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吉林省森林生态建设面临的问题和对策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省是我国重要林业省份,本文分析了吉林省生态建设现状和趋势,揭示了所面临的生态与经济问题。将吉林省划分为三个经济区:中西部农牧区、东部低山丘陵多种经营区和长白山国有林区。讨论了每个区的生态建设、发展方向和任务,并对该省的林业生态可持续发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

林火迹地森林恢复研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林火灾后如何恢复被破坏的森林是人们面临的一个非常重要的问题。本文回顾了国内外火烧迹地森林恢复的研究概况,从种群、群落、生态及景观四个尺度上概括了该领域研究的主要方法;总结了在森林恢复的研究方面采用的地理信息系统和遥感等先进技术和方法,并探讨了林火迹地森林植被恢复的对策及发展趋势。参38。  相似文献   

Restoring altered forest landscapes toward their ranges of natural variability (RNV) may enhance ecosystem sustainability and resiliency, but such efforts can be hampered by complex land ownership and management patterns. We evaluated restoration potential for southern-boreal forests in the ∼2.1 million ha Border Lakes Region of northern Minnesota (U.S.A.) and Ontario (Canada), where spatially distinct timber harvest and fire suppression histories have differentially altered forest conditions (composition, age–class distribution, and landscape structure) among major management areas, effectively resulting in forest landscape “bifurcation.” We used a forest landscape simulation model to evaluate potential for four hypothetical management and two natural disturbance scenarios to restore forest conditions and reduce bifurcation, including: (1) a current management scenario that simulated timber harvest and fire suppression practices among major landowners; (2) three restoration scenarios that simulated combinations of wildland fire use and cross-boundary timber harvest designed to emulate natural disturbance patterns; (3) a historical natural disturbance scenario that simulated pre-EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes and windthrow; and (4) a contemporary fire regime that simulated fire suppression, but no timber harvest. Forest composition and landscape structure for a 200-year model period were compared among scenarios, among major land management regions within scenarios, and to six RNV benchmarks. The current management scenario met only one RNV benchmark and did not move forest composition, age–class distribution, or landscape structures toward the RNV, and it increased forest landscape bifurcation between primarily timber-managed and wilderness areas. The historical natural disturbance scenario met five RNV benchmarks and the restoration scenarios as many as five, by generally restoring forest composition, age–class distributions, and landscape structures, and reducing bifurcation of forest conditions. The contemporary natural disturbance scenario met only one benchmark and generally created a forest landscape dominated by large patches of late-successional, fire-prone forests. Some forest types (e.g., white and red pine) declined in all scenarios, despite simulated restoration strategies. It may not be possible to achieve all objectives under a single management scenario, and complications, such as fire-risk, may limit strategies. However, our model suggests that timber harvest and fire regimes that emulate natural disturbance patterns can move forest landscapes toward the RNV.  相似文献   

In the context of forest management, a fixed harvesting policy consists in trying to convert stands of trees to a chosen state at fixed intervals, regardless of the stand state and of the state of the market. In an adaptive policy, instead, the post-harvest state and the timing of the harvest depend on the stand and market states at the time of the decision. The objective of this study was to determine the practical gain from the theoretically superior adaptive policies. To this end, we compared optimal fixed and adaptive policies obtained with identical models and assumptions, and with data from the Douglas-fir/western-hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In maximizing economic returns from harvests over an infinite time horizon, the net present value was 17 percent higher with an adaptive than with a fixed policy. It was 22 percent higher when the objective was to maximize annual harvest. The adaptive policy was even more superior with undiscounted, non-economic objectives, such as the area of spotted owl habitat (+37 percent gain), or the area of late-seral forest (+51 percent), but less so in maximizing the stock of high quality logs (+6 percent). The adaptive formulation also lent itself readily to multi-objective management.  相似文献   

Forest restoration treatments involving selection harvest and prescribed fire have been applied throughout the Rocky Mountain West with only a limited understanding of how these treatments influence plant community composition and soil processes. Forest restoration treatments, especially those involving fire, have the potential to reduce N capital on site. Unfortunately there has been only limited effort to investigate the effects of forest restoration treatments on forest ecosystem N inputs, especially free living N-fixation in soil and woody residues. Recent studies have highlighted the potential for decaying woody roots to serve as hot spots for N-fixation. The fire and fire surrogates (FFS) study site at Lubrecht Experimental Forest in Western Montana provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of restoration treatments on N-fixation. We set out to examine how prescribed fire, selection harvest, and a combination of both influence free living N-fixing bacteria that colonize decomposing woody roots, mineral soil, and soil crusts. Soil, root, and soil crust samples were collected from replicated treatment plots in August 2005 and soil samples were recollected in May 2006 just following snowmelt. Acetylene reduction assays were run on all samples, and extractable inorganic N and potentially mineralizable N (PMN) were measured in mineral soil. While restoration treatments caused an increase in dead roots associated with stumps and fire killed trees, N-fixation rates were nearly non-existent in these root systems. Nitrogen-fixation rates were not significantly influenced by treatments in decomposing woody roots or in mineral soil, but were slightly greater (P < 0.10) in soil crusts when the control stand was compared to treated plots. Nitrogen-fixation rates were also greater in mineral soil than in roots. Soil collected in August exhibited greater rates of N-fixation than soil collected in May which we attributed to higher moisture and an increase in available N following spring thaw. Average rates of free living N-fixation across the treatment plots at Lubrecht were low (0.26 kg N ha−1 year−1), but over time we estimate that these sources, along with the sparse population of symbiotic N-fixing plants and wet N deposition, would replenish soil N lost through fire or harvesting in approximately 40–100 years.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIoNMoisturecontentoffOrestfuelsaffects.ignitionprobability,rateofspread,radia-tionefficiencyandenergyrelease.Itisoneofthemajorvariablesfordeterminingfireoccurrence,evaluatingfiredangerandpre-dictingfirebehavior.Obviouslyfuelmois-turecontentisevidenceonwhichisbasedtodetermineprescribedburning.Thechangeoffuelmoisturecontentisaffectedbymanyfactors.Thedynamicmodelsoffuelmoisturecontentcanbeestablishedinaccordancewiththosefactors.lnthispaper,thetheoryofrelativemoisturecontent,develope…  相似文献   

This paper reviews various forestry practices in Jilin Province, China. The authors emphasize the rich natural diversity of Jilin and the need to focus research efforts on understanding the potential of native species to meet the needs of land-management agencies involved in forest resource exploitation and ecological restoration. The native species of China hold great potential, and deserve more research attention, for meeting these needs. The introduction and testing of exotic species should be dbne only under rigorous scientific testing and after comparison with native species prior to operational introduction into forestry in order to avoid unwanted ecological consequences, including potential problems with alien invasives and pest introductions. The authors also emphasize the need to maintain viable (e.g., genetically diverse and reproductively fit) natural populations of native species in order to protect China's valuable natural diversity and maintain the potential of native species to function as future seed sources for local forest and ecological restoration activities.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in carbon sinks and mitigation of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect. Given that sample plots used for collection of forest carbon observations are often much smaller than the map units of forest carbon at regional, national, and global scales, scientists are currently experiencing two challenges. The first challenge is to produce reliable maps of forest carbon using the data from inconsistent sizes of plots and image pixels. Also, because estimates of forest carbon normally contain uncertainties, the second challenge is to accurately model propagation of uncertainties from input data to output results. In this study, a methodology for mapping and analyzing spatial uncertainty of forest carbon estimates was developed to address these challenges. The methodological framework consisted of two methods. The first one was up-scaling method that combined and scaled up existing national forest inventory plot data and satellite images from smaller sample plots and image pixels to larger map units. The second one was spatial uncertainty analysis and error budget method that entailed modeling propagated uncertainties through a geostatistical mapping system. A case study using 46 permanent national forest inventory plots from Wu-Yuan County, Jiangxi, China, was undertaken to test this methodology. The results showed that this method reproduced not only the spatial distribution of forest carbon but also the spatial pattern of variances of its estimates and was able to quantify the contributions of uncertainties from the field plot data and satellite images to the uncertainties of forest carbon estimates. Thus, this study, to some extent, overcame the gaps that currently exist in the generation and assessment of forest carbon estimation maps. Moreover, the results showed that in this case study, the variation of the band ratio defined as (TM2 + TM3 + TM5)/TM7 contributed more uncertainties to the estimates of forest carbon than the variation of the plot data. In addition, we also found out that the product of the input plot forest carbon variance and the band ratio variance, implying the interaction between these two variables, reduced the uncertainties of the forest carbon estimates.  相似文献   

The restoration of forest landscape has drawn much attention since the catastrophic fire took place on the northern slope of Great Xing‘an Mountains in 1987. Forest canopy density, which has close relation to forest productivity, was selected as a key factor to find how much the forest quality was changed 13 years after fire, and how fire severity, regeneration way and terrain factors influenced the restoration of forest canopy density, based on forest inventory data in China, and using Kendall Bivariate Correlation Analysis, and Distances Correlation Analysis. The results showed that fire severity which was inversely correlated with forest canopy density grade was an initial factor among all that selected. Regeneration way which did not remarkably affect forest canopy density restoration in short period, may shorten the cycle of forest succession and promote the forest productivity of conophorium in the future, Among the three terrain factors, the effect of slope was the strongest, the position on slope was the second and the aspect was the last.  相似文献   

In many areas, picking wild berries constitutes an important forest commodity offering food, recreational services, and revenues. Intensified forest management has negatively affected bilberry yields. In this study, regional-level scenario analyses were conducted to investigate the effects of four approaches to the inclusion of bilberry yields on the economics, management, and resulting forest structures in North Karelia. The current approach ignoring bilberries resulted in decreasing bilberry yields and increasing younger forests. When bilberries were valued at market price (1.72?€?kg?1), bilberry yields still decreased despite the fact that forest management were slightly modified to favour bilberry. Adding non-declining sustainability constraints to bilberry yields resulted in a slightly lower total net present value of timber and bilberry since forest management favoured longer rotation lengths, which increased bilberry yields. Similar effects occurred when the bilberry price was tripled to include the implicit ecosystem benefits of bilberries. When forests were managed only for bilberries (timber zero-priced), bilberry yields started to increase immediately resulting in 1.5-fold difference in 50 years as compared to timber only scenario. In conclusion, managing forests for both timber and bilberry production has rather minor effects on economics, but it can have clear positive effect on bilberry yields.  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge has become a topic of considerable interest within the research and development environment. Incorporating indigenous knowledge into state-led ‘top-down’ conservation and development programmes, however, is still a great challenge. This paper presents a case from Yunnan, Southwest China, in which indigenous knowledge has been integrated into the development of an agroforestry model with non-timber forest products for the Sloping Land Conservation Programme (SLCP) by using a participatory technology development (PTD) approach. This approach was adopted to increase the likelihood that technologies developed would be suitable for resource-poor households. It is expected that integrating indigenous and scientific knowledge, will lead to positive ecological and economic outcomes. Finally, the paper argues that the integration of indigenous knowledge in both forestry policy formulation and implementation is important in the context of sustainable forest management in mountain areas.  相似文献   

Thinning treatments in second-growth forest may be a practical means of accelerating the development of certain old-growth structural features in regions where old stands are presently uncommon. We used CANOPY, an individual-tree model calibrated with data from thinned and unthinned stands, to simulate effects of thinning on growth rates and development of old-growth structural features in second-growth northern hardwoods. Three simulated, moderately heavy thinnings over a period of 45 years nearly doubled the predicted mean radial increment of canopy trees, percent of stand basal area in large trees, and area of canopy gaps. Compared to untreated stands, thinned stands had fewer dead trees per ha, but the dead trees were larger in size and the overall volume of snags and logs was little affected. In a 77-year old even-aged stand, moderately heavy thinning was predicted to reduce the time needed to attain the minimum structural features of an old-growth forest from 79 to 36 years. Simulated treatments in an older, uneven-aged stand gave mixed results; the moderately heavy treatment stimulated individual tree growth, but the removal of some medium-sized canopy trees in conjunction with natural mortality delayed the development of old-growth structure. Total volume of dead wood may still be deficient under the thinning regimes investigated in this study, but predicted live-tree structure 45 years after moderately heavy thinning was typical of stands in the advanced transition and steady-state stages of old-growth development. Results suggest that thinning can substantially accelerate the development of old-growth structure in pole and mature northern hardwoods, but response in older, uneven-aged stands is more modest, and treatments in these stands may need to be more conservative to achieve restoration goals.  相似文献   

Traditionally Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) studies have focused on processes of negative land-cover change, primarily deforestation, partially because examples of positive land-cover change were not common. During the last two decades an outstanding tropical dry forest restoration process had taken place in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, which has given us a unique opportunity to study how and why tropical dry forest regrowth occurs. The purpose of this paper is to undertake a retrospective analysis of the social dynamics of forest deforestation and restoration in Guanacaste from 1960 to 2005. Hence we investigate how structural drivers shape patterns of forest-cover change and examine how the role that Costa Rica's conservation policies had played in promoting forest restoration. Our study combined analyses of socioeconomic data and satellite images of forest cover. We showed that forest regrowth observed in Guanacaste after the 1980s was the result of multiple socioeconomic factors. Our results indicate that the degree of incentive provided by conservation policies such as Payment for Environmental Services are not enough to ensure that Guanacaste's forest will be protected against the potentially negative impacts of future socioeconomic changes. The findings from our analysis can assist decision-makers and managers in other regions to understand how social, economic and political dynamics impact the effectiveness of forest conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Blakesley  David  Pakkad  Greuk  James  Celia  Torre  Franck  Elliott  Stephen 《New Forests》2004,27(1):89-100
Castanopsis acuminatissima (Bl.) A. DC. is one of a number of framework species which are being planted to restore seasonally dry tropical forests in northern Thailand. This study describes the level of microsatellite variation within and among three populations of this species in three National Parks in northern Thailand: Doi Suthep-Pui, Doi Inthanon and Jae Sawn, using published primers developed for Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii Nakai. The five microsatellite loci employed in this study detected a total of 54 alleles (n = 72). The informativeness of the microsatellite loci varied from six to 18 alleles, with an average of 10.8 alleles found over all loci. The mean observed heterozygosities in the three populations showed no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The vast majority of genetic diversity was contained within the populations, with no significant differentiation between them (FST = 0.006). Algorithms were designed to capture microsatellite diversity, and the rationale for using microsatellite markers to inform genetic conservation is discussed. The implications for seed collection of C. acuminatissima for forest restoration are also discussed.  相似文献   

The study presents four ways to formulate a landscape level forest planning model for group planning using a heuristic optimization method called ‘HERO’. The HERO method is composed of two primary steps: first, forest management goals are defined; then a management plan is sought to fulfill the defined goals. The planning models consider the landscape (whole area) and forest holdings as separate hierarchical levels. Within the planning models, each participant's forest management goals are defined using additive priority functions consisting of weighted sub-utility and/or achievement functions. Maximizing the achievement function minimizes the deviation from the target value for the corresponding goal variable. (i) The integrated top-down model uses achievement functions on the landscape level and sub-utility functions on the individual holding level; while (ii) the integrated bottom-up model uses achievement functions on the holding level and sub-utility functions on the landscape level. (iii) The integrated utility maximization model consists of weighted sub-utility functions on both the landscape and the individual holding levels and (iv) the integrated regret minimization model uses achievement functions on both levels. The use of different priority models was illustrated in a case study, which consisted of four neighboring private land holdings. In general, the priority models worked in a logical way. Large deviations from the targets could be prevented by using achievement functions in the overall priority models. On the other hand, the differences between the models were not very large, and the results of only one case cannot be generalized. It seems that all the alternative priority models might have use in different planning situations. However, interactive use of the models should be preferred.  相似文献   

We used pre-sowing treatments v/z., soaking seeds in concen- trated sulphudc acid (CSA), gibberellic acid (GA), combined treatment of CSA + GA and mechanical scarification to overcome seed dormancy and enhance synchronous germination of Macaranga peltata seeds. We analysed percent seed germination data by logistic regression and con- finned that except in GA treatment, time and acid concentration together were crucial for enhancing germination. The combination treatment of CSA and GA resulted in higher percent germination (up to 74%) than either treatment used separately, but produced defective seedlings (26%). Mechanical scarification of seed coat had the greatest impact in enhanc- ing germination (78%) and reducing imbibition time (6 days) against the control (0%). Germination studies and SEM analysis confirmed that seed germination in M. peltata was inhibited by seed coat dormancy.  相似文献   

Prunus cerasoides D. Don has been identified as a framework species for restoring evergreen forest in seasonally dry climates. The aim of this study was to develop criteria to select parent trees for supplying seed to forest restoration projects based on seedling performance in the nursery and in the field. Seed progenies were collected from 50 individual parent trees; 13 in Doi Inthanon National Park; 14 in Doi Ang Khang; and 23 in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Criteria were developed for the selection of superior parent seed trees based on nursery and field performance, and a provisional selection of parent seed trees for forest restoration projects has been made based on these criteria. Four standards for selection of superior seed trees were recognised: (i) 70% or greater seedling survival in the field, (ii) a seedling height of 100 cm or taller after the first growing season in the field, (iii) 40% or greater germination in the nursery and (iv) 70% or higher seedling survival in the nursery. Twenty one seed trees met these standards.  相似文献   

The paper provides a systematical analysis of ecological restoration effects of natural secondary forest of closurearea in Chao Guanxi Gou, Miyun County, Beijing. The results indicate that through more than twenty years of hillclosing afforestation since 1983, canopy closure has improved almost by 0.2; forest cover rate has raised from 7.2% to 93.8%; biodiversity, tree biomass and vegetation community have increased to a great extent. Compared with the average canopy closure before hillclosing afforestation in this area, it has improved to over 0.4 in average and increased by 0.1-0.2. The forest coverage degree has reached more than 90%. Consequently, the forest plays more important roles in intercepting precipitation, improving water storage capacity of soil, decreasing the surface runoff, and preventing soil and water loss.  相似文献   

Evaluation and scenario simulation for forest ecological security in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Continuously growing populations and rapid economic development have led to the excessive use of forest resources,and the forest ecosystem is threatened.In response,forest ecological security(FES)has attracted attention.In this study,an integrated dynamic simulation model was constructed using the system dynamic method,and it was used to evaluate the FES in China from 1999 to 2014.A scenario analysis was then used to evaluate the changes in the FES under five forestry policy scenarios for the 2015–2050 period,including the baseline,afforestation policy,harvesting policies,management policy,investment policy,and a policy mix.The results showed that the evaluation values of the FES increased during the period from 1999 to 2002,the period from 2004 to 2010 and the year 2014,and they decreased in 2003 and during the period from 2011 to 2013.During the 2015–2050 simulation period,the FES improved continuously.In particular,China would enter a new stage when the economic systems,social systems and ecosystems were in harmony after 2040.To improve the FES and the current status of the FES,a scenario analysis showed the most suitable scenario to be Scenario 5 from 2015 to 2020 and Scenario 2 from 2021 to 2050.To relieve pressure,the most suitable scenario would be Scenario 5 from 2015 to 2040 and from 2046 to 2050,and the most suitable scenario would be Scenario 4 for 2041–2045.A policy mix(Scenario 5)would be most efficient under current conditions,while the effects of all the benefits of the forestry policies would weaken over the long term.The integrated method can be regarded as a decision support tool to help policy makers understand FES and promulgate a reasonable forestry policy.  相似文献   

A proper forest planning process includes the assessment of the decision-makers’ preferences concerning the future forest use. For some owners, it may be a difficult task to express their preferences exactly and in the form that is required for planning calculations. This study presents a new kind of approach for analyzing the effects of preferential uncertainty. The approach consists of examination of the differences in the actual decision variables in forest planning, i.e. selected treatments for stands between holding-level forest plans. In example calculations, the preferential uncertainty was examined from three different viewpoints: the uncertainty in the weights of the objective variables; the uncertainty in the partial utility function; and the combination of these two uncertainty sources. One thousand preference realizations were generated for each of these uncertainty sources. More than one treatment schedules are proposed for stands that are affected by preferential uncertainty. These stands were detected from among the resulting set of 1,000 forest plans. With this done, two potential decision-making strategies, an adaptive behavior strategy and a threshold proportion strategy, were applied as guides in decision-making for stands, which have more than one treatment alternative selected in the produced optimal forest plans. The adaptive behavior technique required that the forest owner select one treatment alternative for at least one stand that has more than one proposed treatment alternative. The treatment alternatives having frequencies exceeding the given threshold frequency were all accepted simultaneously in the threshold strategy. The main benefit of the approach is to present the effects of uncertainties in a way that can be easily understood by the actual decision-makers. It is a promising tool for practical decision-making situations because at least Finnish non-industrial private forest owners quite often focus on making stand-level forest management decisions. It is also suitable for examinations of other uncertainty sources such as timber prices or inventory data.  相似文献   

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