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Topography and slope position influence the soil and environmental factors that affect N2 fixation by legumes. The present study was conducted to (1) estimate N2 fixation by field peas in a gently rolling farm field using the natural 15N abundance and the 15N-enriched isotope dilution techniques and (2) identify soil and environmental factors that influence N2 fixation at the landscape scale. Whereas soil available water capacity, available NH inf4 sup+ , total crop yield, and percent N derived from N2 fixation (% Ndfa) estimated using enriched N were significantly affected by landform patterns, soil NO inf3 sup- levels, seed yield, and the % Ndfa estimated using natural abundance did not follow landform patterns. The % Ndfa using natural abundance was correlated with NH inf4 sup+ but not with available soil water, pH, electrical conductivity, NO inf3 sup- , or particle size. Estimates of the % Ndfa using enriched 15N ranged from 0 to 92.8%. The highest median value (68.6%) for % Ndfa using enriched N occurred on the divergent footslopes, with the lowest value (28.1%) on the convergent shoulders. Estimates of % Ndfa using natural abundance ranged from 13.2% to 96.9%. Smaller fluctuations during the growing season in the 15N of the available N pool may have resulted in less variability for % Ndfa using natural abundance compared to enriched 15N. Despite similar mean values for % Ndfa using natural abundance (44.5) and enriched 15N (49.6), no significant correlation between the two estimates was found. These results suggest that although topography may exert gross controls on N2 fixation, large variations in N2 fixation at the microsite level may preclude correlations between individual estimates and limit detection of landscape scale patterns of N2 fixation.Contribution No. R754 of the Saskatchewan Center of Soil Research  相似文献   

Summary Biological N2 fixation was estimated in a field experiment following the addition of NH4Cl or KNO3 to unconfined microplots (1.5 m2) at 2.5 g N m-2 (10 atom% 15N). A model of total N and 15N accumulation in lupins and decreasing 15N enrichment in the KCl-extractable soil-N pool (0–0.15 m depth) was used to estimate the proportion of N in lupins derived from biological N2 fixation. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model were compared with 15N isotope-dilution estimates obtained using canola, annual ryegrass, and wheat as nonfixing reference plants. Biomass, total N accumulation, or 15N enrichment in the lupin and reference crops did not differ whether NH inf4 sup+ or NO inf3 sup- was added as the labelled inorganic-N source. The decrease in soil 15N enrichment was described by first-order kinetics, whereas total N and 15N accumulation in the lupins were described by logistical equations. Using these equations, the uptake of soil N by lupins was estimated and was then used to calculate fixed N2. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model increased from 0 at 50 days after sowing to a maximum of 0.79 at 190 days after sowing. Those based on the 15N enrichment of the NO inf3 sup- pool were 10% higher than those based on the mineral-N pool. 15N isotope-dilution estimates of N2 fixation ranged from 0.37 to 0.55 at 68 days after sowing and from 0.71 to 0.77 at 190 days after sowing. Reference plant-derived values of N2 fixation were all higher than modelled estimates during the early states of growth, but were similar to modelled estimates at physiological maturity. The use of the model to estimate N2 derived from the atmosphere has the intrinsic advantage that the need for a non-fixing reference plant is avoided.  相似文献   

Few studies of the inoculation of cereal crops with N2-fixing bacteria have included more than one or two plant genotypes. In a recent study performed in Argentina using 12 different maize genotypes, it was found in 2 consecutive field experiments that several of them responded consistently, either negatively or positively, to inoculation with a mixture of strains of Azospirillum spp. The present study in post was performed to investigate the effect of inoculation of individual strains (and a mixture) of Azospirillum spp., and their nitrate reductase negative (NR-) mutants, on the growth of four of these maize genotypes. Two of these genotypes were grown in 15N-labelled soil with the aim of quantifying any contributions of biological N2 fixation. Two genotypes (Morgan 318 and Dekalb 4D-70) produced similar increases in grain yield when they were inoculated with a mixture of Azospirillum spp. strains or fertilized with the equivalent of 100 kg N ha-1. The other genotypes (Dekalb 2F-11 and CMS 22) showed little response to inoculation or N fertilization. The Morgan 318 and Dekalb 4D-70 genotypes showed a large increase in total N accumulation, suggesting that the response was due to increased N acquisition, but not due to bacterial nitrate reductase as the NR- mutants generally caused plant responses similar to those of the parent strains. Despite problems with the stabilization of the 15N enrichment in the soil, the 15N isotope dilution results indicated that there were very significant biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) contributions to the Dekalb 4D-70 and CMS 22 maize genotypes.Dedicated to Professor J.C.G. Ottow on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Pot experiments were carried out to estimate N2 fixation by vetch,milk vetch,sickle alfalfa and broadbean in pure stand using a ^15N-labelled soil.Winter wheat was used as the non-fixing control.The 15N-labelled soil used was prepared by growing corn-wheat-corn successively on a nearly organic-matter-free Xiashu loess supplemented with adequate amounts of (15NH4)2SO4,P,K and micronutrients,then incorporating these 15N-labelled plant materials into the soil after each havest,and allowing the plant materials to be decomposed aerobically for 410d after incorporation of the plant material of the thire crop.The 15N enrichment of wheat plant-N varied slightly with organs,with a maximum difference of 9.8%,Based on 15N enrichment of soil N inferred from the mean value of the 15N enrichment in different organs of wheat 79%-91% of total N in the tops and 67%-74% of total N in the roots of legumes studied were derived from atmosphere .Estimate by isotope dilution method was in good agreement with that by the conventional difference method provided values obtained by the latter were corrected for seed N,and also with that from the measurement of N accumulated in the tops of the legumes.  相似文献   

Appropriate 15N-labeling methods are crucial for estimating N2-fixation in trees used in agroforestry systems. A 4-year field experiment was conducted on an Alfisol in Southwestern Nigeria to compare the estimates of N2 fixed in Leucaena leucocephala, using two non-N2-fixing leguminous trees, Senna siamea and S. spectabilis, as reference plants and three different methods of introducing 15N into soil. The atom % 15N uptake pattern (as reflected in the leaves) was identical in both N2- and non-N2-fixing tree species irrespective of the 15N-application method. There was a significant decline in atom % 15N excess in the leaves of L. leucocephala (from 0.266 to 0.039), S. siamea (0.625 to 0.121), and S. spectabilis (from 0.683 to 0.118) from the first sampling 12 months after planting and the second sampling 18 months after sampling. From the second harvest in 1991 until the end of the experiment (fifth) harvest in 1993, however, the atom 15N % excess decline in leaves of the three species was less pronounced and depended on the method of 15N application. In those plants to which the tracer was applied once at planting, the 15N decline was steady between the second and the last prunings. In the split-application treatment, the atom 15N % excess increased slightly at the third pruning and decreased during the subsequent two prunings. The reference tree and the method of 15N application influenced the estimated proportion of N derived from atmospheric N2 by L. leucocephala, calculated as 73 and 64%, corresponding to 119 and 98 kg N ha-1 of N2 fixed per 6 months, when S. spectabilis and S. siamea were used as reference trees, respectively. The approach by which 15N-labeled fertilizer was applied to the soil in three splits gave slightly higher estimates of N derived from the atmosphere but this was of little agronomic significance because total N2 fixed was similar for all methods.  相似文献   

Effect of different 15N labeled sources on the estimation of N2 fixation was investigated. The combination of 15N labeled ammonium sulfate, 15N labeled plant material, and 15N labeled ammonium sulfate with unlabeled plant material, was examined in pot experiments. Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) and one of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were used. No significant difference was observed among the treatments for the estimation of N2 fixation. This was due to the homogeneity and stability of the 15N abundance in soil which resulted in a similar N uptake from the soil by the N2 fixing and reference crops. The plant yield, total N uptake and amount of N2 fixed were higher in the Yellow Soil than in the Andosol. The amount of N2 fixed was strongly influenced by the plant growth and consequently it affected the plant yield. The slow decomposition of plant material in the Andosol resulted in a low yield in both the N2 fixing and reference crops. Thus, the artificial decrease of the available N content in soil, by application of plant material, did not stimulate N, fixation but suppressed plant growth and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

There is conflicting evidence about toxic effects of heavy metals in soil on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. This study was set-up to assess the general occurrence of such effects. Soils with metal concentration gradients were sampled from six established field trials, where sewage sludge or metal salts have been applied, or from a transect in a sludge treated soil. Additional contaminated soils were sampled near metal smelters, in floodplains, in sludge amended arable land and in a metalliferous area. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was measured with 15N isotope dilution in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown in potted soil that was not re-inoculated, and using ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as reference crop. The fraction nitrogen in clover derived from fixation (Ndff) varied from 0 to 88% depending on soil. Pronounced metal toxicity on Ndff was only confirmed in a sludge treated soil where nitrogen fixation was halved from the control value at soil total metal concentration of 737 mg Zn kg−1, 428 mg Cu kg−1 and 10 mg Cd kg−1. The Ndff was significantly reduced by increasing metal concentration in soils from two other sites where Ndff was low throughout and where these effects might be attributed to confounding factors. No significant effects of metals on Ndff were identified in all other gradients even up to elevated total metal concentration (e.g. 55 mg Cd kg−1). The variation of Ndff among all soils (n=48), is mainly explained by the number of rhizobia in the soil (log MPN, log (cells g−1 soil)), whereas correlations with total or soil solution metal concentrations were weak (R2<0.25). The is significantly affected by the presence or absence of the host plant at the sampling site. No effects of metals were identified at even at total Zn concentrations of about 2000 mg Zn kg−1, whereas metal toxicity could be identified at lower most probable number (MPN) values. This survey shows that the metal toxicity on symbiotic nitrogen fixation cannot be generalized and that survival of a healthy population of the microsymbiont is probably the critical factor.  相似文献   

Summary Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth (kallar grass) has previously been found to exhibit high rates of nitrogen fixation. A series of experiments to determine the level of biological nitrogen fixation using 15N isotopic dilution were carried out in nutrient solution and saline soil. In the nutrient solution, E. coli inoculated plants were taken as non-nitrogen-fixing control. It was observed that nearly 60%–80% of the plant N was derived from atmospheric fixation. Estimations based on the N difference method gave much lower values (18%–35%). In experiments with saline soil which was initially sterilized with chloroform fumigation, a mixed culture of N2-fixing rhizospheric isolates from kallar grass roots was inoculated and planted to kallar grass. Uninoculated treatments were regarded as controls. The soil was previously labelled with 15N by adding cellulose and (15NH4)2SO4. The results of these studies showed fixation values of 6%–32% when estimated by 15N dilution, whereas by the N difference method 54% of the plant N was estimated to be derived from fixation. This discrepancy is due to the increase in root proliferation due to inoculation, which results in greater uptake of soil N. The distribution of 15N in different fractions of the soil-N indicted isotopic dilution due to bacterial fixation of atmospheric N2.  相似文献   

The proportional contribution of atmospheric N2 to the N nutrition of lupin (P atm) was estimated in a field experiment following addition of NH4Cl of KNO3 to unconfined microplots (1.5 m2) at 2.5 g N m-2 (10 atom% 15N). The integrated 15N enrichment, or mean pool abundance, of nitrate extracted from 0- to 15-cm samples taken under the lupin crop on eight occasion between 28 and 190 days after sowing was used as the reference criterion to estimate P atm by the 15N-isotope dilution technique. Estimates of P atm were similar to those obtained using canola as a non-fixing reference plant, but were higher than estimates obtained using a yield-dependent model. Use of mean pool abundance obviates the need for a non-fixing reference plant, and the frequent sampling and isotope-ratio analysis of the legume biomass required with the yield-dependent model is unnecessary. However, further work is needed to validate a sampling strategy commensurate with the growth of the legume roots.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen fixation in seven groundnut genotypes was measured by 15N-isotope dilution using a non-nodulating cultivar of groundnut as the nonfixing reference plant. Nitrogen fixation varied between 100 kg N ha–1 in genotype J-11 and 153 kg N ha–1 in Robut 33-1. The amount of plant-available soil N was small, so that 86%–92% of plant nitrogen was derived from N2-fixation. Thus differences in N2-fixation between genotypes closely reflected differences in their total N accumulation.ICRISAT Journal Article no. 600  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effect of three successive cuttings on N uptake and fixation and N distribution in Leucaena leucocephala. Two isolines, uninoculated or inoculated with three different Rhizobium strains, were grown for 36 weeks and cut every 12 weeks. The soil was labelled with 50 ppm KNO3 enriched with 10 atom % 15N excess soon after the first cutting. Except for the atom % 15N excess in branches of K28 at the second cutting, both the L. leucocephala isolines showed similar patterns of total N, fixed N2, and N from fertilizer distribution in different parts of the plant at each cutting. The Rhizobium strain did not influence the partitioning of 15N among the different plant parts. Significant differences in 15N enrichment occurred in different parts. Live nodules of both isolines showed the lowest atom % 15N excess values (0.087), followed by leaves (0.492), branches (0.552), stems (0.591), and roots (0.857). The roots contained about 60% of the total plant N and about 70% of the total N derived from fertilizer over the successive cuttings. The total N2 fixed in the roots was about 60% of that fixed in the whole plant, while the shoots contained only 20% of the fixed N2. We conclude that N reserves in roots and nodules constitute another N source that must be taken into account when estimating fixed N2 or the N balance after pruning or cutting plants. 15N enrichment declined up to about fivefold in the reference and the N2-fixing plants over 24 weeks following the 15N application. The proportion and the amounts of N derived from fertilizer decreased, while the amount derived from N2 fixation increased with time although its proportion remained constant.  相似文献   

N dynamics in soil where wheat straw was incorporated were investigated by a soil incubation experiment using 15N-labelled nitrate or 15N-labelled wheat straw. The incubated soils were sampled after 7, 28, 54 days from the incorporation of wheat straw, respectively, and gross rates of N transformations including N remineralization and temporal changes in the amount of microbial biomass were determined.Following the addition of wheat straw into soils, rapid decrease of nitrate content in soil and increase of microbial biomass C and N occurred within the first week from onset of the experiment. Both the gross rates of mineralization and immobilization determined by 15N-ammonium isotope dilution technique were remarkably enhanced by the addition of wheat straw, and gradually decreased with time. Remineralization rate of N derived from 15N-labelled nitrate, and mineralization rate of N derived from 15N-labelled wheat straw was estimated by 15N isotope dilution technique using non-labelled ammonium. Remineralization rates of N derived from 15N-labelled nitrate were calculated to be 0.71 mg N kg−1 d−1 after 7 days, 0.55 mg N kg−1 d−1 after 28 days, and 0.29 mg N kg−1 d−1 after 54 days.Nearly 10% of the 15N-labelled N originally contained in the wheat straw was held in the microbial biomass irrespective of the sampling time. The amount of inorganic N in soil which was derived from 15N-labelled wheat straw ranged between 1.93 and 2.37 mg N kg−1.Rates of N transformations in soil with 15N-labelled wheat straw were obtained by assuming that the k value was equal to the 15N abundance of biomass N, and the obtained values were considered to be valid.  相似文献   

Summary Containers filled with soil mixed with potassium nitrate highly enriched in 15N were planted with corn (Zea mays L.) and kept in a phytotron under controlled conditions for 79 days. Soil water content was normally maintained at exactly 60% water-holding capacity (–33 kPa), but it was increased several times to 85% (–5 kPa) for short periods to favour denitrification. The soil headspace was sealed from the phytotron atmosphere and aerated by a continuous stream of air. Nitrous oxide emission was measured by estimating the N2O concentration differences in the air entering and leaving the containers. Emission of N2 was estimated by mass spectroscopy from changes in the N2 composition in the temporarily enclosed soil headspace. Both methods were carefully checked for accuracy by different tests. At specific times during the experiment the distribution of 15N between plants and soil was determined and a 15N balance established. Emission of N gases peaked at times of increased water content and reached maxima of 149 and 142 g N pot–1 day–1 for N2O and N2, respectively. While N losses of 5% ± 2% were indicated by the 15N balance, only 1.1% ± 0.3% loss from 2.7 g applied N was estimated from the N2O and N2 measurements after 79 days. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the theoretical basis for estimating the transfer of N2 fixed by legumes to companion cereals or grasses in intercropping or pasture systems using 15N isotope dilution methodology. A method was developed to calculate the symbiotic dependence of the legume in a mixed stand based on 15N enrichment of the associated non-legume and the estimate of fixed N transfer. Published field data were used to illustrate the application of the method. Complementary treatments for verifying N transfer and options for increasing the accuracy of estimates of N transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

Tannins are purported to be an important factor controlling nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems, and the ability of tannins to bind proteins in protein-tannin complexes is thought to be the primary mechanism responsible for these effects. In this study, we examined the influence of well-characterized tannins purified from five different plant species on C and N dynamics of a forest soil A horizon. Tannic acid, a commonly used and commercially available hydrolyzable tannin (HT), and cellulose were also included for comparison. With the exception of tannins from huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), the amendments increased respiration 1.4-4.0 fold, indicating that they were acting as a microbial C source. Tannic acid was significantly more labile than the five purified tannins examined in this study. All treatments decreased net N mineralization substantially, through greater N immobilization and decreased mineralization. The six tannins inhibited gross ammonification rates significantly more than cellulose. This suggests that added tannins had effects in addition to serving as an alternative C source. Tannins purified from Bishop pine (Pinus muricata) were the only tannins that significantly inhibited potential gross nitrification rates, however, rates were low even in the control soil making it difficult to detect any inhibition. Differences in tannin structure such as condensed versus HTs and the hydroxylation pattern of the condensed tannin B-ring likely explain differences observed among the tannin treatments. Contrary to other studies, we did not find that condensed tannins were more labile and less inhibitory than HTs, nor that shorter chained tannins were more labile than longer chained tannins. In addition to supporting the hypothesis that reduced N availability in the presence of tannins is caused by complexation reactions, our data suggests tannins act as a labile C source leading to increased N immobilization.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) generated by denitrification increase N losses in the soil–plant system. This study aimed to quantify N2 and N2O from potassium nitrate (K15NO3) applied to soils with different textures and moisture contents in the absence and presence of a source of carbon (C) using the 15N tracer method. In the three soils used (sandy texture (ST), sandy clay loam texture (SCLT), and clayey texture (CT)), three moisture contents were evaluated (40%, 60%, and 80% of the water holding capacity (WHC)) with (D+) and without (D?) dextrose added. The treatments received 100 mg N kg?1 (KNO3 with 23.24 atom% 15N). N2 emissions occurred in all of the treatments, but N2O emissions only occurred in the D+ treatment, showing increases with increasing moisture content. SCLT with 80% WHC in the D+ treatment exhibited the highest accumulated N emission (48.26 mg kg?1). The 15N balance suggested trapping of the gases in the soil.  相似文献   

The variation in P uptake and use efficiency and N accumulation by Gliricidia sepium (N2-fixing tree), Senna siamea and S. spectabilis (leguminous non-N2-fixing trees) were examined in the field at Fashola (savanna zone), southwestern Nigeria, using four P rates, 0, 20, 40 and 80 kg P ha-1. Growth of G. sepium and S. spectabilis responded to P application at 24 weeks after planting (WAP) and average yield increases of 58% and 145% were observed by the application of 40 kg P ha-1 for the two species, respectively. Such a P response was not found in S. siamea at 24 WAP and for any of the species at 48 WAP. G. sepium accumulated more P (on average 162%) than S. siamea and S. spectabilis at 24 WAP and had greater root length and a higher percentage of mycorrhizal infection. However, at 48 WAP S. siamea had 2.5 times more P than G. sepium. Differences in the physiological P use efficiency (PPUE) between G. sepium and the non-N2-fixing trees were significant at the 0 P level, being higher for S. siamea (average, 0.61 g shoot mg-1 P) than for G. sepium (0.27 g shoot mg-1 P). G. sepium had a consistently lower atom % 15N than S. spectabilis, while that of S. siamea for most of the time did not differ from that of G. sepium. The reference plant affected N2 fixation extimates, with negative values and a higher variability (CV 60%) associated with S. siamea than with S. spectabilis (CV<20%). Consequently, S. spectabilis was selected as a better reference plant for measuring N2 fixation in G. sepium. G. sepium fixed on average 35% and 54% of its N at 24 and 48 WAP, respectively. Except at the lowest P rate, percentage and amount of N fixed were not generally enhanced by P application.  相似文献   

Summary N accumulation and natural 15N abundance in three legumes (groundnuts, cowpeas, and soybeans) and in two cereals (sorghum and maize) were investigated over two seasons in Alfisols with and without N fertilization. Using the N uptake and natural 15N abundance of non-nodulating plants as the indication of N derived from soil and fertilizer, the per cent N derived from atmospheric N2 was calculated for nodulated plants. In the first experiment, the groundnut genotype contained 85% atmosphere-derived N, but the percentage decreased with N application. Estimates of atmosphere-derived N by the N-difference and 15N-abundance techniques gave identical results. The percentages of atmosphere-derived N estimated by the two methods at different stages of groundnut growth were also similar. In the second experiment, atmosphere-derived N was estimated in plants grown with 0–200 kg ha-1 applied N. The estimated atmosphere-derived N ranged from 42% to 61% for groundnuts from 33% to 77% for cowpeas, and from 24% to 48% for soybeans, depending on the amount of N applied. Inoculation with a Bradyrhizobium strain increased the percentage of atmospherederived N in soybean plants grown without any fertilizer N. The natural 15N abundance of sorghum and maize was very close to that of the non-nodulating groundnut, suggesting that these cereals can be used as reference plants in the estimation of atmosphere-derived N by the natural 15N-abundance method.ICRISAT Journal Article No. 876  相似文献   

Summary The proportion of N derived from N2 fixation for 99 strains ofAzolla spp. (comprising all known species) in the presence of ammonium (40 mg/1) was assessed using a15N-dilution technique. The percentage of N derived from air varied from 29.5% to 79.9%. Although the N concentration ofAzolla spp. was not correlated with fertilizer N, it correlated fairly well with N2 fixation. Regression analysis suggests that the N yield ofAzolla spp. is more dependent on N2 fixation than on ammonium assimilation. The high correlation between N yield and isotopically determined, fixed N2 indicates that the N yield could be used as a parameter in the selection ofAzolla spp. strains that are capable of maintaining high N2 fixation in the presence of a high level of ammonium.  相似文献   

Summary Identification of legume genotypes with high N-supplying ability is important in improving and sustaining the productivity of low-input cropping systems. Hence, 15N-aided studies were made to ascertain the relative N-supplying ability of some cultivars of groundnut, a widely grown tropical legume. The study was conducted outdoors in 1991 at Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka, in tanks filled with 64 kg soil which had been tagged by incorporating 15N-labelled plant material. Maize cv. Badra was grown as a monocrop and as an intercrop with five genotypes of groundnut, X-14, MI-1, Red Spanish, ICGV 87127, and a non-nodulating line. All the nodulating genotypes derived over 90% of their N from the atmosphere. Significant genotypic differences in N2 fixation were observed. X-14 fixed the highest amount (1.95 g plant-1), while Red Spanish the lowest (0.88 g plant-1). Intercropping of maize with nodulating groundnut significantly decreased the 15N atom excess of maize, depending on the genotype. However, this decrease did not appear to be related to the amount of N2 fixed, based on aboveground material. The per cent N derived by maize from the intercropped groundnuts varied from 17% (X-14) to 39% (Red Spanish), indicating a marked genotypic variability in N-suppling ability. X-14, which fixed the largest amounts of N2, grew most vigorously compared to other genotypes, causing a growth depression in the maize. The genotype that fixes the most N2 may therefore not necessarily have the greatest N-supplying ability. The transfer of N from the legume and the consequent improvement of N nutrition in the associated cereal in low-fertility situations is therefore expected to be high when the growth of the legume is intermediate and does not suppress the growth of the cereal.  相似文献   

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