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采用显微记数法,在不同温度条件下计数虹鳟和鳙鱼的血红细胞并进行分析,旨在为南方低海拔温水环境开展虹鳟养殖提供相关的技术资料。结果表明:在一定水温范围内,虹鳟的红细胞数量随着水温的上升呈急剧下降的趋势,而温水性鱼类鳙鱼的红细胞数量随着水温的上升呈平缓上升的趋势。  相似文献   

使用DS-2000全自动化分析仪,测定水温15℃、16.5℃、18.5℃和22℃时虹鳟血清酶活性。结果表明:谷氨酸脱氢酶(GLDH)活性在水温15℃~16.5℃小比率降低,16℃~18.5℃大比率升高,18.5℃~22℃较大比率降低;a-羟丁酸脱氨酶(a-HBDH)活性在水温15℃~16.5℃小比率降低,16,5℃~18.5℃较大比率增加,18.5℃~22℃较大比率降低;脂肪酶(LPS)活性在水温15℃~16.5℃小比率升高,16.5℃~18.5℃小比率降低,18.5℃~22℃小比率升高;淀粉酶(AIMS)活性在水温15℃~16.5℃较小比率降低,16.5℃~22℃小比率升高。本文为揭示虹鳟热致死及耐热机理提供有关数据,为冷水性鱼类虹鳟温水驯化养殖提供基础技术资料。  相似文献   

在温室内使用地下浅表水作为水源开展虹鳟养殖试验,通过合理使用浅表水、加盖遮阳网、加强通风等技术措施,使室内的养殖水温终年控制在5-25℃,保证了虹鳟鱼的正常生长,较好地解决了虹鳟鱼在江苏的度夏难题。  相似文献   

不同水温下虹鳟血清酶的活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向建国  何福林  钟蕾 《淡水渔业》2008,38(2):74-75,63
使用日立7170A全自动生化分析仪,测定水温14℃、19℃、23℃时虹鳟(Salmo irideus)血清酶活性。结果表明:在3个温度下,虹鳟血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和肌酸激酶(CK)活性随温度上升而降低,谷丙转氨酶(ALT)活性随温度上升而升高,谷草转氨酶(AST)活性表现为先升高后降低,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性表现为先降低后升高。  相似文献   

试验设计3个温度处理组分别为8~10℃组、12~14℃组和16~18℃组,每组设3个平行,试验期40天,研究水温对全雌虹鳟稚鱼生长性能的影响.结果表明:试验温度下,全雌虹鳟稚鱼各温度组体长、体重差异显著(P<0.05).以16~18℃组体重增长优势最为明显,特定生长率SGR、增重率WGR显著高于8~10℃组(P<0.05),日增重DWG极显著高于8~10℃组(P<0.01).研究显示,16~18℃为全雌虹鳟稚鱼较适宜养殖水温,全雌虹鳟稚鱼在该温度范围内将获得理想的生长优势,有望带来更高的经济效益.  相似文献   

采用显微记数法和使用日立7170A全自动生化分析仪与贝克曼CX-3电解质分析仪,测定水温14℃、19℃、23℃时虹鳟(Salmoirideus Gibbons)血液中红细胞数量和血清中血糖与矿质元素含量。结果表明:水温从14℃升至23℃,虹鳟血液红细胞数量显著减少;血清中血糖含量在水温19℃时表现为增加、在23℃时又表现为减少;铜元素含量在水温23℃时较14℃时增加84.06%,钾、磷、钙、镁、钠、氯、铁元素含量在水温23℃时较14℃时增幅为1.65%~33.66%。  相似文献   

鲤鱼、虹鳟卵中微量元素分析初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对鲤鱼、虹鳟鱼卵中微量元素含量进行了分析.结果表明鲤鱼卵中微量元素含量排列顺序为K>Na>Zn>Ca>Fe>Mg>Cu>Mn>Cd>Pb.它们在虹鳟鱼卵中排列顺序为K>Na>Ca>Zn>Fe>Mg>Cu>Mn>Pb和Cd.  相似文献   

2004年向赛里木湖放流不同规格虹鳟42.76万尾,通过两年的监测,虹鳟能适应赛里木湖生态条件,生长迅速,0^+龄即可达到477g。在该湖虹鳟主要以钩虾为食,对其他鱼类影响不大。虹鳟可在湖中性腺发育成熟,但自然繁殖困难。通过增殖放流,现已获得了商业捕捞产量,这为开发利用赛里木湖开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

研究了不同时间段泉水和河水对幼鲵(Andrias davidanus)生长的影响。结果显示:幼鲵在不同时间和不同地点增重存在差异。第二阶段幼鲵平均日增重极显著高于第一阶段(P<0.01)。1号点(泉水)幼鲵平均增重和日平均增重极显著高于2号点(河水)幼鲵(P<0.01);第一阶段1号点日平均水温极显著高于2号点(P<0.01),最低温度较河水高6.95℃,且1号点水温变化较小。结果表明,水温是影响幼鲵生长的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Effects of adrenaline on the equilibrium distributions of Na+ , K+ , H+ , Cl , and H2O across the cell membrane of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) erythrocytes were determinedin vitro, as a function of P CO2 (1.76–7.77 torr). CO2-carrying capacity of the blood was also examined. Plasma catecholamine concentrations inunanaesthetized, unrestrained trout were 3.1 nM adrenaline and 1.2 nM noradrenaline. Elevation of the plasma adrenaline concentrationin vitro to 4.6 × 103 nM resulted in net gains of Na+ , Cl and H2O by red cells, a net loss of H+ from red cells, and a pronounced red cell swelling. Adrenaline also reduced the CO2-carrying capacity of trout bloodin vitro. The magnitudes of these effects increased with PCO2 and, thus, were sensitive to blood HCO3 concentrations. The distribution of K+ between red cells and plasma was unaffected by adrenaline. Adrenergic-mediated ion movements and red cell swelling were sensitive to both propranolol and SITS. These results are consistent with the symport NaCl uptake model for adrenergic-mediated swelling of Baroinet al. (1984). The adrenergic response of fish erythrocytes may function to ameliorate the effects of blood acidoses on O2-carrying capacity by maintaining red cell pH in the face of a decrease in plasma pH.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hetereogeneity of rainbow trout immunoglobulins was demonstrated by using monoclonal antibody 1A6 and polyacrylamide-gradient gel electrophoresis. Immunoglobulins defined by elisa using monoclonal antibody 1A6 were about 30% of the total immunoglobulins, detected by elisa using polyclonal antibodies, in healthy rainbow trout. In trout obtained from farms with a previous history of infectious viral diseases, 1A6-immunoglobulins were only about 14% of the total. Several serum pools from infected trout could be totally depleted of 1A6-immunoglobulins (about 12% of total immunoglobulins) by affinity chromatography over Sepharose immobilized monoclonal antibody 1A6. Polyacrylamide-gradient gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions of total immunoglobulins, 1A6 immunoglobulins and no-1A6 immunoglobulins purified by affinity chromatography, showed a majority heavy chain of 70 KDa and a minority heavy chain of about 60 KDa, two light chains of 24 and 26 KDa, and a 11–14 KDa polypeptide.  相似文献   

Abstract. Strawberry disease is a subchronic, non–debilitating, and non–fatal inflammatory skin disease of rainbow trout that has been recognized for the past 25 years. Morbidity ranges up to 80% and the disease affects fishes from 15cm in length to brood stock size. Epizootiological data indicate that strawberry disease usually appears, first in the autumn and reaches peak incidence during the following winter and spring. Data also indicate that the disease is found only in certain trout farms in the western and Pacific north–western regions of the United States. Although the cause of strawberry disease is unknown, the normal clinical course of 8 weeks can be reduced by oral treatment with oxytetracycline. Clinical signs include appearance of bright red, raised, circumscribed, ulcerated and indurated lesions in the skin that usually range up to 3 cm or more in diameter. Microscopically, the disease is characterized as a subchronic, focal, non–suppurative dermatitis with ulceration and extensive infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two entirely separate outbreaks of PKD are described in an attempt to properly define the condition and enable it to be differentiated from other diseases of a similar nature. Losses of up to 75% of fingerling rainbow trout were recorded in one outbreak, illustrating the potentially serious nature of the disease. Although the kidneys showed the most obvious pathological changes, other organs were also affected. The host response was granulomatous in type, the foci of each cellular reaction being 5-20 μm eosinophilic cells considered to be parasitic. The cytoplasm of these cells contained numerous electron dense bodies some with a tail, but each with an electron lucent bar always orientated at right angles to the plasmalemma whenever they were near it. The most obvious cytoplasmic inclusion of these 'parasites' were other cells numbering up to five or six, each with its own nucleus and nucleolus, but devoid of any of the small electron dense bodies. The significance of either of these inclusions is unknown.
A limited differential diagnosis is given, and the argument presented that the condition PKD is the result of infection by a parasite, possibly an amoeba, in combination with poor quality water.  相似文献   

The seasonality of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) and the effects of water temperature on the development of the disease in naturally-infected fingerling rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, were investigated. Fingerling rainbow trout became infected from May to October, but those infected in October did not develop clinical disease. In naturally-infected fish subsequently held under laboratory conditions, clinical PKD occurred at 12–18°C, but not at 9°C. The disease progressed more rapidly and was more severe as temperatures increased. On re-exposure to infection, rainbow trout previously held at 9°C developed clinical PKD, whereas in those previously held at 12°C it did not develop. Possible implications of these findings for the control of PKD are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry revealed nerves containing VIP-like and 5-HT-like material in both gallbladder wall and bile duct of the rainbow trout, while endocrine cells containing gastrin/CCK-like and substance P-like material were present in the mucosa of the bile duct and the duodenum. Fluorescence histochemistry showed adrenergic nerves close to the muscle layer of the gallbladder.Sulphated CCK8, caerulein and non-sulphated CCK8 (in this order of potency), 5-HT and acetylcholine were excitatory on isolated strip preparations, while VIP and adrenergic agonists were inhibitory. The adrenergic drugs were probably actingvia a beta-adrenergic receptor, while the effects of 5-HT and cholinergic drugs were antagonized by methysergide and atropine respectively.Electrical stimulation of the gallbladder nervesin situ failed to show any effect or under certain conditions induced a rebound effect.It is concluded that the motility control of the rainbow trout gallbladder may involve an inhibitory innervation by adrenergic and possibly VIP-releasing nerves, while 5-HT, acetylcholine and a CCK-like substance may be involved in the excitatory control.  相似文献   

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