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Effective control methods need to be developed to reduce crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L.] Gaertner) monocultures and promote the establishment of native species. This research was designed to determine effective ways to reduce crested wheatgrass and establish native species while minimizing weed invasion. We mechanically (single- or double-pass disking) and chemically (1.1 L · ha?1 or 3.2 L · ha?1 glyphosate–Roundup Original Max) treated two crested wheatgrass sites in northern Utah followed by seeding native species in 2005 and 2006. The study was conducted at each site as a randomized block split plot design with five blocks. Following wheatgrass-reduction treatments, plots were divided into 0.2-ha subplots that were either unseeded or seeded with native plant species using a Truax Rough Rider rangeland drill. Double-pass disking in 2005 best initially controlled wheatgrass and decreased cover from 14% to 6% at Lookout Pass and from 14% to 4% at Skull Valley in 2006. However, crested wheatgrass recovered to similar cover percentages as untreated plots 2–3 yr after wheatgrass-reduction treatments. At the Skull Valley site, cheatgrass cover decreased by 14% on herbicide-treated plots compared to an increase of 33% on mechanical-treated plots. Cheatgrass cover was also similar on undisturbed and treated plots 2 yr and 3 yr after wheatgrass-reduction treatments, indicating that wheatgrass recovery minimized any increases in weed dominance as a result of disturbance. Native grasses had high emergence after seeding, but lack of survival was associated with short periods of soil moisture availability in spring 2007. Effective wheatgrass control may require secondary treatments to reduce the seed bank and open stands to dominance by seeded native species. Manipulation of crested wheatgrass stands to restore native species carries the risk of weed invasion if secondary treatments effectively control the wheatgrass and native species have limited survival due to drought.  相似文献   

Woodland and forest ecosystems across western North America have experienced increased density and expansion since the early 1900s, including in the widely distributed piñon-juniper vegetation type of the western United States. Fire suppression and grazing are often cited as the main drivers of these historic changes and have led to extensive tree-reduction treatments across the region. However, much of the scientific literature on piñon-juniper expansion dates back only to the early 1900s, which is generally half a century after Euro-American settlement. Yet US General Land Office (GLO) surveys provide valuable insight into the historical extent and density of woodland and forest ecosystems as surveyors would note where on the landscape they entered and exited woodlands or forests and provided qualitative estimates of relative tree density. This study uses these GLO surveys to establish piñon-juniper woodland extent in the late 19th century at the incipient stages of Euro-American settlement in southeastern Colorado and compares these data with 2017 aerial imagery of woodland cover. We found substantial amounts of woodland contraction, as well as expansion: ≈61% of historically dense woodland is now savanna or open (treeless), whereas ≈57% of historically open areas are now savannas or woodlands. The highest rates of expansion occurred on shallow, rocky soil types with low soil available water capacity, which support little herbaceous vegetation and were consequently less likely to be affected by fire suppression or grazing. Meanwhile, the significant contractions in woodland extent occurred on deeper, upland soils with higher soil available water capacity, which were likely where early settlement and tree cutting was most prevalent. Our results provide mixed support for the widespread assumption of woodland expansion since Euro-American settlement in southeast Colorado and suggest that the expansion that has occurred in our study area is unlikely a result of past grazing or fire suppression.  相似文献   

Conservation and restoration efforts of native grasslands are being hindered by invasive, exotic plants. Exotic bluestem grasses (Bothriochloa and Dichanthium spp.) have become increasingly invasive throughout the rangelands of the central and southern Great Plains, United States. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of glyphosate, imazapyr, and imazapyr + glyphosate treatments with or without disking to remove exotic bluestems from a south Texas coastal prairie. We evaluated three different control regimens: 1) herbicide treatments only, 2) herbicide treatments followed by two diskings (H + D), and 3) disking followed by herbicide treatments (D + H). Percent exotic bluestem, native grass, and forb cover were visually estimated at 0 (pre-treatment: May 2006), 20, 52, and 104 wk after treatment (WAT). The herbicide-only and H + D regimens were ineffective at controlling exotic bluestems. However, exotic bluestem cover in herbicide-treated plots of the D + H regimen was significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) compared to control plots and most treatment plots of the herbicide-only and H + D regimens up to 52 WAT. Control regimens did not notably facilitate an increase in native grass cover from pre-treatment levels, but native grass cover remained the highest, and increased the most, in some imazapyr-treated plots of the herbicide-only and D + H regimens, respectively. In the H + D and D + H regimens, disking resulted in a flush of forb cover (up to 50%) at 52 WAT; yet forb cover was ≤ 5% in these plots by 104 WAT. Exotic bluestem cover recovered back to, or was greater than, pre-treatment levels among most treatment plots across all three control regimens at 104 WAT. This study suggests that follow-up control measures are needed to suppress the re-invasion of exotic bluestems after initial control efforts. Additional studies are needed to evaluate other strategies to control exotic bluestems in rangelands of the central and southern United States.  相似文献   

Restoring arid regions degraded by invasive annual grasses to native perennial grasses is a critical conservation goal. Targeting site availability, species availability, and species performance is a key strategy for reducing invasive annual grass cover while simultaneously increasing the abundance of seeded native perennial grasses. However, the potential for establishing successful seedings is still highly variable in rangeland ecosystems, likely because of variable year-to-year weather. In this study, we evaluated the independent and combined inputs of tilling, burning, applying imazapic herbicide, and varying seeding rates on existing species and seeded native perennial grass performance from 2008 to 2012 in a southwestern Idaho rangeland ecosystem. We found that combining tilling, fire, and herbicides produced the lowest annual grass cover. The combination of fire and herbicides yielded the highest seeded species density in the hydrologic year (HY) (October ? September) 2010, especially at higher than minimum recommended seeding rates. Although the independent and combined effects of fire and herbicides directly affected the growth of resident species, they failed to affect seeded species cover except in HY 2010, when weather was favorable for seedling growth. Specifically, low winter temperature variability (few freeze-thaw cycles) followed by high growing season precipitation in HY 2010 yielded 14 × more seeded perennial grasses than any other seeding year, even though total annual precipitation amounts did not greatly vary between 2009 and 2012. Collectively, these findings suggest that tilling, applying prescribed fire, and herbicides before seeding at least 5 × the minimum recommended seeding rate should directly reduce resident annual grass abundance and likely yield high densities of seeded species in annual grass ? dominated ecosystems, but only during years of stable winter conditions followed by wet springs.  相似文献   

This study quantified herbaceous biomass responses to increases in honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) cover on two soils from 1995 to 2001 in north central Texas. Vegetation was sampled randomly with levels of mesquite ranging from 0% to 100%. With no mesquite covering the silt loam soils of bottomland sites, peak herbaceous biomass averaged (±SE) 3 300 ± 210 kg · ha−1 vs. 2 560 ± 190 kg · ha−1 on clay loam soils of upland sites (P = 0.001). A linear decline of 14 ± 2.5 kg · ha−1 in herbaceous biomass occurred for each percent increase in mesquite cover (P = 0.001). The slope of this decline was similar between soils (P = 0.135). Herbaceous biomass with increasing mesquite cover varied between years (P = 0.001) as did the slope of decline (P = 0.001). Warm-season herbaceous biomass decreased linearly with increasing mesquite cover averaging a 73 ± 15% reduction at 100% mesquite cover (P = 0.001) compared to 0% mesquite cover. Cool-season herbaceous biomass was similar between soils with no mesquite, 1 070 ± 144 kg · ha−1 for silt loam vs. 930 ± 140 kg · ha−1 for clay loam soils, but averaged 340 ± 174 kg · ha−1 more on silt loam than on clay loam soils at 100% mesquite cover (P = 0.004). Multiple regression analysis indicated that each centimeter of precipitation received from the previous October through the current September produced herbaceous biomass of 51 kg · ha−1 on silt loam and 41 kg · ha−1 on clay loam soils. Herbaceous biomass decreased proportionally with increasing mesquite cover up to 29 kg · ha−1 at 100% mesquite cover for each centimeter of precipitation received from January through September. Increasing mesquite cover reduces livestock forage productivity and intensifies drought effects by increasing annual herbaceous biomass variability. From a forage production perspective there is little advantage to having mesquite present.  相似文献   

In rangeland ecosystems, invasive annual grass replacement of native perennials is associated with higher fire risk. Large bunchgrasses are often seeded to reduce cover of annuals such as Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass), but there is limited information about how revegetation reduces fire risk over the long term. We assessed how revegetated community composition influences fire risk at three sites in Columbia National Wildlife Refuge in Grant County, Washington that were revegetated with large bunchgrasses 8 ? 18 years before the study. At each site, five replicates of 10 plots (10 × 10 m) were established. Fire risk was determined as the probability that a plot would completely burn following ignition at a randomly located point in each plot (i.e., if 8 of 10 plots burned, then fire risk was 80%). Preignition, cover of bunchgrasses, cheatgrass, forbs, and surface characteristics were determined for each plot. Fire risk was < 100%. However, fire risk was still relatively high around 73% and did not differ significantly among sites despite differences in cheatgrass and bunchgrass cover, which may have been attributable to other characteristics, such as high total fuels cover (> 80% at all sites) and unvegetated gap cover (soil and soil cryptogams, < 17%). This information can provide guidance for future studies with larger ranges of cover characteristics to develop robust fire risk models, which ultimately will be used to aid rangeland managers who need to specify reduction of fire risk after reestablishing large bunchgrasses in rangelands infested with cheatgrass.  相似文献   

As part of the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP), butterflies were surveyed pretreatment and up to 4 yr posttreatment at 16 widely distributed sagebrush steppe sites in the interior West. Butterfly populations and communities were analyzed in response to treatments (prescribed fire, mechanical, herbicide) designed to restore sagebrush steppe lands encroached by piñon-juniper woodlands (Pinus, Juniperus spp.) and invaded by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Butterflies exhibited distinct regional patterns of species composition, with communities showing marked variability among sites. Some variation was explained by the plant community, with Mantel's test indicating that ordinations of butterfly and plant communities were closely similar for both woodland sites and lower-elevation treeless (sage-cheat) sites. At woodland sites, responses to stand replacement prescribed fire, clear-cutting, and tree mastication treatments applied to 10–20-ha plots were subtle: 1) no changes were observed in community structure; 2) Melissa blues (Plebejus melissa) and sulfurs (Colias spp.) increased in abundance after either burning or mechanical treatments, possibly due to increase in larval and nectar food resource, respectively; and 3) the juniper hairstreak (Callophrys gryneus) declined at sites at which it was initially present, probably due to removal of its larval food source. At sage-cheat sites, after prescribed fire was applied to 25–75-ha plots, we observed 1) an increase in species richness and abundance at most sites, possibly due to increased nectar resources for adults, and 2) an increase in the abundance of skippers (Hesperiidae) and small white butterflies. Linkages between woody species removal, the release of herbaceous vegetation, and butterfly response to treatments demonstrate the importance of monitoring an array of ecosystem components in order to document the extent to which management practices cause unintended consequences.  相似文献   

Extensive woodland expansion in the Great Basin has generated concern regarding ecological impacts of tree encroachment on sagebrush rangelands and strategies for restoring sagebrush steppe. This study used rainfall (0.5 m2 and 13 m2 scales) and concentrated flow simulations and measures of vegetation, ground cover, and soils to investigate hydrologic and erosion impacts of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) encroachment into sagebrush steppe and to evaluate short-term effects of burning and tree cutting on runoff and erosion responses. The overall effects of tree encroachment were a reduction in understory vegetation and formation of highly erodible, bare intercanopy between trees. Runoff and erosion from high-intensity rainfall (102 mm · h?1, 13 m2 plots) were generally low from unburned areas underneath tree canopies (13 mm and 48 g · m?2) and were higher from the unburned intercanopy (43 mm and 272 g · m?2). Intercanopy erosion increased linearly with runoff and exponentially where bare ground exceeded 60%. Erosion from simulated concentrated flow was 15- to 25-fold greater from the unburned intercanopy than unburned tree canopy areas. Severe burning amplified erosion from tree canopy plots by a factor of 20 but had a favorable effect on concentrated flow erosion from the intercanopy. Two years postfire, erosion remained 20-fold greater on burned than unburned tree plots, but concentrated flow erosion from the intercanopy (76% of study area) was reduced by herbaceous recruitment. The results indicate burning may amplify runoff and erosion immediately postfire. However, we infer burning that sustains residual understory cover and stimulates vegetation productivity may provide long-term reduction of soil loss relative to woodland persistence. Simply placing cut-downed trees into the unburned intercanopy had minimal immediate impact on infiltration and soil loss. Results suggest cut-tree treatments should focus on establishing tree debris contact with the soil surface if treatments are expected to reduce short-term soil loss during the postcut understory recruitment period.  相似文献   

In sagebrush ecosystems invasion of annual exotics and expansion of piñon (Pinus monophylla Torr. and Frem.) and juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook., J. osteosperma &lsqb;Torr.] Little) are altering fire regimes and resulting in large-scale ecosystem transformations. Management treatments aim to increase resilience to disturbance and enhance resistance to invasive species by reducing woody fuels and increasing native perennial herbaceous species. We used Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project data to test predictions on effects of fire vs. mechanical treatments on resilience and resistance for three site types exhibiting cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) invasion and/or piñon and juniper expansion: 1) warm and dry Wyoming big sagebrush (WY shrub); 2) warm and moist Wyoming big sagebrush (WY PJ); and 3) cool and moist mountain big sagebrush (Mtn PJ). Warm and dry (mesic/aridic) WY shrub sites had lower resilience to fire (less shrub recruitment and native perennial herbaceous response) than cooler and moister (frigid/xeric) WY PJ and Mtn PJ sites. Warm (mesic) WY Shrub and WY PJ sites had lower resistance to annual exotics than cool (frigid to cool frigid) Mtn PJ sites. In WY shrub, fire and sagebrush mowing had similar effects on shrub cover and, thus, on perennial native herbaceous and exotic cover. In WY PJ and Mtn PJ, effects were greater for fire than cut-and-leave treatments and with high tree cover in general because most woody vegetation was removed increasing resources for other functional groups. In WY shrub, about 20% pretreatment perennial native herb cover was necessary to prevent increases in exotics after treatment. Cooler and moister WY PJ and especially Mtn PJ were more resistant to annual exotics, but perennial native herb cover was still required for site recovery. We use our results to develop state and transition models that illustrate how resilience and resistance influence vegetation dynamics and management options.  相似文献   

Land managers across the western United States are faced with selecting and applying tree-removal treatments on pinyon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) woodland-encroached sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) rangelands, but current understanding of long-term vegetation and hydrological responses of sagebrush sites to tree removal is inadequate for guiding management. This study applied a suite of vegetation and soil measures (0.5 ? 990 m2), small-plot rainfall simulations (0.5 m2), and overland flow experiments (9 m2) to quantify the effects of mechanical tree removal (tree cutting and mastication) on vegetation, runoff, and erosion at two mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sagebrush sites in the Great Basin, United States, 9 yr after treatment. Low amounts of hillslope-scale shrub (3 ? 15%) and grass (7 ? 12%) canopy cover and extensive intercanopy (area between tree canopies) bare ground (69 ? 88% bare, 75% of area) in untreated areas at both sites facilitated high levels of runoff and sediment from high-intensity (102 mm ? h? 1, 45 min) rainfall simulations in interspaces (~ 45 mm runoff, 59 ? 381 g ? m? 2 sediment) between trees and shrubs and from concentrated overland flow experiments (15, 30, and 45 L ? min? 1, 8 min each) in the intercanopy (371 ? 501 L runoff, 2 342 ? 3 015 g sediment). Tree cutting increased hillslope-scale density of sagebrush by 5% and perennial grass cover by twofold at one site while tree cutting and mastication increased hillslope-scale sagebrush density by 36% and 16%, respectively, and perennial grass cover by threefold at a second more-degraded (initially more sparsely vegetated) site over nine growing seasons. Cover of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) was < 1% at the sites pretreatment and 1 ? 7% 9 yr after treatment. Bare ground remained high across both sites 9 yr after tree removal and was reduced by treatments solely at the more degraded site. Increases in hillslope-scale vegetation following tree removal had limited impact on runoff and erosion for rainfall simulations and concentrated flow experiments at both sites due to persistent high bare ground. The one exception was reduced runoff and erosion within the cut treatments for intercanopy plots with cut-downed-trees. The cut-downed-trees provided ample litter cover and tree debris at the ground surface to reduce the amount and erosive energy of concentrated overland flow. Trends in hillslope-scale vegetation responses to tree removal in this study demonstrate the effectiveness of mechanical treatments to reestablish sagebrush steppe vegetation without increasing cheatgrass for mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sites along the warm-dry to cool-moist soil temperature ? moisture threshold in the Great Basin. Our results indicate improved hydrologic function through sagebrush steppe vegetation recruitment after mechanical tree removal on mid- to late-succession woodlands can require more than 9 yr. We anticipate intercanopy runoff and erosion rates will decrease over time at both sites as shrub and grass cover continue to increase, but follow-up tree removal will be needed to prevent pinyon and juniper recolonization. The low intercanopy runoff and erosion measured underneath isolated cut-downed-trees in this study clearly demonstrate that tree debris following mechanical treatments can effectively limit microsite-scale runoff and erosion over time where tree debris settles in good contact with the soil surface.  相似文献   

Successful implementation of watershed restoration projects involving control of piñon and juniper requires understanding the spatial extent and role presettlement trees (> 140 yr) play in the ecology of Intermountain West landscapes. This study evaluated the extent, abundance, and spatial pattern of presettlement western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) in four woodlands located in southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho. The potential for modeling presence/absence of presettlement juniper using site characteristics was tested with logistic regression and the influence presettlement trees had on postsettlement woodland (trees < 140 yr) expansion was evaluated with a Welch’s t-test. Pre- and postsettlement tree densities, tree ages, site characteristics, and understory vegetation were measured along four 14–27 km transects. Presettlement juniper occurred in 16%–67% of stands in the four woodlands and accounted for 1%–10% of the population of trees > 1 m tall. Presettlement trees were generally widely scattered and more common in lower elevation stands with greater surface rock cover and higher insolate exposure. Presettlement trees sparsely occupied productive sites on deeper soils in southwest Idaho, suggesting the area had sustained a different disturbance regime than southeast Oregon. Southwest Idaho might have experienced a high frequency of lower severity fire that afforded survival to widely distributed legacy trees. This supposition is in contrast to most reports of a disturbance regime including either stand replacement or frequent fire of sufficient intensity to preclude survival of trees to maturity. Stands sustaining presettlement trees initiated woodland expansion 24 yr earlier than stands lacking presettlement trees. Presettlement trees may serve as a seed source potentially reducing the longevity of juniper control treatments. For areas with greater abundances and spatial distribution of presettlement trees such as southwest Idaho, management maintaining low intensity fire or cutting treatments at frequencies of less than 50 yr should sustain relatively open stands.  相似文献   

Increased cover of perennial grasses and forbs would increase the wildlife and forage value of many Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young) communities, as well as increase their resistance to weeds. We compared six mechanical treatments in conjunction with seeding a Wyoming big sagebrush community in northern Utah over a 10-yr period. The treatments included disk plow followed by land imprinter, one-way Ely chain, one- and two-way pipe harrow, all applied in fall, and meadow aerator applied in fall and spring. A mixture of native and introduced grasses and forbs was broadcast seeded at 18.3 kg PLS ha? 1 after the disk and before the imprinter and all other treatments. The experiment was installed in three randomized blocks, and density and cover data were collected before treatment in 2001 and 1, 2, 5, and 10 yr after treatment. All treatments initially reduced sagebrush and residual herbaceous cover and increased seeded species cover compared with the untreated control. By 10 yr after treatment, sagebrush cover was 24.5% ± 0.35% on the control, 1.6% ± 0.28% on the disk imprinter treatment, and 11.7% ± 0.79% on all other treatments. At that time, seeded grass cover was 16.5% ± 1.22% on the disk imprinter treatment and an average of 2% ± 0.1% on all other mechanical treatments. Sagebrush seedlings were recruited in all of the mechanical treatments, but least in the disk imprinter treatment. After 10 yr, the untreated control was dominated by decadent sagebrush and rabbitbrush, the disk imprinter treatment was dominated by seeded perennial grasses, and the other mechanical treatments shared dominance of sagebrush and native perennial grasses. Mechanical treatments changed the composition of this community while retaining sagebrush, but greatest understory increases were associated with greatest control of sagebrush and establishment of seeded species by disk imprinting.  相似文献   

Degradation of shrublands around the world from altered fire regimes, overutilization, and anthropogenic disturbance has resulted in a widespread need for shrub restoration. In western North America, reestablishment of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana [Rydb.] Beetle) is needed to restore ecosystem services and function. Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook) encroachment is a serious threat to mountain big sagebrush communities in the northern Great Basin and Columbia Plateau. Juniper trees can be controlled with fire; however, sagebrush recovery may be slow, especially if encroachment largely eliminated sagebrush before juniper control. Short-term studies have suggested that seeding mountain big sagebrush after juniper control may accelerate sagebrush recovery. Longer-term information is lacking on how sagebrush recovery progresses and if there are trade-offs with herbaceous vegetation. We compared seeding and not seeding mountain big sagebrush after juniper control (partial cutting followed with burning) in fully developed juniper woodlands (i.e., sagebrush had been largely excluded) at five sites, 7 and 8 yr after seeding. Sagebrush cover averaged ~ 30% in sagebrush seeded plots compared with ~ 1% in unseeded plots 8 yr after seeding, thus suggesting that sagebrush recovery may be slow without seeding after juniper control. Total herbaceous vegetation, perennial grass, and annual forb cover was less where sagebrush was seeded. Thus, there is a trade-off with herbaceous vegetation with seeding sagebrush. Our results suggest that seeding sagebrush after juniper control can accelerate the recovery of sagebrush habitat characteristics, which is important for sagebrush-associated wildlife. We suggest land manager and restoration practitioners consider seeding sagebrush and possibly other shrubs after controlling encroaching trees where residual shrubs are lacking after control.  相似文献   

Piñon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) removal is a common management approach to restore sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) vegetation in areas experiencing woodland expansion. Because many management treatments are conducted to benefit sagebrush-obligate birds, we surveyed bird communities to assess treatment effectiveness in establishing sagebrush bird communities at study sites in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon. Our analyses included data from 1 or 2 yr prior to prescribed fire or mechanical treatment and 3 to 5 yr posttreatment. We used detrended correspondence analysis to 1) identify primary patterns of bird communities surveyed from 2006 to 2011 at point transects, 2) estimate ecological scale of change needed to achieve treatment objectives from the relative dissimilarity of survey points to the ordination region delineating sagebrush bird communities, and 3) measure changes in pre- and posttreatment bird communities. Birds associated with sagebrush, woodlands, and ecotones were detected on our surveys; increased dissimilarity of survey points to the sagebrush bird community was characterized by a gradient of increased juniper and decreased sagebrush cover. Prescribed fires burned between 30% and 97% of our bird survey points. However, from 6% to 24% cover of piñon-juniper still remained posttreatment on the four treatment plots. We measured only slight changes in bird communities, which responded primarily to current vegetation rather than relative amount of change from pretreatment vegetation structure. Bird communities at survey points located at greater ecological scales from the sagebrush bird community changed least and will require more significant impact to achieve changes. Sagebrush bird communities were established at only two survey points, which were adjacent to a larger sagebrush landscape and following almost complete juniper removal by mechanical treatment. Our results indicate that management treatments that leave residual woodland cover and are not adjacent to extensive sagebrush stands are unlikely to establish sagebrush birds.  相似文献   

The role of fire in restoration of sagebrush plant communities remains controversial mainly because of paucity of information from long-term studies. Here, we examine 15-year post-fire responses of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp wyomingensis) and broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae), the two most abundant native shrubs at the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, a protected area in north-central Oregon, USA. Fire effects were studied along gradients of topography and community type through time post-burn. Community types were distinguished as brush, plots dominated by big sagebrush and woodland, plots with a significant presence of Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) trees. Fire reduced big sagebrush cover in brush plots up to 100% and in woodland plots up to 86%. Broom snakeweed cover declined by 92% and 73% in brush plots and woodland plots, respectively. Big sagebrush did not show signs of recovery 15 years after burning regardless of topography and community type while broom snakeweed populations were clearly rebounding and prospering beyond pre-burn levels. Our results showed that an area initially dominated by big sagebrush (cover of big sagebrush 10-20%, cover of broom snakeweed 2-4%) dramatically shifted to an area dominated by broom snakeweed (cover of big sagebrush < 1%, cover of broom snakeweed 5%) in brush-dominated plots. Our results indicated that brush-dominated plots at lower elevation and southern exposures are the least post-fire resilient. We also observed a declining population of big sagebrush on unburned areas, suggesting the lack of post-fire recovery on burned areas was perhaps a result of low seeding potential by extant populations. Although more years of observation are required, these data indicate that recovery time, the encroachment of opportunistic competing shrubs, and the initial condition of vegetation are essential considerations by land managers when prescribing fire in big sagebrush communities.  相似文献   

The expansion of piñon and juniper trees into sagebrush steppe and the infilling of historic woodlands has caused a reduction in the cover and density of the understory vegetation. Water is the limiting factor in these systems; therefore, quantifying redistribution of water resources by tree species is critical to understanding the dynamics of these formerly sagebrush-dominated rangelands. Tree canopy interception may have a significant role in reducing the amount of rainfall that reaches the ground beneath the tree, thereby reducing the amount of available soil moisture. We measured canopy interception of rainfall by singleleaf piñon (Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frém.) and Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma [Torr.] Little) across a gradient of storm sizes. Simulated rainfall was used to quantify interception and effective precipitation during 130 rainfall events ranging in size from 2.2 to 25.9 mm hr? 1 on 19 trees of each species. Effective precipitation was defined as the sum of throughfall and stemflow beneath tree canopies. Canopy interception averaged 44.6% (± 27.0%) with no significant difference between the two species. Tree allometrics including height, diameter at breast height, stump diameter, canopy area, live crown height, and width were measured and used as predictor variables. The best fit predictive model of effective precipitation under canopy was described by stump diameter and gross precipitation (R2 = 0.744, P < 0.0001). An alternative management model based on canopy area and gross precipitation predicted effective precipitation with similar accuracy (R2 = 0.741, P < 0.0001). Canopy area can be derived from various remote sensing techniques, allowing these results to be extrapolated to larger spatial scales to quantify the effect of increasing tree canopy cover on rainfall interception loss and potential implications for the water budget.  相似文献   

Fire plays a central role in influencing ecosystem patterns and processes. However, documentation of fire seasonality and plant community response is limited in semiarid grasslands. We evaluated aboveground biomass, cover, and frequency response to summer, fall, and spring fires and no fire on silty and clayey sites in semiarid, C3-dominated grassland. The magnitude of change in biomass between years was greater than any differences among fire treatments. Still, differences existed among seasons of fire. Summer fire reduced non-native annual forb frequency (3% vs. 10% ± 2%) and Hesperostipa comata, reduced native annual forbs the first year, increased Poa secunda and bare ground, and increased Vulpia octoflora the second year. Fall fire increased grass biomass (1224 vs. 1058 ± 56 kg ? ha? 1), but fall fire effects were generally similar to those of summer fire. Spring fire effects tended to be intermediate between no fire and summer and fall fire with the exception that spring fire was most detrimental to H. comata the first growing season and did not increase bare ground. All seasons of fire reduced litter, forb biomass, and frequency of Bromus japonicus and Artemisia spp., and they reduced H. comata, V. octoflora, and native annual forbs the first year, but increased basal cover of C3 perennial grasses (2.2% vs. 0.6% ± 0.4%). Fire during any season increased dominance of native species compared with no fire (6.6% vs. 2.0% ± 1.0% basal cover) and maintained productivity. Seasonal timing of fire manipulated species composition, but increased C3 perennial grass cover and native species dominance with fire during any season indicated that using fire was more important than the season in which it occurred. In addition, fire effects on the vegetation components tended to be counter to previously observed effects of grazing, suggesting fire and grazing may be complementary.  相似文献   

Invasive woody plant expansion is a primary threat driving fragmentation and loss of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) and prairie habitats across the central and western United States. Expansion of native woody plants, including conifer (primarily Juniperus spp.) and mesquite (Prosopis spp.), over the past century is primarily attributable to wildfire suppression, historic periods of intensive livestock grazing, and changes in climate. To guide successful conservation programs aimed at reducing top-down stressors, we mapped invasive woody plants at regional scales to evaluate landscape level impacts, target restoration actions, and monitor restoration outcomes. Our overarching goal was to produce seamless regional products across sociopolitical boundaries with resolution fine enough to depict the spatial extent and degree of woody plant invasion relevant to greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) conservation efforts. We mapped tree canopy cover at 1-m spatial resolution across an 11-state region (508 265 km2). Greater than 90% of occupied lesser prairie-chicken habitat was largely treeless for conifers (< 1% canopy cover), whereas > 67% was treeless for mesquite. Conifers in the higher canopy cover classes (16 ? 50% and > 50% canopy cover) were scarce (< 2% and 1% canopy cover), as was mesquite (< 5% and 1% canopy cover). Occupied habitat by sage-grouse was more variable but also had a relatively large proportion of treeless areas (x? = 71, SE = 5%). Low to moderate levels of conifer cover (1 ? 20%) were fewer (x? = 23, SE = 5%) as were areas in the highest cover class (> 50%; x? = 6, SE = 2%). Mapping indicated that a high proportion of invading woody plants are at a low to intermediate level. Canopy cover maps for conifer and mesquite resulting from this study provide the first and most geographically complete, high-resolution assessment of woody plant cover as a top-down threat to western sage-steppe and prairie ecosystems.  相似文献   

Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) has expanded into sagebrush steppe plant communities the past 130 ? 150 yr in the northern Great Basin. The increase in juniper reduces herbage and browse for livestock and big game. Information on herbaceous yield response to juniper control with fire is limited. We measured herbaceous standing crop and yield by life form in two mountain big sagebrush communities (MTN1, MTN2) and a Wyoming/basin big sagebrush (WYOBAS) community for 6 yrs following prescribed fire treatments to control western juniper. MTN1 and WYOBAS communities were early-successional (phase 1) and MTN2 communities were midsuccessional (phase 2) woodlands before treatment. Prescribed fires killed all juniper and sagebrush in the burn units. Total herbaceous and perennial bunchgrass yields increased 2 to 2.5-fold in burn treatments compared with unburned controls. Total perennial forb yield did not differ between burns and controls in all three plant communities. However, tall perennial forb yield was 1.6- and 2.5-fold greater in the WYOBAS and MTN2 burned sites than controls. Mat-forming perennial forb yields declined by 80 ? 90% after burning compared with controls. Cheatgrass yield increased in burned WYOBAS and MTN2 communities and at the end of the study represented 10% and 22% of total yield, respectively. Annual forbs increased with burning and were mainly composed of native species in MTN1 and MTN2 communities and non-natives in WYOBAS communities. Forage availability for livestock and wild ungulates more than doubled after burning. The additional forage provided on burned areas affords managers greater flexibility to rest and treat additional sagebrush steppe where juniper is expanding, as well as rest or defer critical seasonal habitat for wildlife.  相似文献   

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