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根据已经发表的F18ab菌毛F亚单位(FedF/ab)的基因(fedF/ab),设计一对引物,利用PCR技术从表达F18ac菌毛的大肠杆菌2134P株、8199株、8813株中分别扩增到一段序列,并克隆至pGEM—T载体,获得重组质粒T8813F、T8199F、T2134PF。琼脂糖凝胶电泳、序列测定及分析表明,该3个序列大小均为903bp,与fedF/ab大小一致且具有较高的同源性(99.4%),推导的FedF/ac氨基酸序列与FedF/ab同源性为98.3%。数据表明该实验所克隆的序列均为F18ac菌毛F亚单位(FedF/ac)的基因(fedF/ac)。  相似文献   

根据已经发表的大肠杆菌F18ab菌毛A亚单位(FedA/ab)的基因序列(fedA/ab)设计1对引物,利用PCR技术从本实验室保存的10株大肠杆菌(F107/86、YCED1、YCED2、C、D、E、12F、2134P、8199、8813)中分别扩增到一段序列.并克隆至pGEM-T载体,获得重组质粒TF107A、TYCED1A、TYCED2A、TCA、TDA、TEA、T12FA、T8813A、T8199A、T2134PA。通过序列测定,并与已发表的fedA/ab进行比较、基因树分析,可将这10个菌株分为2个基因群,其中F107/86、YCED1、YCED2、C、D、12F与fedA/ab具有高度同源性,属于fedA/ab.大小为513bp;E、8813、8199、2134P构成另一单独的分支,属于fedA/ac.大小为516bp。  相似文献   

根据已经发表的F18ab菌毛F亚单位(FedF/ab)的基因(fedF/ab),设计一对引物,利用PCR技术从本实验室保存的10株大肠杆菌(F107/86、YCED1、YCED2、C、D、E、12F、2134P、8199、8813)中分别扩增到一段序列,并克隆至pGEM_T载体,获得重组质粒TF107F、TYCED1F、TYCED2F、TCF、TDF、TEF、T12FF、T8813F、T8199F、T2134PF。琼脂糖凝胶电泳、序列测定及分析表明,该10个序列大小均为903bp。通过与已发表的fedF/ab进行比较,可将这10个菌株分为2个主要遗传分支;其中F107/86、YCED1、YCED2、C、D、12F与fedF/ab具有高度同源性,属于fedF/ab;另外E、8813、8199、2134P虽与fedF/ab具有99.4%的同源性,推导的氨基酸序列具有98.3%的同源性,但通过基因树分析证明其已成为一个单独的分支,属于fedF/ac。  相似文献   

根据已发表的大肠埃希氏菌F18ab菌毛F亚单位(FedF/ab)的基因(fedF/ab)序列,设计了1对引物,利用PCR技术从大肠埃希氏菌F107/86、YCED1、YCED2、C、D和12F株中分别扩增获得了一段序列,并克隆至pGEM—T载体,获得了重组质粒TF107F、TYCED1F、TYCED2F、TCF、TDF、T12FF。经琼脂糖凝胶电泳、序列测定及分析,6个重组质粒的大小均为903bp,与fedF/ab基因大小一致。其中大肠埃希氏菌F107/86、YCED1、C和12F株的fedF基因序列完全相同;只有YCED2株在第181位碱基处存在1个C→T的无义变异差异,D株在第655位碱基处存在1个T→C变异差异并在氨基酸水平出现1个S→P变异。结果表明,所克隆的序列均为F18ab菌毛F亚单位的基因。  相似文献   

从禽源大肠杆菌037(O78)、166(O78)、120(O18)分离株和猪源大肠杆菌107/86分离株分别提取基因组DNA,并以此为聚合酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR)的模板,扩增上述分离株的1型菌毛主要亚单位结构基因pilA,通过其编码的主要菌毛亚单位FimA蛋白氨基酸的序列比较发现:3个禽源株间FimA的同源性为94.3%至99.0%;禽源株和猪源株间FimA的同源性为89.6%至91.1%。通过对重组大肠杆菌的菌体裂解物的SDS-PAGE电泳分析及Western blot分析,禽源大肠杆菌O78 037株、O18 120株出现了一致的强反应,O78 166株反应较弱,而猪源大肠杆菌107/86株反应最弱。这些结果表明:禽源大肠杆菌与猪源大肠杆菌1型菌毛间存在抗原多样性,这种多样性甚至出现在禽病原性大肠杆菌同一血清型的2个不同分离株之间,如O78 037株O78 166株之间,尽管其FimA氨基酸的同源性很高,为99.0%。  相似文献   

禽源致病性大肠杆菌Ⅰ型菌毛是禽大肠杆菌病的一种重要的致病因子,为一种蛋白质突起,具有良好的免疫原性。与人畜致病性大肠杆菌粘附素菌毛相比,禽源性大肠杆菌的菌毛研究起步稍晚,尤其对其亚单位(FimB、FimE、FimA、FimI、FimC、FimD、FimF、FimG、FimH等)的功能及基因控制报道尚少,直到近年来,人们对此才有较多的了解。近年研究表明,FimA是Ⅰ型菌毛的主要结构蛋白,FimA的表  相似文献   

从禽源大肠杆菌037(O78)、166(O78)、120(O18)分离株和猪源大肠杆菌107/86分离株分别提取基因组DNA,并以此为聚合酶链反应(polymerasechainreaction,PCR)的模板,扩增上述分离株的1型菌毛主要亚单位结构基因pilA,得到了大小约570bp的扩增产物,将此扩增产物克隆于T载体,通过内切酶酶切分析得到4个阳性重组质粒;对上述4个大肠杆菌分离株的pilA基因进行序列测定,通过其编码的主要菌毛亚单位FimA蛋白氨基酸的序列比较发现:3个禽源株间FimA的同源性为94.3%至99.0%;禽源株和猪源株间FimA的同源性为89.6%至91.1%。在pilA开放性阅读框所编码的FimA182个氨基酸序列中,禽源大肠杆菌O78血清型的2个分离株037株和166株间只有2个氨基酸不同,其同源性为99.0%。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌F18ac菌毛FedA蛋白的表达与鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据已经发表的F18ac菌毛A亚单位的基因序列(FedA)设计一对引物,利用PCR技术从重组质粒T 8813A 中扩增到一段序列,并按预定的阅读框插入表达性质粒载体pGEX 6p 1中的谷胱苷肽转移酶(GST)基因的下游,获得重组质粒pPFedA/ac,并转化大肠杆菌BL 21 获得重组菌PPFedA/ac。琼脂糖凝胶电泳、序列测定及分析表明,该序列大小为456 bp,与已发表的FedA/ac结构编码序列完全一致。通过对菌体裂解物的SDS PAGE 分析以及Western blotting 鉴定,证明重组大肠杆菌PP FedA/ac的可以表达融合蛋白形式的FedA/ac (命名为GST FedA/ac),即FedA/ac蛋白(15.317 ku)与谷胱苷肽转移酶(27.335 ku)相连组成分子量为42.652 ku的融合蛋白。利用GST FedA/ac制备的兔抗GST FedA/ac 血清与大肠杆菌F107/86 株( F18ab )、2 134 P 株(F18ac )进行的玻板凝集试验呈现阳性反应,进一步表明了表达的正确性。  相似文献   

黏附素菌毛F18的研究近况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
由表达F18菌毛的大肠杆菌(VTEC、ETEC)引起的仔猪水肿病和断奶腹泻仍然是养猪业中一个没有完全解决的问题,给畜牧业生产带来的损失仍然不可低估[1,2,3,4].F18菌毛有F18 ab和F18 ac二个抗原变种,它们主要介导产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)与产vero细胞毒素大肠杆菌(VTEC)在仔猪肠道内的定居.F18菌毛作为这些病原细菌重要致病因子,国内外对其研究方兴未艾.目前,F18菌毛的研究已经较为深入,从一般形态水平到基因控制水平都有了较大突破.本文就国外和国内的研究概况作一综述,以供相关研究人员参考.  相似文献   

利用已经表达的大肠埃希菌F18ab和F18ac菌毛各结构亚单位(FedA、FedE、FedF)的融合蛋白GST-FedA/ab、GST-FedA/ac、GST-FedE/ab、GST-FedF/ab、GST-FedF/ac分组肌肉注射免疫成年健康家兔,分别制备抗GST-FedA/ab、GST-FedA/ac、GST-FedE、GST-FedF/ab、GST-FedF/ac的多价血清.玻板凝集试验结果表明,抗GST-FedA/ab、GST-FedA/ac、抗GST-FedE/ab、GST-FedF/ab、GST-FedF/ac多价血清均能同时凝集F18ab+大肠埃希菌F107/86株、F18ac+大肠埃希菌8813株.通过荧光抗体染色法对抗FedA/ab、FedA/ac、FedE/ab、FedF/ab、FedF/ac的单因子血清的研究,发现F18菌毛"a"抗原因子分布于FedA、FedE、FedF亚单位上,"b/c"抗原因子分布于FedA、FedF亚单位上.  相似文献   

以致猪水肿病大肠杆菌鄂E株为模板,通过PCR的方法扩增大肠杆菌菌毛F18主要亚基FedF的全长及去信号肽亚基因FedFs,扩增片段分别为1000、900 bp。将纯化的扩增产物克隆到pMD18-T中,通过酶切鉴定和序列分析表明,含SacⅠ及HindⅢ酶切位点的基因全长为967 bp,鄂E株FedF基因编码区全长903 bp,编码301个氨基酸,碱基序列同标准株107/86的同源性为100%。与菌毛AF/R1相比,编码的蛋白质没有同源性。利用pGEX-KG分别构建表达载体,SDS-PAGE检测表明FedFc/pGEX-KG无表达带,FedFs/pGEX-KG则有约58 000的特异性表达带;West-ern blotting检测表明重组蛋白具有免疫原性。利用重组蛋白GST-FedF免疫新西兰兔所制备的抗血清,能抑制Ee株与刷状缘细胞的粘附。利用表达的蛋白建立了F18的ELISA检测方法,并检测790份临床送检血样,其中536份呈阳性,血清学阳性率为67.8%。结果表明,FedF是猪大肠杆菌病新型疫苗及F18^+E.coli感染鉴别诊断的良好候选抗原,通过本试验建立的ELISA方法揭示国内的F18^+E.coli感染严重,血清学阳性率高达67.8%。  相似文献   

The enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) F4ac is a major cause of diarrhoea in newborn and young pigs. The locus for the intestinal ETEC F4ac receptor (F4acR) has been mapped to pig chromosome (SSC) 13q41 with known homology to human chromosome (HSA) 3q21 and q29. However, the causative gene and mutation(s) remain unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize gene-derived markers on SSC13q41 for fine mapping of the F4acR locus, and construct a high-resolution pig–human comparative map to select positional candidate genes for F4acR. Pig-specific sequence-tagged site markers were developed for 20 genes that are located in a 6.8-Mb region on HSA3q21 and q29, and a total of 34 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in 14 of 20 markers developed. Eighteen markers were mapped to SSC13q41, while the other two markers ( PLXNA1 and KLF15 ) were assigned to SSC13q32 and SSC7q13, respectively, by radiation hybrid mapping. This result showed that there was a small conserved segment on SSC7 corresponding to HSA3q21. A framework map comprising 18 markers on SSC13q41 was established, refining the synteny breakpoint on SSC13q41 to a region of 12.3 centiRay. The comparative radiation hybrid (RH) map revealed three interesting candidate genes for F4acR from the human genome, viz. MUC4 , MUC13 and MUC20 . Linkage analysis with six marker polymorphisms revealed that MUC4 had the most significant linkage with the F4acR locus.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) expressing F4 (F4ab, F4ac and F4ad) fimbriae is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in newborn and weaned pigs. The locus controlling susceptibility towards ETEC F4ab/ac has been mapped to SSC13q41, in which TFRC (transferrin receptor) was localized and considered as a positional candidate gene for ETEC F4ab/ac receptor. In this study, we determined susceptibility/resistance to ETEC F4ab/ac in a total of 755 F2 animals from a White Duroc x Erhualian intercross using a microscopic enterocyte adhesion assay. We identified two TFRC polymorphisms (SNPs 591 A>G and 632 A>G) in a single exon after comparative sequencing analysis of 2371-bp amplicons containing the complete coding region of TFRC using RNA of eight full-sib F2 animals with susceptible and resistant phenotypes. The intron sequences flanking the two exon polymorphisms were obtained, revealing an intron polymorphism (SNP 291 C>T). We genotyped the 19 founder animals of the White Duroc x Erhualian intercross for the identified polymorphisms, showing that only the 291 C>T polymorphism is a highly informative marker. We further genotyped all 59 F1 and 755 F2 animals for the 291 C>T polymorphism, and the association of this polymorphism with susceptibility/resistance to ETEC F4ab/ac in these F2 animals was evaluated by the transmission disequilibrium test. The result showed that the 291 C>T polymorphism is not a causal mutation, however, has a significant linkage disequilibrium with the ETEC F4ab/ac, especially F4ac receptor locus.  相似文献   

F18+ Escherichia coli cause postweaning diarrhoea and oedema disease in newly weaned piglets. Protection against these diseases can be established by preventing the fimbrial adhesion of these bacteria to the enterocytes of the porcine intestine. To test a vaccine against F18+ E. coli consisting of the adhesin of F18 fimbriae, FedF, the conservation of the FedF subunit had to be examined. Therefore, the fedF sequence of 37 F18+ E. coli isolates from different countries was determined and compared to the fedF gene of the F18ab reference strain F107/86. The amino acid sequence of the mature FedF from the individual F18+ E. coli isolates was 96–100% identical to that from E. coli F107/86, but the overall homology was 90.4%. Hyper variable regions were not found in the FedF sequence. The FedF sequence was conserved over the different countries and between the two antigenic variants, F18ab and F18ac, suggesting that F18ab and F18ac strains have the same receptor. Furthermore, the conserved C-terminal region in the FedF adhesin suggests that the F18 fimbriae, in analogy with type 1 and P pili, are assembled by a donor strand mechanism. In conclusion, the reported conservation of FedF supports the usefulness of the fimbrial adhesin as a subunit vaccine against F18+ E. coli infection.  相似文献   

黑龙江省猫旋毛虫18S rRNA基因分子克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用GenBank中发表的(Trichinella spiralis)18S rRNA序列为参考设计引物,对分离自黑龙江省猫体内的旋毛虫及本地毛形线虫(Trichinella nativa)的18S rRNA基因进行扩增,克隆后测序,序列分析结果表明:猫旋毛虫与旋毛形线虫基因同源性更高。  相似文献   

Post-weaning diarrhoea and oedema disease in weaned piglets are caused by infection with F4+ or F18+ Escherichia coli strains. There is no commercial vaccine available, but it is shown that oral immunization of weaned piglets with purified F4 fimbriae induces a protective mucosal immune response. In the present study, piglets were orally and nasally immunized with purified F18 fimbriae in the presence of the mucosal adjuvant LT(R192G) or CTA1-DD, respectively. This immunization could not lead to protection against F18+ E. coli infection. The induced F18-specific immune response was directed towards the major subunit FedA and weakly towards the adhesive subunit FedF. The results of these experiments demonstrate that it is difficult to induce protective immunity against F18+ E. coli using the whole fimbriae due to the low response against the adhesin.  相似文献   

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