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After the broad industrialization of the US pork industry, there has been a development of niche markets for export and domestic pork; that is, there is a pork niche market phenomenon. The US pork niche market phenomenon is characterized, and 2 of the major markets are explained in detail. With the Midwest's tradition of a diversified family-based agriculture and record low hog prices of the late 1990s, the conditions were conducive for this phenomenon to develop. Pork niche markets utilize various sales methods including Internet sales, local abattoir sales, direct marketing, farmer networks, and targeting to organized groups. In 2003, there were approximately 35 to 40 active pork niche marketing efforts in Iowa. The Berkshire breed is an example of a swine breed that has had a recent resurgence because of niche markets. Berkshire pork is known for tenderness and excellent quality. Berkshire registrations have increased 4-fold in the last 10 yr. One of the larger niche marketers of "natural pork" is Niman Ranch Pork, which has more than 400 farmer-producers and processes about 2,500 pigs weekly. Many US consumers of pork are interested in issues concerning the environment, food safety, pig welfare, and pig farm ownership and structure. These consumers may be willing to pay more for pork from farmers who are also concerned about these issues. Small- and medium-sized swine farmers are active in pork niche markets. Niche markets claim product differentiation by superior or unique product quality and social attributes. Quality attributes include certain swine breeds, and meat quality, freshness, taste or flavor, and tenderness. Social or credence attributes often are claimed and include freedom from antibiotics and growth promotants; local family farm production; natural, organic, outdoor, or bedded rearing; humane rearing; known origin; environmentally friendly production; and the absence of animal by-products in the feed. Niche pork markets and alternative swine production practices offer an unusual contrast to commodity pork markets and industrial confinement swine production. Because they strive to have these attributes in their product, the niche pork market producers are a distinct clientele group. If niche pork markets continue to flourish, the markets and the producers that supply them will be a viable sector in a diverse US pork industry.  相似文献   

The maturation of the US beef and pork markets and increasing consumer demands for convenience, safety, and nutrition suggests that the beef and pork industries must focus on product development and promotion. New marketing arrangements are developing that help coordinate production with consumer demands. The relative high levels of incomes in the United States are likely to increase the demands for branded products rather than increase total per capita consumption. Foreign markets represent the greatest opportunity for increased demand for commodity beef and pork products. Increasing incomes in developing countries will likely allow consumers to increase consumption of animal-source proteins. Real prices of beef and pork have declined substantially because of sagging domestic demand and increasing farm-level production technologies. Increasing US beef and pork exports have obviated some of the price declines. Pork attained a net export position from a quantity perspective in 1995. The United States continues to be a net importer of beef on a quantity basis but is close to becoming a net exporter in terms of value. By-products continue to play a critical role in determining the red meat trade balance and producer prices. The United States, however, must continue to become cost, price, and quality competitive with other suppliers and must secure additional market access if it is to sustain recent trade trends. Several trade tensions remain in the red meat industry. For example, mandated COOL will undoubtedly have domestic and international effects on the beef and pork sectors. Domestically, uncertainty regarding consumer demand responses or quality perceptions regarding product origin, as well as added processor-retailer costs will be nontrivial. How these factors balance out in terms of benefits versus costs to the industry is uncertain. From an international perspective, some beef and pork export suppliers to the United States could view required labeling as a trade restriction, which could ultimately impact future US red meat exports. Conversely, some countries may view such labeling requirements as an opportunity to brand high-quality products. The US lamb meat industry has experienced declining real prices, domestic production, and demand. The cessation of wool incentive payments, increased environmental regulations, and competition by imports have significantly affected the industry. Import suppliers have capitalized on product quality in this niche market. Trade restrictions initially imposed in 1999 by the US Government were ruled illegal by the WTO. The US Government responded by providing financial assistance to lamb producers. Product quality improvements and promotion aimed at the domestic market, however, will be critical factors in shaping the economic viability of the US lamb meat industry.  相似文献   

An information management system is described that combines information on physical, biological and financial aspects of market hog production. Data collection methods are described. Data on feed use were the most difficult to collect reliably on-farm. Off-farm, it was critical that health data at slaughter be obtained without disrupting normal hog marketing routines. A summary of diseases observed in market hogs at slaughter is provided. Sample size estimations to achieve statistical confidence in market hog disease prevalence rates at slaughter are presented for number of shioments per farm per year and number of hogs per shipment. Results indicate that slaughter health checks should be performed at least four times annually and at least 50 hogs should be evaluated per shipment. Recommendations for future efforts include decreasing the total amount of data to be collected and improving producer incentives to collect data.  相似文献   

A remarkable transformation of the meatpacking industry occurred in the last 25 years. That transformation consolidated the industry into one that could deliver large volumes of meat at low costs. Slaughter plants grew much larger and realized economies of scale from their size, and operations within plants were rationalized to emphasize the delivery of a small set of consistent major products (boxed beef, cut-up pork, and by-products) to retailers, wholesalers, and other processors. Similar developments occurred in livestock feeding whereby the industry realized significant cost reductions by consolidating production in very large cattle feedlots and hog farms. Gains from scale have largely been met (absent the development of new technologies that are not yet on the horizon); therefore, we are unlikely to see similar shifts in plant sizes in the next 25 years. The major forces affecting meatpacking and livestock feeding in the near future are more likely to revolve around tighter coordination among livestock production, meatpacking, wholesaling, and retailing. Although much of the recent response to food safety concerns took the form of investments in equipment, testing, and training within meatpacking plants, packers and retailers are likely to focus more on assurance of livestock production quality and methods in the future. Such assurance can be met through vertical integration or through a greater reliance on tightly drawn contracts; producers who attempt to provide the assurance while still selling through cash markets will need to develop paper trails of testing and quality assurance that will move through the marketing chain with livestock. Similarly, because of likely increased future demand for meats of assured consumer qualities, such as organically grown products or branded meat products with very specific traits, producers will likely need to provide similar indicators of assurance throughout the marketing chain. Finally, the funding offered through federal environmental assistance programs such as the USDA's Environmental Quality Incentives Program along with related regulations governing waste management will likely lead to greater control over livestock production practices by investors, financiers, integrators, and packers through contractual design. Shifts toward tighter vertical coordination will force continuing changes in traditional ways of doing business in livestock production and in meatpacking. In turn, public policy discussions and corporate strategies in meatpacking are likely to focus continuing attention on the particulars of contract design: how to meet consumers', retailers', and regulators' requirements for quality assurance while ensuring efficient low-cost production without retarding competition in the industry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the annual cost of infections attributable to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus to US swine producers. DESIGN: Economic analysis. SAMPLE POPULATION: Data on the health and productivity of PRRS-affected and PRRS-unaffected breeding herds and growing-pig populations were collected from a convenience sample of swine farms in the midwestern United States. PROCEDURE: Health and productivity variables of PRRS-affected and PRRS-unaffected swine farms were analyzed to estimate the impact of PRRS on specific farms. National estimates of PRRS incidence were then used to determine the annual economic impact of PRRS on US swine producers. RESULTS: PRRS affected breeding herds and growing-pig populations as measured by a decrease in reproductive health, an increase in deaths, and reductions in the rate and efficiency of growth. Total annual economic impact of these effects on US swine producers was estimated at dollar 66.75 million in breeding herds and dollar 493.57 million in growing-pig populations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PRRS imposes a substantial financial burden on US swine producers and causes approximately dollar 560.32 million in losses each year. By comparison, prior to eradication, annual losses attributable to classical swine fever (hog cholera) and pseudorabies were estimated at dollar 364.09 million and dollar 36.27 million, respectively (adjusted on the basis of year 2004 dollars). Current PRRS control strategies are not predictably successful; thus, PRRS-associated losses will continue into the future. Research to improve our understanding of ecologic and epidemiologic characteristics of the PRRS virus and technologic advances (vaccines and diagnostic tests) to prevent clinical effects are warranted.  相似文献   

由于一系列生猪产业扶持政策效果的显现.2020年生猪产能持续恢复,全国生猪存栏和能繁母猪存栏不断增长.消费方面,年初的"新冠肺炎疫情"对消费有抑制作用,之后消费恢复.价格方面,2020年初价格达到第一波高峰,8月份价格再次上涨,12月份价格上涨趋势明显.预估2021年,生猪产能继续恢复,猪肉供销将趋于稳定.  相似文献   

Economic loss from transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) was estimated at $0.18 per hog marketed for the average Missouri Mail-in-Record swine panel producer in 1978. This cost was $0.19 per hog marketed in 1979. These estimates were averaged for all producers in the record system, those with TGE in their herds as well as TGE-free herds. Estimates were also prepared for those herds with TGE outbreaks. In 1978, the average loss due to TGE for producers who had the disease on their farms was estimated at $1.74 per hog marketed, or 18% of the average return earned above total production costs. In 1979, this cost was $1.25 per hog marketed, or 13% of the average return earned above total production costs.  相似文献   

由于受非洲猪瘟疫情等因素的影响,2019年猪肉产能出现大幅下滑,生猪存栏和能繁母猪存栏连续10个月下降,猪肉供应减少,进口量激增;猪肉消费减少,白条鸡、鸡蛋等替代品消费增加;生猪、猪肉和仔猪价格明显上涨,猪肉稳价保供压力大。2020年,生猪产能将逐渐恢复,加上猪肉进口的扩大和储备肉的投放,猪肉供销将趋于稳定。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure economic impacts attributable to the mortality rate for suckling pigs in the United States. DESIGN: Economic analysis that incorporated data from various sources. SAMPLE POPULATION: Suckling pigs on U.S. swine farms. PROCEDURE: Economic impacts associated with the mortality rate for suckling pigs during 1995 were estimated from supply-and-demand curves for pork and from an estimate of the elasticity of production for pigs entering the grower-finisher phase of production. RESULTS: A decrease in the mortality rate for suckling pigs would have caused an increase in pork production and a decrease in price and total value of production. Assuming no suckling pigs had died during 1995, consumer surplus would have increased by (mean +/- SE) 430 +/- 160 million dollars, whereas producer surplus would have decreased by 180 +/- 140 million dollars. The total gain to the US economy would have been 250 +/- 30 million dollars. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Researchers who attempt to estimate the economic impact of mortality and morbidity rates of livestock should not ignore the influence of demand and the possibility of price adjustments. Consumers would stand to benefit from an increase in pork production associated with a reduction in the mortality rate for suckling pigs, whereas the swine industry would experience an economic loss. Individual producers need to compare the costs of measures intended to reduce the mortality rate for suckling pigs with the anticipated benefits.  相似文献   

Historical (1994 to 1998) market hog price, feed costs, and other expenses were combined with average industry production values in an economic analysis of replacement gilt investments in a 600-sow farrow-to-finish operation. Based on historical data, a replacement gilt must remain in the breeding herd for three parities or more to attain a positive Net Present Value (NPV). The earlier (lower parity) a sow reaches a positive NPV, the more profitable the operation. Sensitivity analyses were used to evaluate the impact of assumption changes on the parity in which a positive NPV is attained. Assuming all other items are held constant, an approximate 5% change in number of pigs born alive per litter, market hog price per kilogram, or feed cost per market hog changes the parity in which a positive NPV is attained from parity three to parity two or four, depending on the direction of change. Assuming all other items are constant, a 35% increase in replacement gilt purchase price increases the parity from three to four in which a positive NPV is realized. Similarly, an equity decrease from 50 to 30% in the modeled swine operation also increases the parity in which a positive NPV is attained from three to four. Opportunity exists for commercial swine producers to increase the profitability of their replacement gilt investments by increasing the number of productive parities the sow produces. Swine producers should focus on management and genetic factors to improve sow longevity and hence, the profitability of a replacement gilt investment.  相似文献   

谭莹  曾昉  李大胜 《中国猪业》2021,16(3):13-18
通过实践调查和案例分析,研究了环境规制政策和非洲猪瘟疫情下的广东省生猪养殖现状及面临的问题。调查发现,环境规制政策给养殖户带来了较大压力,污染处理导致养殖成本直接上升,经营变得困难。但是,环境规制也促使养殖户对环保更加重视,并在此过程中学习了新的粪便处理技术。受非洲猪瘟疫情影响,广东省生猪养殖行业加速去产能明显,给养猪业带来较大冲击,此外,非洲猪瘟疫情也使养殖户对疫病知识和疫病防控工作更加了解和重视。通过案例访谈对养殖场进行了深入了解,发现不同类型、不同规模养殖场在多重因素的影响下其应对处理方式均有所不同。最后,根据研究结论提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Regression analysis was used to determine the ability of a number of biological parameters to predict economic efficiency. Detailed feed, financial, and production records were maintained by a random sample of eighteen Prince Edward Island (PEI) swine producers (each producing over 1000 market hogs per year). Relative economic efficiency of the operations was measured using return to management and labor (RML). Of the routinely monitored biological parameters, RML on PEI farrow-finish operations was best predicted (R2 = 64.8%) by: marketed per square meter per year (p = 0.008) and marketed per sow per year (p = 0.096). Regression of fixed costs revealed that biological parameters had limited ability to predict fixed costs per hog on farrow-finish operations (R2 = 30.7%). The only parameter contributing to the prediction of the fixed cost component of RML was feeder hog density (p = 0.077). The variable cost component of RML on farrow-finish operations was predicted (R2 = 94.3%) by feed cost per kg gain (p = 0.000), and marketed per sow per year (p = 0.044). The routinely recorded biological parameters on feeder farms had only limited ability to predict RML in this study (R2 = 43.7%). The only parameter of any importance was marketed per square meter per year (p = 0.106). Prediction of the fixed cost component of RML on feeder farms (R2 = 67.4%) was best realized by measuring feeder hog density (p = 0.045). The variable cost component of RML on feeder farms was reasonably well predicted (R2 = 74.7%) by feed cost per kg gain (p = 0.012). Although this parameter is difficult to monitor from records currently maintained on most farms, it points out the need to monitor feed consumption on swine farms.  相似文献   

Economic-welfare analysis of animal disease prevention programs frequently ignore the constraints of the agricultural policy environment. Prevention programs affect producers, consumers and the government. The policy environment to a large extent determines the magnitude as well as the distribution of benefits of the program among these groups. The Swedish hog industry has been exposed to three major policy changes during the 1990–1995 period. These scenarios involve various degrees of government intervention in the agricultural sector including internal market deregulation and EU-membership. Aujeszky's disease is a virus disease with swine as the natural infection reservoir. Piglets are the most fragile and an outbreak of the disease results in symptoms such as shaking, cramps and convulsions with an increase in the mortality rate. Slaughter hogs suffer from coughing, fever and reduce their feed consumption. During the last 20–25 years the incidence of Aujeszky's disease (AD) has been increasing in Sweden. In 1989 an eradication program was undertaken. A model is developed to analyze social benefits of an eradication program given variations in agricultural policy. The model refers to the specifics of the AD-program implemented in Sweden. The expected benefits of the program are evaluated using a welfare-economic analysis applying cost-benefit analysis. Total benefits of the program are evaluated across herd and size categories and different regions. Data concerning the frequency of the virus among various categories of herds prior to enacting the program were used (Wahlström et al., 1990). In addition, data from an agricultural insurance company were used to estimate the conditional probability of an outbreak given that the herd is infected. Biological and technical parameter values were collected from a variety of sources. The results of the analysis indicate that the program is economically viable given a social rate of discount in the range of 3–5% without considering non-monetary aspects such as animal ethics. A scenario where the Swedish agricultural sector is deregulated provides the maximum benefits of the program. Consumers obtain about 50% of the benefits excluding program costs. The deregulation scenario would correspond closely to a case where a reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is applied across member countries. In the current case where Sweden is a member of the EU, the benefits are reduced mainly due to lower prices of inputs and pork.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟疫情对中国生猪产业可能产生巨大且长期的影响。一方面因为生猪饲养量大幅度减少,造成供给不足;另一方面,尽管猪肉消费在短期受到了一定程度的抑制,但由于消费偏好无法短期内改变,猪肉“刚需”仍然存在。预计2019年中国猪肉供需缺口将在1000万t左右,全年猪价将呈现“先抑后扬”态势,生猪价格将可能在近两年内都处在较高水平。猪价上升可能通过产业链波及至食品全行业,导致物价水平整体上涨。建议加大生猪生产扶持力度,调动生猪养殖积极性;明确政府管理权责,确保猪肉稳定供应;遵从产消对接、区域互补原则,以农牧结合为前提,构建生猪生产消费均衡区域布局。  相似文献   

Three slaughter checks were performed for each of 21 swine producers at 6-month intervals. Two slaughter checks were performed during the winter, and 1 slaughter check was performed during the summer. Lesions of atrophic rhinitis and pneumonia were evaluated during the slaughter checks. Two types of farrowing facilities and 4 types of grower/finisher facilities were used by the swine producers. Lesions of atrophic rhinitis and pneumonia were compared among seasons and among types of facilities. Lesions of both atrophic rhinitis and pneumonia varied with season. Lesions of atrophic rhinitis were more severe among hogs slaughtered in the summer, whereas lesions of pneumonia were more severe among hogs slaughtered in the winter. Lesions of atrophic rhinitis were more severe in hogs farrowed in central, enclosed farrowing houses and finished in enclosed, mechanically ventilated buildings than in hogs farrowed individually in sow huts and finished on dirt lots. Knowledge of disease patterns associated with season and facilities is useful for assessment of herd health status and for implementation of control programs.  相似文献   

周梅  徐成良  郭奎  王重龙 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):120-121
非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒感染家猪或野猪后引发的一种恶性传染病,该疫病在中国的暴发给整个养猪业造成了毁灭性的打击。然而,目前虽有报道称已经有科研单位研制出非洲猪瘟疫苗,但距离其实际应用于生产仍需要相当长的时间。中国是全球最大的猪肉生产和消费国,非洲猪瘟疫情在我国的快速传播使我国生猪产能遭受重创,直接导致猪肉供求失衡、猪肉价格翻番、猪肉市场异动。因此,文章从非洲猪瘟的传播方式、对非洲猪瘟相对有效的防控措施等方面探讨在非洲猪瘟形势下我国养猪业该如何维持产能、如何走好养殖之路。  相似文献   

The levels of production, ascarid burden and respiratory disease were measured on 15 purposively selected swine herds, and the relationships between the various measures of ascarid burden were examined. On each farm 30 randomly selected pigs were weighed and rectal fecal samples were collected at approximately 11, 15, 19 and 22 weeks of age, and at slaughter. Fecal ascarid-egg counts and duration of infection were combined to calculate a composite measure of ascarid burden called "lifetime burden". At the abattoir the carcass weight and levels of anteroventral pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, and liver lesions were recorded for each hog. The number of ascarids in the small intestines were counted. Study hogs were marketed at an average of 189 +/- 22 days. The average dressed carcass weight was 77.0 +/- 5.9 kg and the mean average daily gain was 0.519 +/- 0.071 kg/day. The percent of hogs with ascariasis varied widely among farms, no matter what measure of ascariasis was used; the percent with intestinal ascarids at slaughter ranged from 0% to 96%, the percent that shed ascarid eggs during their lifetime ranged from 0% to 100%, and the range for hogs with liver lesions ranged from 27% to 100%. Of the hogs slaughtered, 82% had milk spot lesions, 32% shed ascarid eggs during their lifetime and 35% had intestinal ascarids. The latter had an average of 12 intestinal ascarids. Anteroventral pneumonia occurred in 55% of the slaughtered hogs and 9% had atrophic rhinitis scores of five. The percent of hogs per farm with pneumonia ranged from 17% to 96%. The percent of hogs per farm with atrophic rhinitis scores of five ranged from 0% to 57%.  相似文献   

Cow-calf production occurs in all 50 states over varied resource bases and under vastly different environmental conditions. Multiple breeds exist and management styles and objectives are as numerous as the number of cow-calf producers. There is not one area of the country, one breed of cattle, or one management style that is most profitable for producing cows and calves. There are, however, some common strategies that can be employed by cow-calf producers to enhance profitability. Costs need to be controlled without jeopardizing cow herd productivity or net returns. It appears that the cost associated with purchased and harvested feeds varies considerably across operations. Understanding cyclic and seasonal price patterns, weight-price slides, cattle shrink, and other marketing costs can help producers enhance their profit by marketing (and not by just selling) their cattle. Producers with superior cattle genetics can become part of a specific alliance or, at a minimum, document the performance of their cattle so that they can get paid for the superior genetics. The beef industry is changing and will likely continue to change. Cow-calf producers will need to examine their own management practices to determine whether they are optimal for the current industry. Those producers who are most adept at matching their management abilities to their cattle type, their resource base, and the appropriate market outlet will be the most successful in the future.  相似文献   

2018年非洲猪瘟爆发以来,我国养猪业严重受挫,猪肉价格猛增,给我国养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。疫情的出现也充分暴露了我国生物安全体统的不完善,尤其是基层防控工作。该文将对非洲猪瘟进行介绍,对基层非洲猪瘟防控中存在的问题全面阐述,提出一些合理性建议。  相似文献   

A multisector model was formulated to simulate the effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin (pST) on the U.S. hog-pork industry. A producer sector submodel was specified for nine hog-producing states, and a retail-wholesale sector was specified on a national level. Four pST adoption scenarios were tested; these differed in the extent of feed cost reduction (15 vs 25%) with or without premium pricing ($3 per animal). Simulation results show that, in general, national producer and retail prices will fall and pork consumption and production will increase due to pST use during the 5 yr of adoption. Responses to pST in terms of percentage of sows farrowing among states differed; states that produce more pork responded less than states that produce less. Downward price adjustments occurred and began stabilizing in the 4th yr; hog farmers will need to use pST to remain competitive.  相似文献   

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