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This study investigated bovine coronavirus (BCV) in both beef calves direct from the ranch and commingled, mixed-source calves obtained from an auction market. The level of BCV-neutralizing antibodies found in the calves varied among ranches in 2 different studies in a retained-ownership program (ROP), from the ranch to the feedlot. Calves with low levels of BCV-neutralizing antibodies (16 or less) were more likely to be treated for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) than those with higher titers. In 3 studies of commingled, mixed-source calves, BCV was recovered from calves at entry to the feedlot and the infections were cleared by day 8. The BCV was identified in lung samples [bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) collection] as well as in nasal swabs. Calves with low levels of BCV-neutralizing antibodies at entry were most likely to be shedding BCV. Bovine coronavirus was isolated from both healthy and sick calves, but not from sick calves after 4 d arrival at the feedlot. Bovine coronavirus (BCV) should be considered along with other bovine respiratory viruses in the diagnosis of etiologies in bovine respiratory disease, especially for animals that become sick shortly after arrival. If approved vaccines are developed, it would be best to carry out vaccination programs before calves are weaned, giving them sufficient time to gain active immunity before commingling with other cattle.  相似文献   

The cumulative total helminth parasite burdens of ranch calves during their first seven months of life on the North-eastern Mountain Grassland of South Africa were determined during two consecutive years. Trichostrongylus axei was the most abundant nematode parasite followed by Cooperia spp. and Ostertagia ostertagi. Haemonchus spp. occurred in relatively low numbers and its development was significantly inhibited. The total helminth parasite burdens of the calves ranged from 681 to 7,269 with a mean of 4,405.  相似文献   

Summary A study was initiated to evaluate two trypanocidal drugs, the prophylactic isometamidium chloride (Trypamidium) and the curative diminazene aceturate (Berenil) as to their potential for long-term maintenance of zebu cattle in a tsetse infested area of Mali. Trypamidium was administered quarterly and Berenil was administered only as animals were found to be positive for trypanosomes. During the 21-month study trypanosomiasis was the most frequently encountered disease in the cattle in the Berenil treatment group with an average of 5·5 reinfections. The predominant trypanosome species encountered wasTrypanosoma vivax and the most important vector wasGlossina palpalis gambiensis. The results indicate that, even though the direct costs for drugs under the two maintenance regimens were almost identical, the use of Trypamidium resulted in a significantly greater annual weight gain, prevented death loss due to trypanosomiasis and resulted in a herd with a greater market value.
Mantenimiento De Ganado Cebu Maure En Una Zona Infestada Por Moscas Tsetse
Resumen Se evaluaron dos drogas contra la tripanosomiasis en Mali. Una profiláctica, Trypamidium, y la otra curativa, Berenil. El Trypamidium (cloruro de isometamidium) se aplicó cada tres meses y el Berenil solo cuando los animales se encontraron positivos. Durante los 21 meses del estudio, tripanosomiasis fue la enfermedad más comunmente encontrada en el grupo tratado con Berenil, con un promedio de reinfección de 5·5. Los tripanosomas predominantes fueron elTrypanosoma vivax y el vector más importante laGlossina palpalis gambiensis. Los resultados del estudio indican que aunque el costo de las drogas para los dos grupos fue casi idéntico, el uso del Trypamidium resultó en un aumento significativo de peso de los animales tratados, previniendo muertes por tripanosomiasis.

Maintien De Bovins Zebu Maure Dans Une Region Du Mali Infestee De Glossines
Résumé Une étude fut entreprise pour évaluer deux médicaments trypanocides, le chlorure d'isometamidium (Trypamidium) à titre préventif et l'acéturate de diminazène (Bérénil) à titre curatif, en ce qui concerne leur valeur potentielle pour le maintien à long terme de bovins zébu dans une zone infestée de glossines au Mali. Le Trypamidium était infecté tous les trois mois et le Bérénil seulement lorsque les animaux s'avéraient porteurs de trypanosomes. Pendant les 21 mois de l'étude, la trypanosomose a été la maladie la plus fréquemment rencontrée dans le groupe traité au Bérénil avec en moyenne 5,5 réinfections. L'espèce trypanosomienne prédominante étaitT. vivax et le vecteur le plus importantGlossina palpalis gambiensis. Les résultats montrent que, bien que le coût direct des médicaments dans les deux régimes de maintien ait été presque identique, l'emploi du Trypamidium a engendré un gain de poids annuel significativement plus grand, a prévenu les mortalités dues à la trypanosomose et conduit à un troupeau de valeur marchande plus élevée.

Fourteen gnotobiotic calves were killed 0.5 to ten days after infection with Newbury agent SRV-1 and the changes in small intestinal structure and function were assessed, qualitatively and quantitatively, by light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, enzymology and xylose absorption. The first enterocytes detected as infected by immunoperoxidase were those on the sides of villi at the base. Subsequently exfoliation of degenerate enterocytes resulted in stunted villi; mucosal beta-galactosidase activity fell and there was xylose malabsorption. Small intestinal damage, first detected at 12 hours after infection but almost repaired by ten days, was restricted to the anterior half of the small intestine. In the distal small intestine, where no virus-induced damage occurred, villi lengthened--possibly due to increased mitosis of crypt cells stimulated by enteroglucagon release.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the proportion and incidence of calves persistently infected with bovine pestivirus in calves (n = 1521) supplied to the Tick Fever Research Centre and to assess the test regime to detect calves persistently infected with bovine pestivirus.
Design Calves, 1 to 6 weeks old, selected for use in the production of the tick fever vaccine were collected from 21 properties in 56 separate groups between October 1990 and December 1996. Each group was examined for the presence of calves persistently infected with bovine pestivirus.
Procedure All calves were routinely tested for antibody to bovine pestivirus and bovine pestivirus antigen using a serum neutralisation test and an antigen-capture ELISA, respectively. Pooled lymphocyte samples from calves were also monitored for bovine pestivirus by inoculation of sheep. Whole herd testing was carried out in eight herds, using a serum neutralisation test as a screen test followed by an antigen-capture ELISA of cattle with a serum neutralisation test titre of less than 32.
Results Fourteen of the 1521 calves tested (0.9%), were detected as persistently infected and the incidence ranged from 0.0 to 3.0 % per year over 6 years. Persistently infected calves were found in 13 of the 59 groups and originated from 7 of the 21 herds used. In whole herd testing on the properties of origin, cattle persistently infected with bovine pestivirus were detected in four of the eight herds tested
Conclusions The proportion of calves persistently infected with bovine pestivirus is similar to that in other countries and indicates that bovine pestivirus could be a significant cause of economic loss in Australian cattle herds. In detecting calves persistently infected with bovine pestivirus, the combination of sheep inoculation, paired antigen-capture ELISA and serum neutralisation tests appeared to be highly sensitive and specific.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis and virulence of Bovine enterovirus-1 (BEV-1) in cattle is largely unknown. Reports concerning its virulence suggest that there might be an association between BEV-1 infections and a range of diseases in cattle that vary from respiratory to enteric to reproductive disease and infertility. In the current study, the pathogenesis associated with acute infection of BEV-1 in calves experimentally inoculated with the Oklahoma isolate of BEV-1 was described. Although interpretation of the study was limited by lack of an effective control group, results suggest that an association between inoculation of BEV-1, virus localization, and the potential development of lesions in the brain and heart probably exists. In the experiment, BEV-1 virus localized to the terminal ileum, ileocecal and cecocolonic junctions, spiral colon, and ileocecal lymph nodes; BEV-1 virus was detected in the cytoplasm of enterocytes, lamina propria macrophages, endothelium, neurons of the submucosal and myenteric plexi, and lymphocytes of the submucosal lymphoid tissue. Although no clinical signs were noted following acute infection, BEV-1 was localized in the cerebellar white matter of a calf with encephalitis and in the heart of another calf with coronary arteritis. The current study suggests that the BEV-1 isolate is infectious to young calves and that BEV-1 potentially can have a similar pathogenesis to that observed in natural or experimental enterovirus infections in other species.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma (M.) bovis hyperimmune serum was subcutaneously injected to 16 of 26 calves repeatedly intranasally infected with M. bovis, during and/or after experimental infection. Antibody titres between 1:32 and 1:256 were recorded by means of indirect haemagglutination from the calves treated. Transmission of film-inhibitory antibodies failed to work. Neither clinical manifestations nor pathologico-anatomic alterations to the lungs of experimentally infected animals were mitigated by hyperimmune serum treatment. M. bovis, in high germ counts, was re-isolated from nasal swabs, trachea, pulmonary lymph nodes, and inflammatory lung tissue of both treated and untreated calves.  相似文献   

On a yearly basis, large calf ranches rear thousands of neonatal cattle for replacement heifers, veal or dairy beef. Dairy beef ranches obtain bull-calves from multiple sources and with questionable colostrum intake histories. Such ranches accumulate large amounts of data that could be used to help them with calf purchasing and on-farm management practices to avoid losses. Our purpose was to describe some calf purchase factors associated with mortality in neonatal calves raised on a single large calf ranch. Computerized records describing 120,197 bull-calves purchased between January 1997 and November 1998 were used in a survival analysis. Risk factors for mortality within the first 4 weeks after arrival on the ranch included body weight on arrival, month of arrival, and the calf supplier. The strength of the effects was conditional on the week after arrival to the ranch.  相似文献   

Recrudescence of bovine herpesvirus-5 in experimentally infected calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A latent infection of bovine herpesvirus-5 (BHV-5) was established in 4 calves. These calves, plus 2 controls, were given dexamethasone (DM) to reactivate the latent virus. The 4 principal calves developed antibodies to BHV-5 by postinoculation day (PID) 21. Antibody titers increased until PID 42 before decreasing to low levels of PID 75. After the first DM treatment (started on PID 76), an anamnestic antibody response was demonstrated in the 4 principal calves. Calves, 2, 3, and 4 were euthanatized and necropsied at PID 121, and their antibody titers were again decreasing. The virus BHV-5 was not isolated from the tissues by conventional techniques of viral isolation but was isolated from the trigeminal ganglion and spinal cord of calf 3 by explantation techniques. The BHV-5 was isolated, using conventional viral isolation techniques, from a nasal swab sample of calf 1 on PID 91 (15 days after the first DM treatment) and from the thoracic lymph node 6 days after the start of a 2nd DM treatment. Seemingly, BHV-5 may be latently harbored in the nerve tissues or calves and this virus may be reactivated from the upper respiratory tract following subsequent DM treatment.  相似文献   

A study was done in Maine to determine the relative importance of winter survival of nematode larvae in pasture and infected carrier animals as sources of infection for susceptible calves. Under the conditions of the experiment, it appeared that winter survivals in pasture of the infective stages of the genera Ostertagia, Cooperia, Nematodirus, and Trichostrongylus were of greater importance than carrier animals as sources of infection for susceptible calves. While animals in plots infected the previous summer and simultaneously allowed to graze alongside infected carrier animals did show more worms than those grazed only in infected plots, these differences were not statistically significant. Both groups had significantly (P greater than 0.01) more worms than did calves grazed only with carrier animals for the period of the experiment (8 weeks). It was also observed that carrier calves with low fecal egg counts (less than 200 eggs/g of feces) introduced in early spring to uncontaminated pasture could produce enough parasitic contamination by early fall to cause fulminating infections in susceptible calves grazing the pasture at the same time. Infected animals that survived clinical disease during their 1st summer developed a strong immunity which limited their acquisition of further infections when they were exposed to severe pasture contamination the following year.  相似文献   

31 to 37 localities were examined in the small and large intestines of 48 calves spontaneously infected with cryptosporidiosis. It was found that cryptosporidia occurred the most frequently in the distal part of small intestine, within the range of six metres of small intestine, in front of the ostium ileocecale (OIC); at the ileocecal valve the incidence of cryptosporidia dropped rapidly. In none case were the protozoans revealed in duodenum and in the adjacent four to six metres of proximal jejunum. The small intestine was invaded by cryptosporidia in a variable manner, in some cases a major part was continuously invaded, in other cases only one or two metres of distal jejunum without any changes in the ileum and vice versa. Approximately half the calves had cryptosporidia in the cecum, fewer cryptosporidia were found in the transverse colon. Cryptosporidia in the rectum were found in about 25% of cases. Some calves had cryptosporidia only in the large intestine. The intensity of the mucous membrane invasion varied: mass incidence of cryptosporidia was found only in caudal parts of small intestine, with high variability of the extent and with sudden cases of negative findings. In the large intestine only the cecum was invaded more intensively and in a diffusive manner, in the transverse colon and in the rectum the groups of parasites were usually found at the openings and in the wall of Lieberk uhn 's crypts.  相似文献   

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