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浅谈冬季塑料暖棚养猪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冬季寒冷的天气会对猪的生长发育产生不良影响,塑料暖棚养猪,可利用塑料膜对太阳光透过率较高、塑料膜透气差的特点,提高棚舍内温度,控制和减缓舍内寒冷气流,创造生猪生长发育的适宜环境条件,促进冬季增重效果。  相似文献   

Mycobacteria were isolated from 195 of 200 lesions in lymph nodes identified as granulomatous by meat inspectors at 4 abattoirs in South Dakota. Mycobacterium avium serotypes 1 and 2 accounted for 89% of the isolants. Mycobacteria were isolated more frequently from lesions than acid-fast bacilli were observed on microscopic examination (P less than 0.001). The frequency with which mycobacteria was isolated was similar to the occurrence of granulomatous lesions. The numbers of the various kinds of mycobacteria isolated at each of the 4 abattoirs and for the 3 meat inspection disposition classes were not significantly different.  相似文献   

Swine fever. Immunisation of piglets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vaccination against Swine Fever using the CL Chinese strain can be done in 7-day-old piglets if they are born of non-immune sows. The simultaneous weaning and vaccination emphasises the safety of this strain. The excellent immunity observed confirms the immunocompetence of 7-day-old piglets. In piglets born of immune sows and also weaned at 7 days, passive protection can extend beyond the age of 2 months if the sow is vaccinated several months prior to gestation. The immune level of the piglets would seem to depend on the interval between vaccination of the sow and farrowing and can be attributed to the quality of the antibodies transmitted by the colostrum. Piglets born of sows vaccinated 10 months prior to farrowing can be vaccinated as early as 5 weeks; the protection percentage observed at the age of about 6 months is over 80%. A booster injection at this age then confers immunity to future breeders throughout their economic life, i.e. 4 years in the reported experiment.  相似文献   

A total of 14 antibodies were found to label resting and/or activated swine platelets. Six recognized CD previously characterized for swine (CD29, CD41/61 and CD46). One had been characterized for human cells (CD47). Two antibodies with CD14 and SLA class I specificity suggested by the donor as well as five blind antibodies were also positive on platelets. One antibody appeared to recognize the swine homologue to human CD47, and four remained unclustered.  相似文献   

Swine dysentery: pathogenicity of Treponema hyodysenteriae.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
When pure cultures of Treponema hyodysenteriae were orally inoculated into pigs, severe disease characteristic of swine dysentery developed. Less severe lesions were produced by oral inoculation of infective minced colon. Noninoculated pigs were used as controls. Inoculations of surgically isolated porcine colonic loops with either pure cultures or infective minced colon produced lesions only in the injected loop; the adjacent noninjected colon remained normal. Pigs and other experimental animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice, inoculated with washed cultures by various parenteral routes remained normal.  相似文献   

猪流感(Swine infl uenza,SI)是由猪流感病毒(Swine infl uenza virus,SIV)引起的一种猪的高度接触性、急性的具有传染性的群发性猪呼吸道疾病,该病毒属于正黏病毒科A型流感病毒属.该病的主要特征为突然发病、呼吸困难、咳嗽、发烧、疲劳倦怠及传播迅速、康复快、死亡率低.由于传播速度快、...  相似文献   

查红波 《广东饲料》2001,10(6):37-38
猪流感病毒是目前最常见的猪呼吸道病致病因子之一。常由于与其它病原的混合感染而给猪场造成一定的损失,并且该病毒易发生变异,对人和其它动物健康有深刻的影响。 1 病原 猪流感病毒为单股负链RNA病毒,属正粘病毒科流感病毒属A型流感病毒。病毒粒子多数呈球形,直径约为 80-120纳米。该病毒在初分离时,时常呈长短不一的丝状体。在体外培养传代后变成球形。该病毒有囊膜。囊膜上有糖蛋白纤突,呈棒状者为血凝素(HA).呈蘑菇状者为神经氨酸酶(NA)。HA含有中和抗体所作用的主要表位,能与细胞表面的唾液酸受体结合,…  相似文献   

采取试管凝集的方法对西宁市某种猪场的741头种猪进行了猪布氏杆菌病的血清学调查。结果表明:该猪场布氏杆菌病的试管凝集反应的阳性率为0.54%。  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体病是由立克次氏体引起猪牛羊貂等动物的一种热性、溶血性疾病。表现为发热、贫血、黄疸、消化和呼吸功能障碍。仔猪患病后死亡率极高,常给养猪业生产造成重大损失,是近年来新发现的一种人畜共患病。1流行病学猪附红细胞病多由折光性较强的小附红细胞体引起发病,对由无折光性的大附红细胞体引起发病的较为少见。该病可经子宫、胎盘垂直传播,也可由虱、蚤、螨等吸血昆虫和被污染的注射器具(如针头等)水平传播。一年四季均可发生,以春季多发,气候突变,饲养不良,长途运输,患其它疫病,导致体质下降等原因,是本病诱因。该病侵害初生仔…  相似文献   

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