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花生油脂品质及含油量,油酸和亚油酸含量间的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了不同植物学类型花生油脂的品质及含油量、油酸和亚油酸含量间的相关。多粒型花生的油脂耐贮藏性差,但营养价值好,油酸与亚油酸含量间呈极显著的负相关,但负相关程度相对来说要弱些。龙生型花生的油脂耐贮藏性好,但营养价值相对来说要差些,油酸与亚油酸含量间的负相关程度极强。本分析结果还表明,花生种子的含油量与油酸和亚油酸含量间的相关不显著。  相似文献   

本研究以远杂9102×徐州68-4杂交后代衍生的重组自交系(RIL)的188个家系为材料,连续3年种植后检测其含油量及脂肪酸含量。结果表明,该RIL群体的含油量及脂肪酸变异丰富,从中获得了含油量稳定高于高值亲本的后代材料1份,油酸含量稳定高于高值亲本的材料23份。RIL群体的含油量、油酸和亚油酸含量以及油酸/亚油酸比的广义遗传力分别为0.849、0.761、0.874和0.887,表明这些性状的变异主要受基因型控制。利用前期构建的SSR遗传连锁图,结合3年主要品质性状鉴定数据,共检测到82个相关QTL,分布在11个连锁群上,其中与含油量、油酸、亚油酸和油酸/亚油酸比(油亚比)相关的QTL分别为15、21、21和25个,贡献率大于10%的主效QTL有23个,2年能重复检测到QTL有8个,3年重复检测到的有4个。其中,本研究新鉴定出的主效QTL有7个,重复性好的有5个,尤其是LG2上区间GM2839-GNB159,3年均定位到与油酸和油亚比相关的QTL,2年定位到与亚油酸相关的QTL,贡献率为5.80%~28.14%,该区间只有1.63c M。这些QTL的获得对于花生品质性状改良中亲本选配、后代标记辅助选择以及QTL精细定位具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大豆遗传图谱的构建和含油量的QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以大豆重组自交系soy01群体中的255个家系为作图群体,利用225个分子标记和2个形态标记构建了一张包含27个连锁群的大豆遗传连锁图谱,总遗传距离1315.46cM,平均标记间距5.79cM。在构建遗传图谱的基础上,采用复合区间作图法,检测到10个与含油量相关的QTL。这些QTL分别位于大豆遗传图谱的A2、C2、D1b、M和N连锁群,解释的遗传变异范围为4.0%~12.2%。这些QTL中,4个与soybase数据库中的QTL有可能是相同的位点,2个可能是新的位点,其余4个是否是新的位点还有待进一步验证。亲本中豆29和中豆32中均有增效基因分布,通过遗传重组可以提高大豆含油量。  相似文献   

回交育种分析花生脂肪酸含量的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用亲缘关系甚远的高油酸亲本Sunoliec95R与低油酸亲本汕油162配置杂交组合(F1),并回交2代(BC1和BC2),采用高效气相色谱法分析测定其籽仁中脂肪酸含量.结果表明,在花生回交种中油酸及油酸/亚油酸值均有不同程度的升高,轮回亲本中控油基因已部分转入到回交种中.选育出一批高、低油酸和高、低O/L值花生种质,以期作为花生品质育种选配亲本的参考,为广西花生丰产种质拓宽与改良提供理论依据.  相似文献   

油酸、亚油酸和棕榈酸是花生油脂中最主要的3种脂肪酸,其含量是影响花生油脂品质的重要因素。提高油酸含量并降低亚油酸和棕榈酸含量是花生品质性状改良的重要方向之一。本研究利用292份中国花生种质资源材料及583个SSR标记基因型数据对四个环境下不同脂肪酸含量进行关联分析,分别检测到与油酸、亚油酸和棕榈酸含量稳定关联标记14,14和9个,其中8个标记同时与上述3种脂肪酸含量稳定关联,分布在A02、A03、A08和A09染色体上。AHGS2050-226bp和AHGS3647-253bp是两个新关联标记的优异等位位点,在花生微微核心种质中证实,AHGS2050-226bp可提高油酸(9.99%~11.26%)并降低亚油酸(8.04%~9.31%)和棕榈酸含量(1.86%~1.97%),AHGS3647-253bp可提高油酸(9.79%~10.44%)并降低亚油酸(8.09%~8.62%)和棕榈酸含量(1.81%~1.95%)。本研究鉴定的多环境稳定关联标记AHGS2050和AHGS3647具有辅助选择高油酸且低亚油酸和低棕榈酸品种的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

大豆脂肪酸组分相关QTL元分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
大豆油中脂肪酸的种类与含量是衡量其品质的主要指标.目前,对大豆脂肪酸组分相关的QTL研究较多,然而这些结果之间由于作图群体、分析方法以及环境条件的差异造成了QTL定位的区间过大或定位区间重叠等问题.通过搜集已报道的与大豆脂肪酸含量相关的83个QTL,提取相对有效且可靠的QTL标记信息,利用元分析软件BioMercator2.1将这些QTL映射到大豆公共遗传连锁图谱Soymap2上,构建了一张大豆脂肪酸组分相关QTL一致性图谱.并利用QTL的95%的置信区间来元分析推断"真实"QTL的位置.结果共得到定位在10个连锁群上的19个"真实"QTLs,他们主要分布在A1、B2、D1b、D2、E、G、L这7条连锁群上且成簇分布,明显缩短了其QTL的置信区间.研究结果为大豆脂肪酸组分相关的QTL的精细定位以及脂肪酸组分相关基因挖掘提供了有力的依据.  相似文献   

本研究利用“中花10×ICG 12625”衍生的RIL群体共140个家系及其亲本为材料,通过高效液相色谱检测各家系在2014年及2015年收获的花生种子中的白藜芦醇含量。结果表明,RIL群体白藜芦醇含量变异范围为38.27~352.08 μg/ kg。通过两年重复检测,获得稳定高白藜芦醇含量材料4份(QT0339、QT0369、QT0450和QT0454),含量为143.90~215.60 μg/ kg,在2014年环境中,这四份材料白藜芦醇含量分别超过高值亲本32.31 %、5.80 %、86.46 %和79.52 %,在2015年环境中白藜芦醇含量分别超过高值亲本106.04 %、49.78 %、7.90%和52.87%。利用前期通过该群体构建的遗传连锁图谱,应用WinQTLCart 2.5软件定位到花生种子白藜芦醇含量相关QTL13个,贡献率在2.2 %~7.4 %之间,其中qRB8.1a以及qRB8.1b为两年环境中重复检测到的QTL。本文研究结果为培育白藜芦醇含量高的花生新品种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

花生种质资源的含油量和蛋白质含量的相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了花生品种资源的含油量和蛋白质含量的相互关系.结果表明.花生种子的含油量与蛋白质含量之间呈负相关.但相关的程度在国内资源与引进资源之间、各植物学类型之间不一样.国内资源的相关系数绝对值比国外资源的大,这种绝对值在各类型之间的表现是:普通型>珍珠豆型>龙生型>多粒型.  相似文献   

为深入了解小麦籽粒淀粉含量的遗传特性和QTL效应,选择淀粉含量差异较大的小麦品种M344和武春3号杂交,创制F2∶3群体,并利用973对SSR引物对小麦籽粒总淀粉、直链淀粉和抗性淀粉含量进行基于混合线性模型的QTL定位及效应分析。构建了包含有163个标记的遗传连锁图谱,分布于18条染色体,连锁图谱总长度为1 622.5cM,标记间平均距离为9.95cM。QTL分析表明,共检测到4个主效QTL和12对上位性QTL,涉及1B、2B、2D、4A、5D、6A和7A等16条染色体。其中,抗性淀粉含量上位性QTL3对,总淀粉含量上位性QTL 4对,直链淀粉含量上位性QTL 5对,总贡献率分别为8.34%、17.50%和8.13%。总淀粉和直链淀粉含量各检测到1个加性QTL,抗性淀粉含量检测到2个加性QTL,贡献率分别为5.34%、8.49%、11.47%、12.53%。研究发现,2B染色体Xwmc453.3~Xcfd44.2标记区间的QTL位点同时影响抗性淀粉和总淀粉含量,2D染色体Xgwm296~Xgwm455.2标记区间的QTL位点同时影响抗性淀粉和直链淀粉含量,7A染色体Xwmc488.1~Xwmc488.2标记区间的QTL位点同时影响直链淀粉和总淀粉含量。  相似文献   

为寻找最佳光谱检测部位,创新一种高油酸油菜种质资源筛选方法,以44个高油酸含量的甘蓝型油菜为材料,按照从主茎、一次分枝到二次分枝的顺序,采集籽粒反射光谱及油酸含量数据,分析不同部位的原始及一阶微分光谱与对应籽粒油酸含量的相关关系,建立了基于全波长、特征波长的逐步多元线性回归(stepwise multiple line...  相似文献   

嫁接茶树氨基酸含量变化及分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
吴姗  骆耀平 《茶叶》2000,26(2):75-77
对4种不同嫁接组合茶树(乌牛早/鸠坑,龙井43/鸠坑,浙农113/鸠坑,福建水仙/鸠坑)及相应的嫁穗,砧木品种新梢一芽二叶的氨基酸作了HPLC分析。结果表明:供试茶样都检出17种游离氨基酸,其中嫁接茶树中茶氨酸含量都较对应接品种有增高,这是导致氨基酸总量较对应接、砧木品种高一个主要原因,但乌牛早/鸠坑的氨基酸总量较乌牛早品种低,其中ARG有较大幅度的下降,其他3个嫁接组合ARG含量也较各自接品种降  相似文献   

Solar radiation intercepted during grain filling affects growth of grain crops. Its effects on oil fatty acid composition have not been investigated. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of intercepted solar radiation per plant on oil fatty acid composition in four crops. An experiment including a cultivar of soybean, maize and sunflower was sown at Balcarce, Argentina, during two growing seasons (2001–02 and 2004–05) and two experiments with a rape cultivar were conducted during in 2004 and 2005. The amount of intercepted solar radiation during grain filling was modified by shading (50–80%) and thinning plants (50%). In addition, the same cultivars of soybean and maize were sown in the field at Paraná, Argentina, during the 2004–05 growing season and in growth chambers under different day/night temperatures during grain filling. Regardless of the species, oleic acid percentage increased as intercepted solar radiation (ISR) per plant increased. The highest difference (13%) was observed in sunflower (shading vs. thinning) and the increase in oleic acid was associated with a reduction in both linoleic and linolenic acids. Saturated fatty acid percentage was not affected by intercepted solar radiation per plant. Differences among radiation treatments were observed not only at physiological maturity but also at earlier stages of the grain filling period. In soybean and maize, increasing daily mean temperature increased oleic acid percentage (r2 ≥ 0.52). Changes in fatty acid composition in radiation experiments and treatments were not accounted for by variations in temperature (differences among treatments were ≤1 °C). In sunflower and maize, the source (ISR)–sink (grain number) ratio during the grain filling period better explained changes in oleic acid percentage than per plant ISR alone. Changes in fatty acid composition due to radiation treatments were as large as variations produced by changes in temperature in soybean and maize, but not in sunflower. Based on these results, management practices that increase intercepted radiation by the plant during grain filling could contribute to obtain oils with higher oleic acid percentage.  相似文献   

为实现向日葵育种材料的品质性状快速预测,选取154份向日葵籽仁样品,结合化学测定值和近红外光谱,利用化学计量学手段建立向日葵籽仁品质指标的近红外模型,评估其在向日葵籽仁粗蛋白、粗脂肪、油酸、亚油酸等重要品质性状测定中的可行性。结果表明,改进偏最小二乘法建模效果最佳,其粗脂肪、粗蛋白、油酸、亚油酸、饱和脂肪酸及不饱和脂肪酸的定标相关系数分别为0.975、0.950、0.973、0.951和0.913,交叉验证相关系数分别 为0.969、0.939、0.915、0.927和0.711。用检验集对模型进行验证,粗脂肪、蛋白质、油酸、亚油酸、饱和及不饱和脂肪酸的外部检验相关系数(R2)分别为0.959、0.950、0.937、0.906和0.930。本研究建立的模型质量较高,能够满足向日葵籽仁品质成分的快速测定,可为向日葵品质育种前期大量、快速的筛选提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Peanut genotypes belonging to Virginia Runner, Virginia Bunch and Spanish Bunch groups exhibiting spreading, semi-spreading and erect growth habits, respectively, were compared for oil content and fatty acid composition. Mean values of oil content of the three peanut groups did not differ much, however, a marked difference was observed in fatty acid composition. Oleic acid concentrations were in the order of Virginia Runner > Virginia Bunch Spanish Bunch. This trend was reverse with respect to linoleic acid concentration. Virginia Runner genotypes having higher oleic—linoleic acid (O/L) ratio and corresponding lower iodine value of oil have greater oil stability and would incur lower cost of hydrogenation. Oil of Spanish Bunch and Virginia Bunch genotypes is nutritionally better due to a higher concentration of linoleic acid and may be used as refined oil. Oleic acid concentration was negatively correlated with that of linoleic acid, suggesting that selection of genotypes in each group, with improved industrial or nutritional qualities would be possible.  相似文献   

A defining factor for the commercial value of durum wheat pasta is its amber colour, which depends on the semolina yellow pigment concentration and on the oxidative enzymatic activity. Among carotenoids controlling yellow colour, the presence of β-carotene is also important as precursors of vitamin A. The aim of the present study was to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yellow pigment concentration, yellow index and individual carotenoid compounds (lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene and β-carotene) in a durum segregant population. Total carotenoid concentration amounted to 37% of the yellow pigments, indicating unknown colour-producing compounds in the durum extracts. Lutein was the most abundant carotenoid, followed by zeaxanthin, α-carotene and β-carotene, while β-cryptoxanthin was a minor component. Phytoene synthase marker Psy-A1, 150 SSR and EST-SSR markers, and 345 DArT® markers, were used to construct the linkage map for subsequent QTL analysis. Clusters of QTL for total and/or one or more carotenoid compounds were detected on the same chromosome regions (2A, 3B, 5A and 7A) where QTL for yellow pigment concentration and yellow index were identified. The molecular markers associated to major QTL would be useful for marker-assisted selection programs to facilitate high carotenoid concentration with high nutritional carotenoid compounds in wheat grain.  相似文献   

Popping characteristics play a determinant role in the utilization of popcorn (Zea mays L.). In this study, the RIL population with 258 recombinant inbred lines was evaluated to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for three popping characteristics (PF, popping fold; PV, popping volume; PR, popping rate) under four environments. Meta-analysis was used to integrate detected QTLs across three generations (RIL, F2:3 and BC2F2) derived from the same cross. All eleven QTLs were detected for three traits, on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 for PF, on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7 and 10 for PV, and on chromosomes 1, 4, 6 and 10 for PR. Three, 1, 3, 6 and 6 QTL were detected in the same marker intervals in 4, 3, 2, 1 cases, respectively. Four QTLs at bins 1.05–1.06, 1.08–1.09 and 7.03–7.04 were commonly detected in the same or near bins in all three generations. Six and 2 QTLs showed consistency across RIL/F2:3 or RIL/BC2F2 generations respectively. Nine meta-QTLs (mQTL) were detected on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10. Except mQTL7-1, only related with PV, other mQTLs included two or three traits, reflecting pleiotropic or tightly linkaged QTLs for popping characteristics. The QTL influencing all the three popping traits at bins 1.05–1.06 were also detected in other previous researches using different populations, which could be put into use in marker assisted breeding for popping characteristics in popcorn.  相似文献   

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