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罗汉果是我国第一批列为食药两用的植物,是广西具有影响力的特产之一。经多年对罗汉果的新品种选育、健康种苗繁育和推广,攻克了罗汉果组培脱毒苗的技术难题,罗汉果的种植面积快速扩大,并且近年来在加大传统药用基础上,又开发成功能性饮料、食品原料、食品添加剂等,高甜度罗汉果甜苷、罗汉果浓缩果汁在全球率先通过美国FDA-GRAS认证。罗汉果产品有很好的发展前景,可以将罗汉果产业打造成广西的第二个"甜蜜事业"。应从高端产业定位,加大政策、科技、财政对罗汉果产业的支持,加大罗汉果新品种研发,创新研发罗汉果新产品等促进罗汉果产业快速稳健发展。  相似文献   

罗汉果属葫芦科藤本落叶植物,雌雄异株,具有一年种多年生的块根状宿根性,以果实入药,为广西特产.罗汉果根结线虫病是罗汉果生产中的主要病害之一,广西区内各罗汉果种植区均有发生,老熟地更严重.  相似文献   

罗汉果是广西著名特产和传统的出口商品,是广西重要的经济作物,在国内外久负盛名.近年来,罗汉果产业发展势头良好,种植面积逐步扩大,但由于长期以来都采用扦插、嫁接、压蔓等传统的无性繁殖方法进行繁殖,不但繁殖系数低,而且容易造成良种的种性退化,因而在大量推广应用中受到很大的限制,最终制约了罗汉果产业的发展.  相似文献   

永福罗汉果特色农产品优势区是广西首批特色农产品优势区之一,2018年经自治区农业厅验收,永福罗汉果特色农产品优势区建设以140.35分(总分150分)高居第一。本文从永福罗汉果发展情况、标准化种植、销售渠道、品牌打造、模式创新等全产业链方面对永福罗汉果特色农产品优势区建设进行分析,旨在为广西特色农产品优势区建设提供参考。  相似文献   

罗汉果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗汉果 (MomordicagrosvenoriSwingle .)为葫芦科多年生攀缘藤本植物 ,果实入药 ,主产于广西、广东、江西等省。虽说罗汉果在中药发展史上没有被医药学家们收载 ,但它却一跃成为集药用、茶饮和食用为一体的后起之秀。1 化学成分罗汉果主要含有罗汉果苷 ,苷元属三萜类 ,果实中含量达 2 2 % ;另含 10多种氨基酸 ,其总含量中 ,果皮为 3.5 1% ,种子为 8.4 7% ,种仁为 37.8%。此外 ,尚含大量果糖及黄酮类。2 医疗功效罗汉果在中医学上 ,性质属甘凉 ,无毒 ,有清解暑热、润肺止咳之功。治百日咳 ,痰火咳嗽 ,支气管炎 ,在广西负有“罗汉果去痰火…  相似文献   

秦永松  林贵美  牟海飞  潘永杰  李邦 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(23):7169-7169,7207
阐述了"三避"(避雨、避寒、避晒)技术在罗汉果种植中的应用发展及意义,并提出了目前"三避技术"存在的问题及改进建议。经多年的栽培种植试验证明,采用"三避"技术种植罗汉果,其苗的成活率、产量、质量及商品性状都有明显地提高,近几年,"三避"技术在广西永福县广泛推广,罗汉果农户取得了良好的经济效益,给广西珍贵特产罗汉果种植业的发展增加了活力。  相似文献   

龙江罗汉果广西永福县科教站郑道英龙江乡农业推广站肖石明罗汉果。俗名汉果。长寿果。是南方稀有的葫芦科高糖类攀缘植物。世界上为我之独有。其果实、不但营养丰富,经济价值高,而且在医药保健方面,具有滋补益寿,防癌抗癌的功能。素有“罗汉果之乡”称誉的广西永福县...  相似文献   

广西永福:罗汉果产业化开发与示范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>罗汉果是我国传统出口商品,是广西主要创汇产品之一,被国家卫生部列为药食两用品,为国家药典收载品种,全身都可入药,享有"东方神果"美誉。罗汉果除了含有大量不含糖、甜度为蔗糖300倍的甜味剂葫芦烷型四环三萜及维生素C等药用物质外,还含有硒、钾、镁、钙等25种矿物质元素和葡萄糖、蛋白质等营养物质。罗汉果提取物在止咳、祛痰、平喘、降血脂、降血压、保肝降转氨酶等十个方面有明显功效而无毒副作用。广西永福县独特的气候与特有的土壤环境为富硒罗汉果生产提供了条件。永福源远流长的福寿文化与永福县长寿果罗汉果的种植息息相关。现永福县罗汉果加工  相似文献   

建议恢复优质罗汉果的生产广西永福县木材公司陈永学永福县是罗汉果出口商品基地县,龙江乡是中国罗汉果之乡。罗汉果是这个县的一种主要经济作物。罗汉果有四个品类,一类长滩果,二类拉江东瓜果,三类青皮果,四类茶山果,不上类的还有野罗汉果。茶山果质量差,长滩果、...  相似文献   

<正>罗汉果主产于广西桂林市的山区,是我国中医学里的一味著名药材。单果重16克左右,罗汉果含有丰富的维生素C、蛋白质及人体所需各种氨基酸、微量元素等。罗汉果主要的功效就是止咳润肺,还可润肠通  相似文献   

Hotspots, basalts, and the evolution of the mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The trace element concentration patterns of continental and ocean island basalts and of mid-ocean ridge basalts are complementary. The relative sizes of the source regions for these fundamentally different basalt types can be estimated from the trace element enrichment-depletion patterns. Their combined volume occupies most of the mantle above the 670 kilometer discontinuity. The source regions separated as a result of early mantle differentiation and crystal fractionation from the resulting melt. The mid-ocean ridge basalts source evolved from an eclogite cumulate that lost its late-stage enriched fluids at various times to the shallower mantle and continental crust. The mid-ocean ridge basalts source is rich in garnet and clinopyroxene, whereas the continental and ocean island basalt source is a garnet peridotite that has experienced secondary enrichment. These relationships are consistent with the evolution of a terrestrial magma ocean.  相似文献   

Climate change, deforestation, and the fate of the Amazon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The forest biome of Amazonia is one of Earth's greatest biological treasures and a major component of the Earth system. This century, it faces the dual threats of deforestation and stress from climate change. Here, we summarize some of the latest findings and thinking on these threats, explore the consequences for the forest ecosystem and its human residents, and outline options for the future of Amazonia. We also discuss the implications of new proposals to finance preservation of Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

The reaction dolomite + 2 coesite --><-- diopside + 2 diamond + 2O(2) defines the coexistence of diamond and carbonate in mantle eclogites. The oxygen fugacity of this reaction is approximately 1 log unit higher at a given temperature and pressure than the oxygen fugacities of the analogous reactions that govern the stability of diamond in peridotite. This difference allows diamond-bearing eclogite to coexist with peridotite containing carbonate or carbonate + diamond. This potential coexistence of diamond-bearing eclogite and carbonate-bearing peridotite can explain the presence of carbon-free peridotite interlayered with garnet pyroxenites that contain graphitized diamond in the Moroccan Beni Bousera massif at the Earth's surface and the preferential preservation of diamond-bearing eclogitic relative to peridotitic xenoliths in the Roberts Victor kimberlite.  相似文献   

The archaeology of pre-Columbian polities in the Amazon River basin forces a reconsideration of early urbanism and long-term change in tropical forest landscapes. We describe settlement and land-use patterns of complex societies on the eve of European contact (after 1492) in the Upper Xingu region of the Brazilian Amazon. These societies were organized in articulated clusters, representing small independent polities, within a regional peer polity. These patterns constitute a "galactic" form of prehistoric urbanism, sharing features with small-scale urban polities in other areas. Understanding long-term change in coupled human-environment systems relating to these societies has implications for conservation and sustainable development, notably to control ecological degradation and maintain regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

清真雅正是清代朝廷推行的衡文准则,包括在理、法、辞、气等方面有所要求。为了引导生徒作文步入正轨以及促进健康文风的形成,清代一些书院将清真雅正纳入八股文教育的范畴,清真雅正在书院学规、课艺甄选、课艺评点等内容中有着重要体现。为了便于生徒理解清真雅正,施教者要求研习明清时期八股文名家善本,用范文来指导习作。清代一些书院在进行清真雅正教育时,重视将为文上的开导与为人上的训迪结合起来,从而为国家培养品学兼优的科举人才,实现文学教育的崇高理想。  相似文献   

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