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不同水分、施氮量对土壤中硝态氮含量分布的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过田间试验,研究了不同氮肥用量和灌水量情况下土壤中硝态氮的动态分布。结果表明,土壤剖面的硝态氮含量随着施氮量的增加而增加,在同一施氮量水平下,随着土壤深度的增加,土壤中硝态氮含量递减。在冬小麦的整个生育期中,拔节期的追肥灌水有助于硝态氮向土壤深处移动,甚至有可能淋洗出根层,对地下水产生影响。  相似文献   

Selective absorption (SA) of K over Na (i.e. the preferential absorption of K over Na) has been proposed as a Na tolerance mechanism but genotypic variation for this trait has not been assessed with sugar beet in the field. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the variation of SA in 14 sugar beet cultivars and to relate SA with yield and root quality in two sites of central Greece (Amfithea and Pyrgetos). Genotypic variation for SA was significant and the SA values were higher in Pyrgetos, the site with the lower soil K and Na concentrations. In Pyrgetos, a favourable environment for sugar beet growth, cultivars yielded more and root quality was better. In that site, a negative relationship between SA and yield (fresh root weight, sugar yield) was found indicating that strong Na exclusion from root is a disadvantage for high yielding. Negative SA–yield relationships were evident in Amfithea when five cultivars with very low SA values (<1.00) were excluded from the analysis. Combined all the cultivars, curvilinear functions were the best-fitted curves for the SA–yield relationships. In Amfithea, where sugar beets had lower water content in root (WCR), a significant, positive correlation between SA and % sucrose content in fresh root weight was found. This finding was ascribed to the dilution of sucrose in roots due to the increased WCR as a result of the increased root Na concentration. In both sites, SA was positively related with root K concentration and negatively with Na concentration. The positive correlations between SA and root α-amino N concentration indicated that sugar beet N nutrition could be affected by the genotypic ability to exclude Na from the root.  相似文献   

The relations between the extent of injuries in seedlings caused by a few day-long exposures to chill (5°C) and the leakage of K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions from the leaves as well as the electric potential in seven maize hybrids, were investigated. The permeability of cells to ions was defined based on their absolute concentration in a water diffusate (Ct) and concentration expressed in relation to the total ion content in the leaves (IL index).
At lowered temperature the hybrids of higher resistance to chilling temperature were characterized by a lower value of the IL index for K+ and Mg2+ ions than the chill-sensitive hybrids. On the other hand, absolute concentration of the ions (Ct) Mg2+ and Ca2+ leaking from the leaves before chill exposure of the seedlings was positively and highly correlated with the extent of injuries in hybrids caused by 4 day-long exposures to chill. This observation is evidence that the chill injuries were predetermined through increased cell permeability to the mentioned ions at room temperature.
Changes in the electric potential of leaves in conditions of lowered temperature preceded the injuries of leaves, which became apparent after a longer period of exposure to chill. Thus, as the leakage of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions occurs, changes in the electric potential may supply early information about the predisposition of the particular maize hybrids to chilling injuries. Leakage measurements of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions from the leaves at room temperature may find application in the selection of chill-tolerant maize genotypes.  相似文献   

Salinity and waterlogging are worldwide environmental constraints to crop production. In this study, plants of winter wheat were grown in pots in the semi‐field with transparent waterproof top and subjected to salt (ST), waterlogging (WL) and their combination (SW) stresses since 7 days after anthesis (DAA). The effects of ST, WL and SW on the contents of sugars, free amino acid (FAA), starch, protein, Na+ and K+ in flag leaves, stems and grains were investigated during grain filling stage. ST and SW significantly reduced total soluble sugars (TSS) and sucrose contents in both vegetative organs and grains, and fructan content in stems. ST and SW also reduced FAA contents in stems and grains, whereas they increased FAA content in flag leaves. This resulted in a significant decrease in the ratio of TSS to FAA under ST and SW stresses in flag leaves. Moreover, ST and SW increased Na+ content, whereas they reduced K+ content, which resulted in a reduction in K+/Na+ ratio, especially during the late filling stage. In addition, ST and SW caused a reduction in starch and protein accumulations in grains. Finally, the temporal (time‐course) and spatial (different organs) responses of sugars, FAA, Na+ and K+ to ST, SW and WL and their relationships to grain starch and protein formation were further investigated.  相似文献   

枸杞树不同器官氮磷钾吸收规律及其合理施肥初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明枸杞不同器官氮磷钾养分吸收规律,并提出合理的化肥用量,以7年生成龄和4年生幼龄‘宁杞1号’枸杞树为研究对象,利用田间试验研究枸杞年生育期内果实、枝条、叶片中氮磷钾养分含量变化动态,探讨枸杞干鲜果产量及氮磷钾累积动态,提出氮磷钾肥的推荐量。结果表明,枸杞果实、枝条和叶片中养分含量都为N>K>P。枝条中全氮、全钾含量呈双峰“M”型变化,叶片中全氮含量动态呈倒“V”型。各器官中氮、钾含量变异较大,而磷含量变幅较小。枸杞夏果、秋果期干鲜果产量及干果氮磷钾累积动态都呈抛物线型变化,7月和10月中旬为果实养分累积高峰期。枸杞干果产量与氮、磷、钾施肥量都服从二次曲线关系,幼龄枸杞树化肥推荐量分别为N 431~510 kg/hm2、P2O5 239~282 kg/hm2、K2O 362~379 kg/hm2。氮和钾是枸杞树各器官重要的营养元素,应在养分需求高峰期施肥补充树体的养分供应。  相似文献   

河西走廊地区不同氮磷钾最佳配比对棉花产量影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在甘肃河西走廊地区开展了棉花氮磷钾最佳配比和施用量的田间试验。结果表明,N在172.5~241.5kg/hm2的前提下,氮磷钾各因素对棉花产量的影响顺序为P>K>N;氮、磷对棉花单株铃数影响较大,而钾对单铃重的影响较大。最佳氮磷钾配比为N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.67:0.23。  相似文献   

不同重茬年数烤烟钾积累、分配和利用研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
为研究烤烟在重茬栽培条件下钾积累分配和肥料利用率变化,试验在田间条件下,以‘龙江911’为试材,选取3、5年茬口试验田,设置自然肥力下ZR3和ZR5 2个处理,常规施肥下CG3和CG5 2个处理。结果表明:植株总钾积累随生育期延后逐渐升高,积累量表现为ZR3>ZR5,CG3>CG5;烤烟根茎叶钾积累规律同植株总钾积累规律,其中,根系和叶片钾积累量表现为ZR3显著高于ZR5,CG3显著高于CG5,茎仅在前期存在显著差异,后期无显著差异;烤烟钾分配比例表现为叶>茎>根,施肥不能改变这种分配格局;钾肥利用率表现为3年茬高于5年茬,分别达到23.72%和20.17%。综合分析认为,为保证烟叶内钾含量的提高,对于多年重茬烤烟应加大钾肥使用量,已经重茬5年的地块,建议不再继续栽培烤烟。  相似文献   

This work assessed the responses of Jerusalem artichoke (JA) genotypes experienced to different durations of terminal drought for relative water content (RWC), SPAD chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR), stomatal conductance (SC), leaf area (LA) and specific leaf area (SLA), investigated the significant contributor of physiological traits to yield and yield reduction and diversity of physiological traits in terminal drought tolerance genotypes. Field research was conducted during the late-rainy season for 2 years using a split-plot design with four replications. The three irrigation treatments involved no-drought (SD0), short (SD1) and long (SD2) durations of terminal drought were arranged as main plots, and sub-plots were six genotypes of JA. The current study revealed that RWC, SC, LA, and SLA, were drastically reduced whilst SCMR values slightly increased under SD1 and SD2 compared to SD0. According to multiple linear regression indicated that SLA (SD0), and RWC (SD1 and SD2) had high contributions to tuber fresh weight (TFW), whereas SC had a high contribution to TFW reduction under terminal drought. Principal component analysis also confirmed that the diversity of LA, RWC, and SLA had maximized contributing traits, followed by HI, SCMR and SC in these breeding materials of JA under three irrigation treatments. Our finding emphasized that JA125 (low SLA), HEL256 and JA37 (high SLA) lead to the high performance of TFW under SD0, and they exhibited high TFW under SD1 by performing medium RWC. Likewise, JA4 and JA37 had high TFW under SD2 caused by medium RWC. HEL253 and JA60 were identified as terminal drought-tolerant genotypes because of performed medium SC, which contributed to a low reduction in TFW. Our promising results are the basis for further studies, SLA, RWC and SC are an important keys for screening drought tolerance (low economic yield reduction) and these genotypes studied could be used for parental lines to improved drought tolerance progenies through breeding programs under different durations of terminal drought-prone areas.  相似文献   

Phenological development, leaf emergence, tillering and leaf area index (LAI), and duration (LAD) of spring wheat cv. Minaret, grown in open-top chambers at different sites throughout Europe for up to 3 years at each site, were investigated in response to elevated CO2 (ambient CO2×2) and ozone (ambient ozone ×1.5) concentrations.

Phenological development varied among experiments and was partly explained by differences in temperature among sites and years. There was a weak positive relationship between the thermal rate of development and the mean daylength for the period from emergence to anthesis. Main stems produced on average 7.7 leaves with little variation among experiments. Variation was higher for the thermal rate of leaf emergence, which was partly explained by differences in the rate of change of daylength at plant emergence among seasons. Phenological development, rate of leaf emergence and final leaf number were not affected by CO2 and ozone exposure. Responses of tillering and LAI to CO2 and ozone exposure were significant only in some experiments. However, the direction of responses was consistent for most experiments. The number of tillers and ears per plant, respectively, was increased as a result of CO2 enrichment by about 13% at the beginning of stem elongation (DC31), at anthesis and at maturity. Exposure to ozone had no effect on tillering. LAI was increased as a result of CO2 elevation by about 11% at DC31 and by about 14% at anthesis. Ozone exposure reduced LAI at anthesis by about 9%. No such effect was observed at DC31. There were very few interactive effects of CO2 and ozone on tillering and LAI. Variations in tillering and LAI, and their responses to CO2 and ozone exposure, were partly explained by single linear relationships considering differences in plant density, tiller density and the duration of developmental phases among experiments. Consideration of temperature and incident photosynthetically active radiation in this analysis did not reduce the unexplained variation. There was a negative effect of ozone exposure on leaf area duration at most sites. Direct effects of elevated CO2 concentration on leaf senescence, both positive and negative, were observed in some experiments. There was evidence in several experiments that elevated CO2 concentration ameliorated the negative effect of ozone on leaf area duration. It was concluded from these results that an analysis of the interactive effects of climate, CO2 and ozone on canopy development requires reference to the physiological processes involved.  相似文献   

蔡公堂乡为拉萨市主要果蔬生产基地,开展该地区大棚果蔬酵母菌多样性的研究,能够为青藏高原酵母菌资源的开发与利用提供理论依据。采用研磨和稀释相结合的方法,从蔡公堂大棚果蔬中分离到140株酵母菌,结合经典分类法及26S rDNA D1/D2区域序列分析,对获得的酵母菌菌株进行分类。结果显示:供试酵母菌最终被归为13个属27个种,其中,Ustilentyloma graminis、Rhodotorula babjevae以及Rhodotorula diobovata这3个种是拉萨市蔡公堂乡大棚果蔬酵母菌优势种;2个属(3个种)的酵母菌为子囊菌纲,相对丰度为2.14%,11个属(24个种)的酵母菌为担子菌纲酵母菌,相对丰度高达97.86%,供试果蔬分离的酵母菌菌株绝大多数为担子菌纲酵母菌;酵母菌种数和属数最多的为红椒,青椒中分离到的酵母菌种类则最少;酵母菌总丰度数据显示,圣女果中酵母菌数量最多;多样性指数表明,玉米、苦瓜、红椒和草莓酵母菌较为丰富和多样。总体而言,拉萨市大棚果蔬酵母菌资源较为丰富,另外不同品种果蔬间酵母菌种群分布差异较大。  相似文献   

研究硅对盐胁迫下黄瓜幼苗生长及根细胞质膜H^+-ATPase、液泡膜H^+-ATPase、H^+-PPase和Ca^2+-ATPase活性的影响。结果表明:盐胁迫严重抑制黄瓜幼苗生长,根细胞质膜H^+-ATPase、液泡膜H^+-ATPase、H^+-PPase和Ca^2+-ATPase活性明显降低。硅处理明显提高盐胁迫黄瓜根液泡膜H^+-ATPase、H^+-PPase、Ca^2+-ATPase活性,一定程度上维持了液泡膜质子泵活性,有效地防御了细胞质酸化,这可能是硅提高黄瓜耐盐性的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

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