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景观空间异质性是一个景观生态学的概念,其会对生态系统服务产生巨大影响,而生态系统服务会随着景观格局的改变而改变。景观空间异质性可划分为景观组成异质性与景观构型异质性。这两方面对生态系统服务的影响机制和内容有所不同。目前很多学者都是对“景观格局—生态系统服务对应关系,或者生态系统过程—生态系统服务对应关系”进行研究,缺乏将景观格局、生态系统过程与生态系统服务三者结合起来,并关注三者变化与相互关系的研究。关于景观异质性是通过何种途径影响生态系统服务的,目前的研究还不够深入。通过总结国内外的有关文献,简述景观空间异质性是如何通过直接和间接作用影响生态系统服务,以期为提高生态系统服务、实现可持续发展以及制定生态保护政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The concept of payments for ecosystem services is being developed as an important means of providing a more diverse flow of benefits to people living in and around habitats valuable for conservation. The Kyoto Protocol, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, includes a Clean Development Mechanism to provide for payments for certain forms of carbon sequestration that may benefit animal species (at least as an incidental benefit). Other market‐based approaches for paying for carbon sequestration services outside the Kyoto framework are being promoted in various parts of the world. Another common form of payment for ecosystem services is compensating upstream landowners for managing their land in ways that maintain downstream water quality; this can include habitat management that benefits wild animal species. While biodiversity itself is difficult to value, it can be linked to other markets, such as certification in the case of sustainably‐produced forest products. This paper expands on some of the markets for ecosystem services that also benefit wildlife, identifies relevant sources of information, and highlights some of the initiatives linking such markets to poverty alleviation. Making markets work for ecosystem services requires an appropriate policy framework, government support, operational institutional support, and innovation at scales from the site level to the national level. Zoologists have much to contribute to all of these steps.  相似文献   

蒋翔  马建霞 《草业学报》2021,30(2):14-31
草地覆盖了大于40%的陆地面积,其生态退化问题受到了极大的关注.近年来在各个地区采取了一系列草地恢复措施,但是具体的恢复效果无从得知.从论文数据库中收集整理关于中国草地恢复的中英文文献共86篇用于Meta分析,对中国草地生物多样性和生态系统服务的恢复效果进行了定量评估.通过亚组分析,分别得到了恢复时间、恢复方法、恢复地...  相似文献   

草地生态系统服务功能及其价值评估方法研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
草地不仅是畜牧业的生产基地,而且是生态安全屏障保护和牧民生活与草原文化传承的基础,具有生态、生产和生活功能。然而,草地日益退化导致的生态经济问题越来越突出,评价草地生态系统服务功能的经济价值,对于制定合理的草地保护与经济开发决策具有重要意义。目前国内外广泛采用的Costanza等提出的生态系统服务价值评估方法没能充分体现出草地生态系统本质特征。因此,本研究以草地生态系统的“三生功能”为基础,综合考虑草地的地域和空间的异质性以及区域经济发展水平的差异性,选择水源涵养、侵蚀控制、废物处理、滞留沙尘、生物多样性保护、养分循环、固定CO2、释放O2、消减SO2、畜牧生产、文化传承和休闲旅游12项贡献率较高的功能指标,应用生态经济学原理,建立了适宜于草地生态系统服务功能经济价值的评价体系和方法,并以藏北高寒草地为例,对该方法进行了评估验证。  相似文献   

甘肃省秦王川农业高科技示范基地核心区绿地景观设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在甘肃省秦王川农业高科技示范基地核心区实施绿地景观工程,工程设计遵循乡土性、人性化,植物多样性和节约性原则。绿地景观设计定位符合回归自然,场地记忆,多重体验的特点。园区总体布局采用1轴2区4园的空间格局。植物配置首先选择乡土树种,同时注重植物季相变化,以常青树为主色调,突出植物色彩美,强调植物立体配置。工程已通过建设方验收,但结果与设计有一定差别,表明园林工程在设计和实施中还需相互协调。  相似文献   

Amenity migration describes the movement of peoples to rural landscapes and the transition toward tourism and recreation and away from production-oriented land uses (ranching, timber harvesting). The resulting mosaic of land uses and community structures has important consequences for wildlife and their management. This research note examines amenity-driven changes to social-ecological systems in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, specifically in lower elevations that serve as winter habitat for elk. We present a research agenda informed by a preliminary and exploratory mixed-methods investigation: the creation of a “social-impact” index of land use change on elk winter range and a focus group with wildlife management experts. Our findings suggest that elk are encountering an increasingly diverse landscape with respect to land use, while new ownership patterns increase the complexity of social and community dynamics. These factors, in turn, contribute to increasing difficulty meeting wildlife management objectives. To deal with rising complexity across social and ecological landscapes of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, future research will focus on property life cycle dynamics, as well as systems approaches.  相似文献   

草原/草地生态系统服务的价值大小取决于草地的自然资本大小和生态系统功能。影响草原生态系统服务功能的最主要因素是,1.改变草地生态系统的用途,2.草地破碎化,3.火,4.草原退化;对它们影响草原生态系统服务功能的原因和机制进行了论述。草原分布广泛,约占地球陆地面积的40%,有40个国家的草地面积占国土面积的50%以上。世界上有17%,即9.38亿人生活在各类草地上并以草地为生,尽管已经证实草原对全世界和全国人民极其重要,但草原提供的生态系统服务———生态服务和产品服务仍没有得到应有的认识和足够的重视。由于生态系统服务的影响深远,健康的草原及其生态系统服务惠及全国和全世界人民;相反,破坏、损失草原自然资本殃及全国和全世界人民。因此,关爱草原,使草原走可持续发展的道路,是全人类共同的责任和义务。  相似文献   

Due to their complex structure and traditional low-intensity management, Portuguese oak woodland rangelands known as montados are often considered high nature value (HNV) farming systems, and as such, they may be deemed eligible for subsidies and incentives by governmental and nongovernmental agencies. Too little is known about how the HNV concept might be applied to conserve complex silvopastoral systems. These systems, due to their structural and functional complexity at multiple scales, tend to support high levels of biodiversity. Montados are in sharp decline as a result of the rapid specialization of land management that, through simplification, undermines multifunctionality. Understanding how changes in management influence these systems and their biodiversity is needed for prioritizing conservation efforts and for ensuring they remain HNV systems. On the basis of a field survey in 58 plots distributed among 29 paddocks on 17 farms, we conducted an integrated analysis of the relationship between grazing intensity and biodiversity in montados of similar biophysical and structural characteristics. Data on management were obtained through interviews, and biodiversity data (vegetation, macrofungi, birds, herpetofauna) were obtained through specific field protocols. Additional spatial data, such as soil characteristics, slope, land cover, and linear landscape elements, were also analyzed. The results show no overall biodiversity variation as a result of different management practices. However, different groups of species react differently to specific management practices, and within a pasture, grazing impacts are heterogenous. In low grazing intensity plots, macrofungi species richness was found to be higher, while bird species richness was lower. Using tree regeneration as proxy for montado sustainability, results show less tree regeneration in areas with higher forage quality and more intense grazing. Pathways for future progress are proposed, including creating areas within a paddock that attract grazing away from where regeneration is desired.  相似文献   

Bats play crucial ecosystem services as seed dispersers, pollinators, controllers of insects, and nutrient recyclers. However, there has not been a thorough global review evaluating these roles in bats across all biogeographical regions of the world. We reviewed the literature published during the last two decades and identified 283 relevant studies: 78 dealt with the control of potential insect pests by bats, 80 related to the suppression of other arthropods, 60 on the dispersal of native or endemic seeds, 11 dealt with the dispersal of seeds of introduced plants, 29 on the pollination of native or endemic plants, 1 study on pollination of introduced plants, and 24 on the use of guano as fertilizer. Our literature search showed that queries combining the terms “seed dispersal,” “insectivorous bats,” “nectarivorous bats,” “use of guano,” and “ecosystem services” returned 577 studies, but half were experimental in nature. We found that the evaluation of ecosystem services by bats has been mostly conducted in the Neotropical and Palearctic regions. To detect differences across relevant studies, and to explain trends in the study of ecosystem services provided by bats, we performed generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) fitted with a Poisson distribution to analyze potential differences among sampling methods. We identified 409 bat species that provide ecosystem services, 752 insect species consumed by bats and 549 plant species either dispersed or pollinated by bats. Our review summarizes the importance of conserving bat populations and the ecological services they provide, which is especially important during the current pandemic.  相似文献   

Few grazing themes so endure yet are so difficult for outsiders to document with certainty as historical and current-day livestock grazing routes: stock driveways. Excursions from one biome, ecotone, or landscape to another—in general, undertaken to seasonal cues — allow livestock owners and their hired herders to exploit different environments that offer notable advantages in terms of freeing livestock from unvarying diet, overtaxed grazing grounds, common diseases, and cycles of drought or drenching rain. Movement at whatever scale permits herders or shepherds an escape from monotony when they shift grazing grounds to montane-woodlands or back to lowland environments in travel that benefits both jaded humans and husbanded animals. Significant economic and ecological advantages accrue from the shifts of seasonal silvopastoralism, but the terrain, and in particular the routes animals travel, often stretch across varied land ownerships, and sifting out rights of passage is an ethnographic adventure requiring longstanding observation and consistent fieldwork. Formal scholarship about the road between is less established than literature of “the trail,” which is a staple feature of folklore, film, and fiction. As concern grows about the energy costs of using highways or railroads to move livestock, attention returns to traditional practices and legal accommodations that make possible trailing livestock under their own power. Across Europe are 4 million ha of land associated with livestock driveways, once widespread in the United States as an item of Spanish-Mexican heritage. This synthesis focuses on livestock driveway establishment in two landscapes: Spain and, secondarily, the western United States of America, with an overarching theme of how stock driveways can connect ecosystems and, by sustaining customary use, knit together silvopastoral society.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary macroalgae, or seaweeds, on growth performance and meat quality of livestock animal species are here reviewed. Macroalgae are classified into Phaeophyceae (brown algae), Rhodophyceae (red algae) and Chlorophyceae (green algae). The most common macroalga genera used as livestock feedstuffs are: Ascophyllum, Laminaria and Undaria for brown algae; Ulva, Codium and Cladophora for green algae; and Pyropia, Chondrus and Palmaria for red algae. Macroalgae are rich in many nutrients, including bioactive compounds, such as soluble polysaccharides, with some species being good sources of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. To date, the incorporation of macroalgae in livestock animal diets was shown to improve growth and meat quality, depending on the alga species, dietary level and animal growth stage. Generally, Ascophyllum nodosum can increase average daily gain (ADG) in ruminant and pig mostly due to its prebiotic activity in animal's gut. A. nodosum also enhances marbling score, colour uniformity and redness, and can decrease saturated fatty acids in ruminant meats. Laminaria sp., mainly Laminaria digitata, increases ADG and feed efficiency, and improves the antioxidant potential of pork. Ulva sp., and its mixture with Codium sp., was shown to improve poultry growth at up to 10% feed. Therefore, seaweeds are promising sustainable alternatives to corn and soybean as feed ingredients, thus attenuating the current competition among food-feed-biofuel industries. In addition, macroalgae can hinder eutrophication and participate in bioremediation. However, some challenges need to be overcome, such as the development of large-scale and cost-effective algae production methods and the improvement of algae digestibility by monogastric animals. The dietary inclusion of Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZymes) could allow for the degradation of recalcitrant macroalga cell walls, with an increase of nutrients bioavailability. Overall, the use of macroalgae as feedstuffs is a promising strategy for the development of a more sustainable livestock production.  相似文献   

We begin this essay with reflections on major research themes highlighted by the Karoo Special Issue (KSI). These include concerns over land-use change, long-term monitoring, climate change, governance and the need for more interdisciplinary research. We also identify some of the novel contributions of the KSI around these themes and highlight research issues that require further attention. These include greater focus on the social-ecological impact of large-scale infrastructural developments and wildlife ranching, as well as the need for more longitudinal studies related to contemporary social issues. We conclude by outlining a simple framework for thinking about interdisciplinarity in future research efforts in the Karoo. The first axis relates to the natural science/social science continuum, while the second is concerned with the continuum between basic and applied science. Greater awareness of these two dimensions could not only encourage researchers to reflect more carefully on where their research fits in relation to the broader research needs of this region but could also promote interdisciplinarity within the research community. It could also bring researchers closer to the realities and needs of the people who live in and derive their livelihoods from Karoo environments.  相似文献   

建立我国农区三元结构生产体系的可能及设想   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
黄文惠  郑卓杰 《草地学报》1997,5(3):148-153
论文在分析我国农区传统二元结构生产体系限制和影响今后大农业发展的基础上,提出建立三元结构生产体系的有利条件,分析今后由二元结构向三元结构生产体系过渡的必由之路,同时提出我国农区各类地区逐步形成三元结构生产体系的可能和初步设想。  相似文献   

As European dairy farms become larger and diverge between grass-based and fully housed systems, interest in the welfare of the dairy cow and related environmental issues by consumers and legislators is increasing. These pressures mean that good nutrition and management, which underpin much dairy cow welfare, is critical. Despite considerable research into the management and nutrition of the dairy cow from calf to adulthood there is much on-farm variability in its application. While the incidences of many endemic diseases are reduced most are still significant, for example lameness. In addition, trade and climate change are bringing a more diverse range of pathogens, parasites and pests into Northern Europe. Housing aspects are limited in application by economics and in most cases still do not match grazing for welfare in temperate climates. Genomic technologies offer increased opportunities to breed for ‘robustness’ but like ‘precision animal management systems’ have still to be fully exploited.  相似文献   

采用样带法,以毛乌素沙地南缘牛枝子Lespedeza potaninii-黑沙蒿Artemisia ordosica群落界面为研究对象。以样带上样地间的平方欧氏距离系数为指标,采用游动分割窗技术判定了牛枝子-黑沙蒿群落界面的位置和宽度。结果表明:当分割窗体大小在4个和6个样地单位时,曲线波动大,干扰了界面的判定。而最小窗体大小为8个时,能很好地进行界面的判定。样带A和样带B在样地20~25都出现了波峰。游动分割窗技术是景观界面影响域判定和群落划分的有效方法,并在小尺度研究中能够较好地解释群落水平界面的边界和宽度。  相似文献   

A recent national survey on anthelmintic resistance in cattle and sheep in New Zealand indicated that the magnitude of the problem has increased from very low levels only a few years ago to disturbingly high levels now. There is a particular problem with multiple resistance to all three action families of anthelmintic currently available in Ostertagia (= Teladorsagia) spp in sheep, and to both macrocyclic lactones (ML) and benzimidazoles in Cooperia spp in cattle. The prevalence and extent of resistance indicate that all cattle farmers and most sheep farmers should now be using a combination anthelmintic on most occasions just to achieve effective control of all parasites. Despite this, the presence of resistant parasites has generally not been appreciated by the majority of affected farmers, possibly because most have not formally tested to determine the resistance status of nematodes on their farms.

Anthelmintics will remain the cornerstone of gastrointestinal nematode control in sheep and cattle for the foreseeable future but to ensure their continued effectiveness farmers need to be constantly aware of the need to maintain adequate reservoirs of unselected nematodes, i.e. worms in refugia, to minimise the expansion of the resistant population. High-risk practices in relation to selection of resistance need to be identified and avoided or at least their use limited. These include: treating adult animals where there is no identified need, moving newly- treated animals onto ‘clean’ pasture, and failing to effectively quarantine-drench bought-in animals. None of these are new concepts but many have not been adopted or practised. In particular, sheep farmers should endeavour to avoid treating ewes pre-lambing with long-acting anthelmintics. Farmers needs to negotiate a balance between achieving good parasite control and the sustainability of their control options.  相似文献   

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