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Through normal agricultural use, pesticides may reach environmental water bodies via several routes of entry. Various policies and initiatives exist to reduce the effects of pesticides in the environment. One such initiative in place in the UK is the Voluntary Initiative (VI). The VI is a voluntary scheme put forward by the Crop Protection Association with other crop protection and farming organisations to reduce the environmental impacts of pesticides. Mathematical models of pesticide fate can usefully be applied to examine the impact of factors influencing the contamination of water bodies by pesticides. The work reported here used water quality models to examine how changes in farmer behaviour could potentially impact pesticide contamination of environmental water bodies. As far as possible, uncalibrated, standard regulatory models were used. Where suitable models were not available, simple models were defined for the purposes of the study and calibrated using literature data. Scenarios were developed to represent different standards of practice with respect to pesticide user behaviour. The development of these scenarios was guided by the Crop Protection Management Plan (CPMP) aspect of the VI. A framework for the use of modelling in the evaluation of the VI is proposed. The results of the modelling study suggest that, in several areas, widespread adoption of the measures proposed in the VI could lead to reductions in pesticide contamination of environmental water bodies. These areas include pesticide contamination from farmyards, spray drift and field runoff. In other areas (including pesticide leaching to groundwater and contamination of surface water from field drains) the benefits that may potentially be gained from the VI are less clear. A framework to evaluate the VI should take into consideration the following aspects: (1) groundwater is more at risk when there is a combination of leachable compounds, vulnerable soils, shallow groundwater and high product usage; (2) surface water contamination from drains is most likely when heavy rain falls soon after application, the soils are vulnerable and product usage is high; (3) surface water contamination from drift is most likely when the distance between the spray boom and water body is small and product usage is high; (4) surface water contamination from farmyards is dependent on the nature of the farmyard surface, the competence of the spray operator and the level of product usage. Any policy or initiative to reduce pesticide contamination should be measured against farmer behaviour in these areas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Farmers are faced with a wide range of pest management (PM) options that can be adopted in isolation or alongside complementary or substitute strategies. This paper presents the results of a survey of UK cereal producers, focusing on the character and diversity of PM strategies currently used by, or available to, farmers. In addition, the survey asked various questions pertaining to agricultural policy participation, attitude towards environmental issues, sources of PM advice and information and the important characteristics of PM technologies. RESULTS: The results indicate that many farmers do make use of a suite of PM techniques, and that their choice of integrated PM (IPM) portfolio appears to be jointly dictated by farm characteristics and government policy. Results also indicate that portfolio choice does affect the number of subsequent insecticide applications per crop. CONCLUSIONS: These results help to identify the type of IPM portfolios considered to be adoptable by farmers and highlight the importance of substitution in IPM portfolios. As such, these results will help to direct R&D effort towards the realisation of more sustainable PM approaches and aid the identification of potential portfolio adopters. These findings highlight the opportunity that a revised agri‐environmental policy design could generate in terms of enhancing coherent IPM portfolio adoption. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Modern farming has caused considerable declines in UK bumblebee populations, and, while options exist for farmers to increase the quantity of bee-friendly habitat, uptake has been low. Robin Blake explains how existing habitats on farms could be enhanced for the benefit of bumblebees.  相似文献   

Production of Napier grass, Pennisetum purpureum, the most important livestock fodder in Western Kenya, is severely constrained by Napier stunt (Ns) disease. Understanding farmers' knowledge, perceptions and practices is a prerequisite to establishing an effective disease management approach. Using a random sample of 150 farmers drawn from Bungoma, Busia and Teso districts of Western Kenya, this study sought to: (i) assess farmers' perceptions and knowledge of Ns disease, including its effects on the smallholder dairy industry; (ii) record farmers' current practices in managing Ns disease; and (iii) identify Ns disease management challenges and intervention opportunities in order to develop an efficient integrated disease management approach. The majority (86·7%) of the farmers were aware of Ns disease and observed that it was spreading rapidly in the region, which was perfectly predicted by farmers' access to agricultural information (marginal effect = 0·164), indicating a need for extension platforms for knowledge sharing among the industry stakeholders. The disease had affected Napier grass yields so most farmers could not feed their livestock on the amounts they produced, and they were buying Napier grass. Those who relied on income from selling Napier grass received less due to loss in productivity. Milk production had reduced by over 35%. The cause of the disease was unknown to the farmers, with no effective disease management strategy available to them. An integrated disease management approach needs to be developed to fit within the mixed farming systems, supported by simple decision aids.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the risks of the development of resistance by pests to plant protection products is part of the (re)-registration process and is the subject of an EPPO standard. This standard indicates data requirements and the factors to be considered in evaluating resistance risk, but it does not show in detail how all these factors interrelate and should be considered in their relationships. This paper presents a decision scheme approach, providing guidance in the evaluation of the available evidence. It may also be of assistance in judging the need for optional data as indicated in the EPPO standard. The decision scheme is an aid for qualitative evaluation of resistance risks of applications of plant protection products by means of risk ranking. It recognizes six risk categories, which may overlap to some extent and should not be interpreted as absolute values. Expert judgement is called for in answering the questions of the evaluation key, which is also presented in three different flow charts. Expert judgement means, in this case only, that the evaluation should not be done in a'tick-box manner', and does not imply that evaluation is for only the super-specialist on resistance. The evaluation always concerns a given plant protection product used in a given way. It is not possible to use this guidance document for active substances only.  相似文献   

在农业面源污染较为突出的背景下,环境规制是否对新疆棉农的生产环境保护行为起到了规范作用?环境规制在治理农业面源污染中效果是否显著?这些问题成为全社会关注的问题.在对新疆重点植棉县的棉花种植户问卷调查的基础上,通过将环境规制分析归类为命令控制型、宣传教育型、经济激励型三种类型,运用SPSS17.0软件进行Probit双变...  相似文献   

To aid the assessment of potential environmental side-effects arising from the use of plant protection products, a general framework for decision-making schemes is proposed. This should provide a consistent basis for the evaluation of different products, affecting the environment in different ways. Schemes constructed by this approach should indicate areas of uncertainty, highlight aspects on which expert knowledge is essential, and identify the data needed and how to interpret them. The proposed framework is sequential, comprising a series of stages, from the pattern of use of the product and its properties, to exposure of wildlife, calculation of the probability that adverse effects will occur, and judgements about their acceptability. This can be applied separately to effects on various components of the environment. A convenient format for decision-making schemes is a sequence of linked questions leading to a classification of the environmental consequences. This is adaptable to more complex versions (e.g. a computer-based expert system) or simpler, abbreviated evaluation using safety factors.  相似文献   

A survey of 90 farmers, randomly selected over six sorghum-growing districts in eastern Ethiopia was carried out during July to August, 2001 in the long rainy season. The study investigated farmers' perceptions of the importance of stem-borer and farm practices influencing the pest. Sorghum farming was characterized by smallholdings with an average land size of 4.3 ha, an average family size of 6 and an average yield of 878?kg ha???1. Farmers cited pests, drought, and shortage of seed, land and labour as the main constraints upon sorghum production. Stem-borers were perceived to be the major pests requiring control. The majority of the farmers never applied chemical insecticides against stem-borers due to lack of capital and unavailability of insecticides. Because of restricted access to improved varieties, farmers largely used local cultivars of sorghum selected for yield potential but with little emphasis on insect resistance. Very few farmers destroyed sorghum residues after harvest. The majority of farmers grew sorghum under intercropping mainly due to the high yield expected. Crop rotation in sorghum fields was not widely practised due to land shortage.  相似文献   

运用能值理论、方法,以植被NPP为基础,评价环境资 源系统对准格尔旗种植业系统的影响、贡献,揭示种植业系统的物质基础、运行效率和发展 方向。研究表明:(1) 环境资源,尤其可更新资源是准格尔旗种植业系统生产力的主要驱动 因素。优化能值投入结构,提高环境资源的利用率、转化率,是发展准格尔旗种植业系统生 产力的战略方向。(2) 准格尔旗种植业系统的可持续规模、产量主要取决于环境资源提供的 自然资本、生态服务。推广以木本水果、木本粮油为主体的农林复合系统,推进生态建设步 伐,进而增强环境资源提供自然资本、生态服务的能力,是维持准格尔旗种植业系统可持续 规模的最佳途径。(3) 实施“农牧互促”的农业发展战略,提高农牧业系统耦合度及其整体 生产力,尤其以种植业支撑畜牧业发展,提升农产品附加能值,是准格尔旗种植业系统的重 点发展方向。  相似文献   

In 1992 and 1993, two studies were executed in Niger to evaluate the functioning and sustainability of village plant protection brigades. The history of these brigades, their functioning, and the way the training was put into practice are discussed, as well as the problems encountered by the brigadiers. Also, the division of benefits of the brigade within the villages is dealt with. The approach adopted by the programme is discussed. It is argued that It is unlikely that many brigades will continue to exist after the end of the programme, given the costs and availability of pesticides and equipment. The fact that the bigger and richer farmers within the village benefit most undermines community based‐support. The roots of these problems can be traced back to the top‐down approach. A more participatory approach, based on the enhancement of farmers’ decision‐making and their knowledge of the environment and its risks, is advocated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of integrated pest management (IPM) into the dominant paradigm in crop protection. The driving forces behind the development and adoption of IPM are explored and the conditions under which successful IPM has been practised are outlined. Repeated calls for the adoption of IPM in international agricultural research, extension and resource-poor farming are questioned in respect of claims made by IPM proponents. When examined, it becomes apparent that IPM per se is not a panacea for solving the problems faced by resource-poor farmers. Further investigation into the social, political, economic and ecological parameters associated with the development and implementation of IPM shows that is can work under certain conditions. However, the situation of most resource-poor farmers does not match the necessary criteria for the implemetation of IPM programmes. Viewed thus, it could be argued that IPM is more a vehicle for the continued transfer of technologies developed in response to the pressures exerted by argibusiness rather than a truly farmer first approach to solving the contraints facing the lives of resource-poor farmers in developing countries  相似文献   


Asian rice farmers commonly spray insecticides in the early stages of the crop to control leaf-feeding insects. The most common leaf feeder during this period is the leaf folder. Research shows that these sprays are usually unnecessary as the damaged crops mostly recover. It appears that farmers spray to control leaf folder because of misperceptions. We explored the use of farmer participation to change these misperceptions by inviting farmers to test a simple rule-of-thumb or 'heuristic': 'Do not spray against leaf folders for the first 30 days after transplanting (or 40 days after sowing)'. About 77% of the 101 participating farmers reported that yields of rice in their test plots were not significantly different from yields in their control plots. Before participating in the evaluation exercise, about 70% of the farmers applied their first insecticide sprays during the first 30 days after transplanting. In the first year after participation, 20% applied insecticides in the first 30 days and this was further reduced to 11% in the second year. The mean number of insecticide sprays was reduced from 3.2 to 2.0. Farmers' attitudes towards leaf-feeding insects has also changed. Before participation, farmers believed these insects cause yield loss (87%), severe damage (77%) and had to be sprayed early in the season (62%). After participation, these were reduced to 9%, 28% and 10%, respectively. Through information from research distilled into a 'high science-low tech' decision rule, farmers can readily derive a test hypothesis from it, evaluate itusing a simple experiment, learn its results and change perceptions and practices.  相似文献   

As a result of the recent intensification of crop production, the abundance and diversity of UK arable weeds adapted to cultivated land have declined, with an associated reduction in farmland birds. A number of questions need to be addressed when considering how these declines can be reversed. Firstly, can the delivery of crop production and biodiversity be reconciled by spatially separating cropping from designated wildlife areas? A number of subsidised environmental schemes in the UK take this approach and are focused on establishing vegetation cover on uncropped land. However, because of the lack of regular disturbance in these habitats, they are dominated by perennials and they therefore have limited potential for promoting the recovery of annual weed populations. A number of farmland bird species also rely on the provision of resources in field centres, and it is therefore likely that the recovery of their populations will rely on weed management options targeted at the cropped areas of the field. This raises two further questions. Firstly, is it possible to identify beneficial weed species that are relatively poor competitors with the crop and also have biodiversity value? Secondly, are the tools available to manage these species at acceptable levels while controlling pernicious weeds? A number of approaches are being employed to answer these questions, including predicting yield loss from weed competition models and exploiting herbicide selectivity. The further development of these tools is crucial if farmer opposition to managing weeds in crops is to be overcome. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

It has long been recognised that a key determinant of the future development of genetic engineering in food production is likely to be consumer acceptance. Much of the earlier research into acceptance issues has assumed that public perceptions of genetic engineering are defined by beliefs about the technology overall. However, it is now known that acceptance of novel products is unlikely to be related to general attitudes towards genetic engineering. People's perceptions of risk and benefit associated with particular products and applications will determine acceptance. There is a need to develop effective risk–benefit communication strategies, based on the best scientific information available, in order to enable the public to make informed choices about consuming the products of genetic engineering. It is also essential to develop effective communication methods if the public is to contribute to the wider debate about strategic development of genetic engineering. Issues of social context (such as trust in risk regulators) must also be considered. Providing information is likely to change people's attitudes, which will in turn generate further public concerns and create a demand for more information about genetic engineering. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

文中试图实证检验新疆林果种植对农户收入的影响。在县级层面,基于新疆68个县5年面板数据,运用固定效应模型分析林果种植对农户净收入的影响;在农户微观层面,基于新疆六地州507户农户调查数据,运用Tobit模型分析农户参与林果种植对其收入结构(工资性收入、农业生产经营性收入和总收入)的影响。结果表明:(1)县级层面林果业发展对农户净收入有显著正向影响;(2)微观层面农户参与林果套种对其农业生产经营性收入有显著正向影响,而对工资性收入影响不显著。上述结果表明农户参与林果种植有利于其农业生产经营性收入和总收入的增加,但对于家庭工资性收入影响甚微。基于此提出政府在推行林果种植与脱贫攻坚时,应加强林果种植科技宣传与培训,重视林果业生态与经济效应,发展林果专业合作社为零散种植户提供管理与销售服务,为剩余劳动力提供非农就业渠道等政策建议。  相似文献   

In the past the root rot pathogen Roesleria subterranea (Ascomycota) was generally considered as a minor parasite, a view with which we were often confronted during field work in German wine-growing regions where this ascomycete recently caused serious problems in established vineyards and at replant sites. To irrevocably demonstrate that R. subterranea is not a minor, but a primary pathogen of grapevines (and fruit trees) a pest risk analysis was carried out according to the guidelines defined by EPPO standard series PM 5, which defines the information needed, and contains standardised, detailed key questions and a decision support scheme for risk analysis. Following the provided decision scheme, it becomes apparent that R. subterranea must be considered as a serious, primary pathogen for grapevines and fruit trees that can cause massive economic losses. Based on the literature, the pathogen seems to be ubiquitous in wine growing regions in cool climates of the northern hemisphere. It is likely that because of its growth below ground, the small fruiting bodies, and ambiguous symptoms above ground, R. subterranea has been overlooked in the past and therefore, has not been considered as primary pathogen for grapevine. Available published information together with experience from field trials was implemented into a diagnostic decision scheme which will, together with the comprehensive literature provided, be the basis (a) to implement quick and efficient diagnosis of this pathogen in the field and (b) to conduct risk analysis and management in areas where R. subterranea has not established yet.  相似文献   


A survey was conducted to gain insight into the perceptions of Lesotho's farmers with regard to insect pests of maize and sorghum, to identify management practices that could impact on stalk-borer numbers and to shed light on other farming practices such as variety selection and crop residue management. Field studies were conducted to determine the incidence and distribution of Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae in sorghum and maize residues and to determine the effect of certain crop residue management practices on stalk-borer survival. Results indicated that farmers regard stalk-borers as important pests that sometimes need to be controlled. However, most farmers never apply control measures, mainly due to lack of resources. Residues of maize and sorghum plants are largely used as animal fodder with maize being cut and fed to animals after harvest. Sorghum crop residues are largely left on fields after harvest to be used by free-grazing animals. While stacks of maize stalks were not important in the winter survival of B. fusca larvae, stacking of sorghum ensures winter survival of C. partellus larvae. Detasselling of maize plants is commonly done at plant senescence and the upper halves of plants are fed to animals. Detasselling of maize plants had no effect on the number of borer larvae in plants at harvest.  相似文献   

社会学习、环境认知对农户亲环境行为影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于山东、陕西、甘肃省710份调研数据,通过结构方程模型分析社会学习、环境认知对农户亲环境行为的影响.结果表明:(1)环境认知能够直接正向影响农户亲环境行为,标准化路径系数为0.090;(2)社会学习对农户亲环境行为有直接负向影响,并通过环境认知也会间接负向影响农户亲环境行为,标准化路径系数分别为-0.400、-0.0...  相似文献   

Information about pesticide use and perceptions of their risks among farmers is important for identifying problems associated with pest-control decisions and developing appropriate management practices in given crops. In tobacco, a plant sensitive to many pests and diseases, such information is lacking. The patterns of pesticide use in oriental tobacco, as well as the most important factors for farmers’ decisions relating to chemical pest control were studied among randomly selected farmers in northern Greece on the basis of self-reported information acquired through a pre-tested questionnaire. High reliance of farmers on pesticides and field use of all well-known classes of chemical pesticides were reported. While all the active ingredients reported were registered for pest control in tobacco, they differed considerably in terms of toxicity. A normal cropping season received at least 14–16 pesticide applications for soil disinfection, pest control, and weed control. Most farmers stated that they usually spray chemicals on a calendar basis or on the first appearance of a pest. Efficacy on target pests and market price of the pesticide products to be used were the most important criteria for selection of pesticides, i.e. products that are considered to be highly effective and/or that are cheap are more likely to be selected. Better-educated and more experienced farmers were found to pay more attention to environmental safety and pesticide toxicity. Most farmers felt that pesticide use can reduce crop damage by more than 75%, assuring high yields. Main determinants of pesticide use were primarily the fear of severe yield and economic losses and the doubts about the effectiveness and the correct implementation of alternative pest-control methods. Pesticide use could be reduced by exposing farmers to improved pest-control practices such as site-specific integrated pest management.  相似文献   

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