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Potential immediate and prolonged impact of timber harvests on stream-associated amphibians (SAA; torrent (Rhyacotriton spp.) and giant salamanders (Dicamptodon spp.) and coastal tailed frogs (Ascaphus truei)) in Oregon and Washington, USA is a management concern, in part because of widespread commercial management of forests across their geographic distributions. Relationships between SAA occupancy and detection probabilities, environmental variables, and management effects were examined in 141 randomly selected perennial streams in commercial forests west of the Cascade Crest in Oregon and Washington from July to October, 2006. Giant salamander occupancy varied by stream substrate type (i.e., consolidated vs. unconsolidated geologies) and was positively associated with stand age. Torrent salamander occupancy varied by species, was positively associated with channel gradient, and was reduced in the youngest and oldest sampled stands. Tailed frog occupancy was negatively associated with the presence of crayfish, negatively associated with low and high bankfull widths, and positively associated with stand age, although stands less than 5 years old had occupancy rates >50% in the absence of crayfish. Mean detection rates were less than 1 for all three genera (0.85, 0.66, and 0.63 for Dicamptodon, Rhyacotriton, and Ascaphus, respectively), which indicates that conclusions from previous research about relationships between SAA occupancy, environmental variables, and forest practices have an unknown element of uncertainty, particularly if detection rates co-vary with habitat change. We believe that our study is the first to present unbiased estimates of occupancy and detection parameters for SAA on forested landscapes in Oregon and Washington.  相似文献   

We addressed the efficacy of stream-side buffers in ameliorating the effects of clearcut timber harvest on Cascade torrent salamanders (Rhyacotriton cascadae), coastal/Cope's giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus/D. copei), coastal tailed frogs (Ascaphus truei), and water temperature regimes in the Cascade Range in southern Washington. Forty-one streams in 4 categories were sampled; streams in clearcuts with and without buffers, streams in 35+ year old second-growth forest, and streams in unharvested forest (150+ years old). Tailed frog and Cascade torrent salamander densities were 2–7-fold lower (P < 0.05), respectively, in streams in managed forests than in streams in unharvested forest. In addition, both these species were less abundant (P < 0.05) in unbuffered streams than streams with buffers or in second-growth forest. In contrast, giant salamander densities were 5–50% greater (P > 0.05) in managed streams than unharvested, being greatest in unbuffered and second-growth streams. We used the differences in density estimates of unbuffered streams and unharvested streams to define an ecologically important effect size for each species and then compared the mean effect size and 95% confidence intervals of contrasts between managed stream categories to assess buffer effectiveness. Buffers had a positive ecologically important effect on the density of torrent salamanders and tailed frogs, but had an ecologically negative effect on giant salamanders. Water temperatures were similar among stream categories. However, Cascade torrent salamanders were nearly absent from streams where temperatures were ≥14 °C for ≥35 consecutive hours. Issues that need further study include effective buffer width and longitudinal extent, and confirmation of the water temperature threshold we identified.  相似文献   

In forest and conservation nurseries in the Pacific Northwest USA, seedling production can be limited by root diseases caused by fungi in the genera Fusarium Link:Fr., Cylindrocarpon Wollenw., Phytophthora de Barry, and Pythium Pringsh. Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon, and Pythium are the most ubiquitous, whereas incidence of Phytophthora is mostly associated with coastal bareroot nurseries. All of these root pathogens are encouraged by water saturated soils or media. Seedlings infected with Fusarium, Phytophthora, or Pythium often appear chlorotic or necrotic with extensive root decay. Cylindrocarpon often causes serious root decay without shoot symptoms. The best approach to mitigate losses from these diseases is to use a holistic integrated pest management program. This program should combine chemical controls with cultural practices, particularly those that increase soil permeability and drainage and reduce potential sources of inoculum, especially by disinfesting seeds and containers reused for crops. In general, we found that seedlings meeting nursery specifications for outplanting on forest soil (proper height, root collar diameter, healthy shoot color, lack of disease symptoms) but having these disease organisms on their root systems perform as well as non-infected seedlings.  相似文献   

Red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) are threatened in Wisconsin and when nest sites are found during the cruising or marking stage of timber harvesting, the harvest is altered to accommodate the hawks. If nest site locations are known before initiation of timber harvest, foresters can employ a proactive approach to manage red-shouldered hawks while maintaining timber production. We searched for red-shouldered hawks nest sites on Marinette County Forest (MCF) which encompasses 94,000 ha in northeastern Wisconsin and is the second largest county forest in the state. We used a comparative modeling approach to evaluate distribution and habitat relationships of red-shouldered hawk nest sites in relation to a suite of environmental variables in MCF. Models were used to develop forest management recommendations for red-shouldered hawks in Wisconsin. During the spring of 2006 and 2007, we broadcasted conspecific calls to survey 1121 calling stations along forest roads and trails. We located 20 and 25 active nesting territories in 2006 and 2007, respectively (11 of which were active in both years). To understand nest site selection, we measured 22 habitat variables within 0.04-ha plots at active nest sites (n = 34) and at stratified random sites (n = 61). Logistic regression with information-theoretic model selection identified a model including greater tree species richness and closeness to forested wetland as the best-approximating model. Variable selection with Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) indicated that nest selection was best explained by greater number of tree species, closer distance to forested wetlands, greater volume of downed woody debris, fewer small sawlogs, and increased proximity to streams. Univariate comparisons identified four of the five aforementioned variables in the DFA model as significant. Red-shouldered hawks are likely more common in Wisconsin than their state status suggests. Forest management for red-shouldered hawk nest sites should focus on increasing tree species richness, increasing down woody debris volume, and protecting forested wetlands. These recommendations may assist property managers to locate and plan for continued persistence of this species on MCF.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, shihuahuaco timber - comprising several species of Dipteryx (Fabaceae) traded internationally as “cumarú” or “Brazilian teak” - has become one of the most highly demanded types of hardwood from Peruvian Amazonia, particularly in the Chinese market. Dipteryx is an ecologically important canopy-emergent genus with widespread distribution in neotropical forests. To assess the response of Dipteryx to logging, we conducted inventories in three logging areas in the Regions of Ucayali and Loreto, Peru. The size-class distributions of Dipteryx populations in recently logged sites showed that initial post-logging conditions enhance recruitment of residual seedlings. These conditions are created by a combination of logging gaps and the activities of farmers migrating into logged lands. Through protection and liberation of shihuahuaco seedlings in post-logged forest as well as within and around agricultural fields, local residents and timber companies could favor the recovery of this valued resource. However, as logged land is increasingly converted to agriculture and pastureland, the reestablishment of mature seed trees is not assured.  相似文献   

This study was designed to answer questions about the patterns of understory diversity in managed forests of southern New England, and the factors that appear associated with those patterns. At the landscape-level, we used plot data to answer questions regarding the spatial distribution of forest understory plant species. Data from a combination of fixed area (understory vegetation) and variable radius (overstory trees) plot methods are combined with site variables for the analysis. Univariate and multivariate statistical methods are used to test for understory diversity relationships with overstory cover types and topography separately, and in combination. Analyses also test for relationships between specific understory species and cover types. In general the understory flora is dominated by four common clonal species that occur across the range of forest cover types: wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis L.), Canada mayflower (Maianthemum candense Desf.), star flower (Trientalis borealis Raf.), and partridgeberry (Mitchella repens L.). Results also show that over story composition and structure can be used to assess understory species richness. Species richness follows a general trend among cover types of: hardwood ≥ regenerating forest, hardwood–pine, and pine ≥ mixed ≥ hardwood–hemlock > hemlock. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L. Carriere) and mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia L.) (which decreased in dominance from ridge to valley) both showed negative trends with understory species richness. Topographic position also appears associated with understory floristic patterns (particularly for the hardwood cover type), both in terms of species richness and compositional diversity which both increased from ridge, to midslope, to valley. However, overstory composition (covertype) appears to have a higher order influence on vegetation and mediates the role of topography. The results from this study provide foresters with a better understanding for maintaining floristic diversity and composition of the understory in managed forests.  相似文献   

Although intensively managed pine forests are common in the southeastern US, few studies describe how combinations of mechanical (MSP) and chemical site preparation (CSP) and herbaceous weed control (HWC) techniques affect bird communities that use early successional habitats within young pine forests. Therefore, we examined effects of six treatments of increasing management intensity via combinations of MSP (strip-shear and wide spacing or roller chop and narrow spacing) and CSP (application or no application) treatments with banded or broadcast HWC on bird communities in six loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA, for 8 years following site preparation. Wide pine spacing and strip-shear MSP increased bird abundance and species richness over narrow spacing and chopped MSP for 6 years after planting. Chemical SP reduced bird abundance in year 2, increased bird abundance in year 6, had no effect on abundance after year 7, and did not affect species richness in any year. Total bird abundance and species richness were similar between banded and broadcast HWC. Site preparation and HWC had no effect on bird diversity and bird communities were most similar in treatments of similar intensity. Site preparation and HWC had few or no effects on birds based upon migratory status, habitat association, or conservation value. The addition of chemical site preparation or HWC had little effect on birds beyond pine spacing, and bird abundance was not proportional to management intensity. Although we observed treatment effects, all treatments provided habitat used by a variety of bird species, and pine plantations may play an increasingly important role in bird conservation as forests become fragmented and converted to other land uses and as natural processes that create early successional habitat, such as fire, are suppressed.  相似文献   

Intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forests are common in the southeastern United States and offer opportunities for conservation of biologic diversity. Within intensively managed landscapes, stand establishment relies on combinations of mechanical and chemical site preparation and herbaceous weed control (HWC) to manage competing vegetation and increase pine production. However, few long-term studies have described relationships between intensity of stand establishment and effects on plant communities. Therefore, we examined effects of 6 treatments that varied in intensity via combinations of mechanical (wide spacing and strip shear or narrow spacing and roller chop) and chemical (application or no application) site preparation treatments with HWC (broadcast or banded) from 1 to 8 years after site preparation on plant communities in loblolly pine plantations (n = 6) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA. All treatments resulted in abundant and diverse plant communities. Chemical site preparation had short lived (?4 year) effects on the herbaceous community but long-term effects on woody plants and pine cover. Increasing management intensity by including broadcast HWC or roller chop/narrow spacing did not additively reduce woody vegetation cover or species richness. However, broadcast HWC reduced grass, vine, and forb cover in the first year post-treatment. Average Morista community similarity values ranged from 0.69 to 0.89 among treatments and plots receiving the same chemical site preparation contained the most similar plant communities. Banded HWC can be paired with wide spacing to maximize herbaceous plant growth important for many wildlife species, particularly in the first few years after site preparation. Site preparation techniques should be tailored to local site conditions, plant communities, and management objectives.  相似文献   

The importance of structural complexity in forest ecosystems for ecosystem diversity has been widely acknowledged. Tree microhabitat structures as indicators of biodiversity, however, have only seldom been the focus of diversity research although their occurrence is highly correlated with the abundance of forest species and ecosystem functions. In this study, microhabitat structures in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests were defined and their frequency and abundance in natural stands and stands of varying active management histories and stand ages was compared. Indicator microhabitat structures for natural forests were determined and the relationship of the abundance of microhabitat structures with tree diameter of Douglas-fir trees was analysed.  相似文献   

Regional conservation planning frequently relies on general assumptions about historical disturbance regimes to inform decisions about landscape restoration, reserve allocations, and landscape management. Spatially explicit simulations of landscape dynamics provide quantitative estimates of landscape structure and allow for the testing of alternative scenarios. We used a landscape fire succession model to estimate the historical range of variability of vegetation and fire in a dry forest landscape (size ca. 7900 km2) where the present-day risk of high severity fire threatens the persistence of older closed canopy forest which may serve as Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat. Our results indicated that historically, older forest may have comprised the largest percentage of the landscape (∼35%), followed by early successional forest (∼25%), with about 9% of the landscape in a closed canopy older forest condition. The amount and condition of older forest varied by potential vegetation type and land use allocation type. Vegetation successional stages had fine-grained spatial heterogeneity in patch characteristics, with older forest tending to have the largest patch sizes among the successional stages. Increasing fire severities posed a greater risk to Northern Spotted Owl habitat than increasing fire sizes or frequencies under historical fire regimes. Improved understanding of historical landscape-specific fire and vegetation conditions and their variability can assist forest managers to promote landscape resilience and increases of older forest, in dry forests with restricted amounts of habitat for sensitive species.  相似文献   

The impact of forest management activities on the ability of forest ecosystems to sequester and store atmospheric carbon is of increasing scientific and social concern. The nature of these impacts varies among forest ecosystems, and spatially and temporally explicit ecosystem models are useful for quantifying the impacts of a number of alternative management regimes for the same forest landscape. The LANDIS-II forest dynamics simulation model is used to quantify changes to the live overstory and coarse woody debris pools under several forest management scenarios in a high-latitude South American forest landscape dominated by two species of southern beech, Nothofagus betuloides and N. pumilio. Both harvest type (clearcutting vs. partial overstory retention) and rotation length (100 years vs. 200 years) were significant predictors of carbon storage in the simulation models. The prompt regeneration of harvest units greatly enhanced carbon storage in clearcutting scenarios. The woody debris pool was particularly sensitive to both harvest type and rotation length, with large decreases noted under short rotation clearcutting. The roles of extended rotations and partial overstory retention are noted for enhancing net carbon storage on the forest landscape.  相似文献   

Populus–Salix forests are a valued riparian vegetation type in western North America. These pioneer, obligate phreatophytes have declined on some rivers, raising conservation concerns and stimulating restoration plantings, but have increased on others. Understanding patterns and causes of forest change is essential for formulating conservation, restoration and management plans. Our goal was to assess spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation change on the Upper San Pedro River in semiarid Arizona, USA, one of the few undammed rivers in the region. Over 100 years ago, intense floods initiated channel incision and substantially altered hydrogeomorphology. Pioneer trees began to establish in the widening post-entrenchment zone as the surfaces began to stabilize. Using a time-series of aerial photographs (1955–2003) we quantified recent change in area of riparian cover types. Analysis indicated that wooded area in the post-entrenchment zone nearly tripled from 1955 to 2003, at the expense of bare ground, and the active channel narrowed appreciably. This forest expansion represents a long-term response to river entrenchment, with the temporal pattern influenced by recent flood cycles and biogeomorphic feedbacks. Populus–Salix have established episodically during the infrequent years with high winter flood runoff, sequentially filling available recruitment space. Older cohorts cover wide swaths of the floodplain while young trees form narrow bands lining the channel. Barring extreme flooding, the pioneer forests are expected to senesce over the coming century. An additional factor that has shaped the pattern of post-entrenchment forest expansion is anthropogenic water withdrawal. Populus–Salix forest increase has been greatest within a conservation area, where stream flows are largely perennial. In drier, agricultural sectors, Populus–Salix have declined while the more deeply-rooted Tamarix has increased. Overall, the study reveals that long-term fluctuations in pioneer forest area and age structure are common on dryland rivers, and shows how past events such as extreme floods can interact with recent environmental practices such as freshwater withdrawal to influence riparian forest patterns. This underscores the necessity of a long-term perspective for forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Bark beetles are largely known for their ability to undergo intermittent population eruptions that transform entire landscapes and pose significant economic hardships. However, most species do not undergo outbreaks, and eruptive species usually exert only minor disturbances. Understanding the dynamics of tree-killing noneruptive species can provide insights into how beetles persist at low densities, and how some spatiotemporal patterns of host predisposition may more likely favor breaching eruptive thresholds than others. Elucidating mechanisms behind low-density populations is challenging, however, due to the requirement of long-term monitoring and high degrees of spatial and temporal covariance. We censused more than 2700 trees annually over 7 years, and at the end of 17 years, in a mature red pine plantation. Trees were measured for the presence of bark beetles and wood borers that breed within the primary stem, root weevils that breed in root collars, and bark beetles that breed in basal stems. We quantify the sequence of events that drive this decline syndrome, with the primary emergent pattern being an interaction between below- and above-ground herbivores and their fungal symbionts. This interaction results in an expanding forest gap, with subsequent colonization by early-successional vegetation. Spatial position strongly affects the likelihood of tree mortality. A red pine is initially very likely to avoid attack by tree-killing Ips beetles, but attack becomes increasingly likely as the belowground complex spreads to neighboring trees and eventually make trees susceptible. This system is largely internally driven, as there are strong gap edge, but not stand-edge, effects. Additional stressors, such as drought, can provide an intermittent source of susceptible trees to Ips beetles, and elevated temperature slightly accentuates this effect. New gaps can arise from such trees as they subsequently become epicenters for the full complex of organisms associated with this decline, but this is not common. As Ips populations rise, there is some element of positive feedback, in that the proportion of killed trees that were not first colonized by root organisms increases. This positive feedback is very weak, however, and we propose the slope between beetle population density and reliance on host stress as a quantitative distinction along a gradient from noneruptive through eruptive species. Almost all trees colonized by Ips were subsequently colonized by wood borers, likely a source of negative feedback. We discuss implications to our overall understanding of cross-scale interactions, between-guild interactions, forest declines, and eruptive thresholds.  相似文献   

The study of more than 700 charcoals from the Vaccaean settlement of Pintia (Padilla del Duero, Valladolid) provides new local and detailed data about the Iron Age II forest composition in Continental-Mediterranean inland Spain. Pinus gr. sylvestris/nigra (from which an unexpectedly high number of charcoals were identified), together with Mediterranean pines (also highly represented), Juniperus L. and evergreen and deciduous Quercus, were the main taxa living in the area, revealing two different marked biogeographical elements in the late-Holocene landscapes of the Duero basin: Mediterranean and Eurosiberian. On one hand, the results shed new light on the assessment of the origin of Mediterranean pinewoods in the area. On the other hand, the charcoal assemblage of Pintia reveals a more important presence of the current Mediterranean highland pines in the lowlands of the Central Iberian Peninsula in the late-Holocene suggesting the existence of interglacial refugia. Finally, this work highlights palaeoecological studies as valuable tools to support decisions on forest management related to conservation and restoration of our natural heritage.  相似文献   

The effect of fire severity and post-fire management on Pinus pinaster recruitment was evaluated in three burnt areas in Galicia (NW Spain) exhibiting different levels of serotiny. Three sites were sampled, each of which had two of the following levels of fire severity: combusted crown, scorched crown and unaffected crown. Viable seed rain was closed related to the canopy cone bank and stand serotiny level. Soil burn severity also favoured seed dispersal. Relative germination success increased with soil burn severity whereas initial and final seedling density depended on both the canopy cone bank and soil burn severity. A positive influence of fire severity on the final/initial seedling density and final density/total seed dispersal ratios was also observed.  相似文献   

There is limited understanding of the carbon (C) storage capacity and overall ecological structure of old-growth forests of western Montana, leaving little ability to evaluate the role of old-growth forests in regional C cycles and ecosystem level C storage capacity. To investigate the difference in C storage between equivalent stands of contrasting age classes and management histories, we surveyed paired old-growth and second growth western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt)–Douglas-fir (Pseudostuga menziesii var. glauca) stands in northwestern Montana. The specific objectives of this study were to: (1) estimate ecosystem C of old-growth and second growth western larch stands; (2) compare C storage of paired old-growth–second growth stands; and (3) assess differences in ecosystem function and structure between the two age classes, specifically measuring C associated with mineral soil, forest floor, coarse woody debris (CWD), understory, and overstory, as well as overall structure of vegetation. Stands were surveyed using a modified USFS FIA protocol, focusing on ecological components related to soil, forest floor, and overstory C. All downed wood, forest floor, and soil samples were then analyzed for total C and total nitrogen (N). Total ecosystem C in the old-growth forests was significantly greater than that in second growth forests, storing over 3 times the C. Average total mineral soil C was not significantly different in second growth stands compared to old-growth stands; however, total C of the forest floor was significantly greater in old-growth (23.8 Mg ha−1) compared to second growth stands (4.9 Mg ha−1). Overstory and coarse root biomass held the greatest differences in ecosystem C between the two stand types (old-growth, second growth), with nearly 7 times more C in old-growth trees than trees found on second growth stands (144.2 Mg ha−1 vs. 23.8 Mg ha−1). Total CWD on old-growth stands accounted for almost 19 times more C than CWD found in second growth stands. Soil bulk density was also significantly higher on second growth stands some 30+ years after harvest, demonstrating long-term impacts of harvest on soil. Results suggest ecological components specific to old-growth western larch forests, such as coarse root biomass, large amounts of CWD, and a thick forest floor layer are important contributors to long-term C storage within these ecosystems. This, combined with functional implications of contrasts in C distribution and dynamics, suggest that old-growth western larch/Douglas-fir forests are both functionally and structurally distinctive from their second growth counterparts.  相似文献   

Plant invasions of natural communities are commonly associated with reduced species diversity and altered ecosystem structure and function. This study investigated the effects of invasion and management of the woody shrub Lantana camara (lantana) in wet sclerophyll forest on the south-east coast of Australia. The effects of L. camara invasion and management on resident vegetation diversity and recruitment were determined as well as if invader management initiated community recovery. Vascular plant species richness, abundance and composition were surveyed and compared across L. camara invaded, non-invaded and managed sites following L. camara removal during a previous control event by land managers. Native tree juvenile and adult densities were compared between sites to investigate the potential effects of L. camara on species recruitment. Invasion of L. camara led to a reduction in species richness and compositions that diverged from non-invaded vegetation. Species richness was lower for fern, herb, tree and vine species, highlighting the pervasive threat of L. camara. For many common tree species, juvenile densities were lower within invaded sites than non-invaded sites, yet adult densities were similar across all invasion categories. This indicates that reduced species diversity is driven in part by recruitment limitation mechanisms, which may include allelopathy and resource competition, rather than displacement of adult vegetation. Management of L. camara initiated community recovery by increasing species richness, abundance and recruitment. While community composition following L. camara management diverged from non-invaded vegetation, vigorous tree and shrub recruitment signals that long-term community reinstatement will occur. However, secondary weed invasion occurred following L. camara control. Follow-up weed control may be necessary to prevent secondary plant invasion following invader management and facilitate long-term community recovery.  相似文献   

Conservation organizations in the northeastern United States (US) recommend forest clearcutting to create shrubland habitat, which is required by many wildlife species with declining populations. The planning of habitat management programs is hampered by a lack of information on the current extent of shrubland habitat and the current rate of forest clearcutting that creates shrubland habitat. We addressed these information gaps by using a combination of automated and manual approaches to determine the extent and spatial configuration of shrubland habitat and recent forest clearcuts. We focused on the state of Rhode Island because (a) it is representative of the northeastern US in terms of the prevalence of private ownership of forests, and the ongoing decline in the populations of many shrubland wildlife species; (b) federal, state and private conservation groups are actively promoting clearcuts to create shrubland habitat; (c) many state-wide GIS databases are available; and (d) the spatial extent of the state made our results both generalizable and politically relevant. Our fine-scale mapping allowed a detailed analysis of shrubland distribution in conjunction with other available GIS layers that facilitates identification of priority areas for habitat management. We found that the extent of upland shrubland in non-coastal areas is decreasing by at least 1.5% annually. Considering the lack of consensus about conservation targets for the amount of shrubland, we propose that conservation organizations attempt to stabilize rather than expand the extent of shrubland habitat. This approach would provide an opportunity to assess whether the current extent of shrubland is sufficient to maintain reduced but stable wildlife populations that require this habitat. We propose a coordinated forest management program with targets for increased forest management on conservation lands. We found that the average patch size of shrubland created by recent clearcuts is large enough for most shrubland bird species, but too small for the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), which has been proposed for threatened and endangered status.  相似文献   

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