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Cardiac sarcocystosis is described in a grand eclectus parrot and a Moluccan cockatoo. Many cysts containing metrocytes were observed within cardiac muscle fibers on tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Characteristic ultrastructural features of the cyst walls included the presence of villous projections containing microtubules. Compartmentalization of the cysts resulted from inward extensions of the cyst wall. The differential diagnosis of sarcocystosis, the life cycle of the parasite, and control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Two adult male Crimson rosellas (Platycercus elegans) and an adult female eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) were found dead in their cages in a private aviary in March 2009, April 2010, and February 2010, respectively, without premonitory signs. Their postmortem examination showed pectoral muscle atrophy and a distended proventriculus. The proventricular mucosal surface was covered with a gelatinous, whitish material, where a large number of nematode parasites identified as Dispharynx nasuta were present. A histologic examination revealed a hyperplastic mucosa, spirurid nematodes in the mucosal layer and inflammatory mononuclear cells in the lamina propria. This is the first report of a D. nasuta infection associated with proliferative proventriculitis and subsequent death in psittacine birds.  相似文献   

A corneo-conjunctival dermoid is reported in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot ( Amazona aestiva ). After laminar keratectomy, histology showed the epidermis with feather follicles and dermal connective tissue with lymph follicles and sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

Studies of displays in the Charadrii (= waders or shorebirds) show that the same posture in different species, even quite closely related, may have a different function in a given context. As a corollary to this, two species even in the same genus may have quite different display postures to convey the same message. The problem is thus twofold: (a) to interpret the function of the display in the bird's world and (b) to trace the evolution of the display within a single well-defined suborder of birds such as the Charadrii. Threat displays are especially informative in such studies, but courtship, distraction and other displays are also useful. The value of display postures in the systematics of the waders is discussed.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):218-229
There is much debate surrounding the impact of feral cats (Felis catus) on wildlife. Conservancies areusually areas where indigenous flora and fauna are protected and aliens excluded or managed. The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Howard College campus (HCC) is an urban conservancy containing feral cats that are presently not managed, and little is known about their ecology and behaviour. Consequently a feral cat population census was conducted, and their home range investigated. Estimates of the overall campus feral cat population numbers ranged between 23.4–40.0 cats/km2 with a minimum of 55 identified as resident. They were not randomly distributed in the study area, with spacing patterns being related to resource availability. Home range area and core distribution of eight radio-collared cats were determined over 13 months. Total home range areas were relatively small, with considerable overlap between them. Home ranges were clustered in areas with permanent feeding stations and these were also within the cats’ core ranges. Supplemental food resources appear to have a major influence on numbers, home and core range area, and behavior of cats. It is clear that cat densities grow to high levels with reliable and abundant food supply and only ad hoc sterilization. This has implications for their management in the HCC urban conservancy.  相似文献   

The clinical findings and treatment of 112 cases involving larger parrakeets and parrots are described. Disorders of the respiratory system, the alimentary system, the integument and the musculoskeletal system were the most frequently observed abnormalities. The relationship of these disorders to diet and eeneral management is discussed.  相似文献   

An approximately eight-year-old female grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) was presented with a two months history of blindness. The radiographic examination showed a dilatation of the proventriculus, ventriculus and gut. Ophthalmoscopy and electroretinography revealed degeneration of the retina. A proventricular dilatation disease was suspected. The bird was euthanased because of deteriorating condition and poor prognosis. The pathological examination showed an atrophy of the ventricular muscles and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates of the myenteric plexus of the proventriculus, ventriculus and gut as well as moderate lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates of the cerebrum with moderate neuronophagia. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates in the retina, indicating proventricular dilatation disease, and subsequent retinal degeneration were found. A potential common aetiology for proventricular dilatation disease and blindness is discussed.  相似文献   

Background:Hematophagous mites affect numerous bird species, causing severe injuries to the budgerigars. Some species can cause dermatitis in humans.Aims:The purpose was to morphologically identify the mites related to budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and their nests in Yucatan, Mexico.Methods:In May 2022, a private budgerigar hatchery was visited and mites were collected from the bodies of the birds and their nests. The morphological traits of the mites were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.Results:Four of 30 birds showed severe clinical signs of mite infestation. The Budgerigars revealed lesions in the cere, nostrils, eyelids, beak, and paws. The bird’s skin showed signs of dryness and beige coloring. The birds with severe damage also presented anorexia and had deformed paws and beaks. The parasitosis was caused by the “burrowing mites,” Knemidocoptes pilae. The burrowing mites and the Grallacheles bakeri were recovered and identified from paw scabs. To eliminate mites, a topical application of Ivermectin was administered to the necks of the birds. The dose was a single, which has a residuality of 21 days. Two drops (0.115 mg/ml) of ivermectin were applied to each bird. A gradual reduction in crusted lesions due to mite mortality was noted. The “tropical fowl mite” Ornithonyssus bursa was identified in the nests, which represents the first record in Mexico.Conclusions:Three species of mites were discovered in a single budgerigar hatchery. This emphasizes the importance of deworming birds and keeping a clean environment in their cages to reduce the potential for parasitic mite infestation.  相似文献   

1. The biology of six species of larks in the Namib Desert near Walvis Bay, South West Africa, was studied in 1964, 1965 and 1966.

2. All species reproduced following rainfall in summer and autumn months, with the appearance of green grass and abundant insects on which the birds fed.

3. The primarily insectivorous species, Certhilauda albofasciata, shows no seasonality in moulting and testicular development, and reproduces whenever local rainfall results in favourable feeding and nesting circumstances, while the primarily granivorous Spizoeorys starki and Eremopterix verticalis have markedly seasonal testicular and moulting cycles timed so that reproduction occurs only during the late summer and autumn months. Ammomanes grayi is intermediate in food habits and in timing of moulting and reproduction, and C. albescens and Mirafra naevia may also be intermediate in this respect.

4. S. starki and E. verticalis are the only larks that normally drink, but flocks of both species were observed that were independent of drinking water.

5. Larks avoid heat stress during daytime by keeping to the shade of stones, tufts of vegetation and mouths of rodent burrows; and nests are nearly always placed on the shady side of a stone' or tuft of grass.

6. It is suggested that larks may be successful desert occupants because they have not become highly specialized and therefore can tolerate rapidly and severely changing environ-mental conditions associated with drought and irregular rainfall.  相似文献   

An adult male rufous turtle dove, Streptopelia (S.) orientalis (Aves: Columbiformes), was found dead in Yorii-machi Town, Osato District 369-1217, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, and subjected to necropsy. A large number of immobile hypopi (deutonymphs) of the hypoderatid mite, Hypodectes (H.) propus (Acarina: Hypoderatidae), were found individually encapsulated subcutaneously primarily in the adipose tissue. The mites were 1.43 mm in length and 0.44 mm in width on average, and had provoked mild inflammatory reactions that predominantly manifested as foamy macrophages and lymphoplasmocytes. PCR analysis using ribosomal DNA extracted from paraffin-blocked tissues produced a 240 bp band specific for hypoderatids. Based on the morphological features (distinct coxal apodemes, especially in the anterior portion) and PCR-based findings, the hypopi were identified as H. propus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case describing the subcutaneous mite H. propus in a rufous turtle dove, S. orientalis, in Japan. This study also highlights the use of paraffin blocks as a source of tissue DNA for molecular evaluation.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION-A 2-year-old female green iguana was examined for anorexia and swelling and pain on palpation in the cranial cervical area. CLINICAL FINDINGS-Marked soft tissue swelling in the cranial cervical area with corresponding cystic swellings in the pharynx were noted. The iguana was considered to be 50% under the expected body weight, given diet and husbandry conditions. The WBC count was markedly elevated, characterized by heterophilia and lymphocytosis. Surgical exploration of the cranial cervical area and histologic and microbial testing identified lymphoma with secondary infection as the cause of the swelling. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME-The tumor was initially treated with a single 10-Gy fraction of radiation directed at the masses in the neck. A vascular access port was placed in the ventral abdominal vein, and a canine chemotherapy protocol was modified for use in the iguana. During the course of treatment, the protocol was modified twice. At 1,008 days from the initiation of treatment, the iguana appeared to be in remission. CLINICAL RELEVANCE-To our knowledge, this is the first reported use of radiation with doxorubicin, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone to successfully manage lymphoma in a reptile. A vascular access port was used effectively for drug administration for an extended period. The doxorubicin, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone protocol appeared to be safe and effective in this iguana for the management of lymphoma.  相似文献   

Acute necrosis of the ventriculus is a very uncommon lesion in birds. We describe a fatal case of acute necrotising ventriculitis caused by Rhizopus microsporus var. chinensis in a mature female eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus). The bird presented acutely dull and lethargic, was vomiting and had bright green droppings, suggestive of acute heavy metal poisoning. It was treated with fluids and chelation therapy, but died within 12 h. Necropsy, cytology, histopathology and culture results demonstrated fungal invasion of the ventriculus associated with transmural necrosis, haemorrhage, acute inflammation and abundant R. microsporus var. chinensis and lesser numbers of Candida krusei.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine how savanna grass sward modifications caused by heavy grazing pressure influenced the abundance and guild structure of grasshoppers. Heavily grazed communal land was compared with a lightly grazed area and a mowed airstrip, in adjacent protected land, in the Mpumalanga lowveld, South Africa. Plant species composition, height, aerial cover and greenness of grass in the herbaceous stratum were measured in representative sites. Total grasshopper abundance and relative abundance of grasshopper species were also assessed in each site. Grasshoppers were assigned to feeding and habitat functional groups for comparison among the three areas. The heavily grazed area, characterised by short vegetation and low aerial cover, high greenness of grass, and high frequency of forbs, was inhabited by grasshopper species associated with bare ground or short and/or sparse grass, that were non-graminivorous or soft grass feeders. The lightly grazed area, characterised by tall vegetation and high aerial cover, low greenness of grass, and low frequency of forbs, was inhabited by grasshopper species associated with long and/or thick grass, that were mixed feeders or tough grass feeders. The mowed area, characterised by short vegetation and low aerial cover, low greenness of grass, and low frequency of forbs, exhibited lower grasshopper abundance, species richness, and diversity than either of the grazed areas.  相似文献   

Acanthocephalan and spargana parasites were identified within a body wall mass during exploratory surgery in a wild green tree snake. Acanthocephalan parasites have not previously been reported in this species. Surgical excision, the treatment of choice, could not be achieved because of the extensive infiltration of the coelomic cavity.  相似文献   

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