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Summary The frost tolerance of winter wheat is one component of winter hardiness. If seedlings are frost resistant, it means that they can survive the frost effect without any considerable damage. To study the genetic control of frost tolerance, an artificial freezing test was used. Frost tolerance is controlled by an additive-dominance system. The results of diallel analyses indicate the importance of both additive and non-additive gene action in the inheritance of this character. The dominant genes act in the direction of lower frost tolerance and the recessive genes in the direction of a higher level of frost tolerance. The results of monosomic and substitution analyses show that at least 10 of the 21 pairs of chromosomes are involved in the control of frost tolerance and winter hardiness. Chromosomes 5A and 5D have been implicated most frequently. The geneFr1 (Frost 1) was located on the long arm of chromosome 5A. Crosses between cultivars, chromosome manipulation and the induction of somaclonal variation may be suitable methods for broadening the gene pool for frost tolerance. 相似文献
Summary The inheritance of tolerance to high concentrations of soil boron in pea (Pisum sativum L.) was studied in five cross combinations and their reciprocals. Segregation patterns for boron response in F2 populations and F3 derived families were established by visual assessment of leaf damage. The segregation ratios were explained in terms of two major gene loci interacting in an additive manner with incomplete dominance at each locus. Evaluation of selected tolerant and susceptible families indicated that tolerant families contained a significantly lower concentration of boron in shoots than susceptible families. 相似文献
Summary Variation in pigment content of the flour of bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in the progenies of F1 and F2 of three crosses and their reciprocals. Reciprocal differences in pigment content were observed in the F1 and F2 means. Low pigment content was found to be partially dominant or over dominant in the crosses studied. There was evidence of substantial mid-parent F1 heterosis in all crosses and betterparent F1 heterosis in three crosses. In the F2, heritability estimates were moderate to high. The F2 frequency distributions were not normal. Estimation of effective factor pairs indicated the presence of one or two major gene pairs involved in the expression of pigment content in the flour. Action of modifiers was also assumed in one cross and its reciprocal. A factorial approach to metrical character suggested that the F2 segregation ratios of low pigment content to high pigment content were 3:1, 15:1, 13:3 and 9:7 for the different crosses. Utilization of the findings in a wheat breeding program is briefly discussed. 相似文献
Summary Three lines derived from the old dirty Dutch land variety Gelderse Ris were resistant against race 66(70)EO(16) of yellow rust. It was found that this resistance was conditioned by one recessive gene provisionally coded yrGR. 相似文献
In marginal, agroclimatic zones, yield is often affected by flooding, but the effect is much less for winter spelt (Triticum spelta L.) than for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study evaluates the reaction of a wheat x spelt population (F5 RILs of Forno x Oberkulmer) to flooding stress in the early phase of germination. Lines with greater tolerance to 48 h flooding
just after imbibition showed less electrolyte leakage (r = -0.79) indicating greater membrane integrity and better survival.
Five QTL explaining 40.6% of the phenotypic variance for survival to flooding were found, and localized on the chromosomes
2B, 3B,5A, and 7S. The tolerance to 48 h flooding four days after sowing was best correlated with the mean germination time
(r = 0.8), indicating that the plants with a fast coleoptile growth during flooding are less susceptible to flooding. Ten
QTL were found for seedling growth index after flooding explaining 35.5% of the phenotypic variance. They were localized on
chromosomes 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, and 7S. Standard varieties of spelt and wheat showed the same tolerance characteristics.
The possibility to use marker assisted selection for flooding tolerance is discussed.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Summary Low power heating wires insulated in a flexible plastic strip were used to heat the shoot meristematic region of grass-dwarf genotypes to a precise temperature. The results indicate that the shoot apical meristem is the region requiring 26°C for the initiation of reproductive development in these genotypes. A secondary effect of the reproductive growth induced by high temperature treatments, was a reduction in the high levels of peroxidase enzymes found in vegetative grass-dwarf plants. The heating wire provides a precise method to identify Type I, II and III grass-dwarf genotypes according to their temperature requirements, of 26°C, 21°C and 16°C respectively, for reproductive growth under the same temperature (16 C) and photoperiod (12 hours). 相似文献
The genetic control of boron (B) efficiencyin wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wasstudied for three genotypes representing Binefficient (I, Bonza), moderately Binefficient (MI, SW 41) and B efficient (E,Fang 60) categories. Boron efficiency wasexpressed as a partially dominant characterbut the phenotypes of F1 hybrids,relative to parents, indicated geneticcontrol varying from recessive to additiveto completely dominant with different crosscombinations and B levels. Major geneswere identified from the evaluation ofF2-derived F3 populations derivedfrom intercrosses between the threeparents. Monogenic segregation was foundin Bonza × SW 41 and SW 41 × Fang 60crosses and digenic segregation resultedin Bonza × Fang 60. Among thethree wheat genotypes with widely differentB efficiency, genetic variation forresponse to B could be accounted for by twogenes, Bo
1 and Bo
2. 相似文献
Summary Expression of 17 rye traits in 24 bread wheat x rye and 8 durum wheat x rye crosses was studied, using a self-compatible, homozygous, dwarf rye. Rye showed epistasis for hairiness on the peduncle in all the crosses of Triticum aestivum and T. durum wheats with rye. Dark greenness of leaves of rye was expressed in all the durum wheat x rye and in some of the bread wheat x rye crosses. Similarly, absence of auricle pubescence, a rye trait, was expressed in most of the durum wheat x rye crosses but not in the bread wheat x rye crosses, indicating the presence of inhibitors for these traits frequently on the D genome and rarely on the A and/or B genome of wheat. Most of the wide hybrids resembled rye fully or partially for intense waxy bloom on the leaf-sheath and for the absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Similarly, most of the amphihaploids resembled rye for the anthocyanin in the coleoptile, stem and node. The presence of some inhibitors on A and/or B genome of wheat was indicated in some of the wheat genotypes for the expression of rye traits viz. intense waxy bloom, anthocyanin in node and absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Enhancement in the level of expression of the intensity and length of bristles on the mid-rib of the glume of the hybrids might be due to wheat-rye interaction. Less number of florets/spikelet as in rye showed variable expression in different wheat backgrounds. Some other rye traits like absence of auricles, terminal spikelet and glume-awn were not expressed in the wheat background. The expression of some of the rye genes might have been influenced by their interaction with Triticum cytoplasm and/or the environment. 相似文献
This paper reports the correlation between the rheological properties of bread wheat dough and the types and quantities of endosperm proteins in 28 common wheat cultivars. Different methods were used to analyse the allelic composition of these cultivars and the relative quantities of the different proteins contributing to the gluten structure. Neither dough strength (W) nor tenacity/extensibility (P/L) correlated with allelic composition. Different wheats with the same allelic composition (i.e., with respect to glutenins) showed different rheological properties. The glutenins were the most influential components of W and P/L, especially the high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits and in particular the type x form. These proteins seem to increase W and are the main constituents of the gluten network. The gliadins and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin subunits appear to act as a “solvent”, and thus modify the rheological properties of the dough by either interfering with the polymerisation of the HMW glutenin subunits, or by altering the relative amounts of the different types of glutenin available. Thus, the protein subunits coded for by the alleles Glu-B1x7 and Glu-D1x5 stabilised the gluten network, whereas those coded for by Glu-B1x17 and Glu-D1x2 had the opposite effect. Dough properties therefore appear to depend on the glutenin/gliadins balance, and on the ratio of the type x and type y HMW proteins. The influence of external factors seems to depend on the allelic composition of each cultivar. 相似文献
Pedigree analysis of the origin of manganese tolerance in Canadian spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary Breeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for tolerance to manganese (Mn) might be in some cases more feasible and economical than use of soil amendments. As part of research on the heritability of Mn tolerance, a study on the level of Mn tolerance in Canadian wheat cultivars and its probable origin was accomplished by analysis of cultivar pedigrees and drawing phylogenetic maps to discern filial relationships. Cultivar tolerance to Mn was determined by relative root weight (RRW) in solution culture in the presence of 500 M Mn. A total of 91 cultivars were screened, 76 of which were Canadian. These data, together with data from another 28 cultivars reported in the literature, were used to draw two pedigree maps, a map for Canadian cultivars only, and a map for the Mn-tolerant Canadian cultivars Norquay and Laura. Results indicated a range of tolerance to Mn among Canadian cultivars. Manganese tolerance, found in either Canadian or foreign germplasm, and of either recent or older selection or origin, seems to have originated from land races from Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil. Tolerance may have been introduced into Canadian germplasm directly by the use of Brazilian cultivars as parents, or indirectly by the introduction of Mexican germplasm with Brazilian parentages. This information will help the plant breeder to develop plant breeding systems, and may also help in the study of the mechanisms for Mn tolerance in wheat. 相似文献
Genetic variation for nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary The new European Common Agricultural Policy and environmental considerations are certainly to change agricultural practices toward low input cultivation systems. Nitrogen is one of the main inputs of winter wheat in northern France and it contributes highly to phreatic water pollution. A research programme has then been set up in order to study whether it is possible to breed for winter wheat cultivars using more efficiently N fertilisers. Less nitrogen would be applied, decreasing pollution risks and operational costs. It has been shown that a large variation exists for N related traits and for the resistance against N deficiency. On the one hand the cv Arche is very resistant to N deficiency, its yield on low N conditions (with no N fertiliser) is on average 89% of its yield on high N conditions (with a high N application). On the other hand, cv Récital is very susceptible to N deficiency as this same percentage is only 61%. A study on 10 hybrids showed that heterosis for grain yield was higher at low N level than at high N level. This was due to a higher number of grains per m2. 相似文献
Summary Three multilines each of Kalyansona and PV 18 varieties of wheat were compared for their stability of yield and agronomic characters and disease resistance against the respective recurrent parents. The experiments were conducted for four years at nine locations.The multilines had more tillers and bolder seeds than the recurrent parents. There were, however, no differences for plant height, ear length and number of spikelets per spike.The genotypes x years x locations interaction was much more important than genotypes x years or genotypes x locations interaction as well as the main effects for genotypes. It is suggested that the number of test locations should be increased while decreasing the number of years.The stability parameters indicated that the multilines had a higher mean yield in the case of Kalyansona multilines whereas the yield of multilines of PV 18 was not significantly inferior to that of the recurrent parent. The regression coefficients were very close to unity except for KSML 3 (b=1.132). The deviations from regression were much larger for the multilines than for the recurrent parents.For rust resistance the multilines were superior over the varieties Kalyansona and PV 18.This is publication No. 9 of the series Studies on multilines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 相似文献
Using the Information and Analytical System of Wheat Genetic Resources GRIS 3.2, the peculiarities of distribution of hybrid
necrosis genes in bread wheat in different regions of the world were analyzed. Considerable variation in frequencies of the
Ne1 and Ne2 genes in regions with different moisture and heat supply was revealed. A significant effect of breeding on frequency dynamics
of different genotypes Ne1ne2, ne1Ne2 and ne1ne2 was confirmed.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Summary The development of high temperature-tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm is necessary to improve plant productivity under high-temperature stress environments. The quantification of high temperature tolerance and the characterization of its genetic control are necessary for germplasm enhancement efforts. This study was conducted to determine the genetic control of acquired high temperature tolerance in common bread wheat cultivars. Reduction of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) by heat-stressed seedling leaves was used as a quantitative measure to characterize acquired high temperature tolerance. Eleven-day-old seedlings of 20 F1 progeny produced through a complete 5×5 (Payne, Siouxland, Sturdy, TAM W-101, and TAM 108) diallel mating design were acclimated at 37° C for 24 hours, followed by a 2-hour incubation at 50° C. Under these test conditions, acquired high temperature tolerance ranged from a high of 75.7% for the genotype TAM W-101 × TAM 108, to a low of 37.3% for the genotype Payne × Siouxland. Partitioning of genotypic variance revealed that only the general combining ability component effect was statistically highly significant, accounting for 67% of the total genotypic variation. These results suggest that enhancing the level of high temperature tolerance in wheat germplasm is feasible utilizing existing levels of genetic variability and exploiting additive genetic effects associated with high temperature tolerance.Contribution of the Texas Tech College of Agric. Sci. Journal no T-4-386. This work was supported by USDA specific agreement No. 58-7MNI-6-114 from the Plant Stress and Water Conservation Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, Texas, USA 相似文献
Summary The growth and yield of seven wheat and two barley cultivars or lines, previously found to show different degrees of boron tolerance under field conditions, were compared in a pot experiment at a range of soil boron treatments. Soil treatments ranged up to 150 mg/kg applied B. Extractable B in soils ranged up to 103 mg/kg.At the highest B treatment seedling emergence was delayed, but the percentage emergence was not reduced. The degree of boron toxicity symptom expression varied between the wheat cultivars and lines, with the two most tolerant, Halberd and (Wq*KP)*WmH)/6/12, displaying the least symptoms.The concentration of boron applied to the soil which produced a significant depression of growth and yield varied between cultivars. For example, the yield of (Wq*KP)*WmH)/6/12 was not affected at the 100 mg/kg applied boron treatment, while the grain yield for (Wl*MMC)/W1/10 was significantly reduced at the 25 mg/kg treatment.There was a linear increase in boron concentration in tillers at the boot-stage with increasing concentration of boron in the soil. The most boron tolerant genotypes had the lowest tissue boron concentrations in each of the treatments. Halberd and (Wq*KP)*WmH)/6/12 had approximately half the boron concentrations of the more sensitive genotypes at the 25 and 50 mg/kg treatments. Differential tolerance of boron within the tissue was also observed. Both Stirling and (Wl*MMC)/W1/10 had significantly reduced total dry matter and grain yields at the 25 mg/kg treatment, while the concentrations of boron in boot stage tillers at this treatment were 118 and 100 mg/kg, respectively. On the other hand, Halberd and (Wq*KP)*WmH)/6/12 had tissue boron concentrations of 144 and 131 mg/kg, respectively, at the 50 mg/kg treatment but yield was unaffected.The relative responses in the pot experiment, for wheat, were in close agreement with field results. Halberd and (Wq*KP)*WmH)/6/12 had the highest grain yields, with the lowest concentrations of boron in the grain when grown under high boron conditions in the field. In pots these two genotypes proved to be the most tolerant of boron. For barley the advantage in grain yield in the field, expressed by WI-2584 compared with Stirling, was not repeated in pots. WI-2584 was, however, more tolerant than Stirling on the basis of total dry matter production.The results show that useful variation in boron tolerance exists among wheat, and that breeding should be able to provide cultivars tolerant to high levels of boron. 相似文献
A new method for screening wheat for boron tolerance has been developed to overcome the problems of methods used in the past.
Seedlings were grown for 10 days while suspended over B-rich solutions. Their root lengths were then measured as an index
of tolerance. Five varieties of wheat were screened at seven concentrations of B. Results were obtained more quickly and easily
than from the alternative methodologies and compared favourably. Screening of 128 doubled haploid lines from a cross between
Halberd and (Wl*MMC) suggested that transgressive segregation had occurred.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The inheritances of thousand kernel weight (TKW), protein percentage, protein quality and grain hardness were studied through an 11 x 11 complete diallel set of bread wheat genotypes consisting of four alloplasmic lines of Selkirk, two alloplasmic lines of Siete Cerros 66, and five commercial cultivars. Genetic components accounted for 93%, 90%, 78%, and 92% of total variation for TKW, protein percentage, protein quality, and grain hardness, respectively. General combining ability (GCA) effects were dominant for TKW (48% GCA, 38% SCA [specific combining ability], and 7% reciprocal effects [RE]), protein percentage (70% GCA, 10% SCA, and 10% RE), and grain hardness (59% GCA, 29% SCA, and 4% RE). However, SCA effects dominated for protein quality (30% GCA, 43% SCA, and 5% RE). Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities were estimated at 0.95 and 0.65 for TKW, 0.94 and 0.82 for protein percentage, 0.83 and 0.47 for protein quality, and 0.95 and 0.74 for grain hardness. Reciprocal effects were highly significant for all quality traits, but less effective than additive and non-additive gene effects. Aegilops cylindrica, Ae. ventricosa, and Triticum turgidum cytoplasms showed positive effects on TKW in some crosses. Ae. cylindrica, Ae. variabilis, and Ae. uniaristata cytoplasms seemed to have potential for improving protein percentage. T. aestivum cytoplasms were superior to alien cytoplasms for protein quality. Bolal 2973, Kiraç 66 and Bezostaja 1 cytoplasms increased protein quality in some crosses. Ae. cylindrica, Ae. variabilis, Ae. ventricosa and Ae. uniaristata cytoplasms had significant effects on grain hardness. The cytoplasmic variation in B type T. aestivum cytoplasm was found to be significant for all traits. 相似文献
A. C. Zeven 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):233-236
Summary Only a few publications deal with the genetics of auricle colour of wheat. They report that red pigmentation is conditioned by one dominant gene, symbolized Ra. Ra is present in Egyptian local wheat cultivars. My own research showed the great instability of this character. 相似文献
Summary Grain size in wheat is the most stable yield component and has a favorable effect on flour yield. To identify the chromosomes associated with the large grains of line G603-86, (grain weight over 60 mg and grain length of about 9 mm), F3 lines, extracted from F2 populations obtained from F1 monosomics of crosses between G603-86 (P1) and the monosomic set of Favorit (P2) were tested in the field. ANOVA showed significant differences among parents for grain weight and grain length, but not for grain width or the factor expressing the difference in grain form and density. Homoeologous groups had significant effects on grain weight and on all components of grain weight, while genomes were not significantly different for any of these characters. Grain weight was significantly increased by chromosomes 6D and 4A of G603-86. Grain length was significantly increased by chromosomes 4A, 4B, 2B, 3A and 1B, grain width by chromosomes 1A and 1B, and the factor form-density by chromosomes 6D and 6A. The high grain size in G603-86 results from the effects of genes located on many chromosomes which affect grain dimensions, form and density. 相似文献
Summary The concept of the uniculm habit as an important feature of a wheat ideotype for a mediterranean environment was evaluated under field conditions. A uniculm plant produces a single shoot and when sown in a stand exemplifies a non-tillering crop with a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season. Yield and harvest index of normal tillering spring wheat was compared with that of the same crop surgically detillered throughout the growing season to a constant density of 2 shoots per plant. The use of a biculm, whilst retaining the uniculm principle of a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season, permitted comparison on a single crop sowing at normal field density.The control plots followed the usual pattern of tillering for the region attaining a maximum of about 4.0 shoots per plant by early spring. Shoot number declined to 2.3 and 2.6 per plant by maturity in 1978 and 1979, respectively.Detillered plots outyielded the controls by 14 per cent in 1978 (2.05 v. 1.80 tonnes ha-1) and 22 per cent in 1979 (1.84 v. 1.51 tonnes ha-1). Harvest indices were 0.39 v. 0.35 in 1978 and 0.30 v. 0.24 in 1979 for detillered and control plots, respectively.Higher leaf area indices and better water relations after anthesis in biculm stands indicated more efficient water use when shoot population was controlled at near optimum level. Irrigation at anthesis reduced the difference in yield between detillered and control plots.Although the uniculm principle was demonstrated with biculms in practice control of shoot number will require the use of genetic uniculms. 相似文献