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A protein-binding technique was employed to visualize, using scanning electron microscopy, the soy protein as well as the association between HMP and soy protein fractions. Image analysis indicated that at pH 7.5 and 3.5 soy protein isolate showed a bimodal distribution of sizes with an average [ d(0.5)] of about 0.05 microm, but at pH 3.8 the proteins formed larger aggregates than at high pH. Addition of HMP at pH 3.8 changed the surface charge of the particles from +20 to -15 mV. A small addition of HMP caused bridging of the pectin between soy protein aggregates and destabilization. With sufficient HMP, the suspensions showed improved stability to precipitation. The microscopy images are the first direct evidence of the interactions between soy proteins with high-methoxyl pectin (HMP).  相似文献   

Summary Spores of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus clarum obtained from sweet potatoes grown in soil inoculated with this fungus and with an enrichment culture of Acetobacter diazotrophicus contained A. diazotrophicus and several other bacteria, including a diazotrophic Klebsiella sp. Inoculation of micropropagated sweet potatoes with G. clarum and A. diazotrophicus enhanced spore formation in soil compared to VAM inoculation alone. Plants inoculated with VAM spores containing the bacteria showed additional increases in the number of spores formed within roots. A. diazotrophicus infected aerial plant parts only when inoculated together with VAM or when present within VAM spores. Micropropagated sugarcane seedlings inoculated with the same VAM spores containing the diazotrophs also contained much higher numbers of A. diazotrophicus in aerial parts than seedlings inoculated in vitro with the bacteria alone. When grown in non-sterile soil, the sugarcane seedlings again showed the greatest infection of aerial parts after inoculation with VAM spores containing the diazotrophs. This treatment also increased VAM colonization and the numbers of spores formed within roots. Similar effects were observed in sweet sorghum except that the aerial plant parts were not infected by A. diazotrophicus.  相似文献   

为实现甜高粱茎秆残渣生产蛋白饲料的规模化应用,该研究将黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)、里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei),产朊假丝酵母(Candida utilis)和干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)进行优化组合,添加不同质量分数尿素对甜高粱茎秆残渣进行生料固态发酵生产蛋白饲料。试验通过对比发酵前后粗蛋白、真蛋白、粗灰分和粗脂肪质量分数变化发现:添加4种菌的复合菌株,再添加1%尿素发酵8 d后能使以甜高粱茎秆残渣为底物的饲料中纤维素由33.00%降低至24.09%,半纤维素由20.99%降低至17.69%;粗蛋白质量分数由2.27%提升至7.14%,真蛋白由2.01%提升至6.41%。该研究简化了甜高粱秸秆残渣规模化生产饲料蛋白的工艺,为该工艺的推广应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

张苗  木泰华 《农业工程学报》2012,28(25):356-362
以碱性蛋白酶(Alcalase)为水解酶,研究了不同预热处理温度和时间对甘薯蛋白酶解特性的影响。采用单因素试验及响应面分析法,对Alcalase水解预热处理条件进行了研究,建立了水解度(DH)及三氯乙酸氮溶解指数(TCA-NSI)与预热处理的回归模型,分析了模型的有效性及因子间的交互作用。结果表明,预热处理对Alcalase酶解甘薯蛋白的DH和TCA-NSI的影响显著(P<0.05);甘薯蛋白预热处理的最优工艺参数为:温度92℃,时间13?min。在此条件下,DH与TCA-NSI分别为26.32%和84.33%。与直接酶解天然甘薯蛋白相比,在预热处理的最佳工艺条件下所得到的DH和TCA-NSI分别提高了15.89%和53.37%。  相似文献   

A method for evaluating the umami taste intensity of green tea by a taste sensor system was established. Interference in the measurement from catechins was solved by removing the catechins from sample solutions with poly(vinylpolypyrrolidone). A 5.00 mM aqueous solution of glutamic acid monosodium salt was used as the standard solution. Sensor outputs were converted into EIT uma (estimated intensity of taste concerning umami) values. One unit on the EIT uma scale was defined as the amount of the sensor output corresponding to a difference in 1.2 times the concentration of the standard substance (glutamic acid monosodium salt). The umami taste intensity of green tea was classified into six grades on the EIT uma scale. Sensory tests proved that the EIT uma value had a high correlation to the human gustatory sense.  相似文献   

不同抗性甘薯品种感染疮痂病后光合机理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了田间栽培条件下感病薯种“金山1255”和抗病薯种“广薯88-70”染甘薯疮痂病后的光合机理。结果表明,染病后感、抗病品种叶绿素均被降解,叶片膜不饱和脂肪酸含量、不饱和指数、叶绿体膜流动性均降低,叶绿体Ca2 -ATP酶和Mg2 -ATP酶活性均下降,气孔导度、净光合效率、蒸腾速率均下降,但感病品种下降幅度比抗病品种大;胞间CO2浓度在抗病品种中下降,而在感病品种中略有上升;感、抗病品种的叶绿体超微结构都发生了变化,但感病品种受到的伤害程度远大于抗病品种。  相似文献   

To estimate the interactions forming in soymilk freeze-gel, lyophilized gel was extracted successively with various solvents. A mixture of urea, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) dissolved the proteins effectively. The thiol-disulfide exchange reactions and hydrophobic interactions were shown to have a complex relation with a three-dimensional network. The addition of SDS or 2-ME resulted in an incomplete gel or no precipitation of soymilk. In our previous paper (Shimoyamada et al. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 1999, 5, 284-288), the significance of precooling to form small, homogeneously distributed ice crystals in soymilk was reported. In this study, precooling was shown to maintain the partially denatured structures of soybean proteins in soymilk that had unfolded due to heat treatment. These phenomena were considered to be other important functions of precooling in freeze-gelation.  相似文献   

Prions, are proteinaceous particles recognized as the agents of a class of neurodegenerative disorders, called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), or prion diseases. Epidemiological data suggest that TSE-contaminated environments may serve as source of infectivity, but there is no information about adsorption of prions onto soil. We carried out experiments by mixing, healthy, or scrapie-infected hamster brains homogenates with three types of soil suspended in different buffers: (i) two saline buffers, i.e., phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and CaCl2 solution; (ii) a mix of nondenaturing detergents, i.e., Triton X-100 and sodium deoxycholate (DOC) solution; (iii) a non-ionic detergent, i.e., lauryl maltoside; (iv) two anionic detergents, i.e., Sarkosyl or sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS); and (v) a chaotropic agent, i.e., urea. The unbound prion proteins were detected in the supernatants (after centrifugation of soil suspension) by Western blotting. Results clearly demonstrate that both the no infectious (PrPC) and infectious (PrPSc) forms are adsorbed by all soils. Only 1% sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) partially impeded the association of PrPC, but not that of PrPSc with the sandy loam soil. Agents with different interacting properties towards hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic domains failed to extract PrPSc from sediments of soil-brain homogenate mixtures. The strong interaction of PrPSc with soil favors the accumulation of prions in soils, especially if amended with prion-containing organic fertilizers and/or whenever TSE-affected animal carcasses, placenta, and excreta in general are buried or laid at the soil surface.  相似文献   

The interactions of proteins during the heat treatment of whey-protein-isolate (WPI)-based oil-in-water emulsions with and without added hydroxylated lecithin were studied by examining the changes in droplet size distribution and the quantity and type of adsorbed and unadsorbed proteins. Heat treatment at 90 degrees C of WPI emulsions resulted in an increase in total adsorbed protein; unadsorbed beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) was the main protein interacting with the adsorbed proteins during the first 10 min of heating, but after this time, unadsorbed alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la) also associated with the adsorbed protein. In emulsions containing hydroxylated lecithin, the increase in total adsorbed protein during heat treatment was much lower and the unadsorbed beta-lg did not appear to interact with the adsorbed proteins during heating. However, the behavior of alpha-la during heat treatment of these emulsions was similar to that observed in the emulsions containing no hydroxylated lecithin. In the presence of NaCl, the particle size of the emulsion droplets and the quantities of adsorbed protein increased markedly during heating. Emulsions containing hydroxylated lecithin were less sensitive to the addition of NaCl. These results suggest that the binding of hydroxylated lecithin to unfolded monomers or intermediate products of beta-lg reduces the extent of heat-induced aggregation of beta-lg and consequently decreases the interactions between unadsorbed beta-lg and adsorbed protein. This was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of heated whey protein and hydroxylated lecithin solutions.  相似文献   


Early spring application of N to Iowa sandy, leachable soils results in reduced sweet corn yields and kernel protein content. Normally, split N applications are used to coincide with crop N demand. Our objectives were to determine if nitrapyrin, a nitrification inhibitor, applied with urea would provide high yields and kernel protein levels when applied at planting.

Nitrogen rate increased yield, ear leaf N concentration, and kernel protein content in 1976 and 1978, with the optimum rate dependent on the year and soil N residual. Urea, with or without nitrapyrin, significantly enhanced yield 13%, early leaf N concentration 17%, and kernel protein content 9% as compared with Ca(NO3)2 for both years. High leaching loss of NO3‐N occurred with the Ca(NO3)2 source as compared with urea alone. Kernel protein concentration correlated well with ear leaf N concentration (r = .74) and yield (r = .61). Ear leaf K content was not affected by N rate or source, but Ca(NO3)2 enhanced uptake of Ca and Mg as compared with the urea sources. Urea, with nitrapyrin, decreased leaf Mg content in 1978, but not in 1976, as compared with urea alone.  相似文献   


Organic matter from two Chilean Andisols, Vilcun and Osorno soils, were extracted and fractionated into humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA). Humic acid were chemically characterized and their molecular weight (MW) distribution was obtained by gel permeation chromatography. The HA from the Vilcun soil had a lower MW than the HA from the Osorno soil and consequently had a higher acidity. Humic acid were used to coat synthetic allophanic materials which carried ferrihydrite coatings. The isoelectric point (IEP) of the synthetic allophanic materials was reduced from 8.6 to near 3.0 and surface area was reduced from 450 m2/g to 120 m2/g depending on the HA level. The surface pKa values showed that the HA buffer capacity generally reduced the surface acidity of allophahic materials, but the HA from the Vilcun soil at a higher HA level which slightly increased the surface acidity due to an observed lower condensation degree. Phosphate (P) adsorption capacity was reduced to a greater degree in the HA from the Osomo soil model than in the HA Vilcun one, indicating a positive correlation with surface acidity. The differential isosteric heat of P adsorption (?H) showed similar energy sites at lower P adsorbed levels in the Osorno and Vilcun soil models, but that with over 40% surface coverage, the Vilcun soil model had higher energetic reaction than the Osorno one.  相似文献   

An essential compound imparting the sweet taste to beef broth was investigated. Taste activity-guided fractionation of beef broth by ultrafiltration, gel permeation chromatography, and HPLC in combination with the recently developed comparative taste dilution analysis enabled the localization of a fraction possessing sweetness-enhancing activity upon degustation. Comparison of the chromatographic, spectroscopic, and sensory data with those of the synthetic reference compound led to the identification of the sweetness-enhancing N-(1-carboxyethyl)-6-(hydroxymethyl)pyridinium-3-ol inner salt, named alapyridaine, which was recently isolated from heated aqueous solutions of hexoses and l-alanine. After quantification of alapyridaine in beef broth, sensory analysis of synthetic beef taste recombinates spiked with synthetic alapyridaine in its "natural" concentration of 419 mug/L and comparison to the taste quality of a tastant recombinate lacking the alapyridaine revealed a significant increase in sweetness and umami character only when the alapyridaine was present in the recombinate. These data demonstrate for the first time that, in "natural" concentrations, the alapyridaine exhibited a pronounced effect on the overall taste quality of beef broth, in particular, on the sweet and umami character.  相似文献   

甘薯淀粉性质与其粉丝品质的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为了弄清不同品种甘薯淀粉所制粉丝品质差异的原因,该研究通过对各种甘薯淀粉的理化性质、热力学特性、分子结构与甘薯粉丝品质的测定,并以绿豆淀粉做对照,对三者与其粉丝品质进行了相关性分析。结果表明:淀粉理化性质对粉丝品质影响较大,按相关系数大小依次是:膨润力>溶解度>表观直链淀粉含量>蛋白质含量>颗粒大小。回生对粉丝品质的影响远远大于糊化对其的影响。快速黏度分析参数与粉丝品质有显著的相关性,可作为预测其相应的粉丝品质的重要手段之一。淀粉分子结构对粉丝品质影响更大,按显著程度依次是:直链淀粉(A m )含量>支链淀粉(A P )短链量>AP长链量>Am分支数>AP短链长度>Am链长>AP长链长度。  相似文献   

Interactions between salivary proline-rich proteins and tannins are involved in astringency, which is one of the most important organoleptic sensations perceived when drinking wine or tea. This work aimed to study interactions between a recombinant human salivary proline-rich protein, IB-5, and a flavan-3-ol monomer, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). IB-5 presented the characteristics of natively unfolded proteins. Interactions were studied by dynamic light scattering, isothermal titration microcalorimetry, and circular dichroism. The interaction mechanism was dependent on protein concentration. At low concentrations, a three-stage mechanism was evidenced. Saturation of the interaction sites (first stage) was followed by protein aggregation into metastable colloids at higher EGCG/protein ratios (second stage). Further increasing this ratio led to haze formation (third stage). At low ratios, a disorder-to-order transition of IB-5 structure upon binding was evidenced. At high protein concentrations, direct bridging between proteins and EGCG was observed, resulting in significantly lower aggregation and turbidity thresholds.  相似文献   

为探讨滋味物质在不同交联度鱼糜凝胶中的释放规律并揭示其释放机制,该研究以氯化钠、蔗糖和谷氨酸钠分别为鱼糜凝胶咸味、甜味和鲜味的代表滋味物质,通过感官评价、释放动力学模型拟合和模拟咀嚼释放等方法,分析滋味物质在不同交联度鱼糜凝胶中的释放规律。结果表明,随着交联度的增加,人体对咸味的感知逐渐降低而对鲜味的感知逐渐增强,并当交联度大于42.2%时,咀嚼破碎显著提高了鱼糜凝胶咸味和鲜味的感知(P<0.01)。氯化钠和蔗糖的释放动力学曲线符合准一级动力学模型,而谷氨酸钠的释放则符合准二级动力学模型。随着交联度的增加,鱼糜凝胶在模拟咀嚼过程中氯化钠和蔗糖的释放量先降后升,分别在交联度为42.2%和51.5%时取得最小值(4.54和3.38 mg/g);而谷氨酸钠的咀嚼释放量则逐渐增加。相关性分析结果表明,氯化钠和蔗糖在鱼糜凝胶中的释放主要与网络结构和化学作用力相关,谷氨酸钠的释放主要与凝胶质地、凝胶持水性和化学作用力相关。综上,滋味物质在鱼糜凝胶中的释放行为受滋味物质种类、凝胶质地以及凝胶与滋味物质的相互作用等多方面的影响,且凝胶在咀嚼过程中较高的破碎程度增强了滋味物质的释放与感知。  相似文献   


Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] cultivars have been bred for high sugar content; with accompanying adequate forage yield, the crop may offer potential for ensiling. “Wray”; sweet sorghum, a good sugar producer, was grown under field conditions to determine nutritional quality and subsequent animal performance of silage from the yield. In one experiment, “Wray”; was compared to “FS‐5”;, medium‐tall forage sorghum, at four reproductive stages of growth, in regard to agronomic characteristics and chemical composition. In another study, the “Wray”; sweet sorghum was harvested in early and late reproductive stages and stored in experimental silos. Ensiling losses were measured; in addition, the silages were offered to sheep to determine in vivo digestibility (IVODMD) and intake. In the first experiment, dry matter yields of both sweet and forage sorghum increased during the reproductive period, from 6.2 to 11.9 and 7.7 to 13.9 Mg/ha, respectively; at maturity, grain yields were 651 and 3,526 kg/ha, respectively. Total available carbohydrates tended to be higher in the forage type (23.4%) than in the sweet sorghum (19.9%). Average in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) was similar for both sorghums at 60.2%, but sweet sorghum IVDMD tended to be higher than forage sorghum at the hard‐dough stage (61.4 versus 55.1%) . In the second experiment, intake was greater when lambs were offered hard‐dough stage silage (1,240 g/lamb/day) versus bloom‐stage silage (878 g/lamb/day), even though IVODMD was similar (average 60.6%) at both harvest stages. The silages appeared to be properly ensiled, as silage pH was less than 4.0; however, effluent and dry matter losses were greater with bloom‐stage silage. These differences probably were due to the slight dry matter differential between the two <22.3 and 26.6%, respectively). To maximize yield, sweet sorghum should be ensiled at the hard‐dough stage. Resulting silage may be higher in digestible dry matter than that of medium‐tall forage sorghums, which produce grain.  相似文献   

Allophanic soils are known to accumulate organic matter, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. Here we have investigated the sorption of humic acid (HA) by an allophanic clay in the presence of varied concentrations of either CaCl2 or NaCl as background electrolytes. Both the HA and the clay were separated from New Zealand soils. Much more HA was sorbed in CaCl2 than in NaCl of the same ionic strength. Apparently Ca2+ ions were more effective than Na+ ions in screening the negative charge on HA. In CaCl2 the HA molecule might also assume a more compact configuration than in NaCl. In the presence of CaCl2 sorption increased, reached a maximum, and then declined as the concentration of HA in solution was increased. This behaviour was not observed in NaCl where sorption showed a gradual and steady increase with HA concentration. We propose that ligand exchange occurs between the surface hydroxyl groups of allophane and the carboxylate groups of HA. As a result, the allophane–HA complex acquires negative charges, requiring the co‐sorption of extraneous cations (Ca2+ or Na+) for charge balance. The Ca2+ co‐sorbed can attract more HA to the complex possibly by a cation‐bridging mechanism, giving rise to a maximum in sorption. The decline in sorption beyond the maximum may be ascribed to a decrease in the concentration of free Ca2+ ions through binding to HA molecules in solution. The increase in supernatant pH may be attributed to a ligand exchange reaction between the surface hydroxyls of allophane and the carboxylate groups of HA, and proton binding to the allophane–HA complex.  相似文献   

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