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There is limited information on the effects of the increase in the density of shrubs on herbage production and nutritive value of natural grasslands in the Mediterranean region, currently facing major land use changes. Herbage production of drymatter (herbaceous fractions, of plant functional groups and by species), crude protein (CP), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL) and hemicellulose concentrations and in vitro organic matter digestibility were determined at the time of peak of annual growth across four types of grassland vegetation each characterized by different shrub cover regimes. A sharp reduction in herbage production and a reduction in nutritive value were found as a result of the increase in shrub cover. These changes appeared to be closely related to the shift in plant functional groups detected as shrub density increased. Herbage production from grasses and legumes was found to be more sensitive to shrub cover changes than herbage production from forbs, whereas, as grassland types became denser, annual species were gradually replaced by perennials and C4 grasses by C3 ones. The impact of shrub encroachment on Mediterranean grasslands is discussed in relation to their use by livestock.  相似文献   

A reliable supply of herbage is a crucial feature of forage‐based livestock systems. Forage resources with winter‐active growth habits can help extend the growing season in early spring and late autumn in regions with mild‐winter conditions while drought‐ and heat‐tolerant plants help meet herbage needs during summer in humid temperate regions. The prairiegrass (Bromus catharticus, Vahl) cultivars, Grassland Dixon and Grasslands Lakota, provide resistance to foliar disease and cold in addition to sustained productivity when soil moisture is low, and could be useful over a wide range of growing conditions. The cultivars were sown in spring or summer to determine seasonal distribution of productivity and nutritive value of herbage grown in a cool‐temperate region. Stands established rapidly regardless of sowing time or cultivar and were virtually pure prairiegrass once plants were well‐established. Stand composition of broadcast sowings tended to be stable in subsequent growing seasons, whereas the amount of prairiegrass varied in no‐till stands. In the growing seasons after establishment, cumulative dry matter (DM) yield of Lakota was similar regardless of when it was sown, whereas DM yield of Dixon differed with sowing time and was less in spring‐ than summer‐planted stands. Rapid stand establishment, significant late‐season yield, consistent concentrations of crude protein, non‐structural carbohydrate and total digestible nutrients in herbage, and dominance of sward composition, suggest that prairiegrass cultivars, Dixon and Lakota, are excellent resources for forage‐based livestock production systems in humid temperate conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in herbage mass and herbage quality of legume‐based swards under grazing by sheep or cattle were investigated at four locations in climatically different zones of Europe: Sardinia (Italy), southern France, northern Germany and south‐west England (UK). At each location standard treatments were applied to legumes typical of species widely used in each locality: Medicago polymorpha in Italy, Medicago sativa in France, and Trifolium repens in Germany and in UK. At each site comparisons were made of two other legumes: Trifolium subterraneum and Hedysarum coronarium in Italy, Onobrychis sativa and Trifolium incarnatum in France, Trifolium pratense and Lotus corniculatus in Germany, and Trifolium ambiguum and L. corniculatus in UK. Legumes were sown in mixture with locally appropriate companion grasses, and measurements were made over two or three grazing periods. In Italy M. polymorpha swards gave the greatest herbage mass in grazing period 1 but H. coronarium was more persistent. At the French site all legumes established poorly with no significant herbage mass differences between treatments. At both the UK and German sites L. corniculatus maintained a high proportion of legume in the sward; T. repens showed poor persistence under continuous sheep grazing in UK but persisted under cattle grazing in Germany, while T. ambiguum was slow to establish in the UK, and T. pratense proved to be of comparable herbage mass to the standard T. repens‐based sward in the last year of the experiment. The concentration of crude protein and in vitro digestibility of organic matter in the dry matter of herbage showed greater within‐season variation than between treatments at each site. It is concluded that, in addition to currently used species, legume‐based swards containing H. coronarium, O. sativa and L. corniculatus all have potential to contribute to forage production for low‐input grazing and their use merits further consideration in systems of livestock production in Europe.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the effects of sheep grazing and precipitation on herbage and animal performance in a grazed steppe of Inner Mongolia. Experimental data were collected during grazing periods of four consecutive years (2005–2008), and effects were analysed across a gradient of seven grazing intensities. Variation in annual precipitation, reflected by the effect of ‘year’, was the major factor affecting herbage; i.e., the production and nutritive value of herbage increased with increasing precipitation. Herbage parameters were also affected by grazing intensity, as herbage production (HP) and herbage nutritive yields decreased, while herbage nutritive values increased with increasing grazing intensity. The grazing‐induced decrease in herbage nutritive yields suggests that decreases in HP offset the positive effect of grazing on the nutritive value. Liveweight gain (LWG) was predominantly affected by grazing intensity, as LWG per sheep and per ha decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing grazing intensity. However, responses varied among years: LWG per sheep was maximized by light grazing in the drought year and by moderate grazing the wet year. Our results showed that herbage shortage at high grazing intensities reduces LWG per sheep and thus diminishes responses in LWG per ha. Nevertheless, the highest grazing intensity provides highest animal production per ha in the short term; however, this is not sustainable in the mid‐ and long term because decreasing HP induces degradation processes. Based on our results, a reduction in grazing intensity that still provides 78% of the maximum LWG per ha meets the requirements of a sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   

Grassland systems frequently exhibit small‐scale botanical and structural heterogeneity with pronounced spatio‐temporal dynamics. These features present particular challenges for sensor applications, in addition to limitations posed by the high cost and low spatial resolution of many available remote‐sensing (RS) systems. There has been little commercial application of RS for practical grassland farming. This article considers the developments in sensor performance, data analysis and modelling over recent decades, identifies significant advances in RS for grassland research and practice and reviews the most important sensor types and corresponding findings in research. Beside improvements of single sensor types, the development of systems with complementary sensors is seen as a very promising research area, and one that will help to overcome the limitations of single sensors and provide better information about grassland composition, yield and quality. From an agronomic point of view, thematic maps of farm fields are suggested as the central outcome of RS and data analysis. These maps could represent the relevant grassland features and constitute the basis for various farm management decisions at strategic, tactical and operational levels. The overarching goal will be to generate low cost, appropriate and timely information that can be provided to farmers to support their decision‐making.  相似文献   

Abstract To indicate possibilities for the use of forages from seminatural grasslands in ruminant production systems, a literature study to describe the nutritive value of those forages was carried out. In species‐rich grasslands, the digestibility of forages is usually lower than the digestibility of forages produced by grasslands used for intensive production. There is also more variation within a species‐rich sward, because of different stages of maturity of the individual species and because of likely variations in digestibility among forage species independent of stage of maturity. Moreover, the presence of dicotyledonous species may have a positive or negative effect on digestibility. In forages from seminatural grasslands, the relationship between chemical composition and digestibility differs from that of Lolium perenne, which is often used as a research standard. Therefore, predictions of the digestibility of species‐rich forage can be inaccurate. The relationship between in vivo and in vitro digestibility may also be different from the relationship that is common for L. perenne. In some cases, the in vivo digestibility is higher than the in vitro value, as calibrations are based on L. perenne. Therefore, the quality of forages from seminatural grasslands might be higher than predicted, and this may increase the scope for practical use of this kind of forage in ruminant nutrition systems.  相似文献   

The changes in dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and nutritive value of herbage to ruminants of two wet grasslands, Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (Experiment 1) and a Molinia caerulea fen meadow (Experiment 2), in which a range of cutting and fertilizer treatments were imposed in 1999, were assessed after 4–7 years of treatment imposition. Both experiments had a split‐plot design with four replicates. In Experiment 1 the three main‐plot cutting treatments were two cuts with a delayed first cut, three cuts and four cuts during the growing season of each year. In Experiment 2 the cutting treatments were two cuts with a traditional harvest time, two cuts with a delayed first cut and three cuts. The four sub‐plot fertilizer treatments were an unfertilized control, application of a phosphorus and potassium (PK) fertilizer, application of a nitrogen (N) and PK fertilizer to the first cut only (N1PK) and application of PK plus N applied to each of two, three or four cuts (Nc PK). Application of fertilizer influenced yield and botanical composition of herbage more than the cutting treatments while the opposite occurred for nutritive value of the herbage. Application of fertilizer increased the proportion of tall grasses in Experiment 1 and forbs in Experiment 2. The proportion of Equisetum palustre, present only in Experiment 1, was reduced from 0·33 to less than 0·01 by increased cutting frequency together with the NPK fertilizer treatments. In Experiment 1 diversity of vascular plants was negatively affected only by the four‐cuts treatment while on both wet grasslands other cutting and fertilizer application treatments had no effect. Changes in DM yield of herbage caused by the cutting and fertilizer application treatments were similar for both vegetation types with DM yield increased significantly by fertilizer application but only slightly or not reduced by increasing the cutting frequency. Nutritive value of herbage was positively correlated with cutting frequency and was most influenced at the first cut.  相似文献   

A five‐year experiment tested the response of above‐ground net primary production (ANPP) and plant functional groups to manipulations in residual dry matter (RDM), reflecting typical grazing practices in Californian annual grasslands. The RDM treatments were 225, 560, 900 and 5000 kg ha?1 with the latter treatment representing no grazing by livestock. ANPP in autumn, winter and spring showed a strong year × RDM interaction indicating that, in periods with higher herbage mass, the highest RDM treatment, representative of no grazing, was usually more productive. However, the opposite pattern was observed for the autumn period when ANPP was lowest. Random effects models indicated that at most 0·20 of the variation in ANPP for any of the three seasons stemmed from RDM treatments, with the remaining variation partitioned among temporal and spatial dimensions or not explained. Cover of grass species was highest under the highest RDM treatment in four of the five years, and lowest for the lowest RDM treatment compared with the two intermediate RDM treatments in the two years with the highest herbage masses. Cover of forbs and clover was higher on the lowest RDM treatment and lower on the highest RDM treatment than on the intermediate treatments. The results suggest that residual RDM values above 550 kg RDM ha?1 are appropriate for annual grasslands with a mean annual precipitation of more than 400 mm and offer a compromise between herbage use and promotion of future productivity and diversity, but direct control of ANPP and composition via management is not attainable because the environmental factors are predominant.  相似文献   

Reduction of grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds has frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems in Europe. To test the impact of such practices across a range of contrasting grassland types, integrated measurements of foraging behaviour, agronomic production and botanical, structural and invertebrate biodiversity were made over three years on four sites in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. The sites in the UK and Germany were mesotrophic grassland with high productivity and low to moderate initial levels of plant diversity, and were grazed by cattle. The French site was a semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland grazed by cattle. The Italian site contained a wider range in plant diversity, from species‐rich to mesotrophic grassland, and was grazed by sheep. The treatments were: MC, moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to utilize herbage growth for optimum livestock production; LC, lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to increase biodiversity by not fully utilizing herbage growth; and LT, lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed – this was also designed to increase biodiversity. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides were applied. The nutritive value of the herbage and the performance of the livestock were measured. Mean stocking rates were proportionately 0·30–0·40 lower and mean sward heights and herbage mass on offer were 0·30–0·50 higher on the LC and LT treatments compared with the MC treatment. The proportion of live and dead material, and leaves and stems in the herbage, its chemical composition and nutritive value were little affected by the treatments. Individual livestock performance, measured as liveweight gain, showed no consistent response to treatment. In Germany, performance on the MC treatment was slightly lower than on the LC and LT treatments but no such difference was found on the sites in the other countries. Livestock breed did not have a strong effect on livestock performance. In the UK and France the traditional breeds had a lower performance but this was not the case in Germany or Italy. Livestock performance per ha of the LC and LT treatments was up to 0·40 lower than of the MC treatment. It is concluded that biodiversity‐targeted extensive grazing systems have potential to be integrated into intensive livestock production systems because the individual livestock performance reaches a similar level compared to a moderate grazing intensity. Traditional breeds did not have a production advantage over commercial breeds on extensively managed pastures.  相似文献   

In a 2‐year field experiment, morphological development and measures of the nutritive value of herbage for livestock during primary growth in Meadow foxtail, Tall oatgrass, Cocksfoot, Perennial ryegrass and Yorkshire fog were investigated. All measured variables were affected significantly by both species and sampling date, and their interaction (P < 0·001), in the period of primary growth. Changes with time in mean stage weight for Meadow foxtail and Cocksfoot were different from the other species due to their indeterminate growth habits. Mean stage weight of Tall oatgrass and Yorkshire fog increased more rapidly than that of Perennial ryegrass with time. Changes in mean stage weight with time were described by linear, parabolic and sigmoid relationships. Crude protein (CP) concentration of herbage was higher for Cocksfoot and Meadow foxtail than for Perennial ryegrass. A parabolic relationship of CP concentration with time was typical for all the species. Concentrations of neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) and acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) in herbage of the species differed most during the mid‐period of primary growth. Their increases with time showed curvilinear (sigmoid and parabolic) relationships. Perennial ryegrass had lower concentrations of both NDF and ADF in herbage than the other species. Differences between the in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility among the grasses increased in mid‐ and late periods of primary growth. Perennial ryegrass had higher values for in vitro DM digestibility but the difference from other species was small in the early period of primary growth and from cocksfoot in the late period of primary growth. In vitro DM digestibility showed, in most cases, a sigmoid and, in others, a linear decrease with time. Principal component analysis showed that perennial ryegrass and meadow foxtail were the most distinctive of the species in characteristics relating to morphological development and the nutritive value of herbage to livestock.  相似文献   

In Appalachian USA, silvopasture offers promise of increased farm productivity. A synchronized, temporal understanding of open pasture (OP) and silvopasture (SP) nutritive characteristics is essential for grazing system development. We examined pasture‐type nutritive‐value relationships when herbage was harvested based on morphological maturity rather than calendar date. Neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre (ADF and NDF) content were greater in silvopasture, while organic matter (OM) was lower (P < 0·05). Digestibility of SP herbage dry matter (DM) and OM tended (P = 0·10) to be lower (418 vs. 471 and 437 vs. 491 g kg?1 respectively). Neutral detergent fibre digestibility was greater (< 0·05) for OP than SP forage (538 vs. 480 g kg?1), and ADF tended to be greater (P = 0·10; 551 vs. 501). Open‐pasture forage fermentation effluent exhibited slightly higher microbial richness and Shannon diversity than SP. However, overall community composition of both bacteria and archaea did not differ between pasture types or sampling times. Pasture types show proximate analyses differences generally favourable to OP, although both have similar overall nutritive value. In addition, the SP sward exhibited a 4‐ to 6‐days delay in reaching equivalent maturity. Conversion of farm woodlots to SP would increase overall herbage production and improve pasture management flexibility.  相似文献   

Classifying grasses into plant functional types (PFT) according to their strategy of nutrient capture (PFT A, B and b) or nutrient conservation (PFT C) is claimed to predict variability in biomass production and herbage quality in grasslands. PFT A, B and b are characterized by higher production than PFT C, with higher nutritive value, which decreases rapidly. PFT C is characterized by lower nutritive value, which remains more stable in time. The aim of this study was to quantify the consequences of PFT composition at the community level on the seasonal dynamics of biomass and herbage quality for livestock feed. We studied three grasslands located in the same area with contrasting PFT composition and classified PFT A, PFT Bb and PFT C. The dynamics of vegetation stages, dry‐matter yield and nutritive value were followed over three vegetation cycles in 2007–2008. In the first cycle, biomass accumulation was high for the PFT A and PFT Bb grasslands and the high quality of herbage declined rapidly with the reproductive development. By contrast, biomass accumulation was slow in the PFT C grassland, with a lower quality that declined slowly, consistent with the later reproductive development. For regrowth cycles, the same ranking of grasslands was observed for biomass accumulation, and differences in digestibility were similar to those observed at the beginning of the first vegetation cycle. Combining type of grassland with sum of temperature for the first cycle and regrowth days for the second and third vegetation cycles provided quantitative models of herbage biomass and quality.  相似文献   

In North Vietnam, during winter, shortage of herbage constrains the profitability of dairy farming. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of alternative temperate (C3) forage species, namely common oat ( Avena sativa L.), lop-sided oat ( Avena strigosa Schreb.), Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum L.) and a commercial forage mixture (Avex), to address the shortage of herbage during winter in the mountain regions of North Vietnam. The second objective was to measure the effects of cultural practices (sowing rate, harvest interval and irrigation level) on yield of dry matter (DM), chemical composition, digestibility of DM and metabolizable energy (ME) concentration of herbage from the best adapted C3 species previously tested (lop-sided oat). Four experiments were conducted. Oat species proved to be the best adapted species and produced the highest annual yield of herbage (7600 kg DM ha−1) with a high nutritive value. Yields of DM of lop-sided oat were not affected by sowing rate of seed but increased as the length of harvest intervals increased from 30 to 45 and 60 d ( P  <   0·001). Crude protein concentration, digestibility of DM and ME concentration decreased as the harvest interval increased ( P  <   0·01). Irrigation increased the yields of DM of lop-sided oats by 1·3 ( P  <   0·05) but had no effect on the nutritive value of herbage. It is concluded that both common oat and lop-sided oat are suitable species to provide herbage in the winter for the mountain regions of North Vietnam.  相似文献   

The effect of humic substances on the nutrient uptake, herbage production and nutritive value of herbage from sown grass pastures was studied in six field experiments. Commercial humic substances were applied in combination with mineral fertilizer or slurry, either as a solution (HF liquid; 8·3 kg humic substances ha−1) or incorporated into the mineral fertilizer (HF incorporated; 3·6 to 6·4 kg humic substances ha−1). A series of cuts, ranging from two to five cuts, was taken during the growing season. The general response in herbage production to application of humic substances was an increase in herbage mass of dry matter (DM) at the first cut although this was only significant in two experiments for the HF incorporated treatment. Total herbage production of DM over the growing season, however, was similar for treatments with or without application of humic substances. The overall effect of HF incorporated and HF liquid on the herbage mass of DM at the first cut across the experiments was calculated using a meta-analysis technique and it was shown that there was a significant proportional increase of 0·14 ( P  <   0·05) with the HF incorporated treatment and a non-significant increase of 0·08 with the HF liquid treatment compared to the control treatment. The nutritive value of the herbage at the first cut was similar across all treatments. In general nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake at the first grass cut was higher after application of humic substances but only in one experiment was this increase statistically significant.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in the nutritive value and yield of herbage along a grazing gradient, where abrupt changes in community composition occurred, at multiple ecological sites in Mongolian rangelands. At grassland sites, changes in the herbage nutritive value could be attributed to rapid replacement of perennial grasses or forbs with weedy annual forbs along a grazing gradient. Crude protein (CP) concentration increased sharply in approaching the source of grazing gradient, whereas neutral detergent fibre and metabolizable energy (ME) concentrations decreased sharply. As ME can be utilized as a main index of herbage nutritive value, these results indicated its overall loss with severe grazing. Consequently, gradual increases in the yields of CP and ME in the direction of the gradient source at the grassland sites did not necessarily indicate the improvement of rangeland condition. In contrast, at shrubland sites, we could not generally detect any significant trends in the herbage nutritive value. The yield of ME gradually decreased in the direction of gradient source, suggesting that grazing affects herbage yield rather than herbage feed value at shrubland sites. Thus, the nutritive value and yield of herbage can be modified greatly in association with nonlinear responses of vegetation to livestock grazing.  相似文献   

Abstract Cerastium holosteoides is a short‐lived plant often found in small proportions on dry and mesotropic semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland communities. To obtain more information about its nutritive value, two experiments on Arrhenatheretum elatioris grassland were carried out to examine the effect of harvest date on in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL), estimated net energy for lactation (NEL) and crude protein (CP) concentrations of C. holosteoides, and selection of this plant by dairy cows grazing on semi‐natural grassland. C. holosteoides starts flowering in spring and continuously develops new flowers on new branches throughout the summer. Harvests were made in relation to particular growth stages of Dactylis glomerata present in the sward: (A) tillering; (B) stem elongation; (C) ear emergence; (D) flowering; and (E) ripening. Chemical composition and nutritive value were evaluated in 1998 and 1999. With advancing maturity, IVOMD of C. holosteoides decreased from 0·771 at growth stage A to 0·485 at growth stage E. At the same time, CP concentration decreased from 153 to 69 g kg?1 dry matter (DM) and estimated NEL concentration from 6·00 to 4·07 MJ kg?1 DM. With advancing maturity, there was a significant increase in NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations. In the summer harvest season, C. holosteoides contained significantly higher NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations, lower NEL concentration and had a lower IVOMD value than in the spring. Differences between years were also found for IVOMD and for NDF, ADF, ADL and NEL concentrations. In a grazing experiment in the year 1999, at growth stage B, Simmental cows grazed an A. elatioris sward in which the main species was D. glomerata (0·092), and the proportion of C. holosteoides was 0·034. C. holosteoides was, on average, grazed by cows to the same relative extent as other species in the sward.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (PRG, Lolium perenne L.) breeding effort in New Zealand (NZ) has increased since c. 1990, resulting in greater functional trait diversity (e.g. heading date, ploidy, and associated Epichloë endophyte strain) in commercial products. This study quantified the variation, associations and interactions in dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive value and persistence-related traits among commercial cultivar-endophyte combinations released between 1973 and 2012, as a basis for assessing gains in value being delivered to the pasture-based livestock industries. Twenty-four or 28 combinations were compared over 3 years in two trials in each of two regions: Waikato in northern NZ (dryland), and Canterbury in central eastern South Island (irrigated). Cultivar-endophyte combinations were sown in mixtures with white clover, and pastures were intensively grazed 8–11 times per year by dairy cows. Principal Component Analysis identified 4 distinct clusters for the DM yield variables and for metabolisable energy (ME) content in each of the four trials. A broadly-adapted group of three late-season flowering, AR37-infected diploids with NZ and Spanish breeding backgrounds dominated the highest-yielding clusters. Tetraploids dominated the high ME content clusters. Interactions with region were observed throughout the data set: the strongest of these was driven by endophyte strain effects in Waikato. High-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations in these trials were also generally high-yielding in the standard cultivar merit testing system operated in New Zealand, as interpreted via the DairyNZ Forage Value Index. However, alignment was poorer for medium- and lower-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations. Several implications for forage evaluation methods and end-user industries are identified.  相似文献   

Dorycnium hirsutum and D. rectum are perennial legumes which may have potential for use as pastures for the control of groundwater recharge in southern Australia. Little is known about the quality of the forage of Dorycnium species for grazing livestock or how these species respond to cutting. The effect of cutting height on plant survival, production of dry matter (DM), the proportion of leaf, edible stem (approximately <5 mm diameter) and woody stem in the DM and the nutritive value of the edible components was investigated. Biomass above five cutting‐height treatments (uncut, ground level, 5–8 cm, 10–15 cm and 15–30 cm above ground level) was removed at 8‐week intervals from plots of D. hirsutum and D. rectum from September 2002 to July 2003. In both species, plants subjected to lower cutting height treatments produced less DM above the height of the cut than those cut at higher heights. DM production declined over time in all treatments. Plants cut to ground level failed to regrow after the second harvest in D. hirsutum and the fourth harvest in D. rectum. Thus, these Dorycnium species were susceptible to high severity defoliations at 8‐week intervals. Negligible inedible woody stem was present in regrowth of both species after 8 weeks but D. hirsutum regrowth had a higher proportion of leaf (0·72) than D. rectum (0·56). Plants left uncut accumulated a large proportion of inedible woody stem in the DM (0·69 in both species) by July 2003, particularly at the base of the plant. Edible DM from regrowth of D. hirsutum and D. rectum had crude protein (CP) concentrations of 120 and 150 g kg?1 DM; dry matter digestibility (DMD) values of 0·45 and 0·58; organic matter digestibility (OMD) values of 0·50 and 0·64; neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations of 370 and 290 g kg?1 DM; and acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) concentrations of 260 and 210 g kg?1 DM, respectively. Medicago sativa, grown under similar conditions, had higher digestibility values (0·63 DMD and 0·66 OMD) and similar CP concentrations to D. rectum (140 g kg?1 DM), but higher concentrations of NDF and ADF (410 and 290 g kg?1 DM). Leaf material from both Dorycnium species had a higher nutritive value than edible stems, with DMD and OMD values of leaf of D. rectum being 0·68 and 0·74 respectively. Uncut plants had a much lower nutritive value of edible DM than the regrowth from cut treatments; older material was also of a lower nutritive value. The relatively low nutritive value of even the young regrowth of Dorycnium species suggests that forage quality is a major limitation to its use. Forage of Dorycnium species could be used during periods when other sources of forage are in short supply but infrequent grazing it is likely to produce forage of a low nutritive value.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is a common practice for sustaining forage production in forage systems in southeastern United States. Warm-season annual legumes may be an alternative forage to warm-season perennial grasses that do not require N fertilization. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) is a fast-growing, warm-season annual legume native to India and Pakistan. The objective of this 2-year study was to assess the herbage accumulation (HA), atmospheric N2 fixation (ANF) and nutritive value of sunn hemp. Treatments were the factorial arrangement of two sunn hemp cultivars (“Crescent Sun” and “Blue Leaf”), three seeding rates (17, 28 and 39 kg seed/ha) and seed inoculation (inoculated or non-inoculated seeds), distributed in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Crescent sun had greater HA (3,218 vs. 1764 kg DM/ha) and ANF (41 vs. 25 kg N/ha). Blue leaf had greater crude protein (CP) (188 vs. 176 g/kg) and in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) concentrations (564 vs. 531 g/kg) than crescent sun. Non-inoculated seed had greater CP than inoculated seed, 188 and 177 g/kg, respectively, and inoculation did not affect HA. Intermediate seeding rate (28 kg/ha) decreased HA (2002 kg DM/ha), while HA from high and low seeding rates (17 and 39 kg/ha, respectively) did not differ (2,863 and 2,615 kg DM/ha respectively). Planting non-inoculated crescent sun at 17 kg/ha seeding rate is a feasible management practice to produce sunn hemp in subtropical regions; however, inoculation should always be recommended for proper establishment.  相似文献   

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