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Wildlife ranching is the fastest growing industry in South Africa, with most ranches having been converted from large-scale livestock farms. This article investigated perceptions and attitudes of rural communities located in wildlife-rich rural areas toward integrated wildlife/livestock land uses, and analyzed socio-demographic factors influencing household interest in these land uses. Data were collected from 130 households selected through stratified random sampling techniques from nine villages adjacent to the Kruger National Park. Results showed a general interest in pursuing wildlife land uses, but differences in attitudes toward wildlife between households with cattle and without. Multinomial regression results indicated that age, education level, monthly income, and cattle ownership significantly impacted the odds of a household being interested in participation or not. Addressing concerns about human–wildlife conflict and clarifying potential benefits to households and the community is necessary for increased interest in integrated land uses.  相似文献   

Motivating ranchers to adopt preventive husbandry practices that limit livestock depredation by large carnivores, such as jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor), requires reducing perceived barriers and increasing benefits associated with coexistence. We assessed stakeholder perspectives on preventive practices by conducting eight focus groups consisting of ranchers, researchers, and government wildlife officers in Costa Rica using a nominal group technique to identify and rank benefits, barriers, and motivations. We identified 29 benefits, 27 positive motivations, 33 negative motivations, and 20 barriers. Common responses among stakeholders highlight the importance of economic issues, contextual factors, and external support. However, social interactions, a reactive approach to management, and personal motivations also influence rancher decision making, but tend to be ignored by researchers and wildlife officers. Nominal group rankings reveal misunderstandings and misalignment of priorities among stakeholders that should be targeted by collaborative problem-solving processes. Motivations behind prevention expose nuances of human–wildlife conflict.  相似文献   

Golden Gate Estates (GGE), an exurban development in southwest Florida, is the site of the highest recorded number of conflicts between people and the Florida panther. We used qualitative data provided by 157 GGE residents and 19 nonresident stakeholders to investigate attitudes toward the panther, and appropriate measures to mitigate human–panther conflicts. Although a subset of GGE residents expressed some concerns about human safety risks associated with living with the panther, a higher share of residents viewed the panther positively. Residents and nonresident stakeholders agreed that GGE residents are responsible for securing their livestock against panthers. This point of agreement may improve adoption of appropriate practices to prevent human–panther conflicts. Outreach and education programs should reinforce expectations within the GGE community that residents are responsible for securing livestock against predators and adopting other conflict mitigation practices, as well as encouraging positive attitudes toward the panther.  相似文献   

Black bear populations in Alabama have been low since the early part of the 20th century, but an increase in sightings over the past decade has led researchers to believe that populations may be growing, spurring discussions on restoring the species throughout its native range in the state. The rise of a large carnivore population is likely to increase human–wildlife interactions and attract outspoken opinions in support of and against population recovery. We conducted a mail survey of Alabama residents to access public views and opinions toward growing bear populations. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the degree to which residents’ attitudes toward black bears could be predicted by demographic, cognitive, and experiential variables. Results demonstrate that the strongest predictors of attitudes toward bears included mutualist and hunting beliefs, trust in the state wildlife management agency, race, and exposure to bear education materials.  相似文献   

When large carnivores cause socioeconomic losses in a community, conflict increases, retaliatory killing of the carnivore can occur, and conservation efforts are undermined. We focused on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and economic compensation schemes as approaches for managing conflict. PRA is a tool for collecting data on the large carnivore–human conflict and economic compensation schemes for those affected negatively by carnivore presence. We reviewed published papers and reports on large carnivore–human conflicts, PRA, and compensation schemes. This article details insights into common pitfalls, key lessons learned, possible solutions including new approaches for compensation and protocols to be followed while managing large carnivore–human conflict. We hope to contribute to a meaningful dialogue between locals, managers, and researchers and help in effective implementation of conservation programs to mitigate large carnivore–human conflict around the protected areas.  相似文献   

Incidents of human–wildlife conflict can solidify participant perspectives and expectations, and reveal underlying social and institutional dynamics. We describe and analyze two incidents of conflict between hunters and grizzly bears in 2011 and 2012. Both incidents were associated with the controversial elk hunt in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. We gathered quotes from opinion-editorials and interviews, categorized quotes according to type, and used cluster analysis to identify discourses and associated coalitions of participants. We examined how participants defined problems, used evidence, and advocated solutions in relation to these incidents. Participant discourses addressed technical and procedural issues of regional wildlife management that extended beyond these incidents, revealing divergent expectations about wildlife management on public lands. Existing decision-making processes dominated by government agencies do not appear to be addressing these expectations. We recommend an integrative, outside appraisal of regional elk management to address conflict and support ecologically sound decision-making that serves common interests.  相似文献   

Humans and primates are coming into increasing contact within urban landscapes. Few studies have investigated how the impacts of living alongside urban primates affect residents’ perceptions of primates. Perceptions have been shown to play a role in conservation interest and management of other urban wildlife species. A survey of suburban residents in Knysna, South Africa was used to explore the relationships between attitudes, level of perceived threat and extent to which baboons were considered a problem, support for local baboon conservation and preferred baboon management strategies. Results indicated that perceived threat was associated with less positive attitudes toward baboons, a greater perceived problem, decreased concern for baboon conservation, and increased advocacy for their lethal removal. This article illustrates the link between respondent perceptions and acceptance of urban primates and the need for further investigation for the wellbeing of both humans and primates.  相似文献   

Predation of livestock by wildlife and the retribution responses it elicits can have strong negative impacts on both people and carnivores. A questionnaire survey designed to investigate human-carnivore conflicts was completed by 66 herders from local communities within Taxkorgan Nature Reserve, located in the Pamir and Karkorum mountains of Northwestern China. A total of 127 livestock predation events with associated predator identification were reported and 583 livestock were killed. Wolves (315 livestock) and dholes (129 livestock) were responsible for the largest number of livestock losses. Livestock depredation significantly differed between guarded and unguarded management strategies. Positive relationships between loss and the total amount of the major livestock species, as well as the total loss and total amount of livestock, were detected. Use of guard dogs did not affect the likelihood of carnivore attacks, whereas keeping livestock in pens at night or all day did reduce the number of depredation events. Depredation showed significant seasonal variation (month of occurrence) for large carnivores. Numbers of goat, sheep, and cattle predated also varied by month, but did not for yak because of different husbandry practices. No compensation policy has yet been established in this area, but if it were to be developed in the future, 83% of interviewed herders would require compensation in cash, whereas 14% of herders would prefer replacement livestock. Our study offers suggestions to mitigate livestock depredation in this region of China. To prevent livestock depredations, local herders should mainly prevent wolves and dholes because they cause most livestock killings, and employ guarded grazing practice. Managers could make herders keep a reasonable number of livestock to raise grazing efficiency, introduce suitable sheepdog breeds, and provide essential dog training as useful aids to herders to increase livestock-guarding effectiveness.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic food conditioning of bears has resulted in recent increases in human–bear conflicts (HBCs) in Florida. Garbage is the leading cause of food conditioning of bears. Despite increased HBCs and related human safety concerns, municipal governments in Florida have generally not taken independent steps to prevent HBCs through altered garbage management. Rather, governments have relied on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to manage garbage-related HBCs. We used semi-structured interviews to identify obstacles to securing garbage from bears at the municipal level. Respondents included local government administrations and waste service providers. Political and economic costs of implementing bear-resistant garbage management practices were the major obstacles to securing garbage. Respondents argued that households will not pay for, or support, the implementation of bear-resistant trash cans. Recent adoption by four counties of ordinances requiring residents to secure their garbage from bears suggests that objections to adopting bear-resistant garbage management were overstated.  相似文献   


Aims: To characterise and classify wounds in sheep suspected to have been caused by attacks by kea (Nestor notabilis) (kea strike), and to report the prevalence of these wounds on five high country farms in the South Island of New Zealand.

Methods: Data were collected from farms between 28 August 2012 and 20 September 2013. Sheep were examined opportunistically immediately after shearing for signs of wounds caused by kea. The age and sex of sheep were also recorded. Wounds were measured and characterised as recent, healing, or healed, and the estimated true prevalence was calculated for each farm.

Results: Injuries consistent with kea strike wounds were identified in 70/13,978 (0.5%) sheep examined. The estimated true prevalence varied between farms, from 0 (95% CI?=?0–0.16) to 1.25 (95% CI?=?0.97–1.61)%. Of the 76 wounds identified, 61 (80%) were located in the lumbar region, and 74 (97%) consisted of full-thickness ulceration of the skin, one showed evidence of injury to muscle and one to bone. The median length of the 63 wounds measured was 6 (min 1, max?23.5) cm, and 10/63 (13%) were categorised as recently healed, 47/63 (62%) as healing, and 17/63 (22%) as recent wounds.

Conclusions: The results of this study show that kea strike on sheep was occurring at a low prevalence on the high country farms surveyed. The wounds identified were survivable, but the welfare impact of kea strike on sheep should be considered in balance with the conservation status of kea. There was clear variation in the prevalence of wounds attributed to kea strike between the farms but we were not able to identify the risk factors contributing to these differences. Future studies of kea strike should examine variables such as altitude, local kea density and distribution, and differences in kea strike management and husbandry practices, and should include high country farms without a history of kea strike.  相似文献   

Much of the history of the human–shark relationship has been based on fear. For centuries, the goal has been to kill sharks that come near boats or beaches. Yet, there is a growing trend of more positive feelings toward local shark populations. In this article, we demonstrate that feelings of pride toward sharks can serve as an opposing force to fear, and can moderate the way fear affects support for policies to kill sharks. This study reports on two surveys of pride toward sharks from Eastern and Western Australia. These highlight a new and emerging story for people and sharks. We argue that the combination of shifts in the understanding of sharks’ motives during human–shark interactions and higher levels of pride support a new political dynamic in which the public prefers nonlethal responses to shark bites in support of a burgeoning “save the sharks” movement.  相似文献   

Predation on domestic animals by carnivores is a persistent problem wherever carnivores and livestock co-occur. A wide range of management tools to reduce predation has been invoked. However, the evidence of their effectiveness is still limited for a broader range of species and conditions. Using a global analysis of domestic animal predation by native carnivores under a “before-after/control-impact” framework, we assessed the effectiveness of management techniques used to reduce domestic animal predation identifying knowledge gaps and research needs. We reviewed 291 predation cases in 149 studies published between 1990 and 2017 involving 47 carnivores. Lethal control is the most common method to reduce predation in comparison with nonlethal techniques. Yet the effectiveness of both approaches remains poorly evaluated (30.1% of study cases) and largely based on producers’ perceptions (70% of cases where effectiveness was evaluated). Lethal control and night confinement of domestic animals would have no effect on reducing predation, whereas the use of livestock-guarding dogs, fencing, or herdsmen may significantly reduce domestic animal losses. When the effectiveness of each technique to reduce predation was assessed by large and mesocarnivores, fencing significantly reduced predation of domestic animals by the former. Despite little scientifically published material, our findings indicate lethal control would have no effect in reducing animal predation by native carnivores when compared with nonlethal techniques. Our study also indicates the effectiveness may vary depending on the type of carnivore involved in the conflict with livestock activity. The use of an evidence-based framework to measure and assess the differential effectiveness of nonlethal techniques and the use of complementary tools at different spatial and temporal scales must be research priorities to prevent livestock predation while promoting the conservation of carnivores in production-oriented lands as encouraged by the Convention of Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

我国畜牧业存在的问题、对策以及未来的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我国畜牧业经过改革开放后30多年的发展,取得了举世瞩目的发展成就。但我国目前在畜牧业发展过程中存在生产水平低、资源浪费严重、动物品种培育落后、畜产品安全问题突出、疫病肆虐、饲粮短缺、科技水平低、环境污染严重、动物福利差以及政府的调控政策不合理等诸多问题。这些问题严重制约着畜牧业发展。论文通过对我国畜牧业发展过程中这些突出问题的解析,提出了相应的对策,并对我国畜牧业未来的发展趋势做了展望。  相似文献   

Human–wildlife conflict (HWC) is a significant and growing problem, with mitigation measures being increasingly dependent on sociopolitical landscapes. We surveyed 766 people from two Australian states to assess their understanding of shark attack mitigation measures. Although beach users were relatively aware of existing mitigation measures, the efficacy of aerial patrol was overestimated, as was the risk of shark attack. The latter, as well as the innate fear of shark attacks, is likely to explain the high level of worry related with shark attack and fits within the affect heuristic that can influence how people respond to risk situations. Beach users did not, however, choose beaches based on existing mitigation measures. Results highlight the need for improved education about the risks of shark attack and for further research into the emotional response from low probability–high consequences incidents.  相似文献   

Researchers argue that human–wildlife conflict (HWC) can be understood better in terms of conflict between humans over wildlife. We explore human conflict over wildlife by using a social constructionist approach to examine meanings of African wild dogs in Botswana. In 2013 and 2015, we conducted a qualitative study in four study sites by completing: (a) 113 semi-structured interviews with individuals in the agricultural, conservation, and tourism sectors; (b) participant observation; and (c) document analysis. Our results reveal that wild dogs are socially constructed as problem animals, as an endangered species, and as an economic resource, reflecting stakeholders’ diverging agendas, priorities, and values. The social constructions are driven by and emblematic of politico-economic and sociocultural trends, and competing development trends in Botswana. We propose: (a) seeing HWC as human conflict over wildlife can increase communication between conservationists and affected communities, and (b) integrative management plans that increase collaboration among stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

Several national parks on the African continent have been fenced to mitigate human–wildlife conflict, but the effectiveness of different fencing strategies seems to vary between regions. Here, we assessed the effectiveness of electro-fencing for restricting movement patterns of several wild ungulates in Akagera National Park (NP), Rwanda. Following the turmoil of the Rwandan genocide and civil war (1991–1995), large numbers of returning war refugees brought about an increasing pressure on land use, after which considerable parts of the western Akagera NP and adjacent Mutara Game Reserve were degazetted, followed by the construction of an electric fence in 2013 and a helicopter-based game-drive of ungulates into the modern park. We conducted distance sampling of wildlife and domestic livestock in the Uruhita plain – now no longer part of Akagera NP but bordering the modern Akagera NP to the west – for extended periods of time (2010–2015) before and after fencing. For abundant species population densities could be calculated, whereas for other species encounter frequencies are reported. We report on continuously high cattle densities, and increasing encounter frequencies of sheep/goats in the Uruhita plain. We found decreasing densities of zebra (Equus quagga) and decreasing encounter frequencies of waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), stagnant encounter frequencies in the case of topi (Damaliscus lunatus jimela) and stagnant densities of impala (Aepyceros melampus). The latter species can jump fences, and we argue that competitive release and reduced predation may be the prime factors leading impala to (temporarily) exploit grasslands outside the modern national park.  相似文献   

黑热病(Kala azar)亦称内脏利什曼病(Visceral leishmaniasis),是一种严重的人畜共患传染病。近年来,绥德县陆续发生了几起人患黑热病的病例,追溯历史上黑热病在人、畜间的发生情况,绥德县广大医护人员和畜牧兽医从业人员经过深入流调监测,分析该病发生原因,提出今后黑热病综合预防控制的建议。  相似文献   

Myanmar is home to Asiatic black bears and sun bears. We gained insight into illegal hunting and trade of these species in and out of Myanmar through conversations with 40 self-declared bear poachers. All respondents were males who typically killed or caught one to three bears a year, mostly by setting snares. There was a preference for Asiatic black bear. Perceptions were that bears were less abundant now than 5 years ago, but it was not more arduous to obtain one. Most poachers (75%) consumed less valuable parts and sold the remainder, whereas others trapped only to sell. Preferred tradable parts were gall bladder, meat, and paws. Chinese nationals or Burmese of Chinese descent were mentioned as playing key roles (ordering, buying, selling) in trade. Instead of focusing on poachers, we recommend that authorities focus on disrupting trade networks and markets. Cooperation with neighboring countries, especially China, is needed to stem the flow of bear parts.  相似文献   

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