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To the question that a meter is correspond with a set of lead and a sensor,this paper presents a design of data acquisition system for vehicle based on CAN bus.In this way,the combinatorial instrument is only connected by a bus unit.Author introduces the data acquisition structure chart and the CAN interface,analyzes the software by program flow chart,and shows it's application for vehicle virtual instrument.A method of calculating vehicle speed,engine rotate speed and the course of development mileage are also given.  相似文献   

The purpose of developing Teaching Experiment Instrument of CT is to demonstrate the whole process of CT scanning more intuitively, thereinto the design of data acquisition system is one of the emphases in the developing of the CT system. This paper mainly introduces the design and implement of the data acquisition system of CD - 50BG, using CPLD apparatus which have the characteristic of high integration, in the design of data acquisition system to achieve the target of minishing system bulk and improving system reliability. Aiming at the data loss of CD - 50BG during acquiring data, the data acquisition system is reformatively redesigned, the data loss in the high speed data acquisition process is reduced so that the stability of transmission has been improved by using FIFO.  相似文献   

The paper explains the data transfer mechanism based on the PASS-THRU channel of S5933, and gives a method to develop data acquisition system based on PCI bus, the problem of designing the PCI interface controller is avoided, saving time and cost of development production. The use of CPLD makes the stucture of the system more integrated. The 32-bit data acquisition system,the speed of data transmission is faster,the CPU resource and PCI bus resource are spared.  相似文献   

The data acquisition and processing system are proceeding towards faster, more powerful, easier to use and more cost effectiveness. This paper discuss the design of the high speed and convenient data acquisition and processing system based on DSP and USB 2.0, and expatiates the principle and method of the virtual instruments system in detail. The system employs an ADS8346 to sample the six channel signals simultaneously with a resolution of 16-bit.It utilizes EZ-USB FX2 as the USB2.0 interface, which can achieve the high speed communication between the host and the system. It uses TMS320VC33 (dsp) as the core chip, which can accomplish the function of the main control and real-time digital signal processing. The system enhances the virtual instruments' advantage more by the combination between software and hardware.  相似文献   

The paper first introduces principium and the developing actuality of data acquisition system about ICT.The authors then discuss PCI protocol and structure,function and work principle of the PCI bus controller S5933.Base on these,with the circuit design tools such as MAX+PLUSII,PROTEL 99SE and VHDL,etc.,the two types of high speed multi-channel data acquisition system based on PCI bus have been designed by using PASS-THRU channel and FIFO channel of S5933.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the portable data acquisition system based on MSP430F149 micro controller. In this system, PGA chip MCP6s28 is applied to reduce the quantity of devices and power dissipation of the system. Real-time transmission is implemented by the wireless data transceiver. Large memory capacity make it convenient for field operation. The system realizes the menu management by using the graphic LCD. It has the features of small size,low power dissipation, high conversion rate.Therefore,the system is suitable to use dry battery and work in confined space.  相似文献   

The angular acceleration of a rotary shaft is one of the most important parameters for revolution which is widely employed in practical applications. The principles and approaches for measuring angular mechanism, acceleration were studied to find a feasible way to obtain the accurate and successive value of angular acceleration. A new type of data acquisition device with USB module was developed based on microcontroller AT09S8515 and USB interface controlling IC PDIUSBD12. It was convenient to test the width of rotary speed signal by using the unique function of the microcon-troller for automatically capturing the rising or falling edge of a square wave.  相似文献   

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential way for diagnosing the heart disease, and the test theories and systems work well with the practice application, whereas, as new technologies and devices come forth one after another, it allow us to acquire the ECG data more conveniently, more accurately, more comprehensively. The authors discuss the design of ECG data acquisition system based on the USB 2.0 protocol, and expatiates the system principle in detail. The system employs two AD73360 to sample the standard 12-lead signal simultaneously, which has a resolution of 16-bit. They utilize EZ-USB FX-2 as the USB interface device, which can transfer the data conveniently and quickly, and also permit the configuration of multi-system controlled by just one host. Considering the DSP as a powerful tool in the field of digital signal processing, ADSP-2181 has been chosen.  相似文献   

为实现对无土栽培营养液中影响作物生长的各重要因子的精准测量与控制,笔者研制了一种基于阿里云的温室无土栽培营养液信息监测系统。该系统主要包括采集模块、控制模块、云平台和应用终端4个部分。首先利用传感器实时测量营养液的电导率、酸碱度、液温、液位和含氧量等影响因子信息,然后进行数据整合处理,并通过无线通信模块传送至控制模块及阿里云平台进行数据保存,最后通过Web端实时监控营养液各信息变化。研究结果表明,该系统能够实时准确监测营养液的信息,合理反馈供给作物所需营养液信息,达到功能设计要求,而且系统成本低,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

In accordance with the requirements of industrial mechanical vibration field data real-time transmission in the condition of multi-survey-point and mass data acquisition, an Ethernet data transmission method based on Ethernet controller RTL8019AS and TMS320C5402 DSP is presented. Packing data from A/D into UDP and IP package and controlling RTL8019AS through I/O mapped registers, high-speed DSP makes real-time communication high performance. Ethernet frame protocol and TCP/IP protocol are simplified for the specific purpose. And the interface technology between Ethernet controller RTL8019AS and DSP is solved. The system evaluation and debugging are made.  相似文献   

It is hard to realize the Realtime Collaborative Design due to the limitation of network bandwidth and some other reasons over Internet. A Realtime Collaborative Design System is constructed with complete distribution construction and concentrated distribution construction. Based on the research of outcome of the research group, the dynamic data format is modified and optimized, it reduces the load of network in collaborative design to meet the requirement of realtime and enhances the capacity of rapid response and stability of the system.  相似文献   

基于无线传感器网络的森林火情实时监测系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了实现森林火情监测过程的自动化、智能化和网络化,提出基于无线传感器网络的森林火情实时监测系统。该系统由无线传感监测网络和监控中心2部分组成,可实时、在线、精确获取森林气象及火场环境信息,具有部署灵活、维护方便、成本低廉、扩展性好等优点。移动节点的引入进一步加强了消防人员的安全保障和监测系统的可靠性。将该系统应用在情况复杂多变、实时性要求很高的森林防火,能显著提高救灾效率,减少火灾所带来的人员和财产损失。  相似文献   

The dynamic data exchange is the key to the realization of the collaborative design based on Internet. The features of data for collaborative design based on Internet are analyzed. The data transformation, the data transmission and the data transaction of collaborative design based on Internet are researched. The system configuration and organization mode of dynamic data exchange for collaborative design Internet-based are developed, in which, STEP serves as the product data exchange standard, and ORACLE is the kernel database of the system, so that each of the CAD systems can synchronously access the ORACLE database, share and exchange the design information. The STEP-ORACLE serves as the organizing mode of dynamic data exchange for the collaborative design based on Internet, which realizes the real-time exchange and consistency of the dynamic data between the different platforms and CAD systems.  相似文献   

AMT (Automatic Manual Transmission) comprehensive performance test is one of the main means to develop and evaluate AMT. An overall scheme of the data acquisition and communication system for AMT comprehensive performance test bench is proposed according to the requirement of the test bench, and a communication network of data acquisition and communication system is built. The hardware and software of data acquisition system are designed. The experiments show that the system meets the requirement of data acquisition and communication system for AMT comprehensive performance test bench and it lays a foundation for AMT comprehensive test research.  相似文献   

For the limitations of the traditional monitoring systems under the circumstances of dispersed monitoring points, wide distribution range and the harsh environment, a distributed wireless monitoring system based on radio frequency technique is designed. The system adopts the ultra low power consumption MCU MSP430 as the main control chip and extends several processing module in the periphery. In addition, the multi channel transceiver nRF905 is used for wireless data transmission. The software and hardware design scheme of the proposed system and the communication protocol for distributed data transmission are discussed. Frequency hopping mechanisms are employed to increase the reliability of data transmission. The results show that the proposed system has the characteristics such as flexible use and excellent mobility, while can monitor multipoint data in special environment in real time.  相似文献   

Continuously variable transmission (CVT) is the ideal transmission for automobile, it is also one of the most important research items of researchers and automobile companies all over the world. By studying the force relationship of metal V-belt type continuously variable transmission, an optimum pitch radius is derived to maximize torque capacity, also a design procedure for optimum pitch radius is listed. The design procedure is applied for the true application, the calculation result shows that the torque capacity of belt transmission can be improved by optimization of the pitch radius. The research results provide the theory analysis method and design base for CVT vehicle.  相似文献   

The acquisition of physiological signals is the first step of its analysis and processing. The development mode for PC/104 module is introduced and the design of multichannel acquisition system for physiological signals based on PC/104 is also put forward. The system hardware mainly includes PC/104 embedded computer,DIAMOND-MM-16-AT acquisition card and four-channel amplifiers. Windows 2000 is used as operating system for PC/104 embedded computer. The multithread program to sample data is made by means of programming language Visual C++ 6.0. The experimental results show that the system can be applied to sample, analyse, and process the physiological signals. The system also has lots of advantages, such as small volume, low power, firm structure and steady performance.  相似文献   

dSPACE is a prototype development and real-time control testing platform which is based on MATLAB/Simulink software. By establishing mathematic model of hydraulic automatic transmission system, the shift rules are achieved. A testing platform for hydraulic automatic transmission system is developed whose control software is programmed by simulink and using the dSPACE as the centre controller. The experiment of electric throttle control and power performance matching control of hydraulic automatic transmission system is carried out. the result shows that well matching performance of hydraulic automatic transmission system can be realizedby using the control strategy proposed in this paper, it provides a fast and efficient approach for researching and developing the hydraulic automatic transmission system.  相似文献   

试验设计与数据处理课程教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对试验设计与数据处理课程教学中存在的问题,结合教学实践,从教学方法、教学手段、培养学生解决实际问题能力和改革考核方式4个方面,探讨了课程改革的方法和途径。  相似文献   

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