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松材线虫病是由松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)侵染引起的严重病害,引起重大的经济和生态损失。钙调素(CaM)是真核生物中Ca2+主要传导蛋白,本研究采用RT-PCR方法,首次从马尾松中克隆获得CaM,命名为pmCaM,并检测了其响应松材线虫侵染的表达特征。序列分析表明:pmCaM完整的开放阅读框核苷酸序列为450bp,编码149个氨基酸的蛋白质;该蛋白含有4个EF-hand结构域,具有钙调素的典型特征,与其它植物的CaM蛋白均有较高同源性。实时荧光定量PCR分析显示:接种松材线虫后30 180 min时间段,马尾松苗根、茎、叶器官中的pmCaM均下调表达,但不同器官间显著下调表达的时间点存在差异;同时,不同器官pmCaM表达量变化均存在特异的随时间发展的波动特征,其中发现,根茎pmCaM在松材线虫接种45 min时均处于表达量高峰。本研究结果显示pmCaM表达响应了松材线虫侵染,揭示pmCaM可能参与了调控松材线虫-马尾松互作早期的钙信号响应。  相似文献   

为研究松材线虫侵染对寄主植物生理生化物质代谢的影响,以黑松和马尾松4 5年生苗为实验材料,测定了接种松材线虫对2种寄主植物的营养物质和次生代谢物质含量的变化及其规律。结果显示:接种松材线虫初期,黑松和马尾松的总糖含量均较高,随接种时间的延长,总糖含量呈不断下降趋势;黑松的可溶性糖含量一直降低并明显低于对照,马尾松的可溶性糖含量在侵染前期与对照相比变化不明显,而15 d后快速降低;黑松和马尾松的可溶性蛋白含量侵染前期均低于对照,后升高,再降低;黑松的单宁含量明显高于对照,马尾松的单宁含量接种第1天略低于对照,第3天后开始升高;黑松和马尾松的总酚含量均在侵染前期高于对照,而后降低。这些物质的变化趋势显示松材线虫侵染不同寄主植物的生理反应。  相似文献   

[目的]目前有关松材线虫与伴生细菌的关系及伴生细菌的病原作用是松树枯萎病研究的重点。为了揭示松材线虫与伴生细菌之间存在的密切关系,作者对松材线虫LIV幼虫携带的细菌进行了分离鉴定。[方法]根据培养性状和16S rDNA序列同源性以及系统发育学等方面进行分析鉴定。[结果]确定LIV幼虫携带的是香茅醇假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas citronellolis),携带率为100%;每条LIV幼虫携带量在1.4×105~4.5×105。LIV幼虫生活在松褐天牛体内,是引起松材线虫病侵染流行的唯一虫态;新发现的香茅醇假单胞杆菌能分解纤维素及降解或合成萜烯和酚类化合物。[结论]LIV幼虫携带香茅醇假单胞杆菌的发现,揭示了松树、松褐天牛、松材线虫、细菌同为一体的紧密关系,并为揭示松树枯萎病机制提供了一种新病原和重要的研究思路。  相似文献   

巨龙竹Dendrocalamus sinicus Chia et J. L. Sun是云南特有的重要经济竹种之一,为了保护和开发巨龙竹资源,本文调查了18个典型的巨龙竹种群,并对近6年来巨龙竹开花结实现象进行了分析。研究结果显示巨龙竹分布区域十分狭窄,以滇西南的沧源、西盟和孟连3个县为中心,集中分布于22°09' 23°30 'N,98°56' 99°37' E,海拔1 000~1 500 m之间的低中山区。同时,巨龙竹秆型依照分布区由南向北表现出明显的弯曲型——弯曲型与通直型混生(混生型)——通直型的变化趋势。种群平均胸径与分布区海拔之间呈现极显著的正相关关系。巨龙竹野外多见零星开花,以通直型为主,但结实少见且结实率低,约为0.34%~0.64%,这可能主要是由于个体零星开花以及小花雌雄异熟等原因造成的结果。土蜂Apis cerana Fabricius的访问可能是巨龙竹有性繁殖中传粉的重要补充方式。  相似文献   

卵叶樟(Cinnamomum rigidissimum H. T. Chang)是樟科(Lauraceae)樟属(Cinnamomum Trew)植物,是第一批被列入<国家重点保护植物名录>的二级重点保护物种[1],具有重要的经济和科研价值.根据以往调查,卵叶樟在海南尖峰岭的数量较少,一般生长在海拔6001 000 m的热带山地雨林中,这与森林商业性采伐和盗伐等人为干扰活动导致森林环境变迁有关[2-3].种群是群落构成的基本单位,种群结构不仅对群落结构有直接影响,而且能客观地体现群落的发展趋势[4].研究种群空间格局及其动态可为研究森林群落演替趋势、森林生态系统可持续经营提供基础理论,其数量分析指数还可为生物多样性保护、森林可持续经营评价等提供可靠依据[5].本文通过探讨卵叶樟种群结构和分布格局及其动态的数量特征,为探讨其濒危机制及合理保护提供理论依据.  相似文献   

寄生蜂成虫能否找到并寄生足够的寄主,是实现其最大生殖力的重要限制性因素之一[1],该因素与寿命直接相关,故寿命在进化中受到较大的自然选择压力,从而成为寄生蜂重要的适应性特征之一[2];在害虫生物防治实践中,寿命是决定寄生蜂控制寄主害虫能力的重要参数,是常用的评价天敌  相似文献   

花绒寄甲在甘肃地区越冬情况和耐寒能力调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Asian long-horned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis is a polyphagous xylophage native to Asia. This beetle is the most serious pest in the Three-north Areas of China. Dastarcus helophoroides plays an important role in biological control of the Asian long-horned beetle. In order to determine the probability of introducing this natural enemy to control A. glabripennis in the northwest of China, the overwintering survival of D. helophoroides in north China is a most important issue which should be understood. The overwintering place and survival of D. helophoroides were investigated respectively. The supercooling points of overwintering and laboratory strains of this parasitic beetle were assayed. The results indicated that most of this parasitic beetle chose the long-horned beetle pupa cell and the gallery as their overwintering place. A small proportion of them completed their overwintering process beneath the bark. Over 50% proportion of this beetle can complete the overwintering process successfully. Furthermore, the cold tolerance of overwintering strain was much stronger than that of the laboratory strain. These findings suggested that D. helophoroides can successfully accomplish the overwintering process in northwest of China. This might provide a support for introducing D. helophoroides to control the Asian long-horned beetle in these places.  相似文献   

Quercus eduardii and Q. potosina are the most abundant tree species of the temperate forests of Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico, in an area ranging between 2200 and 2600 m above see level. During the last century these clonal oaks were intensively exploited to obtain charcoal and firewood for local use; in addition, sections of the forest were transformed into grasslands for livestock. The effects of disturbance on the population dynamics of these species are poorly known. Therefore, a demographic study was carried out in order to: (a) evaluate the effects of disturbance on the population growth rate of these species; (b) assess the effects of inter-annual environmental variability on the long term population dynamics; (c) evaluate the relative importance of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation on population growth rate; (d) simulate the impact of different levels of tree harvesting on the population dynamics of these species, and (e) recommend a harvesting intensity, based on the information obtained above. Annual, mean and periodic matrices as well as stochastic simulations were used. These size-classified population matrix models also were employed to devise a schedule that maximizes the percentage of individual plants that can be harvested without affecting their population growth rates. For this reason specific entries of the matrices were modified to simulate different harvesting intensities. The study was carried out in two disturbed and two undisturbed sites during a 4-years period. Two plots were established inside each site; one plot was excluded from livestock and the other was left intact. Annual population growth rates were above or equal to unity in all sites, species and years, whereas mean, periodic and stochastic simulation matrix models showed no significant differences between species, years, sites or from unity, suggesting that logging and grazing did not have a negative effect on the population growth rate of these species. Both species produced clonal offspring during the 4 years of the study, but reproduced sexually only once, suggesting a masting reproduction. Elasticity analyses showed that the contribution of clonal propagation is more important than fecundity to the population growth rate of both species. Mean annual and periodic matrix models showed that extractions as low as 5% cause a population decline, while with stochastic simulations extractions of up to 5% are possible for both species; however, the environmental stochasticity will drive populations to local extinctions.  相似文献   

正杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv)属杜仲科(Eucommiaceae),本科仅1属1种,是仅存于我国的第三纪孑遗植物,名贵经济树种,国家二级保护树种[1,-2]。杜仲叶、雄花、果皮和杜仲皮都含有多种具有独特的医疗保健功能的活性物质[2-3]。例如  相似文献   

Two sets of aboveground biomass equations were fitted for stem only and stem plus crown predictive variables in Eucalyptus nitens plantations in Northern Spain. A sample of 40 trees was chosen after a complete study of variation in tree height and diameter in the region. The trees were felled and the biomass was divided into the following components: wood, bark, thick branches, thin branches, twigs, leaves and dead branches along the stem. Bole biomass was estimated by systematic subsampling of one 5 cm-thick disk every 0.5 m. Such intensive subsampling enabled determination of the effect of subsampling intensity on accuracy and bias of wood estimation, considering two ratio-type estimators: stem weight to dry matter, determined by the complete weighing (CW) method (i.e. of the fresh weight of the entire stem) and volume to dry matter, determined by the partial weighing (PW) method. The changes in moisture content and basic density along the stem explained the serious risk of dry mass or weight overestimation when a systematic subsample is considered. The average basic density was usually found at a relative height of 30-35% along the stem. The default choice of the bottom disk or log as the first section resulted in overestimations for the CW method and underestimations for the PW one. The biomass equations were fitted by seemingly unrelated regression, with corrections for heteroscedasticity carried out by weighted fitting. Diameter at breast height was the best explanatory variable, and the inclusion of height did not improve the accuracy, except for wood. The inclusion of crown variables improved the predictive ability for crown fractions, increasing the accuracy for estimating thick branches (by 10.8%), twigs (by 19.1%) and leaves (by 17.3%). The biomass of each fraction decreased in the following order: wood > bark > thick branches > dead branches along the stem > leaves > thin branches > twigs. The changes in these percentages with diameter class and the predictive ability of the fitted equations were also studied.  相似文献   

马尾松与红椎等3种阔叶树种营造混交林的生长效果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对马尾松分别与红椎等3种阔叶树种及与杉木混交试验林的6年生和11年生林分生长数据进行了分析,结果表明:(1)6年生林分,混交小区及纯林小区中马尾松的平均树高为4.6 4.9 m,平均胸径为6.0 7.4 cm,不同混交组合间差异不显著,但在马尾松×米老排混交组合中马尾松生长不良;11年生林分,不同处理对马尾松平均胸径和蓄积量均有显著影响,其中,对照(马尾松纯林)的平均胸径和蓄积量最大,分别为12.6 cm和121.05 m3·hm-2;马尾松×米老排混交组合中马尾松的平均胸径和蓄积量最小,分别为8.7 cm和43.18 m3·hm-2。(2)11年生林分各树种平均树高顺次为:米老排(14.3 m)>红椎(10.2 m)>火力楠(9.9 m)>杉木(9.1 m)>马尾松(8.1 m);马尾松×米老排组合中的马尾松和马尾松×红椎组合中的红椎,因林木生长竞争剧烈,需要及时间伐。(3)适合培育阔叶树种大径材的松阔混交组合有2种,分别为马尾松×红椎和马尾松×火力楠,而米老排以人工纯林方式造林效果好,初植密度建议为1 000 1 600株·hm-2。  相似文献   

Eupatorium aschenbornianum is considered useful in the treatment of gastric ulcer. In the current study the validity of this practice was tested by using the experimental model of an ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rats. The results show that E. aschenbornianum had gastroprotective activity, that the hexane extract had the highest protective activity (85.65 ± 4.76%), and that encecanescin isolated from this extract was the main active gastroprotective agent. The effect elicited by encecanescin was attenuated by NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, N-ethylmaleimide and indomethacin, which suggests that NO, prostaglandins and sulfydryl groups are involved in the mechanisms of gastroprotective action.  相似文献   

Clearfelling of wet eucalypt forest followed by high intensity burning and aerial sowing, a silvicultural system designed to mimic the natural dynamic of sporadic regeneration following cataclysmic disturbance, has attracted criticism for not maintaining the structural diversity that is associated with natural disturbance. A silvicultural systems trial was established at the Warra Long-Term Ecological Research site in southern Tasmania to explore alternatives to clearfelling in tall wet eucalypt forest. Stocking, density and growth of the seedling regeneration were monitored for up to 3 years after harvesting and regeneration treatments were applied from 1998 to 2007. The treatments were clearfell with understorey islands, a patchfell, stripfell, dispersed retention, aggregated retention, and single-tree/small-group selection. High intensity burning, low intensity burning and no burning were variously applied as part of these treatments.  相似文献   

Rhizophagus grandis (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae) is an important predator of Dendroctonus valens which is an invasive alien pest attacking pine trees in China. It was first introduced into China in 2000 and mass rearing techniques had been developed by the authors since then. This paper dealed with the study on the developmental threshold temperature and the effective accumulated temperature of R. grandis. The result showed that the developmental threshold temperatures of egg, larva and pupae were 3.59±2.92 ℃, 1.96±0.73 ℃ and 9.27±1.19 ℃ respectively, and the effective accumulated temperatures were 98.32±16.26 degree-day, 296.94±12.45 degree-day and 449.67±53.19 degree-day respectively. Therefore, the total effective accumulated temperature from egg to pupa was 844.93 degree-day.  相似文献   

An extensive survey on chestnut stands in NW Spain was carried out to study the population biology of Cryphonectria parasitica in order to design future biological control programmes of chestnut blight based on the field introduction of native hypovirulent strains. Five hundred and thirty-nine Cryphonectria parasitica isolates, belonging to five populations (A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra and León), were obtained. The diversity of vegetative compatibility was very low. Six vc types were found, each population showing only from 2 to 4 vc types. Two vc types were the known European testers EU1 and EU66, and the other four were undescribed vc types that were named E1, E2, E3 and E4. E1 was the dominant vc type in Lugo and Ourense populations, and EU1 in Pontevedra and León. Hypovirulent isolates (a total of 15) were only detected in the León population, all but one being compatible with the vc type EU1. Hypovirulent strains belonged to the French subtype F1 of the Cryphonectria hypovirus-1 (CHV1).  相似文献   

In Canada's eastern boreal forest, the stagnant growth of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) seedlings is often observed in the presence of ericaceous shrubs such as Kalmia angustifolia L. Many mechanisms, including allelopathic interference, reduced soil N mineralization, soil enzymes inhibition, and direct resource competition have been proposed to explain poor spruce growth in the presence of Kalmia. However, the relative importance of direct competition versus indirect interference remains unclear. Our objective was thus to adequately isolate the “Kalmia effect” from other growth-limiting factors and to determine if removal of Kalmia also resulted in fundamental changes in the biochemical properties of the forest floor. By sampling plots established in 2000, we evaluated how Kalmia eradication and spot fertilization influenced soil nutrient availability, N mineralization rates, microbial basal respiration and biomass, as well as planted black spruce seedling growth, dimensions, and foliar nutrient concentrations 6 years later. We measured higher extractable-P, mineralizable-N, seedling dimensions and growth rates, as well as lower extractable-K, total-K, basal respiration and microbial biomass, in plots without Kalmia than in those where Kalmia had been maintained from 2000 to 2006. Our results thus confirmed that Kalmia eradication over 6 years not only improved the growth and nutrition of black spruce seedlings, but also resulted in fundamental changes in the biochemical properties of the forest floor. We demonstrated that along with direct competition for resources, Kalmia interferes indirectly with black spruce by modifying nutrient cycling and energy fluxes in soil. Higher indices of available C in plots with Kalmia corroborates that Kalmia tannins or rhizodeposition may reduce N mineralization by stimulating microbial immobilization, a relation that however needs to be confirmed with longer term laboratory incubations. Our results indicated that although it had a positive influence on seedling growth, the fertilization effect was confined to the first few years following treatment application, and failed to influence soil processes as did Kalmia eradication. Further monitoring will indicate if the increased litterfall in fertilized plots will eventually initiate a second wave of fertilizer-induced changes to soil processes, as observed in other ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the province of Québec, Canada, the majority of planted jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings are produced in rigid wall containers. More than 95% of them exhibit deformations of the root system which may induce stem instability. Studies of the root architecture of planted jack pine have been limited to a 30 cm radius from the stem, as barely any studies have been devoted to naturally regenerated stands. Moreover, only a few researches have focused on temporal evolution of root systems. The aim of the present study was to characterize the architectural, spatial, and temporal development of jack pine roots in natural and planted stands. Study sites were located in the continuous boreal forest of Quebec. The plantation was done in 1987, so that the trees were 15 years old at the time of sampling. Trees from natural stand had regenerated after a fire in 1983 and were 13–16 years old. The root systems of 14 jack pine trees per site were manually excavated up to a <5 mm diameter, without regard to their distance from the stem. The number, length, diameter, and the spatial and temporal development of roots were analyzed according to three scales of root architecture: the root system, axes, and segments. Overall, the numbers and lengths of roots were higher with planted pines. However, naturally regenerated trees displayed a better distribution of their roots around the stem and at depth, combined with more rapid length growth during the first years. In natural stands, all the trees had a taproot and 30% of the main roots originated at a depth of more than 20 cm, and they are regularly distributed around the stems. Planted trees did not present a taproot and 97% of the main roots originated in the first 20 cm beneath the soil surface. Moreover, 50% of root length was located in one-third of the area surrounding the stems, an area that corresponded to the furrow. Finally, the annual development of lateral roots in planted stand displayed a 5-year delay when compared with natural stand, which also affected maximum growth length and development of the branching pattern. Root distribution and temporal development are known to play a major role in the stability of aerial parts. Seedling production methods, container type, site preparation and planting techniques need to be examined in greater detail in order to assess their effect throughout the development of the root system. It is necessary to compare different sylvicultural practices and with natural/planted stands to gain a clearer understanding of this problem.  相似文献   

Our study deals with ecological parameters that could influence early recruitment including germination and seedling growth with emphasis on the establishment of Pinus halepensis fire free forests in Mediterranean basin. Because plant secondary compounds (terpenoids and/or phenolic compounds) may govern competition, those produced by P. halepensis were investigated in terms of autotoxicity and implication in natural regeneration. In a laboratory experiment, two ecological factors as: (i) soil and litter conditions, (ii) light availability and three allelopathic processes: (i) the successional stage (age of pines), (ii) organ source of allelochemicals, (iii) and dose effect of allelochemicals were tested together in order to understand their interactions in natural regeneration of P. halepensis. The results showed a potential autotoxicity implied in germination rate and seedling growth. This phenomenon of autotoxicity was modulated by the biotic factors studied here: (i) young Aleppo pines exhibited a toxic effect on germination whereas old pines showed the most important effect on seedling growth and (ii) needle extracts presented an important dose effect on germination compared to roots. Autotoxicity was also modulated by environmental factors: (i) autotoxicity effect on germination and growth was more important on sterile soil, bringing to light the key role of microorganisms in this functional process, (ii) litter seems to be an important parameter influencing germination rates by favouring both drought conditions during germination and high mortality rate and (iii) light availability did not influence either germination or growth rate of early recruitment, but is well known to play an important role in saplings stage. Hence, our study showed that autotoxicity is a potential functional process that could influence natural regeneration of P. halepensis, but field conditions studies are necessary.  相似文献   

An isolated outbreak of the emerging forest disease sudden oak death was discovered in Oregon forests in 2001. Despite considerable control efforts, disease continues to spread from the introduction site due to slow and incomplete detection and eradication. Annual field surveys and laboratory tests between 2001 and 2009 confirmed a total of 802 infested locations. Here, we apply two invasive species distribution models (iSDMs) of sudden oak death establishment and spread risk to target early detection and control further disease spread in Oregon forests. The goal was to develop (1) a model of potential distribution that estimates the level and spatial variability of disease establishment and spread risk for western Oregon, and (2) a model of actual distribution that quantifies the relative likelihood of current invasion in the quarantine area. Our predictions were based on four groups of primary parameters that vary in space and time: climate conditions, topographical factors, abundance and susceptibility of host vegetation, and dispersal pressure. First, we used multi-criteria evaluation to identify large-scale areas at potential risk of infection. We mapped and ranked host abundance and susceptibility using geospatial vegetation data developed with gradient nearest neighbor imputation. The host vegetation and climate variables were parameterized in accordance to their epidemiological importance and the final appraisal scores were summarized by month to represent a cumulative spread risk index, standardized as five categories from very low to very high risk. Second, using the field data for calibration we applied the machine-learning method, maximum entropy, to predict the actual distribution of the sudden oak death epidemic. The dispersal pressure incorporated in the statistical model estimates the force of invasion at all susceptible locations, allowing us to quantify the relative likelihood of current disease incidence rather than its potential distribution. Our predictions show that 65 km2 of forested land was invaded by 2009, but further disease spread threatens more than 2100 km2 of forests across the western region of Oregon (very high and high risk). Areas at greatest risk of disease spread are concentrated in the southwest region of Oregon where the highest densities of susceptible host species exist. This research identifies high priority locations for early detection and invasion control and illustrates how iSDMs can be used to analyze the actual versus potential distribution of emerging infectious disease in a complex, heterogeneous ecosystem.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration is an important process to reverse the loss of forests. Understanding the process of natural regeneration is crucial for achieving sustainable forest management. In this study, we examined the effects of seed and pollen dispersal in naturally regenerated populations of Castanopsis fargesii. Genetic variation in six populations along two successional series (three successional stages in each series: early, pre-climax, and climax) was assayed using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. High genetic variability was observed as measured with Shannon's information index. A majority of genetic variation was distributed within populations (Φst = 0.1271) and significant isolation by distance existed among populations. A contrasting pattern of genetic variation along these two series was observed, representing different scenarios of natural regeneration processes. The ratio of the number of migrants between the mature populations to the number of migrants from the mature to immature populations was estimated as 1.146 ± 0.099 to 1.981 ± 0.164, implying that comparable seed and pollen dispersal might exist at a fine spatial scale (∼2 km2). The results suggest the critical role of seed dispersal in shaping genetic composition and diversity in the second-growth forests. Barriers to seed dispersal from a variety of genetic sources could result in low genetic diversity in naturally regenerated populations. Management that facilitates the connectivity of newly regenerated stands with mature forests could be effective for natural regeneration given the predominant role of short-distance dispersal of seeds in this species.  相似文献   

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