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Abstract. The effects of straw disposal by burning and incorporation on soil and crop nitrogen (N) supply, were investigated on two light textured soils in central (ADAS Gleadthorpe) and eastern England (Morley Research Centre) over the period 1984 to 1995. Nitrogen balance calculations showed that after 11 years of contrasting straw incorporation versus burn treatments, the cumulative N returns in straw were c . 570kg/ha at Gleadthorpe and c . 330 kg/ha at Morley However, these N returns via straw incorporation were not reflected in increased total soil N levels in autumn 1994. There were no differences ( P > 0.05) between straw disposal treatments in autumn soil mineral N supply, readily mineralizable N or organic carbon. Similarly, there were no consistent differences between the treatments in terms of crop yield, crop N uptake or optimum fertilizer N rates. Fertilizer N applications of 200 kg N/ha/y increased topsoil organic carbon from 1.18 to 1.28% and total N content from 0.091 to 0.102% on the loamy sand textured soil at ADAS Gleadthorpe, but not at Morley. Previous fertilizer N applications increased the quantity of nitrate-N leached in drainage water by c . 20 kg/ha at Gleadthorpe and c . 60 kg/ha at Morley overwinter 1994/95, and by 10–20 kg/ha at both sites overwinter 1995/96. There was some indication overwinter 1994/95 that straw incorporation reduced nitrate-N leaching by 10–25 kg/ha, but there were no differences between treatments overwinter 1995/96.  相似文献   

长期施有机肥与缺素施肥对潮土微生物活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用中国科学院封丘农业生态国家实验站潮士农田生态系统养分平衡长期定位试验地,研究长期施有机肥或缺索施肥对农田土壤呼吸强度及酶活性的影响.结果发现,与不施肥对照(CK)相比.施肥处理均不同程度地提高了土壤的呼吸强度及转化酶、脲酶与磷酸酶活性;从N、P、K平衡施肥角度比较,施有机肥[OM)与有机无机配施(1/20M+1/2NPK)的效果均显著高于施无机肥(p<0.05);从缺素施肥角度分析,缺P显著低于NPK处理(p<0.05),缺N次之,缺K影响较小.结果表明,长期配施有机肥更有利于提高潮土的微生物活性,长期缺施P肥最不利于保育潮土的微生物学质量.  相似文献   

Ninety years after the start of the Askov long-term fertilization experiment on sandy loam, bulk soil was taken from the 0–20 cm and 30–35 cm depths of unfertilized (UNF), animal-manure (FYM) treated and mineral-fertilized (NPK) plots and analysed for textural composition, carbon content, pH, CEC, particle density and plasticity limits. Undisturbed soil cores (100 cm3) from the 8–12 cm layer were brought to six different matric potentials and subjected to confined uniaxial compression, drop-cone penetration and annulus shear tests. Water-retention curves based on seven matric potentials were produced for undisturbed cores from the 8–12 and 30–35 cm layers. In the field, in situ shear strength of plough-layer soil was determined by a vane shear tester and a torsional shear box. FYM and NPK treatments increased the soil organic carbon content by 23 and 11% of the amount in UNF, respectively. Corresponding increases observed in CEC were 17 and 11%. The water content at the lower and upper plastic limits both decreased from FYM to NPK to UNF. Soil bulk density in the 0-20 cm layer was reduced in FYM and NPK treatments relative to UNF, whereas the volume of soil pores larger than 30 μm was unaffected by past fertilization. Soil receiving animal manure showed the greatest soil strength when exposed to annulus shear, drop-cone penetration and confined uniaxial compression tests, Shear strength measurements indicated that the UNF sandy loam soil reacted like a sand, the increase in soil strength upon drying primarily being due to increased internal friction. In contrast, soil from FYM and NPK treatments showed reactions typical of a loamy soil, the increase in soil strength during drying being caused by increased cohesion in the soil matrix. The field tests employed were unable to detect the management-induced differences in soil physical parameters found in the laboratory tests. This study shows that physical soil properties related to conditions for tillage and traffic, to crop development and erosion are significantly influenced by differences in soil organic matter levels resulting from contrasting methods of fertilizer management. Exhausting a loamy soil by long-term lack of fertilizer application severely affects the physical properties of the soil.  相似文献   

为探讨不同灌水量下砂壤温室黄瓜土壤中氮浓度的变化特征,借助温室内称重式蒸渗仪试验平台,以直径20 cm蒸发皿的蒸发量(E_p)为灌水依据,设置了I1(K_(cp1):0.8)、I2(K_(cp2):1.0)和I3(K_(cp3):1.2)3种灌水水平,研究了黄瓜生育期内不同土层土壤溶液中氮浓度的动态变化及氮淋洗情况。结果表明,减少灌溉量增加了20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮浓度,降低了60 cm土层的硝态氮浓度。与处理I3相比,处理I2在20和40 cm土层中的硝态氮生育期平均浓度增加了75.59%和134.36%,60 cm土层的硝态氮生育期平均浓度降低了18.88%。不同灌溉量处理在各土层中铵态氮最大浓度仅为0.4 mg·L~(-1),其中20 cm土层铵态氮浓度具有和硝态氮相似的变化规律,而40和60 cm土层中各处理无明显差异。黄瓜季淋洗出90 cm土体的氮总量为56.08~203.13kg·hm~(-2),占总施氮量的9.02%~32.69%。相比处理I3,I2处理不仅具有最高的黄瓜产量,而且氮淋洗总量降低了49.16%(P0.05),灌溉水利用效率和氮肥偏生产力分别提高了39.24%(P0.05)和18.88%(P0.05)。综合考虑土壤中氮浓度、淋洗量及黄瓜产量等指标,I2处理(K_(cp2):1.0)为供试条件下较优灌溉量。  相似文献   

Effect of nitrogen inputs to cereals on nitrate leaching from sandy soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer inputs to cereal crops on nitrate leaching after harvest was tested on 21 experiments on sandy soils in England. At small nitrogen fertilizer rates leaching increased very little with increasing inputs, while at high rates more than half of any additional nitrogen could be accounted for as increase in nitrate leached. In many cases the response fitted two straight lines. Nitrogen offtake in grain also fitted two straight lines, with a form which complemented the leaching response. The gradient averaged 0.52 kg N in grain for every additional 1kg N applied below the break point, but only 0.05 kg/kg above. The break points were generally close to or above the economic optimum N input. The effect of inputs on leaching could he quantitatively related to nitrogen offtake in grain, assuming a constant ratio of nitrogen in grain to total nitrogen uptake. The results show that fields receiving N inputs in excess of the economic optimum cause a disproportionately large nitrate loss. However because of uncertainty in predicting the break point in advance, modest further reduction in leaching will occur by reducing inputs to somewhat below the expected economic optimum.  相似文献   

施氮和秸秆还田对小麦-玉米轮作农田硝态氮淋溶的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
连续4 a采用渗漏计测定法研究了陕西关中小麦-玉米轮作区施氮和秸秆还田对土壤剖面90 em处NO3--N淋溶的影响.结果表明,NO3--N淋洗主要发生在7、8、9月份或灌溉后,年际间变异较大.监测期内各处理渗漏液NO3--N浓度和淋失量的变幅为0~103.5 mg L-1和0~21.8 kg hm-2,二者均随施氮量的增加呈增加趋势.小麦施氮150 kg hm-2、玉米施氮180 kg hm-2时,连续4a作物均能获得高产.施氮量继续增加,产量不再增加,0 ~100 cm土层NO3--N累积量和90 cm处NO3--N淋失量却相应增加.秸秆还田2 a后作物显著增产,2010年和2011年分别增产15.1%和14.2%,但对NO3--N累积和淋溶的影响不显著.回归分析显示,NO3--N年淋失量和0~ 100 cm土层累积量均随年施氮量的增加呈指数形式增加,说明施氮量越高,NO3--N年淋失量和累积量越高,二者占施氮量的比例也越高.  相似文献   

不同补水方式下砂壤土渗滤系统对硝态氮去除效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水资源短缺的北京地区利用再生水回补城市河湖,一方面对于水资源的可持续利用有着十分重要的作用,另一方面也可能带来地下水环境的潜在污染风险.该文采用100 cm砂壤土柱模拟(河湖岸底)土地渗滤系统,设置定水头淹水、交替淹水落干、定流速补水和侧向补水4种不同再生水回补方式,研究再生水中硝态氮(NO3-N)在土地渗滤系统中的去除效果和迁移转化规律.结果表明,当水力负荷在0.25~2.65 cm/d范围内时,渗滤系统对NO3-N的去除率随着水力负荷的增大而减小;侧向补水方式下渗滤系统对NO3-N的去除效果最优,平均去除率高达96.1%.在定水头淹水和侧向补水方式下,系统对NO3-N的去除主要发生在土柱的上部,而交替淹水落干和定流速补水条件下,土柱中下部对NO3-N也有一定的去除作用.渗滤系统对NO3-N的去除主要取决于系统内部微生物的分布情况,土层中的反硝化细菌数量越大,该土层对NO3-N的去除率就越高.当水温在15~32℃范围内变化时,定水头淹水和交替淹水落干补水方式下,系统对NO3-N的去除率与温度分别呈指数和幂函数关系.该研究表明土地渗滤系统可实现再生水的进一步净化处理,可为再生水安全回补河湖提供参考.  相似文献   

针对内蒙古河套平原灌区过量氮肥投入导致土壤肥力降低、氮肥利用率偏低的问题,开展以秸秆处理为主区,5个施氮量为副区[常规施氮300 kg/hm2(N300)、减氮15%(N255)、减氮30%(N210)、减氮45%(N165)、不施氮(N0)]的裂区试验,研究春玉米产量、氮肥利用效率、土壤物理性状的变化,旨在为河套平原春玉米氮效率的提高和土壤肥力的增强提供依据。结果表明,秸秆还田配施氮肥可显著降低土壤容重、紧实度,提高土壤含水量,其中以N255处理最优,较秸秆不还田处理含水量增加了22.77%;土壤容重、三相比偏离值分别降低了4.06%~4.33%、32.68%。秸秆还田两年后与秸秆不还田处理相比产量提高了4.87%~7.25%。还田两年后(2020年)秸秆还田条件下N255处理的产量达到了14.16 kg/hm2,与N300处理相比差异不显著;与秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田与氮肥配施可提高氮肥农学效率、氮肥偏生产力,其中N255处理的增幅最大,分别提高了12.82%、7.25%,而N300处理的增幅最小。综上所述,在河套平原灌区,秸秆还田配施2...  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of historical long‐term and recent single applications of pig slurry on phosphorus (P) leaching from intact columns of two sandy topsoils (Mellby and Böslid). The soils had similar physical properties, but different soil P status (ammonium lactate‐extractable P; P‐AL) and degree of P saturation (DPS‐AL). Mellby had P‐AL of 220–280 mg/kg and DPS‐AL of 32–42%, which was higher than for Böslid (P‐AL 140 mg/kg and DPS 21%). The study investigated the effects since 1983 of four treatments with different fertilizer histories, in summary high (HighSlurryMellby) and low (LowSlurryMellby) rates of pig slurry and mineral P (MinMellby) applications at Mellby and mineral P application at Böslid (MinBöslid). The columns were irrigated in the laboratory five times before and five times after a single application of pig slurry (22 kg P/ha). Concentrations of dissolved reactive P (DRP), dissolved organic P and total‐P (TP) in leachate and loads were significantly higher (P < 0.005) from the treatments at Mellby than those at Böslid. TP concentrations followed the trend: HighSlurryMellby (0.57–0.59 mg/L) > MinMellby (0.41–0.49 mg/L) > LowSlurryMellby (0.31–0.36 mg/L) > MinBöslid (0.14–0.15 mg/L), both before and after the single slurry application. DRP concentrations in leachate were positively correlated with DPS‐AL values in the topsoil (R2 = 0.95, P < 0.0001) and increased with greater DPS‐AL values after the single slurry application (R2 = 0.79, P < 0.0001). Thus, DPS‐AL can be an appropriate indicator of P leaching risk from sandy soils. Moreover, the build‐up of soil P because of long‐term repeated manure applications seems to be more important for potential P losses than a single manure application.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on denitrification in the plough layer of an irrigated sandy-clay loam under a wheat-maize cropping system receiving different fertilizer treatments. The treatments were: N-100 (urea-N at 100kgha–1year–1), N-200 (urea-N at 200kgha–1year–1), FYM-16 (farmyard manure at 16 tonnes ha–1year–1), FYM-32 (farmyard manure at 32 tonnesha–1year–1) and the control (unfertilized). Averaged across sampling dates during the wheat season, the denitrification rate as measured by the C2H2-inhibition/soil-core incubation method was highest in N-200 (83gNha–1day–1), followed by FYM-32 (60gNha–1day–1, N-100 (51gNha–1day–1), FYM-16 (47gNha–1day–1) and the control (33gNha–1 day–1). During the maize growing season, average denitrification rate was highest in FYM-32 (525gNha–1day–1), followed by FYM-16 (408gNha–1day–1), N-200 (372gNha–1day–1, N-100 (262gNha–1day–1) and the control (203gNha–1day–1). Denitrification loss integrated over the whole vegetation period was at a maximum under FYM-32 (13.9kgNha–1), followed by N-200 (11.8kgNha–1), FYM-16 (10.6kgNha–1) and N-100 (8.0kgNha–1), whereas the minimum was observed for the control (5.8kgNha–1). Under both crops, denitrification was significantly correlated with water-filled pore space and soil NO3 -N. The best multiple regression models accounted for 52% and 70% of the variability in denitrification under wheat and maize, respectively. Results indicated that denitrification is not an important N loss mechanism in this well-drained, irrigated sandy-clay loam under a wheat-maize cropping system receiving fertilizer inputs in the range of 100–200kgNha–1year–1. Received: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

降低设施菜田的氮素淋溶对于缓解菜区农业面源污染具有重要意义.通过有机肥替代氮肥及节水研究了设施番茄和辣椒农田氮素淋溶变化特征.试验设置:化肥(HF)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%(TDN)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%+节水30%(TDN+JS)处理.研究结果表明:两个监测年度不同蔬菜季所有处理淋溶液硝态氮平均浓度为7...  相似文献   

试验研究了添加生物炭对砂壤土团聚体分布、稳定性及其碳、氮分布的影响,为生物炭的农业利用和土壤培肥提供理论依据。设置生物炭用量4个水平(0、10、20、30 t/hm2)、氮肥用量2个水平(0、150 kg/hm2),通过2年的田间定位试验,对土壤团聚体及其碳、氮含量进行分析。结果表明:不同处理团聚体分布均以>5、2~5 mm粒级团聚体为主,其中单施生物炭20 t/hm2时,>5、2~5 mm粒级团聚体占比最大,总占比为58%,与不添加生物炭相比,增幅为20%;施用生物炭20 t/hm2时土壤团聚体平均重量直径及几何重量直径增幅最为显著(P<0.05),与不施生物炭处理相比分别增加了17.6%和24.3%;有机碳和全氮变化趋势一致,添加生物炭后,土壤有机碳、氮含量均增加,不同粒级团聚体有机碳、氮含量均不同程度地升高,分别较对照显著提升27.9%和28.9%,<0.25 mm粒级团聚体有机碳、氮含量较高。添加生物炭显著增加土壤大团聚体含量,并提高了土壤团聚体稳定性;土壤碳、氮含量及各粒级土壤团聚体碳、氮含量均显著提升,提高了>5 mm粒级团聚体有机碳、氮的贡献率。在本试验条件下,当生物炭添加量为20 t/hm2时有利于北疆灌区麦田土壤培肥改良。  相似文献   


Management strategies to minimize nitrogen (N) losses to the atmosphere and water bodies from potato production fields while maintaining tuber yields and quality relies on good N management. A 2-year (2016–17 and 2017–18) field trial with ‘Symphonia’ potato was completed on a sandy loam soil irrigated with flood irrigation in Punjab, Pakistan to investigate the effect of N fertilizer rate on vegetative, yield and tuber quality parameters. The N fertilizer treatments comprising six N rates from 0 to 300?kg ha?1 were applied at 50?kg N increments. Number of stems and tubers plant?1 showed a quadratic response while other parameters revealed cubic trends in response to N fertilizer rates. Applying more than 250?kg ha?1 of N fertilizer did not increase vegetative growth and yield. In conclusion, the optimal N-application rate of 250?Kg ha?1 has great potential to improve yield and quality of potato in the sub-tropical region of Punjab, Pakistan. These findings, besides improving productivity can minimize the risk of N fertilizer loss to the atmosphere.  相似文献   


The influence of three rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the availability of native cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) for winter wheat grown on a sandy loam soil with (FYM) and without (Non‐FYM) farmyard manure was studied in a field experiment Increased N fertilization resulted in higher rates of Co and Mn uptake by the crop. The effect was higher in the field which received farmyard manure compared to that which has not. Winter wheat developed significant (P<0.01) differences in the rate of uptake for Co and Mn between the two fields. The main vareiation between the sites couled be explained by the history of FYM application which was able to explain 28% of the total nitrate (NO3) cocentration found in the soil solution.  相似文献   

不同施氮水平对深层包气带土壤氮素淋溶累积的影响   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
为研究深层包气带土壤中氮素的迁移规律,采用田间小区试验,研究了不同施氮水平(142.5、285和427.5kg/hm2)对夏玉米种植期间0~500cm包气带土壤中氮素淋溶累积的影响。结果表明,不同施氮水平对NO3--N、NH4+-N和总氮有显著影响,施氮越多,NO3--N、NH4+-N和总氮在土壤中的淋溶累积也就越多,夏玉米生育期间土壤中氮素的淋溶累积含量随着夏玉米生长逐渐减少。在0~200cm土层中,收获后不同施肥水平土壤中NO3--N和总氮累积量随施氮量增加而增多,285kg/hm2施氮水平NH4+-N累积量最多,427.5kg/hm2施氮水平NH4+-N累积量最少,但相差不超过0.1kg/hm2,收获后土壤中氮素累积量有损失。夏玉米生育期间不同施氮水平对土壤NO3--N、NH4+-N和总氮的影响深度主要为0~145cm。粉砂壤土中氮素更易累积,砂质壤土中氮素较易随水分淋溶至下层。142.5kg/hm2施氮水平可有效减少NO3--N在土壤中的淋溶损失,降低土壤中NH4+-N和总氮的含量,对地下水构成的潜在污染风险最小。北京地区地下水埋深较深,NO3--N不易淋溶至地下水,但长期大量施用氮肥、田间土壤大孔隙的存在等会加速NO3--N向深层土壤迁移,对地下水水质构成威胁。  相似文献   

控释复合肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验,研究了控释复合肥、常规施肥、市售草坪专用肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响。氨挥发采用通气密闭法收集测定,硝态氮利用土壤溶液提取器收集淋洗液然后进行测定。结果表明,常规施肥处理的氨挥发量为47.7 kg/hm2(占年施氮量的18.3%),显著高于控释复合肥处理(氨挥发损失为2.9 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.1%)和市售草坪专用肥处理(氨挥发损失为4.1 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.6%)。施氮不同程度增加了淋洗液中硝态氮的浓度,3种氮肥的硝态氮淋洗程度不同。0—50 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.16~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.21~0.1 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.51~6.7 mg/L;0—100 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.15~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.11~2.5 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.16~.2 mg/L。综上所述,控释复合肥降低了冷季型草坪氨挥发损失和硝态氮的淋洗,表现出明显的环境效益,是一种有应用前景的新型肥料。  相似文献   


Background and Objectives  

Soil nitrate nitrogen (NO3 -N) accumulation is related closely to NO3 leaching, which is an important issue in groundwater pollution, especially in intensive agricultural areas with saline soils where volumes of water are used in irrigation to avoid salt accumulation in the root zone. However, in the saline environment in Hai River Basin, China, the importance of detailed research into NO3 -N distribution in the root zone has not been adequately recognized. Considering the impacts of eco-environmental system N and crop production, the present study aimed at contributing to an understanding of the effects of N application rate on soil NO3 -N distribution, NO3 -N residue, N loss, and maize (Zea mays L.) yield in this region.  相似文献   

Agricultural management practices are known to influence soil organic C. While changes in total organic C (TOC) are relatively less discernible over short to medium-term, some extractable pools of TOC are considered early indicators of changes in TOC. Therefore, to devise nutrient management practices that can lead to C sequestration, it is important to study their effect on soil organic C pools that may respond rapidly to management. We studied the impact of balanced (NPK) and imbalanced (N, NP, NK and PK) application of fertilizer nutrients without and with farmyard manure (FYM) on total and labile pools of organic C viz. water soluble (WEOC), potassium permanganate oxidizable (KMnO4-C), microbial biomass (MBC) and fractions of decreasing oxidizability after 5-cycles of rice-wheat cropping. Integrated use of NPK and FYM significantly increased TOC and extractable C pools in both surface (0–7.5 cm) and sub-surface (7.5–15 cm) soil. Majority of TOC (72%) was stabilized in less labile and recalcitrant fractions; the magnitude being higher under balanced (NPK+FYM) than imbalanced nutrient management (N+FYM). The results showed that balanced fertilizer application conjointly with FYM besides enlarging TOC pool favorably impacts soil organic matter composition under rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

Abstract Application of organic residues to soil is generally assumed to improve soil tilth. Only few studies have reported the long‐term effects on the more subtle aspects of soil porosity, and no reports have considered the potential effects of organic amendments on the pore system in the subsoil. We sampled undisturbed soil cores (100 cm3 and 6280 cm3) using metal cylinders in differently fertilized plots in the long‐term field experiment at Askov Experimental Station, Denmark. We selected the 0–60 cm soil layer of plots dressed for a century with either mineral fertilizers (labelled NPK) or animal manure (labelled AM) and unfertilized plots (UNF) as a reference. Both fertilization treatments were studied at two levels of nutrient application: ‘normal’ (labelled ‘1’) and 1.5 times ‘normal’ (labelled ‘1½’). Water retention, air permeability and air diffusivity were measured on the small cores, and we used the large cores for measuring near‐saturated and saturated hydraulic conductivity. In the plough layer, the AM and NPK soils displayed identical pore volumes in size fractions that were larger as well as smaller than 30 μm, while the UNF soil had a significantly smaller volume of pores < 30 μm. No clear trends were found in treatment effects on pore organization as calculated from air diffusivity and air permeability measurements. No significant differences in hydraulic conductivity were found in the plough layer. For the subsoil below ploughing depth, significantly larger macropore volumes and near‐saturated hydraulic conductivities were found for soil of plots receiving the larger (‘1½’) amount of nutrients compared with the ‘normally’ dressed soil. This effect was independent of fertilization system (AM or NPK). We attribute the larger volume of macropores to the improved root growth conditions in the soil with the higher nutrient level. We conclude that addition of animal manure at rates realistic in agriculture has only a modest effect on soil pore characteristics of the plough layer soil compared with the use of mineral fertilizers. For the subsoil below ploughing depth, a high level of nutrient application may increase soil macroporosity and near‐saturated hydraulic conductivity, but the origin of nutrients is of no significance.  相似文献   

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