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The rates of fine sediment deposition were compared among three logged and three reference stream reaches 2–3 years before and 3–4 years after logging to assess the environmental impacts of partial harvesting as a novel riparian management strategy for boreal forest streams. The partial-harvest logging resulted in 10, 21 and 28% average basal area removal from riparian buffers at the three logged sites, adjacent to upland clearcut areas. No significant differences from pre-logging or reference-site sedimentation patterns were detected for two of the three logged sites. At the site with the most intense riparian logging (WR2), significant increases of 3–5 times higher than pre-logging or reference levels were detected in fine inorganic sediment (250–1000 μm) load and accumulation in the first year after logging, but no significant change was detected in fine organic sediments or very fine sediments (0.5–250 μm). The increased inorganic sediment deposition at WR2 was temporary with no significant differences from reference or pre-logging levels detectable by summer of the second post-logging year. Logging impacts on fine sedimentation in streams appeared to have been mitigated by careful logging practices including winter harvesting in riparian areas to reduce ground disturbance, and a tendency to avoid immediate (within 3–5 m) stream-side areas. Where it is feasible and advisable to conduct partial harvesting in riparian buffers of boreal forest streams, the logging can be conducted without posing significant risk of increased sediment inputs to streams when careful logging practices are followed.  相似文献   

Harvesting of forests causes a range of disturbances, including changes to hydrology, nutrient inputs, water quality, food sources, habitat structure and channel morphology, which can impact streams over several years and are reflected in changes in community structure. We aimed to determine the relative magnitudes of impact and rates of recovery of benthic macroinvertebrate communities, and associated changes in biotic indices (Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index and an Index of Biotic Integrity), in reaches of different sized streams within progressively logged catchments. We conducted annual summer surveys over seventeen years in fifteen New Zealand streams that differed in size (upstream catchment area between 40 and 2360 ha, mean channel widths between 2.5 and 16 m) and harvest intensity in the surrounding catchment. The largest post-harvest changes in biotic indices and community structures occurred in streams draining relatively small to medium catchments (<500 ha) where >40% of the upstream catchment had been harvested, and particularly after harvesting of overstorey riparian vegetation adjacent to study reaches. The impacts of harvest on invertebrate communities were less evident in wider streams draining catchments over 500 ha, but the largest changes from pre-harvest biotic indices and community structure still generally occurred after harvesting of riparian vegetation along these streams. The changes in community structure after harvesting of riparian vegetation typically included increases in the densities of Diptera, Mollusca and Oligochaetes, and decreases in the densities of Ephemeroptera. These results demonstrate that impacts on benthic macroinvertebrate communities increased as the proportion of upstream catchment harvested increased and/or after riparian vegetation was harvested. Some of the communities in headwater streams had largely recovered towards pre-harvest structures, whereas post-harvest recovery was less evident in relatively large streams, over the duration of the study.  相似文献   

The sub-Antarctic biome of South America is the world's southernmost forested ecosystem and one of the last remaining wilderness areas on the planet. Nonetheless, the region confronts various anthropogenic environmental impacts, such as the invasive North American beaver (Castor canadensis) and timber harvesting, particularly in stands of Nothofagus pumilio. Both of these disturbances can affect terrestrial and aquatic systems. To understand the influence and relative importance of these disturbances on sub-Antarctic watersheds, we characterized in-stream and riparian habitat conditions (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, stream size, distance to riparian forest, bank slope, substrate heterogeneity, benthic organic matter) and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure (density, richness, diversity, evenness) and function (biomass, functional feeding group percent) in 19 streams on Tierra del Fuego Island. To explain the effects of beaver invasion and timber harvesting, we compared these physical and biotic variables among four habitat types: (a) beaver meadows, (b) shelterwood cut harvested areas without forested riparian zones, (c) variable retention harvested areas with riparian buffers, and (d) unmanaged old-growth primary forests. Most habitat variables were similar at all sites, except for dissolved oxygen (significantly higher in streams from old-growth primary forests). Benthic communities in beaver meadows had significantly lower diversity, compared to streams of unmanaged old-growth primary forests, and managed sites presented intermediate values between the two. Functionally, the benthic community in beaver meadows displayed a reduction of all functional feeding groups except collector-gatherers; again variable retention harvested areas with riparian buffers were similar to unmanaged old-growth primary forest streams, while shelterwood cut harvested areas occupied an intermediate position. These results indicated that current forestry practices that include both variable retention and legally mandated riparian forested buffers may be effective in mitigating impacts on stream benthic communities. Finally, these data demonstrated that C. canadensis invasion was a relatively larger impact on these streams than well-managed forestry practices.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus plantations have a short rotation cycle and harvesting occurs every 12-15 years, with the potential to modify the ecological integrity of the small streams draining the harvested areas through the reduction of litterfall inputs. We studied litterfall inputs and benthic coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) storage in a small headwater stream draining a eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) plantation before and after clear felling of the plantation. We hypothesized that wood harvesting will result in a reduction of CPOM inputs and storage in the stream. Litterfall inputs ranged 530-700 g m−2 y−1 and were approximately halved (200-320 g m−2 y−1) after the harvesting of the eucalyptus trees. Bark and woody materials showed the largest reduction. Leaf inputs were initially reduced sharply, but, during the second year after the harvest, they recovered to about 90% of the values observed before the harvesting. Harvesting of the eucalyptus plantation caused an increase of benthic CPOM storage to 535 g m−2, but this was a temporary effect and these materials were washed downstream of the study reach. One year after the harvesting, benthic CPOM was reduced below 15 g m−2. Bark, twigs and other woody residues generated during the preparation of the logs for transportation were retained within the study site and represented the main component (>90%) of the benthic CPOM after timber harvesting. However, 2 years after the harvesting, low inputs of these materials caused an overall reduction of in-stream retention and residence time of benthic CPOM. Amount and composition of benthic CPOM changed quickly in response to alterations of the riparian forest, so we propose the use of CPOM as an indicator of the impact of forestry activities on the ecological functioning of small streams.  相似文献   

Large woody debris (LWD) provides structural complexity to small streams. Riparian buffers are intended to provide long-term vegetation cover and supplies of LWD, but post-harvest windthrow often occurs. To evaluate the impacts of windthrow in riparian buffers and identify the components for a small stream LWD recruitment model, we sampled 26 streams in immature and older stands in wind-exposed areas of southwestern and northern Vancouver Island. These treed buffer strips had been exposed following clearcut harvest of adjacent timber on both sides 1–20 years previously. For stream sections 100 m long in each buffer, all logs greater than 7.5 cm diameter that spanned at least part of stream channel were measured. A total of 658 logs were recorded. Windthrown trees were comparable in characteristics to the trees that made up the buffer. The majority of logs derived from windthrown trees were oriented perpendicular to the stream channel and were suspended above the stream channel. Even 20 years after harvesting, two-thirds of the logs were still suspended above the stream. Logs in older buffers were more decayed, and the decay rate depended on tree species and initial diameter. Log height above stream was negatively correlated with log decay class and time since logging. Log length declined with time since harvest exposure and decay class. Sediment was exposed on upturned roots and within mineral soil pits. The volume of soil retained on upturned rootwads declined over time, but some soil remained even after 20 years. Very little of this exposed sediment was close enough to the creek to result in sediment delivery.  相似文献   

A quantitative framework is developed for analyzing the mass budget of in-stream woody debris. Wood budgets are necessary for defining the relative importance of different recruitment processes over short and long periods, for designing spatially explicit simulation models, and for estimating the range of variability. The framework is used to analyze century-long patterns of large woody debris in streams that are governed by episodic forest death (fire and wind), forest growth and chronic mortality, bank erosion, mass wasting, decay, and stream transport. Simplified mathematical expressions are used to represent climatic, hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic processes. Results are expressed in terms of time series and probability distributions. Predictions include that in areas of longer fire rotation (500 years) toppling of fire-killed trees comprises only 15% of the long-term wood budget yet chronic stand mortality that affect the large standing forest biomass ensures continuous large volumes of wood in streams. In contrast, toppling of fire-killed trees in forest environments with shorter fire rotations (150 years) comprise about 50% of the wood budget and indicates that field observers have a significantly higher chance of encountering low wood volumes in streams. Wood recruitment by bank erosion should increase irregularly downstream and bank erosion recruitment should exceed mortality recruitment at a bank erosion rate of approximately 5 cm per year. Recruitment from debris flows represents the single largest point source of woody debris to streams. The rarity of debris flows, in conjunction with a 3% per year annual decay rate, limits the contribution of wood from debris flows to about 12% of the long-term wood budget. Fluvial transport of wood promotes an increase in both inter-jam spacing and jam volume downstream. The proportion of woody debris transported into a reach in comparison to lateral recruitment approaches an asymptotic maximum of 50% when tree height approaches channel width. The relationships among process rates, their spatial variance across landscapes, and the resulting probability distributions of long-term patterns of wood abundance are proposed as a set of general theoretical principles. New data on wood supply and storage at the network scale are needed to fully test the predictions made in this analysis.  相似文献   

Streamside management zones (SMZs) in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma are frequently established along headwater ephemeral and intermittent streams to protect water quality, provide wildlife habitat, and increase landscape diversity. To better understand the function of these riparian forest corridors, we characterized the tree density and composition, forest floor mass, and downed woody debris volume within SMZs located in undisturbed, mature, upper mid-slope shortleaf pine stands and then compared these attributes to those in upland portions of these stands. In addition to evaluate the impact of upland forest harvesting on these riparian corridors, we compared the amounts and distribution of forest floor, downed woody debris (DWD), snags, and windthrows in SMZs within shortleaf pine stands that had been clearcut, had a shelterwood harvest, and had no recent management activity (uncut stands). Total tree and hardwood basal area was significantly higher (4.4 and 4.2 m2 ha−1) while forest floor mass was significantly lower (0.5 kg m−2) in the SMZs than in the upland portion of the undisturbed stands. Five years following the reproduction cuttings tree basal area, DWD volume, and forest floor mass within SMZs did not significantly differ among stands that had or had not been harvested. Snag density was significantly lower within SMZs that occurred in clearcut stands compared to those in the uncut or shelterwood stands. Harvesting activities that retain few or no residual trees appear to increase the degradation of snags. This study provided evidence that clearcutting may also increase the risk of windthrow in SMZs as well. There was little difference in the distribution of forest floor within SMZs regardless of whether the stand was harvested or the type of harvesting that occurred in the stand. However, DWD amounts were higher near the SMZs edge than in the interior of the SMZs with the greatest differences in distributions in stands that were clearcut.  相似文献   

Riparian trees and shrubs are important providers of shade, bank stability, and woody debris needed for optimal stream quality and fish habitat in the coastal mountains of Oregon, but more data are needed to relate this woody vegetation to environmental variables. Trees, shrubs, and forest regeneration were studied in 22 riparian environments to provide those data. Conifer basal area increased with elevation, stream gradient, time since disturbance, and distance from the stream; it decreased with stream width. Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis Pursh) cover and stink currant (Ribes bracteosum Dougl. ex Hook.) cover were highest near the streams. Dwarf Oregon grape (Berberis nervosa Pursh) cover and salal (Gaultheria shallon Pursh) cover were lowest near the streams. Although forest regeneration was poor everywhere, it decreased with total shrub cover and increased with stream gradient. Existing riparian conifer stands should be maintained wherever a continuing supply of coarse woody debris is required.  相似文献   

Considerable research efforts have been devoted to determining what forest management practices most affect stream ecosystems, and how those impacts might be mitigated. Recent studies have stressed the relevance of litter decomposition to assess the conditions of headwater streams affected by riparian and upland forest harvest. Here we specifically examined whether litter decomposition can detect ecological effects of clearcutting to stream edges on headwater streams eight years after logging and if large (30 m) and narrow (10 m) riparian reserves (8-year post-harvest), and selection logging at 50% removal of basal area of riparian trees (1-year post-harvest), are effective protection measures for streams. We measured decomposition rates of red alder (Alnus rubra) leaf litter in sixteen stream reaches, including reference reaches in a 70-year-old forest. We further examined assemblages of two main litter consumer groups, shredder invertebrates in riffles and aquatic hyphomycete fungi developing on decaying alder leaves. Alder decay rate was significantly lower in clearcut reaches than in reference reaches, and we found no evidence that any alternative riparian management practices examined in this study were able to mitigate against such an effect of logging. In unlogged reaches, rapid litter decomposition (0.0050–0.0118 day−1) was associated with high density and diversity of shredders (up to ten taxa). Slower litter decomposition in wide and narrow reserve reaches (0.0019–0.0054 day−1) and clearcut reaches (0.0024–0.0054 day−1) was attributed to lower density and richness of shredders. By contrast, the low decay rate in recently established thinned reaches (0.0031–0.0049 day−1) was not associated with a numerical response of shredders. Smothering of submerged leaves by sediments may have caused the reduction in alder decay rate in thinned reaches. Across all forest treatments fungal biomass or diversity remained fairly similar. Our findings suggest that stream ecosystems are extremely sensitive to small changes in riparian and upland forest cover. We propose that litter decomposition as a key ecosystem function in streams could be incorporated into further efforts to evaluate and improve forestry best management practices.  相似文献   


In forestry operations riparian buffer zones have been retained mainly to protect water quality. Because riparian forests are also important for maintaining terrestrial biodiversity, the associated ecotones need to be characterized and defined. Forest characteristics were studied along 50 m lakeshore–upland gradients in semi-natural forests in boreonemoral Sweden. Significant changes in the density of living and dead trees, as well as in their diameters, were recorded. The edge influence was generally discernible 10–30 m from the shoreline and was manifested in the very high density of understorey and midcanopy trees. The species-specific responses reflected the known shade and flooding tolerances of tree species. Most dead trees were standing, or broken from the roots or tree base; relatively few uprooted trees were recorded, suggesting that wind is only a moderate mortality factor. In comparison with the literature, the studied lakeshore forests are distinct from managed and set-aside upland forests in terms of tree species composition and woody debris characteristics; they thus contribute to landscape heterogeneity. If buffer zones along lakes were designed so that they captured the entire riparian ecotone, this would increase their contribution to the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity.  相似文献   

The assessment on key ecological factors affecting runoff and soil erosion and the usefulness of plot-level monitoring of soil erosion was conducted by collecting runoff and soil loss records from 14 runoff plots. The runoff plots were set up in two catchments in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, where conventional logging and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) took place. Runoff plots were set up in forest areas with different levels of logging disturbances, i.e. harvesting areas (four plots), skid trails (six plots), and undisturbed/control areas (four plots). The magnitude of runoff and soil loss from skid trail plots were found to be the highest, followed by control plots and harvest plots. Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris appeared to be important ecological factors that determine the magnitude of soil loss. Tree canopy determines the size and erosive power of the raindrops. Sapling, litter layer, and woody debris protected soil surface, thus preventing soil detachment, and provided surface roughness that minimised soil particle movement down the slope. The roles of these ecological factors were less significant compared to rainfall in determining the magnitude of runoff.

Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris can be measured quantitatively or qualitatively without complicated equipment and methods. Furthermore, they are sensitive to logging disturbance which make them suitable verifiers of soil erosion. Forest managers need to limit disturbance to these factors in order to minimise soil erosion in their logging operation areas. Monitoring of soil loss using runoff plots was cost-effective and provided valuable information about soil erosion risks caused by logging operations. Runoff plots clearly demonstrated site disturbances where the plots are located. Monitoring allowed more direct linkages to be made between management practices and their impacts on runoff and soil erosion, thereby enabling forest managers to identify problems and take appropriate preventive measures to improve their management practices.  相似文献   

Little is known about how past forest management in Sweden influenced the quantity and quality of large woody debris (LWD) in streams. The present study provides information of the long-term dynamics of LWD in a reach of a boreal stream intersecting a managed forest. Dendrochronological methods were used to reconstruct mortality years of the pieces of LWD and the general history of fire and cuttings of the surrounding riparian forest. Today, spruce dominates among the living trees, whereas the LWD is dominated by birch in the forest and by pine in the stream. Fire frequency prior to active fire suppression was similar to values reported from boreal forests. Pine trees were more abundant in the riparian forest before selective logging operations and active fire suppression began in the 1800s. Many of the pieces of LWD found in the stream today died more than 200 years ago and derived from a cohort of pines that generated in the early 1600s. Pine LWD in stream channels is highly resistant to decomposition and can reside for more than 300 years. A substantial amount of the LWD found today in managed forest streams in boreal Sweden most likely derives from the time before extensive human influence and is likely to decrease further in the future. Management of riparian forests to ascertain future supply of long-lived LWD in streams should target to increase the proportion of pine trees.  相似文献   

Riparian zones along forest streams in the western United States have been repeatedly shown to be floristically and climatically different from adjacent upland forest, and to be important contributors to forest biodiversity. Similar evidence for the presence or function of riparian zones is lacking for forests of the northeastern U.S. We conducted seasonal surveys of forest-floor temperature and soil moisture across 30-m riparian transects on first- to third-order streams in southern New England. We were unable to detect any effect of distance from the stream channel on either temperature or soil moisture. These preliminary results indicate the absence of a unique riparian forest-floor microclimate within 30 m of low-order streams in southern New England. While this study failed to identify a distinctive riparian microclimatic zone, protection of a riparian buffer during forestry operations or other disturbance is essential for the protection of forest streams and their resources and the maintenance of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Fire in riparian areas has the potential to influence the functions riparian vegetation provides to streams and aquatic biota. However, there is little information on the effects of fire on riparian areas. The objectives of the present study were to: (i) determine how fire severity interacts with riparian topographic setting, micro-environmental conditions, and pre-fire community composition to control post-fire regeneration; (ii) determine how riparian regeneration patterns and controls change during early succession; and (iii) determine how critical riparian functions are influenced by and recover after fire. Study locations included the Biscuit Fire in southwestern Oregon and the B&B Complex Fire in the Cascade Mountain Range of west-central Oregon, USA. We measured post-fire woody species regeneration, and measured factors such as fire severity, pre-fire species composition, and stream size as potential factors associated with post-fire regeneration patterns. At a relatively coarse spatial scale, patterns in post-fire colonization were influenced by elevation. At finer spatial scales, both conifer- and hardwood-dominated riparian plant communities were self-replacing, suggesting that each community type tends to occur in specific ecological settings. Abundant post-fire regeneration in riparian areas and the self-replacement of hardwood- and conifer-dominated communities indicate high resilience of these disturbance-adapted plant communities.  相似文献   

Although the importance of aquatic environments and adjacent riparian habitats for fish have been recognized by forest managers, headwater creeks have received little attention. The tailed frog, Ascaphus truei, inhabits permanent headwaters, and several US studies suggest that its populations decline following clear-cut logging practices. In British Columbia, this species is considered to be at risk because little is known of its abundance, distribution patterns in the landscape, and habitat needs. We characterized nine logged, buffered and old-growth creeks in each of six watersheds (n = 54). Tadpole densities were obtained by area-constrained searches. Despite large natural variation in population size, densities decreased with increasing levels of fine sediment (<64 mm diameter), rubble, detritus and wood, and increased with bank width. The parameters that were correlated with lower tadpole densities were found at higher levels in clear-cut creeks than in creeks of other stand types. Tadpole densities were significantly lower in logged streams than in buffered and old-growth creeks; thus, forested buffers along streams appear to maintain natural channel conditions. To prevent direct physical damage and sedimentation of channel beds, we suggest that buffers be retained along permanent headwater creeks. Creeks that display characteristics favoring higher tadpole densities, such as those that have coarse, stable substrates, should have management priority over less favorable creeks. Measures should also be taken to minimize fine sediment inputs from roads and stream crossings.  相似文献   

Partial harvesting, where different numbers and arrangements of live trees are retained in forest stands, has been proposed for maintaining late-successional structure and associated vertebrate species within managed boreal forests. Using the stand dynamics model SORTIE-ND, we examined 80-year patterns of structural change in response to different intensities (30-70% basal area removal) and spatial patterns (22-273 m2 mean patch size) of harvesting. We also applied habitat models for seven late-successional vertebrates to the structural conditions present after harvesting to assess potential species responses.Partial harvesting increased understory and downed woody debris (DWD) cover and decreased overstory structure for the first 25 years after harvest, in comparison to unharvested stands, with this effect subsequently reversing as harvest-induced regeneration reached the canopy. Although harvesting enhanced long-term structural development in this regard, large trees, large snags, and large DWD all remained below unharvested levels throughout the simulation period. Harvesting also produced transient increases in early-decay DWD and ground exposure. Most changes in structural attributes increased in proportion to harvest intensity, but structural differences among harvest patterns were generally small. Dispersed harvesting induced somewhat less pronounced decreases in vertical structure, and produced more post-harvest slash, than aggregated harvesting.All seven vertebrate species decreased in abundance as harvest intensity increased from 30 to 70%. In comparison to their pre-harvest abundances in old stands, vertebrates associated with DWD (redback salamander, marten, red-backed vole) showed neutral or positive responses at one or more harvest intensities, whereas those associated with large trees and snags (brown creeper, flying squirrel) consistently exhibited substantial adverse impacts.  相似文献   

中国林木生物质能源潜力测算及变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于各省份林业统计数据,文中利用自下而上分析方法测算了中国林木生物质能源的资源潜力,并对变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:1993—2013年中国林木生物质能源资源潜力由0.78亿t标准煤增长到1.05亿t标准煤,20年间增长了34.62%;从资源构成来看,灌木平茬剩余物和采伐剩余物是林木生物质能源的主要供给来源;从区域变化来看,不同省份资源潜力呈现明显差异,但全国平均水平的逐步提高并非个别省份资源潜力大幅度提高使然,而是绝大部分省份资源潜力的共同增长促成了平均水平的连年提高。  相似文献   

新西兰森林采伐管理制度与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林采伐管理是森林资源管理的核心内容之一。在计划经济条件下制定的中国森林采伐管理制度对于森林资源保护起到了重要作用。但是, 随着市场经济不断完善、集体林权制度改革不断深入, 这种管理制度已经不适应现代林业发展的需要, 亟待完善。分析了新西兰在森林采伐方面实施的分类采伐管理、森林可持续经营计划、森林可持续经营许可证、年度采伐计划等管理措施, 期望能为完善中国森林采伐管理制度提供参考模式和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Sustainable management of bottomland hardwood forest ecosystems requires a knowledge of responses to management impacts, including timber harvesting. The effects of clearcutting and partial cutting on woody vegetation regeneration dynamics, surface and groundwater quality, soil physical properties, and soil respiration were tested in a bottomland hardwood ecosystem in southeastern Texas, USA, through comparison with non-cut control areas. Overstory removal only slightly affected composition of woody vegetation regeneration 1 year after harvesting compared with pre-harvest composition. Initial composition in both cutting treatments appeared to be the strongest determinant of post-harvest composition, at least for the first year after harvesting. There were few significant differences in groundwater properties when harvesting treatments were compared with control areas during a 17-month period following harvest. Turbidity, temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved O2, NH4-N, NO3-N, and PO4-P of streamwater did not vary significantly among treatments. Slight decreases in total and macroporosity were observed in association with higher bulk densities at 0–5 cm depth in the clearcut and partial cut treatments. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values did not decline significantly with treatment intensity. No significant differences among treatments in measured soil physical properties were observed at 5–10 cm depth. Although in situ soil respiration increased with harvest intensity, treatment had no significant effect on mineral soil respiration. In summary, most variables showed only slight response to harvesting, thereby indicating that harvesting practices can be conducted with minimal initial impacts on measured response variables.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, forested landscapes of the Pacific Northwest have become increasingly patchy, dominated by early successional forests. Several amphibian species associated with forested headwater systems have emerged as management concerns, especially after clearcutting. Given that headwater streams comprise a large portion of the length of flowing waterways in western Oregon forests, there is a need to better understand how forest management affects headwater forest taxa and their habitats. Mitigation strategies include alternatives to clearcutting, such as harvests that remove only part of the canopy and maintenance of riparian buffer strips. Our study investigates effects of upland forest thinning coupled with riparian buffer treatments on riparian and upland headwater forest amphibians, habitat attributes, and species-habitat associations. Amphibian captures and habitat variables were examined 5–6 years post-thinning within forest stands subject to streamside-retention buffers and variable-width buffers, as well as unthinned reference stands. We found no treatments effects, however, our results suggest that ground surface conditions (e.g., amount of rocky or fine substrate) play a role in determining the response of riparian and upland amphibians to forest thinning along headwater streams. Distance from stream was associated with amphibian abundance, hence retention of riparian buffers is likely important in maintaining microclimates and microhabitats needed for amphibians and other taxa. Moderate thinning and preservation of conditions in riparian and nearby upland areas by way of variable-width and streamside-retention buffers may be sufficient to maintain suitable habitat and microclimatic conditions vital to amphibian assemblages in managed headwater forests.  相似文献   

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