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由Peter N.Nemetz主编的《林业政策中的新问题》(Emerging Issuse in ForestPolicy)一书已于1992年出版。在这本书中,40多位世界著名的林业政策专家提出了各种各样的同森林与人类有密切关系的问题。这些问题包括区域性和全球环境、木材供应、国际贸易与竞争、社会影响、资源的多重利用以及第三世界问题等。 本书把上述诸方面概括成5个关键问题:(1)多大限度的直接使用这些森林资源会  相似文献   

我国林业正处在以木材生产为主向以生态建设为主的历史性转变时期。在森林问题国际化和生态问题全球化的大趋势下,我国已参与制定并加入了多个国际公约,承担着履约国责任和义务;加入世贸组织不仅给我国带来了一个全新的国际政治、经济环境,而且有力地推动了我国法律制度的变革。  相似文献   

指出了我国周代的林业政策和生态思想体现着一种人与自然和谐共处的思想。评析了我国周代的林业政策及其生态思想,为当今林业生态政策的制定和执行提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

先秦诸子学说中包含着较为丰富的生态保护和林业思想,正是这些学说奠定了我国2000年封建社会林业政策法令的思想基础。诸家学说在林业思想方面各具特色:阴阳家重视生态平衡和森林资源的可持续利用;道家崇尚道法自然;儒家强调生态伦理;法家主张植树造林并依法管理;墨家倡导节用。各家虽有相悖之处,但也有相容共通的基本之点,即都主张对森林资源的保护,强调人与自然的和谐共处。  相似文献   

<正>勒石刻碑作为我国古代保护森林生态资源的一种重要形式和手段,在人类跨越千年的历史长河中对于维护森林生态安全有着不可替代的作用。在我国古代的历代各朝,无论是官府、县(郡)府,还是地方乡绅、乡党乡民都意识到了森林生态安全的重要性,从已搜集的有关碑刻资料来看,我们的先人早在先秦时期就认识到森林生态的价值,之后经过几千年的积累和发展,到了明清时期,对于森林生态  相似文献   

可持续发展思想观兼论林业发展策略   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于自然环境破坏、资源过度消耗和人类生活质量高要求等产生了可持续发展思想。包括3个基本观点:一是人类要发展,尤其是穷人要发展;二是发展要与自然相和谐一致;三是发展要有限度,不能超过地球可承受的能力,不能危及子孙后代的利益。可持续发展思想观是从全局角度来考察整个人类社会、经济、自然、资源、环境等问题,坚持以生态可持续为基础、以环境可持续为准则、以资源可持续为核心、以经济可持续为条件、以社会可持续为目标,最终促使社会共同进步并与自然、环境和谐一致的思想。根据可持续发展思想观论述了林业发展策略问题。  相似文献   

演变中的世界林业政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入70年代以来,世界林业政策发生了一系列重要的变化,主要有:从由政府制定和执行全国统一的林业政策转向鼓励各方,特别是乡村社区,参与制定和执行林业政策,使林业建设同乡村发展相结合;从制定孤立的林业政策转向制定同其它部门相互联结又相互作用的政策,使林业建设成为国民经济发展的重要有机组成部分;将对森林的管理从木材的持续产量转向可持续森林管理,从而全面发挥森林的社会、经济和环境效益;将本国的林业政策同国际间的利 益相协调,在维护国家主权的基础上,寻求全球经济发展和环境保护的平衡.  相似文献   

据我国最古的地理书《山海经》中的“大荒北经”记载:“大荒之中有山名不成,在肃慎之国”。不咸山指的是长白山,不成即是神巫的意思。由此可以证实,东北地区早有森林存在。关于森林茂盛的程度,杨宾的《柳边纪略》(康熙六十一年,即1722年)一书提到:“丛林密树鳞次栉比”、“车马横过不见天日者,三百条  相似文献   

一棵银杏,出厂价几千元,落地价却达5万元,巨额差价去哪了?动辄花上千万元找知名公司进行绿化设计,其实就是参照以往案例稍加改动,巨额设计费背后有哪些猫腻?调查发现,在一些地方频现绿化奢侈浪费的背后,掩藏黑色内幕。近些年,国人饱受各类污染之苦。中央政府痛定思痛,决心建设环境友好的美丽中国,在政策与资金上大力投入,以期收本末兼治之效。政府主导、资本参与的环保概念工程也就在一片保护生态、  相似文献   

德国的林业管理体制、林业立法及林业政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国的林业管理体制、林业立法及林业政策中国高级林业经济体制培训考察团1林业管理体制德国的林业管理体制,按“社会市场经济”体制的要求,把市场经济行为的自由原则与社会平衡原则结合起来,以私有林为基础,实行分散决策、自主经营、自担风险的机制,以市场自由竞争...  相似文献   

黑龙江省林业经济发展的几点建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李波  齐巍  刘少义 《森林工程》2003,19(3):25-26
林区建设战略受控于多个方面 ,其中比较重要的是结构调整、政策决断、技术创新、管理科学。本文就以上几方面及如何改善林区人民生活水平提出了几点建议  相似文献   

本文阐明了新形势下,林业期刊编辑观念转型的必要性,并对如何树立全新的编辑观念,实现编辑观念的转型进行了论述。  相似文献   

文章将生态建设和林业发展相结合,综合甘肃省自身的自然条件和社会经济条件,在全面分析现阶段甘肃省林业发展现状的基础上,列出了甘肃省生态林业建设的构想和原则,并给出九个关于甘肃林业生态安全体系建设的对策,以期为今后甘肃省林业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

2006年6月国家发改委批复了林业血防工程规划,标志着全国林业血防工程正式启动,是进入"十一五"国家批准林业部门组织实施的一项新工程,对于有效防治血吸虫病的发生与蔓延,促进疫区经济社会可持续发展具有重要的意义。文章主要结合营造林工作的实际,就林业血防工程建设谈几点认识。  相似文献   

我国林业立法很多,特别是1998年《森林法》修改实施后,各地配套立法也较完善。但是随着天然林资源保护工程的实施和各地对森林资源管护力度的加大,基层林政执法人员办理行政案件仍有很多困难。部分林政案件的查处受法律法规的制约,很难实施处罚。其原因之一是林业法律、法规的解释缺乏针对性,难以操作。现就工作中常常遇到的由于政策解释不够,难以实施处罚的问题提几点建议,希望加强林业政策的解释工作,为基层林政办案提供可操作依据。1 对毁林烧炭案件中,木炭和林木蓄积(材积)的换算提供操作标准  在山区,常有毁林烧炭案件的查处。但毁…  相似文献   

Growing concerns over emissions of green-house gases causing climate change as well as energy security concerns have spurred the interest in bioenergy production pushed by EU targets to fulfil the goal of 20 per cent renewable energy in 2020, as well as the goal of 10 per cent renewable fuels in transport by 2020. Increased bioenergy production is also seen to have political and economic benefits for rural areas and farming regions in Europe and in the developing world. There are, however, conflicting views on the potential benefits of large scale bioenergy production, and recent debates have also drawn attention to a range of environmental and socio-economic issues that may arise in this respect. One of these challenges will be that of accommodating forest uses – including wood for energy, and resulting intensification of forest management – with biodiversity protection in order to meet EU policy goals. We note that the use of biomass and biofuels spans over several economic sector policy areas, which calls for assessing and integrating environmental concerns across forest, agriculture, energy and transport sectors.In this paper, we employ frame analysis to identify the arguments for promoting bioenergy and assess the potential policy conflicts in the relevant sectors, through the analytical lens of environmental policy integration. We conclude that while there is considerable leverage of environmental arguments in favour of bioenergy in the studied economic sectors, and potential synergies with other policy goals, environmental interest groups remain sceptical to just how bioenergy is currently being promoted. There is a highly polarised debate particularly relating to biofuel production. Based on our analysis, we discuss the potential for how those issues could be reconciled drawing on the frame conflict theory, distinguishing between policy disagreements and policy controversies.  相似文献   

我国林业企业观念转变的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙秀  张帆  赵凤文 《森林工程》2000,16(6):13-14
本阐述了林业企业的经营观念,社会责任观念,管理观念及职工思想的现状,并提出上述观念更新的意义和措施。  相似文献   

通过对丹东市集体林产权制度改革现状的分析,提出林权制度改革要注意的6个问题。  相似文献   

当今世界对能源需求不断增加,而石油供给在很大程度受限于储量和生产能力.增加能源供给,提高可再生资源的使用比例,将极大地解决目前我国的能源供给不足的问题.生物质能源由于供应周期短、可再生性好的特点成为一个替代能源的选择.而对粮食无害、提供碳平衡的林业生物质能源则成为生物质能源发展中的更好选择.文章就如何发展我国的林业生物...  相似文献   

The history of scientific forest management in Bangladesh datesback to the nineteenth century with defined forest policiesand laws. Due to various socio-economic and socio-politicalfactors, forest cover of the country reduced drastically andall such policy initiatives proved ineffective. Although traditionalforest management objectives covered a wide range from economicbenefit to ecological stability, these have never been attainedfully. Huge population and limited land area compelled policymakers to think about alternatives to traditional forest management.One alternative, social forestry, was introduced in Bangladeshin early 1980s and has proved to be extremely successful. Whiletraditional forest management resulted in a net loss of forestresource cover, social forestry on the other hand, is playinga vital role in the expansion of forest cover (40 387 ha ofnew forest cover and 48 420 km new strip plantation since themid-1980s) benefiting thousands of poor people. Results showthat during the last four years (2000–2003) more than23 000 individuals benefited from the final felling of differentsocial forestry plantations (woodlot, agroforestry and stripplantation). This generated a total income of US$ 5.6 millionfor the government and US$ 5.3 million for participants plusUS$ 1.2 million for the Tree Farming Fund – a 10 per centdepository reserve to sustain the practice in the long run.Although average individual final returns (US$ 223 person–1)are not so attractive, some people got about US$ 5000 to US$8500 from final felling, sufficient to improve their standardof living and social position. Despite the success so far achieved,social forestry in Bangladesh still suffers from various institutionaldeficiencies like organization, skilled manpower, legitimateusufruct rights, peoples' participation from policy to implementationand clear budgetary arrangements. Besides, until now the roleof relevant actors is not well defined in all the steps of socialforestry practice in Bangladesh. Unless the participants aregiven clear legitimate usufruct rights, they will remain scepticaltowards this programme. They should have good and meaningfulaccess from planning to implementation. In the context of institutionaldevelopment, there are governmental policy guidelines and a20-year Master Plan for Bangladesh. Although some steps havebeen partially completed, there is still much to do to complywith forest policy guidelines and the Master Plan. It is shownthat in the last seven years (1995/96–2001/2002) onlyUS$ 15.41 million a–1 has actually been spent againstan allocated sum of US$ 68.37 million a–1. Therefore,if the intention is to institutionalize social forestry in Bangladesh,government and policy makers should actively come forward. Otherwisethe full potential of social forestry in Bangladesh will notbecome a reality.  相似文献   

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