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<正>应日本稻鸭共生技术创始人古野隆雄先生的邀请,安徽省农业科学院稻鸭共生课题组一行3人,于2008年10月10日-16日,在日本进行了为期7天的考察和访问。我们先后考察了日本福冈县、长崎、  相似文献   

藤本壮介是日本新锐建筑师之一,他的建筑设计延续了日本传统空间之间相连接、内外空间似隔非隔、室内庭院和室外空间延续的设计方法,并在此基础上融入现代设计语汇,使建筑趋于平面化,空间形态以几何体为主,简约清新。在分析藤本壮介设计方法的基础上,吸收其设计方法,尝试用中国传统建筑和现代设计方法相结合的设计形式,设计"四合院"。  相似文献   

由于中国和西方历史文化起源不同,中西方民族各自发展出有明显差异的哲学观念、文化传统、性格气质和审美心理等。这些无形的因素内在地影响着建筑艺术的文化内涵。本文尝试从建筑材料与结构、建筑布局、装饰色彩、艺术风格、美学价值等方面存在的差异来分析中国传统建筑与西方传统建筑的差异。  相似文献   

中国传统建筑空间组合艺术有着极强的感染力,通过对中国传统建筑的空间组合构成、中国传统文化、美学思想的总结与分析,结合着对中国古典园林苏州留园空间组合手法的认识与了解,对中国传统建筑空间组合艺术进行剖析,致力于进一步学习研究中国传统建筑的空间特征,在以后的学习中能够反思中国传统文化与思想,并为能够进一步运用到建筑设计创作之中提供一些借鉴与启发。  相似文献   

艺术与宗教关系密切。佛教思想文化中的"意境"说触及了艺术本身的自律性,与艺术相通、相融。之于本土油画艺术更是如此。当代许多本土油画家们都十分重视画面里的意境,使画面富有佛理、禅意及深邃的思想精神性。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是马克思主义思想的重要组成部分,自上世纪初传入中国后便与中国的传统文化相结合,以一种前所未有的意识形态指导中国的革命与建设。马克思主义与中国传统文化的结合是马克思主义中国化的题中应有之义,其迅速结合并融入,产生了毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系等一脉相承的思想理论。本文通过马克思主义与中国传统文化的一致性探析二者结合的必要性,并对此结合进行反思,对推动马克思主义哲学与中国传统文化共同发展有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术即日本的“合鸭农法”,这是一项低投入、高产出的环保型农业技术。该技术于1991年在日本开始流行,到目前为止,仅用了10年的时间,“稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术”就从其发源地日本九州地区开始逐渐扩大,随后启蒙及全国各地,并于1999年秋天,被日本农林水产省确定为全日本12项受国家资助的环保型持续型农业技术之一。目前全日本采用该项技术的农户已超过一万户,并成立了日本全国合鸭水稻协会,现有会员1000多人。同时,亚洲的韩国、越南、缅甸等国也开始应用和推广这项技术,迄今已召开了10次日本全国合鸭研讨会,3次亚洲合…  相似文献   

稻鸭共生技术的实施程序及技术要点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术,1991年流行于日本,1999年推广到日本全国各地。2000年引入我国。目前在安徽、江苏、浙江和云南等省陆续实施。在北方水稻种植区能否推广还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术即日本的“合鸭农法”,是一项低投入、高产出的环保型农业技术,对我国发展环保型农业、生产健康无污染的绿色食品、促进农村经济的可持续发展具有积极的推动作用。2000年我国从日本引进“稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术”后,许多地方如安徽、江苏、浙江、湖南、云南等省已经开始规范地实施该技术,在示范推广过程中,取得了较明显的经济与社会效益。据介绍,稻鸭共生绿色农业生产技术就是在秧栽插活棵7~10天后,将当地中小型脱温雏鸭(7~10天)全天24小时都放入稻田,直至水稻抽穗灌浆后收回鸭子,稻鸭共生时间约70天左右。在…  相似文献   

风靡全世界的日本乐队BABYMETAL将日本传统文化中的狐狸崇拜、能乐、空手道、和服等元素融入作品中,触发了日本人的怀旧思想,也勾起了外国人的猎奇心理。此外,"可爱萝莉+激烈金属乐"这一创新模式也备受瞩目。BABYMETAL让人们在欣赏歌曲的过程中加深了对日本文化的了解。BABYMETAL的成功给我们的启示是:要想创造出可以将本国文化传播到海外的流行文化,应该发扬传统、勇于创新、借鉴经验、适度调整。  相似文献   

The Japanese cormorants used in traditional fishing in Japan are wild derived and their sex cannot be determined from their appearance. Applicability of molecular sex determination based on the size difference between CHD1Z and CHD1W introns was confirmed in male and female Japanese cormorants whose sexes had been ascertained by pathological autopsy. All of 21 birds of unknown sex reared by a cormorant fishing master were identified as males. The molecular sexing method will provide valuable information on sex differences of wild Japanese cormorants, including tameness, trainability, behavior and fishing capability, as well as for future trials involving artificial reproduction.  相似文献   

本文扼要回顾了日本牛种资源的发展历史;介绍了日本牛的遗传资源状况和各主要牛种的特征特性;从日本牛的遗传可变性和遗传距离等方面分析了日本牛品种之间的遗传关系;并展望了日本黑毛和牛、日本褐牛、日本短角牛、日本无角牛、见岛牛、口子岛牛等日本牛种资源的发展前景。  相似文献   

Tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by Francisella tularensis. The distribution of the pathogen in Japan has not been studied well. In this study, seroprevalence of tularemia among wild black bears and hares in Japan was determined. Blood samples collected from 431 Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) and 293 Japanese hares (Lepus brachurus) between 1998 and 2009 were examined for antibodies against F. tularensis by micro-agglutination test (MA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. By subsequent confirmatory tests using western blot (WB) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), eight sera from Japanese black bears were definitely shown to be seropositive. All of these eight bears were residents of the northeastern part of main-island of Japan, where human tularemia had been reported. On the other hand, no seropositive Japanese hares were found. These results suggest that Japanese black bears can serve as sentinel for tularemia surveillance and may help understand the distribution of F. tularensis throughout the country. This is the first report on detection of antibody to F. tularensis in black bears of Japan.  相似文献   

As neglected zoonosis for many years, Q fever is now ubiquitous in Japan. Similarly to elsewhere in the world, domestic animals are considered to be important reservoirs of the causal agent, Coxiella burnetii, a resistant intracellular bacterium. Infected animals shed bacteria in milk, feces, urine, vaginal mucous and birth products. Inhalation of bacteria present in the environment is the main route of animal and human infection. Shedding of C. burnetii in milk by domestic ruminants has a very limited impact as raw milk is seldom ingested by the Japanese population. The clinical expression of Q fever in Japan is similar to its clinical expression elsewhere. However clinical cases in children are more frequently reported in this country. Moreover, C. burnetii is specified as one of the causative organisms of atypical pneumonia in the Japanese Respiratory Society Guideline for the management of community-acquired pneumonia. In Japan, C. burnetii isolates are associated with acute illness and are mainly of moderate to low virulence. Cats are considered a significant source of C. burnetii responsible for human outbreaks in association with the presence of infected parturient cats. Since its recognition as a reportable disease in 1999, 7-46 clinical cases of Q fever have been reported by year. The epidemiology of Q fever in Japan remains to be elucidated and the exact modes of transmission are still unproven. Important further research is necessary to improve knowledge of the disease itself, the endogenous hosts and reservoirs, and the epidemiological cycle of coxiellosis in Japan.  相似文献   

Eight species of Japanese birds were found to be infected with Leucocytozoon species using microscopic analysis. We used PCR and sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) to compare the genetic background among these detected protozoa species. In 20 individuals of 22 samples, a single amplified band was detected from 6 of 8 bird species; 9 Japanese rock ptarmigans (Lagopus mutus japonicus), 4 large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos), 2 carrion crows (C. corone), 2 scops owls (Otus scops), 1 Japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata), and 2 brown-eared bulbuls (Hypsipetes amaurotis), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on the partial cyt b sequences revealed that all Leucocytozoon isolates in Japan closely grouped with other Leucocytozoon species previously reported in the literature. Among the Japanese isolates, the phylogenetic tree suggested that L. lovati from the Japanese rock ptarmigan may be basal to the parasites found in other bird species. Our study is the first to identify the molecular relationships among Leucocytozoon parasites in the avifauna of Japan.  相似文献   

杨连合 《草业科学》1997,14(4):42-43
介绍了日本苜蓿育种研究机构及日本的5个苜蓿品种,并指出了日本今后苜蓿的育种方向。  相似文献   

在人类居住的“地球村”里,生存着多种多样的生物,他们之间存在着千丝万缕的奇妙关系,生物共生就是这些关系之一。分析生物共生理念的产生根源,回顾生物共生理论的发展轨迹,对目前人类认识的生物共生现象进行了归类阐述,提出生物共生理论资源对构建和谐社会具有科学的指导意义。  相似文献   

Maintaining genetic diversity and inbreeding control are important in Japanese Black cattle production, especially in remote areas such as the islands of Okinawa Prefecture. Using a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, we evaluated the genetic diversity and genomic inbreeding in Japanese Black cows from the islands of Okinawa Prefecture and compared them to those from other locations across Japan. Linkage disequilibrium decay was slower in cows in the islands of Okinawa Prefecture. The estimated effective population size declined over time in both populations. The genomic inbreeding coefficient (FROH) was estimated using long stretches of consecutive homozygous SNPs (runs of homozygosity; ROH). FROH was higher in the cows on the islands of Okinawa Prefecture than on other locations. In total, 818 ROH fragments, including those containing NCAPG and PLAG1, which are major quantitative trait loci for carcass weight in Japanese Black cattle, were present at significantly higher frequencies in cows in the islands of Okinawa Prefecture. This suggests that the ROH fragments are under strong selection and that cows in the islands of Okinawa Prefecture have low genetic diversity and high genomic inbreeding relative to those at other locations. SNP arrays are useful tools for evaluating genetic diversity and genomic inbreeding in cattle.  相似文献   

The purposes of the present study were to clarify age- and season- related androgen patterns, and to compare the reproductive physiology between Japanese captive koala populations and Australian populations. To measure fecal androgens, feces were collected from male koalas (4.2 to 13.8 years of age) kept in Japanese zoos. Fecal androgens were extracted with methanol from the lyophilized samples and determined by enzyme immunoassay using 4-androstene-3,17-dione antibody. Fecal androgen concentration in male koalas increased after sexual maturation and remained relatively high until old age. In the survey with the Japanese zoo studbook of koalas, copulation (conception) month showed a pyramid shape with a peak in March to June (60.7%) in koalas born and reared in Japanese zoos and from July to April with the highest concentration in September to January (69.7%) in Australian institutes. Japanese zoo koala populations have a characteristic physiological cycle adapted to Japan''s seasonal changes. The suitable month of year for copulation or conception in Japan is diametrically opposed to that in Australia. Mean fecal androgen concentrations by month in the males born and reared in Japan indicated annual changes with the highest concentration in May and the lowest value in November. Fecal androgen analysis may be a noninvasive alternative tool to monitor circulating testosterone and may be helpful in understanding reproductive activity and physiology in male koalas.  相似文献   

In Japan, most pig populations are now free from pseudorabies virus (PRV) due to the recent success of an extensive eradication program. However, PRV infection persists in Japanese wild boars (Sus scrofa leucomystax), representing another potential reservoir for the virus in Japan. In this study, the seroprevalence of PRV in wild boars captured in three different prefectures was ascertained. A virus neutralization (VN) test showed that 6 of 173 serum samples (3%) were positive for VN antibody; glycoprotein E-ELISA revealed infection with the wild-type, but not the available vaccine strain, PRV. These results indicate that PRV has continued to spread among wild boars in Japan.  相似文献   

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