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利用“时差选择”方法,使用灭生性除草剂,在水稻收割后或水稻移栽前,防治稻田水渠杂草,特别是芦苇等恶性杂草,具有显著的效果,既减少了杂草危害,又增加了池埂大豆的产量,还可清除田间害虫的寄主。防治芦苇,每667m^2可用农达41%水剂500-550g;防治稗草等,每667m^2可用农达41%水剂150-200g,兑水20-30kg喷雾,即可达到防除水渠杂草的目的。  相似文献   

了解闽东稻田杂草的种类,发生规律,治理措施,除草剂种类和特点,以及从秧田至移栽大田的管理方法和防治措施,以期为高效农业发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

为明确拜田净对水田杂草的防治效果,在田间采用大区对比法进行药效试验。结果表明,拜田净50%可湿性粉剂300g/hm2+草克星10%可湿性粉剂225g/hm2,在水稻移栽田一次性施用,对禾本科杂草防效100%,对阔叶杂草防效93%,对水稻不但安全,而且使水稻分蘖多、无效分蘖少、生长快,增产显著。比禾大壮+草克星或丁草胺+草克星效果好。  相似文献   

田间使用稻糠对稻田杂草进行防治的试验结果表明,在单季稻田中每667 m2施用稻糠100 kg可较好地控制矮慈菇、鸭舌草、稗草、空心莲子草以及莎草等杂草为害,施用后14d,其总株防效和总鲜重防效均高于化学除草剂50%丁草胺EC 150 ml/667 m2的防效,且存在显著差异.  相似文献   

针对北方稻田中严重影响水稻产量的难治杂草,重点介绍了稻稗(旱稗)、葡茎剪股颖、稻李氏禾(秕壳草)、三棱草、水绵(青苔)等的形态特征和主要的防治方法。  相似文献   

盐城市稻田杂草稻防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐城市是江苏省农业大市,常年水稻种植面积30万hm2,近几年来,免耕直播稻成为江苏省农业重点推广技术,该项技术因能减少劳力和避开灰飞虱危害高峰期而被逐渐采用.2008年盐城市直播水稻面积近20万hm2,然而伴随直播稻的增加,杂草稻也变成为一个棘手的问题,发生蔓延逐年加重,范围越来越广,因该稻种皮为红色而被农民称为"红米稻", 红米杂草稻不仅产量低、米质差,且与正常稻株争光、争肥、争生长空间,严重影响栽培水稻的正常生长,这种稻由于其产量、稻米品质等系列缺陷而成为恶性杂草,已成为水稻生产一大公害.  相似文献   

瑞泽金水灵55%干悬浮剂80g/667m2(毒砂、肥)均匀撒施于插秧缓苗后,稗草2叶期前施药,可有效地防除稻田中的稗草、扁秆藨草、慈菇、雨久花、鸭舌草、异型莎草、碎米莎草等禾本科、阔叶及种子繁殖的莎草科杂草。防效达90%左右,是目前较理想的水稻田一次性除草剂。  相似文献   

以表面张力、扩展直径、干燥时间和最大持液量为评价指标,测定植株油类喷雾助剂GY-Tmax、矿物油类助剂GY-T12及有机硅类助剂GY-S903喷雾助剂不同添加量对40 g/L烟嘧磺隆可分散油悬浮剂药液物理性状的影响。结果表明,3种助剂均能显著降低其药液的表面张力,增加其扩展直径,GY-S903对其影响最大。3种助剂对药液的干燥时间和最大持液量的影响存在显著差异。添加0.25%~0.75%的GY-Tmax,在保证对玉米田杂草防治效果相当的情况下,烟嘧磺隆用量可减少50%;添加0.03%~0.07%的GY-S903及0.3%~0.6%的GY-T12可使烟嘧磺隆用量减少40%。在整个生育期内,未发现40 g/L烟嘧磺隆可分散油悬浮剂30 g ai/hm~2添加喷雾助剂各处理对玉米的明显受害症状,烟嘧磺隆添加GY-Tmax较30 g ai/hm~2烟嘧磺隆增产6.6%~7.6%,增产作用最强。GY-S903对烟嘧磺隆的增产作用与GY-T12相当,较30 g ai/hm~2烟嘧磺隆处理分别增产4.3%~7.0%及3.9%~7.4%。  相似文献   

大田调查和试验结果表明,仪征市(沿江圩区)麦套稻田杂草种类多、出草峰次多、草相组合复杂,出草数量大,为害损失重,目前除草技术不配套、问题多、成本高。2.5%稻杰(Penoxsulan)、10%千金(Cyhalofop-butyl)单用或桶混防除麦套稻田主要杂草具有速效、高效、简便易行的特点。  相似文献   

采用米糠不同施用量并加淹水消灭稻田杂草试验,结果表明,稻田应用米糠淹水灭草具有一定效果。在米糠用量200g/m2处理中,稻田杂草株防效达29.7%,水稻增产5.4%,效益增加87.1元/hm2。  相似文献   

采用米糠不同施用量并加淹水消灭稻田杂草试验,结果表明,稻田应用米糠淹水灭草具有一定效果.在米糠用量200 g/m^2处理中,稻田杂草株防效达29.7%,水稻增产5.4%,效益增加87.1元/hm^2.  相似文献   

针对沈阳地区水田中后期杂草的发生种类和为害情况,开展药剂品种和剂量筛选试验。结果表明:在水稻分蘖至孕穗期,施用48%苯达松与13%二甲四氯1∶1.67配比混剂,每667m2用混剂150~200ml,能取得93.0%以上较好的灭草效果。  相似文献   

有效施用除莠剂要靠气候条件,研制应用物理方法除草,可有效代替古老机械锄草化学药剂除草,初步试验结果证明,电流对栽培作物和杂草的作用,有高度选择性。  相似文献   

北方春季干旱多大风,严重影响除草剂药效,因此掌握豆田杂草防除技巧对指导豆田杂草防除工作具有十分重大的现实意义.本文阐述了豆田苗前封闭除草和苗后茎叶处理的化学除草技巧,以期为农业科技人员提供防除豆田杂草的理论参考.  相似文献   

The implications of adopting alternative seeding methods for rice and wheat establishment were examined at three geographically separate sites in the rice-wheat system of the Indo-Gangetic plains, across northern India. Rice yields in cultivated plots, established by either wet or dry seeding methods, were evaluated in comparison to yields from zero-tillage plots and under conventional transplanting methods. In the same trials, the effects of crop establishment methods in wheat were assessed both on wheat yields and rice yields. Rice crop establishment methods markedly influenced the emerging weed flora and attainable yields were measured in relation to intensity of weed management. Over four years, average rice grain yields in the absence of weed competition were greatest (6.56 t ha−1) under wet seeding (sowing pre-germinated rice seed on puddled soil), and similar to those from transplanted rice (6.17 t ha−1) into puddled soil, and dry seeded rice after dry soil tillage (6.15 t ha−1). Lowest yields were observed from dry seeded rice sown without tillage (5.44 t ha−1). Rice yield losses due to uncontrolled weed growth were least in transplanted rice (12%) but otherwise large (c. 85%) where rice had been sown to dry cultivated fields or to puddled soil, rising to 98% in dry seeded rice sown without soil tillage. Weed competition reduced multiple rice yield components, and weed biomass in wet seeded rice was six-fold greater that in rice transplanted into puddled soil and twice as much again in dry seeded rice sown either after dry tillage or without tillage. Wheat grain yields were significantly higher from crops sown into tilled soil (3.89 t ha−1) than those sown without tillage (3.51 t ha−1), and also were elevated (5% on average) where the soil had been dry cultivated in preparation for the previous rice crops rather than puddled. The method of wheat cultivation did not influence rice yield. Soil infiltration rates in the wheat season were least where the land had been puddled for rice (1.52 mm h−1), and greater where the soil had been dry-tilled (2.63 mm h−1) and greatest after zero-tillage (3.54 mm h−1).These studies demonstrated at research managed sites across a wide geographic area, and on farmers’ fields, that yields of dry seeded rice sown after dry cultivation of soil were broadly comparable with those of transplanted rice, providing weed competition was absent. These results support the proposition that direct seeding of rice could provide an alternative to the conventional practice of transplanting, and help address rising costs and threats to sustainability in the rice-wheat rotation. Further, analysis of patterns of long-term rainfall data indicated that farmers reliant on monsoon rainfall could prepare fields for dry direct seeded rice some 30 days before they could prepare fields for either transplanting or seeding with pre-germinated seed. Dry, direct seeding of rice contributes a valuable component of an adaptive strategy to address monsoonal variability that also may advance the time of wheat establishment and yield. Whilst the results illustrate the robustness, feasibility and significant potential of direct seeded rice, they also highlight the critical nature of effective weed control in successful implementation of direct seeding systems for rice.  相似文献   

大豆贮藏蛋白亚基积累进程及品种间差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用SDS-PAGE,以5个具有主要贮藏蛋白亚基含量变异的大豆品种为材料,探讨蛋白亚基在子叶和胚中积累时间进程以及品种间差异,结果表明:(1)同一品种子叶和胚中主要贮藏蛋白亚基构成基本一致,但部分亚基带在两个部位出现时间上存在差异;胚中各亚基积累量与相应时期子叶中对应亚基的积累量相比,除α'亚基积累量略少外,其余亚基积累量都明显相对较低.(2)不同品种间蛋白亚基带出现的时间也存在差异,早的品种其子叶在开花后20d左右即可检测到几乎所有蛋白亚基带,迟的品种到25d左右才能检测到.(3)所用研究材料缺失的蛋白亚基,在发育过程中的胚和子叶中都未出现电泳带.(4)β亚基带在所分析品种的胚和子叶中皆出现.  相似文献   

福建省农业厅将“霞浦元宵茶”列为21世纪茶园更新换代新品种之一。我县茶场于九十年代末引种“霞浦元宵茶”获得成功后,从2001年开始逐年引种推广至2005年,全场推广“霞浦元宵茶”15hm2,建成高香特种绿茶生产示范园区。近年来,茶场职工应用茶树速生栽培技术,采用科学管理方法,使幼龄“元宵茶”达到速生成园的效果,成为茶场职工增收的新亮点。1速生栽培效果调查表明,特早高香新品种“霞浦元宵茶”在我县大京茶场坡地红、黄壤茶园栽植,经科学栽培管理,能快速成园,形成丰产型树冠,达到提早收益的效果,尤其是发挥特早开采、品质优异的优良特性,…  相似文献   

概述了影响北部大豆田化学除草剂应用效果的自然气候,杂草演变,施用技术,人为因素等,就影响因素进一步提出了相应解决对策。  相似文献   

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