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Increased embryonic losses may be associated with inadequate progesterone (P4) concentrations in high‐producing lactating dairy cattle. The objectives of the present studies were to determine if chronic administration of a gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, Deslorelin, would increase circulating P4 concentrations and subsequently increase pregnancy rates in dairy cattle. Administration of Deslorelin for 12 days increased (p < .05) luteal volume and circulating P4 concentrations in primiparous lactating dairy cows, but increased only luteal volumes in multiparous cows. Treatment with Deslorelin increased Day 45 pregnancy rates in cows as compared to untreated controls. Chronic treatment with Deslorelin in dairy cattle; (a) increased luteal volume of the primary CL, (b) induced accessory CL, (c) increased circulating P4 concentration in primiparous cows only, (d) did not lengthen the estrous cycle upon removal of treatment, and (e) increased pregnancy rates. Although luteal volume was increased in multiparous cows and circulating P4 concentrations were not with Deslorelin treatment, there was an apparent effect on pregnancy rates. This hormonal strategy may represent a suitable model to address local effects of P4 and GnRH/luteinizing hormone on uterine environment and subsequent embryonic survival.  相似文献   

Production from the corpus luteum (CL) and/or hepatic steroid inactivation impacts peripheral concentrations of P4, which can alter reproductive performance. Our primary objective was to examine hepatic steroid inactivating enzymes, portal blood flow, and luteal blood perfusion at 10 days post‐insemination in pregnant versus non‐pregnant beef and dairy cows. Twenty early lactation Holstein cows and 20 lactating commercial beef cows were utilized for this study. At day 10 post‐insemination, hepatic portal blood flow and CL blood perfusion were measured via Doppler ultrasonography. Liver biopsies were collected and frozen for later determination of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A), 2C (CYP2C), 3A (CYP3A), uridine diphosphate‐glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) and aldo‐keto reductase 1C (AKR1C) activities. Pregnancy was determined at day 30 post‐insemination and treatment groups were retrospectively assigned as pregnant or non‐pregnant. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedure of SAS. Steroid metabolizing enzyme activity was not different (> .10) between pregnant versus non‐pregnant beef or dairy cows. Hepatic portal blood flow tended (< .10) to be increased in pregnant versus non‐pregnant dairy cows. Luteal blood perfusion was increased (< .05) in pregnant versus non‐pregnant dairy cows. Pregnant dairy cows appear to have an increased rate of hepatic clearance of P4 in combination with increased synthesis from the CL. This could account for the lack of difference in peripheral P4 concentrations between pregnant and non‐pregnant dairy cows. This study highlights the relevance of further investigation into steroid secretion and inactivation and their impact on the maintenance of pregnancy in cattle.  相似文献   

Decreased fertility associated with maternal ageing is a well‐known critical problem, and progesterone (P4) concentration decreases during the menopause transition in women. The corpus luteum (CL) secretes P4, thereby supporting the implantation and maintenance of pregnancy. It is proposed that a bovine model is suitable for studying age‐associated decline of fertility in women because the physiology of cows is similar to that of women and cows have a greater longevity compared with other animal models. Thus, we investigated the age‐dependent qualitative changes and inflammatory responses in the bovine CL. In vivo experiment: Cows were divided into three groups, namely, young (mean age: 34.8 months), middle (80.1 months) and aged (188.9 months). Blood samples were collected on days 7 and 12 during the estrous cycle. In vitro experiments: Cows were divided into young (mean age: 27.6 months) and aged (183.1 months). The CL tissues of these groups were collected from a local slaughterhouse and used for tissue culture experiments. An in vivo experiment, plasma P4 concentration in aged cows was significantly lower than that in young cows, whereas no difference was found regarding the area of CL. An in vitro examination in the bovine CL tissues showed that the luteal P4 concentration, P4 secretion, and mRNA expression of StAR and 3β‐HSD were lower in aged cows compared with young cows, especially in the early luteal phase. However, no differences were detected in the mRNA expression of inflammation‐ and senescence‐related factors and inflammatory responses to lipopolysaccharides between the CL tissues from young and aged cows, indicating that an age‐dependent increase in inflammation is not involved in the luteal function. P4 production and secretion from the bovine CL diminish in old cows, especially during the early luteal phase, suggesting that senescence may affect the luteal function in cows.  相似文献   

The effect of a single injection of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) during mid-diestrus on systemic concentrations of progesterone, LH, FSH, estradiol, and cortisol and on blood flow to the corpus luteum was studied in 10 controls and 10 PGF-treated mares. Blood flow was assessed by estimating the percentage of corpus luteum with color-Doppler signals of blood flow during real-time scanning of the entire structure and by the diameter of the vascular pedicle near its attachment to the ovary. Treatment was done 8 days after ovulation and 0 h was immediately before the treatment. Examinations and collection of blood samples were done at 0 h, every 5 min until 1h, and then at 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h. The concentrations of estradiol did not change, but progesterone, LH, FSH, and cortisol increased significantly within 5 min. Concentrations of LH and FSH in the PGF group remained elevated until a temporarily lower concentration at 8 or 4h, respectively, rebounded to 12h, and then slowly decreased. Cortisol remained elevated, until a decrease between 1 and 4h. Progesterone in the PGF group increased significantly until 10 min after 0 h and then decreased by 40 min to below the concentrations in controls. Within the PGF group, progesterone decreased significantly by 45 min to below the concentrations at 0 h. The values for each of the two indicators of blood flow did not differ significantly between the PGF and control groups until a decrease at 24h in the PGF group. Results did not support the hypothesis that the immediate transient post-PGF increase in progesterone was associated with an increase in luteal blood flow. Luteolysis, as indicated by decreasing progesterone, began well before the beginning of a decrease in luteal blood flow.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the effects of progesterone or GnRH treatment on day 5 post-AI on fertility and luteal function in dairy cows and heifers. Five days after AI, 32 animals were randomly assigned to a control, intravaginal progesterone for 14 days progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) or GnRH treatment group. On days 5, 7, 12, 14, 17 and 19 post-AI, each animal underwent colour Doppler ultrasonography of the corpus luteum and blood samples were collected for cell counts and plasma progesterone determination. Through general linear model repeated measures analysis of variance, significant effects were observed of treatment, parity, inseminating bull, reduced vascularization of the CL and pregnancy on plasma progesterone concentrations, whereas mean plasma progesterone and time luteal phase day, and treatment and plasma progesterone concentration on day 5 post-AI were found to, respectively, affect neutrophil and lymphocyte counts throughout the luteal phase. Moreover, two binary logistic regression analyses were performed. Based on the odds ratio, the likelihood of pregnancy by days 26-32 post-AI was 23.4 times higher in animals with high mean progesterone levels throughout the study period, compared with animals with low mean progesterone. The likelihood of reduced CL vascularization was 14 times higher in animals treated with PRID, compared with control and GnRH-treated animals. In conclusion, our results indicate that treatment on day 5 post-AI with PRID reduced subsequent CL vascularization, whereas GnRH treatment increased plasma progesterone concentrations on day 12 post-AI, although an effect was identified of the inseminating bull on plasma progesterone levels. Pregnant animals showed higher mean plasma progesterone concentrations than in nonpregnant ones and heifers higher than in lactating cows, whereas blood cell counts differed depending on the treatment and on the mean plasma progesterone concentration on day 5 post-AI.  相似文献   

选择患持久黄体的不孕奶牛14头进行复方缩宫素乳剂的临床治疗试验,并利用放射免疫方法对部分患牛治疗前后血清孕酮(P  相似文献   

应用免疫组织化学SP法和原位杂交法研究了催产素(oxytocin,OT)及OT mRNA在成年发情期奶山羊下丘脑中的分布和表达。结果,OT免疫反应阳性细胞主要分布在视上核和室旁核,在视上弥散核、弓状核、室周核和乳头体各核团也存在免疫阳性神经元;在室旁核、视上弥散核、正中隆起和第三脑室附近有较多数量的强阳性神经纤维,在交叉上核有少量阳性神经纤维。在下丘脑23个核团(区)中均能检测出OT mRNA的阳性细胞。结果表明,OT和OT mRNA在下丘脑中分布广泛,且OT可能通过轴突传递和血液运输,将OT mRNA合成的OT运送到别的核团;OT在奶山羊发情过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess alterations in, echogenic appearance, size and blood flow in the corpus luteum, the placentomes and the blood flow in umbilical and uterine arteries that heat stress can cause in cooled pregnant dairy cows. Pregnant cows were allocated in two groups and the gravid uteri, along with the ipsilateral corpora lutea were examined during the winter (group W, n = 9) or the summer (group S, n = 10). The grey-scale ultrasound and colour flow imaging of the corpus luteum and placentome were performed. In addition, the umbilical and uterine artery diameters and haemodynamic parameters in the vessels were calculated. At the time of ultrasonographic examination, cortisol concentrations were higher, and progesterone levels tended to be lower in group S compared to group W. The grey-scale ultrasound evaluation of corpora lutea and placentomes was lower in group S compared to group W. The diameter of umbilical artery and the blood volume in the vessel were less in group S than in group W. We infer that heat stress affects foetal blood supply and possibly the structure of placentomes and corpora lutea, but it differently affects the blood flow characteristics in the umbilical and uterine arteries.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the differences in corpus luteum (CL) functionality between the first postpartum estrous cycle and the following cycle in lactating dairy cows. Luteal blood flow (LBF), luteal size and blood progesterone (P4) concentration were monitored during the first and second postpartum estrous cycle. During the first and second postpartum estrous cycle, the mean LBF value increased (p < .05) from early to late dioestrus, while it decreased rapidly in proestrus, resulting statistically lower (p < .05) than those registered in all previous phases. Statistically significant differences were not observed between overall LBF during first and second postpartum estrous cycle (p > .05). During the first postpartum estrous cycle, P4 blood concentrations showed a significant reduction (p < .05) from dioestrus to proestrus. A different trend of P4 concentrations was observed during the second postpartum estrous cycle, where mean P4 value registered in proestrus resulted statistically lower than those registered in the previous cycle phases (p < .05). The mean P4 concentration registered over the first postpartum estrous cycle resulted statistically lower (p < .05) than that registered during the second one. A significant correlation between P4 concentrations and LBF was registered only during the second postpartum estrous cycle. Results indicate that during the first postpartum estrous cycle, P4 concentration was independent of luteal blood flow and luteal size.  相似文献   

It is known that selenium (Se) has various functions in animals. Many investigations on the biochemical and physiological effects of Se have been previously reported; however, the detailed function of Se in reproduction is not yet clear. We proposed the possibility that Se plays a notable role in progesterone production. The aim of this study was to clarify the effects of Se supplementation on progesterone levels of pregnant Holstein heifers. Eight Holstein heifers (?Se) were fed basal diet (containing 0.022 ppm of Se) throughout the experiment. While a 0.3 ppm diet of Se (sodium selenite) was fed to another seven animals (+Se) with basal diet. Blood sampling was carried out every week. Plasma Se concentrations were higher in Se‐supplemented cows compared with controls (?Se) (P < 0.01) throughout the experiment. Se supplementation increased plasma progesterone in the 29–39 weeks of pregnancy from 4.98 ± 0.64 to 6.86 ± 0.49 ng/mL on average (P < 0.05). The present findings suggest that Se contributes to maintaining the function of the corpus luteum and/or placenta in the latter period of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The present study characterized the luteal status and the dynamic of the conceptus during the first 20 days of gestation in mares with different ages and degrees of endometrial degeneration. Total area of the corpus luteum (CL), luteal vascularity, CL area with blood signals, progesterone concentrations (P4), embryonic vesicle diameter, number of embryonic location changes, embryonic fixation position and uterine contractility were evaluated. In Experiment 1, mares ≤6 years of age (Young group, 5.6 ± 0.2 years, n = 7 mares) and mares ≥15 years of age (Old group, 17.2 ± 0.9 years, n = 6 mares) were used to investigate the effect of age. In Experiment 2, the luteal and embryonic parameters were compared between mares with minimal (Mild group, endometrial category I, n = 9 mares) and severe (Severe group, endometrial category III, n = 7 mares) endometrial degeneration. The Old and Severe groups had greater (p ≤ 0.04) total CL area and reduced luteal vascularity (p ≤ 0.04) than the Young and Mild groups, respectively. However, P4 levels and CL area with blood signals were similar (p ≥ 0.8) between the groups. A negative effect of age (p < 0.01), but not of endometrial degeneration (p = 0.6), was found for the embryonic vesicle diameter. The conceptus mobility was high (p > 0.1) until day 14 of gestation in the Severe group, while a reduced number of changes of the embryo location was detected earlier (p < 0.05) in the Old group. In conclusion, the newly formed CL of aged mares and mares with severe endometrial degeneration suffered a structural remodelling to safeguard the local blood supply and the continuous P4 output during early gestation. Moreover, an earlier reduction of the embryonic mobility and a delayed development of the conceptus were associated with advanced age, regardless of the degree of endometrial degeneration.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the effect of intraocular pressure (IOP) on blood flow velocity and resistance in the rabbit ophthalmic artery. Animals Ten adult New Zealand White rabbits were used. Procedures Right eyes were cannulated and the IOP was raised in a stepwise manner from 20 to 70 mmHg. Peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistive index (RI) in the ophthalmic artery were measured by color Doppler imaging. Values of PSV, EDV and RI were compared at various IOPs via the analysis of variance (anova ) of a randomized block design with post hoc Bonferroni test. Results Significant differences of PSV, EDV and RI at different IOP points (all P < 0.001) were observed. Over the entire IOP range, linear regression showed a negative correlation between IOP and both PSV and EDV (β = ?0.07434, P = 0.0020 and β = ?0.07829, P < 0.001, respectively), as well as a positive correlation between the RI and IOP (β = 0.00221, P < 0.001). Moreover, line plots identified a point with IOP = 40 mmHg, splitting the IOP range with different regression slopes. Piecewise linear regression indicated no correlation between PSV, EDV, RI and IOP when the IOP was elevated from 20 to 40 mmHg (P = 0.1832, P = 0.5932 and P = 0.5819, respectively). However, piecewise linear regression detected a stronger negative correlation between PSV, EDV and IOP (β = ?0.15760, P = 0.0011 and β = ?0.11872, P = 0.001, respectively) and a stronger positive correlation between RI and IOP (β = 0.00273, P = 0.0015) during the stage from 40 to 70 mmHg. Conclusions The ophthalmic artery in the rabbits was capable of maintaining normal blood velocity and resistance when IOP was below 40 mmHg. However, the autoregulatory capacity was greatly limited when IOP was over 40 mmHg.  相似文献   

牦牛不同妊娠阶段孕酮的主要来源器官研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为明确牦牛不同妊娠阶段孕酮的来源,分别对53头不同妊娠阶段牦牛的黄体组织、肾上腺组织和胎盘组织进行体外细胞培养,同时对44头牦牛的上述组织进行匀浆处理,采用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定培养液及组织匀浆上清液中孕酮的含量。结果显示,黄体细胞在体外培养时,妊娠前2个月内孕酮分泌量显著升高(P〈0.05):妊娠2-5个月,培养液中孕酮含量变化不明显(P〉0.05),但在妊娠5个月以后,其浓度又开始显著增加(P〈0.01)。肾上腺组织体外培养时,分泌孕酮的能力随不同个体差别较大,孕酮浓度在整个妊娠期变化不明显(P〉0.05)。胎盘组织体外培养时仅分泌少量孕酮,且在整个妊娠期其浓度变化不明显。黄体组织匀浆上清液中孕酮浓度在妊娠前2个月内呈上升趋势(P〈0.05),之后其浓度开始下降,至妊娠第4个月时下降到最低水平,以后又逐渐上升(P〈0.05),妊娠6-7个月时达到峰值,临近分娩时,又下降至较低水平。肾上腺组织匀浆中孕酮含量的变化差异较大,且无明显的变化趋势,胎盘组织匀浆中孕酮的含量也很低,甚至检测不到。结果表明,黄体是牦牛整个妊娠期孕酮的主要来源器官。  相似文献   

论述了黄体的形成和机能 ,同时介绍了EGF、TGF、IGF和VEGF等生长因子对黄体的调控作用  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance of Nelore lactating cows submitted to a resynchronization 12 days after timed artificial insemination (TAI) with or without a long‐acting progesterone (P4‐LA) treatment. Nelore cows were submitted to a P4/oestradiol‐based TAI protocol (D0 = insemination). On D12, cows in the control group (n = 184) received a new P4 intravaginal device (0.96 g), whereas cows in the P4‐LA group (n = 192) received the P4 device and 75 mg P4‐LA. Cows identified as non‐pregnant (n = 120) by regression of corpus luteum using colour Doppler ultrasonography on D20 had the P4 device removed and received 500ug of sodium cloprostenol, 1 mg of oestradiol cypionate and 300 IU of eCG and were re‐inseminated on D22. There was no difference (p > 0.10) in the pregnancy rate at D20, D30 and D60 after first TAI between the control (69%, 59.7% and 57%, respectively) and P4‐LA (67%, 55.7%, and 55.2%, respectively) groups. Pregnancy losses were similar between both groups (p > 0.1). For cows submitted to the second TAI, the pre‐ovulatory follicle size did not differ (p > 0.1), but the oestrous detection and pregnancy rates were greater (p < 0.05) in the P4‐LA group (92.2% [59/64] and 60.9% [39/64], respectively) than in controls (75% [42/56] and 44.6% [25/56]). The cumulative pregnancy rate after two TAIs did not differ (p > 0.1) between control (73.3% [135/184]) and P4‐LA (76% [146/192]) groups. The use of P4‐LA at 12 days after TAI potentially increases the pregnancy rates for a new early resynchronization strategy associated with the Doppler imaging for pregnancy diagnosis and results in an alternative to perform two TAIs in 22 days in beef cows.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect of ephedrine on intramuscular blood flow and hemodynamic parameters during equine anesthesia. Study design Prospective experimental study. Animals Six healthy adult Welsh Mountain ponies (five males, one female, mean weight: 267 kg, range: 213–347 kg). Methods Halothane‐anesthetized ponies received an IV bolus of ephedrine (0.1 mg kg?1), followed 30 minutes later by a second IV ephedrine injection (0.2 mg kg?1). Changes in intramuscular blood flows (IMBF) in upper and lower triceps brachii were measured by laser Doppler flowmetry. Cardiopulmonary measurements were made at intervals for 30 minutes following each injection. Results were compared with values from a control group, similarly anesthetized but given saline in an earlier study. Results Ephedrine at either dose increased heart rate, arterial blood pressure (AP), cardiac index (CI) and intramuscular blood flow (IMBF), the effects on these parameters being significant and long‐lasting following the higher dose. Systemic vascular resistance remained unchanged, and was significantly lower than in the control saline group. PaO2 decreased significantly immediately following the first injection of ephedrine, then remained unchanged for the remainder of the experiment. PaCO2 increased slowly throughout the anesthetic period. One pony developed supraventricular premature complexes following the second injection. No other side effects were seen. Conclusion Ephedrine at dose rates of 0.2 mg kg?1 IV consistently increased in CI, AP, and IMBF in both forelimbs. Clinical relevance Ephedrine may be of use to improve AP, CI and IMBF during halothane anesthesia, although the occurrence of an arrhythmia in one pony is of concern.  相似文献   

The fate of the corpus luteum, a transient endocrine gland formed and degraded during an oestrous cycle, is decided by various physiological factors, such as luteinizing hormone (LH). As a stimulator of progesterone, LH is known to maintain corpus luteum functional and structural integrity by inhibiting apoptosis, a programmed cell death. Therefore, we aim to investigate its action during the mid-luteal phase hypothesized that LH suppresses the death mechanism of bovine luteal steroidogenic cells (LSC) by analysing the expression of proteins involved. Cultured bovine LSC obtained from corpus luteum were treated for 24 hr with recombinant TNF and IFNG in the presence or absence of LH. The result showed that LH proved to have a protective effect by increased cell viability (p < .05) and prevented DNA fragmentation (p < .05), as demonstrated by the WST-1 colorimetric assay and TUNEL assay. Expression analysis of mRNA and protein levels showed that LH altered the expression of BCL2 (p < .05), CASP3 (p < .05), FAS (p < .05)and BAX (p < .05) to support cell survival. In conclusion, our study suggests that LH prolongs the corpus luteum life span through the anti-apoptotic mechanism by increasing cell viability and suppressing apoptosis-related genes and protein expression.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of induced endometritis on uterine blood flow in cows. Transrectal Doppler sonography was performed on uterine arteries of six cyclic cows before and for 4 days after inducing acute endometritis by intrauterine infusion of 720 mg of policresulen, and for 4 days of the following estrous cycle. Time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMV) increased (p < 0.001) and pulsatility index (PI) decreased (p < 0.0001) within 1 h of policresulen administration, and did not change (p > 0.05) in the next 4 days of the same cycle. TAMV and PI values in the subsequent cycle did not differ (p > 0.05) from the values measured before infusion and showed no changes (p > 0.05) within the cycle. Blood flow parameters were not related (p > 0.05) to plasma concentrations of progesterone and estrogen. All cows showed an acute endometritis determined by histopathological findings of biopsy samples taken 1 day after infusion and fibrotic endometrial alterations detected in the subsequent cycle. No relationships were observed between fibrotic changes of the endometrium and uterine blood flow during either cycle. In conclusion, acute inflammation is accompanied by a rise in uterine blood flow, but fibrotic alterations do not seem to be related to Doppler sonographic findings.  相似文献   

The level of P4 at the time of embryo transfer (ET) is important. P4 concentrations and numbers of corpora lutea for 126 recipients were evaluated. Nuclear transfer embryos were transferred into 126 surrogates. 11 maintained their pregnancy until full-term delivery, 17 miscarried, and implantation failed in 98 animals. P4 levels in the full-term group were significantly different from those of the pigs that aborted or in which implantation failed (p < 0.05). However, the numbers of corpora lutea were not significantly different. These findings indicate that the concentration of progesterone can be an important factor for successful ET in pigs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the changes in endometrial thickness between ipsilateral and contralateral uterine horns, diameter, blood flow area and hormonal concentrations in cows during natural and induced oestrus. In the induced group, six cows received a controlled internal device insert for 7 days. In the normal and induced oestrous group (n = 12), Doppler was performed day after day from day 5 till day 15. Oestradiol, progesterone and nitric oxide metabolites (NOMs) were measured. Results showed that dorsal, ventral and cross-section diameter of the ipsilateral horn increased during the induced oestrous group to reach a maximum on day 2 than during normal one. The total coloured area in both horns in a normal and induced group was also affected (p < .001), as the total coloured area in the ipsilateral horns, increased in the induced group, reach a maximum on day 2 after ovulation, while in normal it reaches a maximum on day of ovulation. Oestradiol increased during the induced cycle than during the normal one, but progesterone increased during days after ovulation reaches a higher value on day 10 in both groups. Nitric oxide showed two peaks, one on the day 3 and another peak on day 5. Conclusion: The ipsilateral uterine horn different diameters and thickness increased more rapidly in the induced oestrous group than the natural oestrus group. A complete analysis of variations in P4 and E2 concentrations and endometrial thickness suggested that decreases in P4 concentrations were related to an increase in endometrial thickness and that increases in E2 concentrations enhanced these endometrial changes.  相似文献   

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