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三峡库区甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化就地夏繁加代技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对春性、半冬性、冬性三种不同感温类型的甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化处理后在三峡库区高海拔地区夏播条件下的性状表现进行观察,分析在本地高海拔区甘蓝型油菜夏繁加代的可行性和必要条件。结果表明,三种不同感温类型的冬油菜材料对人工春化的温度和时间要求有所不同:春性材料要求在人工春化温度为1℃、春化时间为5d时,其夏繁加代的开花效应和结实效果就可达到最好;半冬性和冬性材料则要求在人工春化温度为1℃、春化时间为10d后,其夏繁加代的开花效应和结实效果最好;三种感温类型的开花结实效应最好的处理均可于9月25日前成熟并收获,收获的种子可于当年秋季10月10日前播种,大田生长发育正常。说明三峡库区高海拔区适宜甘蓝型冬油菜人工春化就地夏播加代繁育。  相似文献   

总结了黄淮南片冬麦区小麦夏季自然加代技术在育种中的应用现状,提出了在该麦区夏季就地自然加代的规模化、高效、低成本小麦育种加代操作技术,为加速小麦育种进程提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

缩短杂交后代生长周期、加快加代纯合速度是提高育种效率的重要途径。本文分析了影响作物生长周期的环境和遗传因素,总结了利用自然环境或人工光温控制措施加快作物育种进程的研究进展,并评估了分子标记辅助选择技术在快速育种中的应用价值。  相似文献   

春化基因Vrn-B1是决定黄淮冬麦区小麦品种冬春性的主要基因之一, 研究其不同显性等位变异的低温春化作用效应及分布, 对该区小麦品种选育和推广具有重要意义。以等位变异Vrn-B1a品种皖麦33与等位变异Vrn-B1b品种豫麦34为亲本构建杂交组合, 对其F2代进行5~35 d的低温春化处理, 并在温室(22±3℃,16 h昼/8 h夜)鉴定抽穗期, 结合分子标记分析低温春化处理时间对各等位变异型抽穗期的影响。同时对228个黄淮冬麦区小麦品种进行相关位点分子检测, 分析该基因等位变异的分布特点。各春化处理均使两种等位变异小麦植株的抽穗期提前, 但Vrn-B1a抽穗时间比Vrn-B1b晚约2 d。从春化处理当天至处理后25 d, 2种等位变异类型的抽穗时间均随春化时间的延长而缩短; 继续延长春化时间, 抽穗期不再缩短, 表明满足两种等位变异完成春化的低温时间为20~25 d。在228个品种中, Vrn-B1位点有214个(93.9%)隐性和14个(6.1%)显性等位变异。其中, 显性等位变异Vrn-B1a有6个, 占总品种数的2.6%; Vrn-B1b有8个, 占总品种数的3.5%。在黄淮冬麦区小麦品种中, 春化基因Vrn-B1位点至少存在Vrn-B1a和Vrn-B1b两种显性等位变异类型, 两种等位变异类型纯合小麦植株的抽穗时间不同。  相似文献   

李军  李虹 《小麦研究》2002,23(4):6-8
通过对我所及我省有关育种单位20多年来小麦育种实践的回顾,对遗传资源的重要性有了更深层的认识,它在很大程度上左右着新品种的拓出,因此要培育小麦新品种,引进和创新遗传资源二者缺一不可,特别是创新对现实更为重要。  相似文献   

植物染色体C-显带技术及其在小麦育种中的应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
温海霞  陶澜  戴秀梅 《种子》2002,(3):40-42
本文就染色体C-显带技术及其在小麦近缘种属中的核型分析、亲缘关系和染色体组进化及外源染色质的鉴定等方面国内外研究新近动态做一简述和探讨。  相似文献   

HRM及其在植物育种中的应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HRM(high resolution melting,高分辨率熔解曲线)分析基于监测双链DNA升温变性解链的熔解曲线,是新发展起的一种基因突变扫描及SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphisms,单核苷酸多态性)鉴定技术。由于在灵敏度和准确性上具有突出的优点,HRM近几年来在突变扫描、基因分型、DNA甲基化研究中得到广泛应用。本文简述了HRM的原理及特点,同时结合HRM分析植物群体的实例,对HRM在植物育种中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

小麦条锈病抗性基因研究进展及在育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了已知小麦条锈病抗性基因的来源、染色体定位和分子标记研究现状,回顾了抗性品种与生理小种的演变,评价了小麦抗条锈基因,并浅谈了小麦抗条锈基因的分子标记在育种中的应用  相似文献   

作物空间诱变及其在遗传育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张文涛  杜久元  白斌 《种子》2014,(4):48-52
空间诱变是进行作物种质资源创新及优良新品种选育的有效新途径。围绕作物空间诱变基础生物学研究的主要问题——诱变作用机理,阐述作物对空间环境条件下的感知、响应;针对作物空间诱变育种研究,总结其在地面的遗传变异规律及其种质资源创新中的应用。同时,对其当前存在的问题展开讨论,以期对今后我国空间诱变育种工作的有所启发。  相似文献   

Y.P. Fedoulov 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):101-108
Morphophysiological and physicochemical parameters of sets of winter wheat genotypes were measured. High correlations were found between survival percentage of the winter wheat check variety under freezing and electroconductivity tests, stem electrical resistance after electric shock, and intensity of delayed leaf fluorescence at low temperatures. These correlations decreased when the number of varieties was increased to 35-100. Complex attribute of frost resistance was divided into large components using factor analysis. Biological interpretation was achieved for the first six components. Quantitative values for each component of frost resistance in the various genotypes were determined. The determination coefficient of multiple regression equations, where function was a level of frost resistance and arguments were the component's value for each genotype, varied from 0.80-0.94 over 10 years. It was proposed that the received equations might serve as a model for frost resistance and indicate which component of frost resistance determines the survival of plants in particular ecological conditions. The component structure concept of frost resistance is suggested and possible applications of this concept are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

分子标记及其在作物遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王平荣  邓晓建 《种子》2001,(3):38-41
本文介绍了分子标记的概念和主要类型,以及RFLP、FAPD、SSR和AFLP等4种常用分子标记的基本原理与特点,讨论分子标记在锻造物遗传育种研究中的主要应用。  相似文献   

论述了在甘肃河西灌区选育和应用节水专用型小麦新品种的意义、目标要求和初步进展,展望了节水专用型小麦新品种应用前景和目标设计.  相似文献   

辣椒抗病毒病育种研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对辣椒病毒病的病原、病原物的分化及抗病性遗传规律、抗病品种的选育方法进行综述,并提出了今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

K. B. Singh  J. K. Singh 《Euphytica》1971,20(4):586-590
Summary Heterosis for yield and yield components were studied in F1, F2 and F3 generations in ten crosses of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., under normal spacing. Eighty and 60% F1 hybrids exceeded the high parent and standard variety to the extent of 44.3 and 36.4 per cent. respectively. The two best crosses excelled the high parent and the standard variety by a significant margin. The result showed that seed of advanced generations cannot be used for commercial wheat production, Heterosis in yield seems to be reflected through heterosis in spike number and 1000-kernel weight. In general it was found that the greater the genetic difference of the parents with a high yield capacity the better are their hybrids.  相似文献   

Resistances to Septoria tritici blotch (STB) and Fusarium head blight (FHB) are important goals in European wheat breeding. We tested 25 winter wheat cultivars differing in their resistance to both diseases by inoculating Zymoseptoria tritici or Fusarium culmorum either separately on different plots or combined on the same plot. Experiments were carried out across three location × year combinations in four variants: non‐inoculated, STB inoculated, FHB inoculated and STB+FHB inoculated at the respective optimal plant stages. On the individually inoculated plots, mean STB severities ranged from 12% to 70% and mean FHB severities from 0.3% to 67% across wheat cultivars. The resistances to STB and FHB were not correlated. Mean disease severities of the respective inoculation variants, STB vs. STB+FHB and FHB vs. STB+FHB, were not significantly different (P > 0.1), and correlations between both inoculation variants were extremely high (r = 0.98) for STB. In conclusion, breeding populations have to be selected for both resistances separately, but phenotyping can be performed on the same plot without ranking differences of the respective resistance.  相似文献   

D. R. Knott 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):37-40
Summary If selection based on F3 yield tests is to be effective, the yield tests must be successful in discriminating among yield genotypes. The available literature indicates that simple tests with limited or no replication are not very effective, although more extensive, replicated tests may be.Data from an experiment comparing F3 yield tests with a single seed descent procedure showed that F3 selection based on a two-replicate test with single seed descent procedure did not justify the extra work involved.  相似文献   

航天育种发展概况及其在烟草上的应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航天育种是航天技术与生物技术、农业育种技术相结合的产物,是综合了宇航、遗传、辐射、育种等跨学科的高新技术。本文较系统地介绍了航天育种的概念、机理、特点、发展和国内外的研究信息.并就航天育种在烟草育种上的应用及发展前景进行了讨论与展望.  相似文献   

G. E. Dixon 《Euphytica》1960,9(2):209-221
The origin of Kenya wheats is traced mainly from the introduction of Australian varieties at the beginning of the century. Continuity was lost at the time of the first World War and modern wheats derive from a number of parents of uncertain origin in which Egyptian, Italian and Canadian wheats also played a part. Breeding from 1930 to 1950 was largely based on crossings within this body of material, with relatively few additions from abroad, and led to a range of wheats which are now known internationally for their stem rust resistance.Changes of rust race in Kenya since then have found these wheats lacking in sufficient breadth of resistance and few survive in commerce at the present time except as minor varieties. In the meantime wide use is being made of varieties from abroad, whilst considerable expansion of breeding is being undertaken.The International and F.A.O. Nurseries particularly have yielded much new material for direct multiplication and for breeding purposes, both for stem rust and yellow rust resistance. At the same time special attention is being given to wheats with an inter-specific or inter-generic derivation. Reviews of results with Kenya wheats in other countries provide confirmatory evidence of the extent of their resistance, viewed internationally, and indicate the value of continuing the breeding on a genetically additive basis.A discussion on longer-term questions covers such subjects as the role of out-of-season crops, the concept of composite varieties with inherent diversity of rust resistance and, finally, the need for maximum genetic breadth throughout all breeding for rust resistance. The hope for higher levels of rust resistance remains the long-term aim.  相似文献   

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