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扩散率与吸水率关系的解析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple method was developed to relate soil sorptivity to hydraulic diffusivity and water absorption experiments were conducted utilizing one-dimensional horizontal soil columns to validate the relationship. In addition, an estimation method for hydraulic diffusivity with disc infiltrometer was developed. The results indicated a favorable fit of the theoretical relation to the experimental data. Also, the experiment with disc infiltrometer for estimating the diffusivity showed that the new method was feasible.  相似文献   

杨苑璋 《土壤》2000,32(6):336-336
土壤负压计是以测定土壤基质势为理论依据的一种测水仪器,土壤基质势的大小决定着土壤水分运动的能量与状态,因此土壤负压计也叫土壤湿度计.  相似文献   

The properties of soils, even in short distances differ from point to point. These spatial variabilities may be described by geostatistics. This method determines the spatial structure of a specified variable. In this study, we measured the sorptivity of soil in field under tilled and no-tilled conditions with different sampling distances by using a simple method and performed the geostatistical analysis on the obtained data. The measurements were done on the corners of a regular network having dimensions of 5 m × 5 m in a tilled and no-tilled soil, and 0.5 m × 0.5 m in the same tilled soil. The results revealed that sorptivity had spatial structure in a tilled soil with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances and no spatial structure occured in 5 m × 5 m distances, so it was believed that sorptivity is a structural variable only for short distance. The range of variogram was between 3.09 and 3.42 m for the sorptivity with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids. The spherical model was the best-fitted theoretical variogram. In addition to the simple method for sorptivity measurement, we measured the sorptivity using double rings, which is known as Talsma method. Statistical tests showed a significant and non-significant difference between the two methods in 5 m × 5 m and 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids, respectively. In the simple method for sorptivity measurement, a ring with 10 cm height, 10 cm diameter, and about 2 cm depth of water was applied, but the rings used in the Talsma method were about three to four times larger. Therefore, it is concluded that for short distances, the sorptivity of simple method is in accordance with that obtained in Talsma method. The kriging method was used to estimate the presumed unknown values of sorptivity in some locations in the 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances. Results revealed that kriging method is capable enough to estimate the sorptivity if the variable has a spatial structure.  相似文献   

Adsorption of the chloroacetanilide herbicides acetochlor, alachlor, metolachlor, and propachlor was determined on soils and soil components, and their structural differences were used to explain their sorptivity orders. On all soils and soil humic acids, adsorption decreased in the order: metolachlor > acetochlor > propachlor > alachlor. On Ca(2+)-saturated montmorillonite, the order changed to metolachlor > acetochlor > alachlor > propachlor. FT-IR differential spectra of herbicide-clay or herbicide-humic acid-clay showed possible formation of hydrogen bonds and charge-transfer bonds between herbicides and adsorbents. The different substitutions and their spatial arrangement in the herbicide molecule were found to affect the relative sorptivity of these herbicides by influencing the reactivity of functional groups participating in these bond interactions. It was further suggested that structural characteristics of pesticides from the same class could be used to improve prediction of pesticide adsorption on soil.  相似文献   

A new approach for determining effective soil hydraulic functions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the possibility of inferring effective hydraulic properties of soil from the structure of the pore space. The aim was to identify structural properties, which are essential for water flow, so that physical experiments may be replaced by direct morphological measurements. The pore structure was investigated in three dimensions by serial sections through impregnated samples. The complex geometry of pore space was quantified in terms of two characteristics: pore-size distribution and pore connectivity. Only pores larger than 0.04 mm were considered. The results were used as input parameters for a pore-scale network model. The main desorption branch of the soil-water characteristic and the corresponding hydraulic conductivity function of the network model were calculated by numerical simulation. The simulation results, which are exclusively based on morphological investigations, were compared with independently measured results from a multi-step outflow experiment. This approach was demonstrated for two centrasting soil materials: the A and B horizons of a silty agricultural soil. The simulations were close to the experimental data, except for the absolute values of the hydraulic conductivity. The pore-size distribution and pore connectivity govern the shape of hydraulic functions and the applied morphometric methods are suitable for predicting essential characteristics of hydraulic soil properties.  相似文献   

Gas diffusivity was measured in duplicate soil cores (10 cm long and 6 cm diameter) from depths of 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm, and in beds of 1–2 mm aggregates taken from the same site at the same depths. A steady state method was used, with ethane as the diffusing gas. As the samples dried, the fractional air-filled pore space increased, from 0. 1 to 0.45 for the cores and from 0.35 to 0.65 for the aggregates. The maximum relative diffusivity of the aggregate samples (0.38) was approximately twice that of the core samples, reflecting the difference in pore space. Equations are presented for calculating the solid, air and water fractions of the samples and for calculating the diffusivity within peds and aggregates. These calculations allowed a comparison of the diffusion/porosity relationship within aggregates and peds.  相似文献   

Two methods for the determination of aggregate stability, wet-sieving and the volumeter test (based on forced consolidation of an aggregate sample), were compared. The aim of this work was to find out whether results obtained with both methods were comparable and, if so, which one was less time-consuming for the same degree of accuracy.Optimum levels of soil moisture for obtaining reliable results were determined during preliminary tests. At these levels, results obtained with both methods showed close agreement. The results of wet-sieving were mainly correlated with the proportion of aggregates between 2 and 5 mm and organic matter content, whereas the results of the volumeter tests correlated with the clay-, silt-, organic matter- and calcium-content of the soil. The time necessary for the accomplishment of the volumeter test was about half that of the wet-sieving method.  相似文献   

利用圆盘入渗仪测定不同土地利用类型土壤吸渗率   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
探讨利用圆盘入渗仪测定不同利用类型土壤吸渗率的适用性,该文选用盘径分别为10和20 cm的圆盘入渗仪对3种利用土壤(菜地、草地和茶园)在0、-3、-6、-9 cm 4个压力水头下的吸渗过程进行测定。研究以Vandervaere法为参考方法,对Philip法、Haverkamp三维吸渗法、Haverkamp三维吸渗改进法的适用性进行比较分析。结果表明:吸渗率的不同计算公式所适应的吸渗过程时间尺度不同,且Haverkamp三维吸渗法所得吸渗率值与参考方法最接近。盘径对吸渗率测定差异的影响不显著。除0 cm压力水头外,不同利用类型土壤吸渗率差异显著,且不同压力水头下测得3种土壤吸渗率大小排序不同。当压力水头为-9和-6 cm时,菜地吸渗率(0.0104和0.0119 cm/s0.5)显著高于茶园(0.0017和0.0025 cm/s0.5)(P0.05);当压力水头为-3 cm时,茶园吸渗率(0.0370 cm/s0.5)显著高于菜地和草地(0.0147和0.0132 cm/s0.5)(P0.05)。该研究可为南方丘陵区土壤水力参数的测定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The difference between the cumulative infiltration occurring during three‐dimensional axisymmetric and one‐dimensional vertical flow is a linear function of time. The slope of this line is a function of the source radius, initial and final volumetric soil water contents and the soil sorptivity. This allows the determination of the sorptivity and saturated conductivity of the soil from data of axisymmetric flow in a single ring of small diameter under negligible head of water. The method is based on the optimization of the sorptivity and saturated conductivity on the one‐dimensional vertical cumulative infiltration inferred from axisymmetric flow data. To examine the reliability of the method to determine these parameters, numerical three‐ and one‐dimensional data are generated on soils with known hydrologic properties from the literature. The linearity versus time of the difference of the two types of flow is verified. Several physically based expressions for the vertical cumulative infiltration as a function of time are considered. The optimized values of the sorptivity and saturated conductivity are compared to the their real known values. Despite the large errors on the optimized parameters, namely the saturated conductivity, the error on the vertical predicted cumulative infiltration is limited to 10%. This makes possible the application of this method on a large scale for hydrological modelling purposes.  相似文献   

The formation and disintegration of macroaggregates into water-stable particles in a wide range of soil water contents—from the hygroscopic moisture to the capillary saturation moisture—were analyzed. It was found that the disintegration of macroaggregates into water-stable particles follows an exponential law. As the system becomes a three-phase system, neighboring particles in the macroaggregate are pressed together due to capillary pressure, and strong molecular bonds are formed. The disintegration curve of macroaggregates is an integral informative characteristic, which reflects the dynamics of changes in the strength properties of the macroaggregates.  相似文献   

In situ evaluating the availability of soil nutrients has been a challenge. In this study, a new type of Device for Simulating Soil Nutrient Extraction and Plant Uptake (DSSNEPU) and its operating procedures were introduced. The device consists of a sampling tube, a fluid supply system, a low pressure system, a tube sheath and an elution cylinder. The sampling tube was firstly soaked in the solution of 0.5 mol L 1 NaHCO 3 and then buried into soils. The fluid supply system was connected to the sampling tube and the deionized water was supplied. During the period, low pressure system started a vacuum for 3 min every 10 min interval. After extraction, the sampling tube was removed and the nutrients on the sampling tube were eluted with 0.5 mol L 1 HCl. The elution solution was used for nutrient measurement. The amounts of P and K extracted by DSSNEPU reached the maximal values after 4 h. No significant increases of P and K were observed for longer extraction duration. The optimal temperature for extracting P and K was 30 C in this experiment. Extracted P and K were increased by 83.3% and 84.6% with the employment of low pressure system in comparison to those without employing low pressure system. Correlation analysis indicated that P and K extracted by DSSNEPU were highly correlated with those by conventional chemical extraction and by plant uptake. The above results suggest that this device is applicable to assess the availability of nutrients in soils.  相似文献   

The physical analysis of soil tilth has long been one of the important problems in relationship to the solution of soil productivity. Various methods have been proposed to measure soil tilth and most of them are based upon granulation, porosity, penetration and compressibility of soils. In our laboratory here studies3,4) for the physical improvement of soil are being continued to find a suitable method of reclamation for heavy clayey polder soils of extremely bad structure in Kojima Bay. In this paper several methods for measuring the consistency limits, and consistency of dry and wet soil are reported, and the value of these methods as a measure of soil tilth is discussed.  相似文献   

Destruction of soil aggregates in slope flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field studies and model experiments, as well as theoretical considerations, suggest that bed sediments represented by soil aggregates in overland flows on slopes exert a considerable influence on the intensity of erosion processes. In this context, one of the key problems in the development of adequate erosion models is the problem of the rate of destruction of such aggregates in the flows. The results of experimental studies of the destruction of aggregates of chernozemic soils are analyzed. It is found that the destruction of soil aggregates in the flow proceeds in two stages. During the first stage, the aggregates are rapidly broken apart into smaller fragments. During the second stage, these fragments are subjected to abrasion. An equation describing the destruction of aggregates upon their movement in the flow in dependence on the aggregate size and the distance of aggregate transport is suggested. The effect of some groups of soil microorganisms on the aggregate resistance to the destruction is shown.  相似文献   

土壤有机质虽然占矿质土壤总量的比例很小,但对土壤质量及功能的调节起着关键作用。因此,寻求合适的土壤有机碳测定方法十分重要。本研究以4个长期定位试验(A、B、C、D)为基础,在灵敏度、相关性等方面对外加热法和碳氮仪法作了比较。结果表明:对于酸性土而言无论测定整土还是团聚体有机碳,两种方法的准确度和灵敏度都很高,但外加热法能更灵敏地反应处理间的差异性;两种方法测定结果有很好相关性,但碳氮仪法测定结果较外加热法偏高;由于测定结果存在差异,在科研工作中两种方法不能混用,以免得出错误结论。  相似文献   

Diffusion within a cube was simulated by a model which divides the cube into concentric volumes and computes by Fick's first law the diffusive flux between adjacent volumes and between the outermost volume and the external solution. The model can also be applied directly to a sphere and, with minor modifications, to other regular shapes. It was tested in two forms: (a) with the distances between the interfaces of adjacent concentric volumes made equal, and (b) with the volumes themselves equal, by using it to simulate the uptake of solute by a sphere from a stirred solution of limited volume. The output from the latter form of the model agreed the more closely with values obtained from a solution of the diffusion equations in radial co-ordinates, and this form was used subsequently. The model was used successfully to simulate the diffusion of bromide from cubes of chalk and chloride-36 from porous ceramic spheres, and its flexibility was illustrated by its ability to simulate experiments in which aliquots of the external solution were removed for assay.  相似文献   

Wettability parameters determined for individual soils often show a considerable variation depending on the kind of sample (aggregated or homogeneous material) and the method used. To investigate the causes of this variation, we assessed wettability of both intact and crushed aggregates and bulk soil using different methods. Wettability of intact aggregates was characterized by a modified technique where the specific infiltration rates of water and a completely wetting liquid were used to define a repellency index. Contact angles were determined on crushed aggregates and bulk soil using the Wilhelmy plate and capillary rise methods. The repellency index was found to be sensitive to slight differences in wettability and was in good agreement with Wilhelmy plate contact angles. Contact angles measured with the capillary rise method showed a strong deviation from those determined with the Wilhelmy plate method. This can be ascribed to the underlying assumptions of the capillary rise method (i.e. cylindrical and parallel capillaries) resulting in an over‐estimation of contact angle, particularly for the small‐sized particle fraction because of the impact of inertia and pore structure. No significant differences were found between intact and crushed aggregates whereas the bulk soil was slightly more water‐repellent, probably because of a somewhat larger organic carbon content. We conclude that the contact angle determined by the Wilhelmy plate method and the repellency index are appropriate parameters for characterizing soil water repellency because they detected small changes in wettability over a wide range extending from subcritical water repellency to hydrophobicity.  相似文献   


Humic substances from an Argentinian chesnut (Mollisol) soil were extracted with Na‐Dowex A‐1 resin, 0.1 N NaOH and 0.1 M Na4P2O7 without decalcification and with 0.1 N NaOH after decalcification. Humic to fulvic (Ch/Cf) acid and E4/E6 ratios of the extracts were determined and compared.

A simpler and more rapid procedure than the classical ones for extracting and characterizing soil humus is proposed. The procedure is based on the use of a chelating resin as extractant and on the direct determination of analytical properties of humus in aliquots of the extract.  相似文献   

The relationship between nutrient influx (In) and solution concentration at the root surface (Clo) has not yet been determined for roots growing in soil because of difficulties in measuring Clo. Corn was grown on two soils with 12 and 21% clay. Each soil had five K levels ranging from low to very high. Potassium influx (In) was determined from K uptake between two harvests and root length. Clo was then calculated from the average soil solution concentration and In by assuming that diffusion is the main transport mechanism for K to the root. Potassium influx plotted against Clo showed a saturation curve, typical of a Michaelis-Menten kinetic relationship. The Michaelis-Menten uptake parameters, maximum influx (Imax) and Michaelis constant (Km), were obtained by the “Hanes” plot. There was close agreement, without lack of fit, between calculated and observed data. The proposed procedure therefore appears to be suitable for estimating the uptake kinetics of roots growing in soil. Requirements for applications of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

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