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We monitored two Pinus taeda L. genotypes, planted in 170 L lysimeters, subjected to different combinations of fertilization and logging residue (LR) incorporation for 1 year. The objectives were to elucidate how soil amendments modified soil biological properties and belowground C cycling, and secondly, to determine if planting of contrasting genotypes have a detectable impact on total soil CO2 efflux (FS). LR incorporation resulted in decreased bulk density, increased total soil porosity, and increased total soil C and N contained within the fine-soil fraction. For most of the experiment we found no consistent differences between genotypes; however, on the final two sampling dates a pattern emerged of one clone showing greater FS. If this pattern continues or becomes stronger with increased occupation of soil by roots it may have an influence on total site net C exchange. Increased C loss by way of FS and soil leaching made up approximately 7% of total C incorporated as LR. Conservative estimates using a constant rate of decomposition showed that it would take a minimum of 15 years to fully decompose the incorporated LR. Our data suggest that moderate rates of LR incorporation following harvesting over multiple rotations could increase SOM without negatively impacting plant growth, which could increase soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Growing interest in the use of planted forests for bioenergy production could lead to an increase in the quantities of harvest residues extracted. We analysed the change in C and N stocks in the forest floor (LFH horizon) and C and N concentrations in the mineral soil (to a depth of 0.3 m) between pre-harvest and mid-rotation (stand age 15 years) measurements at a trial site situated in a Pinus radiata plantation forest in the central North Island, New Zealand. The impacts of three harvest residue management treatments: residue plus forest floor removal (FF), residue removal (whole-tree harvesting; WT), and residue retention (stem-only harvesting; SO) were investigated with and without the mean annual application of 190 kg N ha−1 year−1 of urea-N fertiliser (plus minor additions of P, B and Mg). Stocks of C and N in the forest floor were significantly decreased under FF and WT treatments whereas C stocks and mass of the forest floor were significantly increased under the SO treatment over the 15-year period. Averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant declines in mass and C and N stocks of the forest floor which occurred in unfertilised plots. The C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil was significantly increased under the FF treatment corresponding to a significant reduction in N concentration over the period. However, averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant increase in C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil and significantly decreased the C:N ratio of the 0-0.3 m depth range. Results indicate that residue extraction for bioenergy production is likely to reduce C and N stocks in the forest floor through to mid-rotation and possibly beyond unless fertiliser is applied. Forest floors should be retained to avoid adverse impacts on topsoil fertility (i.e., increased C:N ratio). Based on the rate of recovery of the forest floor under the FF treatment, stocks of C and N in the forest floor were projected to reach pre-harvest levels at stand age 18-20. While adverse effects of residue extraction may be mitigated by the application of urea-N fertiliser, it should be noted that, in this experiment, fertiliser was applied at a high rate. Assessment of the sustainability of harvest residue extraction over multiple rotations will require long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

Wood production varies substantially with resource availability, and the variation in wood production can result from several mechanisms: increased photosynthesis, and changes in partitioning of photosynthesis to wood production, belowground flux, foliage production or respiration. An understanding of the mechanistic basis for patterns in wood production within a stand and across landscapes requires a complete annual carbon budget. We measured annual carbon flows to wood production, foliage production and total belowground carbon flux (the sum of root production, root respiration, and mycorrhizal production and respiration) from ages three to five years in clonal Eucalyptus plantations at four sites in Brazil to test if fertility, water availability and stand structure changed wood production and by what mechanism. We also quantified the patterns in light interception and the efficiency of light use to provide additional mechanistic insights into growth responses and to determine if light-use efficiency was related to changes in flux and partitioning.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (RS) is a major carbon pathway from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere and is sensitive to environmental changes. Although commonly used mechanical thinning and prescribed burning can significantly alter the soil environment, the effect of these practices on RS and on the interactions between RS and belowground characteristics in managed forests is not sufficiently understood. We: (1) examined the effects of burning and thinning treatments on soil conditions, (2) identified any changes in the effects of soil chemical and physical properties on RS under burning and thinning treatments, and (3) indirectly estimated the changes in the autotrophic soil respiration (RA) and heterotrophic soil respiration (RH) contribution to RS under burning and thinning treatments. We conducted our study in the Teakettle Experimental Forest where a full factorial design was implemented with three levels of thinning, none (N), understory thinning (U), and overstory thinning (O; September to October 2000 for thin burn combination and June and July 2001 for thin only treatments) and two levels of burning, none (U) and prescribed burning (B; fall of 2001). RS, soil temperature, soil moisture, litter depth, soil total nitrogen and carbon content, soil pH, root biomass, and root nitrogen (N) concentration were measured between June 15 and July 15, 2002 at each plot. During this period, soil respiration was measured three times at each point and averaged by point. When we assumed the uniform and even contribution of RA and RH to RS in the studied ecosystem without disturbances and a linear relationship of root N content and RA, we calculated the contributions of RA to RS as 22, 45, 53, 48, and 45% in UU, UO, BN, BU, and BO, respectively. The results suggested that after thinning, RS was controlled more by RH while after burning RS was more influenced by RA. The least amount of RS variation was explained by studied factors under the most severe treatment (BO treatment). Overall, root biomass, root N concentration, and root N content were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with soil respiration with correlation coefficients of 0.37, −0.28, and 0.29, respectively. This study contributes to our understanding of how common forestry management practices might affect soil carbon sequestration, as soil respiration is a major component of ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

Land-use changes can modify soil carbon contents. Depending on the rate of soil organic matter (SOM) formation and decomposition, soil-vegetation systems can be a source or sink of CO2. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of land-use change on SOM distribution, and microbial biomass and respiration in an Andisol of the Chilean Patagonia. Treatments consisted of degraded natural prairie (DNP), thinned and pruned Pinus ponderosa plantations (PPP), and unmanaged second-growth Nothofagus pumilio forest (NPF). The soil was classified as medial, amorphic, mesic Typic Hapludands. Soil microbial respiration and microbial biomass were determined in the laboratory from soil samples taken at 0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–40 cm depths obtained from three pits excavated in each treatment. Physical fractionation of SOM was performed in soil of the upper 40 cm of each treatment to obtain the three following aggregate-size classes: macroaggregates (>212 μm), mesoaggregates (212–53 μm) and microaggregates (<53 μm). Plant C content was 68% higher in PPP than in DNP and 635% higher in NPF than in PPP. Total soil and vegetation C content in both DNP and PPP were less than half of that in NPF. Total SOC at 0–10 cm depth decreased in the order DNP (7.82%) > NPF (6.16%) > PPP (4.41%), showing that land-use practices affected significantly (P < 0.01) SOC stocks. In all treatments, microbial biomass C and respiration were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the upper 5 cm. Soil microbial respiration was also correlated positively with microbial biomass C and SOC. The different land uses affect the formation of organic matter, SOC and microbial biomass C, which in turn will affect soil microbial respiration. Conversion of DNP to PPP resulted in a 44% decrease of SOC stocks in 0–10 cm mineral soil. The largest amount of SOC was stabilized within the mesoaggregate fraction of the less disturbed system, NPF, followed by PPP. In the long term, formation of stable mesoaggregates in soils protected from erosion can behave as C sinks.  相似文献   

Damage to residual stand after partial harvesting or thinning may lead to serious economic losses in terms of both timber quality at the final harvest, and tree growth reduction. Logging damages and their effect on tree growth were studied in a long term experiment on Corsican pine in central Italy. Damage frequency, agent (felling, skidding), position (root damage, stem base, between 0.3 and 1 m a.g.l., >1 m a.g.l.) and severity (light, severe) and tree growth were measured after selective thinning from below and at 10 years after the treatment. In detail, we aimed at: monitoring mechanical damages to trees at the end of thinning and after 10 years; and assessing stand stability, growing stock, ring width and basal area at 10 years after the thinning. The thinning removed about 20% of volume, 38% of trees and 26% of basal area. The basal area decreased from 56 m2 ha−1 to 42 m2 ha−1 but after 10 years it increased again to 56 m2 ha−1. Immediately after thinning, 13.6% of the standing trees was damaged, out of these 36.17% showed severe injuries. Damages to standing trees were mainly due to skidding. Ten years after thinning, the percentage of damaged trees was about 17%, out of which 86.67% showed severe wounds. An increase of damaged trees and of trees with severe wounds was observed suggesting that a deeper knowledge on long-term effect of logging damages is needed. This study did not highlight any effect of logging damage on tree growth. In fact, no difference in ring width was recorded between damaged and undamaged trees.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of tree species identity and diversity on soil respiration in a 3-year-old tropical tree biodiversity plantation in Central Panamá. We hypothesized that tree pairs in mixed-species plots would have higher soil respiration rates than those in monoculture plots as a result of increased primary productivity and complementarity leading to greater root and microbial biomass and soil respiration. In addition to soil respiration, we measured potential controls including root, tree, and microbial biomass, soil moisture, surface temperature, bulk density. Over the course of the wet season, soil respiration decreased from the June highs (7.2 ± 3.5 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1) to a low of 2.3 ± 1.9 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1) in the last 2 weeks of October. The lowest rates of soil respiration were at the peak of the dry season (1.0 ± 0.7 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1)). Contrary to our hypothesis, soil respiration was 19–31% higher in monoculture than in pairs and plots with higher diversity in the dry and rainy seasons. Although tree biomass was significantly higher in pairs and plots with higher diversity, there were no significant differences in either root or microbial biomass between monoculture and two-species pairs. Path analyses allow the comparison of different pathways relating soil respiration to either biotic or abiotic controls factors. The path linking crown volume to soil temperature then respiration has the highest correlation, with a value of 0.560, suggesting that canopy controls on soil climate may drive soil respiration.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with C and N storage in soil and vegetation, litter fall and CO2 efflux from the soil 32–33 years after early thinning in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in order to evaluate the effect of thinning regime on C sequestration. At 22 years old, the stand was reduced from 3190 to 2070, 1100 and 820 trees per hectare in four replicates. The N2070 treatment represents the recommended start density in practical forestry, while the other represent a moderate to large reduction in tree number at the present stand age. Aboveground biomass was estimated from single tree measurements of diameter and height based on allometric functions. Litter fall was collected during one and a half years and soil respiration was measured on five occasions during one summer. Ground vegetation was mapped and sampled for biomass, C and N determination. A significant decrease in aboveground tree (including stump-root system) C storage of 27% and 22% due to thinning was found in the N820 and N1100 treatments, respectively, compared to the N2070 treatment. Ground vegetation C storage was little affected by treatment, while litter fall C showed a non-significant decrease in the N820 and N1100 treatments compared to the N2070 treatment. Soil respiration was significantly lower in parts of the summer in the N2070 treatment compared to the N820 treatment. The reason for this is still unexplained since no differences in soil temperature, soil moisture or litter fall chemistry was found between the treatments. No significant treatment effects on humus and mineral soil C storage could be detected. With the present soil variability, the time period of 32 years is probably too short to detect soil C differences due to thinning. The N storage followed the same pattern as for C.  相似文献   

In the future it may become common practice to return wood-ash to forest ecosystems in order to replenish nutrients removed when brash has been extracted as a source of bioenergy. Wood-ash contains most of the nutrients that are present in the brash before its removal and burning, with the important exception of nitrogen (N). In the present paper we report measurements of CO2 emissions and net N mineralisation in the humus layer and the upper 5 cm of mineral soil 12 years after the application of wood-ash to two study sites, representing different tree species, climatic conditions and N deposition histories. We hypothesized that application of wood-ash would increase both carbon (C) and net N mineralisation rates at Torup, an N-rich site with Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the south, whereas the net N mineralisation rates would not be affected at Vindeln, an N-poor site with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the north, where a possible N-limitation would restrict any N mineralisation. The treatments, comprising additions of 0, 1, 3 or 6 Mg of granulated wood-ash ha−1, were applied in a randomised block design, replicated three times. Wood-ash from the same batch was used for all treatments at both sites. All factors were measured under laboratory conditions with controlled temperature and moisture levels. The potential CO2 emissions (kg ha−1 year−1 of CO2–C) at Torup were significantly higher in the 3 and 6 Mg ha−1 treatments than in the control treatment, and the highest application resulted in an extra loss of 0.5 Mg ha−1 of soil C annually as compared to the control. No such differences were detected at Vindeln. The results suggest that wood-ash application can deplete soil organic C at locations with similar characteristics (N-rich soil, spruce dominated, warm climate) as at Torup in this study.  相似文献   

The distribution and movement of N, P, K, Na, Mg, and Ca were studied in southeastern Australia in a 37—year-old Pinus radiata plantation and in a nearby Eucalyptus obliqua — Eucalyptus dives forest of the same age and of the same type as that which had been replaced by the P. radiata plantation. The soil beneath the P. radiata plantation contained significantly less total N and exchangeable K, Mg, and Ca than that beneath the eucalypt forest. No large accumulation of nutrients was found in either the litter or the trees in the P. radiata plantation relative to that in the eucalypt forest. However, there was a slightly greater accumulation of N and K in the P. radiata biomass than in the eucalypt biomass. The annual soil nutrient balance obtained by subtracting outputs (mineral soil leachate + biomass incorporation) from inputs (precipitation + mineral weathering) indicated a more favourable balance for each nutrient in the soil beneath the eucalypts than in the soil beneath the pines. Calculations suggested that these balances could only partially account for the differences in soil nutrient quantities between eucalypt and pine ecosystems. It was hypothesized that these differences are also partially explainable in terms of the nutrient losses accompanying two fires which had occurred in the pine plantation area. Nitrogen balances in this study were incomplete because several potentially important fluxes were not measured.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the effect of silviculture on carbon (C) budgets in Pinus elliottii (slash pine) plantations on the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain. We developed a hybrid model that integrates a widely used growth and yield model for slash pine with allometric and biometric equations determined for long-term C exchange studies to simulate in situ C pools. The model used current values of forest product conversion efficiencies and forest product decay rates to calculate ex situ C pool. The model was validated from a variety of sources, accurately simulating C estimates based on multiple measurement techniques and sites. Site productivity was the major factor driving C sequestration in slash pine stands. On high productivity sites, silvicultural schemes that promote sawtimber-type products are more suitable for increasing C storage (even not taking in account the consequent economical revenues associated with sawtimber production). When rotation length was increased from 22 to 35 years on unthinned and thinned stands, respectively, we estimated net increments of 26 and 20 MgC ha−1 in average C stock of the first five rotations. Even though in situ C pool in slash pine accounts for most of this net increment, C in sawtimber products increased from 8 and 14 to 23 and 24 MgC ha−1, on unthinned and thinned stands, respectively. Thinning effects on net C stock depended on intensity and timing of intervention, mainly due to changes in diameter classes that promote higher proportion of long-lived products. Emissions associated with silvicultural activities, including transportation of logs to the mill, are small compared to the magnitude of net C sequestration, accounting for between 2.2 and 2.3% of gross C stock. This slash pine plantation C sequestration model, based on empirical and biological relationships, is appropriate for use in regional C stock assessments or for C credit verification.  相似文献   

The effects of prescribed burning on nutrient cycling were studied in a stand of oocarpa pine (Pinus oocarpa Schiede) in central Honduras. Small paired runoff plots were subjected to a low-intensity prescribed burn in one of two seasons and nutrient losses in runoff water and sediment were monitored together with nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation.Burning increased the loss of nutrients and net losses of calcium, potassium and magnesium were recorded during the first 1612 months after burning. Increased rates of sediment loss rather than increased losses in surface runoff were responsible for the greater part of the increase in total nutrient losses from the burned plots. Greater quantities of nutrients were lost from the plots burned just prior to the dry season than from those burned after the start of the wet season because of slow recovery of the ground vegetation during the dry season and exposure to the intense rains of May and early June. Recovery from burning was rapid and runoff and sediment loss from the burned plots approached the levels of controls 2 years after burning. As nutrient losses are a reflection of total runoff and sediment losses, it is probable that no net nutrient losses would have been detected during the 2nd year after burning had sampling been continued. The net nutrient losses recorded were small and this is attributed to the low initial fuel loadings, low fire intensities and the rapid rate of recovery of the ground vegetation. The significance of other potential sources of losses and gains of nutrients is discussed and it is concluded that low-intensity prescribed burning for hazard reduction, with burning cycles ranging from three to seven or more years, will reduce the rate of nutrient accumulation on the site rather than deplete the nutrient capital.  相似文献   

Fast-growing woody species grown in dense, short-rotation plantations on land previously in agriculture offer potential economic benefits in products such as engineered construction material, boiler fuel, non-food-based biofuel feed stocks and other carbon (C)-based products and credits. However, information on the effects on major C pools of short-rotation culture is relatively sparse. In this study, Populus deltoides and P. deltoides × P. nigra hybrid clones were grown for 5 years at 1 m × 1 m spacing in plantations on a former pasture of high native fertility in the Missouri River floodplain in the lower Midwest U.S.A. Above- and below-ground biomass production, leaf area-based production efficiency, photosynthetic attributes and soil C dynamics were studied.  相似文献   

Changes in the Earth's atmosphere are expected to influence the growth, and therefore, carbon accumulation of European forests. We identify three major changes: (1) a rise in carbon dioxide concentration, (2) climate change, resulting in higher temperatures and changes in precipitation and (3) a decrease in nitrogen deposition. We adjusted and applied the hydrological model Watbal, the soil model SMART2 and the vegetation model SUMO2 to asses the effect of expected changes in the period 1990 up to 2070 on the carbon accumulation in trees and soils of 166 European forest plots. The models were parameterized using measured soil and vegetation parameters and site-specific changes in temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition. The carbon dioxide concentration was assumed to rise uniformly across Europe. The results were compared to a reference scenario consisting of a constant CO2 concentration and deposition scenario. The temperature and precipitation scenario was a repetition of the period between 1960 and 1990. All scenarios were compared to the reference scenario for biomass growth and carbon sequestration for both the soil and the trees.  相似文献   

We studied the combined effects of thinning on stand structure, growth, and fire risk for a Scots pine thinning trial in northern Spain 4 years following treatment. The thinning treatments were: no thinning, heavy thinning (32–46% of basal area removed) and very heavy thinning (51–57% of basal area removed). Thinning was achieved via a combination of systematic and selective methods by removing every seventh row of trees and then by cutting suppressed and subdominant trees in the remaining rows (i.e., thinning from below). Four years after thinning, mean values and probability density distributions of stand structural indices showed that the heavier the thinning, the stronger the tendency towards random tree spatial positions. Height and diameter differentiation were initially low for these plantations and decreased after the 4-year period in both control and thinned plots. Mark variograms indicated low spatial autocorrelation in tree diameters at short distances. Diameter increment was significantly correlated with the inter-tree competition indices, and also with the mean directional stand structural index. Two mixed models were proposed for estimating diameter increment using a spatial index based on basal area of larger trees (BALMOD) in one model versus spatial competition index by Bella in the other model. As well, a model to estimate canopy bulk density (CBD) was developed, as this variable is important for fire risk assessment. Both heavy and very heavy thinning resulted in a decrease of crown fire risk over no thinning, because of the reduction in CBD. However, thinning had no effect on the height to crown base and thus on the flame length for torching. Overall, although thinning did not increase size differentiation between trees in the short term, the increase in diameter increment following thinning and the reduction of crown fire risks support the use of thinning. Also, thinning is a necessary first step towards converting Scots pine plantations to more natural mixed broadleaved woodlands. In particular, the very heavy thinning treatment could be considered a first step towards conversion of overstocked stands.  相似文献   

A growing awareness of the negative consequences of efficient fire prevention in boreal Fennoscandia has resulted in an increasing use of fire as a restoration method. The primary purpose of restoration fire is to recreate features of natural forests that have been lost during long periods of fire suppression. We used the occurrence of fruiting bodies from wood-inhabiting fungi to assess the conservation value of and gain ecological information about restoration fire in a Pinus sylvestris dominated forest. The general pattern for the majority of the species was a drastic decline the first two years after the restoration fire. However, our results clearly demonstrate that most of the species that declined the first years after the fire rebounded after four years and were frequently found on charred wood. Species that increased after the fire and often occurred on charred logs were: Antrodia sinuosa, Botryobasidium obtusisporum, Galzinia incrustans, Phlebia subserialis and Tomentella spp. In addition, three threatened, red-listed and fire-favored species were also found on heavily charred logs: Antrodia primaeva, Dichomitus squalens and Gloeophyllum carbonarium. Our results indicate that fire disturbance creates a unique type of dead wood important for fungal species richness. The results also support the use of restoration fires in maintaining forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Carbon pools in two Quercus petraea (sessile oak) dominated chronosequences under different forest management (high forest and coppice with standards) were investigated. The objective was to study temporal carbon dynamics, in particular carbon sequestration in the soil and woody biomass production, in common forest management systems in eastern Austria along with stand development. The chronosequence approach was used to substitute time-for-space to enable coverage of a full rotation period in each system. Carbon content was determined in the following compartments: aboveground biomass, litter, soil to a depth of 50 cm, living root biomass and decomposing residues in the mineral soil horizons. Biomass carbon pools, except fine roots and residues, were estimated using species-specific allometric functions. Total carbon pools were on average 143 Mg ha−1 in the high forest stand (HF) and 213 Mg ha−1 in the coppice with standards stand (CS). The mean share of the total organic carbon pool (TOC) which is soil organic carbon (SOC) differs only marginally between HF (43.4%) and CS (42.1%), indicating the dominance of site factors, particularly climate, in controlling this ratio. While there was no significant change in O-layer and SOC stores over stand development, we found clear relationships between living biomass (aboveground and belowground) pools and C:N ratio in topsoil horizons with stand age. SOC pools seem to be very stable and an impact of silvicultural interventions was not detected with the applied method. Rapid decomposition and mineralization of litter, indicated by low O-horizon pools with wide C:N ratios of residual woody debris at the end of the vegetation period, suggests high rates of turnover in this fraction. CS, in contrast to HF benefits from rapid resprouting after coppicing and hence seems less vulnerable to conditions of low rainfall and drying topsoil.  相似文献   

Information on soil carbon sequestration and its interaction with nitrogen availability is rather limited, since soil processes account for the most significant unknowns in the C and N cycles. In this paper we compare three completely different approaches to calculate carbon sequestration in forest soils. The first approach is the limit-value concept, in which the soil carbon accumulation is estimated by multiplying the annual litter fall with the recalcitrant fraction of the decomposing plant litter, which depends on the nitrogen and calcium content in the litter. The second approach is the N-balance method, where carbon sequestration is calculated from the nitrogen retention in the soil multiplied with the present soil C/N ratio in organic layer and mineral topsoil. The third approach is the dynamic SMART2 model in combination with an empirical approach to assess litter fall inputs. The comparison is done by first validating the methods at three chronosequences with measured C pools, two in Denmark and one in Sweden, and then application on 192 intensive monitoring plots located in the Northern and Western part of Europe. Considering all three chronosequences, the N-balance method was generally most in accordance with the C pool measurements, although the SMART2 model was also quite consistent with the measurements at two chronosequences. The limit-value approach generally overestimated the soil carbon sequestration. At the intensive monitoring plots, the limit-value concept calculated the highest carbon sequestration, ranging from 160 to 978 kg ha−1 year−1, followed by the N-balance method which ranged from 0 to 535 kg ha−1 year−1. With SMART2 we calculated the lowest carbon sequestration from −30 to 254 kg ha−1 year−1. All the three approaches found lower carbon sequestration at a latitude from 60 to 70° compared to latitudes from 40 to 50 and from 50 to 60. Considering the validation of the three approaches, the range in results from both the N-balance method and SMART2 model seems most appropriate.  相似文献   

For estimating the amount of carbon (C) in dead wood, conversion factors from raw volume per decay class to dry weight were developed using three different classification systems for the species Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh) in Sweden. Also the C concentration in dead wood (dry weight) was studied. About 2500 discs were collected from logs in managed forests located on 289 temporary National Forest Inventory (NFI) sample plots and in 11 strips located in preserved forests. The conversion factors were based on an extensive data compilation with a wide representation of different site-, stand-, species- and dead wood properties and were assumed to represent the population of fallen dead wood in Sweden. The density decreased significantly by decay class and the range in density for decay classes was widest for the NFI decay classification system, suggesting this to be the most suitable. The C concentration in dead wood biomass increased with increasing decay class and in average Norway spruce (P. abies) showed a lower C concentration than Scots pine (P. sylvestris). The average dead wood C store of Swedish forests was estimated to 0.85 Mg C/ha.  相似文献   

Tree growth and health status appear to be related to foliar nutrient contents. Foliar nutrient concentration might be the result of a complex interaction between soil nutrients and effective availability caused by climate, water and other site and treatment effects. This study examines foliar macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and organic C concentrations in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) needles (between 5 and 18 months old), as well as time course variability (nine dates, from July 1999 to November 2001). Variability was assessed depending on quality site (two sites, Yeste and Calasparra; SE Spain) and seven silvicultural treatments including thinning, scrubbing, pruning and particular combinations of them. Foliar macronutrient concentrations for Aleppo pine in South-eastern Spain were slightly lower (N, P, K,) or higher (Mg, Ca) than the considered as adequate ranges for Aleppo pine and Pinus genera. However, our results agree well with other normal ranges reported for Aleppo pine in Spain and for other North American Pinus species such as P. elliottii, P. taeda and P. palustris. Site, treatment and date (season) affected significantly the foliar macronutrient and C concentration, although the most important was the date, likely due to the two growth periods per year that Aleppo pine has in Mediterranean sites. Silvicultural treatments affected foliar nutrient concentration, so that the concentrations of N, P and K were higher when treatments included thinning than those that did not. The contrary was true for Mg and Ca. However, treatments did not affect the time course of the concentration, i.e., seasonality was not broken due to treatments. Moreover, the effect of the treatments was markedly high along the first year after they were applied but the differences were attenuate 2 years later. Site affected the time course of N, K, Mg and C in a different way: while for N, K and C, at the end of study period, they were higher in Calasparra than in Yeste, for Mg the contrary was true. Nutrient ratios had a different behaviour regarding to single nutrient: although date was significant, we did not appreciate seasonality. In addition, some nutrient ratios were not affected by treatments (N/P, N/K, Ca/Mg,) or by site (N/Ca, K/Ca). Average foliar N concentration and Ca/Mg ratio explained significantly the mean diameter and height growth, so that higher is the foliar N concentration and lower is Ca/Mg, higher is the growth.  相似文献   

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