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Gnotobiotic calves were inoculated by the intratracheal route with Mycoplasma bovis and the specific antibody response in sera and tracheo-bronchial washings examined by radioimmunoassay. In sera an IgM response which reached a peak two weeks post infection was followed by IgG1 and IgG2 antibody responses. Low levels of IgA antibody were detected in sera three and four weeks after infection. The predominant antibody in tracheo-bronchial washings 2 weeks after infection was IgA. Four weeks after infection IgG1 antibody predominated, but IgG2 and IgA antibodies were also present. Cells containing Ig were present in the cellular accumulations around the necrotic zones produced by M. bovis in the lung parenchyma two and four weeks after infection. IgG1 containing cells predominated in these cellular infiltrates. IgG2 producing cells were the next in frequency. It is concluded that the lung lesion caused by M. bovis is partly due to the host's immune response, presumably contributing to the control of the infection, and that the cells infiltrating the lung are a major source of the local and systemic IgG antibody that is detected after infection. IgA staining cells were observed in the submucosa of tissues from nasal cavity and trachea. These cells are probably the source of IgA in tracheo-bronchial washings and sera since IgA-producing cells were not a predominant component of the lesion in the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   



Mycoplasma bovis is associated with pneumonia in calves characterized by the development of chronic caseonecrotic lesions with the agent persisting within the lesion. The purposes of this study were to characterize the morphology of lung lesions, examine the presence of M. bovis variable surface protein (Vsp) antigens and study the local immune responses in calves after infection with M. bovis strain 1067.


Lung tissue samples from eight calves euthanased three weeks after experimental infection with M. bovis were examined by bacteriology and pathology. Lung lesions were evaluated by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for wide spectrum cytokeratin and for M. bovis Vsp antigens and pMB67 antigen. IHC identification and quantitative evaluation of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and immunoglobulin (IgG1, IgG2, IgM, IgA)-containing plasma cells was performed. Additionally, expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC class II) was studied by IHC.


Suppurative pneumonic lesions were found in all calves. In two calves with caseonecrotic pneumonia, necrotic foci were surrounded by epithelial cells resembling bronchial or bronchiolar epithelium. In all calves, M. bovis Vsp antigens were constantly present in the cytoplasm of macrophages and were also present extracellularly at the periphery of necrotic foci. There was a considerable increase in numbers of IgG1- and IgG2-positive plasma cells among which IgG1-containing plasma cells clearly predominated. Statistical evaluation of the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, however, did not reveal statistically significant differences between inoculated and control calves. In M. bovis infected calves, hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) was characterized by strong MHC class II expression of lymphoid cells, but only few of the macrophages demarcating the caseonecrotic foci were positive for MHC class II.


The results from this study show that infection of calves with M. bovis results in various lung lesions including caseonecrotic pneumonia originating from bronchioli and bronchi. There is long-term persistence of M. bovis as demonstrated by bacteriology and immunohistochemistry for M. bovis antigens, i.e. Vsp antigens and pMB67. The persistence of the pathogen and its ability to evade the specific immune response may in part result from local downregulation of antigen presenting mechanisms and an ineffective humoral immune response with prevalence of IgG1 antibodies that, compared to IgG2 antibodies, are poor opsonins.  相似文献   

The effect of viable Mycoplasma bovis on the in vitro bovine peripheral blood lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was studied. Results showed that M. bovis did not act as a mitogen for bovine lymphocytes. Viable M. bovis produced a dose and time dependent suppression of the PHA stimulated lymphocyte response. Suppression was not a result of differences in the viability of infected or control lymphocyte cultures. The suppressive effect of M. bovis was found to be independent of the concentration of PHA used in the test and the lymphocyte response could not be restored by supplementation of the culture medium with arginine. Delay for 48 h after PHA stimulation before adding M. bovis to the lymphocyte cultures diminished, but did not prevent, the suppression of the lymphocyte response. These results show that suppression of the lymphocyte response does not require the presence of M. bovis during the period of PHA stimulation, and that M. bovis was capable of interrupting [3H]-thymidine incorporation in lymphocytes which were actively synthesizing DNA.  相似文献   

Twelve freshly lactating ewes were experimentally infected with 2 Mycoplasma (M.) bovis strains via the teat canal in the left udder. The M. bovis infection produced a febrile clinical mastitis in all infected animals. M. bovis could be re-isolated regularly from the experimentally infected udder halves and the infection spread to the other halves. Some contact animals and 4 suckling lambs became naturally infected. Antibody titres were detected by means of the indirect hemagglutination test in blood sera 2 to 3 weeks post infectionem. The pathological lesions were similar to those of the M. bovis mastitis of cows. By the end of the trial the ewes had recovered from the clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

Multiple intranasal experimental Mycoplasma (M.) bovis infection was induced to 22 calves and resulted in clinical manifestations. M. bovis was re-isolated from 17 of 24 lungs which had been altered by pneumonia. Pasteurella haemolytica was the only pathogen isolated from the pathologically affected lung of one of the experimental animals. The haematogenic proliferation phase was successfully identified in 5 of 8 examined calves. Arthritis was not recordable from any of the experimental animals. Interstitial and catarrhal to catarrhal-purulent bronchopneumonias were the most common histological findings. Peribronchial lymphoid cell accumulations occurred frequently, as time passed from onset of infection. Antibodies against M. bovis were detected in blood serum of infected animals by means of film inhibition, as of the 3. week from infection, and by means of indirect haemagglutination, as of the 4. week from infection.  相似文献   

'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' is a feline hemoplasma species that was isolated in a cat with hemolytic anemia. PCR has been widely used to investigate and diagnose 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' infection, but so far, little is known about the humoral immune response in infected cats. Recently, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were developed to monitor anti-feline hemoplasma antibodies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the humoral immune response in cats experimentally infected with 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' and to monitor the influence of the pre-administration of methylprednisolone and subsequent antibiotic treatment. Serum and plasma samples from 15 specified pathogen-free cats infected with 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' were analyzed by ELISA. Seroconversion was demonstrated in all cats, and the antibodies remained detectable until the end of the study (up to 100 weeks post-exposure). In some cats, the ELISA seemed more sensitive and better able to demonstrate exposure to 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' than PCR. The peak antibody level occurred after the peak of the bacterial blood loads. The methylprednisolone administrations were associated with increased antibody levels, while antibiotic treatment, particularly with doxycycline, resulted in a decrease in antibody levels. Additionally, preliminary data indicated that three of four seropositive cats were protected from bacteremia after a subsequent challenge. In conclusion, the ELISA was found to be a useful tool to investigate the humoral immune response in hemoplasma-infected cats and a desirable addition to PCR to study the pathogenesis of hemoplasma infections.  相似文献   

After an outbreak of mastitis in cattle caused by Mycoplasma bovis a study was made in 5 herds with recent cases (principal herds) and in 4 control herds. In the principal herds, M. bovis was isolated from milk samples, nasal swabs, and from one vaginal swab. M. bovis was also isolated from nasal swabs of calves in 2 of the 4 control herds, whereas all milk samples and vaginal swabs from the control herds were negative. Evaluation of serum antibody titres to M. bovis among non-mastitic animals of 3 principal herds and 1 control herd showed no difference in distribution of the titre values, which generally were low. However, cows excreting M. bovis in the milk had high antibody titres. The way of introduction to the herds and the spread of the infection within the herds could not be established by the study, which was supplemented by a DNA restriction fragment analysis of a number of M. bovis isolates.  相似文献   

Rabbits were given 3 serologically-related trains of mycoplasma isolated from mastitic bovine udders. Growth inhibiting antibodies were not found. High-titered sera from each rabbit immunized with each strain developed at least 4 precipitin lines to each organism and at least one line of identity was demonstrated between the organisms. Significant indirect hemagglutination titers were found in all rabbits in 1 week, with titers reaching 1.0 X 10(5) to 3.3 X 10(5) in 4 to 6 weeks but despite continued intravenous antigenic stimulation, titers quickly fell to low levels thereafter.  相似文献   

Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Babesia spp. haemoprotozoans. The disease is of great importance at tick enzootic unstable areas and hampers cattle production in several developing countries. The available immunisation alternatives are pre-immunition and attenuated vaccines. Despite being efficient and protective, they are unsafe as they use cattle blood cells as inoculum and may potentially spread other diseases. Another alternative to help in babesiosis control would be the identification of genetically resistant cattle to Babesia bovis infection. The objective of this work was to phenotype cattle based on primary response against B. bovis infection. Two-hundred and forty half-sib Hereford and Aberdeen Angus heifers (120 animals from each breed), 12-18-month-old na?ve cattle, originated from a tick-free area in Southern Brazil, were used in the experiment. Animals were monitored following an inoculation with 1x10(7)B. bovis parasitised erythrocytes. Results showed three different phenotypes: 1-'susceptible', animals with babesiosis clinical signs that received treatment to avoid death; 2-'intermediate', animals with clinical signs: parasitaemia, >or=21.5% reduction in packed cell volume (PCV) and increase in body temperature when compared to their pre-challenge physiological parameters, no specific treatment was needed as animals self recovered from the disease, and 3-'resistant', animals without clinical signs that showed B. bovis presence in blood smears, <21.5% PCV reductions, with little or no increase in body temperature and no need for babesiosis treatment. The frequencies of each phenotype were: 45.4, 26.7, and 27.9%, respectively, demonstrating the existence of phenotypic variation for B. bovis in Bos taurus cattle.  相似文献   

Clinical, bacteriological and serological examination of 35 calves from the age of 5 to 26 days was performed in a Holstein-Friesian dairy herd endemically infected with Mycoplasma bovis. M. bovis was isolated from 48.6% of nasal swabs taken from the calves at the age of 5 days, and from 91.4% of the same calves at the age of 26 days, indicating the gradual spread of infection. The isolation rate of Pasteurella multocida did not change much, and varied from 28.6 to 25.7%. No P. haemolytica could be detected. In addition to M. bovis and P. multocida, the herd was also infected with different viruses (including bovine viral diarrhoea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine adenoviruses, parainfluenza-3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus) as a large proportion of the sera of newborn calves contained colostral antibodies against these viruses. In most of the newborn calves severe clinical signs (fever, depression, inappetence, hyperventilation, dyspnoea, nasal discharge and coughing) due to M. bovis infection developed. The clinical signs appeared already on the fifth day of life, and their incidence was the highest at the age of 10 to 15 days. Three calves (8.6%) died as a result of severe serofibrinous pneumonia. The surviving calves showed very poor weight gain (ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 kg) during the first two weeks of life.  相似文献   

This study characterized the immune responses in four vaccinated and four control cows in response to vaccination and experimental intramammary inoculation with Mycoplasma bovis. Specific antibody responses occurred in serum and milk in response to vaccination and experimental infection. Lymphocytes from peripheral blood, but not from the mammary gland of vaccinated cows had increased responsiveness to mitogens. No lymphocytes tested were responsive to M. bovis antigen. Both vaccination and experimental infection resulted in skin test reactivity. These results imply that vaccination results in immune responses which may alter the course of experimental M. bovis mastitis, but may contribute to cellular inflammation.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis was inoculated alone or in combination with respiratory syncytial virus into the respiratory tracts of 12 gnotobiotic calves. Clinical signs ranged from transient pyrexia to protracted fever accompanied by severe lower respiratory signs and in one case, arthritis. Pulmonary lesions included foci of coagulative necrosis surrounded by mononuclear cells and suppurative bronchiolitis with varying degrees of lympho-reticular hyperplasia. No enhancement of lesions occurred in the combined infections of M. bovis and respiratory syncytial virus. M. bovis was identified by immunoperoxidase labelling in lesions of necrosis, especially at interfaces between the lesion and mononuclear cells and in bronchiolar exudates. Organisms were also located in necrotic lesions of joint capsules, in tonsillar crypts, and in liver.  相似文献   

In a blind trial, alternate calves in six consecutive production batches of calves (total 70), on a farm with a high incidence of respiratory and reproductive disease, were allocated to treatment with either valnemulin or a placebo premix added to the milk from four days of age. The calves were weighed at the beginning and end of a 21-day period of medication. Blood samples and nasal swabs were taken and examined for the presence of Mycoplasma and Pasteurella species, and antibodies to viral agents. Clinical condition, rectal temperature, respiratory and other signs and refusals of milk were recorded daily. Dead calves were examined postmortem. The calves medicated with valnemulin gained weight more quickly, had fewer cases of Mycoplasma infection and fewer respiratory signs, and required fewer treatments with antibiotics than those in the placebo group.  相似文献   

To explore the biological function of NADH oxidase NOX2 from Mycoplasma bovis (Mb), according to the nox2 gene sequence of Mb strain Hubei (GenBank.CP002513.1), the primers were designed and the nox2 gene of Mb strain Lintao was amplified by PCR. Based on sequencing and gene optimization, the prokaryotic expression vector pET-nox2 was constructed, and was expressed in Escherichia coli Rosetta (DE3). Subsequently, the analysis of the enzymatic activity and the immunogenicity of recombinant proteins rMbNOX2 were completed. And then the subcellular localization of NOX2, complement-dependent bactericidal activity of anti-rMbNOX2 serum, and as well as inhibition effect of anti-rMbNOX2 serum to Mb adhering to host cells was determined. The results showed that the CDS sequence of the nox2 gene of Mb Lintao strain was 1 350 bp, and showed 99.93% homology with nox2 gene of all Mb except Mb JF4278 strain in GenBank. The result of SDS-PAGE displayed the optimized nox2 was successfully expressed in E. coli. The recombinant protein rMbNOX2 was about 67 ku. Enzyme activity analysis showed that the purified rMbNOX2 had good enzymatic activity. The results of ELISA and Western blot showed that the rMbNOX2 has excellent immunogenicity, and the Mb NOX2 distribute both in the cell membrane and cytoplasm, but it's more distributed in the cytoplasm. Complement-dependent mycoplasmacidal assay and adherence inhibition assay confirmed anti-rMbNOX2 serum has distinct complement-dependent mycoplasmacidal activity and can also effectively inhibit the adherence of Mb to host cells. The results of this study lay a foundation for further study on the biological function of Mb NOX2.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response over time of White Leghorn chickens experimentally infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum or M. synoviae by an aerosol inoculation or a contact exposure were compared by immunoblotting. The response of chickens infected with M. gallisepticum were similar with respect to proteins recognized and intensity of response, regardless of mode of infection. On the other hand, chickens infected by aerosolization of M. synoviae responded to more proteins and with greater intensity than did M. synoviae contact-exposed birds. Chickens infected with M. gallisepticum responded with antibodies to over 20 proteins, while chickens infected with M. synoviae responded with antibodies to 12 proteins. Field sera from chickens naturally infected on commercial poultry farms with M. gallisepticum or M. synoviae were analyzed by immunoblotting and were found to react with a number of mycoplasma proteins. However, no correlation was seen when comparing intensity of immunoblot staining and hemagglutination-inhibition titer of the field sera. The experimental antisera were used to identify species-specific proteins of M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae. Six immunogenic species-specific proteins of M. gallisepticum with relative molecular masses of 82 (p82), 65-63 (p64), 56 (p56), 35 (p35), 26 (p26), and 24 (p24) kilodaltons (kDa) were identified. Two species-specific proteins of M. synoviae with relative molecular masses of 53 (p53) and 22 (p22) kDa were identified. Additionally, a highly immunogenic 41 (p41) kDa protein of M. synoviae was identified. Species-specific proteins identified in these mycoplasmas and the 41 kDa protein of M. synoviae were purified by preparative SDS-PAGE in amounts sufficient for further characterization and for use in serodiagnostic tests.  相似文献   

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