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小麦条锈病是世界小麦生产的主要病害之一,许多育种工作者的主要育种目标就是鉴定和创造抗锈资源。本文报道了与‘Otane’品种持久成株抗性连锁的SSR标记的检测工作,‘Otane’自1984年在新西兰释放以来就具有这种抗性。试验材料为‘Otane’与感病品种‘Tiritea’组合的加倍单倍体群体,在温室和田问目测评价106E139(+)条锈病原的成株侵染类型(IT),在田间目测评价最终病害严重度。  相似文献   

普通小麦白粉病成株抗性的QTL分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以抗白粉病的日本小麦品种Fukuho-komugi和以色列小麦Oligoculm杂交F1的DH(doubled haploid)群体107个系为材料,利用313个SSR标记和37个RFLP标记,对Fukuho-komugi和Oligoculm的白粉病成株抗性进行QTL分析。试验材料于2003-2004年度种植在北京、2003-2004和2004-2005年度种植在安阳,调查白粉病发病情况。构建了由350个位点组成的遗传连锁图,覆盖小麦21个连锁群,全长3 101 cM。采用复合区间作图法进行白粉病成株抗性QTL分析,在1A、2B、4B和7D上发现4个抗白粉病QTL,分别解释13.6%、6.6%、8.9%和12.7%的表型变异。抗白粉病基因及其紧密连锁分子标记的发掘,将为小麦抗白粉病育种的分子标记辅助选择提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

调控小麦株高的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

小麦慢白粉病QTL对条锈病和叶锈病的兼抗性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚合兼抗白粉病、条锈病和叶锈病的慢病性基因,是培育持久多抗小麦品种的重要措施。百农64和鲁麦21均为慢白粉病品种,分别含有4个和3个慢白粉病抗性QTL。将百农64与鲁麦21杂交,获得21个聚合2~5个慢白粉病抗性QTL的F6株系,于2012-2013年度分别在四川郫县和甘肃天水进行条锈病田间抗性鉴定,在河北保定和河南周口进行叶锈病田间抗性鉴定。分析21个株系条锈和叶锈病的最大严重度和病程曲线下面积,检测单个QTL和QTL聚合体对条锈病和叶锈病的抗性效应。结果表明,QPm.caas-4DL、QPm.caas-6BS和QPm.caas-2BL对条锈病均有显著的抗性,分别解释表型变异的16.9%、14.1%和17.3%;QPm.caas-4DL对叶锈病也有显著抗性,可解释表型变异的35.3%;QPm.caas-1A/QPm.caas-4DL/ QPm.caas-2DL/QPm.caas-2BS/QPm.caas-2BL和QPm.caas-1A/QPm.caas-4DL/QPm.caas-2BS/QPm.caas-2BL聚合体对条锈病和叶锈病的抗性显著高于两亲本,它们均含有来自百农64的QPm.caas-4DL以及来自鲁麦21的QPm.caas-2BL和QPm.caas-2BS,表明这些QTL具有明显的兼抗性效应。在小麦抗病育种中,聚合慢病性QTL越多,慢病性越强,聚合4~5个慢病性QTL时,株系可达到高抗甚至接近免疫的水平,是选育持久抗性小麦品种的重要手段。  相似文献   

在本研究中,我们测试了对几种叶锈病致病型具有抗性新基因的一个品系,并且确定了这些新基因的染色体位置。Lr53/Yr35的原始材料是用“中国春”(CS)育成的一个近等基因系98M71,系谱为野小麦(T.dicoccoides)479/4*CS//3*CS-S/3/(CS),CS-S具有与“中国春”相同的病害反应,是一个半矮性(RHT-B16)近等基因系,其系谱为Inia66/7*CS。研究发现,导入野小麦连锁的叶锈病和条锈病抗性基因使普通小麦幼苗避开了有关病原菌致病型的侵害。  相似文献   

小麦白粉病抗性QTL分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本研究以国际小麦作图组织提供的(W7984×Opata85)重组近交群体为材料,2001-2002年对其亲本和114个株系进行了人工接种条件下的抗白粉病鉴定,并利用基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图软件QTLMAPER,进行了抗白粉病QTL分析,共检测到3个与小麦白粉病抗性相关的加性QTL,分别位于3B、5D、7D染色体上,可以解释42.8%的表型变异  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病抗性QTL分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以小麦赤霉病抗源望水白与感病品种Alondra杂交产生的104个重组自交系为材料,采用JoinMap®3.0软件构建了含有2个RAPD、109个SSR和105个AFLP标记共25个连锁群的遗传连锁图,其中24个连锁群可以确定为相应的染色体;采用自然发病和土表接种方法,对该重组自交系群体在建阳和苏州进行了连续两年赤霉病抗性鉴定,结果表明:  相似文献   

基于QTL定位分析小麦株高的杂种优势   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为探讨小麦株高杂种优势的分子遗传基础,以小麦品种花培3号和豫麦57杂交F1经染色体加倍获得的DH群体168个株系为材料,构建了一套含168个杂交组合的"永久F2"群体。利用复合区间作图法,在3个环境中进行了基于QTL定位的株高杂种优势分析,共检测到3个加性效应位点、2个显性效应位点、4对上位效应位点(包括加性×加性、加性×显性、显性×加性和显性×显性)和20个杂种优势位点。位于2D、4D和5B2染色体上的QPh2D、QPh4D和QPh5B2在3个环境中同时被检验到,受环境影响小,表达稳定。在2D染色体上相近的区域定位出多个杂种优势位点,其中QPh2D-2和QPh2D-7可解释杂种优势表型变异的29.77%和55.77%。在7D染色体的Xwmc273.2-Xcfd175之间定位出同一个杂种优势位点Qph7D-2。结果表明,在2D、4D和7D染色体上这些区域存在一些对小麦株高的杂种优势起重要作用的位点。  相似文献   

以普通小麦品种川农16与人工合成小麦衍生品种川麦42为亲本构建了含有127个株系的重组自交系(RIL)群体,将2008和2009年收获的种子用玉米象(Sitophilus zeamais)虫卵进行接种,并于2009年11月开始储藏,次年8月和10月进行虫害调查。利用复合区间作图法(CIM)对RIL群体的抗虫性进行QTL定位分析。利用2008年收获群体检测到位于3B、2D和3D染色体的3个QTL,贡献率依次为10.2%、8.5%和8.3%;利用2009年收获群体检测到位于3D和4B的2个QTL,贡献率分别为8.5%和11.3%。位于3D染色体Xbarc6–Xgwm112标记区间内的QTL在年度间重复检测到,贡献率为8.3%~8.5%,抗性位点来自川农16。  相似文献   

由国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)培育的春小麦高代选系C271对小麦条锈病保持抗性近40年。为明确C271的抗条锈病遗传组分,利用感病品种晋麦79与C271杂交构建含有229个F2:3家系的遗传群体,并于2019年在陕西杨凌和四川江油进行成株期病害调查。运用集群分离分析(BSA)结合高密度660K芯片策略在3B染色体短臂上快速挖掘出大量的与抗病关联的SNP,利用等位基因特异的定量PCR标记(AQP)进行验证并作图,成功检测到一个效应值较大的QTL,可解释表型变异为22.7%~30.8%,暂命名为YrC271,位于标记AX-109001377和AX-111087256之间,约1.9cM,对应的物理距离1.9Mb。利用已公布的小麦基因组信息对该区间进行比较基因组分析,结果表明,与中国春基因组相比,不同材料间存在小片段的插入以及倒位现象,但总体共线性良好。同时利用1484份小麦660K分型数据对该区间进行单倍型分析,总体可分为5种区间单倍型,其中C271所在的单倍型组的抗性优于其他组。虽然C271不含有Yr30和Yr58连锁标记的阳性片段,但从相对遗传位置、条锈病抗性表现以及育种系谱看,...  相似文献   

四川省是小麦条锈菌新小种产生的重要地区之一,了解2016年以来四川小麦育成品种(系)对当前流行的条锈菌生理小种和致病类型的抗性水平以及明确其抗条锈病基因的分布状况,可为四川育种防控小麦抗条锈病和品种布局提供理论依据。本研究选择2个小种CYR32和CYR34对78份四川小麦育成品种(系)进行苗期鉴定,利用当前小麦条锈菌优势小种CYR32、CYR33、CYR34,以及贵22-14、贵农致病类群等混合菌进行成株期人工接种鉴定,并利用19个抗条锈病QTL和基因QYr.nwafu-4BL、Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr17、Yr18、Yr26、Yr28、Yr29、Yr30、Yr36、Yr39、Yr41、Yr48、Yr65、Yr67、Yr78、Yr80和Yr81的分子标记对供试材料进行抗条锈病基因检测。结果表明,在78份供试材料的苗期鉴定中,对CYR32表现出抗性的有60份,占76.92%;对CYR34表现出抗性的有40份,占51.28%;同时对CYR32和CYR34表现抗性的有36份,占46.15%。78份小麦品种(系)在成株期均表现抗条锈病,其中绵麦835、蜀麦1743、蜀麦1829和蜀麦1...  相似文献   

Summary Four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in origin and reaction in the seedling stage to pathotype CDL-6 (extant in California) were intercrossed and examined in greenhouse conditions in F1, F2, and F3 generations. Digenic and transgressive segregation was found in all crosses. The four varieties each had infection types (1 immune, 9 susceptible) and putative resistance genes as follows: Anza, IT 7, YrA; Glennson 81, IT 2, Yr9; Yecora Rojo, IT 6, YrC; and Ollanta, IT 4–6, YrL. Anza was classified as susceptible, Yecora Rojo and Ollanta as intermediate in seedling resistance, and Glennson 81 as resistant in the seedling stage.  相似文献   

小麦新品种绵麦39成株期抗条锈性的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绵麦39是绵阳市农业科学研究所育成的小麦新品种,2005年通过四川省品种审定后在大面积生产上推广应用,表现高抗条锈病且抗性稳定。为明确绵麦39抗条锈性遗传基础,本试验选用7个抗病品种(系)和3个感病品种(系),分别与绵麦39组配成抗×抗、抗×感组合进行遗传分析。结果表明,绵麦39对条锈菌条中32的成株期抗性主要受一对显性基因的控制;绵麦39对条中32号的抗性来源于抗条锈病材料贵农21-1(含有条锈病抗性基因YrGn21)。抗性基因YrGn21与YrCH42、Yr26基因具有等位性关系,而与抗条锈病材料贵农19-4、辽春10号以及CIMMYT材料oxley、96EW39(SW2148)含有的条锈病抗性基因有差异。同时对各抗病品种(系)的抗条锈性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Genes for resistance to stripe rust in four spring wheat varieties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The stripe rust resistant spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Anza, Glennson 81, Ollanta, and Yecora Rojo gave 1,2,2, and 2-gene segregations, respectively, in hybrids with susceptible Jupateco 73 when inoculated in field conditions at Davis, California USA with Puccinia striiformis West. pathotype CDL-6 and rated at post-heading stage. Intercrosses of these varieties, Anza/Yecora Rojo was not studied, permitted the following conclusions about the genes expressed in adult plants: Anza, one recessive gene; Glennson 81, two dominant genes; Ollanta, two genes, at least one is dominant; and Yecora Rojo; one dominant and one recessive gene, one of which is common with Ollanta. The resistance genes in these varieties, which expressed resistance in the seedling stage, were believed to be effective at the adult stage. Thus, seven resistance genes were identified in the four varieties. The genotypes were designated for the purposes of this study as follows: Anza, YrA YrH; Glennson 81, Yr9, YrJ, Ollanta YrL YrD; and Yecora Rojo, YrC YrD. It was recommended that these and other Yr genes be used as multiple gene complexes to increase durability of resistance to P. striiformis, an organism known to evolve virulence rapidly in field conditions. The demonstrated durability of Anza in California may be a result of its combination of resistance alleles at two loci.  相似文献   

Seventy-four hexaploid wheats, synthesized by either crossing resistantTriticum turgidum L. var.durum with susceptible/intermediateT. tauschii or susceptible/intermediateT. turgidum with resistantT. tauschii, and their parents were evaluated as seedlings in the greenhouse and as adult-plants at two field locations in Mexico for resistance to pathotype 14E14 of stripe (or yellow) rust (caused byPuccinia striiformis Westend). The seedlings of different synthetic hexaploids showed high phenotypic diversity for resistance. However, the resistance level of only 15 of the 74 synthetic hexaploid wheats were similar to the low infection types of the respective donor parents. The remaining synthetic wheats displayed either intermediate or high infection types. A similar result was also obtained in field tests, where only 18 synthetic hexaploids were resistant as adult-plants. In general, genotypes with seedling resistance were also resistant as adult-plants. A few synthetic hexaploids, which displayed intermediate or susceptible infection types as seedlings were resistant as adult-plants, indicating that additional genes for adult-plant resistance were also present. The fact that resistance of some donor parents was not expressed, or only partially expressed, in a synthetic hexaploid background suggests the presence of suppressor genes in the both the A or B, and D genomes ofT. turgidum andT. tauschii, respectively. The resistance of a donor parent was expressed in a synthetic hexaploid only if the corresponding suppressor was absent in the second parent. Moreover, the suppressors appeared to be resistance gene specific.  相似文献   

H. Wallwork  R. Johnson 《Euphytica》1984,33(1):123-132
Summary Crosses were made between wheat varieties Joss Cambier, Nord Desprez and Maris Bilbo, all classified as susceptible to yellow rust in field tests, and between Cappelle Desprez and Maris Huntsman, both classified as moderately and durably resistant. Selection for resistance to yellow rust among the progeny was carried out using races of Puccinia striiformis able to overcome all the known race-specific components of resistance in both parents of each cross. Lines with greater resistance than in both parents were obtained from each cross, those with greatest resistance being obtained from the cross between the moderately resistant parents. Three lines selected for resistance from the cross of Joss Cambier with Nord Desprez and one from the cross of Cappelle Desprez with Maris Huntsman, together with the parents, were tested in the field with 12 races of P. striiformis. Nord Desprez possessed a previously undetected race-specific component. The selected lines also displayed race-specific resistance, some of which was clearly related to race-specificity of the parents, and a component of resistance, greater than in both parents, that was effective against all 12 races. The possible origin and potential durability of this transgressive level of resistance is discussed. It is suggested that such transgressive resistance is more likely to be durable if it is derived from parents that have shown durable resistance.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation is used for efficient gene cloning, gene editing and gene engineering, etc. Obtaining recipient lines amenable to transformation and with pure genetic background is critical for high efficiency transformations. For recent years, the wheat inbreed line CB037 had been widely used as a recipient for transgenes and obtain its high transformation potential. Despite having stable agronomic traits, the CB037 is genetically heterogeneous for resistance to wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Pst). In this study, the Pst-resistant line CB037-PstR and Pst-susceptible line CB037-PstS were isolated, and their F2 population was created. Genetic analysis showed that the CB037-PstR carried a single dominant resistance gene. The identified resistance gene was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 1B using BSR-seq and molecular marker analysis. GISH results further revealed that CB037-PstR is a 1BL/1RS translocation line and likely carried Yr9. This study segregated genetic heterogeneity in CB037 for stripe rust resistance and isolated its Pst-susceptible and resistant lines. These results will facilitate trait-oriented use of CB037 in genetic engineering of wheat.  相似文献   

Summary A set of 21 monosomics of Novosadska Rana-1 was used to locate the rust resistance genes of Lüqiyu, a stripe rust resistant line developed by BAU and Yantar, a leaf rust resistant wheat introduced from Bulgaria. The resistance of the former to p. striiformis race C25 was conditioned by a dominant gene located on chromosome 2B, whereas that of the latter to P. recondita race CL3 was controlled by two complementary dominant genes located on chromosomes 5A and 1D, respectively. The relationship of the stripe rust resistance gene in Lüqiyu to Yr5, Yr7 or Yr Suwon' all located on chromosome 2B is unknown. The two complementary leaf rust resistance factors in Yantar appear to be new.  相似文献   

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