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Increased cover of perennial grasses and forbs would increase the wildlife and forage value of many Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young) communities, as well as increase their resistance to weeds. We compared six mechanical treatments in conjunction with seeding a Wyoming big sagebrush community in northern Utah over a 10-yr period. The treatments included disk plow followed by land imprinter, one-way Ely chain, one- and two-way pipe harrow, all applied in fall, and meadow aerator applied in fall and spring. A mixture of native and introduced grasses and forbs was broadcast seeded at 18.3 kg PLS ha? 1 after the disk and before the imprinter and all other treatments. The experiment was installed in three randomized blocks, and density and cover data were collected before treatment in 2001 and 1, 2, 5, and 10 yr after treatment. All treatments initially reduced sagebrush and residual herbaceous cover and increased seeded species cover compared with the untreated control. By 10 yr after treatment, sagebrush cover was 24.5% ± 0.35% on the control, 1.6% ± 0.28% on the disk imprinter treatment, and 11.7% ± 0.79% on all other treatments. At that time, seeded grass cover was 16.5% ± 1.22% on the disk imprinter treatment and an average of 2% ± 0.1% on all other mechanical treatments. Sagebrush seedlings were recruited in all of the mechanical treatments, but least in the disk imprinter treatment. After 10 yr, the untreated control was dominated by decadent sagebrush and rabbitbrush, the disk imprinter treatment was dominated by seeded perennial grasses, and the other mechanical treatments shared dominance of sagebrush and native perennial grasses. Mechanical treatments changed the composition of this community while retaining sagebrush, but greatest understory increases were associated with greatest control of sagebrush and establishment of seeded species by disk imprinting.  相似文献   

Seeding native plants into degraded grasslands presents major challenges. Often, seeded species fail to establish and areas become/remain dominated by unwanted plants. We combined herbicides and seeding in former coal mining fields dominated by exotic winter annual grasses (downy brome [Bromus tectorum L.] and Japanese brome [Bromus arvensis L.], hereafter “annual bromes”). The main interest was restoring Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis [Beetle & A. Young] S.L. Welsh, hereafter “big sage”), a very difficult species to restore to North American grasslands. We tested the nonselective herbicide glyphosate and the grass-specific herbicide quizalofop. The summer following herbicide applications and seeding, annual brome cover in controls 22% (CI95% 13%, 36%) was significantly greater (P < 0.03) than in glyphosate 11% (CI95% 5%, 25%) and quizalofop 16% (CI95% 7%, 35%) treatments. At Decker mine, glyphosate increased seeded big sage density (P < 0.04) from 0.76 (CI95% 0.27, 2.11) to 3.05 (CI95% 1.42, 6.56) plants ? m-2 the second summer after seeding. Corresponding increases for Spring Creek mine were from 0.11 (CI95% 0.03, 0.43) to 0.43 (CI95% 0.13, 1.40) plants ? m-2 (P < 0.04). These results were consistent across two experiments initiated in different years. In addition to big sage, our study’s seed mixes contained native grasses and forbs, and herbicide treatments tended to promote establishment of these plant groups. In annual brome-dominated areas of the northern Great Plains, conditions amenable to big sage seedling establishment do not appear entirely uncommon, and herbicides can increase establishment.  相似文献   

Degradation of shrublands around the world from altered fire regimes, overutilization, and anthropogenic disturbance has resulted in a widespread need for shrub restoration. In western North America, reestablishment of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana [Rydb.] Beetle) is needed to restore ecosystem services and function. Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook) encroachment is a serious threat to mountain big sagebrush communities in the northern Great Basin and Columbia Plateau. Juniper trees can be controlled with fire; however, sagebrush recovery may be slow, especially if encroachment largely eliminated sagebrush before juniper control. Short-term studies have suggested that seeding mountain big sagebrush after juniper control may accelerate sagebrush recovery. Longer-term information is lacking on how sagebrush recovery progresses and if there are trade-offs with herbaceous vegetation. We compared seeding and not seeding mountain big sagebrush after juniper control (partial cutting followed with burning) in fully developed juniper woodlands (i.e., sagebrush had been largely excluded) at five sites, 7 and 8 yr after seeding. Sagebrush cover averaged ~ 30% in sagebrush seeded plots compared with ~ 1% in unseeded plots 8 yr after seeding, thus suggesting that sagebrush recovery may be slow without seeding after juniper control. Total herbaceous vegetation, perennial grass, and annual forb cover was less where sagebrush was seeded. Thus, there is a trade-off with herbaceous vegetation with seeding sagebrush. Our results suggest that seeding sagebrush after juniper control can accelerate the recovery of sagebrush habitat characteristics, which is important for sagebrush-associated wildlife. We suggest land manager and restoration practitioners consider seeding sagebrush and possibly other shrubs after controlling encroaching trees where residual shrubs are lacking after control.  相似文献   

The role of fire in restoration of sagebrush plant communities remains controversial mainly because of paucity of information from long-term studies. Here, we examine 15-year post-fire responses of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp wyomingensis) and broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae), the two most abundant native shrubs at the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, a protected area in north-central Oregon, USA. Fire effects were studied along gradients of topography and community type through time post-burn. Community types were distinguished as brush, plots dominated by big sagebrush and woodland, plots with a significant presence of Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) trees. Fire reduced big sagebrush cover in brush plots up to 100% and in woodland plots up to 86%. Broom snakeweed cover declined by 92% and 73% in brush plots and woodland plots, respectively. Big sagebrush did not show signs of recovery 15 years after burning regardless of topography and community type while broom snakeweed populations were clearly rebounding and prospering beyond pre-burn levels. Our results showed that an area initially dominated by big sagebrush (cover of big sagebrush 10-20%, cover of broom snakeweed 2-4%) dramatically shifted to an area dominated by broom snakeweed (cover of big sagebrush < 1%, cover of broom snakeweed 5%) in brush-dominated plots. Our results indicated that brush-dominated plots at lower elevation and southern exposures are the least post-fire resilient. We also observed a declining population of big sagebrush on unburned areas, suggesting the lack of post-fire recovery on burned areas was perhaps a result of low seeding potential by extant populations. Although more years of observation are required, these data indicate that recovery time, the encroachment of opportunistic competing shrubs, and the initial condition of vegetation are essential considerations by land managers when prescribing fire in big sagebrush communities.  相似文献   

Land managers across the western United States are faced with selecting and applying tree-removal treatments on pinyon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) woodland-encroached sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) rangelands, but current understanding of long-term vegetation and hydrological responses of sagebrush sites to tree removal is inadequate for guiding management. This study applied a suite of vegetation and soil measures (0.5 ? 990 m2), small-plot rainfall simulations (0.5 m2), and overland flow experiments (9 m2) to quantify the effects of mechanical tree removal (tree cutting and mastication) on vegetation, runoff, and erosion at two mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sagebrush sites in the Great Basin, United States, 9 yr after treatment. Low amounts of hillslope-scale shrub (3 ? 15%) and grass (7 ? 12%) canopy cover and extensive intercanopy (area between tree canopies) bare ground (69 ? 88% bare, 75% of area) in untreated areas at both sites facilitated high levels of runoff and sediment from high-intensity (102 mm ? h? 1, 45 min) rainfall simulations in interspaces (~ 45 mm runoff, 59 ? 381 g ? m? 2 sediment) between trees and shrubs and from concentrated overland flow experiments (15, 30, and 45 L ? min? 1, 8 min each) in the intercanopy (371 ? 501 L runoff, 2 342 ? 3 015 g sediment). Tree cutting increased hillslope-scale density of sagebrush by 5% and perennial grass cover by twofold at one site while tree cutting and mastication increased hillslope-scale sagebrush density by 36% and 16%, respectively, and perennial grass cover by threefold at a second more-degraded (initially more sparsely vegetated) site over nine growing seasons. Cover of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) was < 1% at the sites pretreatment and 1 ? 7% 9 yr after treatment. Bare ground remained high across both sites 9 yr after tree removal and was reduced by treatments solely at the more degraded site. Increases in hillslope-scale vegetation following tree removal had limited impact on runoff and erosion for rainfall simulations and concentrated flow experiments at both sites due to persistent high bare ground. The one exception was reduced runoff and erosion within the cut treatments for intercanopy plots with cut-downed-trees. The cut-downed-trees provided ample litter cover and tree debris at the ground surface to reduce the amount and erosive energy of concentrated overland flow. Trends in hillslope-scale vegetation responses to tree removal in this study demonstrate the effectiveness of mechanical treatments to reestablish sagebrush steppe vegetation without increasing cheatgrass for mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sites along the warm-dry to cool-moist soil temperature ? moisture threshold in the Great Basin. Our results indicate improved hydrologic function through sagebrush steppe vegetation recruitment after mechanical tree removal on mid- to late-succession woodlands can require more than 9 yr. We anticipate intercanopy runoff and erosion rates will decrease over time at both sites as shrub and grass cover continue to increase, but follow-up tree removal will be needed to prevent pinyon and juniper recolonization. The low intercanopy runoff and erosion measured underneath isolated cut-downed-trees in this study clearly demonstrate that tree debris following mechanical treatments can effectively limit microsite-scale runoff and erosion over time where tree debris settles in good contact with the soil surface.  相似文献   

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