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The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of dermatophytes and yeasts in healthy and diseased dogs. A total of 633 samples were collected from 26 healthy animals (104 samples), 131 with dermatitis (343 samples), 74 with otitis (148 samples), and 19 with ocular diseases (38 samples). Cultures from healthy animals were positive for Malassezia pachydermatis in 13.5% (7/52) of samples from skin, 42.3% (11/26) from ear, and 3.8% (1/26) from eye. Fungal growth was observed in 20.4% (70/343) samples from animals with dermatitis. Microsporum canis was the most isolated fungus (n = 39), followed by M. pachydermatis (n = 30) and Malassezia sp. (n = 3). Of the 148 samples from dogs with otitis, 90 (60.8%) were positive for M. pachydermatis, and of the clinical specimens from the conjunctiva of animals with ophthalmic disease, 2.6% (1/38) presented positive cultures for M. pachydermatis. Only 14.3% (2/14) of the positive cultures for M. pachydermatis and 40.9% (9/22) of those for M. canis were positive in the direct exam. Direct exams were positive in 84.3% (70/83) of the culture positive samples from affected ears of dogs with otitis. Malassezia pachydermatis may act as an aggravating factor in the occurrence of cutaneous diseases, or the isolation of M. canis may be associated with the onset of dermatophytosis. Fungal culture, rather than microscopic examination, should be used as the definitive diagnostic test for dermatomycoses and otitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety of sodium bisulfate for use in horse barn environments by determining its irritant effect on skin and hooves. ANIMALS: 6 female mixed-breed ponies. PROCEDURE: Sodium bisulfate was applied to clipped intact skin of 6 ponies to evaluate its irritant effect after single (48 hours) and repetitive (6 h/d for 10 days) applications; similar areas of skin were used as untreated control sites. In addition, sodium bisulfate was applied to the sole of both front hooves of each pony and covered with wet gauze, and the entire hoof was covered with adhesive tape for 48 hours. RESULTS: Contact with moistened sodium bisulfate for 48 hours had no effect on pony skin. Contact with sodium bisulfate for 6 hours on 10 consecutive days did not cause gross changes but did cause mild to moderate microscopic changes including epidermal necrosis, hyperkeratosis, capillary congestion, edema, and diffuse mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate. All changes were limited to the epidermis and superficial dermis. Gross changes in hoof sole, signs of lameness, and increase in digital pulse pressure or pulse intensity were not detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Duration of contact with sodium bisulfate in this study was in excess of that expected under typical husbandry conditions. Despite this fact, gross changes in skin and hooves were not detected. Microscopic lesions were confined to the epidermis and superficial dermis. Results suggest that contact with sodium bisulfate under these conditions is safe.  相似文献   

A total of 112 isolates of Actinobacillus equuli, including both clinical isolates and isolates from the oral cavity of healthy horses, were included in this study. All isolates were ribotyped and 92 of the isolates were also typed biochemically, with the commercially available Pheneplate (PhP) system, which includes 48 different substrates. As expected, ribotyping was more sensitive than biochemical fingerprinting in detecting differences between the isolates. The correlation between the two methods used was poor. It was not possible to distinguish clinical isolates from normal flora isolates by either of the two methods used.  相似文献   

The concentrations of anticardiolipin immunoglobulin G (IgG) were measured in 134 healthy dogs and 63 diseased dogs by an elisa. The mean (sd) concentration in the healthy dogs was 5.40 (2.60) IgG phospholipid (gpl) units, and concentrations greater than 11 gpl were considered as above the normal range. On this basis, 30 (47.6 per cent) of the diseased dogs were within the normal range, with a mean of 5.45 (3.07) gpl and the other 33 had levels above the normal range (P<0.001); 19 of them had a mean level of 22.2 (5.66) gpl, 10 had a mean level of 49.1 (11.2) gpl, and four had a mean level of 85.8 (9.64) gpl. Levels above the normal range were more frequent in females (59.4 per cent) than in males (45.1 per cent), but were higher in males (45.5 [34.71] v 42.91 [22.0] gpl). In addition, they were more frequent and higher in older dogs (66.7 per cent, 40.4 [24.0] gpl) than in younger dogs (33.3 per cent, 33.5 [21.4] gpl).  相似文献   

Eleven isolations of A. oculi were made from nasal swabs from horses with acute upper respiratory disease (3), from an equine lung with extensive emphysema (1), from lung, liver and placenta respectively of three aborted foals, from cerebrospinal fluids from two horses with a paralytic syndrome, from synovial from a horse with acute polyarthritis and from a semen sample from a stallion with a breeding problem.  相似文献   

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a widely used hemocomponent that holds great promise in equine medicine due to its feasible production and regenerative therapy potential. Its use has been considered as a treatment for chronic laminitis, mainly in terms of its analgesic properties and because it can induce growth in affected hooves. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on hoof growth attributable to PRP applied in the coronary band of clinically healthy horses by comparing the responses to PRP, saline, and trimming alone. After randomization, the forelimbs of 9 horses received specific treatment at intervals of 33 days and were trimmed, measured, and radiographed at the same time. Neither hoof growth nor hoof angles were different between the treatment groups at any time point. The application of PRP in the coronary band of horses may be a safe procedure; however, it had no effect on the growth or conformation of hooves in clinically healthy horses.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetlc properties of a single intravenous dose of ketoprofen (2.2 mg/kg) in plasma and synovial fluid were compared in four healthy animals and four horses with experimentally induced acute synovitis. Synovitis was induced by the injection of a 1% solution of sterile carrageenan into the left intercarpal joint Ketoprofen was administered at the same time as carrageenan infection. The plasma disposition followed a biexponential equation or a two-compartment model in most horses. The plasma harmonic mean half-life in healthy horses (0.88 h) was longer than in horses with synovitis (0.5 5 h). Synovial fluid concentrations of ketoprofen in healthy horses approximated those in plasma by 3 h post-dose. In horses with synovitis, synovial fluid concentrations approximated plasma concentrations by 1 h. Synovial fluid concentrations of ketoprofen in horses with synovitis were 6.5 times higher than those in healthy horses at 1 h. The area under the synovial fluid concentration curve for horses with synovitis was greater than in healthy horses. These data suggest that the inflamed joint serves as a site of sequestration for ketoprofen. Furthermore, these results indicate that plasma pharmacokinetics may be altered by inflammation in a peripheral compartment such as the joint  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: In human medicine, oesophageal electrocardiography (ECG) is a well‐established technique that magnifies P waves with respect to the QRS complex. Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of oesophageal ECG recording in horses and its ability to produce larger P waves compared with base‐apex and unipolar recordings. Methods: Bipolar and unipolar ECG were performed using oesophageal and surface electrodes. Oesophageal ECG was obtained from 6 different recording configurations at different oesophageal depths. Amplitudes of P, Q, R, S and T waves were measured from 3 different cardiac cycles for each recording configuration and depth. Results: Oesophageal ECG was feasible in all horses. For all oesophageal recording configurations, significantly larger P waves were recorded from a depth that equalled ‘height of the withers + 10 cm’ (HW+10) than from any other depth. P/QRSmagn, the ratio between the P wave and QRS complex magnitudes, was largest for intraoesophageal recordings with an interelectrode distance of 10 cm, at HW+10, where it was significantly larger than base‐apex and unipolar recordings. Base‐apex recording resulted in significantly smaller P waves than all other recording configurations and significantly smaller P/QRSmagn ratios than all other recording configurations except one combined oesophageal‐surface recording (E/Slow). Conclusions: Oesophageal ECG recording is feasible in horses and effective in magnifying P wave amplitude. Potential relevance: The procedure is promising for diagnosis of supraventricular tachydysrhythmias and might be used in electrophysiological studies and for cardiac pacing.  相似文献   



Homocysteine (HCY) is an amino acid produced from methionine metabolism. Plasma homocysteine concentrations ([HCY]p) are elevated (>13 μmol/L) in people with atrial fibrillation (AF) and can predict the recurrence of AF after cardioversion. This study aimed to validate a commercially available human HCY assay for use in horses to develop reference intervals for [HCY]p and compare [HCY]p in healthy horses and horses with AF.


Healthy horses (n = 27) and horses with AF (n = 55, 34 of which were cardioverted using transvenous electrical cardioversion).

Materials and methods

Blood samples were analysed for HCY using an automated enzyme-cycling assay (Homocysteine Cobas C, Integra, Roche) and creatinine (compensated Jaffe method). Assay linearity and precision were assessed, reference intervals calculated and [HCY]p and creatinine compared between groups.


The assay was precise (coefficient of variation 1.6–4.3%, n = 10 repetitions) and provided linear results (r = 0.99 for spiked and natural samples) for a range of [HCY]p. The reference interval for [HCY]p was 1.5–7.8 μmol/L. The plasma concentration of homocysteine was 4.65 ± 1.5 μmol/L (mean ± standard deviation) in healthy horses and 4.65 ± 1.72 μmol/L in horses with AF (p=0.99); [HCY]p was not associated with recurrence of AF (n = 18, p=0.97). A weak, positive correlation between plasma creatinine and [HCY]p was detected (r = 0.295, p=0.008, r2 = 0.11).


This assay allows precise measurement of [HCY]p in horses. Unlike in people, [HCY]p is not increased in horses with AF and cannot predict AF recurrence. This might be due to differences in the underlying pathological mechanisms of AF development in people and horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare in vitro smooth muscle relaxation of palmar digital vessels from healthy horses with those from horses in the prodromal stage of experimentally (carbohydrate) induced laminitis. ANIMALS: 16 adult horses. PROCEDURE: Segments of palmar digital vessels were obtained from 5 healthy horses and 6 horses given carbohydrate. Vascular rings from the palmar digital artery and vein were suspended in individual organ baths containing buffer solution and indomethacin; isometric tension was recorded, and contraction and relaxation were compared. Smooth muscle contraction in response to cumulative addition of phenylephrine was recorded in the absence and presence of 1 microM NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L -NAME). After wash out, vascular rings were preconstricted with phenylephrine (0.3 microM), and cumulative endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine-induced) and independent (nitroprusside-induced) smooth muscle relaxations were recorded in the absence or presence of L -NAME. RESULTS: Phenylephrine increased vascular smooth muscle tone in ring preparations of palmar digital arteries and veins. Addition of acetylcholine or nitroprusside induced relaxation of palmar digital artery and vein ring preparations. Use of L-NAME (1 microM) significantly reduced maximal relaxation induced by acetylcholine, but not by nitroprusside. Maximal relaxation induced by acetylcholine, but not by nitroprusside, was reduced in vascular rings prepared from carbohydrate-overloaded horses. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation of palmar digital vessels may have a role in the pathophysiology of acute laminitis after carbohydrate overload in horses.  相似文献   

Clemastine is an H1 antagonist used in certain allergic disorders in humans and tentatively also in horses, although the pharmacology of the drug in this species has not yet been investigated. In the present study we determined basic pharmacokinetic parameters and compared the effect of the drug measured as inhibition of histamine-induced cutaneous wheal formation in six horses. The most prominent feature of drug disposition after intravenous dose of 50 microg/kg bw was a very rapid initial decline in plasma concentration, followed by a terminal phase with a half-life of 5.4 h. The volume of distribution was large, Vss = 3.8 L/kg, and the total body clearance 0.79 L/h kg. Notably, oral bioavailability was only 3.4%. There was a strong relationship between plasma concentrations and effect. The effect maximum (measured as reduction in histamine-induced cutaneous wheal formation) was 65% (compared with controls where saline was injected) and the effect duration after i.v. dose was approximately 5 h. The effect after oral dose of 200 microg/kg was minor. The results indicate that clemastine is not appropriate for oral administration to horses because of low bioavailability. When using repeated i.v. administration, the drug has to be administered at least three to four times daily to maintain therapeutic plasma concentrations because of the short half-life. However, if sufficient plasma concentrations are maintained the drug is efficacious in reducing histamine-induced wheal formations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine pharmacokinetics of terbutaline in healthy horses and to relate serum terbutaline concentrations with the drug's pharmacodynamic effects. ANIMALS: 6 healthy horses. PROCEDURE: Horses were given terbutaline i.v. (10 microg/kg of body weight) and, 1 week later, p.o. (100 microg/kg). Responses to drug administration (eg, heart rate and serum lactate concentration) were measured. Serum terbutaline concentration was measured by means of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. Protein binding was determined in vitro. RESULTS: Following i.v. administration, median maximum serum terbutaline concentration and mean residence time were 9.3 ng/ml and 30 minutes, respectively. Bioavailability following oral administration was < 1%. All horses developed sweating, trembling, excitement, and tachycardia during i.v. infusion. The 2 horses with the highest serum terbutaline concentrations developed severe tachycardia and CNS stimulation; 30 minutes after the i.v. infusion was completed, they were hyperventilating and lethargic. Heart rate and serum lactate concentration increased as serum terbutaline concentration increased. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that terbutaline is rapidly cleared from the bloodstream following i.v. administration to horses, suggesting that continuous i.v. infusion would be needed to maintain therapeutic serum concentrations. Oral administration of terbutaline to horses is not practical because of the low bioavailability.  相似文献   

Keratinolytic properties of two dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes) and three moulds (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Alternaria alternata, Geotrichum candidum) isolated from diseased equine hooves were examined to improve the understanding of pathogenic mechanisms leading to equine onychomycosis. Equine hoof horn material and skin, as well as hoof keratin and dermal keratin extracted from corresponding tissues, were used as sole carbon and nitrogen sources in five test tubes for each fungus. Within 18 days, supernatants of all tubes were repeatedly examined for keratinolytic activity by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. In addition, fungal growth rates were determined to identify the preferred tissue of the individual fungi. Among the fungi examined, M. gypseum was the most keratinolytic species, followed by T. mentagrophytes and S. brevicaulis. In the concentration applied, the moulds A. alternata and G. candidum showed minimal keratinolytic activity. With respect to growth rates, M. gypseum favoured hoof horn material, S. brevicaulis and G. candidum preferred skin as a keratin source, whereas for the other two fungi no clear preference was detectable.  相似文献   

Urinary concentrations of gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT), and alanine aminotransferase (AAT) were measured in 32 healthy horses (16 geldings and 16 females) at the same time on 2 consecutive days. The subjects were divided into 4 ages groups, each comprising 8 horses (4 of each sex). In 10 of the geldings, urine was collected continuously for 72 hours, with catheterized samples being obtained at 0800, 1400 and 2000 hours, and an aliquot of the pooled urine being taken every 24 hours. Urinary enzyme activity was found to be unrelated to serum concentrations of the same enzymes. There was no diurnal variation in the activity of the urinary enzymes. Neither the sex of the horses nor their age influenced urinary enzyme activity regardless of whether it was expressed in absolute terms or in reference to creatinine excretion Normal values of GGT and AP were determined to be 3.3 +/- 3.0 IU/L, (2.5 +/- 3.4 IU/g Cr); and 10.2 +/- 4.0 IU/L (6.7 +/- 3.9 IU/g Cr) respectively. Neither AAT or AsAT were present in detectable levels. The mean urine creatinine concentration of all horses was 1.56 +/- 0.42 g/L with no significant age or sex variation being evident.  相似文献   

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