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The aim of the present study was to determine the differences in corpus luteum (CL) functionality between the first postpartum estrous cycle and the following cycle in lactating dairy cows. Luteal blood flow (LBF), luteal size and blood progesterone (P4) concentration were monitored during the first and second postpartum estrous cycle. During the first and second postpartum estrous cycle, the mean LBF value increased (p < .05) from early to late dioestrus, while it decreased rapidly in proestrus, resulting statistically lower (p < .05) than those registered in all previous phases. Statistically significant differences were not observed between overall LBF during first and second postpartum estrous cycle (p > .05). During the first postpartum estrous cycle, P4 blood concentrations showed a significant reduction (p < .05) from dioestrus to proestrus. A different trend of P4 concentrations was observed during the second postpartum estrous cycle, where mean P4 value registered in proestrus resulted statistically lower than those registered in the previous cycle phases (p < .05). The mean P4 concentration registered over the first postpartum estrous cycle resulted statistically lower (p < .05) than that registered during the second one. A significant correlation between P4 concentrations and LBF was registered only during the second postpartum estrous cycle. Results indicate that during the first postpartum estrous cycle, P4 concentration was independent of luteal blood flow and luteal size.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on follicular blood flow (FBF) during the pre-ovulatory period and on luteal blood flow (LBF) during dioestrus in Holstein-Friesian heifers. Twelve animals were randomly divided into two groups and treated with either intramuscular injection of 100 μg GnRH or intravenous (IV) injection of 5000 IU hCG on Day 0 (oestrus, 48 h after administration of PGF(2α) ) to induce ovulation. Follicular size (FS), FBF and time of ovulation were recorded with colour Doppler sonography at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after GnRH and hCG treatment. Luteal size (LS) and LBF were investigated on Day 9 and 12 after ovulation. Plasma samples were taken to determine total oestrogens (E(tot) ) and progesterone (P(4) ) after each examination. Ovulation occurred between 24 and 48 h after treatment in all animals. No difference (p > 0.05) was observed in FS between the two treatment groups. Follicular blood flow was higher in the hCG group than that was in GnRH group at 1 h after treatment (p < 0.01). Total oestrogens were also higher (p < 0.01) in the hCG group than GnRH group; however, this difference was only obvious at 12 h after treatment. No difference (p > 0.05) was observed in LS, LBF or P(4) levels on Day 9 and 12 between treatment groups. In conclusion, the results suggest that induction of ovulation with hCG and GnRH has a temporary effect on FBF and oestrogen levels while no effect on the size of corpora lutea, LBF and P(4) levels was observed.  相似文献   

The induction of endometrial prostaglandin (PG) F2 synthesis by oxytocin is dependent upon activation of phospholipase (PL) A2 and mobilization of arachidonic acid. The objective of this study was to determine if oxytocin stimulates PGF2 synthesis by inducing synthesis of cytosolic PLA2 (cPLA2). In Experiment 1, 15 ovariectomized ewes were given progesterone and estradiol to simulate an estrous cycle. Ewes were then given an injection of oxytocin on Day 14 of the simulated estrous cycle. Jugular blood samples were collected and assayed for 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 (PGFM). Uteri were collected at 0, 7.5, 25, 90, or 240 min postinjection (n = 3 ewes/time point). Total RNA was isolated from caruncular endometrium and subjected to dot-blot analysis. Oxytocin induced a rapid and transient increase in serum PGFM (P < 0.01). However, endometrial concentrations of cPLA2 mRNA did not change following oxytocin administration (P > 0.10). In Experiment 2, 11 ovary-intact ewes were given oxytocin (n = 5) or saline (n = 6) on Day 15 after estrus. Jugular blood samples were collected and assayed for serum concentrations of PGFM. Uteri were collected at 15 min postinjection. Homogenates were prepared from caruncular endometrium and subjected to Western blot analysis. Concentrations of PGFM were higher in oxytocin treated ewes compared to saline treated ewes at 15 min postinjection (P < 0.01). Endometrial concentrations of cPLA2 protein were greater in the cytosolic than in the microsomal fraction (P < 0.01). Oxytocin did not affect the amount of cPLA2 protein in either fraction (P > 0.10). In conclusion, oxytocin did not effect expression of either cPLA2 mRNA or protein in ovine endometrium. Oxytocin may stimulate PGF2 synthesis by activating cPLA2 protein that is already present in an inactive form.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a neurohormone that is typically associated with food intake, but it has also been reported to affect the production of progesterone from luteal tissue in vitro. However, NPY has not been previously immunolocalized in the ovine ovary or in the corpus luteum (CL) of any species, and the effects of this neurohormone on luteal function in vivo are not known. Thus, we performed fluorescent immunohistochemistry (IHC) to localize NPY in the ovine ovary and used avidin-biotin immunocytochemistry (ICC) to further define the intracellular localization within follicles and the CL. We then infused NPY directly into the arterial supply of the autotransplanted ovaries of sheep to determine the in vivo effect of exogenous NPY on ovarian blood flow and on the luteal secretion rate of progesterone and oxytocin. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the NPY antigen was localized to cells within the follicles and CL, in the nerve fibers of the ovarian stroma, and in the vessels of the ovarian hilus. In the follicle, the NPY antigen was localized to nerves and vessels within the theca interna layer, and strong staining was observed in the granulosal cells of antral follicles. In the CL, NPY was localized in large luteal cells and in the vascular pericytes and/or endothelial cells of blood vessels, found dispersed throughout the gland and within the luteal capsule. In vivo incremental infusions of NPY at 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 ng/min, each for a 30-min period, into the arterial supply of the transplanted ovary of sheep bearing a CL 11 d of age increased (P ≤ 0.05) ovarian blood flow. The intra-arterial infusions of NPY also increased (P ≤ 0.05) in a dose-dependent manner the secretion rate of oxytocin, which was positively correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with the observed increase in ovarian blood flow. The infusions of NPY had a minimal effect on the secretion rate of progesterone, and similar intra-arterial infusions of NPY into sheep with ovarian transplants bearing a CL over 30 d of age had no significant effect on ovarian blood flow or on the secretion rate of progesterone. These results suggest that NPY acts on the luteal vascular system and the large luteal cells to rapidly stimulate blood flow and the secretion of oxytocin, respectively, which collectively implies a putative role for NPY during the process of luteolysis when increasing amounts of oxytocin are secreted from the ovine CL in response to uterine pulses of prostaglandin F2α.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to evaluate the role of non-ovarian oxytocin in the initiation of pulses of PGF, as measured by peripheral concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (PGFM). A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of estradiol and progesterone treatments was administered to groups of five ewes after ovariectomy on Day 12. Progesterone (10 mg) was administered at 0700 and 1900 hr on Day 12, and then either progesterone or its vehicle was administered on Days 13 and 14. Silastic implants, either empty or containing estradiol, was administered at ovariectomy. Oxytocin and PGFM were measured in jugular blood samples withdrawn from an indwelling catheter at 5-min intervals for 8 hr on Day 15. Statistically significant pulses of oxytocin, presumably of posterior pituitary origin, were detected in all ewes. Approximately one-half of the oxytocin pulses preceded a pulse in PGFM concentrations by 10 min or less. These pulses tended (P = 0.09) to have a longer duration than those not linked to pulses of PGFM. The number of PGFM pulses that followed or did not follow an oxytocin pulse by 10 min or less was similar (P > 0.2). The amplitude and duration of oxytocin-linked PGFM pulses were greater (P = 0.05) than non-linked pulses. Although several explanations for the lower than anticipated temporal relationship between oxytocin and PGFM pulses are possible, the finding that oxytocin-related PGFM pulses are distinguishable from other pulses is consistent with the concept that oxytocin initiates robust pulses in PGF secretion.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine prepubertal Holstein heifers were assigned by age to one of three age groups to determine if the prepubertal bovine uterus could respond to an oxytocin stimulus. Group 1 heifers were 6 to 7 months of age (AGE1; n = 11), group 2 heifers were 8 to 9 months of age (AGE2; n = 11) and group 3 heifers were 10 to 11 months of age (AGE3; n = 7). Blood samples were collected via an indwelling jugular catheter. Four samples were collected at 15-min intervals prior to oxytocin administration to determine basal 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) concentrations. Each heifer received 100 IU of oxytocin i.v., blood sampling continued at 5 min intervals for the next 30 min and for an additional 90 min at 15-min intervals. Heifers were considered responders to oxytocin if mean PGFM concentrations increased at least 1.5 times the SD of their basal PGFM concentration. Age of the heifer (P less than .0001) and responder status (P less than .05) affected plasma PGFM. Plasma PGFM was higher in AGE1 and AGE3 heifers than AGE2 (P less than .0001). The number of responders was greatest at AGE3 (P less than .03) with AGE1 and AGE2 being similar. Mean basal PGFM was lower (P less than .04) at AGE2 than AGE1 with AGE3 being intermediate. In addition, basal PGFM at AGE1 tended to be lower (P less than .08) in the responders than in the non-responders, while AGE2 basal PGFM did not differ between responders and non-responders (P greater than .10).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hypothesis that subnormal luteal function after induced ovulation in anestrous ewes was the result of uterine influences exerted during the periovulatory period was tested. Crossbred ewes (n = 27) in seasonal anestrus were induced to ovulate by administration of 12 doses of 250 ng of LHRH at 2-h intervals, followed immediately by a bolus injection of LHRH (250 micrograms; d 0). Ewes were unilaterally hysterectomized on either d -3 (PRELHRH) or 2 (POSTLHRH). Daily blood samples were collected and assayed for progesterone (P4) and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM). All ewes were slaughtered on d 10, and corpora lutea (CL) were collected, weighed, and assayed for concentration of P4. All ewes that ovulated exclusively in the ovary ipsilateral to the remaining uterine horn had a transient increase in plasma P4 of 2 to 3 d (short luteal phase). In ewes with at least one CL in the isolated ovary, elevated plasma P4 was maintained after hysterectomy but was consistently lower (P less than .05) in POSTLHRH ewes than in PRELHRH ewes. Concentrations of PGFM did not differ between treatments. The CL ipsilateral to the remaining uterine horn weighted less (P less than .01) and contained less P4 (P less than .01) than contralateral CL. These data confirm the hypothesis that premature regression of subnormal CL is uterine-dependent in a local fashion. Presence of the uterus during the follicular and(or) early luteal phase inhibited subsequent luteal function in seasonally anestrous ewes.  相似文献   

Various doses of estradiol-17β (E2) were used in heifers to induce a pulse of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (PGFM). The effect of E2 concentration on the prominence of PGFM pulses and the relationship between prominence and intrapulse concentration of progesterone (P4), LH, and luteal blood flow were studied. A single dose of 0 (vehicle), 0.01, 0.05, or 0.1 mg of E2 was given (n = six/group) 14 d after ovulation. Blood samples were collected, and luteal blood flow was evaluated hourly for 10 h after the treatment. The 0.05-mg dose increased and the 0.1-mg dose further increased the prominence of the induced PGFM pulse, compared with the 0.0-mg dose and the 0.01-mg dose. The PGFM pulses were subdivided into three different prominence categories (<50, 50 to 150, and >150 pg/mL at the peak). In the 50 to 150 category, P4 concentration increased (P < 0.05) between −2 h and 0 h (0 h = peak of PGFM pulse). In the >150 category, P4 decreased (P < 0.05) between −1 h and 0 h, LH increased (P < 0.05) at 1 h, and luteal blood flow apparently decreased (P < 0.05) at 2 h of the PGFM pulse. The novel results supported the following hypotheses: (1) an increase in E2 concentration increases the prominence of a PGFM pulse, and (2) greater prominence of a PGFM pulse is associated with a greater transient intrapulse depression of P4 at the peak of the PGFM pulse. In addition, the extent of the effect of prostaglandin F on the increase in LH and changes in blood flow within the hours of a PGFM pulse was related positively to the prominence of the PGFM pulse.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous beef cows were used to examine the effects of intrauterine infusion of catecholestradiol (4-hydroxylated estradiol) on development and function of the first corpus luteum after parturition. Calves were weaned on day 1 (day 0 = parturition) to initiate formation of a corpus luteum (CL) by approximately day 10 or 11. Before CL formation, on days 5 to 9, cows received twice daily infusions of catecholestradiol (4 μg; n = 4) or vehicle (n = 4) into the uterine horn opposite the previous pregnancy. Plasma progesterone during the first estrous cycle was elevated longer (P<.001) and reached a higher (P<.001) concentration in cows treated with catecholestradiol. The decline in progesterone was associated with an increase in plasma 13,14-dihydro, 15-keto-prostaglandin F2 (PGFM) in all cows infused with catecholestradiol. In contrast, a rise in PGFM at the end of the first short cycle was detected in only one of four cows treated with vehicle. Furthermore, PGFM concentrations were linearly related (R2 = .870; P<.001) to concentrations of progesterone. Estradiol-17β concentrations were not different during the infusion period, but after formation of the first CL, estradiol remained elevated (P<.01) in cows that received vehicle. Results of this experiment suggest that exposure of postpartum beef cows to catecholestradiol extended luteal function in association with enhanced PGFM release.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether constant infusion of oxytocin would prolong the luteal phase and inhibit uterine prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) secretion in heifers. In Experiment 1, twelve heifers, treated with saline (SAL) or oxytocin (OXY) via jugular cannulae infusions (INF) or osmotic minipumps (OMP), were allotted at estrus into four treatment groups (n = 3). Treatments were: SAL-INF, SAL-OMP, OXY-INF and OXY-OMP. Physiological saline or oxytocin was given from Days 10 to 23 (Day 0 = estrus) of the estrous cycle. Method of treatment (jugular cannula infusion or osmotic minipump) had no effect (P greater than 0.05) on estrous cycle length or pattern of secretion of progesterone; therefore, data were pooled. Estrous cycle lengths were extended (P less than 0.01) for heifers which received oxytocin (25.3 +/- 0.4 d) compared to saline (20.5 +/- 0.4 d). Luteolysis did not occur in oxytocin-treated heifers until after treatment ceased. Experiment 2 was designed and conducted identically to Experiment 1 with the addition of a "challenge" injection of oxytocin (100 IU oxytocin, i.v.) given on Day 16 of the estrous cycle. Treatment of heifers with oxytocin extended (P less than 0.05) estrous cycle length by an average of 3 d compared to heifers treated with saline. The "challenge" injection induced (P less than 0.05) secretion of PGF2 alpha (as measured by the stable PGF2 alpha metabolite, 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha) in saline-treated but not oxytocin-treated heifers. In both Experiment 1 and 2, serum concentrations of FSH were elevated (P less than 0.05) in oxytocin-treated heifers. No increase was observed for LH or prolactin. The rise in estradiol-17 beta at luteolysis was not affected (P greater than 0.10) by treatment. In summary, constant infusion of oxytocin extended luteal lifespan, prolonged secretion of progesterone, and inhibited oxytocin-induced secretion of PGF2 alpha. Constant infusion of oxytocin did not affect serum concentrations of estradiol-17 beta, LH or prolactin; however, serum concentrations of FSH were elevated during the oxytocin treatment period.  相似文献   

The role of oxytocin (OT) in the regulation of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) secretion during luteolysis in gilts was studied using a highly specific OT antagonist (CAP-581). In Experiment 1 gilts on Days 14 to 19 of the oestrous cycle in Latin square design were used, to determine the dose and time of application of OT and CAP. In Group I (n = 6) gilts were treated intravenously with saline or with 10, 20 and 30 IU of OT. Concentrations of the main PGF2 alpha metabolite i.e. 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) were measured in blood samples as uterine response to the treatment. Twenty IU of OT was the most effective to stimulate PGFM release and this dose was used after CAP treatment in gilts of Groups II, III and IV. Gilts of Group II (n = 3) were injected into the uterine horns (UH) with saline (5 ml/horn) or CAP (2 mg, 3 mg and 4 mg; half dose/horn) and OT was injected (i.v.) 30 min thereafter. Any of the CAP doses given into the UH affected PGFM plasma concentrations stimulated by OT. In Group III (n = 4) gilts were infused (i.v.) for 30 min with CAP (9 mg, 14 mg and 18 mg/gilt) followed by 20 IU of OT. All doses of CAP effectively inhibited OT-stimulated PGF2 alpha release, therefore 9 mg was selected for the further studies. Gilts of Group IV (n = 4) received OT 4, 6 and 8 h after CAP to define how long CAP blocks the OT receptors. Concentrations of PGFM increased after any of this period of time. Thus, we concluded that 9 mg of CAP infused every 4 h will effectively block OT receptors. In Experiment 2, gilts (n = 4) received CAP as a 30-min infusion every 4 h on Days 12-20 of the oestrous cycle. Control gilts (n = 3) were infused with saline. CAP infusions diminished the height of PGFM peaks (P < 0.05). Frequency of the PGFM (P < 0.057) and OT (P < 0.082) peaks only tended to be lower in the CAP-treated gilts. Peripheral plasma concentrations of progesterone (P4) and oestradiol-17 beta (E2) and the time of luteolysis initiation as measured by the decrease of P4 concentration were the same in CAP- and saline-treated gilts. The macroscopic studies of the ovaries in gilts revealed lack of differences between groups. We conclude that OT is involved in the secretion of luteolytic PGF2 alpha peaks but its role is limited to controlling their height and frequency. Blocking of OT receptors did not prevent luteolysis in sows.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) is the primary luteolysin in the cow. During the early luteal phase, the corpus luteum (CL) is resistant to the luteolytic effect of PGF2alpha. Once mature, the CL becomes responsive to PGF2alpha and undergoes luteal regression. These actions of PGF2alpha coincide with changes in luteal blood flow (BF): PGF2alpha has no effect on BF in the early CL, but acutely increases BF in the peripheral vasculature of the mature CL within 30 min of PGF2alpha injection. During spontaneous luteolysis, luteal BF increases on Days 17-18 of the estrous cycle, prior to any decrease in plasma progesterone (P). The increase in luteal BF is synchronous with an increase in plasma PGFM levels, suggesting that pulsatile release of PGF2alpha from uterus stimulates the increase in luteal BF. Serial biopsies of these CL showed that mRNA expression for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) together with endothelin-1 (ET-1) and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) increases on Days 17-18 when the luteal BF is elevated. On Day 19 when plasma P level firstly decreases, eNOS mRNA returns to the basal level whereas ET-1 and ACE mRNA remains elevated. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mRNA expression increases on Day 19. In support of these data, an in vivo microdialysis study revealed that luteal ET-1 and angiotensin II (Ang II) secretion increases and precedes PGF2alpha secretion during spontaneous luteolysis. In conclusion, we show for the first time that an acute increase of BF occurs in the peripheral vasculature of the mature CL together with increases in eNOS expression and ET-1 and Ang II secretion in the CL during the early stages of luteolysis in the cow. We propose that the increase in luteal BF may be induced by NO from large arterioles surrounding the CL, and simultaneously uterine or exogenous PGF2alpha directly increases ET-1 and Ang II secretion from endothelial cells of microcapillary vessels within the CL, thereby suppressing P secretion by luteal cells. Taken together, our results indicate that an acute increase in luteal BF occurs as a first step of luteolysis in response to PGF2alpha. Therefore, local BF plays a key role to initiate luteal regression in the cow.  相似文献   

Various methods are being employed to detect early pregnancy in domestic animals. This study aimed to predict early pregnancy in buffaloes via measuring the corpus luteum (CL) diameter, the luteal blood flow (LBF) area, the uterine blood flow (UBF) vascularization area, and progesterones in saliva and serum for non-pregnant (NPBs, N = 12) and pregnant (PBs, N = 12) buffaloes. The results revealed that the CL diameter and the luteal color blood flow blue and red (P = 0.0001) areas of the pregnant animals kept increasing from day 1 to day 35 of the gestation period, but it decreased in NPBs on day 21 after reaching a peak from ovulation to day 18. Interestingly, the UBF of the pregnant buffaloes (PBs) kept increasing (P = 0.0001) from ovulation to day 42. The difference of the CL diameter (P = 0.03) and the LBF color blue vascularization area (P = 0.002) between PBs and NPBs became clear from day 14 after ovulation, though the difference of UBF between PBs and NPBs became markedly obvious from day 7 after breeding. Both saliva (P = 0.001) and serum (P = 0.0001) progesterones of PBs continued increasing (P = 0.0001) from day 14 to day 35, but those of NPBs started decreasing (P = 0.0001) from day 14 and reached low values on day 21. Therefore, measuring saliva progesterone in addition to the high LBF (day 14) and UBF (day 7) of the pregnant buffaloes using a Doppler ultrasound could be applicable as noninvasive methods to detect early pregnancy and to improve reproductive management of buffaloes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of systemic administration of the oxytocin antagonist (OTA) L-368,899 on luteolytic PGF(2alpha) release in ewes. In the first study, carried out in four ovariectomized ewes primed with progesterone to induce responsiveness to oxytocin, 3-h i.v. infusions of 3, 10 and 30 microg/kg/min OTA, carried out on days 12, 14, 16 and 18 in a Latin Square design, resulted in a significant attenuation of the oxytocin induced increase in PGFM concentration at all doses (OTA 139+/-8.3% of pre-oxytocin baseline; control 206.8+/-18.7%; P<0.005). In a further study, continuous infusion of cyclic ewes (n=6) with 10 microg/kg/min OTA from day 13 to day 17 of the cycle resulted in a reduction in both the frequency (OTA 1.0+/-0.4/ewe; control 2.2+/-0.2/ewe; P<0.05) and amplitude (OTA 31.8+/-11.0 pg/ml; control 68.8+/-10.4 pg/ml; P<0.05) of endogenous PGFM episodes compared to control ewes (n=5) measured during daily 8-h sampling windows on days 14-17. This reduction in PGFM concentrations was accompanied by a modest extension in the day of luteolysis (progesterone <0.5 ng/ml) to day 17.5+/-0.4 in the OTA treated group compared with day 16.4+/-0.5 in the control group (P=0.07). The results demonstrate that treatment with OTA caused a significant reduction in episodes of increased PGFM concentration during the period of luteolysis and may provide an approach by which to reduce early pregnancy failure.  相似文献   

Release of oxytocin at suckling or milking may delay onset of estrous cycles in postpartum cows. Twenty lactating Holsteins of mixed parity were given 100 mU oxytocin iv (n = 10) or 2 ml saline (control; n = 10) via jugular catheters at 0530, 0930, 1730 and 2130 daily from calving (d o) until 28 d postpartum. All cows were milked twice daily at 0130 and 1330. Blood was collected thrice weekly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 0530) for 12 wk and analyzed by radioimmunoassay for progesterone and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) in serum. On d 12, blood was collected every 15 min for 6 h via jugular catheters and concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), cortisol and PGFM were determined. Rate of involution of the reproductive tract was estimated twice weekly by palpation per rectum. Overall mean, baseline concentrations, number of pulses/6 h, and pulse duration of LH on d 12 were similar among treatment groups. However, oxytocin seemed to reduce (P less than .10) pulse amplitude of LH in multiparous cows (.4 +/- .2 vs .8 +/- .1 ng/ml), but not in primiparous cows. Concentrations of cortisol and PGFM in serum on d 12 were unaffected by treatment. The average intervals from calving to first ovulation, based on changes of progesterone in serum and the intervals to first estrus, were similar between treatment groups. Rates of involution of the cervix and uterus also were similar between treatments. Milk yield, percent protein in milk and somatic cell counts did not differ between treatment groups. However, percent fat in milk tended to be higher (P less than .10) in cows given oxytocin than in controls (3.99 +/- .22 vs 3.68 +/- .21). These data indicate that multiple daily injections of oxytocin did not affect: 1) length of anestrus and anovulation in postpartum dairy cows, 2) LH release and 3) rates of cervical and uterine involution.  相似文献   

The main function of the corpus luteum (CL) is production of progesterone (P4). Adequate luteal function to secrete P4 is crucial for determining the physiological duration of the oestrous cycle and for achieving a successful pregnancy. The bovine CL grows very fast and regresses within a few days at luteolysis. Mechanisms controlling development and secretory function of the bovine CL may involve many factors that are produced both within and outside the CL. Some of these regulators seem to be prostaglandins (PGs), oxytocin, growth and adrenergic factors. Moreover, there is evidence that P4 acts within the CL as an autocrine or paracrine regulator. Each of these factors may act on the CL independently or may modify the actions of others. Although uterine PGF is known to be a principal luteolytic factor, its direct action on the CL is mediated by local factors: cytokines, endothelin-1, nitric oxide. The changes in ovarian blood flow have also been suggested to have some role in regulation of CL development, maintenance and regression.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of metestrus administration of SyncroMate-B (SMB) on PGF2alpha secretion and corpus luteum (CL) development. In a study replicated over 2 yr, cows were observed for spontaneous estrus in yr 1, and cows received an injection of 25 mg of PGF2alpha and were observed for subsequent estrus in yr 2. At standing estrus (estrus = d 1), cows were randomly allotted to receive either the standard SMB regimen (n = 40) on d 3 of the estrous cycle or no treatment (n = 8). Fifty percent (n = 20) of SMB-treated cows were administered PGF2alpha on d 10 of the estrous cycle 48 h prior to implant removal. Twice-daily blood samples were collected in the morning (AM) and evening (PM) from d 2 AM through d 14 AM of the treated estrous cycle and subsequently analyzed for progesterone (P4) and PGF2alpha metabolite (PGFM). Prior to statistical analysis, SMB- and SMB/PGF2alpha-treated cows were sorted according to P4 concentration at d 10 of the treated estrous cycle to either a CL functional group (P4 > or = 1 ng/mL; n = 20) or a CL nonfunctional group (P4 < 1 ng/mL; n = 17). Following d 10 AM administration of PGF2alpha, functional and nonfunctional groups were further subdivided based on treatment. The groups were as follows: untreated control cows (n = 8); SMB-treated cows retaining a functional CL (SMB-F; n = 8); SMB-treated cows with a nonfunctional CL (SMB-N; n = 11); SMB/PGF2alpha-treated cows retaining a functional CL (SMB/PG-F; n = 12); and SMB/PGF2alpha-treated cows with a nonfunctional CL (SMB/PG-N; n = 6). Of all SMB-treated cows, 54% retained a functional CL through d 10 AM of the treated estrous cycle. Mean serum P4 concentrations increased for cows in all groups until d 7, after which P4 concentrations increased for cows in SMB/PG-F, SMB-F, and control groups and decreased for cows in SMB/PG-N and SMB-N groups. Following PGF2alpha administration on d 10, mean serum P4 concentrations remained < 1 ng/mL for cows in SMB/PG-N and SMB-N groups, decreased to < 1 ng/mL for cows in the SMB/ PG-F group, and remained > 1 ng/mL for cows in SMB-F and control groups. Mean serum PGFM concentrations tended (P = .06) to increase in cows with nonfunctional CL compared with control cows on d 8 AM and were greater (P < .05) in cows with functional CL on d 8 PM through d 9 PM. These results indicate that retention of a functional rather than a nonfunctional CL following metestrus administration of SMB is dependent on a premature release of uterine PGF2alpha.  相似文献   

Subluteolytic doses of prostaglandin F2alpha analogue (oestrophan) given i.m. and oxytocin (OT) antagonist (CAP) and noradrenaline (NA) infused into the abdominal aorta were used to test the importance of luteal OT in pulsatile secretion of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) during luteolysis in heifers (n = 17). In experiment 1, heifers were pre-infused for 30 minutes with saline on either day 17 of the oestrous cycle (group 1; n = 4) or on day 18 of the oestrous cycle (group 2; n = 3), and with CAP (8 mg per animal) on day 17 of the oestrous cycle (group 3; n = 4). Next, heifers were injected with oestrophan (30 microg per animal). Injection of oestrophan in Group 3 increased OT concentrations (P < 0.001) to values similar to those observed during spontaneous luteolysis (50 to 70 pg ml(-1)). PGFM concentrations in this group also increased (P < 0.001), but were lower (P < 0.05) than the values in groups 1 and 2, CAP given prior to oestrophan decreased both PGFM elevation (P < 0.06) and its area under the curve (P < 0.01), compared to the saline pretreated heifers. In experiment 2 NA (4 mg) was infused twice for 30 minutes at five hour intervals to release OT on day 17 of the oestrous cycle (n = 6). However, during hormone analysis it appeared that three of six heifers had elevated PGFM concentrations (group 1) and three others did not (group 2). NA caused the correlated increase of progesterone and OT secretion (r = 0.68; P < 0.05) in both groups but it only influenced PGF secretion in group 1 only (P < 0.05). We postulate that OT can amplify and modulate the course of induced luteolysis as a regulator of the amplitude of pulsatile PGF secretion. PGF analogue stimulates secretion of endogenous PGF from the uterus in cattle and this may be an important component of the luteolytic response to exogenous PGF.  相似文献   

We investigated the half-life of oxytocin in reproductively normal mares and the prostaglandin response after oxytocin administrations. Mares were given oxytocin, 10 or 25 iu, i.v., on the day of, or 2 days after, ovulation, and frequent jugular blood samples were collected for analysis of oxytocin and Prostaglandin F metabolite (PGFM) by RIA. Neither dose of oxytocin nor day of treatment affected the half-life of the exogenous oxytocin, which was determined to be 6.8 min. A significant increase in PGFM was observed within 6 min of oxytocin administration and peak values were observed within 10 min. PGFM response after oxytocin administration on the day of ovulation appeared elevated compared to the response 2 days after ovulation.  相似文献   

Cytokines and nitric oxide (NO) are potential mediators of luteal development and maintenance, angiogenesis, and blood flow. The aim of this study was to evaluate (i) the localization and protein expression of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthases (eNOS and iNOS) in equine corpora lutea (CL) throughout the luteal phase and (ii) the effect of a nitric oxide donor (spermine NONOate, NONOate) on the production of progesterone (P4) and prostaglandin (PG) E(2) and factor(s) that stimulate endothelial cell proliferation using equine luteal explants. Luteal tissue was classified as corpora hemorrhagica (CH; n = 5), midluteal phase CL (mid-CL; n = 5) or late luteal phase CL (late CL; n = 5). Both eNOS and iNOS were localized in large luteal cells and endothelial cells throughout the luteal phase. The expression of eNOS was the lowest in mid-CL (P < 0.05) and the highest in late CL (P < 0.05). However, no change was found for iNOS expression. Luteal explants were cultured with no hormone added or with NONOate (10(-5) M), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα; 10 ng/mL; positive control), or equine LH (100 ng/mL; positive control). Conditioned media by luteal tissues were assayed for P4 and PGE(2) and for their ability to stimulate proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). All treatments stimulated release of P4 in CH, but not in mid-CL. TNFα and NONOate treatments also increased PGE(2) levels and BAEC proliferation in CH (P < 0.05). However, in mid-CL, no changes were observed, regardless of the treatments used. These data suggest that NO and TNFα stimulate equine CH secretory functions and the production of angiogenic factor(s). Furthermore, in mares, NO may play a role in CL growth during early luteal development, when vascular development is more intense.  相似文献   

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