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Corn field experiments with two treatments, NP and NPK, where N in the form of urea, P in the form of calcium phosphate, and K in the form of KCl were applied at rates of 187.5, 33.3, and 125 kg ha^-1, respectively, on soils derived from Quaternary red clay were conducted in the hilly red soil region of Zhejiang Province, China. Plant grains and stalks were collected for determination of K content. Seven equations were used to describe the kinetics of K release from surface soil samples taken before the corn experiments under electric field strengths of 44.4 and 88.8 V cm^-1 by means of electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) and to determine if their parameters had a practical application. The second-order and Elovich equations excellently described K release; the first-order, power function, and parabolic diffusion equations also described K release well; but the zero-order and exponential equations were not so good at reflecting K release. Five reference standards from the field experiments, including relative grain yield (yield of the NP treatment/yield of the NPK treatment), relative dry matter yield (dry matter of the NP treatment/dry matter of the NPK treatment), quantity of K uptake in the NP treatment (no K application), soil exchangeable K, and soil HNO3-soluble K, were used to test the effectiveness of equation parameters obtained from the slope or intercept of these equations. Correlations of the ymax (the maximum desorbable quantity of K) in the second-order equation and the constant b in the first-order and Elovich equations to all five reference standards were highly significant (P ≤ 0.01). The constant a in the power function equation was highly significant (P 〈 0.01) for four of the five reference standards with the fifth being significant (P ≤ 0.05). The constant b in the parabolic equation was also significantly correlated (P ≤ 0.05) to the relative grain yield and soil HNO3-soluble K. These suggested that all of these parameters could be used to estimate the soil K supplying capacity and the crop response to K fertilizer.  相似文献   

The large genotypic variation for salt tolerance in rice and wheat is the driving force behind efforts to identify appropriate cultivars for salt‐prone environments where large variations in salinity (electrical conductivity, EC) and sodicity (sodium adsorption ratio, SAR) levels exist. An evaluation of the commonly grown rice and wheat cultivars at different EC/SAR ratios may thus help in coping with the crop failures on salt‐affected soils. Accordingly, we evaluated some salt‐tolerant cultivars of rice and wheat for growth and yield at different soil salinity and sodicity levels in a sandy clay loam soil. Among the cultivars tested, rice ‘SSRI‐8’ produced the highest productive tillers and paddy yield, and wheat cultivar ‘SIS‐32’ produced the highest tillers and grain and straw yields. The high EC/SAR ratios proved more hazardous for rice than for wheat. Irrespective of the varieties tested, the highest levels of EC and SAR (T5 and T6) caused significant reduction in paddy yield, whereas at the lowest levels of EC and SAR (T1 and T2), paddy yield was not affected significantly when compared with the control. However, in case of wheat crop, all the levels [i.e., the lowest (T1 and T2), medium (T3 and T4), and the highest (T5 and T6) of EC and SAR tested] affected wheat yield adversely with significant differences. For both the crops, there were little or no differences in yield between the two ratios tested (i.e., 1:2 and 1:4) at all the levels of EC and SAR.  相似文献   

采用土培盆栽试验方法,以东北地区大面积种植的32个水稻品种为试验材料,在土壤中未添加和添加Cd(5mg.kg-1Cd)的条件下,研究水稻生长、籽粒产量和Cd在水稻植株不同部位的分配规律。结果表明,土壤中添加Cd后,多数水稻籽粒产量和植株总生物量下降,只有少数品种籽粒产量和生物量有所上升。Cd在水稻植株中的含量遵循根系〉茎叶〉颖壳〉籽粒的规律,但从分配比例来看,土壤中未添加Cd时根系中Cd的分配比例较高,添加Cd后茎叶中Cd的分配比例明显增加。从稻米产量和质量安全角度综合考虑,认为越路早生(3号)品种为农业生产中较理想的种植品种,沈农265(1号)、农林315(30号)、屉锦(31号)、沈稻12(32号)品种可以在中轻度污染的农田土壤条件下种植,而千重浪-1(8号)、辽盐2(14号)、辽盐283(17号)、辽恢190(19号)以及吉03-2843(27号)品种尽量避免在污染土壤上种植。研究结果对东北地区镉污染稻田选择水稻品种,保障稻米安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

探明水稻不同生育期镉积累特征对于稻米安全生产具有重要的科学价值与现实意义,本研究采用水培试验方法,于水稻不同生育期分阶段添加外源镉,分析水稻不同生育期低浓度镉(50μg·L~(-1))胁迫下水稻每个生育期、主要部位镉含量及其内在关联。抽穗期阶段镉胁迫对水稻籽粒镉积累速率影响最为明显,最高达到3.41μg·蔸~(-1)·d~(-1)。孕穗期和抽穗期阶段镉胁迫对稻米镉积累量贡献率较高,中嘉早17号分别为40.51%、31.66%,湘晚籼13号分别为37.97%、35.46%。研究表明,孕穗期、抽穗期是控制镉米形成的关键时期,本结果可为镉超标稻田的安全生产及阻控米镉积累提供支持和科学指导。  相似文献   

A pot study was conducted to screen different basmati rice varieties for their accumulation of arsenic (As). Different amounts of arsenic (0–800 µg/L) were applied through irrigation water to four basmati rice varieties (Pusa basmati-1121, Pusa Punjab basmati-1509, Punjab basmati-2, and Punjab basmati-3). Highest arsenic concentration was found in the grains of Punjab basmati-3 and lowest in the grains of Pusa Punjab basmati-1509. In all varieties, grain As concentration ranged from 0.038 to 0.288 mg/kg, which was within the permissible limit of 1.0 mg/kg in rice grain recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). In husk, highest As concentration was found in Pusa basmati-1121 and lowest in Punjab basmati-2. Among the four varieties, highest content of As was accumulated in roots and straw of Pusa Punjab basmati-1509, whereas least was accumulated in Punjab basmati-2. The distribution of arsenic among plant parts was found in the order: roots > straw > husk > grain. The mean arsenic concentrations in grain, husk, straw, and root of basmati rice varieties increased with increasing concentration of arsenic in irrigation water. Highest grain yield was obtained in Pusa Punjab basmati-1509 variety due to lesser accumulation of arsenic compared with other varieties. Rice yield, plant height, root weight, straw weight, test weight, effective tiller, and filled grain per panicle decreased with increase in arsenic concentration in irrigated water.  相似文献   

外源锌对水稻植株镉的累积差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过水稻威优46盆栽种植试验,研究了外源Zn施用(0,40,80,160 mg/kg 4个水平)对Cd中度(0.72mg/kg)和重度(5.26mg/kg)污染土壤中Cd生物有效性及水稻Cd累积的差异。结果表明:施Zn对各检测指标存在影响,但土壤Cd总量仍是土壤Cd活性和水稻Cd累积差异变动的主控因素。在Cd中度污染土壤中,施Zn降低了土壤交换态Cd含量1.9%~17.0%,但水稻根表铁膜、根和糙米中Cd含量随Zn施用浓度的增大而增大,糙米Cd含量从0.09mg/kg上升到0.17mg/kg,相关分析显示糙米Cd含量与土壤交换态Zn含量显著正线性相关。在Cd重度污染土壤中,施Zn增大了土壤交换态Cd含量2.1%~4.8%,但降低了水稻各部位中Cd含量,当施Zn浓度超过80mg/kg时,糙米Cd含量可从对照组的0.45mg/kg降低到0.12mg/kg,符合国家食品污染物限量标准(GB 2762-2017)的要求,相关分析显示糙米Cd含量与土壤交换态Zn含量显著负线性相关。对2种Cd污染程度的土壤,施Zn均可增大Cd在水稻地下部的累积率,从而降低水稻地上部Cd的累积率。在Cd重度污染土壤中,可通过施Zn降低糙米Cd含量,施Zn量80mg/kg是试验中最佳施用量;但在Cd中度污染土壤中,施Zn有增大糙米Cd含量的风险。  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effects of four different kinds of compost: pea–rice hull compost (PRC), cattle dung–tea compost (CTC), hog dung–rice hull compost (HDR), and hog dung–sawdust compost (HDS). These types of compost differ in nitrogen composition and in the dry matter yield and nutrient accumulation [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K)], of rice plants. The rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were planted in an Oxisol soil. Plants were cultivated in pots, which contained 3 kg of soil, mixed with the four different composts (PRC, 404 g; CTC, 395 g; HDR, and HDS, 450 g) and chemical fertilizer (CHEM) (N:P2O5:K2O=120:96:72) The residual effect was studied after the crop was harvested. All treatments were replicated four times, with a randomized complete block design. The nutrient concentrations in the root, leaf sheath, leaf blade, stalk, and grain were analyzed at different growth stages. After the first crop, the dry matter yield and the amount of N, P, and K absorbed from the CTC or HDS treatments were higher than those of the other treatments, at the most active tillering stage. The growth and nutrient accumulation of rice plants given the PRC treatment were higher than those given the CHEM treatment at the heading stage or the HDR treatment at the maturity stage. In the second crop, the dry matter yield from the PRC, CTC, and HDR treatments was higher than from the other treatments. The nutrient accumulation of the rice plants was positively correlated with the dry matter yield. The residual effect of the HDS compost was the least among all four composts.  相似文献   

在可控条件下研究了人为污染土壤中DDT类污染物在蔬菜(菠菜和胡萝卜)不同部位的富集与分配规律。结果表明,DDT类污染物在菠菜和胡萝卜叶部和根部均有一定富集,其中菠菜叶面富集量占富集总量的68.6%~92.2%之间;而胡萝卜叶部富集占富集总量的34.9%~41.6%之间。不同DDTs在菠菜和胡萝卜体内的生物富集量呈:p,p'-DDE〉p,p'-DDT〉p,p'-DDD〉o,p'-DDE〉o,p'-DDT的规律。DDTs通过不同途径在菠菜和胡萝卜内的生物富集系数表现如下规律:BCF大气-菠菜〉BCF大气-胡萝卜〉BCF土壤-胡萝卜〉BCF土壤-菠菜。不同DDTs在蔬菜体内的生物富集系数表现为:BCFp,p'-DDE〉BCFo,p'-DDE〉BCFp,p'-DDD〉BCFp,p'-DDT〉BCFo,p'-DDT。由于DDTs在蔬菜体内富集后,可沿食物链传递和放大,对农产品质量和人体健康构成直接威胁。  相似文献   

铜矿区土壤重金属污染与耐性植物累积特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在铜陵矿区研究了4种植物:商陆(Phytolacca acinosa),鸭跖草(Commelina communis),菌陈蒿(Artemisia capillaries),农田紫云英(Astragalus sinicus)对重金属的富集特征及土壤重金属污染情况。采用ICP-MS分析了土壤中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb的重金属全量及植物对As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb的积累情况。并计算了四种植物对重金属的生物转移系数BTC(Biological Transfer Coefficient)。结果表明:铜陵狮子山铜矿废弃地鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、菌陈蒿(Artemisia capillaries)群落的土壤养分状况相对较好,农田紫云英的养分状况次之,杨冲山尾矿库分布商陆(Phytolacca acinosa)的土壤养分状况最差。商陆耐瘠薄土壤、尾矿区与附近农田土壤重金属全量分析表明,杨山冲尾矿库附近农田土壤(种植紫云英)铜、镉、铅、锌总量均超过国家农业用地土壤二级标准,尾矿废弃地分布鸭跖草、茵陈蒿的土壤全铜含量超过国家工业用地土壤二级标准,土壤受Cu污染最严重。菌陈蒿、鸭趾草对高含量的土壤铜表现出很好的耐性。鸭跖草对砷和铅的转移系数大于1,茵陈蒿对镉与锌的转移系数大于1。鸭跖草、茵陈蒿、商陆都可以作为矿区生态恢复的先锋植物。  相似文献   

根据以往研究成果归纳出建立水保措施蓄水拦沙指标体系的基本思路和揭示差异性、遵循综合性、注重准确性、立足于可操作性的原则,结合黄土高原沟壑区的自然情况,建立了该区水土保持措施的蓄水拦沙指标体系。黄土高原沟壑区梯田、造林、种草的拦沙指标多小于黄土丘陵沟壑区相应措施的指标值,梯田的蓄水指标值大部分介于黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区、第二副区与第五副区之间,提出了应用该指标体系的主要工作步骤。  相似文献   

为选育籽粒中对Pb低积累或低吸收水稻品种提供依据,本研究采用盆栽试验方法,比较了不同类型水稻品种及植株不同部位在胁迫和对照条件下对Pb的吸收积累特性。结果表明,供试品种不同部位中Pb含量的变异系数较高,变幅在18.34%~35.57%。不同部位中Pb的含量差异明显,根系对Pb具有较强的积累能力。胁迫条件下,根系中Pb的平均含量为287.616mg·kg^-1,约是茎叶和糙米含量的58倍和1267倍;对照条件下,根系中Pb的平均含量为9.078mg·kg^-1,约是茎叶和糙米含量的3倍和50倍;胁迫条件下根系中Pb的含量是对照的36.34倍,而茎叶和糙米分别是对照的1.65倍和1.36倍。不同品种对Pb的积累能力存在显著差异,同一品种在胁迫与对照条件下对Pb的含量也存在明显差异,其中,宁54146对Pb胁迫较敏感。相关分析表明,对照和胁迫条件下,植株不同部位中Pb的含量均不存在相关性。  相似文献   

以甘肃省白银市的日光温室土壤为研究对象,调查分析了土壤剖面养分累积状况和土壤电导率、pH值的变化;对土壤重金属Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn和Ni含量进行了测定,采用单项质量指数与综合质量指数相结合的方法对土壤重金属的环境质量状况进行了评价。结果表明,日光温室土壤有机质、硝态氮、速效磷和速效钾含量显著高于农田土壤,其中速效磷在0-40 cm土层和速效钾在0-60 cm土层累积尤为明显。温室栽培条件下土壤电导率高于农田土壤,雒家滩温室土壤表层EC值为0.94 mS·cm-1,超过蔬菜的生育障碍临界点(EC〉0.50 mS·cm-1)。大部分温室土壤Cd含量超过国家土壤环境质量三级标准,其中雒家滩温室土壤Pb、Zn、Cd、As含量超过温室蔬菜地土壤环境质量评价标准(HJ 333—2006)限量值。根据各重金属的单项与综合质量指数,靖远日光温室土壤环境质量为2级,属于尚清洁水平,而雒家滩和重坪日光温室土壤环境质量为3级,属于超标水平,不适宜发展无公害蔬菜。  相似文献   

硒是人体必需的微量营养元素,食物是人体硒的主要来源,外源硒调控是生产富硒农产品的重要手段之一。通过盆栽试验,研究外源硒添加条件下水稻对硒的吸收利用问题。结果表明,土壤添加外源硒为0.2~0.6 mg Se·kg~(-1)土的条件下,对水稻的生长性状没有显著影响,但能显著增加水稻各部位的全硒含量。硒在水稻体内各部位的含量大小关系为:稻根茎叶糙米精米谷壳;但在各主要部位的总累积大小为:茎叶糙米精米稻根谷壳。在自然土壤上硒相对更多地富集于水稻根系,而外源添加四价硒处理,水稻吸收的硒相对更容易转移至地上部位,甚至更容易在糙米和精米中富集。水稻植株对外源硒的吸收利用率为2.87%~3.75%,地上部和籽粒累积外源硒的量占添加外源硒总量分别为2.60%~3.45%和0.94%~1.32%。  相似文献   

本文针对我国北方干旱半干旱地区水资源短缺的问题,采用水土富集工程措施,使土壤的容水能力由84.89毫米提高到243.23毫米,土壤含水总量比对照提高3.1倍,<0.1毫米的土壤粘粒比对照增加68.52%,基本解决了太行山低山丘陵区干旱阳坡“造林难”的问题,使干旱阳坡的石榴经济林平均亩产达80.4公斤,每亩年获经济效益482.4元。  相似文献   

广东大宝山矿区植物对重金属的富集特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对大宝山矿区自然定居和人工种植的13种优势植物根际土壤污染状况及其对重金属的富集特征进行研究.结果表明,大宝山矿区土壤受重金属Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu污染,其中以Cd、Cu的污染最为严重.在调查的13种优势植物中,铺地黍地上部分的Pb含量达到1 214.00 mg/kg,泡桐叶中Cu含量达到1 024.80mg/kg,超过了Pb和Cu超富集植物含量的临界值(1 000 mg/kg);其运转系数分别为1.77.13.74,都大于1.0,符合超富集植物的标准,表明铺地黍可能是Pb的超富集植物,泡桐可能是Cu的超富集植物.除铺地綦、泡桐外,其他11种优势植物的重金属吸收能力没有达到超富集植物的标准,但它们能在此区域定居,表现出对重金属有较强的耐性,其中象草、纤毛鸭嘴草、芒萁、五节芒、马尾松对重金属复合污染胁迫的耐性较强,可作为大宝山矿植被重建的先锋物种.  相似文献   

水资源问题一直是关系着经济建设与城市发展的大事。而多年来,持续过量开采水资源所带来的环境和生态问题也日趋严重。多年实践与研究表明,水资源的开发与保护应实施统一管理,根据区域自然条件,进行水资源养蓄,以提高水资源的循环和再生能力,改善当地的自然资源更新与环境净化功能。从水资源联合调度与联合调蓄的基础条件出发,探讨了首都地区水资源养蓄的可行性,并由地下水人工回灌入手,对如何通过水资源联合调度、联合调蓄实施水资源的养蓄进行了论证。  相似文献   

不同时期水分处理对水稻生长及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究水分胁迫处理对水稻生长及产量的影响,采用盆栽试验方法,在水稻分蘖期、孕穗期、开花期和灌浆期进行水分胁迫处理,设3个处理水平,处理H 1土壤水势为0(土壤饱和含水量90%-100%),处理H2土壤水势-30 kPa,处理H3土壤水势-50 kPa,保水层作对照(CK)。结果表明,分蘖期水分胁迫影响水稻分蘖数、LA I和株高,导致单位面积有效穗数不足而严重影响产量,处理平均产量比对照低29.5%;孕穗期水分胁迫影响水稻库容的建立,穗小、穗粒数少、千粒重低而严重影响产量,处理平均有效穗数比对照少26.7%,处理平均产量比对照低63.8%;开花期千粒重处理H 1比CK高12.9%,差异极显著(P〈0.01),产量处理H1高于CK,处理H2和处理H3产量均低于CK,差异极显著(P〈0.01);灌浆期处理H1千粒重比CK高11.2%,差异极显著(P〈0.01),产量处理H1比CK高12.76%,差异显著(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

土壤pH值与镉含量对水稻产量和不同器官镉累积的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明水稻产量与镉积累分配对土壤pH值和镉含量的响应,以3个籽粒Cd含量差异明显的晚稻品种(天优华占,TY;星2号,X2;湘晚籼13号,XW)为试验材料,分别于不同pH值稻田研究土壤镉(Cd)含量对水稻产量和不同器官Cd累积的影响,并比较了品种间差异。结果表明,水稻产量因土壤pH值下降而下降,且品种间降幅差异明显,以X2最大(21.72%33.81%),XW最小(3.05%17.71%);添加0.5 mg·kg-1Cd时水稻减产不显著,但添加1.0 mg·kg-1Cd时各品种均显著减产,且其降幅与品种和土壤pH值有关,X2和XW在酸化条件下降幅较大,而TY在正常pH条件下降幅较大。植株(整株)Cd含量存在品种间差异,各品种植株Cd含量均随着土壤Cd浓度的提高与土壤pH值的下降而显著提高,且植株Cd含量峰值因土壤酸化而提前。水稻器官间Cd含量依次表现根>茎>穗>叶,各器官Cd含量均随着土壤Cd浓度提高而显著增大,但增大倍数存在器官间差异;品种间器官Cd含量差异明显,营养器官表现为X2>TY>XW,而稻穗表现为TY>X2>XW。水稻各器官及全株Cd累积量均随着土壤Cd浓度提高和土壤pH值降低而显著增大,成熟期累积量表现为茎>穗>根>叶;品种间Cd累积量差异明显,营养器官和整株Cd累积量表现为X2>XW>TY,而穗Cd累积量表现为TY>X2>XW。Cd分配比例一般以茎为最高,叶最低,土壤酸化使茎、叶所占比例增大,根、穗所占比例降低;品种间Cd分配比例存在一定差异,穗Cd所占比例表现为TY>X2>XW。可见,水稻产量与器官间Cd累积分配规律受到土壤Cd含量和pH值的影响显著,同时也具有明显的品种间差异。本研究为不同水稻品种在不同pH值与Cd含量稻田上的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) fertilization is reported to alleviate the adverse effects of sodicity on survival of the seedlings, growth, and yield of rice. However, it is not known if required levels of Olsen's P to alleviate the adverse sodicity effects varies with increased sodicity stress. The present study, conducted at various pH values (8.0, 9.3, 9.7, and 9.9) with varying levels of P fertilization (P0.0, P0.2, P0.4, P0.6, and P0.8 kg hm? 2), showed that P requirements of rice increased with increases in sodicity stress. At a pH of 8.0, 4.3 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P was sufficient for survival of the seedlings, but not for grain weight (6.3 mg kg? 1). Seedlings required 7.0 and 9.5 mg kg? 1Olsen's P to survive at pH 9.7 and 9.9, respectively. Similarly, high P levels were needed for more total and fertile tillers and spikelets numbers. One thousand (1000) grain weight and grain yield responded to 6.3, 7.7, 8.8, and 10.4 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P at pH values of 8.0, 9.3, 9.7, and 9.9, respectively. Total chlorophyll in the leaves was significant in P fertilized plants. At a pH of 9.7, plants with 7.9 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P had 52% more chlorophyll per 100 ppm sodium (Na) in the leaves compared to those at 6.3 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P. This could possibly be due to improved tissue tolerance to Na in P-fertilized plants. Plants fertilized with P had higher P and potassium (K) concentrations in their shoots. Olsen's P levels of 7.7 mg kg? 1, 7.9 mg kg? 1, and 9.5 mg kg? 1 were effective in restricting increases of Na (a potentially toxic ion) in shoots at pH 9.3, 9.8, and 9.9, respectively, thus helping plants have better yields.  相似文献   

以苏南某冶炼厂原址场地附近土壤、水稻为对象,研究了土壤及水稻籽粒中重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd)污染状况及其迁移、累积特征。结果表明,研究区土壤重金属综合污染指数均大于3,污染等级超过5级,属重度污染且各重金属间污染程度呈现Cd〉Cu〉Pb的特征,水稻籽粒中重金属Pb、Cd超标严重。在迁移、累积方面,表层土壤重金属呈现出由东南向西北方向扩散的趋势,且向下迁移及在水稻籽粒中累积的趋势明显,各重金属在水稻籽粒中富集能力的大小顺序为Cu〉Cd〉Pb。  相似文献   

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