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The introduction of non-native pathogens can have profound effects on forest ecosystems resulting in loss of species, changes in species composition, and altered fuel structure. The introduction of Phytophthora ramorum, the pathogen recognized as causing Sudden Oak Death (SOD), leads to rapid decline and mortality of tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) in forests of coastal California, USA. We tracked foliar moisture content (FMC) of uninfected tanoaks, SOD-infected tanoaks, SOD-killed (dead) tanoaks, and surface litter for 12 months. We found that FMC values differed significantly among the three categories of infection. FMC of uninfected tanoaks averaged 82.3% for the year whereas FMC of infected tanoaks had a lower average of 77.8% (ANOVA, P = 0.04). Dead trees had a significantly lower FMC, averaging 12.3% (ANOVA, P < 0.01) for the year. During fire season (June–September), dead tanoak FMC reached a low of 5.8%, with no significant difference between dead canopy fuels and surface litter (ANOVA, P = 0.44). Application of low FMC values to a crown ignition model results in extremely high canopy base height values to escape crown ignition. Remote estimation of dead FMC using 10-h timelag fuel moisture shows a strong correlation between remote automated weather station (RAWS) 10-h timelag fuel moisture data and the FMC of dead leaves (R2 = 0.78, P < 0.01). Results from this study will help refine the decision support tools for fire managers in SOD-affected areas as well as conditions in other forests where diseases and insect epidemics have altered forest canopy fuels.  相似文献   

Forest canopy height is essential information for many forest management activities and is a critical parameter in models of ecosystem processes. Several methods are available to measure canopy height from single-tree to regional and global scales, but the methods vary widely in their sensitivities, leading to different height estimates even for identical stands. We compare four technologies for estimating canopy height in pine and hardwood forests of the Piedmont region of North Carolina, USA: (1) digital elevation data from the global Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band radar interferometry, (2) X- and P-band radar interferometry from the recently developed airborne Geographic Synthetic Aperture Radar (GeoSAR) sensor, (3) small footprint lidar measurements (in pine only), and (4) field measurements acquired by in situ forest mensuration. Differences between measurements were smaller in pine than in hardwood forests, with biases ranging from 5.13 to 12.17 m in pine (1.60–13.77 m for lidar) compared to 6.60–15.28 m in hardwoods and RMSE from 8.40 to 14.21 m in pine (4.73–14.92 m for lidar) compared to 9.54–16.84 in hardwood. GeoSAR measurements of canopy height were among the most comparable measurements overall and showed potential for successful calibration, with R2 = 0.87 in pine canopies and R2 = 0.38 in hardwood canopies from simple linear regression. An improved calibration based on differential canopy penetration is presented and applied to SRTM measurements, resulting in canopy height estimates in pine forests with RMSE and standard error <4.00 m. Each of the remotely sensed methods studied produces reasonable and consistent depictions of canopy height that can be compared with data of similar provenance, but due to differences in underlying sensitivities between the methods, comparisons between measurements from various sources require cross-calibration and will be most useful at broad scales.  相似文献   

Canopy fuel characteristics that influence the initiation and spread of crown fires were measured in representative Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) stands in Greece. Vertical distribution profiles of canopy fuel load, canopy base height and canopy bulk density are presented. Aleppo pine canopy fuels are characterized by low canopy base height (3.0–6.5 m), while available canopy fuel load (0.96–1.80 kg/m2) and canopy bulk density (0.09–0.22 kg/m3) values are similar to other conifers worldwide. Crown fire behavior (probability of crown fire initiation, crown fire type, rate of spread, fireline intensity and flame length) in Aleppo pine stands with various understory fuel types was simulated with the most updated crown fire models. The probability of crown fire initiation was high even under moderate burning conditions, mainly due to the low canopy base height and the heavy surface fuel load. Passive crown fires resulted mostly in uneven aged stands, while even aged stands gave high intensity active crown fires. Assessment of canopy fuel characteristics and potential crown fire behavior can be useful in fuel management and fire suppression planning.  相似文献   

Fire plays an important role in shaping many Sierran coniferous forests, but longer fire return intervals and reductions in area burned have altered forest conditions. Productive, mesic riparian forests can accumulate high stem densities and fuel loads, making them susceptible to high-severity fire. Fuels treatments applied to upland forests, however, are often excluded from riparian areas due to concerns about degrading streamside and aquatic habitat and water quality. Objectives of this study were to compare stand structure, fuel loads, and potential fire behavior between adjacent riparian and upland forests under current and reconstructed active-fire regime conditions. Current fuel loads, tree diameters, heights, and height to live crown were measured in 36 paired riparian and upland plots. Historic estimates of these metrics were reconstructed using equations derived from fuel accumulation rates, current tree data, and increment cores. Fire behavior variables were modeled using Forest Vegetation Simulator Fire/Fuels Extension.Riparian forests were significantly more fire prone under current than reconstructed conditions, with greater basal area (BA) (means are 87 vs. 29 m2/ha), stand density (635 vs. 208 stems/ha), snag volume (37 vs. 2 m3/ha), duff loads (69 vs. 3 Mg/ha), total fuel loads (93 vs. 28 Mg/ha), canopy bulk density (CBD) (0.12 vs. 0.04 kg/m3), surface flame length (0.6 vs. 0.4 m), crown flame length (0.9 vs. 0.4 m), probability of torching (0.45 vs. 0.03), predicted mortality (31% vs. 17% BA), and lower torching (20 vs. 176 km/h) and crowning indices (28 vs. 62 km/h). Upland forests were also significantly more fire prone under current than reconstructed conditions, yet changes in fuels and potential fire behavior were not as large. Under current conditions, riparian forests were significantly more fire prone than upland forests, with greater stand density (635 vs. 401 stems/ha), probability of torching (0.45 vs. 0.22), predicted mortality (31% vs. 16% BA), and lower quadratic mean diameter (46 vs. 55 cm), canopy base height (6.7 vs. 9.4 m), and frequency of fire tolerant species (13% vs. 36% BA). Reconstructed riparian and upland forests were not significantly different. Our reconstruction results suggest that historic fuels and forest structure may not have differed significantly between many riparian and upland forests, consistent with earlier research suggesting similar historic fire return intervals. Under current conditions, however, modeled severity is much greater in riparian forests, suggesting forest habitat and ecosystem function may be more severely impacted by wildfire than in upland forests.  相似文献   

Improving trees location under LiDAR-derived digital canopy height models (DCMs) is of great interest as discrepancies between both dataset influence the accuracy of the estimations of forest attributes. A method is proposed for the co-registration of LiDAR-derived DCMs with local field positional measurements under a dense tree canopy. This approach consists of two main stages: (1) the assessment of the match between the LiDAR-derived digital terrain model and topographic surveying measurements when shifting the coordinates around a measured position; and (2) a comparison between the field height of selected trees and the LiDAR-derived DCM. Satisfactory results were obtained from geo-referencing field data and LiDAR models for characterizing the forest structure in heterogeneous Pinus sylvestris stands. Closure error of topographic surveying was 17.7 cm, and GPS accuracy to 95 % probability was below 10 cm, thus considerably lower than the resolution of the LiDAR models (1 m-pixel). The best co-location for field trees and LiDAR models provided a coefficient of determination of 0.56 between field-measured tree heights and LiDAR-derived DCM values.  相似文献   

Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) from 14 aspen stands ranging in age from 5 to 142 years were destructively sampled to provide branch, crown and bole growth information. Analysis of crown development processes such as branch angle, branch extensional growth, branch crookedness and annual height growth suggested a significant increase in relative branch growth with height and age which was linked to the temporal decline of height growth. Crown class dependent crown length (%) and crown area relationships were observed indicating crown size followed the sequence: open grown trees > dominants > suppressed trees. A significant shift in crown development from vertical to lateral crown expansion was observed as aspen mature.  相似文献   

Since individual tree leaf area is an important measure for productivity as well as for site occupancy, it is of high interest in many studies about forest growth. The exact determination of leaf area is nearly impossible. Thus, a common way to get information about leaf area is to use substitutes. These substitutes are often variables which are collected in a destructive way which is not feasible for long term studies. Therefore, this study aimed at testing the applicability of using substitutes for leaf area which could be collected in a non-destructive way, namely crown surface area and crown projection area. In 8 stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), divided into three age classes and two thinning treatments, a total of 156 trees were felled in order to test the relationship between leaf area and crown surface area and crown projection area, respectively. Individual tree leaf area of the felled sample trees was estimated by 3P-branch sampling with an accuracy of ±10%. Crown projection area and crown surface area were compared with other, more commonly used, but destructive predictors of leaf area, namely sapwood area at different heights on the bole. Our investigations confirmed findings of several studies that sapwood area is the most precise measure for leaf area because of the high correlation between sapwood area and the leaf area. But behind sapwood area at crown base and sapwood area at three tenth of the tree height the predictive ability of crown surface area was ranked third and even better than that of sapwood area at breast height (R2 = 0.656 compared with 0.600). Within the stands leaf area is proportional to crown surface area. Using the pooled data of all stands a mixed model approach showed that additionally to crown surface area dominant height and diameter at breast height (dbh) improved the leaf area estimates. Thus, taking dominant height and dbh into account, crown surface area can be recommended for estimating the leaf area of individual trees. The resulting model was in line with many other findings on the leaf area and leaf mass relationships with crown size. From the additional influence of dominant height and dbh in the leaf area model we conclude that the used crown model could be improved by estimating the position of the maximum crown width and the crown width at the base of the crown depending on these two variables.  相似文献   

Recently, it was shown that individual tree heights could be accurately estimated using small-footprint airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing. Because most of the areas studied previously were limited to flat terrain, we investigated the accuracy of LiDAR-derived individual tree height estimates for different types of topographical features in mountainous forests with a steeper and more complex topography. Several middle-aged (40–50 years old) sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations are found in the mountainous regions in Japan; hence, we chose 48-year-old sugi plantations to investigate the accuracy of these estimates. The surveyed area was divided into three types of topographical features; steep slope (mean slope ± SD; 37.6° ± 5.8°), gentle slope (15.6° ± 3.7°), and gentle yet rough terrain (16.8° ± 7.8°). Before estimating tree heights, the number of detected trees within each topographical feature was researched. In each of these terrains, the percentage of trees detected correctly was 74%, 86%, and 92%; the average error between LiDAR-derived and field-measured tree heights was 0.227m, –0.473m, and –0.183m; and the accuracy of the LiDAR-derived tree height estimates, given as root mean square error (RMSE), was 0.901m, 0.846m, and 0.576m, respectively. Consequently, the procedure presented in this study could detect most canopy trees and estimate individual tree heights with an accuracy better than 1m, even in a forest with a mean slope angle of approximately 38°; thus, indicating that small-footprint airborne LiDAR will be a useful tool for accurately estimating the heights of individual canopy trees in sugi plantations in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Coffea arabica shrubs are indigenous to the understorey of the moist evergreen montane rainforest of Ethiopia. Semi-forest coffee is harvested from semi-wild plants in forest fragments where farmers thin the upper canopy and annually slash the undergrowth. This traditional method of coffee cultivation is a driver for preservation of indigenous forest cover, differing from other forms of agriculture and land use which tend to reduce forest cover. Because coffee farmers are primarily interested in optimizing coffee productivity, understanding how coffee yield is maximized is necessary to evaluate how, and to what extent, coffee production can be compatible with forest conservation.Abiotic variables and biotic variables of the canopy were recorded in 26 plots within 20 forest fragments managed as semi-forest coffee systems near Jimma, SW Ethiopia. In each plot, coffee shrub characteristics and coffee yield were recorded for four coffee shrubs. Cluster and indicator species analyses were used to differentiate plant communities of shade trees. A multilevel linear mixed model approach was then used to evaluate the effect of abiotic soil variables, shade tree plant community, canopy and stand variables, coffee density and coffee shrub size variables on coffee yield.Climax species of the rainforest were underrepresented in the canopy. There were three impoverished shade tree communities, which differed in tree species composition but did not exhibit significant differences in abiotic soil variables, and did not directly influence coffee yield. Coffee yield was primarily determined by coffee shrub branchiness and basal diameter. At the stand level a reduced crown closure increased coffee yield. Yield was highest for coffee shrubs in stands with crown closure less than median (49 ± 1%). All stands showed a reduced number of stems and a lower canopy compared to values reported for undisturbed moist evergreen montane rainforests.Traditional coffee cultivation is associated to low tree species diversity and simplified forest structure: few stems, low canopy height and low crown closure. Despite intensive human interference some of the climax species are still present and may escape local extinction if they are tolerated and allowed to regenerate. The restoration of healthy populations of climax species is critical to preserve the biodiversity, regeneration capacity, vitality and ecosystem functions of the Ethiopian coffee forests.  相似文献   

Forest structure and productivity was investigated in a 12-year-old Rhizophora mucronata Lam. plantation at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Sampling was carried out in 22, 10 m × 10 m quadrats laid along belt transects perpendicular to the waterline. Within each quadrat all trees with stem diameter greater than 2.5 cm were identified, position marked and counted. Vegetation measurements included tree height (m), canopy cover (%) and stem diameter measured at 1.3 m above the ground (D130); from which were derived basal area (m2/ha); stand density (stems/ha) and biomass (t/ha). Information regarding composition and distribution of juveniles was derived using linear regeneration sampling (LRS). The replanted forest had a stand density of 5132 stems/ha; with a mean canopy height and stem diameter of 8.4 ± 1.1 m (range: 3.0–11.0 m) and 6.2 ± 1.87 cm (range: 2.5–12.4 cm), respectively. The total juvenile density was 4886 saplings per hectare; 78.6% of which constituted the parental canopy. The standing biomass for the 12-year-old R. mucronata plantation was 106.7 ± 24.0 t/ha, giving a biomass accumulation rate of 8.9 t/(ha year).  相似文献   

This study investigated which predictor variables with respect to crown properties, derived from small-footprint airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, together with LiDAR-derived tree height, could be useful in regression models to predict individual stem volumes. Comparisons were also made of the sum of predicted stem volumes for LiDAR-detected trees using the best regression model with field-measured total stem volumes for all trees within stands. The study area was a 48-year-old sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation in mountainous forest. The topographies of the three stands with different stand characteristics analyzed in this study were steep slope (mean slope ± SD; 37.6° ± 5.8°), gentle slope (15.6° ± 3.7°), and gentle yet rough terrain (16.8° ± 7.8°). In the regression analysis, field-measured stem volumes were regressed against each of the six LiDAR-derived predictor variables with respect to crown properties, such as crown area, volume, and form, together with LiDAR-derived tree height. The model with sunny crown mantle volume (SCV) had the smallest standard error of the estimate obtained from the regression model in each stand. The standard errors (m3) were 0.144, 0.171, and 0.181, corresponding to 23.9%, 21.0%, and 20.6% of the average field-measured stem volume for detected trees in each of these stands, respectively. Furthermore, the sum of the individual stem volumes, predicted by regression models with SCV for the detected trees, occupied 83%–91% of field-measured total stem volumes within each stand, although 69%–86% of the total number of trees were correctly detected by a segmentation procedure using LiDAR data.  相似文献   

The scattered tree layer that defines savannas is important for structuring the understory community and determining patterns of overstory recruitment. However, encroachment by woody plants has altered overstory tree densities and regeneration dynamics. We characterized seedling success of the savanna-forming species Quercus alba within Midwestern (USA) oak savannas that had been degraded by encroachment (control; n = 4) or experimentally restored by removal of encroaching woody vegetation (treatment; n = 4). In early 2004, 981 seedlings were transplanted along transects radiating from tree boles of overstory Q. alba trees to inter-canopy gaps and monitored for three growing seasons. Seedlings in restored sites had greater survival (>2×), height growth (by >50%), and basal diameter growth (by >20%). In general, seedling survival and growth parameters increased with distance from overstory trees and were greatest in inter-canopy gaps of restored sites. By the final growing season (2006), the seedling survival-by-distance from tree correlation was stronger in control (r2 = 0.25) than treatment sites (r2 = 0.18), due to relatively uniform (and greater) survival at all distances from trees in treatment sites. In 2006, growth parameters (seedling height, diameter, Δ height, Δ diameter, and # leaves) were significantly (and more strongly) positively correlated with distance from trees in treatment sites. However, seedling herbivory was also greater after treatment and increased with distance from overstory trees. To understand seedling/microenvironment relationships, we created logistic (survival) and linear regression models (Δ height, Δ basal diameter, # leaves in 2006). Control seedling models had consistently greater predictive power and included more variables, suggesting that savanna restoration may decouple seedlings from their microenvironments, potentially by decreasing competition for limiting resources. Encroachment of the savannas in this study is limiting regeneration of Q. alba, suggesting substantially altered regeneration dynamics from those under which these savannas originally formed. Initial responses from our test of restoration, however, were promising and mechanical encroachment removal may be a means to promote overstory regeneration of this species. Finally, the savannas in this study appear inherently unstable and a scattered canopy tree configuration is unlikely to persist without regular disturbance, even in the restoration sites. Repeated mechanical thinning treatments with selected retention of recruiting Q. alba individuals or reintroduction of understory fire or grazing animals may be potential mechanisms for promoting long-term persistence of savannas at these sites.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the utility of remotely sensed data to estimate forest maturity within Charles County, MD. We calculated tree canopy height using airborne scanning LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data over the entire county, and compared this to crown top height, stand age, and other data collected from randomly selected plots on the ground. Canopy height was a strong predictor of forest age, and we improved predictive power by including other variables such as land cover, slope, stream proximity, wetlands, and floodplains. These comparisons allowed us to construct a spatial model classifying forest in the study area into three age categories: ≤30 years old, 30–70 years old, and >70 years old, corresponding to young, intermediate, and mature. This spatial model was used to help characterize ecosystem condition and wildlife habitat, and help prioritize conservation decisions in the study area.  相似文献   

Young trees were harvested to explore non-destructive methodologies to estimate live branch dry weights in young fast-growing Eucalyptus species under different spacing and fertilizer treatments. Branch growth can vary with silvicultural management such as spacing, fertilizing and thinning, and over relatively short periods in response to environmental conditions. Many published regressions based on standard measurements of height and diameter are site, age and treatment specific. The aim of this study was to improve our capacity to predict woody crown dry weight, based on stem measurements, and to minimize (or eliminate) treatment effects on the resulting model. In young trees, branches are temporary support structures for foliage and are often discarded as the base of the green crown rises. As temporary structures they represent an investment of biomass and nutrient elements, and are subject to selection pressures to maximize the return on investment by the tree. Trees were harvested from existing plantation experiments located in south-eastern Queensland for E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden (ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m in height, to 5 years old) and south-western Australia for E. globulus Labill. (0.10–34.4 m in height, to 10.2 years) in order to examine the impact of spacing, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on early growth. Relationships to estimate crown woody biomass from non-destructive measurements were developed, and these relationships tended to have different slopes and intercepts for trees with predominantly juvenile foliage and those with intermediate or adult foliage. Dry weight of whole-crown live branch wood (Wbranch) was related to heights and/or diameter at breast height (DBH), but the regressions parameters were different, depending on treatment. The relationships became more generic (i.e. less dependent on treatment effects) between Wbranch and stem sectional area at the height of the base of the green crown (SACB), consistent with the pipe model theory (R2 > 0.91 for the two species for trees with intermediate/adult leaves). However, Wbranch was more closely related again to the stem volume above the base of the green crown and treatment effects were not significant (VCon,gc, R2 > 0.93). Branches exit the stem below the green crown, and for E. grandis the best relationship was on stem volume above the lowest live branch (VCon,llb, R2 0.94). Limited sampling from four other species with similar or contrasting crown characteristics indicated that the relationship could be applied quite generally. Individual E. grandis branch woody dry weight was closely related to the conical volume of the main (first order) branch (Vcon,br, R2 0.98). The whole crown equivalent, branch woody dry weight plus stem dry weight above the lowest live branch, was also closely related to the stem volume within the woody crown (VCon,llb, R2 0.97–0.99). While the slope of this relationship was still significantly different between trees with juvenile and intermediate/adult foliage, it had a similar form, suggesting that trees with juvenile foliage allocated a different proportion of their woody biomass within the crown to branches than older trees.  相似文献   

We tested hypotheses on the effect of growing space and biomechanics on tree growth, using data from two field experiments where Scots pine seedlings had been planted in a fixed but systematically irregular pattern. After 16 or 18 years, respectively, stem diameter was measured at 1.3 m (d1.3) and 0.3 m above ground (d0.3). Total tree height, length and diameter of the crown, and height to crown gravity point were also measured. Analyses were split in two parts: influence of growing space on tree and crown dimensions, and biomechanical influence of the crown on stem diameter. The results showed that crown size was closely related to tree height, and that there was a small but statistically significant effect of growing space on both crown size and shape. The biomechanical model explained about 85% of the variation in stem diameter, but growing space had no influence on this relationship, indicating that the wind load absorbed by a given crown size was not affected by growing space. The results were discussed in relation to future growth modelling and new ways of estimating site productivity.  相似文献   

Snags are important both as structural components and as animal habitat in forests, but abundance is often low and their dynamics poorly understood in young, managed stands. Using a large data set of 19,622 snags from permanent plots in second-growth forests of coastal British Columbia, we modeled snag longevity (time from tree mortality to snag fall) for three species: Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and western redcedar (Thuja plicata). Snag longevity was strongly related to species and snag size (diameter): the median snag longevity was 16 years for Douglas-fir, 11 years for hemlock and 5 years for redcedar. Western redcedar was predominantly in the subcanopy and its rapid fall rate was related to the small size of its snags. In addition to diameter, other attributes (height to diameter ratio, height, and live crown ratio before death) contributed significantly to models for one or two of the species. However, site level variables did not contribute significantly to any of the models. Snags greater than 50 cm diameter, especially Douglas-fir snags, have the potential for persistence well beyond 20 years in these second-growth forests, and could be important for wildlife.  相似文献   


The mean tree height of 73 forest stands in a 1000 ha forest area was determined from canopy heights generated by automatic image matching using a digital photogrammetric workstation and digitized panchromatic aerial photographs with a scale of 1:15 000. First, the mean height of each stand was computed as the arithmetic mean of the quantile corresponding to the 75th percentile of the distribution of the canopy heights from the image matching within square grid cells with cell sizes of 236-400 m2. The mean heights from the image matching underestimated the true heights by 5.42 m. Secondly, field-measured mean tree heights of 165 georeferenced sample plots distributed systematically throughout the 1000 ha forest area were regressed against the mean heights derived from the image matching. The regression equations were used to predict the mean heights of the 73 stands. In very young forest stands, the predicted mean heights overestimated the true heights by 0.4 m and the precision was 0.9-1.0 m. In young and mature stands, the average difference between predicted height and ground-truth ranged between -1.6 and 0.5 m, and the precision ranged from 1.1 to 2.1 m.  相似文献   

Historical land use and management practices in the southeastern United States have resulted in the dominance of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) on many upland sites that historically were occupied by longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). There is currently much interest in restoring high quality longleaf pine habitats to such areas, but managers may also desire the retention of some existing canopy trees to meet current conservation objectives. However, fast-growing natural loblolly pine regeneration may threaten the success of artificially regenerated longleaf pine seedlings. We evaluated the establishment and growth of natural loblolly pine regeneration following different levels of timber harvest using single-tree selection (Control (uncut, residual basal area ∼16 m2/ha), MedBA (residual basal area of ∼9 m2/ha), LowBA (residual basal area of ∼6 m2/ha), and Clearcut (complete canopy removal)) and to different positions within canopy gaps (approximately 2800 m2) created by patch cutting at two ecologically distinct sites within the longleaf pine range: Fort Benning, GA in the Middle Coastal Plain and Camp Lejeune, NC in the Lower Coastal Plain. The density of loblolly pine seedlings was much higher at Camp Lejeune than at Fort Benning at the end of the first growing season after harvesting. Following two growing seasons, there were no significant effects of canopy density or gap position on the density of loblolly pine seedlings at either site, but loblolly pine seedlings were taller on treatments with greater canopy removal. Prescribed fires applied following the second growing season killed 70.6% of loblolly pine seedlings at Fort Benning and 64.3% of seedlings at Camp Lejeune. Loblolly pine seedlings were generally less than 2 m tall, and completeness of the prescribed burns appeared more important for determining seedling survival than seedling size. Silvicultural treatments that include canopy removal, such as patch cutting or clearcuts, will increase loblolly pine seedling growth and shorten the window of opportunity for control with prescribed fire. Therefore, application of prescribed fire every 2-3 years will be critical for control of loblolly pine regeneration during restoration of longleaf pine in existing loblolly pine stands.  相似文献   

In young sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) stands, crown shape (crown length/crown diameter) ratio, average branch inclination, and spatial density of foliage in the crown increased with stand age. Within crowns, foliage distribution increased from the apex downward and, until crown closure, reached a maximum near the crown base. After crown closure, the maximum occurred near the middle of the crown. In each stand, foliage distribution in the canopy showed almost the same vertical change over time as it did in individual crowns. The vertical distribution of foliage in the canopy moved upward with stand age, accompanied by an increase in canopy depth and leaf mass. The shape of the vertical distribution was almost symmetrical between the upper and lower halves in the closed stands, although slightly skewed downward. The logarithm of average spatial density decreased linearly as cumulative leaf mass increased with distance from the top of the canopy. The total cross-sectional area of the crowns exceeded the stand area from the middle of the canopy downward in the closed stands because of crown overlap. However, partly because of changes in crown morphology and structure, the increase in leaf mass with stand age did not always cause more severe crown competition.  相似文献   

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