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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Broussonetia papyrifera(paper mulberry)invasion and land use on the floristic composition of a dry semideciduous forest in Ghana.Forty-five plots(25 m×25 m each),distributed among three land uses-selectively logged(SL);abandoned farmlands(AF);and an undisturbed reference(RF)-were surveyed.Results showed lower tree species richness(S),diversity(H’),evenness(S)and basal area(BA)in the SL(46,0.78,0.32 and 269.12 m2 ha-1,respectively)and AF(40,0.53,0.45,and 131.16 m^2 ha^-1)sites compared to the RF site(79,2.66,0.87,963.72 m^2 ha^-1).Similar patterns were found at the shrub layer,but no differences were observed at the herb layer.Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination revealed distinct species composition among the land uses.The two disturbed habitats,SL and AF,were associated with increased B.papyrifera invasion particularly in the overstory,with importance value index and mean relative density of 45 and 65.03%,and 42 and 53.29%,correspondingly.However,the species was only sparsely represented in the RF site.Tree density of B.papyrifera correlated negatively with H’,S,E,BA,and native tree density and richness.These findings highlight the strong link between human land use(i.e.,logging and slash-andburn farming),invasion,and vegetation characteristics,and suggest the need to limit these disturbances to conserve biodiversity within tropical forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

We studied the impacts of liana cutting as a forest management tool on liana diversity(species richness,Shannon diversity index) and community structure(diameter distribution, basal area, species dominance) in the Asenanyo Forest Reserve, Ghana. Two types of silviculturally treated forests were studied: Logging treated(LT)and Tropical Shelterwood System(TSS) treated forests. An untreated primary forest was included as a control, resulting in three forest management systems. Lianas with diameter C2 cm were identified in ten 40 9 40 m2 plots within each management system. Liana cutting significantly reduced liana species richness, Shannon diversity index, and basal area in the LT forest after two decades.However, liana species richness and basal area werecomparable in the TSS treated and untreated forests, indicating significant recovery in the former after over six decades. S?rensen similarity index of liana species composition between the untreated forest and each of the treated forests was moderate. Our findings suggest that liana cutting most likely influenced the dominance of some liana species. In view of the adverse impact of blanket liana cutting on liana diversity, selective liana cutting is recommended as a means of controlling liana numbers while maintaining liana diversity.  相似文献   

Forest management practices which may represent various forms of disturbance regimes could influence liana species richness, abundance and relationship with their hosts. The study sought to determine the impacts of three management systems, namely, the Selection, Tropical Shelterwood and Post Exploitation Systems (SS, TSS and PES respectively) on liana species richness, abundance and relationship with trees in the Bobiri forest reserve, Ghana. Lianas with dbh ≥ 2 cm found on trees with dbh ≥ 10 cm were enumerated in 1 ha plot each in the SS, TSS and PES. All trees (dbh ≥ 10 cm) within the plots that did not carry lianas were also enumerated. A total of 640 liana individuals belonging to 27 species, 22 genera and 13 families were identified in the management systems. Griffonia simplicifolia (Vahl ex DC.) Baill., Motandra guineensis (Thonn.) A.DC. and Calycobolus africanus (G.Don) Heine were the abundant species in all the management systems. Unlike in SS, lianas in the TSS and PES were dominated by a few species. Larger diameter lianas were more abundant in the PES (32%) compared with the SS (18.3%) and the PES (13.1%). Liana diversity (H′) (species richness and abundance) was quantitatively higher in the SS (2.8) than the TSS (2.2) and the PES (2.0). The numbers of lianas carried by tree species differed significantly in the management systems (p < 0.001 each). Liana infestation in the forest was high. The level of liana infestation did not reflect the extent of liana load per tree in the management systems. Larger trees carried significantly more liana individuals than smaller trees in the PES (p = 0.019, r2 = 0.15). There was a positive significant relationship between host dbh and liana dbh in the PES (p < 0.001, r2 = 0.23) and TSS (p = 0.024, r2 = 0.11). Tree diversity appeared to have influenced liana species richness and abundance.  相似文献   

木荷天然林与人工林群落结构特征比较   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过样地法群落调查,对木荷林群落学特征进行了分析和研究。研究表明本群落是以山茶科和壳斗科为主的常绿阔叶林,其优势种为木荷、马尾松以及罗浮栲。随着演替的进行,木荷在群落中的重要值呈现先增大后减小的趋势。进一步分析木荷天然林与人工林的生态学差异,表明:木荷天然林和人工林群落物种组成都较丰富,通过木荷人工林与天然林的物种组成比较,可以看出人工林虽然受人为影响较大,但是经过一定时间的恢复,其物种组成和群落结构都趋于复杂化,并在科、属、种组成上与天然林具有较高的相似性。  相似文献   

花山喀斯特风景林群落结构与林内景观质量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面和正确地认识群落结构特征与景观美学质量的关系,对揭示森林景观美学质量的形成机制和进行景观质量提升具有重要意义。采用美景度评价法(Scenic Beauty Estimation,SBE)和回归分析,从林分水平结构、垂直结构和物种组成等群落结构特征层面,分析群落结构特征与景观质量的关系。结果表明:群落结构要素对美景度贡献大小顺序依次为Pielou均匀度指数乔木层密度Shannon-Wiener多样性指数林层数乔木层平均高度;Pielou均匀度指数和乔木层密度与美景度呈负相关关系,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、林层数和乔木层平均高度与美景度呈正相关关系;物种丰富、乔木层密度较小、林层数多、乔木层平均高度较大的林分具有较高的美景度值。根据群落结构和林内景观质量关系得出群落结构优化策略,首先尽可能满足物种多样性和生态系统稳定性的需求,在此前提下从水平和垂直结构等空间配置上,综合运用林分抚育、林下层管理和美学规划等措施,构建出符合生态要求和具有较高美学价值的森林景观。  相似文献   

对韶山景观竹林进行林相整理、疏伐抚育并施以氮、磷、钾和复合肥处理,处理20个月后对植物群落多样性进行了调查。结果表明:人工施抚育明显改变了林内的层次结构和盖度,灌木和草本层部分种类增加,对照与处理在总数上差异达显著水平;施肥处理后,样地中草本层和整个群落的多样性指数明显增加,与对照相比均达到显著水平;处理后草本层和整个群落的相似系数与对照的差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

长白山北坡土壤线虫的群落结构特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对长白山北坡不同海拔(7262200m)的阔叶红松林、红松云冷杉混交林、暗针叶林、岳桦林和高山苔原中土壤线虫进行了研究。在2001、2002年春天,分别在样地的枯枝落叶层、不同深度的表层土(0-5、5-10、10.20cm)掘取土壤样品进行分析。土壤线虫群落中共有27个科,60个属,其中Plectus和Tylenchus两属为优势属,优势属线虫主要分布在枯枝落叶层中。土壤线虫数量与土壤含水量显著相关(r=0.357;p〈0.01)。在不同深度和植被群落中丰富度最大的是食细菌类群线虫。土壤线虫总数和营养类群在不同土壤深度中差异显著(p〈0.05);食真菌类群/食细菌类群(F/B)和食真菌类群数量与食细菌类群数量之和与植食类群数量之比(WI)在不同深度也存在明显差异(P〈0.05)。总之,土壤水分是影响土壤线虫密度和营养组成的最主要因素之一,海拔梯度并未显著影响土壤线虫的生态指标,如营养多样性和Shannon指数。  相似文献   

生态因素和乔木层结构对金佛山方竹林质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(1)乔木层的高度、平均胸径与胸径断面积对金佛山方竹林的平均胸径影响大;乔木层树种均匀度指数和物种数对金佛子方竹林平均胸径的正相关性和影响率最大。海拔梯度的正相关性高、因子贡献率小、这与方竹林相位处林内亚优势层,以及长期笋用林经营策略“保护乔木层、经营竹林层、控制灌木层”的结果相一致。(2)年出笋成竹量同海拔梯度(X1)、竹林平均胸径(X2)和竹林株数(X3)的曲线(y=K/(1-esp^(a bt)关系为:笋竹生长模型和出笋模型的系数A、B主要受林分质量影响;出笋模型受综合生态环境因素的影响大于笋竹生长模式。(3)金佛山方生适生区的林中空地或林缘移植母竹造林,以3-4月,10-11月的选林成活率高;截杆的比不截杆的高;一年生母竹的成活率高;随海拔高度的升高,造林成活率逐步高。成活率变动在37.67%-84.67%,均值为64%左右。最后,综述了海拔梯度、乔木层和灌木层结构对金佛山方竹林的质量影响和引种区生态环境的选择问题。  相似文献   

Repeated biomass harvesting for human livelihood needs can cause significant changes in forest structure, composition and diversity. Such impacts have often been associated with the distance to villages and their size, but the effects of individual villages in relation to their characteristics have been little studied. Focussing on the issues around communities’ impacts on the forest, this research aimed to understand how resource extraction by two Buffer Zone villages in Nepal's Bardia National Park affects forest structure and diversity. Tree density, basal area, diameter at breast height (DBH), species richness, two diversity indices and disturbance indices were recorded in 108 plots in 12 transects, from March till May 2005, within the park along the village boundaries, where resource extraction occurs, and in the core park area which is isolated from human disturbance. Forest subject to resource extraction had a lower density of trees, smaller DBH and lower species richness and diversity. Forest disturbance declined with distance from the villages but the two villages differed widely in their impact on the forest. Resource use was more intensive in Shivapur village and percentage of trees lopped, average lopping intensity and numbers of dung piles were statistically significant. This was mainly due to the lack of access to Buffer Zone community Forest for Shivapur households. Interviews with villagers suggested that there have been changes in species availability compared to 5 years ago. Households also underestimated the impact of their resource extraction, which may prevent them from changing their behaviour to benefit conservation. It is clear that understanding rural communities’ needs, their framing of resource extraction and utilisation, and dependence on forest resources will be very helpful for long term conservation measures.  相似文献   

Seed production in tropical timber trees is limited by abiotic resources, pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation. Resource availability is influenced by the number of competing trees and by lianas that often reach high densities in disturbed parts of tropical forests. The distance between conspecific trees affects pollination efficiency and seed predation intensity, and may therefore indirectly affect the long-term sustainability of selective logging. Here we investigate how reproductive status and the number of seeds dispersed per tree are affected by liana load, distance to the nearest conspecifics, number of competing neighbours and tree diameter in the timber trees Cariniana ianeirensis and Terminalia oblonga. The study is based on a large-scale silvicultural experiment in lowland Bolivia. We found that the reproductive status of the two species was negatively correlated with liana cover and positively with tree diameter. In C. ianeirensis the most liana-infested trees dispersed fewer seeds. In T. oblonga the intensity of pre-dispersal seed predation decreased with distance to the nearest conspecifics. There was no evidence that seed viability or seed production decreased with distance to nearest conspecifics in either species as would be expected if isolation resulted in increased self-pollination. Our results indicate that reproduction can be severely reduced in timber trees if the largest, most healthy and least liana-covered trees are logged, but that liana cutting on the remaining seed trees can considerably improve seed production. In some species seed production may be further improved by ensuring that seed trees are located far apart.  相似文献   

Slope stabilization treatments are frequently applied following high severity wildfires to reduce erosion, protect water quality, and mitigate threats to human life and property. However, the effectiveness of many treatment options has not been well established. Furthermore, treatments may unintentionally inhibit natural vegetation recovery or facilitate exotic species invasion, compromising long-term ecosystem function. We evaluated the effects of seeding and fertilization treatments on plant cover and vegetation recovery following the Deer Point fire in the Eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington State, surveying vegetation for three consecutive years following fire. We applied a fertilization treatment and two seeding treatments in factorial combination on experimental plots at four sites within the fire. Natural vegetation recovered rapidly on control plots, exceeding 40% average cover the second post-fire year and 53% cover the third year. Seeding and fertilization, applied alone and together, did little to increase total plant cover in any of the three post-fire years. A seed mix containing mostly native species increased seeded species cover, but failed to increase in total plant cover, as reductions in non-seeded species cover largely offset increases in seeded species cover. The seed mix also reduced the cover and frequency of several disturbance-adapted native species and reduced tree seedling abundance by the third year after fire. Exotic species averaged less than 0.5% cover across all treatments, and were not significantly affected by any treatment. Minimal treatment effects on total plant cover suggest that seeding and fertilization did little to reduce erosion hazards. However, seeding with the species mix did interfere with natural vegetation recovery, despite the use of native species and low realized seeded species cover.  相似文献   

冬季马尾松树上昆虫和蜘蛛群落结构的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1999年12-2000上1月在皖南2个林场马尾松林中各设立2块样地,每月调查1次,查得马尾松树上12目,35科共62种昆虫和蜘蛛,益害物种数之比为1.26,益害个体数之比为0.62,天敌种数稍多于害虫,优势目是双翅目,同翅目,鞘翅目,鳞翅目,膜翅目和蜘蛛目,植食性,捕食性,寄生性昆虫和蜘蛛的物种数分别为30,8,10和20。冬季少数生物还在活动,月间的总物种数和总个体数有所波动,常年放菌治虫的载公山林场益害比移样性指数稍大于滥用农药的麻姑山林场。马尾松树树上和树皮下是昆虫 和 蜘蛛重要的越冬场所。  相似文献   

The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities;the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent,which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities; the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent, which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

We assessed seed fate of six tree species in a seasonally deciduous forest of Central Brazil. Seed germination, predation, removal and death caused by pathogens or dessication were followed in an undisturbed forest site, a logged forest site, and an active pasture. In both forest types we sowed seeds under patches of liana tangles (Low Forest habitat) and under patches of mature forest (High Forest habitat). Seeds were monitored weekly for up to 8 months. Overall, small-seeded species (Astronium fraxinifolium and Tabebuia impetiginosa) had high germination, although germination was lower in the pasture due to insect predation. The hard-coated seeds of Erythrina sp. had higher germination rates in the pasture. The large-seeded Cavanillesia arborea and Swartzia multijuga had high seed removal (ca. 90%) in the pasture and under High Forest, but only 23–34% under Low Forest in the logged site. Lower removal of large seeds in Low Forest suggests that this habitat conceals the seeds and constrains the movement of large mammals. Both species were favored in Low Forest, suggesting that caution should be used when managing lianas. When protected from predation, seeds with a soft coat and high water content, such as the seeds of Eugenia dysenterica and S. multijuga, died from desiccation in the pasture. Restoration efforts must take into consideration high mortality caused by desiccation or insect predation in abandoned pastures of dry forests.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of biochar addition(1 or 3%)to the soil of a China fir plantation with or without litter,we conducted a 90-day incubation experiment.We also studied the C and N dynamics and the microbial community structure of the soil.In soil without litter,the application of biochar at a rate of 3%significantly decreased CO2 emissions,while addition of 1%biochar had no effect.Biochar application did not affect the net N mineralization rate but significantly reduced the NH4?concentration after 90 days.In litter-enriched soil,biochar application had no significant effect on total CO2 emissions;however,application of 3%biochar significantly reduced the net N mineralization rate.Biochar application to soil with or without litter immediately reduced the dissolved organic carbon(DOC)concentration independent of the application rate,which was primarily due to sorption of DOC by the biochar.Phospholipid fatty acid analysis demonstrated that both concentrations of added biochar to soil(with or without litter)altered the soil microbial community structure at the end of incubation,although the effect of biochar was not as strong as the effect of time or litter application.The effect of biochar addition alone on microbial community structure was inconsistent over time.Litter added to soil significantly increased fungi and reduced Gram-positive bacteria.In the presence of litter,biochar applied at both 1%and 3%significantly increased(p<0.05)the proportion of actinomycete only at day 90.Our results indicate biochar as a potentially effective measure for C sequestration in the test soil of a China fir plantation,even in the presence of litter.  相似文献   

福建省永安市天宝岩国家级自然保护区的植物与自然景观资源十分丰富,资源利用与社区发展需要协调.提出了天宝岩的资源开发利用的思路,通过与社区的联动建设,能够加强天宝岩自然资源的保护,并促进社区村经济发展,解决社区村森林资源保护与开发利用的矛盾,实现区域经济和社会可持续发展.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of invastion by pine wood nematode (PWN), this study analyzed severalfunctional indices, i.e., the increment in DBH and stand volume and biomass, in the damaqed stands with various mixedpercentages of Pinus massoniana and P. thunbergii and with different levels of damage. According to the results of rate of change in increment of DBH and stand volume, the forest ecosystem resistance against PWN increased with a reduct on n the m xed ratio of pine. The resistance was highest with a mixed percentage of 50%. The invasion of PWN hanged the corresponding relationship of increment between DBH and stand volume (pure stands 〉 7:3 conifer and roadleaf 〉 6:4 conifer and broadleaf 〉 5:5 conifer and broadleaf) among the P. thunbergii stands when there is no amage, but for P. massoniana stands this phenomenon did not occur. For the increment rate of DBH and stand volume, is significant change in P, thunbergii forest indicates that the resistance of pure P. thunbergii forest was higher than at of P. massoniana. The invasion of PWN accelerates the succession from pure stands to mixed stands and then tohe broadleaf evergreen stands.  相似文献   

通过对石家庄山区石包垴核桃楸林中调查所涉及到的27种植物的数量特征进行分析,发现核桃楸、细叶苔草、全叶紫堇等植物的重要值较高,在群落中占据明显优势。运用物种丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wie-ner多样性指数(H)、Sinpson多样性指数(D)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw、Jsi)指标,研究了该区的物种多样性,结果表明:丰富度指数和多样性指数均表现为:草本层>乔灌层,均匀度指数表现为:乔灌层(Jsw)>草本层(Jsw)。研究中对天然林和人工林物种多样性进行了比较,结果为草本层:天然林>人工林,乔灌层:人工林>天然林,总体多样性指数为:天然林>人工林。瑙基耶尔(Raunkiaer,1934)生活型谱分析结果为:地面芽植物为44.44%,占居优势地位,隐芽植物次之,为33.33%,高位芽植物和1年生草本植物较少,无地上芽植物。  相似文献   

Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura.Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family,103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH(diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha(10 m × 1000 m).Four different tree communities were identified.The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta(mean density 464.77 trees ha-1,105 species) and Schima wallichii(336.25 trees ha-1,82 species),while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis(333.88 trees ha-1,105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis(299.67 trees ha-1,82 species).Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m 2 ·ha-1 ;the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest(26.21 m 2 ·ha-1).Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities.No significant differences were observed in number of species,genera,family and tree basal cover area.Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities.Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumulation of native oligarchic small tree species.Seventeen species were recorded with <2 individuals of which Saraca asoka(Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides(L.) Merr.etc.extensively used in local ethno-medicinal formulations.The present S.robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer(105 species) than other reported studies.Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests.Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur.The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T.grandis L.dominated community.  相似文献   

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