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一养猪场2001年2月份发生猪瘟及链球菌病混合感染流行,现将诊断及扑灭措施报告如下.  相似文献   

1 发病流行情况 我院附近一猪场饲养了生产母猪 486头 ,种公猪 2 5头 ,本交配种。 2 0 0 1年 2月 4日 ,保育舍有 5头仔猪不食 ,体温升高 ,拉稀 ,随后数量不断增加 ,第 2天 ,分娩舍的部分哺乳仔猪也发现类似症状 ,并出现了仔猪死亡 ,到第 5天共有 1 2 5头仔猪死亡。在流行期间 ,母猪和种公猪未出现死亡现象。但有 3头孕猪流产 ,8胎出现死胎、弱胎现象。2 临床表现 发病仔猪体温升高至 40 . 5℃~41 . 5℃不等 ,食欲减退或不食 ,精神沉郁 ,眼结膜发炎 ,有多量脓性分泌物 ,怕冷 ,喜喝冷水 ,腹泻 ,粪便恶臭。个别仔猪有神经症状作圆圈运动、…  相似文献   

1999年 1 1月 ,许昌市某猪场从郑州市购进一批 40~ 60日龄的仔猪 ,进场后不久即开始零星发病死亡 ,初诊为仔猪副伤寒 ,及时采取相应措施后 ,得以控制 ,以后又复发。通过病理剖检、细菌学检查和猪接种试验 ,确诊为仔猪副伤寒继发非典型性猪瘟 ,通过采取紧急接种和药物治疗等措施 ,控制了疫情。病程历时 1个多月 ,相继发病 1 1 7头 ,前后死亡仔猪49头 ,死亡率为 41 .9%。1 发病情况和临床症状 该批仔猪共购进 1 5 6头 ,于 1 999年 1 1月 8日从郑州运到猪场后第 3天即开始零星发病死亡 ,发病第 5~ 7天出现死亡高峰 ,第2 0~ 2 5天又出现第 …  相似文献   

(一)发病情况和临床症状 我市一养殖专业户于2004年2月21日某镇仔猪交易市场购进仔猪200头,出售给4个农户饲养,仔猪从第3天开始拉稀便、高热稽留,耳、嘴、下腹部及四肢有不同程度的出血点,精神萎靡.病猪消瘦、衰竭,用抗生素及解热药物治疗无效,5天后开始陆续死亡,共死亡56头。  相似文献   

1 发病情况及临床症状2 0 0 0年 8月 ,西藏林芝某国营农场个体养殖户 ,从四川荣昌购仔猪 5 0头。经长途运输运至农场 ,途中只给一定量的水和菜叶。运到 2d后猪先后发病 ,用氯霉素治疗 ,未见好转遂来就诊。发病猪 3 8头 ,发病率 76% ,死亡 11头 ,病死率2 3 %。病猪开始食欲不振 ,精神萎靡 ,畏寒、颤抖、不愿走动 ,喜打堆 ,卧地不起 ,闭眼嗜睡 ,少食或废绝 ,喜饮水 ,行走左右摇摆 ,叫声嘶哑无力 ,体温升高至 40~ 42℃。耳部、四肢、腹部皮肤有出血斑或出血点 ,指压不褪色。耳部边缘坏死呈黑色 ,肢体末梢呈青紫色。下痢 ,粪便呈黄色、黄褐色…  相似文献   

仔猪链球菌病与毛首线虫病混合感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 1年 3月底到 4月初 ,衡阳县一猪场仔猪群中发生了一起链球菌与毛首线虫混合感染的病例 ,报告如下。1 发病情况 该场始建于 1 995年 ,位于一个远离村镇和交通要道的山冲 ,环境安静 ,空气新鲜。 1 997~ 2 0 0 0年由于资金不足停止养殖 ,2 0 0 1年 1月重新启用。在进猪前  相似文献   

1999年8月中旬,广西贺州市沙田镇某规模化养猪场的仔猪发生了一种以稽留热,腹泻,皮肤呈现紫红色斑块或斑点,眼睛红肿,关节肿大,叫声嘶哑为主要特征的疾病。根据发病情况、临床症状、尸体剖检、细菌学检查和动物接种试验,确诊为猪瘟、副伤寒、链球菌病并发感染。经采用紧急防制措施,疫情得到了控制。现将诊疗情况报告如下。1发病情况该场多年来就有从外地引进仔猪进行育肥饲养运往广东销售的习惯,而且每次引进苗猪进栏前都注射了猪瘟、副伤寒和链球菌疫(菌)苗,从未发生过像上面所述的疫情。1999-08-05,又购进1…  相似文献   

非典型猪瘟与链球菌病混合感染的诊断与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,非典型猪瘟的病例很多,特别是饲养管理环节比较薄弱的养殖户易造成并发或继发感染,使猪的病情加重,给养殖户造成很大的经济损失。现将一例非典型猪瘟与链球菌病混合感染的病例介绍如下:  相似文献   

1999年 7至 8月 ,我区某工厂化养猪场保育仔猪 ,突发以眼睑、面部和颈部皮下水肿 ,并伴有耳、四肢和腹下出血性紫斑及高烧为主的症状 ,经实验室检验、动物实验 ,诊断为仔猪水肿病和猪瘟混合感染。报告如下。1 流行情况 该场猪瘟免疫程序是 :哺乳仔猪首免为 2 0日龄 ,用单苗 2头份 ;二免为 5 0~ 6 0日龄 ,仍为单苗 ,4头份。母猪于配种前用单苗 4头份 ,怀孕母猪不免 ;种公猪每年免疫接种 2次 ,均为 4头份。7月 2 1日 ,保育舍的 40至 6 0日龄仔猪突然发病死亡3头 ,接着相邻猪舍仔猪陆续发病 ,症状、病变基本相同。初步诊断为仔猪水肿病。应…  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the clinical course of classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boar piglets partially protected by maternal antibodies. Five healthy wild boar piglets with a low serum titre of colostral antibodies against CSF virus were challenged with virulent CSF virus at the age of three months. Apart of reduced food intake and diarrhoea no major clinical symptoms were noticed after challenge. These signs were seen during the second and third week of infection, afterwards the piglets recovered completely. CSF virus could be re-isolated from blood samples taken on day 12 and day 19 post challenge. From blood samples taken later on and from the organ material taken at post mortem examinations no CSF virus could be isolated anymore. It can be concluded that the presence of maternal antibodies influences the clinical course of CSF in terms that the outcome is rather transient than lethal. Such wild boar could play a crucial role in the spread of CSF virus and might contribute to the maintenance of long lasting epizootics.  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体感染对仔猪猪瘟免疫效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨猪附红细胞体对仔猪猪瘟免疫效果的影响,本试验利用猪瘟抗体检测ELISA试剂盒,对已注射猪瘟疫苗的69头感染猪附红细胞体的仔猪和31头无猪附红细胞体感染的健康仔猪进行了猪瘟抗体检测。结果表明,感染猪附红细胞体仔猪的猪瘟抗体水平低下,其猪瘟疫苗整体免疫合格率(49·2%)明显低于健康仔猪(93·5%),且显性感染仔猪的免疫合格率(41·6%)明显低于隐性感染仔猪(53·5%)。说明猪附红细胞体严重干扰了猪瘟疫苗的免疫效果,且干扰程度与猪附红细胞体的感染程度呈正相关。  相似文献   

为探讨猪附红细胞体对仔猪猪瘟免疫效果的影响,本试验利用猪瘟抗体检测ELISA试剂盒,对已注射猪瘟疫苗的69头感染猪附红细胞体的仔猪和31头无猪附红细胞体感染的健康仔猪进行了猪瘟抗体检测.结果表明,感染猪附红细胞体仔猪的猪瘟抗体水平低下,其猪瘟疫苗整体免疫合格率(49.2%)明显低于健康仔猪(93.5%),且显性感染仔猪的免疫合格率(41.6%)明显低于隐性感染仔猪(53.5%)、说明,猪附红细胞体严重干扰了猪瘟疫苗的免疫效果,且干扰程度随着猪附红细胞体感染程度的加深而更为明显。  相似文献   

The phenotypic changes in circulating leukocytes in swine fever influenced by classical swine fever virus (CSFV) infection with different strain virulence was studied in piglets. The phenotypic differences were measured by monoclonal antibodies specific for porcine differentiation antigens. The pattern of phenotypic change varied with the virulence of CSFV. Infection with virulent, but not the attenuated strain of CSFV resulted in the dramatic early loss of CD8-bearing T lymphocytes from the circulation. A similar trend was also seen in the gammadelta T-cell compartment following infection with the highly virulent strain, Washington. The loss of circulating B-lymphocytes was consistent with the failure to generate neutralising antibody. These observations contrasted the finding that the number of leukocytes expressing the CD4 surface antigen increased in piglets infected with CSFV. These data provide preliminary information on the potential range of leukocyte changes produced in piglets following infection with CSFV.  相似文献   

Coagulation changes in African swine fever virus infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pigs were infected with highly virulent (Tengani '62), with moderately virulent (DR '79) African swine fever (ASF) virus, or with virulent hog cholera (HC) virus. Changes in platelet counts, selected coagulation assays and concentrations of factor VIII-related antigen (VIIIR:Ag) were monitored. Permeability of aortic endothelium was studied after the injection of Evan's blue dye on various days after infection with DR '79 ASF virus. Virulent ASF virus caused prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), 1-stage prothrombin time, and thrombin clotting time as early as postinoculation day (PID) 4. These changes became progressively more severe until death. Both virulent HC and DR'79 viruses induced an increase APPT and thrombin clotting time at PID 3 to 4, only occasionally did the prothrombin time increased significantly (P less than 0.01). The APPT began to decrease on PID 7 and 8, but only DR'79-infected pigs lived long enough to regain a normal APTT. Infection by ASF viruses caused acute thrombocytopenia after PID 6 and platelet counts of HC virus-infected pigs decreased progressively from the onset of fever to levels of 1 to 2 X 10(5)/mm3 at PID 6 to 7. All ASF virus-infected pigs had an increase in VIIIR:Ag beginning at PID 3, with maximum increases at PID 6 to 7. Hog cholera virus infection did not cause consistent changes in levels of VIIIR:Ag. Pigs infected with DR'79 virus did not have increased vascular permeability to Evan's blue dye during infection; however, there was markedly decreased staining of the aorta after pigs became thrombocytopenic.  相似文献   

猪链球菌病的诊断和防治   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 临床症状及剖检变化某猪场存栏猪 5 0 0 0余头 ,于 1 999年 1 0月发生该病 ,从保育猪舍开始 ,2~ 3天发病蔓延到整个猪场 ,先后发病 82 0头 ,经紧急治疗仍死亡 3 2 5头 ,病死率为 3 9.6 %。表现突然发病不食 ,体温 41~43℃ ,结膜潮红、流泪。有浆液性鼻液 ,呼吸困难 ,腹下、四肢、耳尖等处皮肤呈出血性紫斑 ,少部分育成病猪表现明显的神经症状 ,共济失调 ,倒地四肢做游泳状 ,磨牙或口吐白沫 ,大多于 1~ 3天内死亡 ,症状较轻及治愈者 ,偶留有跛行或生长不良。剖检变化差异较大 ,主要为全身淋巴结充血肿胀 ,脾脏肿大 1~ 3倍 ,边缘发生出…  相似文献   

1998年 1 0月初 ,某研究所猪场 1 0多日龄的哺乳仔猪陆续发生一种以局部皮肤痂状湿疹样病变为特征的传染性疾病 ,经综合诊断为非典型猪瘟 ,随即采取大剂量猪瘟兔化组织苗紧急接种 ,很快控制了疫情 ,现将有关情况总结如下。1 发病情况发病的猪为 1 0多日龄未进行过猪瘟疫苗免疫的哺乳仔猪 ,一窝中发病头数不等 ,多以腹泻开始 ,继而出现局部皮肤点状或斑状出血至痂状湿疹样病变 ,体温 40℃左右。该场兽医诊断为皮肤真菌感染给予治疗未见好转。2 临床症状表现为病仔猪吃乳减少 ,精神沉郁 ,饮水量增加 ,个别腹泻 ,消瘦 ,体温 40℃左右 ,有的发…  相似文献   

After the disappearance of maternal antibodies, no antibodies were detected in five pigs that were congenitally infected with the Bergen strain of swine fever virus. The pigs lived for 2–11 months. One pig showed low levels of precipitating antibody during the last month of its life. The pigs had a normal immune response to sheep red blood cells and to pig parvovirus. These observations suggest the presence of immunological tolerance to swine fever virus in these pigs.Cell mediated immunity, measured by phytohaemagglutinin lymphocyte stimulation, appeared to be normal.  相似文献   

The involvement of apoptosis in the lymphatic organs of piglets infected with classical swine fever (CSF) virus was investigated. Piglets were inoculated with CSF virus and 3, 5, 7 and 10 days post inoculation (DPI), the thymus, spleen and lymph node were examined. In the thymus cortex, macrophages phagocytizing the nuclear remnants or apoptotic bodies increased after 3 DPI. Thymus atrophy due to the loss of the cortex increased markedly during the observation period. Compact and shrunken nuclei indicating apoptosis were observed in the spleen and lymph node. DNA fragmentation was detected in the nuclei of lymphocytes in the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes, as well as at sites of focal necrosis. Using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling method, ultrastructural characteristics of apoptosis, i.e. margination of condensed nuclear chromatin, were observed in the lymphatic organs from 2 DPI onward. These results suggest that apoptosis is involved in the pathology of CSF.  相似文献   

Thirteen pregnant goats were inoculated intravenously with the ALD strain of virulent swine fever (SF) virus on Days 64-84 of gestation. Dams showed transient and mild viremia, and produced high serum neutralizing (SN) antibody after inoculation. Six inoculated dams were reared until parturition occurred and bore six apparently normal, one apparently normal but dead, one mummified and three edematous kids. Neutralizing antibody was demonstrated in the pre-colostral sera obtained from all normal kids, but no SF virus was isolated from any of them. The other seven dams were killed on post-inoculation days (PID) 5-61, and fetuses, placenta and amnion were tested for the virus and SN antibody. All fetuses of five dams examined within PID 40 were positive for SF virus, but negative for SN antibody. SF virus was also isolated from one of three fetuses examined on PID 61. Conversely, the other two fetuses examined on PID 61 were negative for SF virus, but positive for SN antibody. Furthermore, SF virus was isolated from the placenta and amnion of all the dams.  相似文献   

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