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Subdivision and sedentarization of pastoral communities is accelerating rapidly across the African rangelands, posing a severe threat to wildlife populations, but few studies have looked quantitatively at the ecological impact of sedentarization. Here we look at the impact of sedentarization on wildlife by comparing ecologically matched subdivided and unsubdivided Maasai pastoral lands (ranches) in semiarid southern Kenya. We found no significant difference in livestock densities on the two ranches but there was a significantly higher wildlife density on the unsubdivided ranch, in both dry and wet seasons. Nonetheless, the unsubdivided ranch still had a higher percentage of grass biomass and ground cover and lower grazing pressure than the subdivided ranch. Distribution of homesteads (bomas) was mostly random on the subdivided ranch, with little area unaffected by human settlement. On the contrary, the unsubdivided ranch had a highly clumped boma distribution pattern, resulting in much of the land being relatively far from permanent human settlement. We show that the regular distribution and permanence of settlements following subdivision and sedentarization greatly reduces wildlife populations both through direct displacement and a reduction of forage. Relative to mobile pastoralism on open rangelands, sedentarization leads to reduced seasonal movements of livestock, lowered grass biomass, and slower grass recovery after very dry periods. This study points to the need to maintain mobile, large-scale herd movements to avoid the heavy impact on grasslands associated with sedentarization of pastoral settlement and herds.  相似文献   

Rangelands and savannas occupy 70% of the Australian continent and are mainly used for commercial grazing of sheep and cattle. In the center and north, where there are extensive areas of indigenous land ownership and pastoral production is less intensive, savanna burning is frequent. Greenhouse gas emissions from rangelands have been overwhelmingly from land clearing and methane production by livestock. Reductions in the rate of land clearing have substantially reduced Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, but these have been controversial with the reduced potential pasture production being of concern to many land managers. Reductions in direct livestock emissions are possible through manipulation of the genetics, rumen flora, or diet of animals. However, the greatest potential benefit is a whole-property approach with improved animal husbandry and attention to other aspects of property management such as fossil fuel consumption. Focus on emissions per unit of land area is likely to have other ecological benefits for land condition and to capture the effects of changes in carbon stocks in vegetation and soils. In much of northern and central Australia, changes in settlement patterns have led to more frequent and intense fires than under indigenous management regimes before European settlement. The implementation of more benign regimes of savanna burning has great potential benefit for greenhouse abatement, biodiversity, and livelihoods of indigenous people in remote settlements.  相似文献   

Johne’s disease is an infectious gastrointestinal disease in ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis that causes diarrhea, emaciation, decreased milk production and eventually death. The disease is transmitted in utero and via milk and colostrums to calves, and fecal-orally to all age classes. Financial losses due to the disease are estimated to be over $200 million in the US dairy industry. The goal of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of control measures based on diagnosis with a sensitive ELISA, EVELISA. An agent-based, discrete time model was developed to simulate Johne’s disease dynamics in a US dairy herd. Spatial aspects of disease transmission were taken into account by using six spatial compartments. The effects on disease prevalence were studied with and without transmission routes included in the model. Further, using the model, cost effectiveness of ELISA-based Johne’s disease control was evaluated. Using the parameters we collected and assumed, our model showed the initial prevalence of Johne’s disease (33.1 ± 0.2%) in the farm increased to 87.7 ± 1.7% in a 10 year-simulation. When ELISA-based control measures were included in the simulation, the increase in prevalence was significantly slowed down, especially when EVELISA was used. However, the level of the prevalence was still higher than the initial level after 10 year simulation even with the ELISA-based diagnostic intervention. The prevalence was further reduced when quarterly ELISA testing was included. The cost analysis showed that the quarterly ELISA and EVELISA testing could bring $44.8 and $51.5/animal/year more revenues, respectively, to a dairy farm.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13567-015-0195-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Erythrocytes are highly abundant circulating cells in the vertebrates, which, with the notable exception of mammals, remain nucleated throughout the entire life cycle. The major function associated with these cells is respiratory gas exchange however other functions including interaction with the immune system have been attributed to these cells. Many viral, prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathogens directly target this cell type and across the vertebrate group a significant number of related pathologies have been reported. Across the primary literature mechanisms of interaction, invasion and replication between viruses and erythrocytes have been well described however the functional response of the erythrocyte has been poorly studied. A fragmented series of reports spanning the vertebrates suggests that these cells are capable of functional responses to viral infection. In contrast, in-depth proteomic studies using human erythrocytes have strongly progressed throughout the past decade providing a rich source of information related to protein expression and potential function. Furthermore information at the gene expression level is becoming available. Here we provide a review of erythrocyte-pathogen interactions, erythrocyte functions in immunity and propose in light of recent -omics research that the nucleated erythrocytes may have a direct role in the immune response.  相似文献   

Due to extreme weather conditions, a flock of outwintered Icelandic horses had to manage for several days on snow as the source of free water. They were fed grass silage ad lib, and any change in feed consumption was not observed. After nine days, blood samples were taken and analysed for plasma osmolality, they were subjected to a simple clinical examination, and offered drinking water. Osmolality levels were within normal limits and mean value did not differ significantly from samples which previously were taken of the same individuals. The general condition of the horses was normal, with no signs of clinical dehydration or disease. The horses showed very little interest for the offered drinking water. This suggests that in cold winter weather, horses being fed grass silage and adjusted to eat snow, can manage for several days with snow substituting liquid water without their physiology and welfare being challenged.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Postural balance can be quantified using stabilographic variables derived from force plate data that describe movements of the horse's centre of pressure (COP) in the horizontal plane. Most force plates are not large enough to accommodate all 4 limbs of a standing horse, so the study was designed to assess whether representative stabilographic data could be collected from the forelimbs or hindlimbs. Objective: To determine whether stabilographic data from either the forelimbs or the hindlimbs were representative of data for the total body. Methods: Stabilographic data (960 Hz) were collected from 17 sound horses standing with the forelimbs and the hindlimbs on separate force plates. To increase variability in the data, horses were of different sizes, the recording duration was varied (15–60 s) and data were collected under sighted and blindfolded conditions. Results: Correlation matrices indicated that total body stabilographic variables were highly significantly correlated with both forelimb and hindlimb data but correlation coefficients were higher for forelimb data. Forward stepwise regression selected forelimb data for inclusion in the model for 15/16 variables, the exception being mean absolute mediolateral velocity. Conclusions: Ground reaction force data from a pair of limbs, preferably the forelimbs, can be used to measure variables that represent total body postural balance in sound standing horses. Potential relevance: Stabilographic data from either the forelimbs or hindlimbs may be useful for detecting and quantifying deficiencies in postural balance in ataxic horses.  相似文献   

This paper aimed at investigating the potential use of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) to improve the routine screening of infertility of Holstein bulls. Cryopreserved sperm samples from 201 Holstein bulls provided by an AI center were used in the analyses of SDF at 0 (SDF_0) and 6 (SDF_6) h of incubation at 37°C. A refinement of the sperm chromatin dispersion test implemented in the Sperm-Halomax kit was employed to measure SDF. Records on routinely collected semen traits (volume, concentration, mass and individual motility evaluated in the fresh ejaculate, and individual motility in post-thawed semen straws) were provided by the AI center. Artificial insemination bull fertility was obtained from official field recording as successful or failed insemination. The results show that the average SDF was low (around 3.5%) at 0 and 6 h of incubation. A moderate effect of inbreeding depression was found. Estimated heritability for SDF traits were moderately high (0.41 and 0.29 for SDF_0 and SDF_6, respectively) and estimated repeatability of SDF measures in the same animal were high (0.73 and 0.70 for SDF_0 and SDF_6, respectively). An overall estimated service bull value (ESBV) obtained through statistical modeling that allowed for adjustment of systematic environmental effects not specific to a bull and of the female contribution to fertility, and the estimated genetic values (EGV) were obtained from field-recorded AI information. The ESBV and EGV were also obtained for all semen traits. Moderately large and negative Pearson correlation coefficients were observed between SDF traits and male fertility ranging from (-0.43 to -0.50; P <0.001). Results of stepwise regression analyses showed that SDF_6 had the largest partial r(2) (0.15 to 0.26) among all semen characteristics. Overall, the selected semen traits explained 25% and 31% of the observed variability in bull fertility measured as EGV and ESBV, respectively. When looking at the predictive ability of bull fertility categories, the results of discriminant and logistic regression analyses showed that low-fertility bulls (those in the 10th or lower percentile in the fertility distribution) can be accurately identified by using measures of SDF alone or in combination with sperm motility. Values of SDF around 7% to 10% could be used as indicators of low AI success.  相似文献   

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