline in tree density and the total basal area for all the sites. However, no such clear trends were observed for recruits (i.e., seedlings and saplings). Seedling density did not exhibit uniform patterns for sites and altitude strata. In general, overall seedling density was greater at the Pindari site compared to the Lata and Tungnath sites. By comparison, significant variation in seedling density along the altitude strata was recorded for the Tungnath and Pindari sites only. Likewise, sapling density patterns varied across the sites and altitude strata, and significant variation in sapling density along the altitude strata was recorded only for the Lata site. At the Pin- daft site, the continuous increase in sapling density along with increasing altitude was revealing. The Pindari forests of exhibited expanding population structure. In contrast, greater accumulation of individuals in the sapling class and sharp decline toward both higher tree classes and lower seedling classes was generally apparent for the Lata and Tungnath sites. This indicates that the replacement in tree size classes from sapling stage is not proportional and the population may decline in the long-term. Considerable variation in patterns of forest and dominant species popula- tion structure were evident across altitude strata. But in all cases irrespective of sites, we found growth at the high-altitude stratum, in the form of entire forests or dominant species. This trend deserves further investigation to explore its relevance under changing climate scenarios.  相似文献   

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