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出境生物物种资源查验是保障国门生物安全,遏制资源流失,促进生态文明建设的重要环节。本文阐述了我国生物物种资源流失及监管现状,分析了出境生物物种资源查验面临的法规不健全、生物物种鉴定能力受限、管控名录缺乏、监管体系缺位等问题,并剖析了问题产生的原因。在此基础之上,提出了对出境生物物种资源查验的对策建议,包括加强法制建设、制定管制物种名录、健全物种资源查验机构、加强研发与人才培养、加强公众宣传等。  相似文献   

正据悉,经海关总署资料审核、现场检查、问题整改和后续验证,广东珠海首个进口肉类指定口岸冷链查验和储存一体化设施已正式启用。珠海湾仔口岸曾是珠海市唯一进口肉类指定口岸,但因其配备的冷链查验设施陈旧,不能满足进口肉类查验仓储需要,很大程度上制约了珠海口岸进口肉类的贸易。启用后,将为珠澳、珠港进一步扩大肉类、冰鲜产品的暂存仓储及中转贸易提供基  相似文献   

正随着我国加入世贸组织、对外开放的不断扩大和国际交流的日益频繁,面对日益严重的国内外动植物疫情形势,以及"大通关"的需要,我国检疫犬应用技术日臻完善,我国检疫犬队伍从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强,已成为国门口岸一支重要的查验力量和技术手段。"人-机-犬"综合查验的旅检模式已经在许多口岸建立,加强了口岸的检疫查验  相似文献   

在出入境旅客携带物、邮寄物检疫查验工作中,传统的检疫查验手段主要是人工查验和X光机查验,这两种检验检疫手段在加强入境旅检工作方面发挥了重要作用,有效防止了外来有害生物的入侵[1]。但是,随着近年来出入境人员数量的攀升,口岸一线检验检疫人员明显不足,这种检验模式显然亟待改革。“必须开发新的手段用于口岸检疫工作,加强口岸查验力度,切实做好旅客携带物的检验检疫工作,防控国内外疫病疫情传入。”面对日益繁重的口岸旅检工作,日益严重的国内外动植物疫情形势,以及“大通关”的需要,国家质检总局将目光投向了模式改革,检疫犬由此进入视野。  相似文献   

岷江柏种群现状及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物资源是自然界最宝贵的财富之一,是人类和其他生物赖以生存的物质基础。植物物种作为一个天然的基因库,是自然界留给人类最宝贵的财富。20世纪以来,由于人口的剧增,自然资源受到空前地掠夺,生态系统遭到严重破坏,因而物种灭绝和种质资源流失现象日益严重。目前物种灭绝的速度是自然灭绝速度的1000倍,20~30年后地球生物多样性的1/4(其中植物6万种)将处于严重灭绝危险之中。  相似文献   

目前我国有74个口岸配备了检疫犬,有在岗检疫犬203只;国家出台了检疫犬训练和使用管理相关标准和管理办法。本文指出了当前存在标准亟须优化,检疫犬、训导员的技能培训不完善,设施设备难以满足查验需求,现场查验方式单一等问题。由此提出创新检疫犬管理模式、重视对训导员的选用及培训、优化检疫犬工作相关标准、完善相关配套设施等针对性对策,旨在充分发挥检疫犬在口岸查验现场中的作用。  相似文献   

肉类商品从产地通过冷藏运输汇集到口岸中转冷库,口岸商品检验局在出口装船前检验习惯称为口岸查验,它是商品检验全过程中的最后一道关口。现就历年来查验的体会作一介绍。一、出口冷冻肉类的查验项目及方法①兽医卫生检验:检疫工作由商检局监督出口屠宰场严格执行。  相似文献   

检疫犬是用于在国境口岸将动植物等应检物从入境旅客携带物中检出的工作犬,是我国近几年来采用的一种检疫查验手段。为防止境外有害动植物及疫情传入国内,加强入境旅客携带物的检疫查验工作,各主要口岸检验检疫局在旅检现场先后实施了“人、机、犬”综合查验的新模式。检疫犬作为旅检查验手段的重要补充,逐步成为动植物检疫查验工作的重要一环,越发显现出重要地位。福州国际机场自2005年首次在旅检现场应用检疫犬,已取得良好效果。  相似文献   

<正>【本刊辑】据西部商报2016年1月25日报道,国家质检总局日前复函同意在兰州新区综合保税区和武威保税物流中心各筹建一个进口肉类指定查验场,填补了甘肃省进口肉类指定查验场空白。据安徽日报报道,2015年12月下旬,安徽芜湖港获国家质检总局正式批准设立进口肉类指定口岸。亚心网报道,2016年,新疆将筹建3个进口肉类指定口岸,分别为:阿拉山口口岸、塔什库尔干口岸和老爷庙口岸。  相似文献   

为预防生物物种资源的流失和外来有害物种的侵害,我国将着手建立生物物种资源监测预警体系,及时掌握重要生物物种资源的动态变化,科学地预测近期、中期和长期发展趋势,为管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   

调查和鉴定了青海披碱草属植物,初步确定有8种1变种,并记载了每个种的产地和分布,为开发利用本省披碱草属牧草资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

我国草种质资源的保护现状、存在问题及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈志宏  李新一  洪军 《草业科学》2018,35(1):186-191
草种质资源是生物多样性的重要组成部分,是国家重要的战略资源。我国草种质资源保护工作在保护体系构建、收集保存、鉴定评价、种质创新、共享利用等方面取得了显著成效,但还存在缺乏原生境保护措施、特有珍稀资源消失风险加剧、评价创新严重滞后等问题。今后应加强重点保护草种质资源的原生境保护、加大重点属种收集保护力度、强化资源的系统评价和深度发掘,充分发挥草种质资源对草种业的支撑作用。  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a worldwide deadly zoonotic disease. Accurate identification of the causative Leptospira spp. spirochetes ascertains the pathogenic status of the isolates, identifies potential source of infection and recognises outbreaks. Species identification is currently based on technically demanding, time and resources consuming serological and molecular methods. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) recently emerged as a first-line method for the accurate identification of bacteria, yet no data issued for Leptospira spp. We investigated the potential of MALDI-TOF-MS for the rapid identification of Leptospira isolates. Starting from a 10(5)organisms/mL suspension, MALDI-TOF-MS yielded an unique protein profile for each one of 19 Leptospira species reference isolates with a 100% reproducibility over 12 repeats, allowing to create a Leptopsira database. MALDI-TOF-MS further accurately identified 20/21 additional reference isolates representative of various serogroups at the species level as Leptospira interrogans (n=12), Leptospira kirschneri (n=5), Leptospira borgpetersenii (n=3), Leptospira noguchii (n=1) with identification score value of 2-2.5. Furthermore, six clinical isolates previously identified by rpoB sequencing, were correctly identified by MALDI-TOF-MS as L. interrogans (n=5) and L. borgpetersenii (n=1) with identification score value of 2-2.6. Identification was achieved in 40 min starting from the Leptospira suspension. MALDI-TOF-MS could complement serological and sequencing-based methods for the first line, rapid identification of Leptospira isolates in the clinical microbiology laboratory.  相似文献   

蛇蛔虫是常见的且严重危害蛇健康的一类寄生虫,呈世界性分布,蛇感染后主要造成胃肠道损伤,影响其消化功能。蛇蛔虫的感染可通过流行病学调查、临床剖检以及粪便检查等方法进行诊断。蛇蛔虫病的治疗主要通过服用磷酸左旋咪唑等咪唑类抗寄生虫药。本文对蛇蛔虫病的病原种类、危害、流行概况、分子鉴定研究现状、治疗与预防措施等方面进行综述,旨在为蛇蛔虫病的研究和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) have become the predominant pathogens causing bovine mastitis in many countries. CNS infections are associated with damage to milk secretory tissue of the mammary gland by increased connective tissue stroma, moderate increases of somatic cells count in milk and significant production decreases. These consequences impose serious economic losses for the farmers and the dairy industry. Routine veterinary laboratories do not usually identify CNS at the species level. Thereby, the aims of this study were to identify the most common staphylococcal pathogens involved in bovine mastitis using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of a partial groEL gene sequence and to compare our results with the identification carried out by the conventional method. A total of 54 isolates of Staphylococcus, involved in bovine mastitis, were analyzed by this method. The size and number of the fragments obtained by either AluI or HindIII/PvuII digestions made possible to form clear patterns differentiating, among the isolates, 11 of the most common species of animal staphylococcal pathogens. Most of the isolates clustered together with the reference strain of Staphylococcus chromogenes (28) and the type strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis (8). Besides, some isolates clustered together with the type strain of Staphylococcus aureus (5). All patterns were confirmed by the conventional biochemical method, showing concordant results. Thus, the PCR-RFLP of the groEL gene constitutes a reliable and reproducible molecular method for identification of CNS species responsible for bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术可对物种进行快速自动鉴定,具有鉴定准确、结果稳定、操作简便、适用广泛等特点,目前在中药领域应用较多。从DNA条形码技术在中药材鉴定、种植、流通、市场监管、中成药鉴定和药用植物种质资源调查等中药领域的多个方面进行综述,并探讨DNA条形码技术在中药领域的优势和不足,以期为DNA条形码技术在中药领域的研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

草地资源管理的几项原则   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
任继周  侯扶江 《草地学报》2004,12(4):261-263,272
中国草地资源丰富.近年来,由于管理不当造成草地退化、生态失调和巨大经济损失.本文就草地资源管理需遵循的原则进行了研究和阐述,提出草地生态系统持续生存、生态生产力、顶级群落与前顶级群落相结合、系统耦合、克服系统相悖、草地资源开发与景观匹配等指导草地资源管理的6项原则;指出实行草地农业系统是解决草地植物生产和动物生产矛盾的根本出路。  相似文献   

Accurate diet identification of top predators is crucial to fully understand their ecological roles. Compared to terrestrial animals, gathering dietary information from cetaceans is notoriously difficult. Here, we applied a multilocus metabarcoding approach to investigate the diet of vulnerable Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and Indo-Pacific finless porpoises from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China. Our analyses identified 21 prey fish species from the 42 humpback dolphin stomachs, as well as 10 species of fish and 1 species of cephalopod from the 13 finless porpoise stomachs. All of the taxa were assigned to the species level, highlighting that the multimarker approach could facilitate species identification. Most of the prey species were small- and medium-sized fishes that primarily fed on zooplankton. The calculated similarity index revealed a moderated dietary overlap between the 2 cetaceans, presumably due to the feeding of the 2 predators in association with fishing vessels in the PRE. A more diverse diet was observed in humpback dolphins in the closed fishing season compared to the fishing season, implying the influence on the dolphin diet due to the availability of commercial fishery resources. However, according to the results of species rarefaction curves, our findings on the feeding habits of the 2 cetaceans are still limited by insufficient sample size and therefore should be interpreted with caution. This study represents a first attempt to apply the multilocus DNA metabarcoding technique in the diet analysis of small cetaceans, although more efforts are needed to improve this type of analysis.  相似文献   

随着畜禽资源分子鉴定、物种进化、全基因组育种等热点领域的逐渐兴起,准确的全基因组SNP分型成为了畜禽基因组研究的关键。基因芯片、重测序、简化基因组测序及靶向捕获测序等全基因组SNP分型技术已广泛应用于畜禽基因组研究中。本文概述了全基因组SNP分型技术的原理及其在全基因组关联分析、选择信号分析和畜禽遗传资源背景分析等方面的应用,以期为畜禽基因组研究和育种应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

A total of 351 Iberian pigs with equal numbers of both sexes from 2 commercial farms were used to study the ability of various identification devices to guarantee the traceability required for labeled meat products from Iberian pigs reared under extensive production conditions in Spain. The performance of tattoos, visual ear tags, electronic ear tags, and i.p.-injected transponders of half duplex and full duplex technologies were compared during a production cycle from nursery to slaughter at 15 mo of age (156 +/- 3 kg of BW). No major health reactions to any of the identification methods were detected. Results showed that tattooing was not an adequate identification procedure due to reading difficulties as a consequence of dark skin, soiled appearance, and figure deformation. Ear tag losses and failures were affected by fencing type and increased in one of the farms (20.4 and 15.7% for losses and failures, respectively; P < 0.05) as a consequence of using barbed-wire fences. Ear tag losses decreased when fences changed to stone blocks at 365 d of age. Visual and electronic ear tag losses during transport and slaughter were low (3.7% for visual and 3.1% for electronic tag). Results of injectable transponders during the growing-fattening period were variable and were more readable for the half duplex than for the full duplex i.p. transponders (92.0 vs. 68.7% +/- 1.5; P < 0.05). Handheld transceivers worked properly under extensive conditions, although the body size and skin characteristics of the Iberian breed might limit the performance of reading devices, and the use of transceivers with longer reading distances is recommended. The main problem observed with i.p. transponders was their low recovery rate at slaughter due to the lack of adherence of the transponders to the omentum.  相似文献   

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