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该研究利用产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens,C.perfringens)营养体及其芽孢肽聚糖以芽孢萌发率S、浑浊度OD600%、Ca^2+-DPA%变化率等为指标比较不同肽聚糖对C.perfringens芽孢萌发的影响;并针对芽孢萌发率检测耗时、费力等问题,提出一种基于近红外光谱技术(near infrared spectroscopy,NIR)定量预测不同浓度肽聚糖诱导芽孢萌发率研究。首先原始光谱经不同方式预处理,获得最佳方法为标准正态变换,然后使用主成分分析和遗传-联合区间偏最小二乘法进行光谱数据降维及特征变量筛选,分别对不同浓度肽聚糖诱导芽孢S、OD600%、Ca2+-DPA%进行快速预测。结果表明:营养体肽聚糖可有效诱导芽孢萌发,而芽孢肽聚糖效果不明显。利用GA-siPLS筛选芽孢萌发特征变量的最佳特征区间分别是[3,9,11,14]、[1,7,12,15]和[7,8,12,17],其预测集R和RMSEP分别为0.8726,0.8611,0.8841和0.769,0.218%,42.34%。研究结果表明,利用NIR结合GA-siPLS可定量预测肽聚糖诱导C.perfringens芽孢的萌发率,实现芽孢萌发的快速预测,为保证肉制品安全提供有效手段。  相似文献   

The effect of water on "antiplasticization" and plasticization of green and roasted coffee was studied by textural analysis, sorption isotherms, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). From BET monolayer value to a(w) = 0.61 and 0.75 for green and roasted coffee, respectively, the solid matrix hydration occurred and water induced hardening. Very short NMR T(2) values and the concomitant absence of any DSC endothermic peak assignable to water freezing were observed at these a(w) values. When solid matrix hydration was completed, water started to act as a plasticizing agent, the compressive modulus started to decrease, and NMR revealed the appearance of a new proton pool with increased mobility. According to DSC, only when the plasticizing effect became important did water present enough mobility to freeze. Above this moisture value (a(w) = 0.78 and 0.86 for green and roasted coffee, respectively), water determined a decrease of bean hardness and a further decrease of the elastic modulus.  相似文献   

Seed germination on sterilized moist filter or blotting papers resting on natural soils in stacked “Nalgene” plastic specimen dishes was inhibited particularly in alkaline soils in comparison with controls under similar conditions but without soil. The same response was observed when seeds were suspended on filter or blotting papers above the soils, suggesting the influence of an inhibitory volatile factor. Seed germination was not affected in Good's buffers over the pH range of the soil samples tested indicating that inhibition on filter or blotting papers in contact with soils was not due to the direct effect of pH. The observed inhibition of seed germination is similar to that found in the germination of conidia of common soil fungi; a volatile fungistatic factor was also detected in these soils. Liming of moderately acid soils increased conidial inhibition on indirect soil contact or from volatiles: germination of seeds, however, was not affected by liming in five of six soils tested. These results indicate that seeds of higher plants as well as fungal conidia are affected by some natural soils and volatiles are at least partially responsible for inhibition.  相似文献   

华北地区冬春干旱日益频繁, 而环渤海区微咸水资源丰富。探讨微咸水在冬小麦造墒或冬灌中应用的可行性, 对充分利用该区域的微咸水资源具有重要意义。本研究以华北地区不同生态型冬小麦品种(水旱兼用型“石家庄8号”、旱作型“晋麦47”和抗盐型“小偃81”)为试验材料, 采用盆栽方式, 分析了微咸水对冬小麦萌发和苗期生长发育及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明: 微咸水对“石家庄8号”和“小偃81”的萌发无影响, 使“晋麦47”的发芽势和发芽率显著降低, 而3个品种冬小麦的胚芽鲜重对微咸水处理无响应。微咸水处理抑制冬小麦根系的生长, 而促进了地上部的生长, 使“石家庄8号”、“小偃81”和“晋麦47”的根冠比分别降低51.6%、32.3%和36.8%, 使叶绿素含量分别提高38.5%、26.0%和12.9%。微咸水促进冬小麦的地上部生长, 提高冬小麦的水分利用效率, 但是对冬小麦苗期的根系生长有抑制作用。微咸水处理提高3个品种冬小麦的水分利用效率, 主要是由于降低了冬小麦的单株耗水量。  相似文献   

Ethyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, butyl acetate (BA), and hexyl acetate were detected by solid-phase microextraction and gas-liquid chromatography inside slices of Golden Delicious apple and in water droplets on the skin of slices incubated in sealed glass jars. Conidial adhesion and germination of the gray mold fungus, Botrytis cinerea, was assessed on apple slices after exposure or no exposure to the esters in the headspaces of glass jars. Attached conidia were dislodged by sonication and remaining conidia on apple slices were counted by microscopy. Adhesion generally increased as BA increased to 7.2 microg mL(-1), but declined with greater concentrations. BA at 0-3.6 microg mL(-1) for 24 h stimulated adhesion 2-fold greater compared to that at 4 h. Adhesion stimulated by BA increased as a function of time (0-24 h), showing linear trends (r (2) = 0.99; p = 0.01) during 0-12 h. The four esters were similar in their ability to stimulate adhesion. Germination of conidia exposed to BA increased linearly (r (2) = 0.95-0.98; p = 0.01) during 4-12 h. Conidial adhesion stimulated by BA preceded conidial germination by 2 h. The four esters stimulated conidial germination to similar levels. Results indicated that acetate esters formed in apple fruit are mycoactive, influencing life-cycle events of B. cinerea important to its survival on the fruit. The similar responses of three B. cinerea isolates to four acetate esters suggests a common stimulation mechanism may operate in B. cinerea.  相似文献   

热激和山梨酸钾处理对猕猴桃果实灰霉病的抑制效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了探究热激和山梨酸钾对离体灰霉菌(Botrytis cinerea)及猕猴桃果实采后灰霉病的抑制效应,用48℃热水(Hot Water Treatment,HT)和5 g/L山梨酸钾溶液(Potassium Sorbate,PS)及二者复合(PS+HT)分别处理离体灰霉菌和接种过灰葡萄孢霉的猕猴桃果实。离体试验以不添加山梨酸钾的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(Potato Dextrose Agar,PDA)培养不加热处理的灰霉菌悬液为对照,结果表明与对照相比,PS和PS+HT处理均能显著抑制离体灰霉菌菌丝生长(P<0.05)。损伤接种试验以常温即18℃下清水浸泡接种灰霉菌的猕猴桃果实为对照,浸泡后果实分别贮藏在0℃和24℃,结果表明在2种温度贮藏条件下,上述处理均可以显著诱导提高多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶、几丁质酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性(P<0.05),从而抑制果实病斑扩散,显著降低果实发病指数(P<0.05)。其中复合处理抑菌效果最佳,而PS、HT单一处理的果实病斑直径在贮藏后期与对照差异不显著(P>0.05)。此外,为了进一步探究上述处理是否对猕猴桃果实冷藏品质产生影响,将对照及不同处理组果实在0℃下贮藏90 d,每10 d测定品质相关指标。结果表明,与对照相比,PS+HT复合处理延缓了可滴定酸和维生素C含量的下降,并且显著降低了果实失重率和腐烂率(P<0.05),提高了猕猴桃果实耐贮性,对延缓猕猴桃果实衰老和减轻采后腐烂衰败具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this research, effects of magnetic field strength (400, 500 and 600?mT) and type of water (distilled and saline water) was studied on germination and growth characteristic of wheat seeds. Results showed that the magnetic field intensity and type of treated water had significant effects on germination and growth characteristic of wheat seeds. The morphological properties of treated plants were improved compared with controlled ones. Experimental results showed that germination rate of the seeds treated by 400?mT using distilled water had the highest amount (53.3%) and it was the lowest (20%) for control seeds using groundwater. Distilled water affected in 400?mT field and control groundwater resulted in the highest and lowest amounts of root length (155.3 and 20.0?mm, respectively). Seedling fresh weight had the highest amount for treated distilled water with 600?mT magnetic field.  相似文献   

A new laboratory method was proposed to establish an easily performed standard for the determination of mobile soil water close to real conditions during the infiltration and redistribution of water in a soil. It consisted of applying a water volume with a tracer ion on top of an undisturbed ring sample on a pressure plate under a known suction or pressure head. Afterwards, soil water mobility was determined by analyzing the tracer-ion concentration in the soil sample. Soil water mobility showed to be a function of the applied water volume. No relation between soil water mobility and applied pressure head could be established with data from the present cxperiment. A simple one- or two-parameter equation can be fitted to the experimental data to parameterize soil water mobility as a function of applied solute volume. Sandy soils showed higher mobility than loamy" soils at low values of applied solute volumes, and both sandy and loamy soils showed an almost complete mobility at high applied solute volumes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the association between resistance to grain mold and the accumulations of chitinase and sormatin. Eight sorghum lines were treated at 50% bloom with Fusarium thapsinum, Curvularia lunata, a mixture of the two fungi, and a water-sprayed control. At maturity, percent disease severity, seed germination rates, and kernel weight were recorded. Chitinase and sormatin content (mg/g of dry weight) were measured in seed samples taken at 30 and 50 days after treatment (DAT). Seed chitinase content was moderately affected by sorghum line (P = 0.10) and significantly affected by the developmental stage of the kernels (P = 0.05). Cultivars Sureno, 98LB650, and 98LB723 exhibited larger negative changes in chitinase content at 50 DAT over water-sprayed control treatment at 30 DAT than the susceptible cultivars Dorado, RTx2536, and RTx430. In 2000, significant negative correlations were observed for percent disease severity and chitinase content at 30 DAT, seed germination and sormatin content at 50 DAT, and between seed germination and kernel weight. There also was a significant positive correlation between germination and chitinase content at 30 DAT. No association between disease severity and changes in chitinase content at 50 DAT was observed. Sormatin content also was significantly affected by the stage of kernel development. Sorghum cultivars inoculated with fungal pathogens responded differently as indicated by the significant sorghum line x treatment interaction for sormatin content in 2000. In both years, larger increases in sormatin content over the water-sprayed control treatments were observed on moderately susceptible to susceptible cultivars such as 98LB650, 98LB723, 98LB789, RTx430, and RTx2536 than on Sureno. Except for percent disease severity and germination, there was no significant association among all of the other parameters measured in 2001. The results of this study did not clearly demonstrate a strong association between resistance to grain mold and the accumulation of sormatin and chitinase. Thus, there is the possibility that certain moderately resistant to resistant sorghum cultivars, such as Sureno, may employ other strategies to eschew or restrict fungal invasion either before or after physiological maturity.  相似文献   



With widely applied water-saving irrigation techniques, the transformation and availabilities of copper (Cu) as both a micronutrient and a toxic metal are changed. However, little information is available on the binding forms, bioavailability, and fate of Cu in paddy fields with different irrigation management. Thus, we investigated the effects of irrigation management on the binding forms and the fate of Cu in a non-polluted paddy soil.

Materials and methods

Field experiments were conducted in 2011 on non-polluted rice fields in Kunshan, East China. Non-flooding controlled irrigation (NFI) was applied in three replications, with flooding irrigation as a control. Samples of soil, soil solution, irrigation water, and rice plants were collected. Fresh soil samples were digested using the modified European Community Bureau of Reference sequential extraction procedure and the dried crop samples digested at 160 °C using concentrated HNO3. Cu contents in irrigation water, soil solution, extraction for different binding fractions, and the digested solutions were measured using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Leaching loss of Cu was calculated based on the Cu contents in 47- to 54-cm soil solutions and deep percolation rates, which were calculated using the field water balance principle.

Results and discussion

NFI led to multiple dry–wet cycles and high soil redox potential in surface soil. The dry–wet cycles in NFI soil resulted in higher Cu contents in acid-extractable and oxidizable forms and lower Cu in residual form. High decomposition and mineralization rates of soil organic matter caused by the dry–wet cycles partially accounted for the increased Cu in acid-extractable form in NFI soils. The frequently high contents of Cu in reducible form in NFI fields might be due to the enhanced transformation of Fe and Mn oxides. As a result, Cu uptakes in NFI fields increased by 8.1 %. Meanwhile, Cu inputs by irrigation and loss by leaching in NFI fields were reduced by 47.6 and 46.6 %.


NFI enhanced the transformation of Cu from residual to oxidizable and acid-extractable forms. The oxidizable form plays a more important role than the reducible form in determining the transformation of Cu from the immobile to the mobile forms in NFI soils. NFI helps improve availability and decreases leaching loss of Cu as a micronutrient in a non-polluted paddy soil, but leads to a high concentration of Cu in rice.  相似文献   

萌发试验同时在实验室和田间进行。试验结果表明,当土壤含水量低于10%时,玉米种子将不能顺利萌发。温度变化可以加速种子萌发,田间条件下,50%种子萌发所需的积温范围为18.6-23.8℃,决定于昼夜的温差。播种深度影响出苗速率,50%出苗所需的时间播深8厘米比播深5厘米推迟半天(相当于积温3-5℃),80%出苗所需的时间播深8厘米比播深5厘米推迟1天(相当于积温7-10℃)。  相似文献   

沙埋和水分对3种灌草植物种子萌发及出苗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取柠条、紫花苜蓿和披碱草3种沙区常见灌草植物进行大田盆栽实验,研究种子在不同沙埋深度和供水条件下的萌发及出苗特性.结果表明:1)柠条和紫花苜蓿种子主要在2.5 ~5.0 mm供水量条件下出苗,柠条种子的最大出苗率为59.00%±7.21%,紫花苜蓿种子出苗率未超过40%,2.5 mm供水量条件下紫花苜蓿幼苗死亡率较大,存在萌发后大量死亡的现象,披碱草种子在5.0~9.0mm供水量条件下出苗较好,最大出苗率为52.67%士10.67%;2)柠条和紫花苜蓿种子的适宜沙埋深度分别为0.5~1 cm和0.5cm,随着埋深的增加,二者的出苗率显著降低,在4.5cm埋深时,柠条种子萌发后未出土幼苗数最多,披碱草种子对沙埋的适应性较好,4.5 am沙埋深度时出苗率最大.  相似文献   

Red mold dioscorea (RMD) produced by Monascus sp. was proven to be a hypolipidemic functional food. Deep ocean water (DOW), that is, water obtained from over 200 m deep in the ocean, was found to promote the growth of fungus via its mineral richness. On the basis of the advantages, this study used 650 m DOW as the culture water to culture Monascus purpuresus NTU 568 and produce the DOW-RMD. The goal of this study is to compare the difference between DOW-RMD and reverse osmosis water-cultured RMD (ROW-RMD) on the hypolipidemic effect. Hyperlipidemic hamsters were fed a high-cholesterol diet and administered various doses of DOW-RMD or ROW-RMD for 8 weeks. After sacrifice, biochemical analyses in serum, liver, and feces were carried out. The results showed that DOW-RMD had a greater effect on lowering cholesterol levels and lipid peroxidation in serum and lipid plaque in heart aorta than ROW-RMD. However, DOW was likely to modulate the Monascus metabolite biosynthesis pathway toward the formation of hypolipidemic yellow pigments (such as monascin and ankaflavin) rather than red pigments and the mycotoxin citrinin. In addition, the DOW with higher Mg(2+) ion was proven to absorb into DOW-RMD; however, the accumulation of Mg(2+) ions should contribute a greater hypolipidemic effect to DOW-RMD. Comprehensively, the DOW-induced metabolism modulation and the ions of DOW were a benefit to the development of safe DOW-RMD with low citrinin levels and high hypolipidemic, antiatherosclerosis, and anti-fatty liver effects.  相似文献   


Weeping alkaligrass (Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl.) showed higher germination than Lennnon alkaligrass (Puccinellia lemmoni (Vasey) Scribn.) both on germination pads and in sand when watered with different concentrations of sea water. When sea water was applied at seeding, 15, 30, and 45 days after seeding, adverse effects of salt increased in both species as sea water concentration increased and as plant age at the time of sea water introduction decreased. The capacity to accumulate chloride and sodium ions in shoots increased with plant age at the time of sea water introduction.  相似文献   

The structure of a germination inhibitor, hypnosin, isolated from phytopathogenic Streptomyces sp. causing root tumor of melon was determined to be 3-acetylaminopyrazine-2-carboxylic acid (1) by mass spectrometry, computational chemical prediction of UV spectrum, and synthesis of candidates. The structure-activity relationship of hypnosin and anthranilic acid was examined, and it was concluded that pyrazinecarboxylic acid or pyridine-2-carboxylic acid was the fundamental structure with activity, that methylation of the carboxyl group or decarboxylation destroyed activity, and that the presence of an amino group was inhibitory to the activity, whereas acetylation or deletion of an amino group enhanced activity. Hypnosin inhibited spore germination of some Streptomyces spp. in addition to the species with which it was isolated.  相似文献   

不同盐分与水分胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发效应研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
不同盐分与水分胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发试验研究结果表明,>0 0 5mol/ L(PEG 6 0 0 0溶液渗透势为- 0 .2MPa)浓度盐溶液对灰绿藜种子萌发有明显抑制效应,而较低浓度盐溶液(较低渗透势PEG 6 0 0 0溶液)对种子萌发有促进作用。不同盐溶液对种子萌发抑制程度依次为MgCl2 >Na2 SO4>Na2 CO3 >NaCl>复合盐溶液>MgSO4。PEG 6 0 0 0溶液渗透势≤- 0 .5MPa时对种子萌发抑制作用小于等渗NaCl溶液。未萌发种子复水试验结果表明一定程度盐分与水分胁迫不影响种子萌发潜力,其萌发恢复率随原处理溶液抑制程度的增加而增加;种子萌发潜力未受影响时其忍受的最大渗透胁迫随处理溶液不同而异  相似文献   

热水处理对桃果采后青霉病及自然腐烂的控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了寻找一种能够代替化学杀菌剂控制桃果采后病害的方法,研究了热水处理对桃果采后青霉病的控制及对桃果贮藏品质的影响,探讨了热水处理对扩展青霉孢子萌发的影响.在测定不同温度、不同时间热水处理对桃果青霉病抑菌效果的基础上,选择54℃、2 min的条件对桃果进行热水处理,处理后的桃果放在20℃下贮藏7 d或在4℃下贮藏30 d再转移到20℃下贮藏7 d,观察桃果的腐烂情况,并对桃果的贮藏品质指标进行检测.试验结果表明:热水处理能够有效地起到控制桃果采后病害的作用,热水处理对桃果的失重率、硬度、总可溶性固形物含量、抗坏血酸含量、可滴定酸度等水果品质没有显著的不利影响.热水处理可以显著抑制扩展青霉孢子的萌发及芽管的延长.因此,54℃、2 min热水处理是一种能代替化学杀菌剂对桃果采后病害进行控制的有效方法.  相似文献   

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